The Coat That Wouldn't Come Off! by A. A. Augustine

A timeless tale of humility & gratitude... Johnny was a rich boy. He lived on a grand old estate on the south side of town. He was as spoiled as a sultan’s son and that’s probably much more than you or I can ever imagine it to be. One day, the family servants were on holiday and Johnny’s mother had to send him to the store to pick up some groceries for the evening meal. “Now don’t talk to strangers and please don’t pick up anything else along the way. Only to the store and home! Got it Mr.?!”... Said Johnny’s mother sternly. “Yes, ma'am, only to the store and straight home!” parroted Johnny. “Here’s the list and five dollars and...

A timeless tale of humility & gratitude...

Johnny was a rich boy. He lived on a grand old estate on the south side of town. He
was as spoiled as a sultan’s son and that’s probably much more than you or I can ever imagine it to be. One day, the family servants were on holiday and Johnny’s mother had to send him to the store to pick up some groceries for the evening meal.
“Now don’t talk to strangers and please don’t pick up anything else along the way. Only
to the store and home! Got it Mr.?!”... Said Johnny’s mother sternly.
“Yes, ma'am, only to the store and straight home!” parroted Johnny.
“Here’s the list and five dollars and...


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And this time, there was no blinding light, but only the light from a small bulb that was

encased in a wire harness hanging high on a bricked, cobwebbed-entrenched wall behind a beautiful

young ladies face that Johnny could barely make out. But like the man behind the tables voice, it

suddenly came back to him.

“Hey!” as he pulled on the housecoat of the lady in the dainty bonnet ...”

“It’s the lady in the polka dotted dress with the bluebird hat from that day with the coat! It

was too big for her and everyone thought it was a bum trick!” Said Johnny half in shock now at all

that was taking place around him.

“Yes, Johnny, it certainly is !”said the lady in the bonnet.

The lady in the polka dotted dress and bluebird hat swung the door gently open toward the

interior of the hallway swinging swiftly around the edge of the door and landed in the middle of the

doorway like a spring shot exuberantly and cheerfully to greet Johnny.

“ Hello Johnny, we’ve been expecting you.” She said.

“Is everything all set?!” asked the old woman in the bonnet and housecoat to the young

woman in the polka dotted sundress and blue bird hat.

“Yes, we are right on schedule. The crew is just putting the finishing touches on those prize

Juniper bushes that Misses Wisken keeps by the front entrance gate. It’ll just be a minute now.”

At that, the lady in the bonnet and the housecoat gently handed Johnny off to the lady in

the polka dotted dress and bluebird hat, pushing him tenderly forward by the small of his back toward


“Goodbye Johnny, we’re sure you will do good work.“ Said the old woman in the bonnet.

Johnny stepped up into the doorway and waived goodbye to the man behind the table and

the old woman in the bonnet and housecoat as the lady in the polka dotted dress with the blue bird

hat took him by the hand and lead him down the steps through the doorway and sharply to the left.

He noticed that they were in a long, straight, dimly lit corridor.

The lady in the polka dotted dress then grabbed Johnny’s hand and proceeded to take the

lead and looking back, said to him.

“ Now don’t be afraid, dear. I can light the way for us. Watch this.“

And with those words, Johnny could now see tiny little colorful sparks begin to appear and

swirl all around the lady in the polka dotted dress with the blue bird hat. They lit up the corridor just

enough so they could see where they were going. Like a surreal, miniature fireworks display. Johnny

wondered how such a thing was possible. But after all Johnny had been through this year, and

especially in the last few moments, he thought anything was possible at this point.

And it certainly was.

Even though Johnny could hear his own two feet reverberating through the wide, dark

corridor as they walked, the lady in the polka dotted dress and the bluebird hat didn’t seem to make

a sound at all. Her feet were touching the ground alright, he could see that, even in the dim glow of

the colorful burst that surrounded her. She wasn’t floating. But, she also wasn’t making any sound

either as she moved through the corridor. Silent as a soft wind with tiny colorful sparks flowing all

around her pretty dress.

Johnny could hardly take his eyes off the firefly, fairy-like, miniature fireworks display

that surrounded her. The sparks were becoming even more pronounced the farther they traveled in

the darkness of the dimly lit corridor. Splashing the walls with tiny burst of color as they walked

forward into the darkness before them. He was transfixed on her. Almost hypnotized by all of the

surreal, ethereal beauty before him.

He was so taken in the transcendent bliss of the moment now that he did not even care

where she was leading him or where they would end up and what would happen when they got there.

He was smitten by her luminescent beauty and the quiet, soft grace that surrounded her.

“She is as beautiful as a dream and just the type of girl I would someday hope to marry now

that that horrible coat had come off and I can think of my future again.” He thought to himself as he

was surely lost in the haze of what was happening before him.

Johnny was lost in thoughts of picket fences and little cherubic glowing children playing

in the yard of a perfect pillbox home as the pair approached a large metal door that sat imposingly

around a sharp turn to the left.

They had been traveling straight back down a corridor parallel to the street from where

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