The Coat That Wouldn't Come Off! by A. A. Augustine

A timeless tale of humility & gratitude... Johnny was a rich boy. He lived on a grand old estate on the south side of town. He was as spoiled as a sultan’s son and that’s probably much more than you or I can ever imagine it to be. One day, the family servants were on holiday and Johnny’s mother had to send him to the store to pick up some groceries for the evening meal. “Now don’t talk to strangers and please don’t pick up anything else along the way. Only to the store and home! Got it Mr.?!”... Said Johnny’s mother sternly. “Yes, ma'am, only to the store and straight home!” parroted Johnny. “Here’s the list and five dollars and...

A timeless tale of humility & gratitude...

Johnny was a rich boy. He lived on a grand old estate on the south side of town. He
was as spoiled as a sultan’s son and that’s probably much more than you or I can ever imagine it to be. One day, the family servants were on holiday and Johnny’s mother had to send him to the store to pick up some groceries for the evening meal.
“Now don’t talk to strangers and please don’t pick up anything else along the way. Only
to the store and home! Got it Mr.?!”... Said Johnny’s mother sternly.
“Yes, ma'am, only to the store and straight home!” parroted Johnny.
“Here’s the list and five dollars and...


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Johnny, being rich isn’t about having a new toy or a big house or the best clothes. True fortune is

found in the heart. It’s being kind and caring and considerate of others and helping those in need

when you can and sometimes even when you feel like you can’t. Especially those less fortunate than

yourself. You’ve learned a great lesson this year Johnny, which you can now share with others. You

can tell them your story. Write it all down and share it with the world. Tell them and teach them that

all the money and science and doctors in the world couldn't help you, but a simple true act of

kindness and compassion for another person finally allowed the coat to be removed and your life and

the lives of your family to be saved.”

Johnny couldn’t believe what he was seeing and hearing and grabbed the man and hugged

him so tight that he thought they would both bust wide open.

Then still in a half hug, Johnny stepped off the stoop and started jumping up and down,

screaming and clutching the mans arms!

“I have to go home and tell my mom and dad! We’re gonna be alright! WE’RE GOING

TO BE ALRIGHT NOW!!! Johnny declared at the top of his lungs.

Johnny began to turn to run down the street back to the two-room, gardener’s shanty-shack

and just as he was about to dart away, the man grabbed Johnny by the shoulders and spun him around

as quick as a top and looked even deeper into his Johnny’s eyes this time.

“They will think it was made up Johnny, but you will know it was true. You can teach your

lesson to all who will listen and you can start right here today in this little town.”

“I will sir! I will! I promise I will!!!” Exclaimed Johnny with all the verve of a recent

religious convert.

“Johnny, there’s someone I would like you to meet.” The man was now holding Johnny in

place by his shoulders now with both hands.

“Stay right here and don’t move.” He said as he winked his right eye and walked up the

door stoop and into the doorway.

The man kept a sharp eye on Johnny as he stepped up into the doorway and knocked three

times on the door in perfect rhythm. Johnny noticed that the knocks sounded musical. Not like any

knock he's ever heard in his life. A deep pulsating tone that seemed to trail off for miles behind the

large metal door.

The door then began to slowly open and a blinding light enveloped the entire doorway. It

was so bright that Johnny had to put his hands up to his face to cover his eyes trying to look through

the cracks in his fingers.

As Johnny’s eyes adjusted to the light through the cracks in his fingers, he saw a

silhouetted figure approaching him. He slowly took his hands off his eyes, dragging them down his

face and saw that the silhouette was that of a lady. An older woman, with a bonnet and a housecoat


“Hey!” thought Johnny, “That’s the very same lady in the dainty white bonnet and the

housecoat from behind the table the day I put the coat on!”

The door then abruptly closed with a loud deep thud behind her and she stepped down the

stairs toward Johnny and said, “Yes, Johnny. It’s me. Hello! We’ve been waiting for you. We’re

sorry you had to go through so much hardship this year, but in the end, you will see that it was all

worth it. For you will accomplish many great things in your life and the world will be a much better

place for it .”

“ You,” said Johnny. “You?!… But you, you… died just a few months ago. My mom and

dad went to your funeral!”

“Oh, I can only stay a few minutes Johnny, but we’re so glad you finally stopped by. We

have something we want to show you. It’s behind this door. It will only take a second and we don’t

have much time to finish this job. So, please, take my hand, don’t let go and come along.”

The old lady in the housecoat and bonnet gently took Johnny’s hand and lead him up the

steps into the doorway that held the old rusty metal door.

Johnny immediately noticed how soft the lady’s hand was. Softer than anything Johnny

had ever felt.

The lady then knocked three times in perfect rhythm on the door. Just the same as the man

did a few moments earlier. Each knock had the same musical quality as when the man knocked on

the door, but this time the notes were slightly a different pitch. All to Johnny’s wide eyed amazement.

The door immediately began to open again, but this time inward instead of outward.

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