DPWH - Blue Book


Each pass shall terminate at least 910 mm (3 ft) in advance or to the rear of theend of the preceding pass. During compaction, the surface shall be dragged orbladed as necessary to fill ruts and to remove incipient corrugation or otherirregularities. Rolling shall continue until the surface is of uniform texture andsatisfactory compaction is obtained. Initial rolling shall be performed with apneumatic tire roller and final rolling with a 3-wheel or tandem-type steel wheelroller. Rolling shall be discontinued whenever it begins to produce excessivepulverizing of the aggregate or displacement of the mixture.When the compacted thickness of the road mix lime stabilized base courseis to be more than 150 mm, the mixture shall be spread from the windrow andcompacted in two (2) approximately equal layers, the first layer to be bladed androlled before the second layer is spread.Compaction shall continue until a field density of not less than 100% of thecompacted maximum dry density determined in accordance with AASHTO T 180,Method D has been attained. Field Density test shall be in accordance withAASHTO T Protection, Curing and MaintenanceAfter the lime-stabilized base course has been finished as specified herein,the surface shall be protected against rapid drying for a period of at least five (5)days by either of the following curing methods:1. Maintain in a thorough and continuously moist condition by sprinklingwith water.2. Cover the completed surface with a 50 mm layer of earth or sand andmaintain in moist condition.3. Apply on the surface an asphalt membrane of the type and quantityapproved by the Engineer.4. Apply on the surface a liquid membrane curing compound of the typeand quantity approved by the Engineer.The Contractor shall be required to maintain at his own expense the entirework within the limits of his Contract in good condition satisfactory to the Engineerfrom the time he first started work until all work shall have been completed.Maintenance shall include immediate repairs of any defects that may occur beforeand after the lime-stabilized base course has been compacted and finished, whichwork shall be done by the Contractor at his own expense and repeated as may benecessary to keep the base continuously intact.203.3.8 Trial SectionsTrial sections of the stabilized base shall be constructed at least 2 weeksbefore actual base construction. These shall conform to the applicablerequirements of Subsections 200.3.4, Trial Sections.50

203.3.9 TolerancesThe stabilized base course shall be laid to the designed level andtransverse slopes shown on the Plans. The allowable tolerances shall be inaccordance with Subsection 201.3.5, Tolerance.203.3.10 TrafficThe Contractor will not be permitted to drive heavy equipment overcompleted portions prior to the end of five (5) days curing period exceptpneumatic-tired equipment required for constructing adjoining sections. Turningareas on completed portions of the base shall be protected by a layer of stablegranular materials of not less than 50 mm of compacted depth.203.4 Method of MeasurementLime Stabilized Road Mix base Course will be measured by the cubicmeter (m 3 ). The quantity to be paid for shall be the design volume compacted inplace as shown on the Plans, and accepted in the completed course. Noallowance shall be given for materials placed outside the design limits shown onthe cross-sections. Trial sections shall not be measured separately but shall beincluded in the quantity of lime stabilized road mix base course.203.5 Basis of PaymentThe accepted quantities, measured as prescribed in Section 203.4, shallbe paid for at the contract unit price for Lime Stabilized Road Mix Base Coursewhich price and payment shall be full compensation for furnishing and placing allmaterials, including all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary tocomplete the work prescribed in this Item.Payment will be made under:Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement203 Lime Stabilized Road MixBase Course,(New or Salvaged)Soil-AggregateCubic MeterITEM 204 – PORTLAND CEMENT STABILIZED ROAD MIX BASE COURSE204.1 DescriptionThis Item shall consist of a foundation for surface source composed of soilaggregate,Portland Cement and water in proper proportions, road-mixed andconstructed on a prepared subgrade/subbase in accordance with this51

Each pass shall terminate at least 910 mm (3 ft) in advance or to the rear of the

end of the preceding pass. During compaction, the surface shall be dragged or

bladed as necessary to fill ruts and to remove incipient corrugation or other

irregularities. Rolling shall continue until the surface is of uniform texture and

satisfactory compaction is obtained. Initial rolling shall be performed with a

pneumatic tire roller and final rolling with a 3-wheel or tandem-type steel wheel

roller. Rolling shall be discontinued whenever it begins to produce excessive

pulverizing of the aggregate or displacement of the mixture.

When the compacted thickness of the road mix lime stabilized base course

is to be more than 150 mm, the mixture shall be spread from the windrow and

compacted in two (2) approximately equal layers, the first layer to be bladed and

rolled before the second layer is spread.

Compaction shall continue until a field density of not less than 100% of the

compacted maximum dry density determined in accordance with AASHTO T 180,

Method D has been attained. Field Density test shall be in accordance with


203.3.7 Protection, Curing and Maintenance

After the lime-stabilized base course has been finished as specified herein,

the surface shall be protected against rapid drying for a period of at least five (5)

days by either of the following curing methods:

1. Maintain in a thorough and continuously moist condition by sprinkling

with water.

2. Cover the completed surface with a 50 mm layer of earth or sand and

maintain in moist condition.

3. Apply on the surface an asphalt membrane of the type and quantity

approved by the Engineer.

4. Apply on the surface a liquid membrane curing compound of the type

and quantity approved by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall be required to maintain at his own expense the entire

work within the limits of his Contract in good condition satisfactory to the Engineer

from the time he first started work until all work shall have been completed.

Maintenance shall include immediate repairs of any defects that may occur before

and after the lime-stabilized base course has been compacted and finished, which

work shall be done by the Contractor at his own expense and repeated as may be

necessary to keep the base continuously intact.

203.3.8 Trial Sections

Trial sections of the stabilized base shall be constructed at least 2 weeks

before actual base construction. These shall conform to the applicable

requirements of Subsections 200.3.4, Trial Sections.


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