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Spotlight on Aerobic Activities: A Tried and True Favorite

and Two Increasingly Popular Options


Walking is an easy physical activity to begin and maintain as part of a physically active lifestyle. It does

not require special skills, facilities, or expensive equipment. Many studies show that walking has health

benefits and a low risk of injury. It can be done year round and in many settings.

Yoga and Tai Chi

Many different forms of yoga exist, and they range in intensity level from more meditative Hatha yoga

to power yoga. For this reason, yoga may include time that would be characterized as light-intensity

physical activity or as moderate-intensity physical activity. Yoga may also be considered both aerobic

and muscle strengthening, depending on the type and the postures practiced.

Tai chi is typically classified as a light-intensity physical activity but may be considered relatively

moderate intensity for some adults. It includes balance activities, and some forms may be considered

muscle strengthening.

High-Intensity Interval Training

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a form of interval training that consists of alternating short

periods of maximal-effort exercise with less intense recovery periods. There are no universally accepted

lengths for the maximal-effort period, the recovery period, or the ratio of the two; no universally accepted

number of cycles per session or the entire duration of the session; and no precise relative intensity at

which the maximal-effort component should be performed.

When using relative intensity, people pay attention to how

physical activity affects their heart rate and breathing. As

a rule of thumb, a person doing moderate-intensity aerobic Talk Test

activity can talk, but not sing, during the activity. A person

As a rule of thumb, a person doing

doing vigorous-intensity activity cannot say more than a few moderate-intensity aerobic activity can

words without pausing for a breath.

talk, but not sing, during the activity.

A person doing vigorous-intensity

Older or less fit adults may find that activities in Table 4-1

activity cannot say more than a few

labeled as moderate intensity are experienced as vigorous

words without pausing for a breath.

intensity. These adults will gain health benefits from starting

with activities that would be considered light intensity and, as

they are able, to gradually build up to moderate- or vigorous-intensity activities. In contrast, younger or more

fit adults may experience activities labeled as moderate intensity easy enough that they can sing while doing

them. These adults may need to do more vigorous-intensity activities to gain certain health benefits.

60 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans

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