The Coat That Wouldn't Come Off! by A. A. Augustine

A timeless tale of humility & gratitude... Johnny was a rich boy. He lived on a grand old estate on the south side of town. He was as spoiled as a sultan’s son and that’s probably much more than you or I can ever imagine it to be. One day, the family servants were on holiday and Johnny’s mother had to send him to the store to pick up some groceries for the evening meal. “Now don’t talk to strangers and please don’t pick up anything else along the way. Only to the store and home! Got it Mr.?!”... Said Johnny’s mother sternly. “Yes, ma'am, only to the store and straight home!” parroted Johnny. “Here’s the list and five dollars and...

A timeless tale of humility & gratitude...

Johnny was a rich boy. He lived on a grand old estate on the south side of town. He
was as spoiled as a sultan’s son and that’s probably much more than you or I can ever imagine it to be. One day, the family servants were on holiday and Johnny’s mother had to send him to the store to pick up some groceries for the evening meal.
“Now don’t talk to strangers and please don’t pick up anything else along the way. Only
to the store and home! Got it Mr.?!”... Said Johnny’s mother sternly.
“Yes, ma'am, only to the store and straight home!” parroted Johnny.
“Here’s the list and five dollars and...


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Johnny had just walked up from earlier before he entered in to the alley with told man.

They were silent the whole short walk with Johnny lost in thoughts of simple first love and

the lady in the dress engulfed in the beautiful sparks of colorful light that were silently glowing all

around her. Guiding them and softly lighting the way to the end of the corridor to this other doorway.

The lady in the bluebird hat finally broke the beautiful silence and with it, Johnny’s dreamy

haze stopping at the bottom of some steps leading up to this new door.

She gestured Johnny toward it.

“ Open it... it’s OK” She said softly almost in a whisper.

Her voice almost sounded musical thought Johnny.

“Go ahead.” She said. “Please. I think you’ll enjoy what you see on the other side. Don’t

be afraid.” She was gesturing toward the door one more time.

But it was hopeless.

Johnny was lost in his head. Dreaming of an impossible future with the lady in the polka

dotted dress with the blue bird hat and the kaleidoscopic, fairy-like, miniature fireworks display all

around her.

“Hello?… Johnny? Are you in there? Hello?” The lady snapped her fingers in front of

Johnny’s face.

He was starring right at her, but Johnny was just gone. Lost in a sea of tranquil, domestic

bliss. The lady in the polka dotted dress and the blue bird hat then clapped her hands twice, loudly in

front of Johnny’s face. This time her voice even louder.

“Johnny! Young man! This is no time for daydreaming! There’s important work to be done

and we are running out of time!”

She clapped her hands once more, even louder.

Johnny came to quickly out of his dreamy fantasy and snapped his head slightly forward

starring blankly at the lady in the polka dotted dress and blue bird hat.

“Well, go on silly, open it.” She said and gestured one final time up toward the large metal


Johnny realized he was day dreaming and felt himself turn three shades of red in the


He was quite embarrassed and hoped his loopy smile and flushed face didn’t give his

sudden and first-in-his-life feelings of infatuation toward the lady in the polka dotted dress and blue

bird hat away.

“Oh… oh yeah” Johnny said, half-snapped out of his beautiful daydream.

He quickly shook his head from left to right and shrugged his shoulders and stammered

and swaggered a little and pulled up his pants and chuckled a small embarrassing “awww shucks” of

a laugh as the brain fog lifted and he realized what was going on.

Johnny cautiously stepped up the first stair and began to slowly, hesitatingly reach up to

the large metal door grasping the cold handle that was ten sizes to big for his tiny little grip and began

pulling with all his might. He noticed how awfully heavy the door was, but thought to himself that

he mustn’t show it and continued to pull, making small grunting noises in an attempt to woo and

impress his new found lady faire with his brute, manly strength.

As the door began to open, a great light filled his eyes and distorted all he saw in front of


“Oh no, not another hallway and another mystery person.” Johnny thought to himself.

But as his eyes quickly adjust to the light, he climbed up the last step and went down and

stopped on the first step on the other side of the doorway to get a look at where he was.

“Well!” thought Johnny, “it’s the alley I was just on with the old homeless man who turned

into the tattered-top-hated man from behind the table.”

He looked left , he looked right and concluded it. “Yep, it sure was!”

He knew it by heart! Every building, mailbox and crack in the pavement! Why, he could

walk it backwards blindfolded and tell you exactly where he was every step of the way he told

himself. He knew this whole side of town by heart.

But then he stopped and turned and looked at the doorway he had just come out of and

realized he had never noticed this door before. Ever. Surely he would have remembered a door as

large and imposing as this one. Johnny looked back again at the doorway.

The lady with the polka dotted dress and the blue bird hat had now made her way up the

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