BIS Abu Dhabi Times

A round-up of Term 1 2021/22 at The British International School Abu Dhabi.

A round-up of Term 1 2021/22 at The British International School Abu Dhabi.


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TERM 1 2021/2022


National Day








Issue #06

Principal’s Note



It is a pleasure to share this bumper edition of the BIS Abu Dhabi

Times, containing the latest news and events from The British

International School Abu Dhabi.

As you look through the pages of the magazine, you will see what

a busy start it has been to the 2021/22 academic year and how

there has been much to celebrate.

The students have showed us that nothing is impossible with

yet another set of outstanding examination results. Our 2021

graduates once again achieved record results in the International

Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) examinations. Their

average point score of 38 is significantly ahead of the worldwide

average of 33 and has enabled our students to obtain places in

highly prestigious courses at some of the top universities around

the world including the University of Oxford, the University

of Sydney, McGill University in Canada and the University of

California, Berkeley.

Within this magazine you will read about numerous other student

achievements, awards and some of the events they participated

in. The students have some fantastic accomplishments, and we

are very proud to share them with you.

BIS Abu Dhabi are honoured to have been shortlisted again as

finalists in the prestigious International School Awards 2022, in

the Safeguarding Award category. This follows the tremendous

achievement of having won the Awards in 2020 and 2021. The

International School Awards celebrate outstanding teaching and

learning from leading international schools around the world.

They provide the opportunity for international schools to share

best practice, creative endeavours, community participation

and innovation. The International School Awards are highly

competitive, with 261 international school entries from 48

countries this year so it is a fantastic achievement to be recognised

as one of the leading international schools three years in a row.

This term we had the delight of celebrating the 50th Anniversary

of the UAE. BIS Abu Dhabi students joined the celebrations by

coming to school dressed in beautiful outfits representing their

host country. Throughout the day they learned about the past,

present and the future of the UAE and enjoyed many activities.

I also had the pleasure of planting a commemorative ghaf tree

ably assisted by Year 12 student Jalilah, in the school grounds.

The tree will stand to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the

founding of the UAE and will, in time, provide shade for future

students of BIS Abu Dhabi, as these trees have done for the people

of these lands for many years.

As you turn the pages of the magazine, you will see that we have

also held some wonderful Covid compliant events and themed

days throughout the term including Kindness Day, House Day,

Flag Day and Superhero Day to name a few.

Restrictions have not stopped us coming together as a community

to enjoy coffee mornings at The Westin Hotel Resort and Spa. It

was a pleasure to meet some of our new families and catch

up with some of our parents that we have not been able to get

together with for quite some time.

Finally, this term has seen the launch of the BISADNetwork, a

virtual community which will allow Parents, Alumni Parents,

Alumni, IBDP Graduates, Staff and Alumni Staff to (re)connect,

network, find and offer mentorship, attend events, form groups

and more. It has been fantastic to connect the BIS Abu Dhabi

family together.

Patrick Horne










































Be Ambitious

2021 Examination Success

“We are so proud of our students’ achievements. These

amazing results mean they have secured places at their chosen

universities around the world, including institutions such as the

University of Oxford, the University of Sydney, McGill University

in Canada and the University of California, Berkeley. These

results reflect the outstanding dedication of our students, their

families and their teachers. Many congratulations to every one

of these BIS Abu Dhabi students, all well on their way to even

greater success in the future.” Patrick Horne, Principal said.

In yet another record-breaking year, BIS Abu Dhabi International

Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) and IGCSE students

excelled to obtain outstanding results, with truly impressive

outcomes across all subjects.

For the 2020/21 academic school year, BIS Abu Dhabi IBDP

students achieved exceptional results with an average point

score of 38, far exceeding the global average of 33. These results

maintain BIS Abu Dhabi’s position as one of the leading IBDP

Schools in the world.

Almost half of the cohort achieved 40 points or more out of a

maximum score of 45, putting them in the top 10% of students

around the world. The highest achieving student Hagir, scored 45

points, placing her in the top 1% of IBDP candidates worldwide.

IBDP class of 2021

average subject grade

IGCSE class of 2021:

With 63% of all grades at A or A*, BIS Abu Dhabi IGCSE students

performed far beyond UK and international expectations.

Five students, Aamukta, Aisyah, Marya, Muhammad and Tamsin

managed to achieve perfect scores in every one of their subjects.

Patrick Horne, BIS Abu Dhabi Principal, said: “These are superb

grades from this group of students and everyone at the school

is immensely proud of them for achieving the highest results in

the school’s history. They have quite rightly been rewarded for

the tremendous work they have put in for the last two years,

wonderfully supported by their teachers and their families.

These terrific results give a perfect preparation for these

students as they begin their IB Diploma Programme, and look to

seek places at the very best universities around the world.”

With students taking examinations in 25 different subjects, the

breadth of opportunities provided by BIS Abu Dhabi ensures that

each student’s individual passion is nurtured in a truly inclusive

international school.

The continued success in IGCSE and IBDP results is a testament

to the school’s high academic standards, excellent teaching and

the hard work and dedication of students.


Be Ambitious


The Creativity,

Activity and Service

(CAS) element of the IBDP

demands students to balance

academics with extracurricular

activities, which allowed me to

showcase my leadership, organisation

and teamwork skills, qualities which

universities look for in aspiring students.

My CAS activities were brought up in

interviews and I believe they helped me

secure places at numerous medical


-Hagir, IB 2020/21

Mohammed Bin Rashid University,


Having numerous

friends that studied

both the IB Diploma and

A-Levels, I feel confident that

the path I chose has prepared me

well for university. While coursework

can be a source of stress if not planned

and managed correctly, the skills it

develops are fundamental for university.

Furthermore, the Creativity, Activity and

Service element of the programme allows

students to develop skills that are not

inherently academic.

-Daniel, IB 2020/21

Univerisiry of Oxford, Geography


Psychology as an

option in the IB Diploma

Programme was a sure

advantage for me over many other

applicants who were not able to

study Psychology in school. There is an

entrance exam to study Psychology in

most universities and with the knowledge I

had already gained on the subject, I already

had an edge over the competition. I think

that the IBDP also helped me develop a

structured routine and discipline in my

work-life balance which I think will be very

helpful in my time at university.

-Marqaux, IB 2020/21

Leiden University, Psychology


Be Ambitious

Award Nomination

The British International School Abu Dhabi is honoured to have

been shortlisted as finalists in the prestigious International

School Awards 2022, in the Safeguarding Award category. This

follows the tremendous achievement of having won the Awards

in 2020 and 2021.

The International School Awards celebrate outstanding teaching

and learning from leading international schools around the

world. They provide the opportunity for international schools

to share best practice, creative endeavours, community

participation and innovation.

The International School Awards are highly competitive, with 261

international school entries from 48 countries this year.

The judging panel complimented participating schools on their

resilience and commitment to improving student learning at

such a challenging time for educators globally.

Judging is now underway, and winners will be announced at an

awards ceremony in January.


As part of the UAE Golden Jubilee celebrations, BIS Abu Dhabi launched ‘The UAE and Me’ competition.

To participate, students were invited to write a poem or submit a piece of art (in any medium such as a

painting, photography, comic cartoon etc.) that demonstrates what the UAE means to them.

There was an incredible response to the competition with over 80 entries received! The judges were very

impressed with the range and quality of the countless outstanding submissions. Some students produced

wonderful poems and stories, while others created canvases, sketches, 3D models and more.

It was a difficult task to pick the winners, however BIS Abu Dhabi is delighted to announce that 20 students

have been crowned winners who will have their entries published in a commemorative book, as well as

displayed around the school.

Many congratulations to everybody that took part.


Be Be Ambitious

Secondary Headteacher’s

Commendation Award

Congratulations to the wonderful students who received the Secondary Headteacher’s Commendation Award in Term 1. This award is of high

significance, given only to students who teachers believe have academically excelled, and have done significantly well in their studies.

Congratulations to Zuni and Hyunseo from

Year 7, who were this years’ first recipients of a

Headteacher’s Commendation Award. They were

both recognised for their extraordinary efforts in

Maths. Well done!

Adithya was awarded a Headteacher’s

Commendation Award by Mrs. Cannon,

who was especially impressed with the

webpage which he created following

an assembly about the United Nations.

Congratulations Adithya!

Year 9 student Paul was awarded a

Headteacher’s Commendation last

week after being nominated by several

teachers for his regular and perceptive

contributions to class discussions. Well

done Paul!

Road to University by Christian, Year 13

While in year 12, I realised that law was a degree that I wanted and began preparing to apply

to universities. As a result of this epiphany, I joined Debate Club, Model UN and started doing

internships. I became more involved in service-related activities thanks to Mrs. Grange’s

advice. Through the summer and still, to this day, I worked for UpLaw (a nonprofit dedicated

to connecting and guiding prospective law students through the arduous application process).

I am also NexGen Wellbeing’s social media lead for male mental health, producing weekly

content for their digital platforms to raise awareness about male mental health. This will be

something I continue to do during my degree as Nex Gen Wellbeing aims to improve mental

health in universities and schools throughout the UK.

After watching “Suits,” I became interested in law, which led me to participate in InvestIN’s

Young Lawyer Summer 2021 internship, which confirmed my interest. After learning the basics

of British common law there and winning mock trials, I decided to pursue further study of

law. Having read ‘Fake Law’ and ‘Is Eating People Wrong’, I am more aware of criminal law

and its moral implications. Because of this appreciation, I founded BISAD’s law society, where

members discuss and conduct mock trials on legal cases that have inspired modern law (for

example, the renowned R v Dudley and Stephens case). Also, I participated in an Introduction

to the English Common Law class, in which I learned about the history of the English and Welsh

legal systems.

As daunting as the workload of law study may be, I am eager to embark on my degree in the UK for several reasons: first, having

the cold air swoop over me as I step out of my student accommodation and dusting off scarves, coats, and gloves excites me, as it

offers a different environment from the one I have called home for the last seven years. It will be a pleasure to drink warm coffee to

compensate for the lack of sleep while engaging in intellectually challenging and complex debates with newfound friends. Third,

after attending so many online webinars on different aspects of law, I am eager to sit in a lecture hall and hear from a professor

face-to-face. And to top it off, I look forward to living in a city and enjoying my individual student lifestyle.


Beyond the Be Ambitious Classroom

Year 1 Pirate Day

Year 1 students celebrated the end of their ‘All Aboard’ topic

with a fun-filled, high-energy pirate school day.

Pirate shanties were sung from the moment they walked

into school, and students had a fantastic time making pirate

flags, taking part in a pirate parade, and even making some

traditional pirate food, hard tack. The students enjoyed the

hard tack more than expected and even asked for more!

Students arrived to posters from the pirate asking for new

crew mates. They thought about what characteristics a pirate

needs, and then wrote a letter to the Captain to tell him why

they thought they would be a good member of his crew.

Students also read a range of pirate stories and took on roles

of pirates using first person to speak and write.

They also had fun completing an obstacle course where they

walked the plank, cleaned the deck, and avoided sharks

while island hopping. Thankfully the new pirate recruits

successfully passed their challenges and graduated Pirate

School, leaving with gold coins and their very own pirate


The ‘All Aboard’ topic linked heavily with Science where

the students were learning about Materials. They were

recognising and naming materials before thinking about

their properties such as hard, soft, smooth, rough, bendy,

transparent. The students investigated this by completing a

range of pirate theme challenges (they had a pirate invasion

where the class mascots- Fred the Frog- was taken) to try

and get Fred back. This included investigating floating and

sinking and waterproof materials. The skills students learned

also developed their map skill - by creating their own maps

and using maps to find treasure.

Year 2 Superhero Day

Year 2 had an exciting start to the second half of the

term. The students all came to school dressed up as


They started the day with a news report showing

a video from a nasty villain ‘Cyclone’ who had

kidnapped Head of Primary, Mr. Cocker, during

the half-term break! ‘Grammar Man’, the good

Superhero, needed their help to defeat the villain

and rescue Mr. Cocker.

Students (or superheroes in training) had to do

some different activities to solve some problems

and challenges to help give Grammar Man the

strength and tools he needed to find Mr. Cocker.

The students did a scavenger hunt around the

school, solving clues to find mystery letters to

spell out the name of the Superhero who would

help. They did a maths code cracking task to find

out where Mr. Cocker was hidden, and they had to

complete a very tricky jigsaw to give the superhero

extra powers to defeat the villain. Finally, they

made individual shields to protect them from the

wicked villain’s powers.

The students worked together and solved all their

challenges. Who then came to thank them at

lunchtime on the playground? Mr. Cocker himself!

He was very grateful for the student’s help.

What great perseverance and problem-solving from

Year 2. Who knows what could have happened to

Mr. Cocker without their help?


Spartan World Champion

Beyond the Classroom

BIS Abu Dhabi is thrilled to share a wonderful sporting achievement by a Year 12

student, Charlotte.

Charlotte is a gifted athlete and among her many sporting interests is obstacle

course racing (OCR), more specifically Spartan Races.

Charlotte performed incredibly in November, in the longer Spartan discipline,

the Al Ain Zoo Spartan Super where Charlotte placed 1st in her age group racing

against some of the best runners and against competitors that had flown in from

Europe. This achievement qualified Charlotte to run against the best competitors

in the world at the Spartan World Championships.

A massive congratulations to Charlotte who was crowned the new 14–17-year-old

Spartan World Champion 2021. The race included but was not limited to 22km of

deep soft sand, never ending dunes and 30 challenging obstacles. It was a very

emotional race, but Charlotte overcame

the difficulties to take 1st place. The

event was held in December in the UAE, which was also the first time the

event was hosted outside the US.

Well done Charlotte, BIS Abu Dhabi is proud of your achievements!

Swimming is Back!

BIS Abu Dhabi had an excellent start to the academic year with the reintroduction of Swimming as part of the Physical

Education curriculum for our Year 3-9 students.

Students have been excited at the prospect of starting Swimming in the Team Falcon Academy Pool and their

enthusiasm in the swimming lessons so far has been outstanding.

As students have progressed through the term, all Year 3-9 students have had the chance to partake in a Swimming unit

as part of their PE curriculum in readiness for a full unit of Swimming in Term 2.


Beyond the Classroom

Co-Curricular Activities

Students, staff, and parents have eagerly awaited the restart of Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs), and BIS Abu Dhabi is once

again able to offer a comprehensive programme of CCAs for students in Year 2 and above to support and enhance the


Students have been participating in a wide range of activities from football, Lego Robotics, chess, STEAM, yoga/

mindfulness, music, multi-sports, and much more. Each activity is run by an experienced teacher.

The CCA Programme is run with student safety at the forefront, and BIS Abu Dhabi follows the ADEK School Reopening

Policies and Guidelines.

Gifted and Talented Activity

BIS Abu Dhabi’s Gifted and Talented Co-Curricular Activity (CCA) provides all secondary students with the

opportunity to develop their analysis, reflection, and deeper critical thinking skills beyond the classroom.

Each week students attend a talk/seminar style meeting where special guests and visitors deliver engaging

presentations and provide thought-provoking discussion points for the students, encouraging students to

collaborate and talk to new peers as well as learn more about topics that interest them.

The gifted and talented CCA began at the start of this academic year and has been planned around six

main pathways: Politics, Power and Justice, Art, Creativity and the Imagination, Science Technology and

the Environment, Health, Ethics and the Mind, Culture, Identity and Community and Sport, Success and

Leadership. Students have access to the resources from their CCA sessions via a designated Teams page, as

well as also having access to materials and educational websites where they can further their knowledge on a

particular area that they are passionate about. So far this year the students have shown brilliant engagement

and participation in the Gifted and Talented programme, and BIS Abu Dhabi looks forward to what is in store

over the rest of the year.


Beyond the Classroom

Crochet Away

Crocheting was offered as a Co-Curricular Activity (CCA) to International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme

(IBDP) Students.

During the Crochet for Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS) CCA, Year 13 students learnt how to crochet a beanie.

The beanies will be distributed to the school’s security guards to keep them warm during the winter months.

When asked why they chose this CCA activity, student Gabriel explained: “It was something that I found

interesting, as I can make different items that could be useful for me. The skill of being resourceful and selfreliant

was appealing. Also, because I like the soft feeling of the material once it is crocheted.” Heleen explained

that: “I’ve seen other people in my family learning to crochet and this encouraged me to begin learning. I also

chose this CAS activity because crochet is such a diverse experience and the skills that you learn from it can be

applied to other tasks.”

Malaika explained the benefits of crocheting: “To be able to make different pieces such as pumpkins and clothes,

the ideas being endless with just the use of a hook and some yarn. I also believe it’s a great way of releasing pent

up stress to make different types of projects.” Helena said that: “Crocheting can add to my skillset that I can use

for my future. Also, I enjoy passing time, crocheting. Again, I like gifting people with my talent and so I like the

idea of crocheting pieces to give to other people, who might want or need it.”

As for what the students will crochet next term. The ideas are already flowing, with Heleen suggesting “making

a bunch of little granny squares which we could then sew together to make large blankets, or bags.” Gabriel

suggested: “I think I would like to crochet animal plush toys, that could be given to younger KS students, who

might enjoy the presence of an animal peer in class. This can also bring complexity and bring more challenge for

me as it requires more skills that I can learn and use in my future.”

Watch this space!


Beyond the Classroom

Year 5 STEAM in Action

This term Year 5 Teacher, Mrs. Dodwell assigned all the Year 5 classes a STEAM challenge! Students had to

use their engineering skills to design a tower or structure that could elevate and hold a ping pong ball. They

had to build and measure a tower using only recycled paper, sticky tape, scissors, and paper clips. They were

challenged even further when told that there could be only one builder and one communicator at a time - after

five minutes they sanitized their hands and swapped roles.

Keeping a 1-metre distance at all times, partners had to communicate and work together to build their

tower. The classrooms buzzed with energy and excitement as the students set to work! The teachers were

overwhelmed by their resilience and determination.

A huge well done to the winners in 5C - Louis & Insyirah with a tower of 1m 70cm.

Year 5 students were set another exciting STEAM challenge this term. They had

to build the strongest and tallest tower out of spaghetti and marshmallows! With

a focus on teamwork, communication was the key to success! Year 5 rose to the

challenge, and some great towers were created! Can you spot the winning tower?


Beyond the Classroom

Year 9 STEAM Challenge!

Year 9 students

completed a

STEAM challenge

in Humanities this

term. With limited

equipment from which

to build, students had

to design and construct

an earthquake-proof


Students discussed

their ideas and gave

feedback to one

another about their

architectural designs,

and then the building

began, before they

completed a highly

scientific desk shake to

measure their success!

Year 6 STEAM Activities

Our Year 6 explorers had an incredible time this term participating in STEAM activities. To

get to their classrooms they had to use steppingstones and a bridge to cross a river and then

crawl across thick foliage on the forest floor!

STEAM is all about collaboration, problem-solving and communication and the students

certainly rose to the challenges that they faced in their groups.



Flag Day

On Wednesday, 3rd November BIS Abu Dhabi students celebrated the UAE flag day. It was lovely to see students and

staff across the school celebrating this important national occasion. Students came in excited for the day ahead - they

took part in activities to learn more about the UAE and its history, and at 11am there was a flag raising ceremony

whereby students took part from their classrooms as they sang the national anthem in unity.


Beyond Community the Classroom


On Wednesday, 24th November, The British International School Abu Dhabi celebrated the UAE Golden Jubilee.

Students came dressed in beautiful outfits representing their host country. Throughout the day they learned about the

past, present and the future of the UAE and enjoyed many activities including a falcon show, Youla dance and a fashion

show that displayed many forms of the UAE national dress. It was a fantastic day enjoyed by everyone!


Beyond the Classroom

Year 11 IGCSE Drama

Year 11 IGCSE Drama students have been performing one of

the three practical examination elements of IGCSE Drama

this term.

During the summer break, all IGSCE Drama students had to

choose one monologue from a published play to perform as

part of their IGCSE course. Students were assessed on their

ability to bring a character to life and interpret the role in a

way that demonstrated an understanding of the style/genre

of the play, as well as their performance of the piece.

It has been wonderful to see the students enjoying and

engaging in practical activities again.

European Day of Languages

Sunday, 26th September was European Day of Languages. BIS Abu Dhabi students celebrated all languages, diversity,

and international mindedness in their Personal, Social and Moral Education (PSME) lessons in Secondary School.

Students were engaged in class discussions, quizzes, and lots of other fun activities.


Beyond Community the Classroom

Community Coffee Morning

Members of the BIS Abu Dhabi community enjoyed getting together this term at coffee mornings which were held at The

Westin Hotel. They had the opportunity to meet other parents and hear and share ideas with members of the school

leadership team about the ongoing development of our community.

We look forward to hosting more community events in Term 2.


It’s here! BIS Abu Dhabi has launched a new platform - the

BISADNetwork, a virtual community which will allow Parents, Alumni

Parents, Alumni, IBDP Grads, Staff and Alumni Staff to (re)connect,

network, find/offer mentorship, attend events, form groups and more.

If you haven’t signed up yet, do so now and find community offers,

members with specific interests, industries, and backgrounds. Also,

you can start groups based on nationality, interest, or activities (e.g.,

Community Running Club), join groups such as the ‘BISAD Marketplace

in Abu Dhabi’ to sell your second-hand items to the wider community,

share fun photos from past events, and set-up or join Parent Events.

BIS Abu Dhabi is excited to connect you with the wider community. Start

exploring the BISADNetwork, and simply stay in touch wherever you are!


Connect, Inspire, Engage


Sign up today!

See back page for details


Beyond the Classroom

World Kindness Day

“Because that’s what

kindness is. It’s not doing

something for someone

else because they can’t,

but because you can.”

- Andrew Iskander

On Sunday, 14th November BIS Abu Dhabi celebrated World

Kindness Day in a big way!

World Kindness Day is a global celebration which promotes the

importance of being kind to each other, to ourselves and to the


The amazing students at BIS Abu Dhabi spread kindness

everyday as it is one of our core values, but on this day, they

were spreading kindness even more so than usual.

Students and staff came into school wearing yellow, the colour

of kindness, and were welcomed into school by music with a

kindness theme.

Students began their morning with a brief history of Kindness

Day, and Secondary students participated in interactive

challenges to encourage discussion about what kindness looks

like and how important being kind is to our overall wellbeing

and happiness.

Decorations around the School marked the Kindness Day

occasion, and Primary held a Winning Window Competition for

the best Kindness-themed classroom windows created.

Students were encouraged to take part in random acts of

kindness throughout the day via an interactive Kindness Wheel,

which were situated in both the Primary and Secondary areas

of school.

A Kindness Box allowed Primary students to share notes of

gratitude to staff and fellow students, including ancillary staff

such as the cleaners and security.

A Kindness Tree display in Secondary promoted ‘Kindness

in Bloom’ for students to write messages on. It was not just

the students who had all the fun of course - staff also had the

opportunity to write Kindness notes to share their appreciation

and gratitude to each other too!


Beyond the Classroom


On Thursday, 4th November BIS Abu Dhabi was a wave of activity as staff and students celebrated House Day. Students

participated by taking part in a range of Expo themed activity zones with a competitive element to earn points for their

Houses. These were P.E., STEAM, Music and Art.

Well done everyone on a fantastic day and congratulations to the winners- Oak House!


Beyond the Classroom

BISAD Diploma

Service House Environment Arts

The British International School Abu Dhabi values a broad

education, recognising students as interesting individuals full

of exciting potential. The BISAD Diploma is an important and

integrated part of the unique experience BIS Abu Dhabi offers

students, recognising their successes in all aspects of eductaion.

The BISAD Diploma is designed to provide formal recognition

and acknowledgement of student activities that go beyond their

participation in the academic curriculum. It creates a platform

that celebrates not only their successes in school, but also

their achievements and experiences beyond the classroom.

Each year students work towards a ‘Bronze’, ‘Silver’ or ‘Gold

Award’ by uploading submissions of their actions to their BISAD

Diploma App or Website to create a portfolio of evidence. As they

progress through the school this record of their development

and achievements will be an invaluable resource when writing

their university applications or applying for their first job.

A balanced life that encourages an appreciation of and

participation in, arts and culture, physical activity in a range of

sports and the value in developing empathy and compassion for

others as well as our environment, are all embraced within the


CCAs Sport Culture Academics

nine achievement categories of the BISAD Diploma. Students

can submit evidence of a single activity or experience for a

‘Bronze’ Award submission, or upload a sustained endeavour,

planned event, or significant achievement, to earn them ‘Silver’

or even a ‘Gold’ award in a category.

Examples might be representing the school when it hosts the

Nord Anglia South-East Asia and Middle East conference in

March for Model United Nations, recognising that they overcame

their fears on the world’s longest zip line, or like Amelia in Year

9, coming in first place on the Gymnastic Bar equipment, to

achieve a Gold Medal at a national competition in Dubai.

The BISAD Diploma provides the perfect opportunity for

students to maximise their potential, develop collaboration

and leadership skills for the future, and to be the well-rounded

individuals that embody the school values of kindness, honesty,

and respect.

The Mysterious Creatures

BIS Abu Dhabi Year 7 student Khalid is a passionate reader and writer and over the summer he

wrote a book titled The Mysterious Creatures. The book takes the reader on an interesting and

strange adventure that the boy lives through this book.

Before writing his book, Khalid met with Polly Ho-Yen, the writer of Boy in the Tower, who

encouraged him to keep writing.

Khalid recently attended the Sharjah International Book Fair where he had the opportunity to

meet with different publishers, audiences, and readers. He also had the pleasure of signing his

book for them.

Khalid hopes to inspire fellow students to write because he believes it is really fun. He said, “The

biggest thing that inspired me to write my book was reading; I really enjoyed it and thought that

I might be able to write a book myself, which I actually did! I got all my ideas from schoolwork

in my English lessons, and from books I read in my free time. Also, the advice that Polly Ho-Yen

gave me was that sometimes writing can be really frustrating, but you should persevere, and, in

the end, you will have a finished piece of writing which I will always remember.”

Khalid’s book is available to purchase on Amazon! Congratulations Khalid, BIS Abu Dhabi is

very proud of you!



Golden Jubilee Tree Planting

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the UAE, a commemorative ghaf tree was planted.

The ghaf tree is the national tree of the United Arab Emirates, and it was with great pleasure that Principal Mr. Horne, ably

assisted by Year 12 student Jalilah, planted a sapling ghaf in the school grounds.

The tree will stand to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the UAE and will, in time, provide shade for

future students of BIS Abu Dhabi, as these trees have done for the people of these lands for many years.

Commemoration Day

On Tuesday, 30th November at 11:30am, BIS Abu Dhabi paused for one minute of silence in Commemoration of Emirati

service men and women who have lost their lives serving in the UAE armed forces. Outside, the UAE flag was raised,

followed by playing of the National Anthem.


Beyond the Classroom

World Nursery Rhyme Week

To celebrate the end of World Nursery Rhyme Week, on Thursday, 18th November children in Nursery came to school

dressed as their favourite Nursery Rhyme characters. The students made microphones and performed the rhymes they had

learnt throughout the week for their friends in the audience.

BIS Abu Dhabi definitely has some stars in the making!

Year 6 Ukulele Rockstars!

Since starting the school year, students in Year 6 have had the brilliant opportunity to learn a

new musical instrument and are well on their way to mastering key skills on their instruments.

Beginning with how to get the instruments tuned correctly with the phrase “Goats Can Eat

Anything” - one that is now regularly heard along the Year 6 corridor! Students can successfully

adjust the pitch of their instruments and prepare themselves for practicing songs. With a solid foundation of

strumming techniques and a range of chords to play, students are enjoying their face-to-face music lessons and relish

the experience of making music together.


Where are they now?

BIS Abu Dhabi Graduate



What made BIS Abu Dhabi special for you?

I think since BIS Abu Dhabi was the first school I attended

with 1,000+ students, it was a really interesting experience;

before moving to the UAE, my previous school only had

around 70 students. So, thanks to the large and welcoming

community at BIS Abu Dhabi, it definitely was very fun to

participate in events like International Day or watching the

school productions.

Which school club, activity, trip, or project inspired you

the most?

Tanzania! Having the opportunity of doing overseas

volunteering and getting to see first-hand how your

actions and efforts could help better the lives of others

was a valuable experience, and one that I’m very grateful

for. If you’re someone who thinks volunteering can’t be

fun, I would strongly recommend you go; it’ll really change

your perspective! It was also nice being able to interact

with the locals because you get to hear from them directly

their needs and wants, making it very engaging. The best

part, however, is that you get to see things for how they

really are, as we all know sometimes things get distorted

by the media.

What is the most important lesson you learned at BIS

Abu Dhabi?

Trust and perseverance. Even if things aren’t going your

way, if you keep on marching forward whilst trusting the

teachers and yourself, you’ll be fine.

What ambitions did BIS Abu Dhabi inspire in you?

It was at BIS Abu Dhabi where I had my first ever

Geography class. Due to the interesting content and

supportive teachers who made the classes fun, I instantly

fell in love with the subject. It was the material we

covered in class over the years that helped strengthen my

passion for environmental conservation, as well as helped

cultivate new interests in other areas such as law, political

relations and policy making. Although I’m currently

majoring in Engineering at University, I’m trying to widen

my scope by taking courses from other fields that interest

me like business and environmental science.

Which university and degree did you choose, and why?

After completing the IBDP, I was still unsure about what I

really wanted to do. I figured I wanted to study something

related to environmental protection and ecological

science, yet at the same time, a part of me wished to

work in the food industry. After some contemplation, I

decided to pursue a BEng in Chemical and Environmental

Engineering at the Hong Kong University of Science and

Technology (HKUST). Due to the versatility of the degree,

I could opt to work in either the environment or food

industry upon graduating.

How did the IB Diploma help your experience at


Having to write an extended essay in the IBDP definitely

helped prepare me academically for university. It made

referencing much easier, and word count requirements

from professors no longer scares me. On the other

hand, Theory of Knowledge (TOK) made viewing things

from a different perspective second nature. This helped

me integrate myself seamlessly into a new cultural

environment and helped prevent misunderstandings from


What has been your proudest moment since graduating?

I’m more on the quiet and timid side and have always

been scared of interviews; I try to avoid them as much

as possible. However, I was really proud of myself when

I signed up to join the executive committee for various

organisations at my university and passed the interviews.

I’m currently part of the secretary committee in the Hong

Kong Malaysian Student Association (HKMSA) and I am the

programme secretary at the HKUST sister chapter of the

American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE).

What are you doing now?

I spent the summer back home in Malaysia due to

travel restrictions where I was doing tutoring, as well

as helping train the new recruits for HKUST AIChE. In

August I started my third year at university.







Bringing together our

students, alumni, IB Diploma

graduates, parents and staff



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