The Chief Incumbent of Attanagalla Rajamaha Vihāraya, Preceptor – Malawathu Mahā Vihāra Sangha Sabhā in Kandy, Chief High priest of Sīnādī Sivukorale, Founder President of Houston Buddhist Vihara in USA, The Chief of Theravada Buddhist Vihara in Taiwan, Secretary of Dharma Vijaya Buddhis Vihara in USA, Vice president of Vidyālankāra society, President of Executives and Principles of Pirivena Union in Gampaha, Vice President of sāsana protection society of Gampaha, President of sāsana protection society of Attanagalla, President of Sasunmaga Organization of the Bhikkūs in Island wide, President of Watupitiwala base hospital Foundation, President of Pannila Sri Ananda Foundation, Patron of Children and Elders Caring Center, Director of Attanagalla Sri Patirāja Maha Pirivena, Librarian of Sirisangabo public library, Justice of the Peace, “śrī saddharma śiromaṇī dharmakīrti śrī prajnārāma”, “pravacana kīrti srī lokatthacārī Samaja Sewa Shiromani”, Most Venerable Dr. Pannila Sri Ananda Nayaka Thera - 班尼拉阿難陀長老

The Chief Incumbent of Attanagalla Rajamaha Vihāraya, Preceptor – Malawathu Mahā Vihāra Sangha Sabhā in Kandy, Chief High priest of Sīnādī Sivukorale, Founder President of Houston Buddhist Vihara in USA, The Chief of Theravada Buddhist Vihara in Taiwan, Secretary of Dharma Vijaya Buddhis Vihara in USA, Vice president of Vidyālankāra society, President of Executives and Principles of Pirivena Union in Gampaha, Vice President of sāsana protection society of Gampaha, President of sāsana protection society of Attanagalla, President of Sasunmaga Organization of the Bhikkūs in Island wide, President of Watupitiwala base hospital Foundation, President of Pannila Sri Ananda Foundation, Patron of Children and Elders Caring Center, Director of Attanagalla Sri Patirāja Maha Pirivena, Librarian of Sirisangabo public library, Justice of the Peace, “śrī saddharma śiromaṇī dharmakīrti śrī prajnārāma”, “pravacana kīrti srī lokatthacārī Samaja Sewa Shiromani”, Most Venerable Dr. Pannila Sri Ananda Nayaka Thera - 班尼拉阿難陀長老


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YS% ,xld rdu[a[

uyd ksldfha uydkdhl

iajdóJøhka jykafiaf.a

Y=NdYsxik mKsjqvh

Message of

the Rāmañña

Mahanayake Thero

w;a;k.,a, rdcuyd úydrh" weußldfõ yshqiagka

fn!oaO úydrh" ;dhsjdkfha f:arjdo fn!oaO úydrh we;=`t

úydria:dkhkays wêm;s uydúydrjxisl YHdfudamd,s uyd

ksldfha u,aj;= úydr md¾Yajfha" iSkdÈ isõ fldar,fha m%Odk

ix> kdhl" WmdOHdh OqrkaOr" wdpd¾h mkaks, O¾ulS¾;s

Y%S wdkkao kdhl iajdóka jykafiaf.a ye;a;E mia fjks ckau

oskh ksñ;s lr f.k ksl=;a lrkq ,nk wdYs¾jdo ix.%yhg

mKsúvhla ksl=;a lrkq ,nkafka n,j;a ikaf;daIfhks'

wm ys;j;a wdkkao kdhl iajdóJøhka jykafia fiajhg

u lemjQ cSú;hla .; lrK ff;%ksldhsl uyd ix> r;akfha

iïNdjkdg md;% jQ l<HdK ñ;% i;amqreI ix> fka;Dka

jykafia kuls' w;a;k.,a, wryka; rdcuyd úydrfha

f.!rjh jvd;a Tma kexfjk mßÈ wNskj úydrdx. /

ila tla lrñka ia:dkh ÈhqKq l,d fia u m%foaYfha mdi,a

f.dvke.s,s fï jk jg ;sia wgla muK bÈlr § ±fha

orejka fjkqfjka l< fiajh iod wkqiaurKSh j mj;skq we;'

m%foaYfha wd¾Ól ÿIalr;d we;s ore ±ßhka i`oyd udiam;d

YsIHdOdr msßkuñka lrK fiajh rgl cSjkd,sh n`ÿ ore

mrmqr keK .=Kfhka fmdaIKh lsÍug lrK Wodr mß;Hd.

fha jákdlu fuf;lehs lsj fkdyelsh'

j;=msáj, frdayf,a NsCIq jdÜgqjla bÈlrñka" .s,ka

NsCIQka jykafia,d fjkqfjka o <orejka fjkqfjka <ore

jdÜgqjla o bÈlrñka ck;djf.a ksfrdA.s iqjh ie,iSu

fjkqfjka lrk ,o mß;Hd.hkao rdYshla we;' Wka

jykafiaf.a fiajh ms<sn`o fujeks flá iqNdYsxikhlska

lreKq ±laùug yelshdjla ke;'

foia-úfoia ls¾;s kduhla ysñlrf.k m<d;g" rgg"

f,dalhg wñ, fiajhla isÿ lrK wfma mkaks, wdkkao kdhl

iajdóka jykafiag ye;a;Emia úh iïmQ¾K jk fï wjia:dfõ

wd.ñl Ydiksl yd wOHdmksl fiajdjka ;j ÿrg;a b;d

uekúka bgq lrf.k hEug f;rejkaf.a wkka; .=K n,fhka

yd ish¨ foú /ljrKska ksÿla kSfrda.s Ñrcsjkh ie<fiajdhs

wm b; is;ska wdYs¾jdo lruq'

iqÇ §>dhqfLd Nj''æ

fuhg" Ydikys;ldó"

It has been a great pleasure to add best wishes for the souvenir

which is issuing to appreciating the service of The Chief Incumbent of

Attanagalla Rajamaha Vihāraya, Preceptor – Malawathu Mahā Vihāra

Sangha Sabhā in Kandy, Chief High priest of Sīnādī Sivukorale, Ven.

Dr. Pannila Sri Ananda Nayaka Thera, who celebrating 75th birthday.

The components were added to enhance the honor of the

Attanagalla temple as well as about 38 school buildings were

developed for the students who live in this area, thus the service

he has done for them will be memorable. No words to express the

greatness of the dedication that he has showed by offering monthly

scholarships for the poor students.

Many of donations were given to heal the suffering people

such as to build a ward for Buddhist monks and a children’s ward.

His service cannot be appreciated by such a brief wishing.

We would like to express our best wishes to Ven. Dr. Pannila Sri

Ananda Nayaka Thera, who has done a great service for the province,

country and the world, while he is completing his 75th birthday, to

continue the service with the blessings of noble triple gems. Also,

wish a long and healthy life from the bottom of our heart.

w.a.uyd mKaä; w;smQcH

ul=,Efõ úu,dNsOdk

YS% ,xld rdu[a[ uyd ksldfha

uydkdhl uyd ia:úr'

Devoted to sāsana,

Most Venerable

Makulewe Wimala Mahā Nāyaka Thero,

Supreme Prelate of the

Rāmañña Mahā Nikāya.

10 11

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