11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University 11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


9-13 Is Allelopathy Involved in Coral Death By Encrusting Excavating Sponges? Andia CHAVES-FONNEGRA* 1 , Leonardo CASTELLANOS 2 , Sven ZEA 1 , Carmenza DUQUE 2 , Carlos JIMÉNEZ 3 , Jaime RODRIGUEZ 3 1 Departamento de Biología and Centro de Estudios en Ciencias del Mar -CECIMAR-, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, INVEMAR, Cerro Punta de Betín, Santa Marta, Colombia, Santa Marta, Colombia, 2 Departamento de Química, Universidad Nacional de 3 Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia, Departamento de Química Fundamental, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidade da Coruña, A Coruña, España, Coruña, Spain The Caribbean encrusting and excavating sponges Cliona delitrix and C. tenuis successfully compete for space with reef corals, killing and displacing live coral tissue at rates of several cm per year. A bioassay guided fractionation of their extracts was carried out to find the compound(s) responsible, and a series of experiments to evaluate whether there is allelopathy involved and its possible mechanism. Ground and polished histological sections of the zone of sponge-coral contact revealed that coral polyp detachment does not seem to occur through erosion of their skeletal support. Healed sponge fragments placed directly over live coral for 1-2 days were killed by coral defenses for C. tenuis but not for C. delitrix; fragments of both sponges placed in close proximity to corals for 6 months did not have any effect on the adjacent coral tissue. The crude extract and the aqueous partition of both sponge species, and the C. tenuis pure compound [(-)-(5S)-2-imino-1-methylpyrrolidine-5-carboxylic acid)] (1), incorporated in gels at close to natural volumetric concentrations, killed coral tissue when brought into contact with live coral for 1-4 days. While compound 1 dissolved in seawater was only mildly toxic against live coral and dissociated coral cells, and killed coral larvae only at high concentration, the aqueous fraction of C. delitrix was toxic against live coral tissue, larvae and dissociated coral cells. Bioassay guided fractionation of C. delitrix aqueous fraction is under way. Although prolonged contact of compound 1 (and responsible compound(s) in C. delitrix) in the enclosed spaces of the coral skeleton may elicit polyp uplift or produce coral tissue death, other alternative mechanisms such as acid or enzyme secretion or histo-incompatibility cannot be ruled out. 9-14 The Association Between The Orange Icing Sponge And Caribbean Corals-More Than A Mutualism? Tse-Lynn LOH* 1 , Joseph PAWLIK 1 1 University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, NC Competition is intense on coral reefs due to limited resources, especially space. Contrarily, a mutualism has been reported between the Caribbean reef sponge Mycale laevis and scleractinian corals, with a putative advantage for the coral of protection from boring sponges and for the sponge of new substratum provided by the growing coral. Our past research has demonstrated that reef sponges can be categorized on the basis of their chemical defenses into defended, palatable, and preferred species, the last of which are restricted to physical refuges on the reef due to predation. Mycale laevis is described as having a semi-cryptic growth form, which predominates on reefs off Key Largo, Florida and the Bahamas. However, off Bocas del Toro, Panama, M. laevis is observed to grow with an unusually massive morphology. Crude extracts of both morphs of M. laevis are palatable to generalist fish predators, and surveys reveal that sponge-eating fish are very rare at Bocas del Toro compared to sites in the Florida Keys. Caging experiments will be conducted in the Florida Keys to determine the effects of predation on exposed fragments of M. laevis. The semi-cryptic habit of M. laevis growing under coral colonies or between coral branches could be the result of predation, and not a specific response to a mutualistic relationship. Oral Mini-Symposium 9: Chemical Ecology on Coral Reefs 9-15 Phenotypic Plasticity in Chemical Defense And Growth Across A Depth Gradient in Caribbean Sponges Marc SLATTERY* 1 , Michael LESSER 2 , Sridevi ANKISETTY 1 , Deborah GOCHFELD 1 1 University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS, 2 University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH Phenotypic plasticity represents one mechanism by which a species can expand its range across an environmental gradient while maintaining a positive energetic budget. The transition between shallow coral reef communities and deep reef communities in the tropics is characterized by reduced light, and consequently photosynthesis, resulting in potential tradeoffs in energetic allocation. While reef-building coral diversity decreases with light, many sponges increase in abundance on reefs from shallow to deep depths. We examined these deep reef sponge communities (to 100m) in the Bahamas and the Cayman Islands over a period of five years using technical mixed gas diving. Biodiversity data from the deep reefs show a rich sponge fauna with approximately 15% endemism and more similarity to one another than to their respective shallow reef sponge communities. Agelas conifera and Plakortis angulospiculatus are two common sponge species that span the depth gradient from shallow to deep reefs. For both species, sponge size and growth rate increased with depth. Growth differences across the depth gradient can be explained by increased food availability at depth, but reduced levels of spongivory on the deep reefs might also result in an energetic trade-off from chemical defenses to growth. Feeding deterrence was higher in shallow water, whereas antimicrobial activity appeared to be greater at depth. Results to date indicate that different selective pressures in these ecosystems result in disparate phenotypes within sponge species that are manifested in plasticity between investments in chemical defense and growth. 9-16 Antioxidant Activity Of Extracts And Secondary Metabolites From Pseudopterogorgia Sps Maia MUKHERJEE* 1 , Lyndon WEST 2 , Howard LASKER 3 , Gregory SCHMIDT 4 , William FITT 1 1 Odum School of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, 2 Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences, University of Georgia College of Pharmacy, Athens, GA, 3 Department of Geology, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, 4 Plant Biology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA Oxidative stress has been proposed as a mechanism of photoinhibition of photosynthesis in zooxanthellae that could lead to bleaching in symbiotic cnidarians. In a previous study, The addition of exogenous antioxidants to cultured zooxanthellae cells at elevated temperatures, with and without exposure to UV radiation, has resulted in the partial recovery of photosynthetic performance, suggesting that the fluxes of reduced oxygen intermediates were causing damage to the photosynthetic apparatus (Lesser, 1996). Caribbean octocorals, unlike other zooxanthellate cnidarians, seem to possess greater resistance to bleaching. Species of the genus Pseudopterogorgia harbor zooxanthellae of clade B. Previous research (Perez et al, 2000) has shown that in the sea anemone Condylactis gigantea, which also forms a symbiosis with clade B zooxanthellae, elevated temperature was followed by massive algal expulsion. This response is not observed in Pseudopterogorgia elisabethae subjected to similar experimental treatments. Branching octocorals have been the subject of intense investigation by natural product chemists, and have proven to be rich in novel compounds with interesting ecological and pharmacological properties. In this study, we examine the antioxidant potential of semipurified extracts and purified secondary metabolites isolated from shallow-water Caribbean octocorals of the genus Pseudopterogorgia. We employ both the “Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity (ORAC)” assay and a qualitative assessment of damage to PS 2 during exposure to elevated temperatures and UV radiation based on measurements of cellular fluorescence capacity with and without the addition of extracts and purified compounds. The ORAC assay depends on the free radical damage to a fluorescent probe through the change in its fluorescence intensity. The inhibition of free radical damage by an antioxidant, which is reflected in the protection against the change of probe fluorescence, is a measure of its antioxidant capacity against the free radical. 71

9-17 New Hemiketal Steroid From The Introduced Soft Coral chromonephthea Braziliensis Ofwegan As Chemical Defense Against Generalist Fishes Beatriz FLEURY* 1 , Bruno LAGES 1 , Jussara BARBOSA 2 , Carlos KAISER 2 , Angelo C. PINTO 2 1 Departamento de Ecologia, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2 Departamento de Química Orgânica, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Biological invasions in marine environments are one of the lesser understood aspects of global change (Occhipinti-Ambrogi & Savini, 2003). Recent studies, however, demonstrated that chemical defensive strategies may facilitate the invasion of the exotic soft coral Chromonephthea braziliensis Ofwegan (Nephtheidae, Alcyonacea) in the Brazilian Atlantic coast (Lages et al., 2006). We report for the first time, the detailed composition of the monohydroxylated sterol fraction, and a new hemiketal steroid, 23keto-cladiellin-A, isolated from the unpalatable hexane extract from C. braziliensis. Bioassay-guided fractionation of this extract, incorporated into artificial food, revealed that this hemiketal steroid exhibits in situ potent feeding deterrent properties against generalist fishes, at the natural concentration. The major sterol fraction, containing the monohydroxylated sterols, was inactive in the bioassay. This result supports the enemy release hypothesis, the most commonly accepted theory to explain the success of invasive species in their new ranges. 9-18 Uv Protective Sunscreen in Coral Reef Fish Mucus Maxi ECKES* 1 , Sophie DOVE 2 , Alexandra GRUTTER 3 , Ulrike SIEBECK 4 1 SIB, University of Queensland (UQ), St. Lucia, Queensland, Australia, 2 CMS, UQ, St. Lucia, Queensland, Australia, 3 SIB, UQ, St. Lucia, Queensland, Australia, 4 SBMS, UQ, St. Lucia, Queensland, Australia Coral reefs typically have clear oligotrophic waters with a high UV transmission, which can damage tissues in marine organisms. The Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Australia has experienced a significant increase in the number of cloud-free days over the last 10 years causing an increase in UV-induced DNA damage in reef organisms. Fish were recently discovered to have sunscreen compounds in their external mucus suspected to be mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs). Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), we examined epithelial mucus from the labrid Thalassoma lunare and 13 species of Scaridae. For the first time in fish mucus, MAAs were identified and quantified. In addition, to examine geographical variations, the MAAs from T. lunare were compared from three different latitudinal locations (Lizard Island, Heron Island, and North Stradbroke Island, Queensland) and from 13 species of parrotfish along a longitudinal gradient from inshore reefs (Lizard Island) to the outer edge reefs (GBR) to oceanic reefs (Osprey Reef). Depending on the species, different combinations and quantities of the MAAs asterina-330, palythene and mycosporine-N-methylamine serine were present. MAA levels from T. lunare decreased with distance from the equator. Thalassoma lunare from North Stradbroke Island had lower MAA levels (mycosporine- N-methylamine serine) or absent (palythene) compared with mucus from the more northern locations (Lizard Island and Heron Island). Furthermore, results from our longitudinal comparison showed that the MAA absorbance increased with distance from the mainland landmass to the more oligotrophic outer reefs, where UV penetration is higher. This study shows that the identity and quantity of MAAs in fish mucus not only varies among species but also within a species sampled in different locations. These suggest that the ecological role of MAAs in fishes is varied and complex and that several factors may affect the type and quantity of MAAs found in the mucus of reef fish. Oral Mini-Symposium 9: Chemical Ecology on Coral Reefs 9-19 The Role Of Chemical Signals in The Feeding Behavior Of Crown-Of-Thorns Seastar, acanthaster Planci Ciemon Frank CABALLES* 1 , Peter SCHUPP 1 1 Marine Laboratory, University of Guam, Mangilao, Guam The crown-of-thorns seastar, Acanthaster planci, is a corallivore known for its capacity to cause large-scale coral mortality at high population densities and continues to be a reef management problem despite previous control efforts. There has been no active control of A. planci populations on Guam since the 1970’s and manta tow surveys confirmed that A. planci continues to damage large areas of reef around Guam. Large aggregations, ranging from 23 to 336 individuals/ha of reef, were observed to feed mainly on Acroporids, especially encrusting Montipora. Preferential feeding by A. planci causes differential mortality among coral species, which can exert a major influence on community structure. However, the role of chemical signals in A. planci prey selectivity is still poorly understood. In this study, we tested the effectiveness of organic extracts from preferred coral species and α-linolenic acid, a previously identified feeding attractant. Feeding assays with A. planci were conducted in a Y-maze, using crude extracts incorporated into agar-based feeding plates at natural concentrations. A. planci individuals were attracted to crude extracts of Montipora sp. (n=25; p

9-13<br />

Is Allelopathy Involved in Coral Death By Encrusting Excavating Sponges?<br />

Andia CHAVES-FONNEGRA* 1 , Leonardo CASTELLANOS 2 , Sven ZEA 1 , Carmenza<br />

DUQUE 2 , Carlos JIMÉNEZ 3 , Jaime RODRIGUEZ 3<br />

1 Departamento de Biología and Centro de Estudios en Ciencias del Mar -CECIMAR-,<br />

Universidad Nacional de Colombia, INVEMAR, Cerro Punta de Betín, Santa Marta,<br />

Colombia, Santa Marta, Colombia, 2 Departamento de Química, Universidad Nacional de<br />

3<br />

Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia, Departamento de Química<br />

Fundamental, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidade da Coruña, A Coruña, España, Coruña,<br />

Spain<br />

The Caribbean encrusting and excavating sponges Cliona delitrix and C. tenuis<br />

successfully compete for space with reef corals, killing and displacing live coral tissue at<br />

rates of several cm per year. A bioassay guided fractionation of their extracts was carried<br />

out to find the compound(s) responsible, and a series of experiments to evaluate whether<br />

there is allelopathy involved and its possible mechanism. Ground and polished<br />

histological sections of the zone of sponge-coral contact revealed that coral polyp<br />

detachment does not seem to occur through erosion of their skeletal support. Healed<br />

sponge fragments placed directly over live coral for 1-2 days were killed by coral<br />

defenses for C. tenuis but not for C. delitrix; fragments of both sponges placed in close<br />

proximity to corals for 6 months did not have any effect on the adjacent coral tissue. The<br />

crude extract and the aqueous partition of both sponge species, and the C. tenuis pure<br />

compound [(-)-(5S)-2-imino-1-methylpyrrolidine-5-carboxylic acid)] (1), incorporated in<br />

gels at close to natural volumetric concentrations, killed coral tissue when brought into<br />

contact with live coral for 1-4 days. While compound 1 dissolved in seawater was only<br />

mildly toxic against live coral and dissociated coral cells, and killed coral larvae only at<br />

high concentration, the aqueous fraction of C. delitrix was toxic against live coral tissue,<br />

larvae and dissociated coral cells. Bioassay guided fractionation of C. delitrix aqueous<br />

fraction is under way. Although prolonged contact of compound 1 (and responsible<br />

compound(s) in C. delitrix) in the enclosed spaces of the coral skeleton may elicit polyp<br />

uplift or produce coral tissue death, other alternative mechanisms such as acid or enzyme<br />

secretion or histo-incompatibility cannot be ruled out.<br />

9-14<br />

The Association Between The Orange Icing Sponge And Caribbean Corals-More<br />

Than A Mutualism?<br />

Tse-Lynn LOH* 1 , Joseph PAWLIK 1<br />

1 <strong>University</strong> of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, NC<br />

Competition is intense on coral reefs due to limited resources, especially space.<br />

Contrarily, a mutualism has been reported between the Caribbean reef sponge Mycale<br />

laevis and scleractinian corals, with a putative advantage for the coral of protection from<br />

boring sponges and for the sponge of new substratum provided by the growing coral. Our<br />

past research has demonstrated that reef sponges can be categorized on the basis of their<br />

chemical defenses into defended, palatable, and preferred species, the last of which are<br />

restricted to physical refuges on the reef due to predation. Mycale laevis is described as<br />

having a semi-cryptic growth form, which predominates on reefs off Key Largo, Florida<br />

and the Bahamas. However, off Bocas del Toro, Panama, M. laevis is observed to grow<br />

with an unusually massive morphology. Crude extracts of both morphs of M. laevis are<br />

palatable to generalist fish predators, and surveys reveal that sponge-eating fish are very<br />

rare at Bocas del Toro compared to sites in the Florida Keys. Caging experiments will be<br />

conducted in the Florida Keys to determine the effects of predation on exposed fragments<br />

of M. laevis. The semi-cryptic habit of M. laevis growing under coral colonies or between<br />

coral branches could be the result of predation, and not a specific response to a<br />

mutualistic relationship.<br />

Oral Mini-Symposium 9: Chemical Ecology on Coral Reefs<br />

9-15<br />

Phenotypic Plasticity in Chemical Defense And Growth Across A Depth Gradient in<br />

Caribbean Sponges<br />

Marc SLATTERY* 1 , Michael LESSER 2 , Sridevi ANKISETTY 1 , Deborah GOCHFELD 1<br />

1 <strong>University</strong> of Mississippi, Oxford, MS, 2 <strong>University</strong> of New Hampshire, Durham, NH<br />

Phenotypic plasticity represents one mechanism by which a species can expand its range across<br />

an environmental gradient while maintaining a positive energetic budget. The transition<br />

between shallow coral reef communities and deep reef communities in the tropics is<br />

characterized by reduced light, and consequently photosynthesis, resulting in potential tradeoffs<br />

in energetic allocation. While reef-building coral diversity decreases with light, many<br />

sponges increase in abundance on reefs from shallow to deep depths. We examined these deep<br />

reef sponge communities (to 100m) in the Bahamas and the Cayman Islands over a period of<br />

five years using technical mixed gas diving. Biodiversity data from the deep reefs show a rich<br />

sponge fauna with approximately 15% endemism and more similarity to one another than to<br />

their respective shallow reef sponge communities. Agelas conifera and Plakortis<br />

angulospiculatus are two common sponge species that span the depth gradient from shallow to<br />

deep reefs. For both species, sponge size and growth rate increased with depth. Growth<br />

differences across the depth gradient can be explained by increased food availability at depth,<br />

but reduced levels of spongivory on the deep reefs might also result in an energetic trade-off<br />

from chemical defenses to growth. Feeding deterrence was higher in shallow water, whereas<br />

antimicrobial activity appeared to be greater at depth. Results to date indicate that different<br />

selective pressures in these ecosystems result in disparate phenotypes within sponge species that<br />

are manifested in plasticity between investments in chemical defense and growth.<br />

9-16<br />

Antioxidant Activity Of Extracts And Secondary Metabolites From Pseudopterogorgia<br />

Sps<br />

Maia MUKHERJEE* 1 , Lyndon WEST 2 , Howard LASKER 3 , Gregory SCHMIDT 4 , William<br />

FITT 1<br />

1 Odum School of Ecology, <strong>University</strong> of Georgia, Athens, GA, 2 Pharmaceutical and<br />

Biomedical Sciences, <strong>University</strong> of Georgia College of Pharmacy, Athens, GA, 3 Department of<br />

Geology, <strong>University</strong> at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, 4 Plant Biology, <strong>University</strong> of Georgia, Athens,<br />

GA<br />

Oxidative stress has been proposed as a mechanism of photoinhibition of photosynthesis in<br />

zooxanthellae that could lead to bleaching in symbiotic cnidarians. In a previous study, The<br />

addition of exogenous antioxidants to cultured zooxanthellae cells at elevated temperatures,<br />

with and without exposure to UV radiation, has resulted in the partial recovery of<br />

photosynthetic performance, suggesting that the fluxes of reduced oxygen intermediates were<br />

causing damage to the photosynthetic apparatus (Lesser, 1996). Caribbean octocorals, unlike<br />

other zooxanthellate cnidarians, seem to possess greater resistance to bleaching. Species of the<br />

genus Pseudopterogorgia harbor zooxanthellae of clade B. Previous research (Perez et al, 2000)<br />

has shown that in the sea anemone Condylactis gigantea, which also forms a symbiosis with<br />

clade B zooxanthellae, elevated temperature was followed by massive algal expulsion. This<br />

response is not observed in Pseudopterogorgia elisabethae subjected to similar experimental<br />

treatments. Branching octocorals have been the subject of intense investigation by natural<br />

product chemists, and have proven to be rich in novel compounds with interesting ecological<br />

and pharmacological properties. In this study, we examine the antioxidant potential of semipurified<br />

extracts and purified secondary metabolites isolated from shallow-water Caribbean<br />

octocorals of the genus Pseudopterogorgia. We employ both the “Oxygen Radical Absorption<br />

Capacity (ORAC)” assay and a qualitative assessment of damage to PS 2 during exposure to<br />

elevated temperatures and UV radiation based on measurements of cellular fluorescence<br />

capacity with and without the addition of extracts and purified compounds. The ORAC assay<br />

depends on the free radical damage to a fluorescent probe through the change in its fluorescence<br />

intensity. The inhibition of free radical damage by an antioxidant, which is reflected in the<br />

protection against the change of probe fluorescence, is a measure of its antioxidant capacity<br />

against the free radical.<br />


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