Turkey exports hazelnut to 95 countries... - Türkiye İş Kurumu

Turkey exports hazelnut to 95 countries... - Türkiye İş Kurumu

Turkey exports hazelnut to 95 countries... - Türkiye İş Kurumu


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A GUIDE TO<br />


inTURKEY<br />


2<br />

This booklet has been published with the financial support of the European Commission.<br />


The Centre for EU Education and Youth Programmes<br />

(Turkish National Agency)<br />

LLP/Transversal Programme - Euroguidance Unit<br />

Coordinated by<br />

Ömer AYÇİÇEK (Transversal Programme Coordina<strong>to</strong>r)<br />


EDITOR<br />

Pınar KEFELİ<br />

Forte AD Agency<br />


S.Erkin ŞAHİN<br />

Forte AD Agency<br />


Prof. Dr. Füsun AKKÖK<br />


Hüseyin Rahmi Sk. No: 2<br />

06680 Çankaya, Ankara / TURKEY<br />

Tel. +90 312 409 6000<br />

Fax. +90 312 409 6099<br />

E-mail: euroguidance@ua.gov.tr<br />

WEB<br />

http://www.ua.gov.tr<br />

http://euroguidance.ua.gov.tr/<br />

Prepared & printed by<br />

www.forteajans.com<br />

All the data included in this book are composed from the sources of the links given after chapters, the<br />

data prepared according <strong>to</strong> the 2007 statistics included in the original web sites.<br />

All rights reserved © 2007

Table of Contents<br />


Facts and Numbers about <strong>Turkey</strong> 4<br />


Being an International Student in <strong>Turkey</strong> 7<br />

About The Turkish Education System 13<br />

Higher Education in <strong>Turkey</strong> 15<br />

• Language of Instruction 15<br />

• Higher Education Institutions List 16<br />

• Information Required for University Admission 21<br />

• Fees 28<br />

Student VISA 29<br />

Orientation 31<br />

Libraries 31<br />

Dormi<strong>to</strong>ries 31<br />

Student Discounts 31<br />

Useful Links 32<br />


Work Permit for Foreigners 33<br />

Language Requirements 39<br />

Who Can Work in <strong>Turkey</strong> 42<br />

Job Hunt and Guide 43<br />

Legislations and Social Security System 45<br />

Taxes 47<br />

Links for Working life in <strong>Turkey</strong> 49<br />

LIVING<br />

Living in <strong>Turkey</strong> 51<br />

His<strong>to</strong>ry 51<br />

Climate 54<br />

Food & Cousine 59<br />

Accommodation 59<br />

Transportation 62<br />

Health 62<br />

Shopping 63<br />

Sports & Cultural Facilities 63<br />

Music 67<br />

An Initial Glance <strong>to</strong> <strong>Turkey</strong> 70<br />


Foreign Embassies and Representative Offices in <strong>Turkey</strong> 71<br />

Regulations for Foreigners 92<br />

Some Useful Phrases and Words 99<br />


4<br />

Facts & Numbers about <strong>Turkey</strong><br />

Official Name: Republic of <strong>Turkey</strong><br />

Flag:<br />

National Language: Turkish<br />

Government Type: Republican Parliamentary Democracy<br />

Area: Projection area (on the map) 779,452 km² ; actual area 814,578 km².<br />

It spreads over the %1,3 of the ground, and the 36th largest<br />

country of the world. It is the 2nd tier in Europe after Russia.<br />

Geography<br />

& Location:<br />

Capital City: Ankara<br />

The country is located in the northern half of the hemisphere<br />

as an intersection point of European and Asian sections. Bulk<br />

of the national terri<strong>to</strong>ries takes place in Ana<strong>to</strong>lian Peninsula<br />

and the rest locates in Thrace where is the extension of the<br />

Balkans Peninsula. <strong>Turkey</strong> is surrounded by sea on three sides,<br />

by the Black Sea in the north, the Mediterranean in the south and<br />

the Aegean Sea in the west. In the north west, there is also an<br />

important internal sea, the Sea of Marmara, between the straits<br />

of the Dardanelles and the Bosphorus, important waterways that<br />

connect the Black Sea with the rest of the world. The neighbours<br />

are; Greece, Bulgaria, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran,<br />

Iraq and Syria. More than the half of the land consists of high<br />

regions exceeding 1000 m. Approximately 1/3 of the country is<br />

covered with plains at mean height, high plateaus and mountains<br />

and %10 of it is covered with lowlands. The highest regions<br />

and mountainous districts are located in the Eastern Region.<br />

Population: Just over 70 millions (2007).<br />

%67 of the population lives in cities<br />

Population Rate by Age (2006):<br />

Between the ages 0-14: %25,5 (9.133.226 boys - 8.800.070 girls)<br />

Between the ages 15-64: %67,7(24.218.277 male - 23.456.761<br />

female)<br />

Age 65 and older: %6,8 (2.198.073 male - 2.607.551 female)<br />

GDP per capita : 6.619 USD (2007)<br />

Time zone: GMT+2 (EET (UTC+2))<br />

Summer Time: GMT+3 (EEST (UTC+3))<br />

Monetary Unit: New Turkish Lira YTL (Turkish Lira after 2009)<br />

Internet Domain Name: .tr<br />

International Telephone Code: +90





6<br />

Afyonkarahisar<br />

TURKEY<br />

Welcome <strong>to</strong> <strong>Turkey</strong> which is in the nature of strategical- social, economical and cultural<br />

bridge between Asia and Europe that did the honours <strong>to</strong> a wide range of civilisations.<br />

This manual aims <strong>to</strong> help you <strong>to</strong> live comfortably and happily by introducing our country,<br />

our lives and opportunities for employment and education <strong>to</strong> you briefly.<br />

We expect this manual <strong>to</strong> answer many of your questions and please feel free <strong>to</strong> get in<br />

<strong>to</strong>uch with us about the matters you want <strong>to</strong> learn and explore more.




<strong>Turkey</strong> offers a healthy, welcoming and a stimulating environment<br />

for students. Many universities have advisers and offer services<br />

<strong>to</strong> help international students adjust <strong>to</strong> life in <strong>Turkey</strong>. Most<br />

universities have introduced orientation programmes <strong>to</strong> acquaint<br />

international students <strong>to</strong> their academic programmes, and some<br />

have offices <strong>to</strong> serve specifically <strong>to</strong> International Students.<br />

Some Turkish universities have a variety of medium of instruction<br />

in some European languages, esp. English. (See table in p. 16-19)<br />

and in some cases, the proportion of foreign students <strong>to</strong> <strong>to</strong>tal<br />

student population is around 5%. Total higher education student<br />

population is around 2.5 millions (43% Female, 57% Male). The<br />

number of foreign students at Turkish universities is nearly 17<br />

thousands. Total number of academics is around 90 thousands.<br />

After 2003 by the implementation of the European Union<br />

Education and Youth Programmes, such as Comenius, Erasmus,<br />

Leonardo da Vinci and Youth, in <strong>Turkey</strong> through Turkish National<br />

Agency (The Centre for EU Education and Youth Programmes)<br />

education and training institutions had a good chance <strong>to</strong> launch<br />

internationalisation in general and at home. For instance, almost<br />

all higher education institutions are in Erasmus programme and<br />

hosting thousands of European students.<br />

European Union Education and Youth Programmes aim a multidimensional<br />

increase in the educational level of the individuals<br />


and the society, in recognition, cultural change and mutual<br />

corporate and personal collaboration between the citizens of<br />

member <strong>countries</strong> and in citizenship awareness and social<br />

enterprise of European citizens in the <strong>countries</strong> which are<br />

members or candidates of European Union.<br />

One of the most important aims of the programmes is <strong>to</strong> improve<br />

the understanding and corporation environment between the<br />

communities of European Countries.<br />

Through many activities in the context of the programme, they<br />

find the opportunity of working <strong>to</strong>gether with the people coming<br />

from different cultures and modes of life, searching solutions<br />

for the problems <strong>to</strong>gether and most importantly, sharing their<br />

original experiences.<br />

As of the first 3 years in which the programmes have been<br />

started <strong>to</strong> be executed, over 3000 projects have been supported.<br />

Total number of beneficiaries was nearly 40.000 by 2007. The<br />

programmes can be considered as a stimulus for increasing<br />

internationalisation at the area of general and vocational<br />

education.<br />

Euroguidance Unit was set up in 2005 at the Turkish LLP National<br />

Agency. You can also Ploteus Portal <strong>to</strong> get some information about<br />

education and training institutions / possibilities in <strong>Turkey</strong>:<br />

http://europe.eu.int/ploteus/portal/<br />


10<br />


One French Erasmus student, Celiné who studied in <strong>Turkey</strong> in the<br />

academic year of 2005/06 has this <strong>to</strong> report about her experience<br />

of studying in <strong>Turkey</strong>:<br />

*“Erasmus… the well-known exchange program which allows<br />

students from Europe <strong>to</strong> discover different <strong>countries</strong>, cultures,<br />

civilisations and people all around Europe. I have taken this<br />

opportunity! And I am now in <strong>Turkey</strong>, spending one of my 5 years<br />

education school here.<br />

Different reasons made me decided <strong>to</strong> spend one year abroad: one<br />

of them is that I wanted <strong>to</strong> change! Air, environment, lessons… so<br />

why would not change the country? Let’s do it!<br />

Also I had heard really good reports about other students’<br />

experiences. As it opened their mind, they learnt a lot about<br />

themselves and others, country, culture… So let’s try it <strong>to</strong>o.<br />

When I left France <strong>to</strong> come <strong>to</strong> <strong>Turkey</strong>, I really did not know<br />

what I would discover here. I had no idea about the country, the<br />

population, the university and so on.<br />

Well, I can say that alla my wishes mere fulfilled! Everything<br />

was so new, different… just amazing! It is a real change <strong>to</strong> live<br />

with Turkish poeople, and not just be there as a <strong>to</strong>urist. Indeed<br />

Turkish culture is so rich. I am speaking about food, his<strong>to</strong>ry,<br />

geographical and political issues, religion, disparities in life<br />

styles (it is very interesting <strong>to</strong> compare some families who are<br />

living with old Ot<strong>to</strong>man culture and new students generetion who<br />

are more modern but also very different than in Europe). I love<br />

travelling in <strong>Turkey</strong>. Everywhere, I learn.<br />

By this way, I visited the beautiful İstanbul, cooked manti with<br />

some women in a village, learnt common <strong>Turkey</strong> and French<br />

his<strong>to</strong>ry in Canakkale, and discovered the existence and meaning<br />

of the Turning Men (Whirling Dervishes) in Konya (Mevlana)… and<br />

many other trips are stil waiting for me.<br />

Of course, one of the main important aspects of an Erasmus<br />

Exchange is <strong>to</strong> meet with new people. This point cannot just be<br />

described. Everyone will create his own experience, live it. But I<br />

can say that for me, Turkish people are responsible for a big part<br />

of the well going of my adventure.<br />

Right now, this adventure is going really well and I will keep the<br />

souvernirs forever, for sure!”<br />

* From the excerpt of one French Erasmus Student.

When I left France <strong>to</strong> come <strong>to</strong><br />

<strong>Turkey</strong>, I really did not know<br />

what I would discover here. I<br />

had no idea about the country,<br />

the population, the university<br />

and so on.<br />


12<br />

Higher education is defined as all post-secondary programs<br />

with a duration of at least two years. Higher education<br />

institutions consist of universities, faculties, graduate<br />

schools, colleges, conserva<strong>to</strong>ries and vocational higher<br />

educational schools that give two year degree, bachelor’s<br />

degree, masters degree or Ph.D.


After the establishment of the Republic of <strong>Turkey</strong>, all educational<br />

institutions at different levels have been connected <strong>to</strong> the Ministry<br />

of National Education. (1924). All the education formation,<br />

syllabus and tuition programmes are executed by the Ministry<br />

of National Education. The compulsory education in <strong>Turkey</strong> is 8<br />

years ( Between the ages 6-14). The <strong>to</strong>tal student population up<br />

<strong>to</strong> higher education level is around 15 millions.<br />

We can explore the education system in <strong>Turkey</strong> under 6 titles:<br />

Preschool Education: It encloses the education of the<br />

children in the group in the age range of 3-5 who are not in the<br />

period of compulsory basic education. In this context, there are<br />

Nursery Schools either private or under the Ministry of National<br />

Education.<br />

Basic Education: It comprises the education of children in the<br />

6-14 year age group. Eight years of basic education is manda<strong>to</strong>ry<br />

for all Turkish citizens who have reached the age of six. This<br />

level of education is free in public schools. There are also private<br />

schools under the state control.<br />

Secondary Education: It has minimum quadrennial based on<br />

basic education and encloses general, vocational and technical<br />

educational institutions.<br />

The aims of secondary education are <strong>to</strong> provide students with a<br />

knowledge of general culture, <strong>to</strong> acquaint them with problems<br />

of individual and societal nature and <strong>to</strong> motivate them <strong>to</strong> find<br />

solutions; <strong>to</strong> equip them with strength and knowledge <strong>to</strong><br />

participate in the economic, social and cultural development of<br />

the country and <strong>to</strong> prepare them, in line with their interests and<br />

talents, for institutions of higher education.<br />


14<br />


Special Education: The purpose here is <strong>to</strong> integrate the<br />

individuals with special needs in<strong>to</strong> the community and help them<br />

<strong>to</strong> acquire occupational skills. Schools that give special education<br />

are configured according <strong>to</strong> the classification of Turkish national<br />

education system. Yet, unlike the other schools, there are<br />

preparation classes before basic education. The students with<br />

special needs who are eligible for basic education are exempted<br />

from these classes.<br />

Private Education: These institutions are established in<br />

accordance with the legislation numbered 625 and enclose<br />

any kind and level of private schools, private courses, private<br />

vocational courses, special mo<strong>to</strong>r vehicle drivers’ courses<br />

and private tu<strong>to</strong>ring centers. These institutions maintain their<br />

facilities under the Ministry of National Education supervision<br />

and inspection.<br />

Higher Education: It encloses all the educational institutions<br />

giving minimum two year of higher education based on secondary<br />

education and training the professionals demanded by scientific<br />

research fields and labor market.


Higher education is defined as all post-secondary programmes<br />

with a duration of at least two years. Higher education institutions<br />

consist of universities, faculties, graduate schools, colleges,<br />

conserva<strong>to</strong>ries and vocational higher educational schools that<br />

give two year degree, bachelor’s degree, masters degree or Ph.D.<br />

There are 68 State Universities and 26 Foundation Universities<br />

and 4 military & 1 police academy in <strong>Turkey</strong>. (excluding 17 new<br />

state and 4 foundation universities established in May 2007)<br />

a) Language of Instruction<br />

The candidates are <strong>to</strong> submit documentation indicating that they<br />

suffice in the language of instruction of the university they want<br />

<strong>to</strong> get educated. (esp. English or Turkish)<br />

The students, who are accepted <strong>to</strong> a university but cannot submit<br />

satisfac<strong>to</strong>ry language documentation, are given one-year of<br />

language courses by the university they are accepted. Moreover,<br />

there are Turkish courses with or without charge for international<br />

students.<br />


16<br />

No: Higher Education Institutions Language of Instruction Web City<br />

1 Abant İzzet Baysal University Mainly Turkish / Partially English www.ibu.edu.tr Bolu<br />

2 Adıyaman University Turkish www.adiyaman.edu.tr Adıyaman<br />

3 Adnan Menderes University Mainly Turkish / Partially English www.adu.edu.tr Aydın<br />

4 Afyon Kocatepe University Mainly Turkish / Partially English www.aku.edu.tr Afyonkarahisar<br />

5 Ahi Evran University Turkish www.ahievran.edu.tr Kırşehir<br />

6 Akdeniz University Mainly Turkish / Partially English www.akdeniz.edu.tr Antalya<br />

7 Aksaray University Turkish www.aksaray.edu.tr Aksaray<br />

8 Amasya University Turkish www.amasya.edu.tr Amasya<br />

9 Anadolu University Mainly Turkish / Partially English, www.anadolu.edu.tr Eskişehir<br />

French, German<br />

10 Ankara University Turkish www.ankara.edu.tr Ankara<br />

11 Atatürk University Turkish www.atauni.edu.tr Erzurum<br />

12 Atılım University Mainly Turkish / Partially English www.atilim.edu.tr Ankara<br />

13 Bahçeşehir University English www.bahcesehir.edu.tr İstanbul<br />

14 Balıkesir University Turkish www.balikesir.edu.tr Balıkesir<br />

15 Başkent University Mainly Turkish / Partially English www.baskent.edu.tr Ankara<br />

16 Beykent University English www.beykent.edu.tr İstanbul<br />

17 Bilkent University English www.bilkent.edu.tr Ankara<br />

18 Boğaziçi University English www.boun.edu.tr İstanbul<br />

19 Bozok University Turkish www.bozok.edu.tr Yozgat<br />

20 Celal Bayar University Mainly Turkish / Partially English www.bayar.edu.tr Manisa<br />

21 Cumhuriyet University Turkish www.cumhuriyet.edu.tr Sivas<br />

22 Çağ University English www.cag.edu.tr Mersin<br />

23 Çanakkale 18 Mart University Turkish www.comu.edu.tr Çanakkale<br />

24 Çankaya University Mainly English / Partially Turkish www.cankaya.edu.tr Ankara

25 Çukurova University Mainly Turkish / Partially English, www.cu.edu.tr Adana<br />

French, German<br />

26 Dicle University Turkish www.dicle.edu.tr Diyarbakır<br />

27 Doğuş University Mainly English / Partially Turkish www.dogus.edu.tr İstanbul<br />

28 Dokuz Eylül University Mainly Turkish / Partially English www.deu.edu.tr İzmir<br />

29 Dumlupınar University Mainly Turkish / Partially English www.dumlupinar.edu.tr Kütahya<br />

30 Düzce University Turkish www.duzce.edu.tr Düzce<br />

31 Ege University Mainly Turkish / Partially English www.ege.edu.tr İzmir<br />

32 Erciyes University Mainly Turkish / Partially English www.erciyes.edu.tr Kayseri<br />

33 Erzincan University Turkish www.erzincan.edu.tr Erzincan<br />

34 Eskisehir Osmangazi University Mainly Turkish / Partially English www.ogu.edu.tr Eskişehir<br />

35 Fatih University English www.fatih.edu.tr İstanbul<br />

36 Fırat University Turkish www.firat.edu.tr Elazığ<br />

37 Galatasaray University Mainly French / Partially Turkish www.gsu.edu.tr İstanbul<br />

38 Gazi University Mainly Turkish / Partially English www.gazi.edu.tr Ankara<br />

39 Gaziantep University Mainly Turkish / Partially English www.gantep.edu.tr Gaziantep<br />

40 Gaziosmanpaşa University Turkish www.gop.edu.tr Tokat<br />

41 Gebze Institute of Technology Mainly Turkish / Partially English www.gyte.edu.tr Kocaeli<br />

42 Giresun University Turkish www.giresun.edu.tr Giresun<br />

43 Gülhane Military Medical Academy Turkish www.gata.edu.tr Ankara<br />

44 Hacettepe University Mainly Turkish / Partially English, www.hacettepe.edu.tr Ankara<br />

French, German<br />

45 Haliç University Mainly Turkish / Partially English www.halic.edu.tr İstanbul<br />

46 Harran University Turkish www.harran.edu.tr Şanlıurfa<br />

47 Hitit University Turkish www.hitit.edu.tr Çorum<br />

48 Işık University English www.isikun.edu.tr İstanbul<br />


18<br />

No: Higher Education Institutions Language of Instruction Web City<br />

49 İnönü University Turkish www.inonu.edu.tr Malatya<br />

50 İstanbul Aydın University Mainly Turkish / Partially English www.aydin.edu.tr İstanbul<br />

51 İstanbul Bilgi University Mainly English / Partially Turkish www.bilgi.edu.tr İstanbul<br />

52 İstanbul Bilim University Turkish www.istanbulbilim.edu.tr İstanbul<br />

53 İstanbul Kültür University Mainly English / Partially Turkish www.iku.edu.tr İstanbul<br />

54 İstanbul Technical University Mainly Turkish / Partially English www.itu.edu.tr İstanbul<br />

55 İstanbul Ticaret University Mainly Turkish / Partially English www.iticu.edu.tr İstanbul<br />

56 İstanbul University Mainly Turkish / Partially English www.istanbul.edu.tr İstanbul<br />

57 İzmir Ekonomi University English www.ieu.edu.tr İzmir<br />

58 İzmir Institute of Technology English www.iztech.edu.tr İzmir<br />

59 Kadir Has University Mainly English / Partially Turkish www.khas.edu.tr İstanbul<br />

60 Kafkas University Turkish www.kafkas.edu.tr Kars<br />

61 Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University Mainly Turkish / Partially English www.ksu.edu.tr Kahramanmaraş<br />

62 Karadeniz Technical University Mainly Turkish / Partially English www.ktu.edu.tr Trabzon<br />

63 Kastamonu University Turkish www.kastamonu.edu.tr Kastamonu<br />

64 Kırıkkale University Turkish www.kku.edu.tr Kırıkkale<br />

65 Kocaeli University Turkish www.kou.edu.tr Kocaeli<br />

66 Koç University English www.ku.edu.tr İstanbul<br />

67 Maltepe University Mainly Turkish / Partially English www.maltepe.edu.tr İstanbul<br />

68 Marmara University Mainly Turkish / Partially English, www.marmara.edu.tr İstanbul<br />

French, German<br />

69 Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Turkish www.mehmetakif.edu.tr Burdur<br />

70 Mersin University Turkish www.mersin.edu.tr Mersin<br />

71 Middle East Technical University (ODTÜ) English www.metu.edu.tr Ankara<br />

72 Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University Turkish www.msu.edu.tr İstanbul<br />

73 Muğla University Mainly Turkish / Partially English www.mu.edu.tr Muğla

74 Mustafa Kemal University Mainly Turkish / Partially English www.mku.edu.tr Antakya<br />

75 Namık Kemal University Turkish www.nku.edu.tr Tekirdağ<br />

76 Niğde University Mainly Turkish / Partially English www.nigde.edu.tr Niğde<br />

77 Okan University Mainly Turkish / Partially English www.okan.edu.tr İstanbul<br />

78 Ondokuz Mayıs University Turkish www.omu.edu.tr Samsun<br />

79 Ordu University Turkish www.odu.edu.tr Ordu<br />

80 Pamukkale University Mainly Turkish / Partially English www.pamukkale.edu.tr Denizli<br />

81 Police Academy Turkish www.pa.edu.tr Ankara<br />

82 Rize University Turkish www.rize.edu.tr Rize<br />

83 Sabancı University English www.sabanciuniv.edu İstanbul<br />

84 Sakarya University Turkish www.sakarya.edu.tr Sakarya<br />

85 Selçuk University Mainly Turkish / Partially English www.selcuk.edu.tr Konya<br />

86 Süleyman Demirel University Turkish www.sdu.edu.tr Isparta<br />

87 TOBB Economy and Technology University Turkish www.etu.edu.tr Ankara<br />

88 Trakya University Turkish www.trakya.edu.tr Edirne<br />

89 Turkish Air Force Academy Turkish www.hho.edu.tr İstanbul<br />

90 Turkish Military Academy Turkish www.kho.edu.tr Ankara<br />

91 Turkish Naval Academy Mainly Turkish / Partially English www.dho.edu.tr İstanbul<br />

92 Ufuk University Turkish www.ufuk.edu.tr Ankara<br />

93 Uludağ University Mainly Turkish / Partially English www.uludag.edu.tr Bursa<br />

94 Uşak University Turkish www.usak.edu.tr Uşak<br />

<strong>95</strong> Yaşar University English www.yasar.edu.tr İzmir<br />

96 Yeditepe University English www.yeditepe.edu.tr İstanbul<br />

97 Yıldız Technical University Mainly Turkish / Partially English www.yildiz.edu.tr İstanbul<br />

98 Yüzüncü Yıl University Turkish www.yyu.edu.tr Van<br />

99 Zonguldak Karaelmas University Turkish www.karaelmas.edu.tr Zonguldak<br />


) Information Required For University Admission<br />

b.1) Admission Requirements for Undergraduate<br />

Programmes<br />

Any university in <strong>Turkey</strong> admits students in accordance with<br />

the conditions determined by them. These conditions generally<br />

include the items below;<br />

• Having a high school diploma obtained from a school<br />

equal <strong>to</strong> Turkish high schools after primary and secondary<br />

education of <strong>to</strong>tal 11-12 years. (besides, a transcription of marks<br />

got in high school should be submitted),<br />

• Getting sufficient score from an examination<br />

internationally well known (GCE, SAT, ACT etc.) or from the<br />

university entrance exam of some <strong>countries</strong> (Syria, Lebanon,<br />

Palestine, Jordan, China) or from the Examination for Foreign<br />

Students.<br />

Moreover, universities announce their own admission conditions<br />

on their web sites, so the students need <strong>to</strong> get in contact directly<br />

with the university of their choices and <strong>to</strong> follow the information<br />

of the conditions announced on their web sites.<br />

http://www.osym.gov.tr - (A Condensed English Version)<br />

b.2) Examination for Foreign Students (YÖS) :<br />

YÖS, is an ‘examination for evaluation’ composed of two tests.<br />

The first part is The Basic Learning Skills Test which mainly<br />

assesses abstract reasoning. The questions have minimal<br />

dependence on language but explanations are given in Turkish<br />

and English. The second part is The Turkish Language Proficiency<br />

Test which assesses the candidate’s comprehension of Turkish.<br />

The Basic Learning Skills Test score is taken in<strong>to</strong> consideration<br />

for admission <strong>to</strong> universities.<br />

Candidates who want <strong>to</strong> attend Turkish universities apply directly<br />

of their choice with the result card of YÖS. The address for direct<br />


22<br />


application is”ÖSYM-YÖS,<br />

06538 Bilkent / ANKARA,<br />

TÜRKİYE” and for written<br />

application, it is : “Öğrenci<br />

Seçme ve Yerleştirme<br />

Merkezi, ÖSYM-YÖS,<br />

06538, Bilkent / Ankara,<br />

TÜRKİYE”.<br />

During the application,<br />

students are <strong>to</strong> ask for<br />

‘Application Form’ and<br />

‘YÖS Guide’ which are free<br />

of charge for the students<br />

applying personally and<br />

sent by post <strong>to</strong> the ones<br />

who apply in writing.<br />

YÖS is only for those<br />

applicants who plan <strong>to</strong><br />

enroll in undergraduate<br />

programmes. Students<br />

planning <strong>to</strong> transfer <strong>to</strong> an<br />

undergraduate program must apply directly <strong>to</strong> the institutions<br />

concerned. The first condition for those planning <strong>to</strong> take YÖS<br />

is that they must hold the nationality of a country other than<br />

<strong>Turkey</strong> (Stateless citizens and refugees can also apply but ones<br />

with nationality of TRNC or ones holding dual nationality -one of<br />

the nationalities of TRNC or TR- shall be excluded). Secondly,<br />

they must be in the last year of secondary education or have<br />

successfully completed secondary education in <strong>Turkey</strong> or at a<br />

school in which the education is equivalent <strong>to</strong> that of a Turkish<br />

lycée. Lastly, they must meet the specific requirements of the<br />

institution of higher education in which they plan <strong>to</strong> enroll.<br />

The candidates are <strong>to</strong> send the Application Form and the bank<br />

receipt of examination fee <strong>to</strong> ÖSYM (The Student Selection and<br />

Placement Center) by the deadline announced.<br />

Examinations are held in Ankara (<strong>Turkey</strong>) and also at Kabul<br />

(Afghanistan), Mazar-ı Sharif (Afghanistan), Tirane (Albania),

Related information<br />

about<br />






TURKEY is downloaded<br />

from the<br />

http://www.osym.gov.<br />

tr/<br />

(A Condensed English<br />

Version)<br />

Baku (Azerbaijan), Dakka (Bangladesh), Almaty (Kazakhstan),<br />

Nairobi (Kenya), Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan), Beirut (Lebanon), Skopje<br />

(Makedonia), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Cairo (Egypt), Ulanba<strong>to</strong>r<br />

(Mongolia), Tashkent (Uzbekstan), İslamabad (Pakistan), Kazan<br />

(Russian Federation), Damascus (Syria) and Amman (Jordan).<br />

b.3) Application Conditions for Graduate Programmes:<br />

Those programmes enclose master programmes, doc<strong>to</strong>rate and<br />

specialism in medical science. These programmes are organised<br />

by the graduate schools in universities. Master programmes can<br />

be conducted in two ways as with and without a thesis. Master<br />

Programme with a thesis is composed of at least 7 courses, one<br />

seminar and a thesis work and the Master programme without<br />

thesis formed of at least ten courses and a term paper. These are<br />

two-year programmes. Ph.D programmes (doc<strong>to</strong>rate) consist of<br />

at least 7 courses, one proficiency test, a thesis proposal and a<br />

thesis work. Completion<br />

time is maximum 4 halfterm<br />

for Ph.D courses<br />

and 8 half-term for<br />

doc<strong>to</strong>rate program. It<br />

is obliga<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>to</strong> have<br />

master’s degree in order<br />

<strong>to</strong> apply for postgraduate<br />

programme. Specialism<br />

in medical science<br />

is equivalent <strong>to</strong> Ph.D<br />

programmes and<br />

conducted in the Faculty of<br />

Medicine of Universities<br />

and in Hospitals adherent<br />

<strong>to</strong> Ministry of Health.<br />

The candidates who<br />

will apply <strong>to</strong> graduate<br />

programmes are<br />

generally <strong>to</strong> submit the<br />


24<br />

Put more joy and fun<br />

in<strong>to</strong> your education...

diploma of undergraduate education, the content of the courses<br />

they <strong>to</strong>ok and transcript in addition <strong>to</strong> references and Letters<br />

of intent besides the results card of the Entrance Examination<br />

for Graduate Studies and Academic Staff (ALES) or of any<br />

Entrance Examination for Graduate Studies internationally well<br />

known (GRE, GMAT etc.). Universities and Programmes can<br />

have different admission requirements. Thus, people who want<br />

<strong>to</strong> attend graduate programmes are <strong>to</strong> apply directly <strong>to</strong> the<br />

institutes, graduate schools of the Universities.<br />

b.4) Documents Required for M.A/M.S Equivalance<br />

Applications<br />

The applications will not be taken in<strong>to</strong> consideration unless<br />

accompanied by all<br />

required information and<br />

documents below;<br />

•Original or certified copy<br />

or certified pho<strong>to</strong>copy<br />

of the License Diploma or<br />

Certificate of Graduation.<br />

•The original copy of the<br />

Master’s Degree or of the<br />

Certificate of Graduation, and Turkish translation and pho<strong>to</strong>copy<br />

certified by notary public or by the corresponding Turkish<br />

Consular.<br />

•Original copy of the official transcript breaking down all the<br />

course grades and weekly course hours taken during the master’s<br />

education, and Turkish translation and pho<strong>to</strong>copy certified by<br />

notary public or by the corresponding Turkish Consular.<br />

•If transferred <strong>to</strong> the institution that awarded the diploma from<br />

another higher education institution, then original copy of the<br />

official transcript of the transferred higher education institution,<br />

and Turkish translation and pho<strong>to</strong>copy certified by notary public<br />

or by the corresponding Turkish Consular.<br />


28<br />


•Original copy of the<br />

Master’s Thesis and its<br />

pho<strong>to</strong>copy.<br />

•Pho<strong>to</strong>copy of the Identity<br />

Card.<br />

•Original passport and<br />

readable pho<strong>to</strong>copies of<br />

the pages that evidence the<br />

entry-leave dates, and also<br />

those pages where official<br />

procedures recorded, or<br />

readable passport copies<br />

certified by notary public or<br />

by the corresponding Turkish Consular with pages that evidence<br />

the entry-leaving dates and official procedures recorded.<br />

•For those applicants graduated from any university in Turkish<br />

Republic of Northern Cyprus, documents evidencing entryleave<br />

records <strong>to</strong> be obtained from Immigration Direc<strong>to</strong>rate of the<br />

Command Headquarters of TRNC Security Forces and from the<br />

Security General Direc<strong>to</strong>rates of the Republic of <strong>Turkey</strong>; and LES<br />

(Selection Examination for Graduate Studies) certificate.<br />

•For foreign applicants, original copy and pho<strong>to</strong>copy of the<br />

document evidencing the reason for the need for certificate of<br />

equivalency<br />

•Republic of <strong>Turkey</strong> Identity No. (for Turkish people)<br />

•An envelope with 26 x 35 cm size.<br />

c) Fees:<br />

It is agreed in 2007 <strong>to</strong> levy tuition fee between 50€ and 400€ from<br />

the students who get education in Higher Education Institutions.

This contribution is 400€ for Faculty of Medicine, 400€ for State<br />

Conserva<strong>to</strong>ry, 264€ for Engineering Faculties, 213€ for Faculty of<br />

Law, 193€ for Faculties of Science and Communication. For more<br />

information you can refer <strong>to</strong> The Council of Higher Education,<br />

University concerned or University web sites.<br />


A student visa is required <strong>to</strong> register a school (primary, secondary<br />

school or university) as a student in <strong>Turkey</strong>. Exceptions are<br />

those who are the legal dependents of someone in <strong>Turkey</strong> on a<br />

diplomatic visa or with a work visa. Student visas must be obtained<br />

from a Turkish Consulate or Turkish Embassy, generally the one<br />

nearest <strong>to</strong> student’s residence.<br />

All foreign nationals<br />

who will be studying in<br />

<strong>Turkey</strong> are required <strong>to</strong><br />

have a student visa for the<br />

duration of their academic<br />

stay. It is valid as long as<br />

you are student. In order<br />

<strong>to</strong> get a student visa,<br />

exchange students apply <strong>to</strong><br />

the Turkish Consulate nearest <strong>to</strong> their <strong>to</strong>wn-of-residence or area<br />

of current residence. For this visa the students should have an<br />

invitation letter taken from the school student will be registered.<br />

The application with this letter will be resulted in 6 weeks time.<br />

All the international students will take residence permit from<br />

the National Police Department for Foreigners in the first one<br />

month they come <strong>to</strong> <strong>Turkey</strong>. Student’s Documents should also be<br />

submitted by the National Police Department for Foreigners.<br />

Istanbul Emniyet Müdürlüğü Yabancılar Şube Müdürlüğü Fatih,<br />

Istanbul . Telephone: (212) 636 18 51 - 636 1865 - 636 18 80<br />

Embassy Telephones are also stated at the end of the booklet.<br />




An orientation programme is prepared with the purpose<br />

of introducing newly coming students <strong>to</strong> the university, the<br />

department, the administration, social and cultural services.<br />

During the programme, group leaders accompany the students.<br />

Moreover, a host student assists in familiarizing the campus and<br />

the city and in accommodation of new international students.<br />

Department of Student Affairs also gives necessary support and<br />

help for any problems of these students.<br />


Any University in <strong>Turkey</strong> has its own library in addition <strong>to</strong> National<br />

and Public Libraries open <strong>to</strong> everyone.<br />


Most of the Universities have their own dormi<strong>to</strong>ries in addition<br />

<strong>to</strong> State and Private Student Hostels. The price for dormi<strong>to</strong>ries<br />

varies approximately between 40€ and 150€ per months. For<br />

more information and help, you can also apply <strong>to</strong> Universities.<br />


Students in <strong>Turkey</strong> have the right of private discounts in various<br />

fields such as tickets for movie, theatre, bus, train, plane, cards<br />

for communication, etc.<br />


32<br />




Ministry of Education:<br />

http://www.meb.gov.tr<br />

Council of Higher Education:<br />

http://www.yok.gov.tr<br />

The Student Selection and Placement Center:<br />

http://www.osym.gov.tr<br />

Credit and Hostels Institution (YURTKUR):<br />

http://www.kyk.gov.tr<br />

METU:<br />

http://www.studyturkey.metu.edu.tr<br />

World Wide Admissions:<br />

http://www.admissionglobal.com/study_turkey.asp<br />

MyMerhaba:<br />

http://www.mymerhaba.com/en/main/content.asp_Q_id_E_208<br />

Studying in <strong>Turkey</strong> (for Erasmus Students 2007)<br />

http://www.ua.gov.tr//uploads/erasmus/studying%20in%20<strong>Turkey</strong>.pdf<br />

Higher Education Institutions in <strong>Turkey</strong><br />

http://www.ua.gov.tr//uploads/erasmus/higher%20education%20institutions%20<br />





Changes fulfilled and considered <strong>to</strong> be fulfilled in ‘Business Law’<br />

numbered 1475 regularising the working life in our country have<br />

been embodied by the National Programme given <strong>to</strong> EU by <strong>Turkey</strong>.<br />

Today, the legal regulations fulfilled or considered <strong>to</strong> be fulfilled in<br />

working life of <strong>Turkey</strong> have been discussed and put on the agenda on<br />

the basis of European Union.<br />

I.I) Foreign Applications<br />

For work permit, Foreigners should apply TR Embassies in the<br />

<strong>countries</strong> where they are permanently resident and of which nationality<br />

they hold. The Ministry and TR Embassies conduct the operations on<br />

work permit applications made from abroad by e-mail. Following the<br />

communication of the subjected application <strong>to</strong> the Representative<br />

Office concerned, the office forwards the application <strong>to</strong> TR Ministry<br />

of Labor and Social Security. The documents foreseen by the Law<br />

are forwarded in following three days as from the application date <strong>to</strong><br />

the Ministry by the employer with whom the foreigners shall work.<br />

After the work permit is given by the Ministry, the foreigner should<br />

make a claim from the Representative concerned for the entrance<br />

visa (working visa) within 90 days.<br />


I.2) Internal Applications<br />

Only the Foreigners from inland who obtain minimum 6-month term<br />

resident permit and whose term is over or their employers can apply<br />

directly <strong>to</strong> the Ministry.<br />

The foreigners who has obtained minimum 6-month of resident<br />

permit for any reason except for the ones given on educational<br />

purpose in <strong>Turkey</strong> and work permit during this term, are not asked<br />

for work permit taken from the overseas agencies of <strong>Turkey</strong>. But,<br />

the foreigners who shall work in the fields subject <strong>to</strong> human trade<br />

are asked <strong>to</strong> obtain work permit from overseas agencies for every<br />

time without considering the residence of 6-month term.<br />

Foreigners who come <strong>to</strong> <strong>Turkey</strong> by <strong>to</strong>uristic visa or visas out of<br />

occupational ones or visa exemption programme between two<br />

<strong>countries</strong> and by using the facilities of other visas and who do not<br />

have resident permit cannot apply for work permit from inland.<br />

I.3) Extension Applications<br />

The application for extension is made directly <strong>to</strong> the Ministry by the<br />

foreigner or his employer with the documents stated in application<br />

form and in attachment of the Regulations by enclosing the original<br />

copy of previous work permit documents.<br />

In order <strong>to</strong> extend a work permit which is expired, extension<br />

application should be made within 15 days as from the deadline.<br />

I.4) Work Permit for a Definite Period<br />

Unless otherwise specified, in synallagmatic contracts <strong>to</strong> which<br />

<strong>Turkey</strong> is a party or multilateral contracts, the work permit for<br />

a definite period is given on condition that it would be valid for<br />

maximum one year for a specific work, office or profession.<br />


36<br />


1.4.1) Geographical Area of Work Permit for a Definite Period<br />

The Ministry can expand or limit the range of validity of work permit<br />

for a definite period on the basis of data such as cities, administrative<br />

boundaries or geographical regions.<br />

In case of this alternation is executed, the Ministry declares it <strong>to</strong> the<br />

authorities concerned.<br />

1.4.2) Extension of Work Permit for a Definite Period<br />

Periods including the extension foreseen in the 5th article of the<br />

Law are based in the extension of work permit for a definite period.<br />

After a legal one-year working period, period of the work permit can<br />

be extended maximum two<br />

years as long as they work<br />

in the same work place and<br />

profession.<br />

After a legal three-year<br />

working period, period of the<br />

work permit can be extended<br />

maximum three years more<br />

as long as they work in the<br />

profession and with the<br />

employer of their choice.<br />

1.4.3) Work Permit for a Definite Period - Spouse and Children<br />

The spouse and children of foreigners who come <strong>to</strong> <strong>Turkey</strong> for<br />

working may be granted a work permit according <strong>to</strong> the articles of<br />

the Law and Regulations provided that they have resided with the<br />

foreigner legally for at least 5 years uninterruptedly.<br />

1.5) Work Permit for an Indefinite Period<br />

Unless otherwise specified, in synallagmatic contracts <strong>to</strong> which<br />

<strong>Turkey</strong> is a party or multilateral contracts, this type of work permit

may be given <strong>to</strong> foreigners provided that they have uninterruptedly<br />

and legally resided for at least 8 years, or they have worked legally<br />

for at least 6 years without considering the situation of the wage<br />

market and the developments in working life and in case of the<br />

approval authority concerned and without limiting with a specific<br />

enterprise, profession, civil and geographic area.<br />

1.5.1) Calculation of Legal and Uninterrupted Resident<br />

Period of Spouse and Children of the Foreigner<br />

While evaluating whether the foreigner fulfilled the condition that<br />

he/she resided minimum 8 years legally and uninterruptedly; the<br />

education period is not considered. However, education period of<br />

his/her spouse and children, who come <strong>to</strong> the country with the<br />

foreigner and reside with him and receive tuition at the same time,<br />

are considered in residence according <strong>to</strong> the 5th article and 4th<br />

article of the Law.<br />

1.6) Work Permit for Self-Employed<br />

This type of work<br />

permit may be<br />

given <strong>to</strong> foreigners<br />

provided that they<br />

have resided in<br />

<strong>Turkey</strong> legally and<br />

uninterruptedly for<br />

at least 5 years and<br />

their work creates<br />

value added in terms<br />

of economic development and has positive effects on employment<br />

While conditioning the effects on the employment, the opinions of<br />

the authority concerned are taken.<br />

Besides the other documents, Foreigners, under the context of<br />

professional services, submit the documents stating that they<br />

fulfilled their professions <strong>to</strong> the Ministry in the context of the related<br />

legislation.<br />


38<br />

?<br />



1.6.1) Submitting of Documents of Legal and<br />

Uninterrupted Residence<br />

According <strong>to</strong> the 7th article of the Law it has <strong>to</strong> be proved that the<br />

foreigner has resided legally for at least 5 years uninterruptedly<br />

by the certificate taken from the police stations. This document is<br />

submitted <strong>to</strong> the Ministry <strong>to</strong>gether with the other documents during<br />

the application for work permit for self-employment. Evaluation<br />

of the condition of legal and uninterrupted residency for 5 years is<br />

subject <strong>to</strong> the matters stated in the 9th article of the Law.<br />

1.6.2) Calculation of Legal and Uninterrupted Resident<br />

Period of Spouse and Children of the Foreigner<br />

While evaluating whether the foreigner fulfilled the condition that<br />

he/she resided minimum 5 years legally and uninterruptedly; the<br />

education period is not considered. However, education period of<br />

his/her spouse and children, who come <strong>to</strong> the country with the<br />

foreigner and reside with him and receive tuition at the same time,<br />

are considered in residence according <strong>to</strong> the 5th article and 4th<br />

article of the Law. However, the condition of not being a student is<br />

asked <strong>to</strong> be able <strong>to</strong> work in accordance with the Regulations of the<br />

Law numbered 2922 regarding the Foreign Students Studying in<br />

<strong>Turkey</strong>.<br />

PS: Regulations of Law Execution on Work Permit of Foreigners<br />

and the Regulations corresponding the ammendments are stated in<br />

detail in bibliography at the end of the booklet.<br />



A good command of the official national language, Turkish, is<br />

essential. At work, the most frequently used foreign language is<br />

English.<br />


40<br />

“<br />

JOB SEARCH &<br />


42<br />



A new phase has been entered upon in <strong>Turkey</strong> regarding the work<br />

permit for Foreigners and various measures have been prepared<br />

with the purpose of providing the actual foreign labour that <strong>Turkey</strong><br />

needs. In this respect, any person who fulfills the legal procedures<br />

can work in the boundaries of the Republic of <strong>Turkey</strong>.<br />

3 types of wide-ranging work permit are regulated with the Law.<br />

These are; work permit for definite and indefinite periods,<br />

work permit for self-employed and exceptional work permit.<br />

The Law ragulated<br />

that the dependent<br />

foreign workers shall<br />

be given work permit<br />

for an indefinite period<br />

providing the fulfillment<br />

of the conditions or<br />

shall be given work<br />

permit for a definite<br />

period.<br />

Work permit for a definite period is given up <strong>to</strong> maximum one year<br />

according <strong>to</strong> the foreigner’s resident permit and contract of service<br />

providing that they work in a specific work place, enterprise and<br />

profession. After a legal one-year working period, period of the<br />

work permit can be extended maximum three years as long as they<br />

work in the same work place, enterprise and profession. After a<br />

legal three-year working period, period of the work permit can be<br />

extended up <strong>to</strong> 6 years as long as they work in the profession and<br />

with the employer of their choice.<br />

Work permit for an indefinite period is given <strong>to</strong> foreigners provided<br />

that they have uninterruptedly and legally resided for at least 8 years,<br />

or they have worked legally for at least 6 years without considering<br />

the situation of the wage market and the developments in working

life and in case of the<br />

approval authority<br />

concerned and without<br />

limiting with a specific<br />

enterprise, profession,<br />

civil and geographic<br />

area.<br />

Work permit for selfemployed<br />

is given <strong>to</strong><br />

foreigners, who do not<br />

work for an employer, provided that they have resided in <strong>Turkey</strong><br />

legally and uninterruptedly for at least 5 years.<br />

Exceptional work permit is given for the foreigners stated in the 8th<br />

article of the Law numbered 4817. Permits of these people, unlike<br />

self-employed and dependent workers, shall not be limited in terms<br />

of time.<br />


Placement Services, Seeker Records<br />

You can make the inquiry about the employment opportunities by<br />

your bilateral interviews and the research on the sec<strong>to</strong>rs or you can<br />

apply <strong>to</strong> the web sites or firms in your city providing international<br />

employment opportunities while looking for a job in <strong>Turkey</strong><br />

Guide<br />

You can reach the private employment offices given permission by<br />

<strong>Turkey</strong> Labour Placement Office from the link below:<br />

http://www.iskur.gov.tr<br />

Applications<br />

There are no standart rules of applying for a job in <strong>Turkey</strong> and it<br />

depends on the type of work you are looking for.<br />


Job Applications and Private Sec<strong>to</strong>r<br />

Applicants need <strong>to</strong> follow institutional rules. For the private sec<strong>to</strong>r,<br />

the regular procedure <strong>to</strong> apply a job is a typed letter of applications<br />

accompanied by a CV (Curriculum Vitae). There is no standard CV for<br />

job applications. However, it is important <strong>to</strong> include CV, information<br />

on academic or professional qualifications and experience besides<br />

personal data <strong>to</strong> job preference. The length of the CV should not<br />

exceed three pages approximately and it should be typed in a size of<br />

standard A4 paper.<br />

You can find the pattern CV model from the link below for help:<br />

http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/europass/home/vernav/<br />

Europasss+Documents/Europass+CV/navigate.action<br />


Foreigners’ Insurance Amenable <strong>to</strong> the Law nr 1479<br />

Like Turkish citizens, Foreign nationals have been given the right of<br />

being covered with compulsory insurance as a result of invalidating<br />

the 2nd subject of the 24th article of the act numbered 1479 by the<br />

13rd article of Executive Order numbered 619 and dated 04/10/2000<br />

and the same provision has been protected by the 14th article of the<br />

Law numbered 4<strong>95</strong>6 and dated 02/08/2003, thus, in the context of<br />

the 24th article of the Law numbered 1479, insurance of the foreign<br />

workers has become compulsory.<br />

According <strong>to</strong> the Social Insurance Law nr 506;<br />

Everybody, who works dependently on the corporate body or real<br />

person under the contract of service, no matter of which country<br />

he is the citizen or stateless, is considered as insured. Moreover, in<br />

order <strong>to</strong> consider an employee working under the contract of service<br />

as insured, it is not necessary for him <strong>to</strong> get work permit.<br />

Therefore, anybody who works under the contract of service no<br />

matter of which country he is the citizen or stateless or emigrant, or<br />

with or without permission is considered as insured like a Turkish<br />

citizen in Social Insurance Law.<br />


46<br />


* Foreign People who are sent <strong>to</strong> <strong>Turkey</strong> on business purposes on<br />

behalf of an enterprise by any enterprise in abroad and who are<br />

declared as insured are not considered as insured in <strong>Turkey</strong>.<br />

Work Permit of Foreign National Workers<br />

• Foreigners shall take work permit and resident permit in order <strong>to</strong><br />

work in <strong>Turkey</strong> and no forbidden work shall be issued.<br />

• The authority from where the work<br />

permit is taken differs according <strong>to</strong><br />

the field where the foreigner shall<br />

work.<br />

• Foreigns who shall work as<br />

engineers, architects and <strong>to</strong>wnplanners<br />

in private enterprizes, the<br />

certificate of temporary membership<br />

<strong>to</strong> be obtained based on article 36 of<br />

the Law on Turkish Engineers and<br />

Architects Chambers Association<br />

number 6235. shall be taken from<br />

the Ministry of Public Works and<br />

Settlement,<br />

• Foreigns who shall work as footballer in Sports Clubs shall take<br />

the permit from the General Direc<strong>to</strong>rate of Youth and Sports<br />

• Foreign Academicians who shall work in universities shall take the<br />

permit from the Council of Higher Education according <strong>to</strong> the article<br />

numbered 2547;<br />

• Foreigners who shall work in cultural and artistic facilities shall<br />

take it from the Ministry of Culture;<br />

• Foreigners who shall work in Tourism enterprizes shall take it from<br />

the Ministry of Tourism as <strong>to</strong> Tourism Promotion Law numbered 2634,

• Foreigners who shall work in the context of the Law numbered<br />

2527 correponding that the Foreigners from Turkish descendent can<br />

fulfill their profession and arts freely in <strong>Turkey</strong> and can be worked<br />

in private enterprizes shall take the permit from the Ministry of<br />

Internal Affairs,<br />

• Foreign nationals who are the citizens of the <strong>countries</strong> which<br />

do not have the Social Security Contract with <strong>Turkey</strong> shall ask for<br />

written requisitions for long term insurance branches and the<br />

short term insurance branches are<br />

applied compulsory without the<br />

need of requisition. Foreigners who<br />

are nationals of the <strong>countries</strong> under<br />

bilateral social security contract of<br />

statu<strong>to</strong>ry effect shall be undergone<br />

all the branches of insurance without<br />

looking for any written requisition.<br />

• Refugees who resident permanently<br />

shall be applied the procedures in the<br />

same way with Turkish citizens about<br />

the social insurance legislation.<br />

• Foreign nationals are enabled<br />

<strong>to</strong> be insured by BAĞ-KUR as of<br />

04.10.2000.<br />


Everyone according <strong>to</strong> his/her financial capacity is required <strong>to</strong><br />

pay taxes <strong>to</strong> meet public expenditures. Taxes and other financial<br />

obligations are regulated by law of the constitution. The State which<br />

fulfills the public services needs some income in order <strong>to</strong> effect<br />

some of its duties such as health, defense, and cus<strong>to</strong>ms. Taxes head<br />

this income.<br />


Taxes are imposed out of income, expenditure and assets and divided<br />

in<strong>to</strong> types.<br />

Taxes imposed out of income can be exemplified with Income Tax<br />

and Corporation Tax, Taxes imposed out of expenditure can be<br />

exemplified with VAT (value added tax) and Excise Tax and Taxes<br />

imposed out of assets can be exemplified with Mo<strong>to</strong>r-vehicle Tax,<br />

Inheritance Tax and Estate Duty. We can describe taxes related <strong>to</strong><br />

the individual’s income as direct and indirect taxes.<br />

Taxes imposed out of income and assets are direct and Taxes<br />

imposed out of expenditure are indirect taxes. By admission of VAT,<br />

there have been arrangements made in indirect taxation system in<br />

<strong>Turkey</strong> and this arrangement has been simplified by Excise Tax. The<br />

purpose of consistency <strong>to</strong> EU Legislations played an effective role in<br />

inclusion of Excise Tax in<strong>to</strong> the system.<br />

Links LINKS for FOR worklife WORKING in TuIrkey LIFE IN TURKEY<br />

Ministry of Labour and Social Security:<br />

http://www.calisma.gov.tr<br />

Turkish Public Employment Agency:<br />

http://www.iskur.gov.tr<br />

Ministry of Finance :<br />

http://www.maliye.gov.tr<br />

Revenue Administration Department:<br />

http://www.gib.gov.tr<br />

Social Security Institution:<br />

http://www.sgk.gov.tr<br />

State Planning Organisation:<br />

http://www.dpt.gov.tr<br />

Undersecretariat of Treasury<br />

http://www.hazine.gov.tr<br />


LIVING<br />

<strong>Turkey</strong> has a strategical significance at the point where East and<br />

West meets, while the life is being blended with different cultural<br />

wealth coming from the past, it carries the traces of the nearly ten<br />

millenniums time with its geographical and climate diversity as<br />

being a part of both Asia and Europe. In this context, <strong>Turkey</strong> has<br />

many his<strong>to</strong>rical and cultural places <strong>to</strong> see. If you are interested in<br />

art, you can go <strong>to</strong> enjoy theatres, movies, concerts, operas, ballet<br />

and modern dance shows, exhibitions of sculpture, drawings and<br />

pho<strong>to</strong>graphs and frequent festivals.<br />

<strong>Turkey</strong> is a safe country in general, also cost of living in <strong>Turkey</strong> is<br />

reasonable. Naturally enough, the main <strong>to</strong>urism resorts and big<br />

cities have prices at par with many international hotspots – but away<br />

from the madding crowds the day <strong>to</strong> day cost of living is affordable.<br />

The average monthly wage in <strong>Turkey</strong> is still so low when compared<br />

<strong>to</strong> the average in Europe. Any fruit or vegetable in season is likely <strong>to</strong><br />

be cheap across <strong>Turkey</strong> – even in Istanbul or in the main resorts –<br />

because <strong>Turkey</strong> is such a large agricultural producer and the variety<br />

and the quality of fresh produce in the many markets across the<br />

country is generally exceptional as well.<br />



<strong>Turkey</strong> has been called the “cradle of civilisations”. With her four<br />

seasons, its flora comprising of thousands of species, its fertile<br />

lands, <strong>Turkey</strong> has been home <strong>to</strong> some of the earliest civilisations of<br />

the world. These include the Hatis, Hittites, Phrygians, Urartians,<br />

Lydians, Ionians, Persians, Macedonians, Romans, Byzantines,<br />


54<br />

LIVING<br />

Seljuks and Ot<strong>to</strong>mans. Turks started<br />

<strong>to</strong> settle in Ana<strong>to</strong>lia during the<br />

period of the Great Seljuk Empire<br />

in the early 11th century. Traces of<br />

these civilisations can still be seen<br />

in many remarkable ancient sites<br />

located in all regions of the country.<br />

Indeed, <strong>Turkey</strong> can be even regarded<br />

as an open museum. Two of Seven<br />

Wonders of the World are in <strong>Turkey</strong>:<br />

The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus<br />

and Mausoleum at Halikarnassus.<br />

Many of the country’s famous<br />

his<strong>to</strong>rical sites can be found in the<br />

web pages of the Turkish Ministry of<br />

Culture and Tourism. (http://www.<br />

kultur.gov.tr)<br />

The Ot<strong>to</strong>man Empire had played a major role in European his<strong>to</strong>ry<br />

and close political, commercial ties with almost all european<br />

<strong>countries</strong> since 14th century. Republic of <strong>Turkey</strong> is founded in 1923<br />

after the decline of the Ot<strong>to</strong>man Empire following World War 1. After<br />

a series of reforms, leaded by Atatürk, initiated with the foundation<br />

of Republic, the roots for Modern <strong>Turkey</strong> were established.<br />

<strong>Turkey</strong>, is a country that has significant commercial affairs and<br />

liberal economy with western <strong>countries</strong>. <strong>Turkey</strong> is a member of<br />

many international organizations such as NATO, World Trade<br />

Organisation, Organisation of Islamic Conference, Black Sea<br />

Economic Cooperation Organisation, and the Economic Cooperation<br />

Organisation. It is also a candidate for full EU membership.<br />


Although <strong>Turkey</strong> is situated in a geographical location where climatic<br />

conditions are quite temperate, the diverse nature of the landscape,<br />

and the existence in particular of the mountains that run parallel<br />

<strong>to</strong> the coasts, result in significant differences in climatic conditions<br />

from one region <strong>to</strong> the other. While the coastal regions enjoy milder

climates, the inland Ana<strong>to</strong>lia plateau experiences hot summers and<br />

cold winters with limited rainfall since the North Ana<strong>to</strong>lian Mountains<br />

and Toros Mountain Range obstacle the temperate climate effects <strong>to</strong><br />

pass through the inland.<br />

Mediterranian Climate: This type of climate which is effective in<br />

Mediterranian and Aegean Coasts moves along the southern Coast<br />

of Marmara Sea and the features of this type are seen in areas up <strong>to</strong><br />

800 m height from the coast. Warm, humid summers are followed<br />

by cool, rainy winters with lots of grey sky but not much snow.<br />

Black Sea Climate: The Northern slopes of the Black Sea ranges<br />

and the narrow strip of land are misted over with rain year-round<br />

and are known for the resulting luxuriant green vegetation. Heat of<br />

summer is not as effective as in Mediterranian Climate. The rate of<br />

precipitation is high.<br />

Terrestrial Climate: This type of climate is seen in the sections<br />

where can not benefit from the sea effect due <strong>to</strong> the obstructions<br />

the ground conditions and where is inland. Central, Eastern and<br />

Southeast Ana<strong>to</strong>lia are effected by the terrestrial climate as well<br />

as the inner parts of Thrace.The<br />

summers of the Central Ana<strong>to</strong>lian<br />

plateau are hot and dry and the<br />

winters cold but fairly dry. Further<br />

east, the altitude increases and<br />

harsh winters with heavy snow<br />

between Oc<strong>to</strong>ber and May are<br />

followed by blazing hot summers.<br />

In the Southeast a Middle Eastern<br />

influence exerts itself with cool dry<br />

winters and <strong>to</strong>rrid summers.<br />

Çukurova, which is an agricultural<br />

area since 8.000 years, Aegean<br />

Region, Bafra and Çarşamba plains<br />

are known among the richest lands.<br />


56<br />

Living “Four Seasons” in<br />

TURKEY<br />

Karagöl - Artvin<br />

Salıpazarı - Samsun

Yedigöller - Bolu<br />

Ölüdeniz- Fethiye<br />


90% of the fruit and vegetable varieties of the world are grown in<br />

<strong>Turkey</strong>.<br />


Turkish Cousine is one of the<br />

richest cousines of the world.<br />

Turkish Cousine, because of<br />

its geography and his<strong>to</strong>ry,<br />

exercises diversities and<br />

influence each other with<br />

Mesopotamia, Mediterrenian<br />

and Balkans Cousine. Istanbul<br />

Ot<strong>to</strong>man Cousine composes<br />

the most significant part of<br />

Turkish Cousine. The cousine<br />

has various soups, vegetable<br />

cooked with olive oil, hash, fish, flans (borek), Manti and desserts.<br />

Each region has pastries, stews and dishes prepared with olive<br />

oil, along with the famous kebabs peculiar <strong>to</strong> that region. Palace<br />

kitchen is an elite cousine from Empire <strong>to</strong> Ot<strong>to</strong>mans, composed of<br />

centuries’ experience and taste although the kitchen of public and in<br />

villages is basic and simple. Besides cultural and world-wide foods,<br />

international franchise brands are also available in <strong>Turkey</strong>.<br />



There are various alternatives of<br />

accommodation under appropriate<br />

conditions in <strong>Turkey</strong>. Dormi<strong>to</strong>ries<br />

and Student Hostels are available for<br />

students. There are flat type houses in<br />

<strong>Turkey</strong> according <strong>to</strong> the living standards<br />

for both rent and sale. Hire charges<br />

differ according <strong>to</strong> size, district, city<br />

or other features. The average hire charges varies between 200€<br />

and 500€. For people who want <strong>to</strong> dwell in detached houses, this<br />

amount varies between 500€ and 2000€.<br />


60<br />

The Black Tea<br />

comes from The Black Sea<br />

A way of life in Turkish Culture

<strong>Turkey</strong> <strong>exports</strong><br />

<strong>hazelnut</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>95</strong><br />

<strong>countries</strong>...<br />

<strong>Turkey</strong> has over 70% of world production<br />

of <strong>hazelnut</strong>. The majority of <strong>exports</strong> are<br />

shipped <strong>to</strong> European Union <strong>countries</strong>.<br />

Almost 82 percent of <strong>to</strong>tal <strong>exports</strong> are<br />

directed <strong>to</strong> EU. Italy is the leading importer<br />

of processed and unprocessed Turkish<br />

<strong>hazelnut</strong>s with a share of approximately<br />

28,2 percent of the <strong>to</strong>tal , followed by<br />

Germany, France, Belgium, Switzerland,<br />

Netherlands, United Kingdom, Austria,<br />

Russia and Poland.<br />

http://www.ieu<strong>hazelnut</strong>.org<br />


62<br />

LIVING<br />



In local transportation; buses, minibuses<br />

(dolmush), undergrounds, taxi and fairies are<br />

used. Underground trains are commonly used<br />

in Istanbul and Ankara.<br />

HEALTH<br />

There are 10,984 km of railways,<br />

450.000 km of highway besides<br />

120 airports and 850 helipads in<br />

<strong>Turkey</strong>. There are airports almost<br />

in all big and medium scale cities.<br />

Railways and highways are<br />

mostly used in <strong>Turkey</strong>. Also<br />

sea transportation is the other<br />

alternative in big seaside cities.<br />

Health Policy is described as “right of benefit from health services<br />

at utmost level for everybody without regarding the privilege of race,<br />

religion, political belief and economic power” in Universal Notice<br />

of Human Rights and WHO Constitution. Health is described as<br />

“state of well being in terms of not only inadequency of an illness or<br />

disability but also bodily, spiritually and socially.<br />

Healt services which is one of the indica<strong>to</strong>rs of social and economic<br />

development in <strong>Turkey</strong> as well as the world, have an exponential<br />

significance. Health sec<strong>to</strong>r has more than one administration and<br />

structuring. In this context, State and Private Hospitals equipped<br />

by advanced supports, health departments and staff of schools<br />

and institutions, polyclinics, village clinics, private surgeries and<br />

pharmacies for medicine supply serve in every part of our country.<br />




<strong>Turkey</strong>, with its shopping sec<strong>to</strong>r flourishing rapidly,<br />

serves <strong>to</strong> consumers with a wide product range of all<br />

inland and global brands from A <strong>to</strong> Z regarding food<br />

industry, cosmetics, household and office furnitures<br />

etc. Moreover, it serves its cultural products <strong>to</strong><br />

consumers in local markets with the conception<br />

of ethnical “bazaar” and street peddlers. On the<br />

other hand, the increase in shining shopping malls<br />

all around <strong>Turkey</strong> in parallel with the population<br />

evidence that the consumer can find relatively cheap<br />

but quality products in <strong>Turkey</strong>.<br />


Almost all branches<br />

of sports and arts<br />

are played in <strong>Turkey</strong>.<br />

The country has<br />

characteristics of four<br />

climates which allow<br />

people <strong>to</strong> enjoy various<br />

sports. People may<br />

take part in sports<br />

activities on their own<br />

or can join any one<br />

of the student group<br />

events. The favorite<br />

sport is football and it is enjoyed throughout the country. One of the<br />

most famous derbies in the world is that between two Turkish clubs:<br />

Galatasaray and Fenerbahce. Basketball is also quite popular and a<br />

number of Turkish international basketball players play regularly in<br />

NBA League. Also we don’t have <strong>to</strong> forget F1 Racing.<br />

People may enroll in arts courses that are offered as part of the<br />

academic programs of some universities and may get the opportunity<br />


64<br />

F1 RACING<br />

Istanbul Park becomes<br />

the important race<br />

circuit in Grand Prix.

About Istanbul Park<br />

The 3.34-mile circuit was designed<br />

by Formula 1’s favoured architect,<br />

Hermann Tilke, the man behind<br />

new tracks in Malaysia, Bahrain and<br />

China.<br />

Its layout won lavish praise for<br />

manging <strong>to</strong> combine a modern facility<br />

with a series of challenging corners.<br />


66<br />


MUSIC<br />

<strong>to</strong> learn about traditional arts<br />

and cultural events through<br />

them such as Turkish music,<br />

architecture, and decorative arts<br />

like marbling, etc.<br />

Cultural origin of <strong>Turkey</strong> is formed of aggregation of rich and various<br />

cultures coming from the depth of his<strong>to</strong>ry. <strong>Turkey</strong> is in the center of<br />

different cultures of the East, West, Middle East, Mediterranean and<br />

Islam following its geographical location.<br />

This wealth in general cultural structure naturally reflects in<strong>to</strong> our<br />

musical culture. Music types in <strong>Turkey</strong> are composed of Turkish<br />

popular music, Turkish folk music, Classical Turkish music, mystic<br />

music and new trends (Alternative rock, Ana<strong>to</strong>lian Rock, Black Sea<br />

Rock, punk-rock, Metal, Turkish dance music, Turkish jazz, Turkish<br />

rap music, protest music and genuine music).<br />

Sertab Erener has brought the firstever<br />

Eurovision Song Contest Award<br />

<strong>to</strong> <strong>Turkey</strong> in 2003 with the song<br />

“Everyway That I Can”. Festivals and<br />

concerts organised every year do the<br />

honours for many foreign musicians.<br />

Some of the most popular musicians<br />

in <strong>Turkey</strong> are; Sezen Aksu, Sertab<br />

Erener, Tarkan, Şebnem Ferah,<br />

Kıraç, İbrahim Tatlıses, Mor ve Ötesi<br />

and Duman, etc.<br />

Şebnem Ferah<br />

Turkish Rock Singer<br />


Maiden’s Tower (Kız Kulesi) / Istanbul<br />


70<br />

LIVING<br />


Cost of Living in <strong>Turkey</strong>:<br />

http://www.shelteroffshore.com/index.php/living/more/the_cost_<br />

of_living_in_turkey/<br />

Ministry of Health:<br />

http://www.saglik.gov.tr/<br />

General Direc<strong>to</strong>rate of Highways:<br />

http://www.kgm.gov.tr/<br />

Turkish Airlines:<br />

http://www.thy.com/tr-TR/<br />

State Railways:<br />

http://www.tcdd.gov.tr/<br />

General Direc<strong>to</strong>rate of Youth and Sport:<br />

http://www.gsgm.gov.tr/<br />

Ministry of Tourism and Culture:<br />




Embassy<br />

Atatürk Bulvarı Nr: 189, Kavaklıdere / Ankara / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (312) 419 0431 Fax: +90(312) 418 9454<br />

Consulate General<br />

Köybaşı Cad. Nr:46, Yeniköy / İstanbul / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (212) 262 9315 +90 (212) 262 4984<br />

Fax: +90 (212) 262 2622<br />


Embassy<br />

MNG Binası Uğur Mumcu Cad. Nr:88 Kat 7 06700 G.O.P - Ankara /<br />

TURKEY Telephone: +90 (312) 459 <strong>95</strong>00 Fax: +90 (312) 446 4827<br />

Consulate General<br />

Asker Ocağı Cad. Nr: 15 Elmadağ Şişli 34367 İstanbul / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (212) 243 1333 Fax: +90 (212) 243 1332<br />

http://www.turkey.embassy.gov.au<br />


Foreign Embassies & Representative Offices<br />

Some Useful Phrases & Words<br />

Laws About Foreign People<br />

Links<br />

Some Foreign Embassies and<br />

Representative Offices in <strong>Turkey</strong><br />

Embassy<br />

Mahatma Gandi Caddesi, 55 G.O.P - Ankara / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (312) 446 8247 Fax: +90 (312) 446 8251<br />

http://www.diplomatie.be/Ankara<br />

Consulate<br />

Sıraselviler Caddesi, 73 80060 Taksim / İstanbul / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (212) 243 3300 Fax: +90 (212) 243 5074<br />

http://www.diplomatie.be/istanbul<br />


72<br />



Embassy<br />

Atatürk Bulvarı Nr:124 Kavaklıdere - Ankara / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (312) 427 5142 Fax: +90 (312) 467 2574<br />

Consulate General<br />

Ahmet Adnan Saygun Cad.44 Ulus-Levent / İstanbul / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (212) 281 0115 Fax: +90 (212) 264 1011<br />

http://www.bulgarianconsulate-ist.org/tr<br />

CANADA<br />

Embassy<br />

Cinnah Caddesi Nr:58 06690, Çankaya / Ankara / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (312) 409 2700<br />

Fax: +90 (312) 409 2811<br />

Consulate<br />

İstiklal Caddesi, 189/5 Beyoğlu , 34433 İstanbul / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (212) 251 9838<br />

Fax: +90 (212) 251 9888<br />

CHINA<br />

Embassy<br />

Gölgeli Sok.Nr:34 G.O.P / Ankara / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (312) 446 2497 Fax: +90 (312) 436 0334<br />

Consulate<br />

Memduhpaşa Yalısı Kireçburnu Mah. Nr:6 - 8 Sarıyer -<br />

İstanbul / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (212) 299 2188 Fax: +90 (212) 299 2633<br />

http://www.chinaembassy.org.tr<br />


Embassy<br />

Kaptanpaşa Sok. Nr:15, Gaziosmanpaşa/ Ankara / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: 0312-405 6139 Fax: +90 (312) 446 3084<br />


Consulate General<br />

Abdi Ipekci Cad. 71, Maçka, 80212 İstanbul / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (212) 232 9046 +90 (212) 230 <strong>95</strong>97<br />

Fax: +90 (212) 231 9493 www.mzv.cz/istanbul<br />


Embassy<br />

Mahatma Gandhi Caddesi 74 06700<br />

Gaziosmanpaşa / Ankara / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (312) 446 6141<br />

Fax: +90 (312) 447 2498<br />

http://www.ambAnkara.um.dk/tr/<br />

Consulate General<br />

Meygede Sokak Nr::2 80810 Bebek / İstanbul / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (212) 359 1900<br />

Fax: +90 (212) 359 1901<br />


Embassy<br />

Gölgeli Sok. Nr:16 Gaziosmanpaşa 06700 Ankara / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (312) 405 6970 Fax: +90(312) 405 6976<br />

Honorary Consulate<br />

Alternatif Bank A.S. Merkez Şubesi Cumhuriyet Cad. Nr:22/24<br />

Elmadağ Taksim - İstanbul / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (212) 232 4400 - +90 (212) 315 7071-72<br />

http://www.estemb.org.tr<br />


Embassy<br />

Kader Sokak. Nr:44 Gaziosmanpasa / Ankara / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (0312) 426 1930 Fax: 0312 426 7422<br />

Honorary Consulate<br />

Cumhuriyet Caddesi Nr:111, Kat. 8 34437 Elmadağ / İstanbul /<br />

TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (212) 296 <strong>95</strong>49 Fax: +90 (212) 296 1291<br />

http://www.finland.org.tr<br />


74<br />


FRANCE<br />

Embassy<br />

Paris Caddesi 70, Kavaklıdere / Ankara / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (312) 455 4545 Fax: +90 (312) 455 4547<br />

Consulate<br />

İstiklal Caddesi Nr:4 34435 Beyoğlu / Taksim / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (212) 334 8730 Fax: +90 (212) 334 8731<br />

http://www.consulfrance-istanbul.org/<br />


Embassy<br />

Atatürk Bulvarı Nr:114 06540 Kavaklıdere / Ankara / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (312) 455 5100 Fax: +90 (312) 426 6<strong>95</strong>9<br />

Consulate General<br />

İnönü cad. 16 - 18, 34437 Gümüşsuyu / İstanbul / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (212) 334 6100 Fax: +90 (212) 249 9920<br />

http://www.istanbul.diplo.de For the information about visa application,<br />

appointment and necessary documents:<br />

Telephone: +90 (212) 340 4900<br />

GREECE<br />

Embassy<br />

Zia Ur Rahman Caddesi 9-11 06700 G.O.P., Ankara / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (312) 448 0873 - +90 (312) 448 2249<br />

Fax: +90 (312) 446 3191<br />

Consulate<br />

Turnacıbaşı Sokak 32, Beyoğlu 80072 İstanbul, P 114<br />

Telephone: +90 (212) 245 0596 - +90 (212) 293 1078<br />

Fax: +90 (212) 252 1365<br />

http://www.greekembassy.org.tr<br />


Embassy<br />

Hollanda Caddesi 3, Yıldız, 06550, Ankara / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (312) 409 1800 Visa<br />

Telephone: +90 (312) 409 1820 Fax: +90 (312) 409 1898

Consulate General<br />

İstiklal Caddesi 393, 34433 Beyoğlu / İstanbul / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (212) 393 2121<br />

Fax:+90 (212) 292 5031 +90 (212) 251 9289 (Visa)<br />

http://www.nl.org.tr<br />


Embassy<br />

Sancak Mahallesi, Layos Kosut Caddesi Nr:2. 6 / Kahire Caddesi<br />

Nr:30 06 650 Yıldız, Çankaya / Ankara / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (312) 442 2273 Fax: +90 (312) 441 5049<br />

www.mfa.gov.hu/emb/Ankara<br />

Consulate<br />

METROCITY Millenium A blok Kat:6 Büyükdere Cad.Nr:171<br />

1.Levent - İstanbul / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (212) 344 1265 - +90 (212) 344 1266 - +90 (212) 344<br />

1267<br />

Fax: +90 (212) 344 1269 - +90 (212) 344 1270<br />

www.mfa.gov.hu/cons/istanbul<br />


Embassy<br />

Cinnah Caddesi 110/1 Çankaya - Ankara / TURKEY<br />

Telephone:+90 (0312) 438 8500 Fax: +90 (312) 438 8500<br />

www.iceland.org<br />

Consulate<br />

Okul Caddesi 13 / İstanbul / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (212) 513 8230<br />

Fax: +90 (212) 511 5219<br />

INDIA<br />

Embassy-Consulate<br />

Cinnah Caddesi 77/A Çankaya, 06680 Ankara / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (312)438 21<strong>95</strong> Fax:+90 (312) 440 3429<br />

http://www.indembassy.org.tr/<br />


Fethiye / Muğla<br />


78<br />


IRAN<br />

Embassy<br />

Tahran Cad. Nr:10 Kavaklıdere / Ankara / TURKEY<br />

Telephone:+90 (0312) 468 2820 Fax: +90 (312) 468 2823<br />

Consulate<br />

Ankara Cad. Nr:1 Cağaloğlu / İstanbul / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (212) 513 8230<br />

Fax: +90 (212) 511 5219<br />


Embassy<br />

MNG Binası Uğur Mumcu Cad. No: 88 Kat: 3 B Blok<br />

Gaziosmanpaşa - Ankara / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (312) 446 6172<br />

Consulate General<br />

Ali Rıza Gürcan Cad. Merter <strong>İş</strong> Merkezi No : 2/13<br />

Merter İstanbul / TURKEY<br />

Telephone:+90 (0212) 482 1862 Fax: +90 (212) 482 0943<br />

ITALY<br />

Embassy<br />

Atatürk Bulvarı, 118 06680 Kavaklıdere - Ankara / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: 0312.457.42.00 Visa: +90 (312) 427 4416<br />

Fax:+90 (312) 457 4280<br />

Consulate General<br />

Tom Tom Kaptan Sokak Nr:15 Boğazkesen, Beyoğlu,<br />

İstanbul / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (212) 243 1024 - +90 (212) 243 1025<br />

+90 (212) 244 3259 Fax: +90 (212) 252 5879<br />

http://www.ambAnkara.esteri.it<br />

JAPAN<br />

Embassy<br />

Reşit Galip Caddesi, Nr: 81, G.O.P 06692 Ankara / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (312) 446 0500<br />

Fax: +90 (312) 437 1812 http://www.tr.emb-japan.go.jp

Consulate<br />

Tekfen Tower 10.kat, Büyükdere Caddesi Nr:209,<br />

4.Levent 34394 İstanbul / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (212) 317 4600 Fax: +90 (212) 317 4604<br />

http://www.istanbul.tr.emb-japan.go.jp/<br />

LATVIA<br />

Embassy<br />

Reşit Galip Caddesi, No. <strong>95</strong>, G.O.P. - Ankara / TURKEY<br />

Telephone:+90 (312) 405 6136 Fax: +90 (312) 405 6137<br />

mbassy.turkey@mfa.gov.lv<br />


Embassy<br />

Mahatma Gandi Cad. No:17/8-9, 06700 G.O.P. - Ankara / TURKEY<br />

Telephone:+90 (312) 447 07 66 Fax: +90 (312) 447 0663<br />

Irambasd@ada.net.tr<br />


Embassy<br />

Kaptanpaşa Sk. Nr: 49 06700 Gaziosmanpaşa /<br />

Ankara / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (312) 446 5527<br />

Fax: +90 (312) 446 5816<br />

http://www.moldova-embassy.com/<br />


Embassy<br />

İran Caddesi Nr: 13 K:4 Kavaklıdere / Ankara / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (312) 467 9054<br />

Fax: +90 (312) 467 9013<br />

Consulate<br />

İnönü Caddesi Nr: 92/3 Taksim / İstanbul / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (0212) 244 0272 Fax: +90 (212) 251 4004<br />

www.nzembassy.com/turkey<br />


80<br />


NORWAY<br />

Embassy<br />

Kırkpınar Sokak Nr:18 06540 Çankaya - Ankara / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (312) 405 8010<br />

Fax:+90 (312) 443 0544<br />

Visa Telephone: +90 (312) 405 8940 Visa Fax:+90 (312) 443 0543<br />

Consulate<br />

Bilezik Sok. 2 34427 Fındıklı / İstanbul / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (212) 249 9753 - +90 (212) 252 0600<br />

Fax: +90 (212) 249 44 34 http://www.norway.org.tr<br />

POLAND<br />

Embassy<br />

Atatürk Bulvarı 241,<br />

Posta Kutusu 20 Kavaklıdere / Ankara / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (312) 467 5619 - +90 (312) 467 3365<br />

Fax: +90 (312) 467 8963 http://www.polonya.org.tr<br />

Consulate<br />

Giz 2000 Plaza, Ayazağa Köyü Yolu Nr: 7, K:5 Maslak<br />

İstanbul / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (212) 290 6630 - +90 (212) 290 6631<br />

Fax: +90 (212) 290 6632 www.stambulkg.polemb.net<br />


Embassy<br />

Kuleli Sokak Nr: 26 Gaziosmanpaşa / Ankara / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (312) 405 6028 - 29 Fax: +90 (312) 437 3844<br />

Consulate<br />

Meclis-i Mebusan Cad. Nr:157 K:5 Fındıklı / İstanbul / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (212) 251 9118 Fax: +90 (212) 251 7348<br />


Embassy<br />

Bükreş Sokak 4, Çankaya, 06680 Ankara / TURKEY<br />

Telephone:+90(312) 466 3706 - +90 (312) 427 1243<br />

Fax: +90 (312) 427 1530

Consulate<br />

Sıraselviler Caddesi Nr: 5 Taksim Beyoğlu / İstanbul / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (212) 292 4125 - +90 (212) 292 4126 -<br />

+90 (212) 292 4127 Fax:+90 (212) 293 8261<br />

http://www.roembtr.org<br />

RUSSIA<br />

Embassy<br />

Karyağdı Sokak Nr: 5, 06692, Çankaya (P.K. 35 Kavaklıdere), Ankara<br />

/ TURKEY Telephone: +90 (0312) 439 2122 - +90 (312) 440 8217<br />

Fax: +90 (312) 438 3<strong>95</strong>2 - +90 (312) 442 9020<br />

Consulate<br />

İstiklal Caddesi Nr: 443 Beyoğlu - İstanbul / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (212) 292 5101 - +90 (212) 292 5102<br />

Fax: +90 (212) 249 0507<br />

http://www.turkey.mid.ru<br />

SERBIA<br />

Embassy<br />

Paris Cad. Nr: 47 Kavaklıdere / Ankara / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (312) 426 0236 - +90 (312) 426 2432<br />

Fax:+90 (312) 427 8345<br />

Consulate General<br />

23 Temmuz Sokak Nr: 8 Esentepe Şişli İstanbul / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (212)213 7686<br />

Fax: +90 (212) 213 5403<br />


Embassy<br />

Atatürk Bulvarı 245, Kavaklıdere, 066 92 Ankara / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (312) 467 5075 (76) Fax: +90 (312) 468 2689<br />

Consulate<br />

Krizantem Sokak Nr: 1 34330 Levent İstanbul / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: 0212.317.94.30 - 0212.317.94.31<br />

Fax: +90 (212) 317 94 29<br />

http://www.mfa.sk/zu/index<br />


82<br />



Embassy<br />

Küpe Sok. No: 1/3 G.O.Pasa Ankara / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (312) 405 6007<br />

Fax: +90 (312) 446 6887<br />

SPAIN<br />

Embassy<br />

Abdullah Cevdet Sok. Nr:8 06552 Çankaya / Ankara / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (312) 438 0392 - +90 (312) 440 2169<br />

Fax: +90 (312) 442 6991<br />

Consulate General<br />

Karanfil Aralığı Sokağı, Nr::16 1. Levent 80620<br />

İstanbul / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (212) 270 7410<br />

Fax: +90 (212) 270 7484<br />

SWEDEN<br />

Embassy<br />

Katip Çelebi Sokak 7 Kavaklıdere / Ankara / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (312) 455 4100<br />

Visa Telephone: +90 (312) 455 4140 Fax: +90 (312) 455 4120<br />

Consulate<br />

İstiklal Caddesi 497 Beyoğlu 80072 İstanbul / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (212) 334 0600<br />

Visa Telephone: +90 (212) 334 0606<br />

Fax: +90 (0212) .252.41.14<br />

http://www.swedenabroad.com<br />


Embassy<br />

Atatürk Bulvarı Nr:247 Kavaklıdere / Ankara / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (312) 467 5555 Visa: +90 (312) 426 7406<br />

Fax: +90 (312) 467 1199

Consulate General<br />

Büyükdere Caddesi Nr:173, 1. Levent Plaza A Blok K:3<br />

Levent - İstanbul / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (212) 283 1282<br />

Fax: +90 (212) 283 1297<br />

UK<br />

Embassy<br />

Şehit Ersan Caddesi 46/A Çankaya 06680 Ankara / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90(312) 455 3344<br />

Fax: +90 (312) 455 3356<br />

Consulate General<br />

Meşrutiyet Caddesi Nr:34 Tepebaşı Beyoğlu 34435<br />

İstanbul / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (212) 334 6400 Fax: +90 (212) 334 6401<br />

www.britishembassy.org.tr<br />


Embassy<br />

Atatürk Bulvarı Nr:110, Kavaklıdere / Ankara / TURKEY<br />

Telephone: +90 (312) 455-5555<br />

Fax: +90 (312) 467-0019<br />

http://turkey.usembassy.gov<br />

Consulate in Ankara<br />

Telephone: +90 (312) 455-5555 Press 2 for Consular Services<br />

Fax: +90 (312) 466-1586<br />

Consulate in İstanbul<br />

İstinye Mahallesi, Kaplıcalar Mevkii Nr:.2 İstinye 34460<br />

Telephone: +90 (212) 335 9000<br />

http://istanbul.usconsulate.gov<br />

For further information:<br />

http://www.mfa.gov.tr/MFA/ConsularInformation/<br />


84<br />


Consultancies and embassy attachés in<br />

some European Countries:<br />

Germany<br />

Berlin - consultancy and embassy attaché<br />

Rungestr. 9 10179 Berlin<br />

Tel. 0049/30/278 96 85-0 Fax. 0049/30/278 96 85-8<br />

E-mail: berlinmus@csgb.gov.tr<br />

Berlin - consultancy and embassy attaché<br />

Johann Georg str. 11, 10709 Berlin<br />

Tel. 0049-30-34153 <strong>95</strong> – 0049-30-69713773<br />

0049-30-892 50 33/34 Santral<br />

Fax. 0049-30-342 42 04<br />

E-mail: berlinata@csgb.gov.tr<br />

Frankfurt - consultancy and embassy attaché<br />

Zeppelinallee 17, 60 325 Frankfurt/Main<br />

Tel. 0049 / 69/ 77 88 41<br />

0049 / 69/ 7<strong>95</strong>00328 Santral<br />

Fax. 0049/ 69 / 77 80 41<br />

E-mail: frankfurt@csgb.gov.tr<br />

Mainz - consultancy and embassy attaché<br />

An der Karlsschanze 7, 551 31 Mainz<br />

Tel. 0049/6131/ 83 39 93<br />

Fax. 0049/6131/81202<br />

E-mail: mainz@csgb.gov.tr<br />

Hannover - consultancy and embassy attaché<br />

Andreae Str. 2-A, 30159 Hannover<br />

Tel. 0049/511/363 25 09<br />

Fax. 0049/511/3008104<br />

E-mail: hannoverataseligi@csgb.gov.tr<br />

Hamburg - consultancy and embassy attaché<br />

Mittelweg 13/3, 20148 Hamburg<br />

Tel. 0049/40/44809366<br />

Fax. 0049/40/44809355 E-mail: hamburg@csgb.gov.tr

Düsseldorf - consultancy and embassy attaché<br />

Graf-Adolf Str. 80, 40210 Düsseldorf<br />

Tel. 0049/211 35 94 69 ; 17<strong>95</strong>902<br />

Fax.0049/211 179 57 75<br />

E-mail: dusseldorf@csgb.gov.tr<br />

Karlsruhe - consultancy and embassy attaché<br />

Rintheimer Str. 8276131, 7613 Karlsruhe<br />

Tel.0049/721/85 77 87<br />

Fax. 0049/721/84719<br />

E-mail: karlsruhe@csgb.gov.tr<br />

Essen - consultancy and embassy attaché<br />

Alfredstr. 307, 45133 Essen<br />

Tel.0049/201/793340<br />

Fax.0049/201/784779<br />

E-mail: essen@csgb.gov.tr<br />

Nürnberg - consultancy and embassy attaché<br />

Regensburgerstr 69, 90429 Nürnberg<br />

Tel. (0049-911) 26 01 66 - (0049-911) 409 <strong>95</strong> 36<br />

Fax. (0049-911) 409 92 93<br />

E-mail: nurnberg@csgb.gov.tr<br />

Münster - consultancy and embassy attaché<br />

Lotharinger Str.25-27, 48147 Münster<br />

Tel. 0049/251/414 70 52 Santral<br />

E-mail:munster@csgb.gov.tr<br />

Stuttgart - consultancy and embassy attaché<br />

Kerner-Str. 19/B, 70182 Stuttgart<br />

Tel.049/711/286 52 70<br />

Fax.0049/711/286 52 76<br />

E-mail: stuttgart@csgb.gov.tr<br />


86<br />


Münih - consultancy and embassy attaché<br />

Goethe Str. 5/3 , 80336 München<br />

Tel. 0049/89/55028848 - 0049/89/1780310-Santral<br />

Fax. 0049/89/55028849<br />

E-mail: munih@csgb.gov.tr<br />

Consultancy and embassy attaché<br />

Köln<br />

Luxemburger Str.285,50354.Hürth Köln.<br />

Tel. 0049/2233/76732<br />

Fax.0049/2233/76732<br />

E-mail:koln@csgb.gov.tr<br />

The Netherlands<br />

The Hague - consultancy and embassy attaché<br />

Jan Evertstr 15, 2514 BC Den-Haag<br />

Tel. 0031/70-362 02 82<br />

Fax.0031/70-362 01 17<br />

E-mail: lahey@csgb.gov.tr<br />

Rotterdam - consultancy and embassy attaché<br />

Westblaak 2, 3012 KK Rotterdam<br />

Tel. 0031/10/4144052 - 0031/10/4132270 (*) Santral<br />

Fax. 0031/10/4144052 - 4114417<br />

E-mail: rotterdam@csgb.gov.tr<br />

Deventer- consultancy and embassy attaché<br />

Keizerstraat 8, 7411 H.G. Deventer<br />

Tel. 0031/570-611 394-619481<br />

Fax.0031/570-611394 - 61<strong>95</strong>54<br />

E-mail: deventer@csgb.gov.tr<br />

France<br />

Paris - consultancy and embassy attaché<br />

184, Bd. Malesherbes 75017 Paris<br />

Tel.0033/1/47 64 93 13<br />

Fax. 0033/1/47 64 93 13 E-mail: paris@csgb.gov.tr

Strazburg - consultancy and embassy attaché<br />

10, Rue Auguste Lamey, 67000 Strasbourg<br />

Tel. 0033-3-88 /371427 - 0033-3-88/ 36 6910 /25 Santral<br />

Fax.0033-3-88/379739<br />

E-mail:strazburg@csgb.gov.tr<br />

Lyon - consultancy and embassy attaché<br />

87, Rue de Sèze 69006 Lyon<br />

Tel.0033/472/74 26 73-0033/472/ 83 98 40 Santral<br />

Fax. 0033/478/24 86 75<br />

E-mail: lyon@csgb.gov.tr<br />

Austria<br />

Vienna - consultancy and embassy attaché<br />

Prinz-Eugenstr.40, A-1040 Wien<br />

Tel.0043/1/505 78 06-0043/1/505 25 10/71 Santral<br />

Fax. 0043/1/505 57 83<br />

E-mail: iyana@csgb.gov.tr<br />

Bregenz - consultancy and embassy attaché<br />

Arlbergstr. 117, A-6900 Bregenz<br />

Tel. 0043/5574/47269<br />

Fax.0043/5574/42441<br />

E-mail: bregenz@csgb.gov.tr<br />

Salzburg - consultancy and embassy attaché<br />

Strubergasse 9, A-5020 Salzburg<br />

Tel. 0043/0662/442115 -0043/0662/442120 Santral<br />

Fax.0043/0662/4421334<br />

E-mail: salzburg@csgb.gov.tr<br />

Belgium<br />

Brussels - consultancy and embassy attaché<br />

4.Rue Mon<strong>to</strong>yer 1000 Brüxelles<br />

Tel.0032/2/ 513 31 28<br />

Fax.0032/2/ 514 07 48 / E-mail: bruksel@csgb.gov.tr<br />


88<br />


Turkish Representative Office for EU<br />

consultancy and embassy attaché<br />

4.Rue Montayer, 1000 Brükselles<br />

Tel. 0032 (0) 250 24 836<br />

Fax. 0032 (0) 251 10450<br />

E-mail: abmus@csgb.gov.tr<br />

Switzerland<br />

Bern - consultancy and embassy attaché<br />

Lombachweg 33, CH-3006 Bern<br />

Tel.031/351 06 29<br />

Fax.031/352 88 19<br />

E-mail: bern@csgb.gov.tr<br />

Zurich - consultancy and embassy attaché<br />

Weinbergstr. 65, CH- 8006 Zürich<br />

Tel. 0041(0)44 363 93 13<br />

Fax.0041(0)44 363 02 47<br />

E-mail: zurih@csgb.gov.tr<br />

Turkish Representative Office for UN in Geneva<br />

consultancy and embassy attaché<br />

28 B. Chemin du Petit Saconnex,1211 Geneve 19<br />

Tel. 0041/22/918 50 89 - 0041/22/733 49 87<br />

Fax. 0041/22/734 08 59<br />

E-mail: ilo@csgb.gov.tr<br />

Australia<br />

Melburn - consultancy and embassy attaché<br />

P.O.Box 323, South Melbourne, Vic.3205<br />

Tel0061/3/968 67 446 - 0061/3/969 60 46 Santral<br />

Fax. 0061/3/969 661 04<br />

E-mail: melburn@csgb.gov.tr

Sweden<br />

S<strong>to</strong>ckholm - consultancy and embassy attaché<br />

Dag Hammerskjölds Väg 20 115527 S<strong>to</strong>kholm<br />

Tel. 0046/8/23 08 40<br />

Fax. 0046/8/663 55 14<br />

E-mail: s<strong>to</strong>csgm@telia.com<br />

United Kingdom<br />

London - consultancy and embassy attaché<br />

Rutland Lodge , Rutland Gardens, London SW 7 1BW<br />

Tel.020-758 159 88<br />

Fax.020-759 169 11<br />

E-mail: londra@csgb.gov.tr<br />

Denmark<br />

Kopenhag - consultancy and embassy attaché<br />

Vestagervej 16 ,2100 Kopenhaven<br />

Tel. 0045/391 801 25<br />

Fax. 0045/391 833 88<br />

E-mail: kopenhag@csgb.gov.tr<br />

For further information:<br />

http://www.csgb.gov.tr/irtibat/yurtdisi_temsilcilikleri.htm<br />


S<strong>to</strong>ne Tombs of the Kings / Amasya<br />


92<br />


Regulations for Foreigners<br />

Law No : 4817<br />

Date of Approval : Feb.27, 2003<br />

Official Gazette Publication Date and Number : March 6, 2003 / 25040<br />

PART ONE<br />

Objective, Scope and Definitions<br />

Objective:<br />

Article 1.<br />

Objective of this Law is <strong>to</strong> regulate the work of foreigners in <strong>Turkey</strong> with a system<br />

of work permit and <strong>to</strong> specify the rules regarding the working permits <strong>to</strong> be given<br />

<strong>to</strong> these foreigners.<br />

Scope:<br />

Article 2. This Law,<br />

Comprises the foreigners working dependently or independently in <strong>Turkey</strong>,<br />

foreigners that are having on the job training and the real and judicial persons<br />

that employ foreigners,<br />

• That are included in the scope of the second sentence of the 29th article of the<br />

Turkish Citizenship Law number 403 and the 13th article of the Press Law number<br />

5680 and the Decree on the Organization and Tasks of the General Direc<strong>to</strong>rate of<br />

Press and Information number 231,<br />

• That are given working permission or that are employed on the basis of the<br />

authority given by law by the ministries, public institutions and establishments<br />

and other than the foreigners that are exempted from working permission taking<br />

in<strong>to</strong> consideration the principles of reciprocity, international law and European<br />

Union laws .<br />

Definitions:<br />

Article 3. In this Law;<br />

Ministry: Signifies the Ministry of Labor and Social Security,<br />

Foreigner: Signifies the person that is not a Turkish citizen as per the Turkish<br />

Citizenship Law number 403,<br />

Dependent employee: Signifies the foreigner that works against wage, salary,<br />

commission, etc. at the disposal of one or more employer that has a real or<br />

judicial identity.<br />

Independent Employee: Signifiesthe foreigner that works for and on the account<br />

of himself/herself, whether he/she employs other persons or not.<br />

PART TWO<br />

Obligation of Getting Permission and Authority of Giving Permission<br />

Obligation of Getting Permission and Authority of Giving Permission:<br />

Article 4.<br />

Unless otherwise provided in the bilateral or multilateral agreements <strong>to</strong> which<br />

<strong>Turkey</strong> is a party, the foreigners are obliged <strong>to</strong> get permission before they start <strong>to</strong><br />

work dependently or independently in <strong>Turkey</strong>.<br />

In cases where the country’s benefits require or depending on the force majeures,<br />

the working permission may be given after starting <strong>to</strong> work, provided that

information is given <strong>to</strong> the relevant authority before starting <strong>to</strong> work, on condition<br />

that working period will not exceed one month and the Ministerial approval has been<br />

obtained.<br />


Working Permissions and Working Permission Exemptions and Restrictions<br />

Working permission for a definite period of time:<br />

Article 5.<br />

Unless otherwise provided in the bilateral or multilateral agreements <strong>to</strong> which<br />

<strong>Turkey</strong> is a party, working permission for a definite period of time is given <strong>to</strong> be<br />

valid for at most one year, taking in<strong>to</strong> consideration the situation in the business<br />

market, developments in the labour life, sec<strong>to</strong>rial and economic conjuncture changes<br />

regarding employment, according <strong>to</strong> the duration of residence permit of the foreigner<br />

and the duration of the service contract or the work, <strong>to</strong> work in a certain workplace or<br />

enterprise and in a certain job.<br />

After the legal working duration of one year, duration of the working permit may<br />

be extended up <strong>to</strong> three years, on condition of working in the same workplace or<br />

enterprise and in the same job.<br />

At the end of legal working duration of three years, duration of the working permit<br />

may be extended up <strong>to</strong> six years, on condition of working in the same profession and<br />

at the disposal of a desired employer.<br />

Working permission for a definite period of time may be given also <strong>to</strong> the, spouses<br />

and dependent children, who have come <strong>to</strong>gether with the foreigner or afterwards,<br />

on condition that they have resided with the foreigner legally and uninterruptedly for<br />

at least five years.<br />

The Ministry is entitled <strong>to</strong> expand or restrict the geographical validity area of the<br />

definite period of time working permission.<br />

Working permission for an indefinite period of time:<br />

Article 6.<br />

Unless otherwise provided in the bilateral or multilateral agreements <strong>to</strong> which <strong>Turkey</strong><br />

is a party, working permission for an indefinite period of time may be given <strong>to</strong> the<br />

foreigners that have resided in <strong>Turkey</strong> legally and uninterruptedly for at least eight<br />

years or that have legally worked for <strong>to</strong>tal six years, without taking in<strong>to</strong> consideration<br />

the conditions in the business market and the developments in the working life and<br />

without restricting <strong>to</strong> a certain enterprise, profession, civil or geographical area.<br />

Independent working permission:<br />

Article 7.<br />

Independent working permission may be given by the Ministry <strong>to</strong> the foreigners, who<br />

will work independently, on condition that they have resided in <strong>Turkey</strong> legally and<br />

uninterruptedly for at least five years.<br />

Exceptions:<br />

Article 8.<br />

Unless otherwise provided in the bilateral or multilateral agreements <strong>to</strong> which <strong>Turkey</strong><br />

is a party,<br />

Without being dependent <strong>to</strong> the durations provided in this Law, working permission<br />

may be given;<br />


94<br />


1. To foreigners, who are married with a Turkish citizen and live in <strong>Turkey</strong> with their<br />

spouses with marriage bond, or <strong>to</strong> foreigners, who have settled in <strong>Turkey</strong> after their<br />

marriage bond has finished after at least three years, and <strong>to</strong> the children thereof from<br />

a Turkish citizen spouse,<br />

2. To those who have lost their Turkish Citizenship within the framework of the<br />

19th, 27th and 28th articles of the Turkish Citizenship Law number 403 and their<br />

subordinates,<br />

3. To foreigners that were born in <strong>Turkey</strong> or have come <strong>to</strong> <strong>Turkey</strong> before reaching their<br />

majority according <strong>to</strong> their national laws, if they don’t have a nation, according <strong>to</strong> the<br />

Turkish legislation and that have graduated from vocational school, high school or<br />

university in <strong>Turkey</strong>,<br />

4. To foreigners that are accepted as an emigrant, refugee or nomad according <strong>to</strong> the<br />

Residence Law number 2510,<br />

5. To citizens of the <strong>countries</strong> that are a member of the European Union and <strong>to</strong> the<br />

spouses and children thereof who are not citizens of the <strong>countries</strong> that are a member<br />

of the European Union,<br />

6. To those who are working at the service of the diplomats, administrative and<br />

technical personnel that are commissioned in the foreign governments’ embassies and<br />

consulates in <strong>Turkey</strong> and in the representations of the international establishments,<br />

and <strong>to</strong> the spouses and children of the diplomats and administrative and technical<br />

personnel commissioned in the embassies, consulates and representations of the<br />

international establishments in <strong>Turkey</strong>, provided that they are within the framework<br />

of the principle of reciprocity and they are restricted with the duration of the<br />

commission,<br />

7. To foreigners who will temporarily come <strong>to</strong> <strong>Turkey</strong> for a period of over one month<br />

with the aim of scientific and cultural activities, and for a period of over four months<br />

with the aim of sports activities,<br />

8. To foreigners at the position of key personnel <strong>to</strong> be employed in the works of goods<br />

and services purchase, having a work made or operating a facility, with contract or<br />

tendering procedures by the Ministries and public institutions and establishments<br />

authorized by law.<br />


Giving, Extending, Rejecting, Canceling the Permissions and Taking Legal Actions<br />

Giving or Extending the Permissions:<br />

Article 12.<br />

Foreigners residing out of <strong>Turkey</strong> make their working permission applications <strong>to</strong> the<br />

Republic of <strong>Turkey</strong> representations in the country where they are. The representations<br />

forward these applications directly <strong>to</strong> the Ministry. The Ministry assesses the<br />

applications in accordance with the 5th article having taken the opinions of the<br />

relevant authorities; gives working permission <strong>to</strong> the foreigners whose situation is<br />

deemed appropriate. This permission is valid only when the required working visa<br />

and residence permission is taken. The foreigners, who have been issued working<br />

permission certificate, are obliged <strong>to</strong> request visa <strong>to</strong> enter the country within the latest<br />

ninety days from the date of taking this certificate, <strong>to</strong> apply <strong>to</strong> the Ministry of Interior<br />

Affairs <strong>to</strong> take residence permission within the latest thirty days from the date they<br />

have entered the country.

Foreigners that have valid residence permission in <strong>Turkey</strong> or their employers are<br />

entitled <strong>to</strong> make their application directly <strong>to</strong> the Ministry.<br />

The working permissions are given and extended in accordance with this Law and<br />

provisions of the regulations issued according <strong>to</strong> this Law, upon the written request<br />

of the foreigners that have residence permission or their employers.<br />

The applications are answered within at most ninety days by the Ministry.<br />

Getting opinion from the relevant authorities:<br />

Article 13.<br />

Working permissions are given <strong>to</strong> the foreigners regarding the professions, arts or<br />

jobs that they may work at, in accordance with the conditions brought by this Law<br />

is given by the Ministry getting the opinions of the relevant authorities including<br />

vocational competency.<br />

Provisions which are included in other laws concerning the jobs and professions in<br />

which the foreigners won’t be entitled <strong>to</strong> work are reserved.<br />

Rejection of permission request:<br />

Article 14.<br />

Request for working permission or prolongation of working permission is rejected<br />

in case;<br />

1. The situation in the business market and developments in the labor life and sec<strong>to</strong>r<br />

and economic conjuncture changes regarding employment are not appropriate <strong>to</strong><br />

give working permission,<br />

2. There is a person in the country with the same quality for a period of four weeks <strong>to</strong><br />

perform the applied job,<br />

3. The foreigner doesn’t have a valid residence permission,<br />

4. The foreigner, whose permission request for a workplace, enterprise or profession<br />

is rejected, re.requests permission in one year from the date of his/her request for<br />

the same workplace, enterprise or the same profession,<br />

5. Working of the foreigner forms a threat for the national security, public order,<br />

general security, public interest, general ethics and general health.<br />

Cancellation of the working permission:<br />

Article 15.<br />

In case the foreigner works against the restrictions stated in the 11th and 13th articles<br />

or in case it is determined afterwards that one of the conditions stipulated in the 14th<br />

article exists or that the foreigner or his/her employers have given deficient or wrong<br />

information in the working permission request petition, the Ministry is entitled <strong>to</strong><br />

cancel the working permission it had given and informs the related Ministry about<br />

the situation.<br />

Invalidity of the working permission:<br />

Article 16. The working permission becomes invalid in occurrence of any of the<br />

following situations, other than its expiration;<br />

1. Where the foreigner’s residence certificate becomes invalid or its validity term<br />

cannot be extended for any reason,<br />


96<br />


2. Where the validity term of the foreigner’s passport or of the certificate that substitutes<br />

a passport cannot be extended, (except the situation where the appropriate opinions of<br />

the Ministry of Interior or Foreign affairs exists)<br />

3. Where the foreigner stays abroad for more than six months uninterruptedly except<br />

force majeure reasons,<br />

Right of taking legal actions:<br />

Article 17.<br />

The Ministry notifies its resolution regarding the rejection of request of giving or<br />

extending working permission, cancellation of working permission or invalidity of the<br />

working permission, <strong>to</strong> the foreigner or <strong>to</strong> his/her employer, if any, in accordance with<br />

the provisions of Notification Law number 7201.<br />

The interested parties may object <strong>to</strong> against the decision of the Ministry within thirty<br />

days from the date of notification.<br />

Administrative judgment may be applied <strong>to</strong> in case the objection is rejected by the<br />

Ministry.<br />

http://www.oit.org/public/english/region/eurpro/ankara/legislation/<br />

law4817.htm<br />

http://www.yabancicalismaizni.gov.tr/english/index_eng.htm<br />

Work Permits for Foreigners<br />

•<br />

Act No: 4817 - Law on Work Permits for Foreigners<br />

• Application Regulations for the Law on Work Permits of Foreigners (Act No:<br />

4817)<br />

• Regulations on the Employment of Personnel of Foreign Nationality in Direct<br />

Foreign Investment<br />


Atakule / Ankara<br />


98<br />

Useful<br />

Words<br />

Phrases &



Apple Elma<br />

Banana Muz<br />

Orange Portakal<br />

Beef Dana Eti<br />

Egg Yumurta<br />

Fish Balık<br />

Salt Tuz<br />

Sausage Sosis,sucuk<br />

Pork Domuz Eti<br />

Ham Jambon<br />

Mustard Hardal<br />

Ice cream Dondurma<br />

Lemon Limon<br />

Tea Çay<br />

Beer Bira<br />

Carrot Havuç<br />

Cucumber Salatalık<br />

Pota<strong>to</strong>es Patates<br />

Mushroom Mantar<br />

Cheese Peynir<br />

Chicken Tavuk<br />

Bread Ekmek<br />

Coffee Kahve<br />

Cookie Kurabiye<br />

Butter Tereyağ<br />

Sugar Şeker<br />

Milk Süt<br />


Blue Mavi<br />

Green Yeşil<br />

Red Kırmızı<br />

Black Siyah<br />

Yellow Sarı<br />


Bus O<strong>to</strong>büs<br />

Bus S<strong>to</strong>p O<strong>to</strong>büs Durağı<br />

Boy Erkek/Oğlan<br />

Girl Kız<br />

Car Araba<br />

Credit card Kredi kartı<br />

Discount İndirim<br />

Do you speak English? İngilizce biliyor musunuz?<br />

Good night İyi geceler<br />

Free entrance Ücretsiz giriş<br />

Good day İyi günler<br />

Good evening İyi akşamlar<br />

Good morning Günaydın<br />

Good-bye Hoşça kal<br />

Hello Merhaba<br />

How are you? Nasılsın?<br />

How much is it? Fiyatı nedir?/Kaç para?<br />

I don’t understand Anlamıyorum<br />

I’m lost Kayboldum<br />

I’m sorry Özür dilerim/ Pardon<br />

Water Su<br />

What is your name? Adın nedir?<br />

What time is it? Saat kaç?<br />

Where is….? ….nerede?<br />

Wind Rüzgar<br />

Wine Şarap<br />

Yes Evet<br />

House Ev<br />

You’re welcome Bir şey değil<br />

Closed Kapalı<br />

Library Kütüphane<br />

Love Aşk<br />

Maybe Belki<br />

Money Para<br />


100<br />



Thank you. I’m fine Sağolun,iyiyim<br />

Mrs. Hanım<br />

Mr. Bey<br />

Excuse me Afedersiniz<br />

I’m hungry Acıktım<br />

I’m thirsty Susadım<br />

Ok Tamam<br />

That’s important Önemli<br />

Help İmdat<br />

See you later Yine görüşürüz<br />

Hurry up Acele et<br />

I understand Anlıyorum<br />

I know Biliyorum<br />

I don’t know Bilmiyorum<br />

I want İstiyorum<br />

I don’t want İstemiyorum<br />

Help me Bana yardım edin<br />

Yesterday Dün<br />

Today Bugün<br />

Tomorrow Yarın<br />

Morning Sabah<br />

Afternoon Öğle<br />

Evening Akşam<br />

Night Gece<br />

Here Burada<br />

There Orada<br />

On the right Sağda<br />

On the left Solda<br />

On the front Önde<br />

At the back Arkada<br />

Ahead İlerde<br />

Straight ahead Tam karşıda,<br />

dosdoğru<br />

Where are you from? Nerelisiniz?<br />

I’m Turkish Türküm<br />

I’m from <strong>Turkey</strong> <strong>Türkiye</strong>’denim<br />

Where do you Nerede<br />

stay? kalıyorsunuz?<br />

Nice <strong>to</strong> meet you Tanıştığımıza<br />

memnun oldum<br />

Me <strong>to</strong>o Ben de ...<br />

How can I help you? Nasıl yardımcı<br />

olabilirim?<br />

What would you like? Ne istemiştiniz?<br />

I’m coming from ... ...dan geliyorum<br />

How much does<br />

it cost? Fiyatı ne kadar?<br />

<strong>to</strong>o expensive Çok pahalı<br />

Where’s the <strong>to</strong>ilet? Tuvalet nerede<br />

I want <strong>to</strong> go <strong>to</strong> this Bu adrese<br />

adress gitmek istiyorum<br />

Where can I find? Nerede bulabilirim?<br />

Get well soon Geçmiş olsun<br />

I love you Seni seviyorum<br />

Call the police! Polis çağırın<br />

Happy New Year İyi yıllar<br />

Cheers/Good health! Şerefe<br />

I don’t understand Anlamadım<br />

Please speak more Lütfen daha yavaş<br />

slowly konuşun<br />

Please write it Lütfen yazınız<br />

down for me<br />

Would you like <strong>to</strong> Benimle dans<br />

dance with me? edermisiniz?<br />

How do you say ... in Türkçe’de ... nasıl<br />

Turkish? denir?<br />

Happy Birthday Doğum günün kutlu<br />

olsun<br />

Be mu quest Misafirim olun<br />

God bless you Tanrı seni korusun



January Ocak<br />

February Şubat<br />

March Mart<br />

April Nisan<br />

May Mayıs<br />

June Haziran<br />

July Temmuz<br />

August Ağus<strong>to</strong>s<br />

September Eylül<br />

Oc<strong>to</strong>ber Ekim<br />

November Kasım<br />

December Aralık<br />


Monday Pazartesi<br />

Tuesday Salı<br />

Wednesday Çarşamba<br />

Thursday Perşembe<br />

Friday Cuma<br />

Saturday Cumartesi<br />

Sunday Pazar<br />


One Bir<br />

Two İki<br />

Three Üç<br />

Four Dört<br />

Five Beş<br />

Six Altı<br />

Seven Yedi<br />

Eight Sekiz<br />

Nine Dokuz<br />

Ten On<br />

Twenty Yirmi<br />

Fifty Elli<br />

Hundred Yüz<br />

Thousand Bin<br />

Million Milyon<br />

Billion Milyar<br />


Spring İlkbahar<br />

Summer Yaz<br />

Autumn Sonbahar/Güz<br />

Winter Kış<br />


Why Neden, Niçin<br />

When Ne zaman<br />

Where Neresi<br />

Which one Hangisi<br />

What is this Bu ne<br />

How much/many Kaç / Kaç tane<br />


Museum Müze<br />

Art Gallery Sanat Galerisi<br />

Festival Festival<br />

Concert Konser<br />

Opera house Opera binası<br />

Dance Dans<br />

Artist Sanatçı<br />

Painter Ressam<br />

Musician Müzisyen<br />

Ballet Bale<br />

Poetry Şiir<br />

Caricature Karikatür<br />

Fine arts Güzel sanatlar<br />

Singer Şarkıcı<br />


102<br />


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