The Chief Incumbent of Attanagalla Rajamaha Vihāraya, Preceptor – Malawathu Mahā Vihāra Sangha Sabhā in Kandy, Chief High priest of Sīnādī Sivukorale, Founder President of Houston Buddhist Vihara in USA, The Chief of Theravada Buddhist Vihara in Taiwan, Secretary of Dharma Vijaya Buddhis Vihara in USA, Vice president of Vidyālankāra society, President of Executives and Principles of Pirivena Union in Gampaha, Vice President of sāsana protection society of Gampaha, President of sāsana protection society of Attanagalla, President of Sasunmaga Organization of the Bhikkūs in Island wide, President of Watupitiwala base hospital Foundation, President of Pannila Sri Ananda Foundation, Patron of Children and Elders Caring Center, Director of Attanagalla Sri Patirāja Maha Pirivena, Librarian of Sirisangabo public library, Justice of the Peace, “śrī saddharma śiromaṇī dharmakīrti śrī prajnārāma”, “pravacana kīrti srī lokatthacārī Samaja Sewa Shiromani”, Most Venerable Dr. Pannila Sri Ananda Nayaka Thera - 班尼拉阿難陀長老

The Chief Incumbent of Attanagalla Rajamaha Vihāraya, Preceptor – Malawathu Mahā Vihāra Sangha Sabhā in Kandy, Chief High priest of Sīnādī Sivukorale, Founder President of Houston Buddhist Vihara in USA, The Chief of Theravada Buddhist Vihara in Taiwan, Secretary of Dharma Vijaya Buddhis Vihara in USA, Vice president of Vidyālankāra society, President of Executives and Principles of Pirivena Union in Gampaha, Vice President of sāsana protection society of Gampaha, President of sāsana protection society of Attanagalla, President of Sasunmaga Organization of the Bhikkūs in Island wide, President of Watupitiwala base hospital Foundation, President of Pannila Sri Ananda Foundation, Patron of Children and Elders Caring Center, Director of Attanagalla Sri Patirāja Maha Pirivena, Librarian of Sirisangabo public library, Justice of the Peace, “śrī saddharma śiromaṇī dharmakīrti śrī prajnārāma”, “pravacana kīrti srī lokatthacārī Samaja Sewa Shiromani”, Most Venerable Dr. Pannila Sri Ananda Nayaka Thera - 班尼拉阿難陀長老


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wia.sß uydkdhl

iajdóJøhka jykafiaf.a

Y=NdYsxik mKsjqvh

Message of

the Asgiriya

Mahanayake Thero

ft;sydisl w;a;k.,a, rdcuyd úydrdêm;s" iSkd§ isjq

fldar,fha m%Odk ix>kdhl" iHdfudamd,s jxYsl uyd ksldfha

u,aj;= md¾Yajfha WmdOHdh OQrkaOr wdpd¾h f.!rjd¾y

mkaks, YS% wdkkaodNsOdk kdhl iajdókaøhka jykafia ±k

W.;a" fidNk .=Kfhka hq;a lS¾;su;a f;r kula jYfhka

foia-úfoia" .sys-meúÈ ldf.a;a m%idoh Èkd we;s uyd f;r

kuls' ls%'j' 1947 j¾Ifha § ckau ,dNh ,en jhi wjqreÿ

11 § muK W;=ï jQ m%jDcHd N+ñhg m;aj wêYS, iïmkak

Wmiïmodjg m;a Wkajykafia iajlSh wdpd¾hhka jykafia,d

weiqfrka ,o O¾udkql+, YslaIKh;a Ydikudul wdl,am;a

,nd.;a wOHdmksl {dkh;a ;uka i;= .=fKdamfYdaNs;

,laIKhka Wmfhda.S lrf.k nqoaO Ydikh Wfoid w;s uy;a

fiajdjka rdYshla isÿ lrñka mj;sk nj wújdÈ; h' i`.

mrmqf¾ wNsjDoaêh fjkqfjka Wkajykafia isÿ lrk ,o fiajh

fuka u isÿ lrñka mj;sk fiajh o tfuka u isÿ lrkq ,nk

cd;sl yd iudchSh fufyjr o uy;a meiiqï lghq;= h'

75 jeks ckau Èkh iurk Wkajykafia úiska bgqlrñka

mj;sk tu fiajdjka w.hkq jia iure l,dmhla ksl=;a lsÍu

we;=`M" wd.ñl lghq;= rdYshla isÿ lr Wkajykafia ms§ug

YsIH NslaIQka jykafia,d we;=`M odhl-odhsldjka lghq;= lsÍu

w.kd lghq;a;ls'

fujka Ydiksl fiajdjka rdYshlg odhl;ajh

imhk iSkd§ isjq fldar<fha m%Odk ix>kdhl mkaks, YS%

wdkkao kdhl iajdókaøhka jykafiag YS% o<`od iñ`ÿkaf.a

wdYs¾jdofhka ;j;a Ñrd;a ld,hla Ydiksl iy iudchSh

fiajdjka isÿ lrf.k hEug Yla;sh" ffO¾hh" ksÿla ksfrda.S

iqjh iy Ñr cSjkh ,efíjd hs wdYsxikh lrïy' ta j.;a

fufia u"

The Chief incumbent of the historical Attanagalla

Raaja Maha Viharaya, Ven. Dr. Pannila Ananda abhidhana

Nayaka Thero is a popularly known revered Buddhist leader

in Sri Lanka and the international Buddhist world. Apart

from the office of chief incumbent of the Attanagalla Raaja

Maha Viharaya he has been appointed the Chief Sangha

Nayaka of the Seenadhi four Korales of Sri Lanka for the

Siyamopali Maha Nikaya by the Malwatte Maha Viharaya.

He is well educated and fulfilled with all disciplines

and qualities needed for a Theravada Buddhist Priest.

He has done so much of social service and is a major

donor to the infrastructure of public schools in need. His

contributions have helped thousands of children who are

in need of assistance for the supply of equipment and

books for their schooling.

Venerable Ananda Nayaka Thero has come a long

way in his services for the advancement of quality life to

all Buddhists. He is a definite asset to the Maha Sangha

and the Buddhist people in other countries of the world.

Eleven years since his birth in 1947 he was ordained in

robes as a samanera. Later he gained his higher ordination

under the guidance of his scholarly teachers became the

revered leader as a in the Bhikhu sector and achieved the

highest levels in Sri Lanka. His scholarly knowledge and his

dedication to the service of Buddhism and social service,

he is today revered, respected and popularly known among

the Buddhist people of the world. We are honored to be

associated with him and remain supportive of his good

deeds at all times in the future.

It is very much a worthy cause that celebrations are

been organized to celebrate his 75th birthday this year,

whichl gives all his devotees a chance of showing their

appreciation for the invaluable religious and social services

extended by his dedicated services.

May I take this opportunity to wish the Venerable

Pannila Ananda Nayaka Thero, good health and strength to

continue his noble services.

May the Blessings of the sacred Tooth Relic Be with


YS% yh.sß úchiqkaordrdu úydroajhdêm;s"

ft;sydisl nÿ¨-uq;shx.K rdcuyd úydrdêm;s"

w;smQcH wdpd¾h jrldf.dv Oïuisoaê YS% m[a[dkkao [dKr;kdNsOdk

uydúydr jxYsl iHdfudamd,s uyd ksldfha uydkdhl udysñmdKka jykafia jïy'

Most Venerable Dr.

Warakagoda Dhammasiddhi Sri Gnanarathana

Maha Nayake Thero

Asgiriya Maha Viharaya.

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