The Chief Incumbent of Attanagalla Rajamaha Vihāraya, Preceptor – Malawathu Mahā Vihāra Sangha Sabhā in Kandy, Chief High priest of Sīnādī Sivukorale, Founder President of Houston Buddhist Vihara in USA, The Chief of Theravada Buddhist Vihara in Taiwan, Secretary of Dharma Vijaya Buddhis Vihara in USA, Vice president of Vidyālankāra society, President of Executives and Principles of Pirivena Union in Gampaha, Vice President of sāsana protection society of Gampaha, President of sāsana protection society of Attanagalla, President of Sasunmaga Organization of the Bhikkūs in Island wide, President of Watupitiwala base hospital Foundation, President of Pannila Sri Ananda Foundation, Patron of Children and Elders Caring Center, Director of Attanagalla Sri Patirāja Maha Pirivena, Librarian of Sirisangabo public library, Justice of the Peace, “śrī saddharma śiromaṇī dharmakīrti śrī prajnārāma”, “pravacana kīrti srī lokatthacārī Samaja Sewa Shiromani”, Most Venerable Dr. Pannila Sri Ananda Nayaka Thera - 班尼拉阿難陀長老

The Chief Incumbent of Attanagalla Rajamaha Vihāraya, Preceptor – Malawathu Mahā Vihāra Sangha Sabhā in Kandy, Chief High priest of Sīnādī Sivukorale, Founder President of Houston Buddhist Vihara in USA, The Chief of Theravada Buddhist Vihara in Taiwan, Secretary of Dharma Vijaya Buddhis Vihara in USA, Vice president of Vidyālankāra society, President of Executives and Principles of Pirivena Union in Gampaha, Vice President of sāsana protection society of Gampaha, President of sāsana protection society of Attanagalla, President of Sasunmaga Organization of the Bhikkūs in Island wide, President of Watupitiwala base hospital Foundation, President of Pannila Sri Ananda Foundation, Patron of Children and Elders Caring Center, Director of Attanagalla Sri Patirāja Maha Pirivena, Librarian of Sirisangabo public library, Justice of the Peace, “śrī saddharma śiromaṇī dharmakīrti śrī prajnārāma”, “pravacana kīrti srī lokatthacārī Samaja Sewa Shiromani”, Most Venerable Dr. Pannila Sri Ananda Nayaka Thera - 班尼拉阿難陀長老


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iuia; ,xld bia,dï

wd.ñl úoaj;=kaf.a

iNdfõ uyf,alï;=udf.a

Y=NdYsxik mKsjqvh

Message of the

General Secretary

of All Ceylon

Jamiyyathul Ulama

iSkd§ isjq fldar,fha m%Odk ix>kdhl" w;a;k.,a,

wryka; rdcuyd úydrfha wêm;s" u,aj;= uydúydrfha

ufydamdOH OQrkaOr w;sf.!rj mkaks, YS% wdkkao

kdysñmdKkaf.a 75 jk ckau Èkh ksñ;af;ka Wka jykafia

úiska bgql<djQ cd;sl wd.ñl fufyjrhka b;d f.!rjm%ldrj

isysm;a lrkafkuq'

2022 jif¾ ckjdß udifha § w;s.re kdysñmdKkaf.a

75 jeks ckau Èkh ksñ;s fldg f.k Wkaysñhka úiska

bgqlsÍug n,dfmdfrd;a;=fjka isákakd jQ fmdf,dkakrej

wNhmqr úoHd,fha wx. iïmQ¾K f;uy,a f.dvke.s,a,"

fldgqf.dv m%d:ñl úoHd,fha fouy,a f.dvke.s,a," óß.u

nKavdrkdhl uyd úoHd,fha f;uy,a mdie,a f.dvke.s,a,"

w,a.u uyd úoHd,fha f;uy,a f.dvke.s,a," nq;amsáh uyd

úoHd,fha f;uy,a f.dvke.s,a," miahd, uyd úoHd,fha

f;uy,a f.dvke.s,a, hk mdie,a f.dvke.s,s isiq whs;shg

mejÍug fhdackd lr ;sîu uy;a m%Yxidjg ,laúh hq;=

cd;sl fufyjrls'

ta ysñhka furg wOHdmk lafIa;%hg wkqmfïh fiajdjla

bgq l< úYsIag f:r kuls'

nqÿoyug wkqj lsis÷ jd¾.sl fyda wd.ñl fNaohlska

f;drj ish¨ YS% ,dxlslhskaf.a hym; fjkqfjka yd hym;a

YS% ,dxlsl iudchla ìys lsÍu fjkqfjka kdhl;ajh

foñka tysñhka f.k hk m%h;akfha wruqK jkqfha ÈhqKq

wOHdmkhlska fynjQ jd¾.sl yd wd.ñl iu.sh ;=<ska iduh"

ifydaor;ajh yd iqyo;ajh imsß fi!Nd.Hj;a ud;D N+ñhla

ks¾udKh lsÍuhs'

fuu wjia:dfõ§ tysñhka fjkqfjka l< yels W;a;Í;r

f.!rjh jkafka Wkajykafia ±ä lemùulska iudc.;

lrkakg fjrorkakdjQ fuu W;a;Í;r wruqKq idlaId;a lr

.ekSug ish¨ YS% ,dxlslhska wêIAGdk mQ¾jl j tlaj lghq;=

l<hq;=hs hkak wmf.a ksy;udkS u;hhs'

i¾jn,OdÍ w,a,dya" Wkaysñhkag hyu. imsß ksfrda.S

Èúhla yd ish¨ ÿrefodaIj,ska uqojd fujka iudc fiajdjkays

;jÿrg;a kshe<s furg iqnisoaêh fjkqfjka wemlem ù

lghq;= lsÍfï Nd.H Wodlr;ajd' wdóka"

The All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama commemorates

with utmost respect the national services rendered by

most respected Venerable Pannila Sri Ananda Thera, Chief

Sanghanayake of Seenadee Siwu Korale, Chief Prelate of

Attanagalle Arahantha Rajamaha Vihara and Mahopadhya

of Malwathu Mahavihara, on this occasion of his 75th birth


The social services of national importance rendered

by the most venerable Pannila Sri Ananda Thera are

indeed praiseworthy, including the proposed bequest of

the fully-furnished three-storied building in Polonnaruwa

Abhayapura Vidyapaya, two-storied building in Kotugoda

Primary School, three-storied building in Meerigama

Bandaranayake Maha Vidyalaya, three-storied building

in Algama Maha Vidyalaya, three-storied building in

Buthpitiya Maha Vidyalaya, three-storied building in

Pasyala Maha Vidyalaya to the students of the respective

schools in commemoration of his 75th birth anniversary

falling in January 2022, and also his previous donations such

as the three-storied building to Thihariya Al-Azhar Central

College in 2017 and buildings to various hospitals around

the island. This is a testament to the service the venerable

Thera has rendered towards the field of education and

social integrity, which elaborates his excellence as a monk.

The purpose of the mission of Venerable Sri Ananda

Thera by giving leadership, according to Buddhism, to build

a righteous Sri Lankan society and for the well-being of all

Sri Lankans, without any ethnic or religious differences is to

build a prosperous motherland full of peace, brotherhood

and affability, that is enriched by ethnic and religious unity

achieved through improved education.

Our humble opinion is that the highest respect Sri

Lankans as a whole could afford for the Venerable Thero is

to get together and work tirelessly towards achieving his

supreme purpose, for which he has dedicated his entire life

with sheer commitment.

May the Almighty Allah grant him the good fortune

of a righteous path and a healthy life, and rid him of

misfortunes, and continue to give him the opportunity of

engaging in social service and work towards the further

welfare of the country!


wIa-fIhsla" tï' w¾lï kQrdñ;a"


iuia; ,xld bia,dï

wd.ñl úoaj;=kaf.a iNdj

Ash-Shaikh M. Arkam Nooramith

General Secretary

All Ceylon

Jamiyyathul Ulama

16 17

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