Stanley Kubrick: visualizing the plight of human existence

The title of this Dossier points to the two basic features of Stanley Kubrick's work that we will examine: on the one hand, the rich array of themes that inform all his films, his concern with the problems and dramas that confront human existence; on the other hand, his power to visualize such themes by mastering the most important tool of film language, i.e. the power of images to convey concepts and feelings, prompting the audience's intellectual and emotional response. Find the online version with full active links here: http://www.cinemafocus.eu/Studi sul cinema/kubrick1.html

The title of this Dossier points to the two basic features of Stanley Kubrick's work that we will examine: on the one hand, the rich array of themes that inform all his films, his concern with the problems and dramas that confront human existence; on the other hand, his power to visualize such themes by mastering the most important tool of film language, i.e. the power of images to convey concepts and feelings, prompting the audience's intellectual and emotional response. Find the online version with full active links here:
http://www.cinemafocus.eu/Studi sul cinema/kubrick1.html

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Stanley Kubrick: visualizzare i dilemmi della condizione umana

Stanley Kubrick: visualizing the plight of human existence


questo ci ricorda il soldato Joker in Full metal having the words "Born to kill" scribbled on

jacket, che vediamo portare un distintivo con il his helmet. When asked to explain the reason

simbolo della pace mentre sul suo elmetto sono for these symbols, Joker says, "It's something

scritte le parole "Nato per uccidere". Interpellato sul about the duality of man!".

significato di questi simboli, Joker dice, "E'

qualcosa che ha a che fare con la dualità



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