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Azure Lorica has refurbished

its programs for a generation

that’s survived an extraordinary

era of technological revolution

and social reconstruction. They

are college students, parents, and

aging in a world where the word

“opportunity” does not mean to

work regular office hours. They

have endured the harshest of

mental awareness, taken on various

levels of political challenges,

and have built a virtual economy

that may aid generations to

come. They are the warrior, the

dragon, and the storm. And we

are their ally.

When we began, in 2010,

we knew the world as a frightened

creature, unable to stand

against the failing economy and

their family’s dual values. We

wrote plays, produced theatrical

productions, and welcomed the

unwelcomed to our box office. It

took us time, and plenty of moving

about Los Angeles County, to

finally find ourselves online, and

at the edge of the San Gabriel


As we await for the return

of business in our local Cafes,

Libraries, and Community

Centers, we are proceeding our

anti-bully society’s work virtually

on zoom, facebook, instagram,

and further. We believed it was

like starting from the ground

up again, as many changes our

humble organization has gone

through, but instead, it felt more

like growing with a family member

you rarely see. Much like

a childhood friend, we caught

up on things, such as facebook

groups and ebook publications,

and are now taking on the challenge

of seeing if we can get

back on lost hobbies, and make

it something more relevant to

us both. We may be different

people now, but our friendship

is stronger now that we’ve had

enough time to be away, during

our awkward phases, which we

just laugh at, now that our angst

has subsided.

What used to be intense

productions, to somehow become

a professional writer someday,

such as our anime convention

and cosplay magazines, are

now book publishing and film

festivals online. It may not be as

flashy, but it helps people at an

international range. Rather than

inviting locals to understand the

misunderstood, we now translate

philosophies for those willing

to read a book from end to end.

Foreign films produce Avenger

fanfilms, US Artists are reaching

Japan and Sweden, and our hope

for a liberal lifestyle no longer

feels so small.


Now, we’re reaching out to a

world that welcomes transgenders

and physical consent, aiding

those with mental health issues,

and inviting allies to make everyone’s

life experience as safe as

possible. The only challenge now

is how to house our growing


Today, we have those that

are learning how to create a safe

space, and those that are teaching

about safe spaces. It’s normal

now, but anxiety may come,

and friends and family may not

always be there. And a stranger

may just be the remedy to one’s

mental health.

Not everyone has the

time to be a committed Guardian,

in our anti-bully society, so

we encourage everyone to create

art. Art carries a story, and

stories are philosophy-practiced.

Let everyone know that this is a

normalcy for many of us, and we

hope that this may allow the

public to understand that people

of any color, within the gender

spectrum, and in and out of the

status quo may never feel in danger

wherever they may go.








This inspiration must be

accredited to Professor Elemental.

This UK steampunk rapper

gave a speech at our impromptu

production of the Professor

Elemental Soiree. It was by his

request that we made the concert

happen. We had only six weeks

to prepare, including his friend

Countless Thousands to open,

the order was a tall one for just

two producers. But he was surprised

that we found a way. Stefanie

Warner and Eugene Cordell,

the founders of Azure Lorica,

were not new to underground

parties. They’re quaint people

now, but if you ask them to make

a Tokyo Tea cocktail, they’ll not

only teach you how, but also

pair it with their favorite meal

and tea. So, when the Professor

asked to be taken seriously as a

professional rapper, they went

to Highland Park, and turned

the concert so underground, the

fire department came to shut it


Before this one night’s

end, back in March of 2019,

Professor rounded his audience

together, after a series of his

popular songs, and claimed that

we, as Geeks and Weirdos, were

being distracted from being

ourselves. We are not supposed

to be victims, or strangers to

discrimination. We are large in

number, and allowing an old

society to tell us how it used to

be was just silly. None of us are

children anymore. We have inherited

the world, and to pretend

that we had no power to change

it was obnoxious. The rest of the

world has moved forward, and to

step backwards made no sense.

With women losing

access to medical aid for their

physical health, removing their

right to equal pay and a voice

in politics…we should’ve been

extremely worried. And that was

only the beginning. Ultimately,

we made the choice to do something,

and it worked. Because we


And due to that, Azure

Lorica wants to keep this story

alive. We want this to be a legacy

worth fighting for. We did it.

As a society, we made equality a

reality in the US. And the world

followed too.


To find more about Azure Lorica, we invite

you to get involved. We have three clubs that

allow volunteers to be part of every production

under our umbrella. And if you wish to

become an advocate for our anti-bullying society,

then join our ranks and let’s make art!

Film Club: film.azurelorica.org

Book Club: book.azurelorica.org

Stage Club: stage.azurelorica.org




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