Work Porfolio presentation_ Sibusisiwe Hlatshwayo

Event portfolio presentation for Sibusisiwe Hlatshwayo Event portfolio presentation for Sibusisiwe Hlatshwayo

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Work Portfolio

P r e s e n t e d b y S i b u s i s i w e H l a t s h w a y o

About Me

E d u c a t i o n a n d P r o f e s s i o n a l E x p e r i e n c e

Educational Background

G r a d u a t e S c h o o l | P o s t - G r a d u a t e | A c c r e d i t a t i o n

AFDA school of Motion Picture

• BA Motion Picture Medium

Vega School of Innovation & Brand

• Honors Brand Leadership

• Digital Strategy Certification


• Public Relations Institute of South Africa

CSIR Presentation | Sibusisiwe Hlatshwayo 3

Professional Experience

A d v e r t i s i n g A g e n c y | C o r p o r a t e S a l e s

Over 2 years

• Production/ Traffic


• Junior Account Executive

5 years

• Marketing Co-ordinator

• Events Co-Ordinator

• Webinar/ Events


CSIR Presentation | Sibusisiwe Hlatshwayo 4

Event Management

L i v e E v e n t s | D i g i t a l E v e n t s

LexisNexis Event Overview





• 87 Events

• All live events. Mix of sponsored, partnerships and LexisNexis hosted.

• 124 Events

• All live events. With the introduction of the meetups, using the

meetup app to manage the events.

• 136 Events

• Only 3 live events from Jan – Mar.

• Mix of Hybrid and online events.

Live Events

Types of Events


Ta b l e d i s p l a y s | C o n f e r e n c e s | L e x i s N e x i s H o s t e d

Table Displays

• These would either be

book launches, invites to

display at key industry

forums and seminars

with specific focus on

LexisNexis Titles


• LexisNexis sponsorship

events which would

either be Revenue

Generating conferences

or Brand Awareness


LN Hosted events

• Events organised and

run by LexisNexis. There

can be affiliations to the

events, these can be

CSIR Presentation | Sibusisiwe Hlatshwayo 8

Digital/ Hybrid Events


Types of Digital/ Hybrid events

Ty p e s o f o n l i n e e v e n t s w h i c h L N p a r t i c i p a t e d i n

d u r i n g t h e l o c k d o w n p e r i o d .

Brand Awareness


Affiliations/ Partnerships

• Events affiliated with the Strategic

direction of the new brand.

• Responsible for identifying new

events which would highlight the

new business direction and full

design and campaign awareness.

• Events were either LN hosted

events with sourced out speakers

or new sponsorship opportunities.

• Sponsored events which leveraged

existing relationships with LN event


• Responsible for contract renewals

and negotiations for brand

exposure at events.

• Fully sourced out events.

• Brands and industry thought

leaders sourced out to help with

giving credibility to LN products,

these platforms also helped to

build insights on LN products and

increased demand on LN services/


• Responsible for researching and

sourcing thought leaders who are

speaking on current topics which

highlight LN service offering.

• Fully branded LN partnership


Presentation | Sibusisiwe Hlatshwayo 11

Event Planning overview


Add a footer 12

POPIA Webinar Series


Presentation | Sibusisiwe Hlatshwayo 13

2020 LN Hosted webinars


Sibusisiwe Hlatshwayo

Work Portfolio Presentation

Digital Experience

We b s i t e u p d a t e s | Re s o u rc e

C e n t re s


Website Management

B a c k - e n d p r o g r a m : S q u i z m a t r i x

• Worked with designers on the LexisNexis webinar


• Managed all updates on the platform: video uploads,

calendar updates, webinar specific pages.

• Webinar page specs: Author bio, webinar brief, past

and upcoming webinars.

• Reference: GRC webinar series

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Resource Centres

I n d i v i d u a l l y r u n p a g e s f r o m t h e L e x i s N e x i s

W e b s i t e .

COVID—19 Resource Centre

• Legislative updates

• Bi-weekly email update send (Email updates depend on

the frequency of each notice).


Action against GBV Resource Centre

• All page updates including content (legislations, pdf

resources, articles, contact details.)


CSIR Presentation | Sibusisiwe Hlatshwayo 17


Sibusisiwe Hlatshwayo

Work Portfolio Presentation

Thank You.

Sibusisiwe Hlatshwayo

+27 66 480 2030

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