Debunking Common Misconceptions about Slip and Fall Personal Injury Claims

Slip and fall accidents are common occurrences, causing many people to suffer severe injuries and death in the worst cases. While slip accidents occur in various settings, the result is the same. Visit Slip and fall accidents are common occurrences, causing many people to suffer severe injuries and death in the worst cases. While slip accidents occur in various settings, the result is the same. Visit


accept the first offer from the insurance company right after your injury because they don’tact in your interest and try to reduce your compensation than you truly deserve. Often, slipand fall victims underestimate their injury and realize that they’re more hurt than anticipated.This makes them understand they’ve signed up for less settlement. Consult a personal injuryattorney in Rio Rancho before accepting your insurance company’s settlement.Myth 2#Property Owners are Responsible for Any SpillWell, this’s not necessarily true. Victims of spill injury should prove that the owner is awarethat the spill was there and had an opportunity to clean it up. For example, if you slip on aspilled liquid in a grocery store and there was a warning sign not to use the area until furthernotice, then the owners can go a long way to protect themselves, and more important, it’snot their fault. That said, it’s the responsibility of the owner to keep the people safe. Signslike “enter at your own risk” or generalized statement isn’t acceptable.Myth #3You Can’t Claim if the Owner is Unaware of the DangerThis’s one of the major misleading information about the slip and fall injury claims. It’s theowner’s responsibility for injuries and can be made to pay damages as long as the personshould have known the existence of a dangerous situation inside the premises.Myth #4You Don’t Need an AttorneyA personal injury attorney in Rio Rancho can help you know your options, guide you on theright path, make sure your rights are protected, fight for the compensation you truly deserve,and, more importantly, act on your interest. You’ll need to consult personal injury or caraccident lawyers in Rio Rancho in any personal injury claims.Don’t get misled by such false information. Only an attorney will be able to tell whetheryou’re eligible to file your claim or not. A qualified and experienced personal injury attorneywill have the resources and desire to take your case and work towards getting true value foryour sufferings and pain.

accept the first offer from the insurance company right after your injury because they don’t

act in your interest and try to reduce your compensation than you truly deserve. Often, slip

and fall victims underestimate their injury and realize that they’re more hurt than anticipated.

This makes them understand they’ve signed up for less settlement. Consult a personal injury

attorney in Rio Rancho before accepting your insurance company’s settlement.

Myth 2#

Property Owners are Responsible for Any Spill

Well, this’s not necessarily true. Victims of spill injury should prove that the owner is aware

that the spill was there and had an opportunity to clean it up. For example, if you slip on a

spilled liquid in a grocery store and there was a warning sign not to use the area until further

notice, then the owners can go a long way to protect themselves, and more important, it’s

not their fault. That said, it’s the responsibility of the owner to keep the people safe. Signs

like “enter at your own risk” or generalized statement isn’t acceptable.

Myth #3

You Can’t Claim if the Owner is Unaware of the Danger

This’s one of the major misleading information about the slip and fall injury claims. It’s the

owner’s responsibility for injuries and can be made to pay damages as long as the person

should have known the existence of a dangerous situation inside the premises.

Myth #4

You Don’t Need an Attorney

A personal injury attorney in Rio Rancho can help you know your options, guide you on the

right path, make sure your rights are protected, fight for the compensation you truly deserve,

and, more importantly, act on your interest. You’ll need to consult personal injury or car

accident lawyers in Rio Rancho in any personal injury claims.

Don’t get misled by such false information. Only an attorney will be able to tell whether

you’re eligible to file your claim or not. A qualified and experienced personal injury attorney

will have the resources and desire to take your case and work towards getting true value for

your sufferings and pain.

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