The Coat That Wouldn't Come Off! by A. A. Augustine

A timeless tale of humility & gratitude... Johnny was a rich boy. He lived on a grand old estate on the south side of town. He was as spoiled as a sultan’s son and that’s probably much more than you or I can ever imagine it to be. One day, the family servants were on holiday and Johnny’s mother had to send him to the store to pick up some groceries for the evening meal. “Now don’t talk to strangers and please don’t pick up anything else along the way. Only to the store and home! Got it Mr.?!”... Said Johnny’s mother sternly. “Yes, ma'am, only to the store and straight home!” parroted Johnny. “Here’s the list and five dollars and...

A timeless tale of humility & gratitude...

Johnny was a rich boy. He lived on a grand old estate on the south side of town. He
was as spoiled as a sultan’s son and that’s probably much more than you or I can ever imagine it to be. One day, the family servants were on holiday and Johnny’s mother had to send him to the store to pick up some groceries for the evening meal.
“Now don’t talk to strangers and please don’t pick up anything else along the way. Only
to the store and home! Got it Mr.?!”... Said Johnny’s mother sternly.
“Yes, ma'am, only to the store and straight home!” parroted Johnny.
“Here’s the list and five dollars and...


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“Say, what’s the big idea mister?!” Snapped Johnny.

“Yeah, let him have it buddy!” Cried someone from the tourist group.

“Here’s another one kid!” Yelled someone else from the crowd throwing yet another nickel

over the crowds head.

It hit the wall behind Johnny and bounced back far out into the crowd.

Then, like people in crowds tend to do, they all followed suit.

Lemmings. Albeit Lemmings with good intention. But Lemmings none the less.

People suddenly began pelting the area where Johnny was standing with nickels. It looked

like silver rain for a minute and in the midst of this, Johnny must have caught at least a dozen nickels.

Which was of course, more than enough for the beautiful, magic, red coat.

As the flickering rain of nickels fell on top of Johnny and the tattered top hated man behind

the table, the man attempted to stop the crowd from parting with their silver. He began yelling in tot

he crowd. “Now people! People!!! This won’t do! This is not what I asked for! I appreciate your

kindness toward this young boy, but the cost is ... a nickel ... only from the boy’s own hands! From

his pocket alone! One nickel ONLY! A nickel that he should have in his possession. I will only accept

it directly from the pocket of this boy and none other.”

The old lady in the bonnet to the side of the table then snapped at the man ”Trickery!” She

moved in to poked him in the ribs once again! “He’s up to no good, I tell you!” She said to the crowd

as her eyes scanned the attentive faces before her. “A nickel, is a nickel sir!” She declared, shaking

her head in confirmation to the masses. “Why does it have to be from the boy? Why? What kind of

Tom Foolery is this?”

The man in the tattered-top-hat looked at her with all the fake sincerity he could muster

and bemoaningly, patronizingly, declared, “Beeeecause ma’ammmm… that, is the cost. I believe this

young man should have a nickels change on him and if he does not have any in his possession, then

the coat must be returned to me and we will sell it to no one in this town and my secret will stay safe

with me and I shall vacate the premises accordingly.”

“ Now, boy…”, he quickly turned to implore to Johnny as if quickly skimming and reading

the fine legalese at the end of a contract, “If you have a nickel in your possession and would like this

coat and the divine secret that comes along with it which will bring the townsfolk and yourself untold

riches and fame forevermore, then I implore you to please reach into your pocket and pay the cost


Johnny was deflated and pleaded to the man. “Sir, I have more than enough nickels then

you can ever imagine at my disposal if you could only give me a minute to go fetch them from my

mother. Why she's not even a few blocks from here as we speak and I can return before you even

know I was gone.”

The man behind the table brought his hand up to his chin and held his elbow with his other

and began to pace in yet anther ever tightening circle once again, mockingly, thinking Johnny’s

proposition over. He, of course, quickly reached a verdict while not even making three full revolutions

around Johnny. “Nope! No deal! I’m sorry young man! I can’t wait and you HAVE TO HAVE

a shiny silver nickel on you now, or we have no deal!”

Johnny insufferably implored.

“But I want it! And I always get everything I want! Always!!! I will be back with a

thousand nickels for you if you would only just wait a moment! If you leave, I will hire someone to

find you and I will have this coat!”

The man behind the table laughed. A deep, knowing laugh that only those who know

something we could never know do.

“... Find mmmmeeeeee?! Oh, I don’t think that would be possible young man! Quite

impossible”. The man then turned and winked at Johnny. Confusing and frustrating Johnny even


This would not do. Thought Johnny as he reached up to his right shoulder attempting to

take off the coat to give back to the man so he could run home to tell his mother of the incredible

magic coat he had found and retrieve a thousand nickels from the family vault.

But a funny thing happened when Johnny reached up to take the coat off.

It wouldn’t budge. It wouldn’t move or bend or pull. Johnny tried with his right hand and

yanked at the sleeve on the left and tried with his left hand and yanked on the right one. Nothing.

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