The Chief Incumbent of Attanagalla Rajamaha Vihāraya, Preceptor – Malawathu Mahā Vihāra Sangha Sabhā in Kandy, Chief High priest of Sīnādī Sivukorale, Founder President of Houston Buddhist Vihara in USA, The Chief of Theravada Buddhist Vihara in Taiwan, Secretary of Dharma Vijaya Buddhis Vihara in USA, Vice president of Vidyālankāra society, President of Executives and Principles of Pirivena Union in Gampaha, Vice President of sāsana protection society of Gampaha, President of sāsana protection society of Attanagalla, President of Sasunmaga Organization of the Bhikkūs in Island wide, President of Watupitiwala base hospital Foundation, President of Pannila Sri Ananda Foundation, Patron of Children and Elders Caring Center, Director of Attanagalla Sri Patirāja Maha Pirivena, Librarian of Sirisangabo public library, Justice of the Peace, “śrī saddharma śiromaṇī dharmakīrti śrī prajnārāma”, “pravacana kīrti srī lokatthacārī Samaja Sewa Shiromani”, Most Venerable Dr. Pannila Sri Ananda Nayaka Thera - 班尼拉阿難陀長老

The Chief Incumbent of Attanagalla Rajamaha Vihāraya, Preceptor – Malawathu Mahā Vihāra Sangha Sabhā in Kandy, Chief High priest of Sīnādī Sivukorale, Founder President of Houston Buddhist Vihara in USA, The Chief of Theravada Buddhist Vihara in Taiwan, Secretary of Dharma Vijaya Buddhis Vihara in USA, Vice president of Vidyālankāra society, President of Executives and Principles of Pirivena Union in Gampaha, Vice President of sāsana protection society of Gampaha, President of sāsana protection society of Attanagalla, President of Sasunmaga Organization of the Bhikkūs in Island wide, President of Watupitiwala base hospital Foundation, President of Pannila Sri Ananda Foundation, Patron of Children and Elders Caring Center, Director of Attanagalla Sri Patirāja Maha Pirivena, Librarian of Sirisangabo public library, Justice of the Peace, “śrī saddharma śiromaṇī dharmakīrti śrī prajnārāma”, “pravacana kīrti srī lokatthacārī Samaja Sewa Shiromani”, Most Venerable Dr. Pannila Sri Ananda Nayaka Thera - 班尼拉阿難陀長老


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Message of

the President

of Sri Lanka

ft;sydisl w;a;k.,a, rdcuyd úydrdêm;s wdpd¾h" mQcH

mkaks, YS% wdkkao iajdóka jykafia nqoaaO NdIs;h m%dfhda.sl;ajhg bv

i,ik h;sjrhdKka jykafia kuls'

YS% iïnqoaO iiqfka jHdma;sh fjkqfjka Wkajykafia lrk fufyjr

w;s Wodrh' idudchSh" wOHdmk" ixialD;sl" fi!LH lafIa;%j, m%.;sh

fjkqfjka mQcH mkaks, YS% wdkkao iajdóka jykafia bgq lrk ld¾h

Nd¾h Wkajykafia ±k W.;a fn!oaO o¾Ykfha ms<sìUqjla fukau

Wkajykafiagu wdfõksl jQjls'

bf.kqï b.ekaùï ls%hdj,sh Okd;aul f,i mj;ajdf.k hEu

i|yd wOHdmk há;, myiqlï b;d jeo.;a idOlhls' ta nj jgyd

.;a wm kdhl ysñmdKka jykafia .ïmy Èia;%slalfha fukau fiiq

m%foaYj, o mdi,a ixj¾Okhg ±la jQ odhl;ajh w;sYhska m%Yxid


mQcHmdo mkaks, wdkkao kdysñmdKka jykafia isÿ lrk wd.ñl"

Ydiksl fufyjr úYsIagh' m%n,h' lreKd iy.;h'

rg;a" ck;dj;a flfrys t,a, jQ iEu jHikhl§u mQcH mkaks,

wdkkao kdhl iajdóka jykafiaf.a bÈßm;aùu ksrka;r ±lsh yels

fndaêi;a .=Khls' tn÷ wjia:dj,§ lreKd fmr±ßj lghq;= lsÍu

ksidu Wkajykafia ish¨ cd;Skaf.a ish¨ wd.ñlhkaf.a f.!rjhg md;%

ù isá;s'

ft;sydisl w;a;k.,a, rdcuyd úydrdêm;s" iSkd§ isõfldar<fha

m%Odk ix>kdhl" wdpd¾h" mQcH mkaks, YS% wdkkao kdhl iajdóka

jykafiag ksÿla ksfrda.S iqjh;a Ñr cSjkh;a ,efíjd hs m%d¾:kd lrñ'

The Chief Incumbent of the historic Attanagalla Rajamaha

Viharaya Ven. Dr. Pannila Sri Ananda Nayaka Thera, is indeed a pious

monk adhering devotedly to the practicality of Buddhism.

The service rendered by Ven. Pannila Sri Ananda Nayaka Thera

for the expansion of the Sri Sambuddha Sasana is immense. The role

played by Most Ven. Pannila Ananda Thera towards the progress of

the social, educational, cultural and health spheres is a reflection of

the Buddhist philosophy that Nayaka Thera learned and uniquely


Educational infrastructure is an important factor in maintaining

a positive teaching and learning process. Realizing this, the Most

Venerable Thera's contribution to the development of schools in the

Gampaha District as well as in other areas is highly commendable.

The service rendered by Ven. Pannila Ananda Nayaka Thera is

so great, inordinate and generous.

The commitment shown by Ven. Pannila Ananda Nayaka Thera

to overcome every disaster that occurred in the country affecting the

people depicts his Bodhisattva quality. Irrespective of communal and

religious differences, every one respects the Nayaka Thera for the

humane qualities of his endeavor.

I wish the Chief Incumbent of the historic Attanagalla Raja

Maha Vihara, Chief Sanghanayaka of Siv Korale, Ven. Dr. Pannila

Ananda Nayaka Thera a healthy and long life filled with happiness.

f.daGdNh rdcmlaI

Gotabaya Rajapaksa

18 19

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