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January - The Start of the Gardening Year.<br />

We are in full summer and your gardens are rich in greens and bright seasonal colour; so enjoy this time of the<br />

year. There are however some tasks in the garden necessary to keep each area of the landscape in tip top<br />

condition.<br />

The colourful annuals that brighten the beds and containers can be made to extend their bounty by<br />

‘dead-heading’. This is done by removing all the old flowers from the plants; creating more light for the newer<br />

buds to open and stopping the annuals in expending extra energy in going to seed. Water regularly if the rains<br />

do not continue and feed with a 6.3.4 or 3.1.5 fertilizer every 6 weeks.<br />

Roses will also give you more flushes of flower at this time of the year. Cut back on old blooms, thin<br />

unproductive stems and old wood. More light will get to the buds and soon new flowering shoots will emerge.<br />

As with your annuals, keep watering regularly and feed using a 3.1.5 or 5.1.5 fertilizer.<br />

The summer heat and humidity are good conditions for the hatching of red spider mite, and one of their<br />

favorite breeding grounds is on the rose leaves. Keep a look out for fine webbing and a dusty look to the back<br />

of the rose leaves and spray as soon as you see any signs. Catch the pests early to stop an infestation.<br />

The dreaded Amaryllis worm is also active this time of year. Hunt through any bulbous plants such as Clivia,<br />

amaryllis, and agapanthus as these crawlies will feed where the food is. Use Knox worm or Koinor as a control<br />

spray. On the subject of bulbs, now is a good time to lift and split irises if you have any in the beds.<br />

As for the other garden shrubs, keep these watered regularly and add mulch to the soil to protect shallow roots<br />

from the summer heat and to keep moisture where it is best needed; in the root zone. Some shrubs

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