11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University 11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


9-5 Evaluation Of Biotic And Abiotic Factors That Facilitate And Maintain Cyanobacteria Blooms And Phase Shifts in Coral Communities Kathleen SEMON* 1 , Valerie PAUL 1 , Mark CLEMENTZ 2 , John Michael TRAPP 3 , Karen ARTHUR 1 1 Smithsonian Marine Station at Fort Pierce, Smithsonian Institution, Fort Pierce, FL, 2 University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, 3 Rosenstiel School, University of Miami, Miami, FL The functional stability of coral communities is currently threatened by recurrent cyanobacteria blooms. Cyanobacteria, such as Lyngbya species, are known to displace macroalgae in turf communities, inhibit coral recruitment through allelopathy, smother invertebrates, and alter nutrient and light regimes. Because cyanobacteria blooms impact many physical and biological characteristics of coral communities, damaged coral communities face altered community structure and reduced biodiversity. This study examined both the biotic and abiotic factors that facilitate and maintain cyanobacteria across Florida and Caribbean coral communities. Lyngbya spp. tissue and water samples were collected from areas known to be oligotrophic (the Belize Barrier Reef), and from areas adjacent to high human density and under significant anthropogenic influence (throughout south Florida). Stable C and N isotopic signatures reflect different sources contributing to cyanobacteria presence in Belize and Florida, and differences in ambient dissolved and total iron levels were reflected in patterns of cyanobacteria abundance. Correlations of ambient nutrient and temperature regimes and cyanobacteria presence and abundance were also examined from benthic surveys conducted in Belize. Multivariate analyses conducted in PRIMER v.5 revealed that Lyngbya spp. presence alone significantly influenced percent cover of stony coral and macroalgae recorded from benthic transects conducted in Belize. Crucial thresholds for coral community phase shifts are suggested based on data collected in situ and on preliminary data compiled by experimentally manipulating nutrient regimes in mesocosms known to influence cyanobacteria primary production and biomass accumulation. 9-6 The Role Of Nutrients In Lyngbya Growth And Chemical Defense Karen ARTHUR* 1 , Valerie PAUL 1 , Cliff ROSS 2 , Hans PAERL 3 , Jennifer JOYNER 3 , Judith O'NEIL 4 1 Smithsonian Marine Station at Fort Pierce, Smithsonian Institute, Fort Pierce, FL, 2 Department of Biology, University of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL, 3 Institute of Marine Sciences, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Morehead City, NC, 4 Center for Environmental Science, University of Maryland, Cambridge, MD Benthic cyanobacteria of the genus Lyngbya form harmful algal blooms (HABs) that occur on reefs and associated communities. They may be detrimental to other benthic organisms as they can smother corals and seagrass and because they are extremely prolific producers of biologically active secondary metabolites, many of which deter grazing by generalist herbivores. Nuisance blooms of Lyngbya may be triggered by terrigenous nutrient inputs and may grow unchecked as grazers avoid consuming the filaments containing secondary metabolites. In this study we examine the ecology of Lyngbya blooms in Broward Country, Florida and assess the effects of nutrient additions and light on Lyngbya growth and toxin production. We use a bioassay approach to assess the role of nitrogen, phosphorus, iron and low light conditions on the growth and secondary metabolite production of three species of Lyngbya. A significant increase in Lyngbya polychroa growth resulted from the addition of chelated iron; however, this was not the case for all Lyngbya species. Lyngbya spp. are also sensitive to light availability, with each species apparently having niche environments with specific light requirements. This study demonstrates the need to manage nutrient inputs into coral reef habitats to ensure that future reefs are not dominated by Lyngbya and other benthic cyanobacteria. Oral Mini-Symposium 9: Chemical Ecology on Coral Reefs 9-7 Ecological Consequences Of Cyanobacterial Blooms On Coral Reefs Valerie PAUL* 1 , Cliff ROSS 2 , Raphael RITSON-WILLIAMS 1 , Linda WALTERS 3 , Karen ARTHUR 1 , Sarath GUNASEKERA 1 , Theresa MEICKLE 1 1 Smithsonian Marine Station, Smithsonian Institution, Fort Pierce, FL, 2 Department of Biology, University of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL, 3 Department of Biology, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL A major concern on coral reefs worldwide is massive overgrowth by macroalgae and benthic cyanobacteria (blue-green algae). Benthic cyanobacteria are becoming increasingly abundant on reefs and produce nitrogenous secondary metabolites that can deter feeding by generalist herbivores. Nuisance blooms of Lyngbya and Symploca occur regularly throughout Florida and on the Belizean barrier reef. Crude extracts from some of these cyanobacteria deter feeding by a natural assemblage of fishes and the sea urchin, Diadema antillarum. In addition cyanobacterial secondary metabolites may be important for competition, and the function of allelopathy (chemical inhibition) in mediating the interactions between chemically rich species of cyanobacteria and different life history stages of the coral Porites astreoides was tested. Extracts and isolated compounds (microcolins A and B, curacin D) from Lyngbya spp. negatively influenced the settlement and metamorphosis of P. astreoides larvae. On reefs experiencing increased abundance of chemically defended benthic cyanobacteria, the restocking of adult coral populations may be slowed due to recruitment inhibition caused by cyanobacterial natural products. More research is needed on how to control these harmful algal blooms as they become more common on coral reefs around the world. 9-8 The Good, the Bad, and the Smelly: Positive and Negative Settlement Cues for Coral Larvae Raphael RITSON-WILLIAMS* 1 , Valerie J. PAUL 1 , Suzanne ARNOLD 2 , Robert S. STENECK 2 , Ilsa B. KUFFNER 3 , Linda J. WALTERS 4 , Mikel A. BECERRO 1,5 1 Smithsonian Marine Station at Fort Pierce, Fort Pierce, FL, 2 Darling Marine Center, University of Maine, Walpole, ME, 3 Florida Integrated Science Center, U.S. Geological Survey, St. Petersburg, FL, 4 Department of Biology, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, 5 Center for Advanced Studies, Blanes, Spain How algal species proliferate in reef habitats and how they maintain “phase shifts” are critical questions to managing coral reef habitats. Some common reef algae (but not all) use chemical defenses to inhibit grazing by Caribbean reef fishes and the sea urchin Diadema antillarum. Algal natural products also mediate competitive interactions between algae and scleractinian corals. Some species of Lyngbya and Dictyota, as well as crude chemical extracts of some of these species, caused either recruitment inhibition or avoidance behavior in coral larvae. Conversely, coralline algae may be important indicators of suitable settlement substrata for coral larvae. The larvae of three spawning coral species, Acropora palmata, A. cervicornis and Montastraea faveolata were tested in the laboratory for their rates of settlement in response to different species of coralline algae. Some species of coralline algae were settlement facilitators, such as Hydrolithon boergesenii, Neogoniolithon affine and Titanoderma prototypum, but every coral species had the highest rates of settlement in response to a different species of coralline algae. Increased herbivory by more generalist consumers may shift the benthic community composition away from coral recruitment-inhibitors towards facilitators such as some species of coralline algae, thus improving the benthos for higher rates of coral recruitment. 69

9-9 Natural Inducers For Larval Metamorphosis in Three Scleractinian Corals Peter SCHUPP* 1 , Makoto KITAMURA 2 , Daisuke UEMURA 2 1 Marine Laboratory, University of Guam, Mangilao, Guam, 2 Department of Chemistry, University of Nagoya, Nagoya, Japan Many benthic marine invertebrates, including corals, disperse among the plankton before settlement and metamorphosis. Finding a suitable habitat is especially important for larvae of sessile marine invertebrates that upon settlement cannot respond to changes in environmental conditions by moving to a more favorable environment. The ability of larvae to detect habitat-specific cues has been recognized in a range of phyla, but until recently, only a few studies identified the chemical structure of compounds involved in larval settlement and metamorphosis. This study was aimed at identifying compounds involved in the metamorphosis and settlement of three scleractinian corals. Experiments with whole crustose coralline algae (CCA) clearly demonstrated their ability to induce settlement in the scleractinian corals Pseudosiderastrea tayamai, Acropora surculosa, and Leptastrea purpurea. The previously reported bromotyrosine derivative, 11deoxyfistularin-3, induced metamorphosis of P. tayamai larvae (approx. 28%) and the presence of the carotenoids fucoxanthinol and fucoxanthin increased metamorphosis to approximately 88%. However, experiments with these compounds did neither induce metamorphosis or settlement in A. surculosa and L. purpurea larvae from Guam. When we tested various chemical extracts of different CCA species from Guam, we only observed high rates of settlement with extracts from CCA of the genus Hydrolithion sp. Bioguided fractionation and subsequent structure elucidation of the Hydrolithion crude extract indicated a macrolactone as the active compound triggering metamorphosis in L. purpurea larvae. Further experiments testing the involvement of CCA biofilms, as well as biofilms from inert surfaces (e.g. tiles, bleached CCA), revealed that biofilms on Hydrolithion and biofilms on certain inert surfaces more than a week old repeatedly induced settlement in L. purpurea larvae. Experiments to determine the origin of the macrolactone (e.g. Hydrolithion itself or the associated biofilms) are ongoing. 9-10 Effects Of Copper Toxicity On Three Species Of Scleractinian Corals Gretchen BIELMYER* 1 , Philip GILLETTE 2 , Martin GROSELL 2 , Ranjeet BHAGOOLI 2 , Andrew BAKER 2 , Chris LANGDON 2 , Tom CAPO 2 1 Biology, University of North Florida, Jax., FL, 2 University of Miami, Miami, FL Most corals thrive in a narrow range of water quality and temperature regimes and as such can be considered sentinels of our oceans’ health. Globally, coral reefs have been declining at an accelerating rate. Caribbean reefs, in particular, have suffered an estimated 80% loss of reef cover in the last 30 years. Land-based sources of pollution and global warming have been identified as major stressors linked to these declines. Contaminants, such as metals, although noted as a concern have not been closely monitored in these sensitive ecosystems, nor have the potential impacts been characterized. There is a need to develop biomonitoring tools to assess potential effects of metal exposure. In this study, three species of laboratory-reared scleractinian corals, Acropora cervicornis, Pocillopora damicornis, and Montastraea faveolata were exposed to copper (ranging from 0-25 µg/L) for four weeks. At the end of the exposure period mortality, growth, copper accumulation, carbonic anhydrase activity, zooxanthellae density and electron transport rate were measured. The three coral species exhibited significantly different sensitivities to copper, with effects occurring at copper concentrations as low as 10 µg/L. The relationships between physiological/toxicological endpoints and copper accumulation within and between species will be presented as a means to elucidate the potential mechanism for effects and explain observed differences in sensitivity. Oral Mini-Symposium 9: Chemical Ecology on Coral Reefs 9-11 Chemical Ecology is the Key to Understanding Sponges on Caribbean Coral Reefs Joseph PAWLIK* 1 1 Biology and Marine Biology, UNC Wilmington, Wilmington, NC Sponges are now the dominant organisms on Caribbean coral reefs. Until recently, it was believed that consumers had little effect on reef sponges, because sponge-eating fishes were thought to spread their predatory activities over all available species to the detriment of none in particular. But research on the chemical ecology of this system has transformed our understanding of it. Laboratory and field experiments have revealed three distinct categories of sponges within the community: (1) defended species that are unpalatable to consumers because they contain secondary metabolites, (2) palatable species that sustain grazing by consumers yet are equally common as defended species on the reef, and (3) preferred species that are rapidly consumed when transplanted to the reef, and are found only in refuge habitats. The secondary metabolites responsible for the chemical defenses of several species have been isolated and identified using bioassay-guided fractionation and field experiments with natural populations of reef consumers. To counter the effects of grazing by fishes, palatable species appear to heal, grow or reproduce faster than defended species. Some sponge species compete with corals for space by producing metabolites that cause coral bleaching or that interfere with photosynthesis of coral symbionts. The predictive value of the foregoing is becoming evident: over-fishing may result in a release from predation of sponge species that are competitively superior to corals, reinforcing the current state of low coral cover on Caribbean reefs. 9-12 Toxic Reef Syndrome: The Sponge-Seaweed Connection And The Consequences Of Allelopathic Impacts Of Sponges And Seaweeds On Degraded Caribbean Coral Reefs Niels LINDQUIST* 1 , Chris S. MARTENS 2 , James L. HENCH 3 , Jeremy B. WEISZ 4 , Melissa W. SOUTHWELL 5 , Brian POPP 6 , Nyssa SILBIGER 1 , Patrick GIBSON 2 1 Institute of Marine Sciences, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Morehead City, NC, 2 Department of Marine Sciences, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, 3 Environmental Fluids Mechanics Laboratory, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 4 Department of Biological Sciences, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, 5 Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, NC, 6 Department of Geology and Geochemistry, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI Increasing global, regional and local stresses on coral reefs have resulted in a phase shift on Caribbean reefs from coral to sponge-seaweed dominance, yet little is know about the roles of sponges within the new ecology of degraded reefs. The goal of our sponge research, involving physical oceanographers, marine chemists and coral reef ecologists, is to rigorously determine how sponges alter the composition and abundance of small particles and dissolved chemicals in the seawater they process and how these changes impact reef ecology. On today’s reefs, sponges can be exceptionally abundant, and with their high rates of filtration, contribute substantially to nutrient element cycling. We are finding that sponges re-mineralize much of the nitrogen in the particulate and dissolved organic matter they consume to ammonium and nitrate. Simultaneously, their high respiration rates substantially reduce levels of dissolved oxygen in the seawater they filter. The tremendous volumes of seawater many sponges exhale are hypoxic, rich in dissolved inorganic nitrogen, and likely sponge-produced toxins, all of which can harm corals. Sponge inputs of fertilizer to reefs have likely played a role in the proliferation of seaweeds on degraded Caribbean coral reefs, which along with the abrupt die-off of the once ubiquitous urchin Diadema antillarum have yielded an abundant algal community dominated by seaweeds and cyanobacteria chemically resistant to fish grazing. Chemicals exuded by these seaweeds and cyanobacteria further reduce benthic boundary layer water quality. While sponges can increase reef stability and provide food and shelter for other organisms, on degraded reefs with little coral cover, sponges likely interact with seaweeds to create an alternative stable state to coral dominated reefs and a chemically hostile environment that diminishes coral health and recruitment. 70

9-5<br />

Evaluation Of Biotic And Abiotic Factors That Facilitate And Maintain<br />

Cyanobacteria Blooms And Phase Shifts in Coral Communities<br />

Kathleen SEMON* 1 , Valerie PAUL 1 , Mark CLEMENTZ 2 , John Michael TRAPP 3 ,<br />

Karen ARTHUR 1<br />

1 Smithsonian Marine Station at Fort Pierce, Smithsonian Institution, Fort Pierce, FL,<br />

2 <strong>University</strong> of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, 3 Rosenstiel School, <strong>University</strong> of Miami,<br />

Miami, FL<br />

The functional stability of coral communities is currently threatened by recurrent<br />

cyanobacteria blooms. Cyanobacteria, such as Lyngbya species, are known to displace<br />

macroalgae in turf communities, inhibit coral recruitment through allelopathy, smother<br />

invertebrates, and alter nutrient and light regimes. Because cyanobacteria blooms impact<br />

many physical and biological characteristics of coral communities, damaged coral<br />

communities face altered community structure and reduced biodiversity. This study<br />

examined both the biotic and abiotic factors that facilitate and maintain cyanobacteria<br />

across Florida and Caribbean coral communities. Lyngbya spp. tissue and water samples<br />

were collected from areas known to be oligotrophic (the Belize Barrier Reef), and from<br />

areas adjacent to high human density and under significant anthropogenic influence<br />

(throughout south Florida). Stable C and N isotopic signatures reflect different sources<br />

contributing to cyanobacteria presence in Belize and Florida, and differences in ambient<br />

dissolved and total iron levels were reflected in patterns of cyanobacteria abundance.<br />

Correlations of ambient nutrient and temperature regimes and cyanobacteria presence and<br />

abundance were also examined from benthic surveys conducted in Belize. Multivariate<br />

analyses conducted in PRIMER v.5 revealed that Lyngbya spp. presence alone<br />

significantly influenced percent cover of stony coral and macroalgae recorded from<br />

benthic transects conducted in Belize. Crucial thresholds for coral community phase<br />

shifts are suggested based on data collected in situ and on preliminary data compiled by<br />

experimentally manipulating nutrient regimes in mesocosms known to influence<br />

cyanobacteria primary production and biomass accumulation.<br />

9-6<br />

The Role Of Nutrients In Lyngbya Growth And Chemical Defense<br />

Karen ARTHUR* 1 , Valerie PAUL 1 , Cliff ROSS 2 , Hans PAERL 3 , Jennifer JOYNER 3 ,<br />

Judith O'NEIL 4<br />

1 Smithsonian Marine Station at Fort Pierce, Smithsonian Institute, Fort Pierce, FL,<br />

2 Department of Biology, <strong>University</strong> of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL, 3 Institute of<br />

Marine Sciences, The <strong>University</strong> of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Morehead City, NC,<br />

4 Center for Environmental Science, <strong>University</strong> of Maryland, Cambridge, MD<br />

Benthic cyanobacteria of the genus Lyngbya form harmful algal blooms (HABs) that<br />

occur on reefs and associated communities. They may be detrimental to other benthic<br />

organisms as they can smother corals and seagrass and because they are extremely<br />

prolific producers of biologically active secondary metabolites, many of which deter<br />

grazing by generalist herbivores. Nuisance blooms of Lyngbya may be triggered by<br />

terrigenous nutrient inputs and may grow unchecked as grazers avoid consuming the<br />

filaments containing secondary metabolites. In this study we examine the ecology of<br />

Lyngbya blooms in Broward Country, Florida and assess the effects of nutrient additions<br />

and light on Lyngbya growth and toxin production. We use a bioassay approach to assess<br />

the role of nitrogen, phosphorus, iron and low light conditions on the growth and<br />

secondary metabolite production of three species of Lyngbya. A significant increase in<br />

Lyngbya polychroa growth resulted from the addition of chelated iron; however, this was<br />

not the case for all Lyngbya species. Lyngbya spp. are also sensitive to light availability,<br />

with each species apparently having niche environments with specific light requirements.<br />

This study demonstrates the need to manage nutrient inputs into coral reef habitats to<br />

ensure that future reefs are not dominated by Lyngbya and other benthic cyanobacteria.<br />

Oral Mini-Symposium 9: Chemical Ecology on Coral Reefs<br />

9-7<br />

Ecological Consequences Of Cyanobacterial Blooms On Coral Reefs<br />

Valerie PAUL* 1 , Cliff ROSS 2 , Raphael RITSON-WILLIAMS 1 , Linda WALTERS 3 , Karen<br />

ARTHUR 1 , Sarath GUNASEKERA 1 , Theresa MEICKLE 1<br />

1 Smithsonian Marine Station, Smithsonian Institution, Fort Pierce, FL, 2 Department of Biology,<br />

<strong>University</strong> of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL, 3 Department of Biology, <strong>University</strong> of Central<br />

Florida, Orlando, FL<br />

A major concern on coral reefs worldwide is massive overgrowth by macroalgae and benthic<br />

cyanobacteria (blue-green algae). Benthic cyanobacteria are becoming increasingly abundant<br />

on reefs and produce nitrogenous secondary metabolites that can deter feeding by generalist<br />

herbivores. Nuisance blooms of Lyngbya and Symploca occur regularly throughout Florida and<br />

on the Belizean barrier reef. Crude extracts from some of these cyanobacteria deter feeding by<br />

a natural assemblage of fishes and the sea urchin, Diadema antillarum. In addition<br />

cyanobacterial secondary metabolites may be important for competition, and the function of<br />

allelopathy (chemical inhibition) in mediating the interactions between chemically rich species<br />

of cyanobacteria and different life history stages of the coral Porites astreoides was tested.<br />

Extracts and isolated compounds (microcolins A and B, curacin D) from Lyngbya spp.<br />

negatively influenced the settlement and metamorphosis of P. astreoides larvae. On reefs<br />

experiencing increased abundance of chemically defended benthic cyanobacteria, the restocking<br />

of adult coral populations may be slowed due to recruitment inhibition caused by cyanobacterial<br />

natural products. More research is needed on how to control these harmful algal blooms as<br />

they become more common on coral reefs around the world.<br />

9-8<br />

The Good, the Bad, and the Smelly: Positive and Negative Settlement Cues for Coral<br />

Larvae<br />

Raphael RITSON-WILLIAMS* 1 , Valerie J. PAUL 1 , Suzanne ARNOLD 2 , Robert S.<br />

STENECK 2 , Ilsa B. KUFFNER 3 , Linda J. WALTERS 4 , Mikel A. BECERRO 1,5<br />

1 Smithsonian Marine Station at Fort Pierce, Fort Pierce, FL, 2 Darling Marine Center, <strong>University</strong><br />

of Maine, Walpole, ME, 3 Florida Integrated Science Center, U.S. Geological Survey, St.<br />

Petersburg, FL, 4 Department of Biology, <strong>University</strong> of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, 5 Center for<br />

Advanced Studies, Blanes, Spain<br />

How algal species proliferate in reef habitats and how they maintain “phase shifts” are critical<br />

questions to managing coral reef habitats. Some common reef algae (but not all) use chemical<br />

defenses to inhibit grazing by Caribbean reef fishes and the sea urchin Diadema antillarum.<br />

Algal natural products also mediate competitive interactions between algae and scleractinian<br />

corals. Some species of Lyngbya and Dictyota, as well as crude chemical extracts of some of<br />

these species, caused either recruitment inhibition or avoidance behavior in coral larvae.<br />

Conversely, coralline algae may be important indicators of suitable settlement substrata for<br />

coral larvae. The larvae of three spawning coral species, Acropora palmata, A. cervicornis and<br />

Montastraea faveolata were tested in the laboratory for their rates of settlement in response to<br />

different species of coralline algae. Some species of coralline algae were settlement facilitators,<br />

such as Hydrolithon boergesenii, Neogoniolithon affine and Titanoderma prototypum, but every<br />

coral species had the highest rates of settlement in response to a different species of coralline<br />

algae. Increased herbivory by more generalist consumers may shift the benthic community<br />

composition away from coral recruitment-inhibitors towards facilitators such as some species of<br />

coralline algae, thus improving the benthos for higher rates of coral recruitment.<br />


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