11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University 11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


8-26 Photosynthetic Microorganisms Colonized Within goniastrea Aspera Seitaro S. YAMAZAKI* 1 , Takashi NAKAMURA 1,2 , Yeong Shyan YUEN 1 , Hideo YAMASAKI 1 1 Faculty of Science, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan, 2 Amakusa Mar. Biol. Lab., Kyushu University, Kumamoto, Japan Reef building corals have established obligate symbiotic relationship with dinoflagellates commonly known as “Zooxanthella”. It is widely known that corals harbor multiple species of microalgae within their endoliths. However, its ecological function as well as impacts on the host corals has remained as a subject to be explored. In addition to the zooxanthella, it has been suggested that the flora of photosynthetic microorganisms colonized within coral endoliths is more complicated than that of described previously. Here, we characterize the photosynthetic microorganisms’ flora in the endoliths of corals inhabiting in eutrophic and oligotrophic environments. Goniastrea aspera colonies were collected from eutrophic and oligotrophic environments in Okinawa (Japan) and Great Barrier Reef (Australia). We analyzed the species profile of photosynthetic microorganisms with the PCR-DGGE method, extracting total genomic DNA from coral endoliths. The diversity of 16S rDNA of cyanobacteria and chloroplasts in the samples collected from oligotrophic environments was much higher than that of eutrophic environments. The diversity of 18S rDNA of eucaryotic algae was lower than the 16S rDNA, and it was similar in both sites. These results suggest that diversity of cyanobacteria colonized within G. aspera in oligotrophic environment is higher compared to eutrophic environment. In contrast with cyanobacteria, fewer species of eucaryotic algae colonized within G. aspera and their diversity may not be affected by nutrient conditions. Our findings lead us to conclude that the diversity of cyanobacteria colonizing G. aspera endoliths can be altered by nutrient conditions of the environment. 8-27 The Roles Of Viruses in Corals. Rebecca VEGA THURBER* 1 , Forest ROHWER 2 1 Biology, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, 2 San Diego State University, San Diego, CA The coral holobiont is a symbiotic community of animal host, zooxanthellae algae, and microbial flora and fauna. Using a combination of manipulation experiments, metagenomic analysis, and real-time PCR, we have found that this diversity of organisms is thus reflected in the viral consortia present within the tissues and mucus of Porites compressa corals. We have identified representatives of viruses that infect many protozoan and metazoan phyla, as well as Bacteria and Archaea. We hypothesize that these viruses infect different compartments within the holobiont and therefore affect the coral host in a variety of ways. Of particular interest are three groups of viruses: the herpes-like viruses, single-stranded DNA plant viruses, and Bdellovibrio phages which are elevated in abundance after corals were exposed to increases in temperature, nutrients, and dissolved organic carbon, respectively. To further characterize the role(s) that these viral groups play in coral health and homeostatis, we have conducted analysis on the relative abundance of viral target genes and members of the holobiont. For example, Symbiodinium (as measured by a Symbiodinium psbA chloroplast gene) abundance was found to be negatively correlated with a putative Geminivirus recently identified in our libraries, suggesting that as this virus is produced, zooxanthellae abundance is reduced, indicative of viral infection and lysis of the zooxanthellae. Also, Bdellovibrio phage (viruses that infect bacterivorous Bacteria) abundance was negatively correlated with groups of heterotrophic bacteria suggesting that Bdellovibrios may play a unique role in regulating bacterial colonization of the holobiont. Lastly, herpes-like virus genes were positively correlated with coral tumor incidence indicating that these viruses may be culprits of coral disease. These and other data suggest that viruses may play important roles in coral biology and coral reef health. Oral Mini-Symposium 8: Coral Microbial Interactions 8-28 Microalgae From The Mucus Layer Of Two Massive Corals in The South-Eastern Caribbean, Venezuela Francoise CAVADA* 1 , Rene AYALA 1 , Luis TROCCOLI 2 , Juan CRUZ-MOTTA 1 1 Departamento de Estudios Ambientales, Universidad Simón BolÃ-var, Caracas, Venezuela, 2 Departamento de Acuicultura, Universidad de Oriente Nucleo Nueva Esparta, Isla de Margarita, Venezuela The mucus layer of healthy scleractinian corals contains a variety of eukaryotic and prokaryotic microorganisms. It has been hypothesized that these communities confer some benefits to the coral, specifically the pathogenesis development. However, little is known about the eukaryotic fraction of these communities. This study addresses the description of the patterns of spatial and temporal distribution of microalgae assemblages in the mucus layer of two massive corals in a pristine reef patch in the south-eastern Caribbean, using a sampling design that allowed testing specific hypotheses in relation to: 1) differences between coral species and 2) the generality of the observed patterns. To accomplish this, samples of mucus were haphazardly taken from 72 healthy colonies, 36 Diploria strigora and 36 Colpophyllia natans plus 3 samples of water and sediment on a monthly basis between January and June 2004. Multivariate analysis, based on similarity matrices, showed that microalgae assemblages present in the mucus samples had no relation with those from the water column or sediment, and that variation in the assemblages of microalgae from the mucus throughout the study period was dependent on the coral species, but changes in both coral species occurred in the same direction through time. The results show that the association observed between corals and the microalgae on the mucus layer may not constitute an opportunistic interaction with the surrounding plankton and/or microphytobenthos. However, it is necessary to carry out further studies to identify the possible factors that affect these assemblages, their relative importance and the way they may interact, as well as the incorporation of other assemblages that inhabit the mucus layer in the sampling design to characterize the mucus microbiota and test specific hypothesis about their role in the coral biology. 8-29 Competition between Caribbean Corals and Macroalgae: Is there a Detrimental Impact on Symbiotic Coral-Bacterial Associations? Kathleen MORROW* 1 , Mark LILES 1 , Nanette CHADWICK 1 1 Biological Sciences, Auburn University, Auburn, AL Long-term studies on Caribbean reefs have revealed declines in live coral cover and increases in algal abundance, resulting in increased physical contact between corals and algae. Macroalgae may gain a competitive edge over scleractinian corals by manipulating coral-associated microorganisms. We used culture-dependent and -independent methods to determine the microbial communities associated with both competing and isolated corals (Montastraea faveolata) and macroalgae (Halimeda green and Dictyota brown algae). Syringe samples were taken from >1 m apart and included: 1) M. faveolata not in contact with macroalgae (coral control), 2) M. faveolata interacting with macroalgae, at 5cm from the interaction zone, 3) M. faveolata surfaces that directly contacted each macroalga, 4) macroalgal thalli interacting with M. faveolata and finally, 5) epiphytic Halimeda and Dictyota not in contact with corals (algal control). Initial plate counts suggest that microbial abundance increases in a step-wise fashion from isolated corals (~500 CFU ml -1 ), to coral-macroalgal interaction zones (~1,500 CFU ml -1 ), to within macroalgal thalli (~3,500 CFU ml -1 ). Microbial community samples were extracted using a bead-beating method to recover DNA, and the 16S-23S rRNA intergenic spacer region was PCR-amplified using universal Eubacteria primers and resolved on a polyacrylamide gel (ARISA method). Bacterial community profiles revealed significant variation in composition between sample types, with considerable intra-sample consistency (n=3). In particular, a dominant bacterial taxon found on the coral controls was observed to decrease dramatically in corals that interacted with macroalgae. We conclude that microbial communities associated with these corals and macroalgae are dynamic and appear strongly impacted by competitive interactions. Coral-algal interactions may directly mediate the stability and function of microbial symbionts on coral surfaces, and have major implications for observed patterns of competitive dominance and disease susceptibility on coral reefs. 65

8-31 Coral Associated Protists: Additional Partners in The Holobiont Esti KRAMARSKY-WINTER* 1 , Moshe HAREL 2 , Nachshon SIBONI 3 , Etan BEN DOV 3 , Diana RASOULOUNIRIANA 3 , Ariel KUSHMARO 3 , Loya YOSSI 1 1 Dept. of Zoology, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2 Dept. Plant and Environmental Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel, 3 The Department of Biotechnology Engineering and The National Institute for Biotechnology, Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel Recent investigations on coral associated communities have revealed that microbial communities covering coral surfaces play important roles in colony well-being. A large number of “aggregate” like organisms were recently observed covering the surface of large-polyp corals such as Fungiids and Faviids from a number of geographic locations. These organisms are dispersed in a patchy distribution on the polyp surface, with the highest density occurring in the area of the polyp mouth. They can not be removed from the coral surface by antibiotics, or by bleaching the corals in the dark. To identify these organisms, mucus visibly containing aggregates, was gently scraped or milked from the surface of the solitary Red Sea coral Fungia granulosa and examined microscopically, and molecularly (using 18S rRNA gene and 16S mitochondrial rRNA gene sequences). Microscopic investigation revealed that the organisms are embedded in the mucus and in the tissue layers of this coral. They are approximately 5-30 µm in diameter, made up of unique coccoid bodies and contain a nucleus, mitochondria and golgi. Both morphological and molecular data lead us to identify these organisms as stramenopile protists. To further characterize these organisms, samples of aggregate containing mucus were diluted and plated and grown on a variety of media. Some of the resulting colonies of microorganism were similar in gross morphology to those from the coral surface. Pure cultures were grown to follow life cycle attributes, and were identified morphologically and molecularly as belonging to the family Thraustochytridae, a group of protists known for their ability to produce poly-unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). The presence of this group of microorganisms on the surface of many large polyp coral species from different geographic locations may indicate their importance in coral holobiont health. 8-32 Global Diversity And Distribution Of Coral Associated Archaea And The Possible Role in Coral Nitrogen Cycle Nachshon SIBONI* 1 , Eitan BEN-DOV 1 , Alex SIVAN 1 , Ove HOEGH-GULDBERG 2 , Ariel KUSHMARO 1 1 Biotechnology Engineering, Ben-Gurion University, Be'er-Sheva, Israel, 2 Centre for Marine Studies, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia Corals harbor diverse and abundant prokaryotic communities (bacteria, archaea and protozoa) that may have co-evolved with them. To date, only little attention has been given to studies on the diversity and roles of archea in the coral holobiont. This research focuses on the diversity and distribution of 424 coral-associated Archaeal sequences associated with the surface mucus of three coral genera: Acantastrea, Favia and Fungia sp. from Red Sea, Israel and from Heron Island, Australia. Sequencing of 16S rRNA gene revealed dominance of Crenarchaeota (80% in average) in most of the coral associated sequences. In the Crenarchaeota, 87% were similar (≥97%) to Thermoprotei, of this class 76% were similar (≥97%) to candidatus Nitrosopumilus maritimus (DQ085097), an ammonium oxidizer. Most of the Euryarchaeota sequences (73%) were related to marine group II and other clades were related to anaerobic methanotrophic archaea (8%), anaerobic nitrate reducer archaea (16%) and marine group III (3%). Many of the Crenarchaeota and Euryarchaeota corals-associated archaeal sequences from Heron Island GBR Australia (61%) and Gulf of Eilat, Red Sea (71%) were closely (≥97%) related to sequences derived from Virgin Islands corals, Caribbean. This suggests that coral-associated Archaea play an important role in holobiont physiology presumably by acting as a nutritional sink of excess ammonium trapped in the mucus layer, by nitrification and denitrification process. Oral Mini-Symposium 8: Coral Microbial Interactions 8-33 Occurrence Of Epidermal Bacteria in The Scleractinian Coral montastraea Cavernosa D. Abigail RENEGAR* 1 , Genelle F. HARRISON 2 , Patricia L. BLACKWELDER 1,3 , Joel E. THURMOND 2 , Kimberly B. RITCHIE 2 , Bernardo VARGAS-ANGEL 4 1 National Coral Reef Institute, Nova Southeastern University Oceanographic Center, Dania, FL, 2 Center for Coral Reef Research, Mote Marine Laboratory, Sarasota, FL, 3 RSMAS, University of Miami, Miami, 4 Coral Reef Ecosystem Division, NOAA Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, Honolulu, HI Montastraea cavernosa is an important scleractinian reef-building coral, found throughout South Florida and the Caribbean. Examination of numerous fieldcollected and experimental specimens of this coral with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) revealed the presence of bacteria exclusively in the epidermal tissue. To identify these bacteria, DNA was isolated from coenosarc tissue followed by DGGE analysis of the 16S-V3 rDNA genes. Cloning and 16S rRNA sequence analysis identified the predominant bacteria as members of the Lactobacillus/Lactococcus bacterial groups. These Gram-positive bacteria are commonly associated with sewage. Lactobacilli are anaerobic bacteria, found in the human digestive tract and rotting plant matter that convert lactose and sugars into lactic acid. Lactococcus are motile bacteria common in dairy. The occurrence of bacteria within the epidermis of M. cavernosa raises the question of the role of bacteria within coral tissue. It is unknown if these bacteria are normal endosymbionts or represent a pathologic condition; in some corals the bacterial population appeared to completely overtake the tissue. Additionally, individual amoebocytes were observed both in the epidermis and in mesoglea adjacent to the epidermis. The amoebocyte cells in the epidermis were often actively engaged in bacterial phagocytosis. The possibility that innocuous bacteria may become pathogenic under stress highlights the importance of understanding and quantifying how environmental stress may affect the nature of the coral/zooxanthellae/bacterial association. This study represents ongoing research directed at the development of monitoring and predictive indices based on TEM and fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH) assessment of amoebocyte/bacteria ratios. FISH analyses are also being employed to aid in the identification and localization of these bacteria in other species. 8-34 Bacterial Communities On Healthy And Diseased Corals: Associations With Rapid Tissue Loss (White Plague) Geoffrey M. COOK* 1 , Masoumeh SIKAROODI 1 , Patrick M. GILLEVET 1 , Paige ROTHENBERGER 1 , Esther C. PETERS 1,2 , Robert B. JONAS 1 1 Environmental Science and Policy, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, 2 Tetra Tech, Inc., Fairfax Although diseases of hermatypic corals, some of proven or suspected bacterial origin, pose a serious global threat to coral reefs, the composition of bacterial communities on healthy corals and those exhibiting signs of disease remains poorly understood. This investigation compared bacterial communities associated with multiple pairs of apparently healthy and diseased Montastraea annularis (species complex) colonies from offshore reefs in The Bahamas, U.S. Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Bermuda, the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, and the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary. Bacterial communities from apparently healthy colonies and nearby colonies exhibiting signs consistent with white plague type II (WPL II) were evaluated using both molecular and culture-dependent methods. Length heterogeneity PCR (LH-PCR) molecular fingerprints were used to interrogate the diversity and relative abundance of both whole and culturable communities. Bacterial communities associated with diseased corals, regardless of geographical location, were more similar to each other than to communities from apparently healthy tissue on either diseased or healthy colonies. A comparison of the whole-bacterial community molecular fingerprint, regardless of tissue type, with the culturable community revealed far greater similarities than expected. Comparison of amplicon lengths and relative abundances suggest that many of the bacterial taxa in coral communities are culturable and that these represent the most abundant bacteria. Dominant microbial taxa include the genera Vibrio and Pseudoalteromonas. Strains of Pseudoalteromonas are known to produce toxins that lyse dinoflagellates and diatoms. These data imply an association between complex bacterial communities and rapid tissue loss diseases. 66

8-26<br />

Photosynthetic Microorganisms Colonized Within goniastrea Aspera<br />

Seitaro S. YAMAZAKI* 1 , Takashi NAKAMURA 1,2 , Yeong Shyan YUEN 1 , Hideo<br />

YAMASAKI 1<br />

1 Faculty of Science, <strong>University</strong> of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan, 2 Amakusa Mar. Biol.<br />

Lab., Kyushu <strong>University</strong>, Kumamoto, Japan<br />

Reef building corals have established obligate symbiotic relationship with dinoflagellates<br />

commonly known as “Zooxanthella”. It is widely known that corals harbor multiple<br />

species of microalgae within their endoliths. However, its ecological function as well as<br />

impacts on the host corals has remained as a subject to be explored. In addition to the<br />

zooxanthella, it has been suggested that the flora of photosynthetic microorganisms<br />

colonized within coral endoliths is more complicated than that of described previously.<br />

Here, we characterize the photosynthetic microorganisms’ flora in the endoliths of corals<br />

inhabiting in eutrophic and oligotrophic environments. Goniastrea aspera colonies were<br />

collected from eutrophic and oligotrophic environments in Okinawa (Japan) and Great<br />

Barrier Reef (Australia). We analyzed the species profile of photosynthetic<br />

microorganisms with the PCR-DGGE method, extracting total genomic DNA from coral<br />

endoliths. The diversity of 16S rDNA of cyanobacteria and chloroplasts in the samples<br />

collected from oligotrophic environments was much higher than that of eutrophic<br />

environments. The diversity of 18S rDNA of eucaryotic algae was lower than the 16S<br />

rDNA, and it was similar in both sites. These results suggest that diversity of<br />

cyanobacteria colonized within G. aspera in oligotrophic environment is higher<br />

compared to eutrophic environment. In contrast with cyanobacteria, fewer species of<br />

eucaryotic algae colonized within G. aspera and their diversity may not be affected by<br />

nutrient conditions. Our findings lead us to conclude that the diversity of cyanobacteria<br />

colonizing G. aspera endoliths can be altered by nutrient conditions of the environment.<br />

8-27<br />

The Roles Of Viruses in Corals.<br />

Rebecca VEGA THURBER* 1 , Forest ROHWER 2<br />

1 Biology, San Diego State <strong>University</strong>, San Diego, CA, 2 San Diego State <strong>University</strong>, San<br />

Diego, CA<br />

The coral holobiont is a symbiotic community of animal host, zooxanthellae algae, and<br />

microbial flora and fauna. Using a combination of manipulation experiments,<br />

metagenomic analysis, and real-time PCR, we have found that this diversity of organisms<br />

is thus reflected in the viral consortia present within the tissues and mucus of Porites<br />

compressa corals. We have identified representatives of viruses that infect many<br />

protozoan and metazoan phyla, as well as Bacteria and Archaea. We hypothesize that<br />

these viruses infect different compartments within the holobiont and therefore affect the<br />

coral host in a variety of ways. Of particular interest are three groups of viruses: the<br />

herpes-like viruses, single-stranded DNA plant viruses, and Bdellovibrio phages which<br />

are elevated in abundance after corals were exposed to increases in temperature,<br />

nutrients, and dissolved organic carbon, respectively. To further characterize the role(s)<br />

that these viral groups play in coral health and homeostatis, we have conducted analysis<br />

on the relative abundance of viral target genes and members of the holobiont. For<br />

example, Symbiodinium (as measured by a Symbiodinium psbA chloroplast gene)<br />

abundance was found to be negatively correlated with a putative Geminivirus recently<br />

identified in our libraries, suggesting that as this virus is produced, zooxanthellae<br />

abundance is reduced, indicative of viral infection and lysis of the zooxanthellae. Also,<br />

Bdellovibrio phage (viruses that infect bacterivorous Bacteria) abundance was negatively<br />

correlated with groups of heterotrophic bacteria suggesting that Bdellovibrios may play a<br />

unique role in regulating bacterial colonization of the holobiont. Lastly, herpes-like virus<br />

genes were positively correlated with coral tumor incidence indicating that these viruses<br />

may be culprits of coral disease. These and other data suggest that viruses may play<br />

important roles in coral biology and coral reef health.<br />

Oral Mini-Symposium 8: Coral Microbial Interactions<br />

8-28<br />

Microalgae From The Mucus Layer Of Two Massive Corals in The South-Eastern<br />

Caribbean, Venezuela<br />

Francoise CAVADA* 1 , Rene AYALA 1 , Luis TROCCOLI 2 , Juan CRUZ-MOTTA 1<br />

1 Departamento de Estudios Ambientales, Universidad Simón BolÃ-var, Caracas, Venezuela,<br />

2 Departamento de Acuicultura, Universidad de Oriente Nucleo Nueva Esparta, Isla de<br />

Margarita, Venezuela<br />

The mucus layer of healthy scleractinian corals contains a variety of eukaryotic and prokaryotic<br />

microorganisms. It has been hypothesized that these communities confer some benefits to the<br />

coral, specifically the pathogenesis development. However, little is known about the eukaryotic<br />

fraction of these communities. This study addresses the description of the patterns of spatial and<br />

temporal distribution of microalgae assemblages in the mucus layer of two massive corals in a<br />

pristine reef patch in the south-eastern Caribbean, using a sampling design that allowed testing<br />

specific hypotheses in relation to: 1) differences between coral species and 2) the generality of<br />

the observed patterns. To accomplish this, samples of mucus were haphazardly taken from 72<br />

healthy colonies, 36 Diploria strigora and 36 Colpophyllia natans plus 3 samples of water and<br />

sediment on a monthly basis between January and June 2004. Multivariate analysis, based on<br />

similarity matrices, showed that microalgae assemblages present in the mucus samples had no<br />

relation with those from the water column or sediment, and that variation in the assemblages of<br />

microalgae from the mucus throughout the study period was dependent on the coral species, but<br />

changes in both coral species occurred in the same direction through time. The results show that<br />

the association observed between corals and the microalgae on the mucus layer may not<br />

constitute an opportunistic interaction with the surrounding plankton and/or microphytobenthos.<br />

However, it is necessary to carry out further studies to identify the possible factors that affect<br />

these assemblages, their relative importance and the way they may interact, as well as the<br />

incorporation of other assemblages that inhabit the mucus layer in the sampling design to<br />

characterize the mucus microbiota and test specific hypothesis about their role in the coral<br />

biology.<br />

8-29<br />

Competition between Caribbean Corals and Macroalgae: Is there a Detrimental Impact<br />

on Symbiotic Coral-Bacterial Associations?<br />

Kathleen MORROW* 1 , Mark LILES 1 , Nanette CHADWICK 1<br />

1 Biological Sciences, Auburn <strong>University</strong>, Auburn, AL<br />

Long-term studies on Caribbean reefs have revealed declines in live coral cover and increases in<br />

algal abundance, resulting in increased physical contact between corals and algae. Macroalgae<br />

may gain a competitive edge over scleractinian corals by manipulating coral-associated<br />

microorganisms. We used culture-dependent and -independent methods to determine the<br />

microbial communities associated with both competing and isolated corals (Montastraea<br />

faveolata) and macroalgae (Halimeda green and Dictyota brown algae). Syringe samples were<br />

taken from >1 m apart and included: 1) M. faveolata not in contact with macroalgae (coral<br />

control), 2) M. faveolata interacting with macroalgae, at 5cm from the interaction zone, 3) M.<br />

faveolata surfaces that directly contacted each macroalga, 4) macroalgal thalli interacting with<br />

M. faveolata and finally, 5) epiphytic Halimeda and Dictyota not in contact with corals (algal<br />

control). Initial plate counts suggest that microbial abundance increases in a step-wise fashion<br />

from isolated corals (~500 CFU ml -1 ), to coral-macroalgal interaction zones (~1,500 CFU ml -1 ),<br />

to within macroalgal thalli (~3,500 CFU ml -1 ). Microbial community samples were extracted<br />

using a bead-beating method to recover DNA, and the 16S-23S rRNA intergenic spacer region<br />

was PCR-amplified using universal Eubacteria primers and resolved on a polyacrylamide gel<br />

(ARISA method). Bacterial community profiles revealed significant variation in composition<br />

between sample types, with considerable intra-sample consistency (n=3). In particular, a<br />

dominant bacterial taxon found on the coral controls was observed to decrease dramatically in<br />

corals that interacted with macroalgae. We conclude that microbial communities associated<br />

with these corals and macroalgae are dynamic and appear strongly impacted by competitive<br />

interactions. Coral-algal interactions may directly mediate the stability and function of<br />

microbial symbionts on coral surfaces, and have major implications for observed patterns of<br />

competitive dominance and disease susceptibility on coral reefs.<br />


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