11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University 11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


8-35 Tissue Loss And Tropical Storms: An Investigation Of Bacterial Community Dynamics in montastraea Annularis Corals in St. Croix, Usvi Paige ROTHENBERGER* 1,2 , Masoumeh SIKAROODI 3 , Geoffrey COOK 3 , Patrick GILLEVET 3 , Esther PETERS 3,4 , Robert JONAS 3 1 Division of Coastal Zone Management, U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Planning and Natural Resources, Frederiksted, Virgin Islands (U.S.), 2 Department of Environmental Science and Policy, George Mason University, Fairfax, 3 Department of Environmental Science and Policy, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, 4 Tetra Tech, Inc., Fairfax Tissue loss, consistent with white plague type II (WPII), affects at least 18 species of reef building corals throughout the Caribbean and Western Atlantic. This disease destroys apparently healthy tissue rapidly thus having the potential to dramatically alter coral composition on large reef tracts. This investigation examined bacterial communities on diseased and apparently healthy Montastraea annularis (complex) colonies at Sprat Hole in St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. Triplicate core samples from multiple pairs of healthy and diseased colonies were collected in August 2002 and September 2004, immediately following the passage of Tropical Storm Jeanne to the southwest of St. Croix. Tissue loss on colonies exhibiting signs of WPII was at epizootic levels at this site during the summer of 2004. However after the storm only one diseased colony, of five sampled, appeared to be actively losing tissue. Three of the sampled colonies were accumulating sediment at the apparent recent disease margin suggesting no active tissue loss, and one colony had a bleaching margin. Samples were analyzed using microbial culturing, molecular fingerprinting and partial 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Amplicon Length Heterogeneity PCR (LH-PCR) fingerprints indicated that bacterial communities differed significantly between healthy tissue and recently diseased margin samples. There was no evidence that a specific bacterial taxon dominated any of the tissue types sampled. Neither cultures nor the amplicon characteristic of Aurantimonas coralicida were found in any samples, although it might have been present at levels below the method’s limit of resolution (e.g. 1%). Results of this study highlight the role of local environmental conditions in the WPII disease process and provide an important description of bacterial community composition and dynamics in this reef system. 8-36 Heat-Induced Toxin Production in Vibrio Species Associated With Yellow Band Disease James CERVINO 1,2 , Elizabeth LORENCE* 3 , Fabiano THOMPSON 4 , Konrad HUGHEN 5 , Jessie KNEELAND 5 , Garriet SMITH 6 1 Geochemistry, Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst., MA, MA, 2 Biological Sciences, Pace University, NY, 3 Biological Sciences, Pace University, NY, NY, 4 Department of Genetics, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Ilha do Fundão, Brazil, 5 Geochemistry, Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst., Woods Hole, MA, 6 Biological Sciences, University of South Carolina, Aiken, SC The expression of virulence factors induced from heat stressed yellow band Vibrio pathogens were investigated by infecting Symbiodinium zooxanthellae CLADES A, B1, C1, and D1 subtypes in vivo. Heat treatments were performed on both the bacteria and the algae at 33C for three hours. A supernatant was subsequently extracted after centrifugation at 12,000 RPM for 10 minutes. The isolated toxin was then purified using a 2.2 mm millipore filter and re-introduced to non-heat-treated zooxanthellae CLADE subtype cultures at 26C. Exposure times of 8, 24, 48, 72, 96 and 120hrs to the purified supernatant isolated from the Vibrio bacteria, indicate that the most severe algal cell necrosis was evident in CLADE subtype C1. However, all heat treated Symbiodinium in the presence of Vibrio bacteria show severe necrotic cell-death pathways compared to non-heat treated Symbiodinium. Supernatant toxin was also inoculated onto Aptasia pallida during high temperature exposure of 33C and low temperature exposure of 26C to determine the different cell-death mechanisms during toxin exposure. Aptasia pallida death was detected after exposure to purified toxins at ambient temperatures following 96 hr. However, when Symbiodinium subtypes were exposed to thermal stress coupled with Vibrio toxin, morphological and cellular dysfunction occured at 48hr. Cytological analysis and TEM analysis indicate that the initiation of YBD infection in symbiotic algae may not be exclusively caused by the weakened state of heat-stressed zooxanthellae. To the contrary, infection seems to be independent of environmental stress. Rising temperatures also are associated with lesion advancement that leads to a much faster cell-death in all Symbiodinium CLADE subtypes. In addition, we found that instead of Symbiodinium being wholly expelled from the gastroderm of A. pallida, internal cell-death occurs rather than expulsion from the gastrodermal tissues as seen in thermal coral bleaching. Oral Mini-Symposium 8: Coral Microbial Interactions 67

9-1 Herbivore Diversity And Feeding Complementarity Affect The Structure Of Caribbean Reefs Mark HAY* 1 , Deron BURKEPILE 2 1 School of Biology, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, 2 Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Yale University, New Haven, CT On coral reefs, herbivorous fishes have strong top-down effects on community structure, macroalgal abundance, and coral resilience. However, the longer-term direct and indirect effects of herbivore species richness on reef communities are inadequately understood. To evaluate the effects of herbivore species richness on community structure, we enclosed equivalent densities and masses of either single-species or mixed-species of herbivorous fishes in replicate, 4 m2 cages on a reef in the Florida Keys. The experiment ran for 8-10 months in two separate years. We found strong effects of herbivore richness on seaweed abundance, coral growth and survivorship, and community structure due to feeding complementarity between herbivores. In Year 1, ocean surgeonfish and redband parrotfish synergistically suppressed cover and biomass of upright macroalgae by 54- 76% compared to single-species treatments due to complementary feeding on different seaweeds. One herbivore appeared deterred by chemical, the other by structural, seaweed defenses. The mixed-species treatment also increased cover of crustose coralline algae by 23-117%, increased coral cover by 22%, and decreased coral mortality from the 8- 24% in single-species treatments to 0%. In Year 2, redband parrotfish and princess parrotfish fed on different algal functional groups with redbands suppressing upright macroalgae and princesses suppressing filamentous algae, again increasing cover of crustose coralline algae. When nonmetric multidimensional scaling was used to compare all treatments across both years, the morphologically and taxonomically dissimilar princess parrotfish and ocean surgeonfish had more similar effects on macroalgal community structure than did the two parrotfishes. Herbivores play functionally diverse roles on reefs, and these differential feeding abilities prevent macrophytes from escaping control and suppressing corals. 9-2 Are Tropical Herbivores More Tolerant Of Chemically-Rich Seaweeds Than Are Temperate Herbivores? A Test Of Seaweed-Herbivore Coevolution. Erik SOTKA* 1 , Amanda MCCARTY 1 1 Grice Marine Laboratory, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC Lipophilic secondary metabolites produced by seaweeds increase in strength and diversity as one moves toward the tropics. Coevolutionary theory predicts that tropical herbivores should more readily tolerate chemically-rich seaweeds and their metabolites, however, data supporting this prediction are largely correlative and rarely evaluated experimentally. We examined feeding tolerance for chemically-rich seaweeds among populations of a single species, the herbivorous amphipod, Ampithoe longimana collected along the eastern coast of North America from New England (41ºN) to southern Florida (26º N). In contrast with coevolutionary predictions, geographic patterns of feeding preference were not correlated with latitude. Rather, populations in North Carolina (34ºN) were far more tolerant of the diterpene-producing seaweed Dictyota than were New England or Florida populations. Field-surveys across multiple seasons indicate that Dictyota represents an important host to North Carolina populations, but that Dictyota is not used as a host by either New England or Florida populations. Thus, geographic patterns of feeding tolerance by A. longimana are best explained by the relative importance of Dictyota in the ecology of local populations. In spite of prevailing assumptions, our results indicate tropical herbivores will not necessarily be more tolerant than temperate herbivores for lipophilic chemical defenses produced by seaweeds. Oral Mini-Symposium 9: Chemical Ecology on Coral Reefs 9-3 Organic Matter Release By Coral Reef Associated Benthic Algae -Implications For in- Situ Oxygen Dynamics Andreas HAAS* 1 , Malik NAUMANN 1 , Florian MAYER 1 , Christoph MAYR 2 , Mohammed AL-ZIBDAH 3 , Christian WILD 1 1 Coral Reef Ecology Work Group (CORE), GeoBio-Center LMU München, Munich, Germany, 2 Department of Earth and Environmental Science, GeoBio-Center LMU München, Munich, Germany, 3 Marine Science Station, Yarmouk University, Aqaba, Jordan Recent research indicates that coral reef associated benthic algae may affect important processes in the reef ecosystem via organic matter release, but yet no information is available about the quantity, quality and fate of these exudates. For this reason first fundamental studies were conducted at fringing reefs in the Northern Red Sea during two expeditions in fall 2006 and summer 2007. For the most abundant reef associated benthic algae (representing nearly 100% of total benthic algae coverage), green algae of the genus Caulerpa, red algae of the genus Peyssonnelia and several typical turf algae consortia, the release of dissolved and particulate organic carbon (DOC and POC) was quantified. All investigated benthic algae exuded high rates of DOC, but also POC in amounts of up to 5430 and 360 mg organic C m - ² algae surface area d -1 , respectively. Release of DOC was highly variable between seasons, with one order of magnitude higher release rates in fall compared to summer. High DOC:POC ratios of up to 22 indicated that most of the exuded algae-derived organic matter immediately dissolved in reef waters, thereby stimulating planktonic microbial oxygen consumption as verified experimentally. In-situ experiments in high spatial resolution using dissolved oxygen loggers confirmed lower daily mean oxygen concentrations in the water close to algae dominated reef areas compared to those dominated by hermatypic corals. Thus, this study supports the hypothesis of microbial involvement in coral-algae interactions, indicates relevance for in-situ processes and also provides a fundamental data set for further required ecosystem studies. 9-4 Nutrient Distribution Across the Insular Shelf of Puerto Rico: Assessment by Algal Tissue Nitrogen Brandi TODD* 1 , David L. BALLANTINE 1 , Ernesto OTERO 1 1 Ciencias Marinas, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico A survey was conducted to investigate possible presence of an inshore to shelf edge gradient in %N and δ15N tissue content of Acanthophora spicifera, Lobophora variegata, and Dictyota sp. in coastal waters of La Parguera, southwest Puerto Rico. Percent N (1.26% ± 0.08 to 3.25% ± 0.10) and δ15N (2.06ppt ± 0.04 to 8.16ppt ±0.14) of Acanthophora spicifera was highly variable along the shoreline. The highest inshore values of δ15N occurred at two stations influenced by secondary sewage input and a bird rookery and lower values (0.81ppt ± 0.06) were observed at mid-shelf locations. Dictyota sp. and L. variegata did not display trends in %N across the insular shelf, however δ15N for Dictyota sp. was significantly higher inshore (3.48ppt ± 0.087) versus mid-shelf and shelf edge (0.00ppt ± 0.08) and δ15N for L. variegata was significantly higher at mid-shelf (2.13ppt ± 0.25) versus shelf edge locations (0.34ppt ± 0.24). These results indicate that anthropogenic impacts on tissue nutrients are greatest along the shoreline, moderate at mid-shelf, and not evident at the shelf edge. 68

8-35<br />

Tissue Loss And Tropical Storms: An Investigation Of Bacterial Community<br />

Dynamics in montastraea Annularis Corals in St. Croix, Usvi<br />

Paige ROTHENBERGER* 1,2 , Masoumeh SIKAROODI 3 , Geoffrey COOK 3 , Patrick<br />

GILLEVET 3 , Esther PETERS 3,4 , Robert JONAS 3<br />

1 Division of Coastal Zone Management, U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Planning and<br />

Natural Resources, Frederiksted, Virgin Islands (U.S.), 2 Department of Environmental<br />

Science and Policy, George Mason <strong>University</strong>, Fairfax, 3 Department of Environmental<br />

Science and Policy, George Mason <strong>University</strong>, Fairfax, VA, 4 Tetra Tech, Inc., Fairfax<br />

Tissue loss, consistent with white plague type II (WPII), affects at least 18 species of reef<br />

building corals throughout the Caribbean and Western Atlantic. This disease destroys<br />

apparently healthy tissue rapidly thus having the potential to dramatically alter coral<br />

composition on large reef tracts. This investigation examined bacterial communities on<br />

diseased and apparently healthy Montastraea annularis (complex) colonies at Sprat Hole<br />

in St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. Triplicate core samples from multiple pairs of healthy<br />

and diseased colonies were collected in August 2002 and September 2004, immediately<br />

following the passage of Tropical Storm Jeanne to the southwest of St. Croix. Tissue loss<br />

on colonies exhibiting signs of WPII was at epizootic levels at this site during the<br />

summer of 2004. However after the storm only one diseased colony, of five sampled,<br />

appeared to be actively losing tissue. Three of the sampled colonies were accumulating<br />

sediment at the apparent recent disease margin suggesting no active tissue loss, and one<br />

colony had a bleaching margin. Samples were analyzed using microbial culturing,<br />

molecular fingerprinting and partial 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Amplicon Length<br />

Heterogeneity PCR (LH-PCR) fingerprints indicated that bacterial communities differed<br />

significantly between healthy tissue and recently diseased margin samples. There was no<br />

evidence that a specific bacterial taxon dominated any of the tissue types sampled.<br />

Neither cultures nor the amplicon characteristic of Aurantimonas coralicida were found<br />

in any samples, although it might have been present at levels below the method’s limit of<br />

resolution (e.g. 1%). Results of this study highlight the role of local environmental<br />

conditions in the WPII disease process and provide an important description of bacterial<br />

community composition and dynamics in this reef system.<br />

8-36<br />

Heat-Induced Toxin Production in Vibrio Species Associated With Yellow Band Disease<br />

James CERVINO 1,2 , Elizabeth LORENCE* 3 , Fabiano THOMPSON 4 , Konrad HUGHEN 5 ,<br />

Jessie KNEELAND 5 , Garriet SMITH 6<br />

1 Geochemistry, Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst., MA, MA, 2 Biological Sciences, Pace<br />

<strong>University</strong>, NY, 3 Biological Sciences, Pace <strong>University</strong>, NY, NY, 4 Department of Genetics,<br />

Federal <strong>University</strong> of Rio de Janeiro, Ilha do Fundão, Brazil, 5 Geochemistry, Woods Hole<br />

Oceanographic Inst., Woods Hole, MA, 6 Biological Sciences, <strong>University</strong> of South Carolina,<br />

Aiken, SC<br />

The expression of virulence factors induced from heat stressed yellow band Vibrio pathogens<br />

were investigated by infecting Symbiodinium zooxanthellae CLADES A, B1, C1, and D1<br />

subtypes in vivo. Heat treatments were performed on both the bacteria and the algae at 33C for<br />

three hours. A supernatant was subsequently extracted after centrifugation at 12,000 RPM for 10<br />

minutes. The isolated toxin was then purified using a 2.2 mm millipore filter and re-introduced<br />

to non-heat-treated zooxanthellae CLADE subtype cultures at 26C. Exposure times of 8, 24, 48,<br />

72, 96 and 120hrs to the purified supernatant isolated from the Vibrio bacteria, indicate that the<br />

most severe algal cell necrosis was evident in CLADE subtype C1. However, all heat treated<br />

Symbiodinium in the presence of Vibrio bacteria show severe necrotic cell-death pathways<br />

compared to non-heat treated Symbiodinium. Supernatant toxin was also inoculated onto Aptasia<br />

pallida during high temperature exposure of 33C and low temperature exposure of 26C to<br />

determine the different cell-death mechanisms during toxin exposure. Aptasia pallida death was<br />

detected after exposure to purified toxins at ambient temperatures following 96 hr. However,<br />

when Symbiodinium subtypes were exposed to thermal stress coupled with Vibrio toxin,<br />

morphological and cellular dysfunction occured at 48hr. Cytological analysis and TEM analysis<br />

indicate that the initiation of YBD infection in symbiotic algae may not be exclusively caused<br />

by the weakened state of heat-stressed zooxanthellae. To the contrary, infection seems to be<br />

independent of environmental stress. Rising temperatures also are associated with lesion<br />

advancement that leads to a much faster cell-death in all Symbiodinium CLADE subtypes. In<br />

addition, we found that instead of Symbiodinium being wholly expelled from the gastroderm of<br />

A. pallida, internal cell-death occurs rather than expulsion from the gastrodermal tissues as seen<br />

in thermal coral bleaching.<br />

Oral Mini-Symposium 8: Coral Microbial Interactions<br />


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