SHSH AR 2020-21

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July/August 2020: We rearranged the entire

physical layout of classroom spaces to ensure

students had six feet of space around their desks.

To accomplish this we turned the Large Parlour into

a Grade 7 Fountain Academy classroom, the Little

Theatre became the Grade 12 Barat Academy hub,

washrooms were reassigned, and the Lunchroom

was packed with furniture that needed to be

removed from the various classrooms.




Welcome to our Annual Report for the

Fiscal Year that ended on June 30, 2021.

The financial presentation of this unique

year at Sacred Heart School of Halifax tells

only part of the story. A small surplus in light

of serious COVID-19 pandemic challenges

reflects the passionate loyalty and strength

of our Sacred Heart program and community.

How did we do it? Together – with

nimbleness, courage, and generosity.

August 2020: We held a successful summer camp;

this was our first time in five months to have children

in the building! It went well and gave us confidence

as we prepared for opening day with everyone on


September 2020: We welcomed students through

seven assigned entrances, each with a monitor to

ensure masks were worn, hand sanitizer was used,

and their personal health inventory was checked.

These entrances were in close proximity to assigned

classrooms and helped to reduce movement that

could lead to the spread of the virus. Throughout

each day, masks were worn and teachers

carouseled to the students. Due to international

travel limitations, we had only 12 international

students instead of the projected 40. Maintaining

student cohorts meant staffing over 200 Elementary

children’s outdoor recess periods each week!

October 2020: Laptops and iPads, now comfortably

ubiquitous, supercharged innovative and

differentiated teaching and learning. NSSAF

permitted outdoor sports and our girls won the

Varsity Provincial Soccer banner! Mater Admirabilis

was celebrated virtually, like all other student

assemblies and prayer services.

November 2020: Unfortunately, due to the

pandemic, the official Remembrance Day ceremony



at Grand Parade was not held, and for the first

time, our Student Council Presidents missed their

opportunity to lay a wreath during this annual

event. Ten days later, our Parents’ Guild led a very

successful virtual Christmas Fair.

December 2020: Because we followed a semester

model for this pandemic year, exams happened in

January. With all students on campus for classes in

December, we pulled off a surprise Congé which

happened to coincide with my Citizenship Day.

Our Alum Wine & Cheese, Senior School Advent

services, and the Elementary School Christmas

Concert happened virtually.

January-February 2021: We followed the advice

of our Chief Medical Officer of Health and held

our classes virtually during the first week after the

Christmas Break; we were well prepared! Winter

Carnival was a clever hybrid of activity, and our

annual employee retreat helped our adults to

process the pandemic in ways consistent with our

Sacred Heart mission; Rev. David Maginley was our

keynote speaker.

March-June 2021: Vaccines were the talk of the

town, and all employees were committed to

getting theirs. After the resignation of Mr. Tugwell,

Mr. Griffiths provided outstanding leadership as

the interim Principal. The second wave of the virus

forced all schools into a five-week lockdown, and

we enjoyed a creative and memorable online

Bubbled Bursary Benefit.

June 2021: We were able to return to campus in

time for Prize Days and Graduation. Each of the four

Prize Ceremonies was re-imagined, and by holding

Graduation after Prizes we were able to invite

families to campus, one by one, for a personalized

and memorable outdoor ceremony.

Throughout the year, we addressed our theme

Building an Anti-Racist Culture • Diversity, Equity,

and Inclusion. Our DEI Committee was tireless in

bringing this theme to life on campus in meaningful

ways and worked with all employees, Board

members, parents, and students to identify and

address ways that systemic racism has shaped our

lives and program. Our Sacred Heart Goals call us

to build an inclusive community. Our revised 2020

Criteria state: “The school, drawing from Catholic

School teaching, educates students to analyze

and work to eradicate social structures, practices,

systems, and values that perpetuate racism and

other injustices.” And: “The school, affirming that

all are created in the image and likeness of God,

promotes the inherent dignity of the human person

and strives for relationships characterized by

inclusion and mutual respect.”

We are blessed with teachers who can

differentiate their approach, a nimble and cohesive

administrative team, outstanding student leaders,

a creative and energetic Parents’ Guild, and stable

Governors. Our parents, alums, parents of alums,

Religious of the Sacred Heart, and friends of

SHSH continue to be wind beneath our wings. All

who are listed in this Annual Report are generous

supporters who trust our mission and understand

the value of Sacred Heart education in today’s

world. Thank you for being part of this historic year!

Heartfelt gratitude and prayer,

Sr. Anne Wachter, RSCJ

Head of School






It is my pleasure to present my report on

the work of the Board of Governors to the

Members of the Corporation for the 2020-21

School Year.

This year’s official theme: Building an Anti-Racist

Culture • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion was

suggested by the School’s DEI Committee. Formed

in June 2020, these employees met bi-weekly

through the summer to study emerging issues and

articulate anti-racist expectations for the Sacred

Heart community. The theme influenced curriculum,

was the focus of assemblies across all grades, and

was the topic of educational sessions for employees,

Board members, and parents that included highly

skilled local trainers on cultural competence Robert

Wright and Angela Simmonds. Diversity, equity, and

inclusion are embedded in the new 2020 Criteria

for Schools of the Sacred Heart and will always be

valued in our community.

Canadian Accredited Independent Schools


During this cycle of accreditation and follow-up,

CAIS Executive Director Patti MacDonald wrote: “On

behalf of the CAIS Evaluation Council, I would like

to extend congratulations to you and your team.

The commitment of you and your team to continual

whole school improvement was clear and your

efforts are to be commended.”

The next response report from SHSH to CAIS

focuses on the scope and sequence of the

curriculum, a revised technology plan, and the

articulation of assessment policies and a Strategic

Enrollment Management Plan. This report, in

process over the past 12 months, will be submitted

in September 2021.

Our unofficial theme this year was resilience. Our

entire community faced numerous challenges

associated with the worldwide pandemic, and we

did what we always do: we refused to give in or give

up. I am so proud of how well our faculty, staff, and

students have navigated these challenges. They

were given lemons, and they made lemonade.

Network of Sacred Heart Schools

The Network continues to be a support as our

School community lives the charism and mission

of Sacred Heart Schools. Following a two-year

process that included thousands of people across

the Network of Sacred Heart Schools in the

United States and Canada, our Goals and Criteria



were revised and published in January 2021. This

process repeats every 15 years. When presented

with the new revised edition, our Board viewed an

informative and prayerful introduction by Provincial

Sheila Hammond, RSCJ. Our next review with the

SH Commission on Goals (SHCOG) is scheduled to

begin in 2023-24, with the onsite team visit in fall


Senior school students benefit from online Sofie

Connect credit courses, the Sustainability &

Solidarity Network Dialogue group, and a joint

online drama production initiated by SSH-San

Francisco. Faculty, staff, and administrators benefit

from Network Meet-Ups that facilitate connections

and sharing of experiences among counterparts.

The Board was supported at its retreat by Head

of Conference Sr. Suzanne Cooke, RSCJ who led

(remotely) a session on ways we define, understand,

and responsibly educate to diversity, equity,

inclusion, and justice in the context of our Sacred

Heart charism, mission, and local reality.

Facilities Committee of the Board

As a participant in the Nova Scotia Solar for

Community Buildings Pilot Program, one of our

major projects this year was the installation and

activation of a new solar array on the roof of the

Fountain Building (B Wing). The panels were

installed in summer/fall 2020 and we began

generating power on November 1, 2020. As of the

writing of this report the total energy generated

is 30.97 MWh, our CO2 emissions saved a total

of 12,141.13kg, and our equivalent trees planted

totaled 366. The revenue generated from the

sale of the power to Nova Scotia Power supports

tuition assistance. As data from the solar panels

and weather monitoring equipment accumulates,

it will be available for science projects and other

educational purposes.

In 2014, the school developed a capital management

plan and every two years it is reviewed and updated.

This year’s update includes a complex and clear

new room numbering/mapping of the campus, and

the new Atrium (A Wing). This comprehensive 25-

year capital management plan provides important

information for financial planning and helps ensure

the utmost safety and ongoing maintenance for the

physical plant. Additionally, the Committee held a

SWOT review to support emerging areas of focus.

The Committee provided insight and oversight for

the immense work to prepare the campus facilities

for in-school/on-campus learning during the

Covid-19 pandemic.

Finance Committee of the Board

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, our international

student enrollment declined by 70%, and revenue

from rentals, the afterschool program (ASP), and

camps declined. Pandemic-related expenses to

add teachers for smaller class sections in order

to maintain 6-feet between desks, to increase

supervision for ASP, recess, and lunch, to convert

spaces to classrooms, and to provide janitorial

supplies, PPE, and hygiene products were incurred.

A Covid-19 Relief Fund helped to provide tuition aid

to those suddenly in need due to the pandemic.

Most of the international students who deferred

or declined would be in Grades 10-12 where fewer

local students are enrolled and course offerings are

expanded. Recognizing this reality, the Leadership

Team consulted the Board and participated in a

joint session facilitated by Past Chair of the Board,

Anna Stuart. The Finance Committee decided not to

complete the FY21 budgeting process until spring

when pandemic consequences and enrollment

(local and international) would be more predictable.

The School’s investment portfolio is healthy; the

announcement of a Covid-19 vaccine and the

USA presidential election had positive impacts on

investments. The Finance Committee continues

to have confidence in The Oyler Group as the

steward of the portfolio. The Gift Acceptance and

Sponsorship Policy and the Bequests Policy were



reviewed in keeping with the standing Finance

policy review cycle. The School received a clean

financial audit for the fiscal year ending June 30/20

and the overall financial health of the School is


Nominating and Governance Committee of

the Board

The Nominating and Governance Committee led the

bi-annual Board self-evaluation in June 2020. The

response rate was very high at 21 respondents out of

23 Board members. The feedback was positive and

indicated a desire to learn more about the workings

of other Sacred Heart Network and CAIS Boards

and the need to increase diversity at the Board and

Committee level.

The Committee developed a Risk Management

Policy for the Board that was approved in January

2020. The Terms of Reference for the standing

committees were reviewed. The following Board

policies were reviewed and revisions approved:

Purpose of Board Policies; Monitoring; Statutory

Responsibility; Courses of Instruction and

Academic Integrity; Bequests; Gift Acceptance

and Sponsorship, and Harassment (this applies

to employees, Board members, parents, and

volunteers). For FY22, the Committee is reviewing

ways to incorporate Board oversight of risk into

the Terms of Reference for each Committee and is

working on developing Terms of Reference for the

Engagement Committee.

Planning Committee of the Board

The Planning Committee provided Board oversight

of the CAIS re-accreditation response report and

continued work on the 2016-2021 Strategic Plan.

Over the coming 18 months, elements of the Learn

Pillar and the Strategic Enrollment Management

Plan provide fiscal and programmatic direction as

the Board prepares for post-pandemic visioning and

planning. The Board’s high-level strategy discussions

(November and February) will inform emerging

strategic directions, even as CAIS and SHCOG review

processes take place from 2023-2026.

Engagement Committee of the Board

Through internal and external engagement, the

Committee supported the Institutional Advancement

Team with analytical insight, anecdotal feedback,

and survey-inspired foresight as the team prepared

the Strategic Enrollment Management Plan.

100% of the Board participated in the Annual Giving

Fund. The School initiated a COVID-19 Relief Fund

to support families in need of temporary assistance

due to the financial impact of the pandemic. Despite

COVID-19, the Institutional Advancement Team in

partnership with the Parents’ Guild carried on with

the Christmas Fair, and the Bursary Planning Team

was fearless in imagining another successful annual

spring fundraiser, the Bubbled Bursary Benefit.

COVID-19 Pandemic

The Board met in August to review pandemic issues,

plans for the opening of school in September, and

to offer support to the Leadership Team. I commend

Head of School Sr. Anne Wachter, RSCJ, the

Leadership Team, and their department teams for

their tireless and exceptional hard work to prepare the

School for on-campus learning and exceeding the

required protocols for schools to ensure the safety of

our full community. We were most fortunate that our

administrators had access to ongoing guidance from

consulting Doctors Jeff Scott and Robert Bortolussi.

We began the academic year with on-campus

learning and continued for the majority of the school

year apart from the week of January 4-8, 2021

per the request of the Premier and Chief Medical

Officer of Health. Due to the third wave of COVID-19,

schools shifted to remote learning as of April 27,

2021; this was a smooth process for SHSH. Remote

learning lasted into early June.



Our successful ‘Dare to Be’ Campaign included

funds for the Learn Pillar of the Strategic Plan.

Therefore, we were able to catapult advances in

technology for educational innovation and teachers

gratefully embraced this strategic and now also

pandemic challenge and opportunity.

On behalf of the Board, I share our thanks to the

faculty for the courage and confidence in continuing

to deliver outstanding education to our students

during one of the most challenging times in the

172-year-history of Sacred Heart School of Halifax.

In Closing

This report will be my last formal act as a Governor.

And so, I will take the opportunity to offer my sincere

thanks to the 2020-2021 Committee Chairs and

Administrative Liaisons:

Engagement Committee: Robin Thorsteinson

and Miriam Regan, Director of Advancement.

Facilities Committee: Torquil Duncan and Brian

Lumsden, Director of Facilities and Technology.

Finance Committee: Paula Boyd and Sheryl Penny,

Director of Finance and Administration.

Nominating and Governance Committee: Michael

Simms and Sr. Anne Wachter, RSCJ, Head of School.

Planning Committee: Alexandra Whalen and

Sr. Anne Wachter, RSCJ, Head of School.

To our Head of School, Sr. Wachter, RSCJ who I

have worked closely with for the past five years,

your dedication to the School and our community

is unparalleled. Thank you! Special thanks are also

owed to Patricia Nichols; she is the glue that holds

this machine together.

The faculty and staff were outstanding this year.

Like last year, they showed extraordinary resolve,

dedication, and leadership as we navigated through

COVID-19. Our students and community are lucky to

have you.

Finally, I want to thank my fellow Governors, past and

present. I have tremendous respect for you, and I am

very fortunate to have had the opportunity to work

with you over the past six years; I have learned so


With gratitude,

Chuck Ford, Chair

Board of Governors


to the 2020-21

Board of Governors

Robert Batherson, Paula Boyd, Jeff Britton, Sr. Kathleen

Conan, RSCJ, Gord Cooper, Peter Coutts, Sr. Donna Dolan, RSCJ,

Richard Drake, Torquil Duncan, Lois Dyer Mann, Chuck Ford,

Monique Gogan, Dr. Arunika Gunawardena, Pamela Hayes, Steve

Haysom, Archbishop Anthony Mancini, Dr. Mae Seto, Michael

Simms, Chris Smith, Kathryn Tector, Robin Thorsteinson,

Sr. Anne Wachter, RSCJ, Alexandra Whalen.

Due to COVID, there is no group photo.



There’s no way to review

the 2020-21 School

Year without focusing

on the global COVID-19

pandemic that defined

almost every aspect

of our school life. When students returned to school in September, the pandemic was very much part of

our everyday life and it dictated an entirely new normal. Traditional gathering spaces like the Large Parlour

and Study Hall became classrooms, classrooms were reconfigured to accommodate physical distancing

between desks, mask mandates and cohorting became second nature, and cleaning and disinfecting

protocols were implemented throughout the School. Faculty and students quickly adapted well when

remote learning was needed and they persevered. Certainly, it wasn’t ideal, but at least we were together on

campus for most of the school year. It also taught us the power of resilience, that joy could and should be

found in the little things, and that when we work together, we can overcome just about anything.





How did the world function before Zoom? This video-conferencing service became our go-to platform

to communicate. We Zoomed daily assemblies into classrooms, met in small and large groups over

Zoom, hosted liturgies and prayer services on Zoom, and even produced uplifting musical performances

by getting creative with Zoom. Like most other schools and organizations, we discovered that virtually,

we can communicate, teach, and learn in ways we didn’t realize were possible before. And, we were

suddenly much more accessible for alums and grandparents around the world.



While nothing can replace the sense of community

that comes from being physically together, we were

still able to celebrate our religious and spiritual

events and activities. Thanks to a dedicated and

creative Liturgy Committee led by Campus Minister

Moira Schrader, we celebrated our Sacred Heart

traditions with prayer, song, reflection, and hope.

Most services were led by our students and took

on special meaning as a result of their care and

dedication. We also embraced ‘espacio’ meaning

every student and adult learned the value of two

minutes, and sometimes more, of silence. Practiced

on a regular basis, this became a permanent way for

us to pray or just be together.


Since we had to cancel the 2020 Bursary Fundraising

Dinner & Auction, we wanted to find a way for our

community to come together in 2021 to support

our Bursary students. So with optimism and

determination, we moved the event to a virtual one.

Our community rallied behind us and The Bubbled

Bursary Benefit, a COVID Friendly Fundraiser, was a

smashing success! Helmed by an incredible Planning

Team led by Chair Lee Gifford-Simms, the event

raised over $130,000 for the Bursary Fund thanks to

an amazing roster of sponsors including Presenting

Sponsor Domus Realty, a robust online auction, very

generous donations, and participation from over 70

bubbles who bought dinners. Our community was

treated to a virtual game of Kahoot, video messages

and greetings, a heartfelt message about the value

of the Bursary Program from alumnus Armand Caron,

and a lively online concert from JellyFish. As Sr.

Wachter noted, “Yes, it looks and feels different from

our past Bursary fundraising events, but the spirit

in which we gather is the same.” Thanks to so many

in our community who rallied around us to support

students who require tuition assistance.



you to the

Bubbled Bursary

Benefit Planning Team:

Lee Gifford-Simms, Chair, Keith

Bourne, Natasha Compton, Tina

Di Quinzio, Christina Forgeron, Jennifer

Gillis, Riley Goedkoop, Rebecca Hiltz

LeBlanc, Marlee Naipaul, Rosine

Lawen, Andrea MacMillan, Barb

Martell, Miriam Martin, Vickie

Mastrapas, Denise McMackin,

David Rankine, Michelle

Reddy, Lesley Reeves.



Building community among parents is one of the foundational cornerstones of the Parents’ Guild and even

though the pandemic, they managed to do this in a myriad of ways. For instance, they hosted speakers

Robert Wright and Angela Simmonds to engage our parents about building an anti-racist culture, they

recruited parent and grandparent volunteers to help with lunch and supervision duties, and they worked to

support School events through several Parents' Guild planning committees. The two biggest of those events

were the Christmas Fair and the annual Pancake Supper, both of which were moved to virtual/take-out

models and harnessed incredible generosity, commitment, and participation from our community. And finally,

the Lunch Program had its most successful year ever thanks to the addition of a number of new vendors and

the dedication of Hot Lunch Lead Lesley Reeves and her committed core of volunteers.

Top to bottom, left to right: Miriam Regan, Heidi Sapp, Keith Bourne

(President), Andrea MacMillan, Amy Publicover, Vickie Mastrapas, Lesley

Reeves, Marlee Naipaul, Lee Gifford Simms, Sr. Anne Wachter, RSCJ, Jason

Scott, Rosine Lawen



This is not the first major crisis we’ve been

through. In 1917, after the Halifax Explosion,

Sacred Heart School of Halifax was a triage

center and the RSCJ and the school community

worked tirelessly to help the many victims. In the

past, we have also cared for orphans, assisted

in war efforts, and helped restore our city after

natural disasters. In the face of adversity, the

Sacred Heart community can always be

counted on to answer the call.

DEI Committee

Our theme — Building an Anti-racist Culture:

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion — was borne out of

many events, not the least of which was the tragic

killing of George Floyd in Minnesota in May of 2020.

That event, the BIPOC movement, and Canada’s

Truth and Reconciliation process led to the

creation of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

Committee in the summer of 2020. The Committee

was extremely active. They led changes that

were meaningful in both big and small ways —

for example hosting professional and personal

development sessions for all employees, students,

the Board of Governors, and our families; drafting

policy and revising Handbooks; reassessing the

curriculum and adjusting and adopting more

culturally sensitive and relevant language, images,

and literature; more actively educating our

students about racism, discrimination, intolerance,

tokenism, and privilege; and diversifying our

sources and creating a more inclusive DEI

Resource List. We will continue to work hard to

ensure DEI is at the forefront of pedagogical and

operational decisions at Sacred Heart.

Diversity expert and

DEI Committee

guest speaker

Robert Wright.



Over $1M in Tuition Assistance

For the first time in our history, we provided over $1M in tuition assistance in the 2020-21 academic year.

That support, which totalled $1,100,000, included needs-based tuition assistance, scholarships, sibling

discounts, and COVID-related assistance. These funds are accessible because of the generosity of our donors

to the Bursary Fund, the emergency COVID Relief Fund, and the recently completed Dare to Be Capital

Campaign. This financial support is a key pillar of our strategic plan to provide access to families from more

diverse geographic and socio-economic backgrounds.

Solar Array

In late October we “flipped the switch” on our rooftop solar project and Sacred Heart started producing

energy. When our proposal won inclusion in the Nova Scotia Solar for Community Buildings Pilot Program,

we worked with Sacred Heart parent Robb Apold and his company Natural Forces Solar, to map out

requirements and costs. Once that happened, we raised over $200,000 thanks to lead gifts from the RSCJ

(Religious of the Sacred Heart), Robb Apold, and alumna Debbie Coles ‘76. We then went to work to build

a solar photovoltaic (PV) array on the roof of the School that is now generating power and revenue. Passion

for more environmental sustainability and stewardship has given the School and our students a three-fold

win that will be felt for decades to come. The project allows the School to sell the PV electricity it generates

directly to Nova Scotia Power with the revenue going to the School’s Bursary Fund, the data from the array

can be used for STEM classes and other projects, and of course, it's good for the environment.







We most gratefully

acknowledge those who

contributed to

the 2020-2021

Annual Giving Fund.

$25,000 +

James & Maureen Gogan

$5,000 +

Helen Cassidy

Dong Cheng & Nan Xiao

Jackman Foundation

$3,000 +

Norma Casey

Carole Parker

Danette Pottle & Chris Cruikshank

$2,000 +


Sheila Donahoe

Lois Dyer Mann & David Mann

Robin Leblanc

In honour of Sr. Peterkin, RSCJ, 75th


Matthew & Stephanie Sancton

Mae Seto & Marcel Lefrancois

$1,000 +

Simone Abbass

Mary Akin

Jim Barker & Linda Macdonald

Robert Batherson & Cathy MacIsaac

Gregory Chiasson – In memory of

Alfred & Joan Chiasson

Gord Cooper & Chere Chapman

Ellen Donahoe Feehan

Paula Farmer

Frank & Mary Fitzpatrick

Chuck Ford & Shelley Wood

Marc Furlotte

Monique Gogan

Maria Lang

Cynthia Lang

Dolores & Harold Nickerson

Judith O'Dea-Oliver & James Oliver

Jean & Robbie Shaw

Leslie & Roman Shepeta

Chris Smith & Lydia Bugden

Anna & Lex Stuart

$500 +


Diane Barrett

Judith Beaubien

Patricia Bennett

In memory of Edmund Boyd

Paula Boyd

Anne Carew Hallisey

Margaret Casey

Ofelia & Modesto Cawal-o

Peter Coutts – In memory of Burt &

Connie Coutts

Heather Dyment

Allison & Jonathan Englehart

Patricia Ernst

Renée Fournier

Christine Hanson & Victor Tannous

David & Geralynn Hirsch

Johan Kirsten & Danielle Le Roux

Tingting Liu

Karen Xin Liu

In memory of Roy Logan

Denise McMackin

Tarra Mont-Colgan

Marlee & Mark Naipaul

Patricia & Dale Nichols

The Nunes Family

Timothy & Pamela O'Regan

In memory of James O'Regan

Avi & Fran Ostry

Lingyan Ren & YanJun Tu

Chris Ronald & Lindsay Ireland

In memory of Lee Sears

Michael Simms & Lee Gifford-Simms

Peng Zhang & Zhihao Chen

$250 +

Barat Academy Class of 2021

Crystal Beazley

Neale & Sharon Bennet

Lesley Bleil

Blue Olive Greek Taverna Ltd.

Cheryl Carter

In memory of Helen Cassidy

Patricia Dietz

Theresa Driscoll

Sarah & Jordan Dudley

Torquil & Lisa Duncan

Jen Feron & Jim Murphy

Allison Fitzpatrick & Neal Lade

Isabelle French & Dennis Gillis

Simon Jackson & Sarah Muir

William Laurence

Wallace & Amy MacAskill

In memory of Heather Mahar

Laurie MacKeigan & Tom Murray

Matt MacLellan

Sheryl Penny

Thelma Rankine

Moira & Jonathan Schrader

Society of the Sacred Heart

Robin Thorsteinson & Rob Barbara

Brett Vair & Andrew Bergen

Alexandra & Bryan Whalen

$100 +

Yan An & Wenhai Ma


Louis & Megan Beaubien

Kathleen & Robert Bekkers

Mary Bethune

Sara Bonnyman

Beverley Box

Maureen Brown

Gwyn & Alan Bruce

Martin Bullock & Meghan Nieman

Sheila Cardone

Chuck & Claire Cartmill

In memory of Helen Cassidy

Tana & Guanlin Chen

Diane Clarke

Sr. Kathleen Conan, RSCJ

Fr. Albert Cosgrove

Simone Cottreau

Claudia Cubillos

Sultan & Katherine Darvesh

Sr. Donna Dolan, RSCJ

Lynne Donahoe

Thomas & Marla Dorward

Laura & Matt Elworthy

Marilyn & Bob Ferguson

Ann Fitzgerald

Barbara FitzGerald - In memory of Sr.

Anne Leonard, RSCJ

Colette Flinn Perey

Donna Forest-Robertson

Jim & Thérèse Francis

Paton Francis & Leigh Gillis

Angela Giammario & Paul Hopkins

Lloyd & Lorna Gillis



Victor, Judith & Rachel Goldberg

Arunika Gunawardena & Rajaratnam


Joan Hanrahan

The Harris Family

Pamela Hayes

Maureen Hayward

Carolyn & Steven Hipson

Mathieu Jolin & Jillian Coolen

Gina Lacuesta & Donnovan Bennett

Peter Lee & Sue Kim

Hon Lee & Donna Baggley

Dayna Lee-Baggley

Bonnie LeFrank & Mark Young

Brian & Jeanette Lumsden

Sheila Lumsden-Graham & Ivan


Dr. Dianne Lynch-Dodsworth &


Wenhai Ma & Yan An

Catherine MacDonald

Elmer MacDonald

Ian & Heather MacDonald

Jody & Wayne MacDonald

Jennifer MacDougall & Wayne


Carolyn & Leo MacKenzie

Elena & Maria Maliougina

Robert Marchand & Alison Gillan

Barbara Martell

Miriam Martin & Jorge Perez

Moira McDonald

Barbara-Ann McGarry

Sarah McGuire

The Naulls Family

Larry & Anne Nestman

Deborah Newhouse Dunham

Kathleen Newman

Kelly Nichols

Erika Nicholson & David Maginley

Beverley Palmer Mason & Peter


Craig Pinches & Heather Jackson

Eileen Porter

Colleen Quinn

Maria Josefina Ramos & Antonio Jr.


Miriam Regan & Ian MacNeil

Marie Reyes

Thomas Rissesco

Patricia & Neil Robertson

Kathryn Ross

Mary Ryan McCullough

Andy Samman

Maria Samman

Rosemarie Sampson

John & Judy Sapp

Heidi & John Sapp

Jason & Gillian Scott

Tom & Miriam Sifton

Briann Smith

Janne Tamblyn Lee

Kathryn & Mark Tector

Kerry & Peter Turner

Eileen Vanora Haldane

Alexander Vorobyev & Galina


Sr. Anne Wachter, RSCJ

Michelle Williams

Janet Willwerth

Jimmy & Georgina Zelios

Jinger & Arthur Zhang

$1 - $99

Robyn Andrecyk


Andrew & Katie Aven Gillis

Paul & Lola Awosokanre

Joan Backer

Mary Barker & Ronald Gilkie

Harold & Sharon Beals

Anne Bergstrom

Kathryn Bjornson

Wendy Black

The Bortolussi Family

Jeff Britton & Jennifer Walker

Marcia & Sean Burke

Heather Campbell Russell

Joan Caron

Janice Chisholm McQuaid & Jeffery


Angela Comeau

Alison & Réal Comeau

Sr. Anne Marie Conn, RSCJ

Nancy Crane - In memory of Dr. J.J.


Linda Davis

Yiming Deng & Yanxia Zhang

Judy Dietz

Sheleagh Donahue

Richard & Paige Drake

Bill Druker

Rebecca Fear

Nicole & Allan Ferguson

Chris Fitzpatrick & Ashley Murray

Bruce & Teresa Flinn

Anne Flinn

Marion Gaetan

Gabrielle Gesner & David Connolly

Riley & Wouter Goedkoop

Heather Gordon & Mark McLean

Erin & Jeff Gouthro

Chrislyn Green - In memory of Lydia


Jared & Joy Griffiths

Catherine Gunther

David & Christine Haldane

Rebecca Hammond

Norma & Robert Lord

Pamela MacDonald

Jeremy MacHattie

Meagan MacPherson

Andrew MacSwain

Grace Mader

Rory Martin

Jessica Maynard

Michael McCallum

Helena & Garry McCay

Barbara McCay Cashin & Sean


Gina & Trevor McFetridge

Catherine McGuigan

Patricia McMullen

Kathryn Miller

Janelle Misener

Peter Moores

Anthony Morris

William & Sheila Murphy

Cathleen Niedermayer

Sofia Ortega

Glen Oxner

Andrew Quigley

The Retter Family

Charlotte Riley

Simon & Jennifer Sherry

Paula Simpson-O'Brien

Gloria Sola

Karla Sonnichsen

Sean & Sara Spears

Louise Stringer Warren & James


In memory of Christena Tilly

Stephen & Barna Tugwell

Barb Wade

Brice & Wendy Walsh

Donald Ward

Meredith Wilson

We most gratefully

acknowledge those

who contributed to the

2020-2021 Bursary Fund.

$100,000 +

Estate of Mary Irene Crookshank ’32

$20,000 +

Steve Haysom

$10,000 +

Maria Smith & Eric Tripp

$5,000 +


Tabitha Rogers Medicine

Professional Corporation

$2,000 +

David & Eltie Boyer

$1,000 +

Matthew Hebb & Sarah Young

Bianca Lang & Andrew Orr

Shelagh Leahey

Peter & Siew Kim Secord


$500 +


Victoria & Robert Apold

Sara & Steven Earle

Ken Mantin - In memory of Betty


Marlee & Mark Naipaul

Dolores & Harold Nickerson

Pauline Scott

Sisters of Charity

Tammy Sullivan & Matthew Creelman

$250 +

Neale & Sharon Bennet

Anne Carew Hallisey

Brian Casey & Patricia Donnelly

Jeanne & Jason Clyburne

Nancy Delaney & Jason Schella

Patricia Dietz

Theresa Driscoll

Heather Dyment

Monique Gogan

Colin Guthrie & Michelle Howell

Mirren & Benjamin Harris

David & Geralynn Hirsch

Matthew MacLellan

Michael Rushe

Michael M. Simms

Alexandra & Bryan Whalen

$100 +

Doris Arend - In memory of Ann


Robert Berard

Andrew & Christa Black

Canadian Association of Sacred Heart


Sheila Cardone

Lynne Donahoe

Ellen Donahoe Feehan

Janet Fortune-Woodworth

Thérèse & Jim Francis

Nancy & Tony Gifford

Sally Gifford

Carolyn & Steven Hipson

Gina Lacuesta & Donnovan Bennett

Mairi Lindsay MacDonald

Robyn Macfarlane & Stephen


Dian Marciniak

Barry & Mary Catharine McDonnell -

In memory of Ann Walsh

Denise McMackin

James & Catherine O'Neil

Carole Parker

Simone Poirier-Bures

MJ Ramos & Antonio Jr. Reyes

Lesley & Michael Reeves

John & Judy Sapp

Rebecca Saturley & Keith Bourne

Jason & Gillian Scott

Robert & Kathleen Sigman

Helen Smith - In memory of Ann


Jane Sodero & Paul Melanson


Jane Verge

Sara Wachter

Michelle Williams

$1 - $99


Jill Blain

Mary Brown & Stephen MacLean

Gord Cooper & Chere Chapman

Barna De

Laura Wachter Geiwitz

Weibin He & Xiuyun Yu

Armande Lavertu Morton

Roberta Rothwell - In memory of

Ann Walsh

Anna Stuart

We most gratefully

acknowledge those

who contributed to the

2020-2021 Covid Relief


$500 +


Nina Liu & Zhijiang Zhou

The Naipaul Family

$250 +

Gabrielle Gietzen

William Laurence

Denise MacDonell & Michael Flynn

Ken Mantin – In memory of Betty


$100 +

Martha & Galo Carrera

Bonnie LeFrank & Mark Young

Deborah Newhouse Dunham

$1 - $99

Marie Reyes

Laurie & Franco Tarulli

We most gratefully

acknowledge the sponsors

and donors of the 2020-21

Bubbled Bursary Benefit.


Domus Realty - Jennifer Gillis &

Michelle Reddy


Assante/Bloom Wealth Investment


Eldis Group Partnership



Colleen Ryan


J2K Properties

Mosaik Properties Ltd

Red Door Realty -

Teenie Morrison Grace &

Denise MacDonell

Saint Mary’s University



Atlantic Digital

Blossom Shops

Mark Furlotte - CIBC Wood Gundy

Insight Optometry

Maxim Construction

O’Regan’s Automotive Group

Parkland at the Gardens

Sacred Heart School of Halifax

Alumnae & Alumni Association

Sacred Heart School of Halifax

Parents’ Guild

Scotia Fuels

Society of the Sacred Heart

Superline Fuels

The Voyager’s Workshop

University of King’s College

Silver Donors

Mary Lib Bethune & Family

David & Eltie Boyer

Pete Clive

Debbie Coles

Angie Giammario & Paul Hopkins

Philomena Hughes - In honour of Dr.

& Mrs. W. Hughes

Nathalie & Darin McLean

Rob Oyler

Miriam Regan & Ian MacNeil

Lee Gifford-Simms & Michael Simms

Our Advancement Office has worked

hard to ensure the accuracy of this

information and to avoid errors and

omissions. If your name is not listed

as you would prefer it to be, please

let us know so that our records may

be corrected. If an error or omission

is found, please accept our sincere

apologies and advise us by calling

902-422-4459 or send an email

to giving@shsh.ca. If your gift was

received after June 30, 2021, your

name will appear in our 2021-22

Annual Report.


Financial Statement

Sacred Heart School of Halifax – Year ending June 30, 2021



90.9% Tuition

1.3% Annual


2.1% Auxiliary


4.8% Other


0.9% Interest &

Other Income







Instruction, Support, Salaries,

& Materials

Financial Assistance,

Scholarships, & Discounts

Plant Operations,

Maintenance & Improvement

General Administrative

& Fundraising

Additions to Operating Reserve &

Capital Program Enhancements


1.7% Auxiliary Expenses


The Year in Photos

Barat Academy Class of 2021

Fountain Academy Class of 2021

Congratulations to our newest alums!

Thanks to the ingenuity and dedication of our Senior School Administrative team and a host of helpers, we

managed to pull off a very special and personalized outdoor ceremony for each of our graduates and their

immediate families on a lovely day in late June. These group photos were digitally composed using individual

photos of each graduate strategically placed on the stairs of our historic front entrance. Congratulations to the

Class of 2021, you have already demonstrated strength of character, leadership, wisdom, and true scholarship.

To read our 2020-21 Graduation Report, click here.

5820 Spring Garden Road, Halifax, NS B3H 1X8 www.shsh.ca

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