The Coat That Wouldn't Come Off! by A. A. Augustine

A timeless tale of humility & gratitude... Johnny was a rich boy. He lived on a grand old estate on the south side of town. He was as spoiled as a sultan’s son and that’s probably much more than you or I can ever imagine it to be. One day, the family servants were on holiday and Johnny’s mother had to send him to the store to pick up some groceries for the evening meal. “Now don’t talk to strangers and please don’t pick up anything else along the way. Only to the store and home! Got it Mr.?!”... Said Johnny’s mother sternly. “Yes, ma'am, only to the store and straight home!” parroted Johnny. “Here’s the list and five dollars and...

A timeless tale of humility & gratitude...

Johnny was a rich boy. He lived on a grand old estate on the south side of town. He
was as spoiled as a sultan’s son and that’s probably much more than you or I can ever imagine it to be. One day, the family servants were on holiday and Johnny’s mother had to send him to the store to pick up some groceries for the evening meal.
“Now don’t talk to strangers and please don’t pick up anything else along the way. Only
to the store and home! Got it Mr.?!”... Said Johnny’s mother sternly.
“Yes, ma'am, only to the store and straight home!” parroted Johnny.
“Here’s the list and five dollars and...


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“Yes Johnny, said the lady, “it’s all true my dear. What you’re thinking just now.”

“Everything is alright again. Believe it, because against all your deepest wishes and hope,

it is true. You’re home Johnny. The estate is just around the second corner down to the south end of

town where it has always been. Just as you remember it. You’ll find the list that your mother sent

you to the store with a year ago is right back in your right pocket just where you put it. It even has

the five dollar bill wrapped neatly inside just like always. Everything is just as it was that day Johnny.”

Johnny quickly stabbed deep into his pocket with his right hand not believing what he was

hearing and seeing at this point in spite of everything he’d just experienced that the list would really

be there. But just as quick as he quickly jammed his hand into his pocket he just as quickly did indeed

feel a bit of paper gently stabbing his fingers and yanked out the list so quickly that it almost spun

him around.

The list still smelled fresh with ink and Johnny held it up into the air and shrieked with joy!

He looked up at the lady. Astonished and all smiles and wrapped his arms around the her waist and

hugged her with all the strength he could find in his little now unconstrained body.

“Then IT IS true! It’s really true!” Johnny shouted!

“Yes, Johnny. It’s all true. The lady in the polka dotted dress with the blue bird hat said

looking down at Johnny reassuringly.

“You’ve been given a great gift and now you have to go and share it. Share it with everyone

and don’t ever forget what you’ve been given. Here, I have a small gift for you to get you started.

This is a little something from me and the crew.”

The lady in the polka dotted dress with the blue bird hat then gently pulled Johnny’s

clutched arms from around her waist and held his hands against her bosom and slightly opened his

right hand and with her thumb, slowly pushed a brand new, shiny nickel into his palm, gently closing

his small fingers around it while continuing to hold his hands in hers.

Then knelling closer, she kissed him on the forehead and took his face into her hands.

“Time is running short for me here, Johnny and it’s time for me to go. Your Mother is

waiting for you Johnny. She is waiting.”

Johnny wrapped his arms around his Lady Faire one last time and with his face smashed

into her waist, looked up and smiled a slight, coy smile.

“I sure won’t be buying that candy this time!” Johnny declared as he released his grip on

her waist, thrusting himself away from her while starting to run up the street only to stop and look

back one last time a few feet later, declaring, “There’s something I’ve been wanting to do for a long

time now!”

And with that, Johnny flicked the nickel the lady in the polka dot dress and blue bird hat

had just placed in his hand high up into the air in front of him, catching it just in the “nick” of time

and darted off down the street toward the old man that was sleeping in the doorway.


Thank you for reading....



An Ebenezer’s Woods Tale by A. A. Augustine

© 2022 A. A. Augustine with The Library of Congress

Washington, D.C. U.S.A.

All Rights Reserved

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