11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University 11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


8-17 Bacteria Associated With Symbiodinium Spp. in Culture Kim RITCHIE* 1 , Roxanna MYERS 2 , Carmel NORMAN 3 , Joel THURMOND 3 1 Mote Marine Lab, Sarasota, FL, 2 University of Guam, Mangilao, United States Minor Outlying Islands, 3 Mote Marine Laboratory, Sarasota, FL Most dinoflagellates are difficult to grow axenically. These include the red tide toxin producing dinoflagellate, Karenia brevis, and the coral endosymbiont, Symbiodinium spp. Historically, attempts to achieve axenic cultures using antibiotic treatment, in combination with other physical methods, initially interfere with growth of the dinoflagellate. Over time, bacteria reemerge within successful cultures. It has been suggested that the antibiotic cocktail used in purification may hinder dinoflagellate growth. An alternative hypothesis is that bacteria present in dinoflagellate cultures are required for dinoflagellate growth. To date, no survey of bacteria present in Symbiodinium cultures has been undertaken. Bacteria associated with ten Symbiodinium cultures, representing 6 different Symbiodinium clades, were examined using culturebased methods, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis and terminal restriction length polymorphism (TRFLP) analysis. Although phylogenetic variation exists among bacterial groups associated with Symbiodinium cultures, of interest is that bacteria frequently identified in all ten Symbiodinium cultures include members of the Roseobacter clade, Marinobacter species, and members of the Cytophaga- Flavobacterium-Bacteroides (CFB) group. These findings indicate a potential mutualistic role for these bacteria with Symbiodinium spp. 8-18 Abundance of Zooxanthellae degrading or suppressing bacteria in a High-latitude Coral community and their Effect on Zooxanthellae and Coral host Shashank KESHAVMURTHY* 1 , Kimio FUKAMI 1 1 Graduate School of Kuroshio Science, Kochi University, Japan, Kochi, Japan Studies carried out on bleaching in corals in the last decade have linked bacteria (bacteria-mediated bleaching) as one of the causes of coral bleaching as a result of degradation/necrosis of zooxanthellae due to bacterial activity. Though many bacterial species have been linked with coral bleaching, it is still not clear about the abundance, diversity and effect of such bacteria on compromised coral holobiont. This study looks at presence of such bacteria that are capable of degrading/suppressing zooxanthellae and their effect on zooxanthellae and coral host. The study was carried out in a high-latitude coral community at Nishidomari, Otsuki (N 32o 46’ 45” and E 132o 43’ 59”) situated in the south of Kochi Prefecture, Shikoku, Japan. Our results showed presence of bacteria effective against zooxanthellae in the order of 102 cells/L. Most of the isolated zooxanthellae degrading/suppressing bacteria belonged to Gammaproteobacteria. The effect of three strains of algicidal bacteria (1B, 4-2DW-1 and 4-1SW-1) on temperature stressed zooxanthellae showed 53-86% cell degradation. There was no such strong effect of these strains on the temperature stressed corals. However, tissue loss, reduction in zooxanthellae abundance and lowered pigment concentration was observed in the coral fragments that were incubated for two weeks with zooxanthellae degrading/suppressing bacteria. This study is the first report on the abundance of bacteria that are able to degrade/suppress zooxanthellae. Initial results on their effect on two coral species has shown that they have ability to bleach the coral that were subjected to stress. We conclude that such bacteria that are present in the coral reef areas might be acting as opportunistic pathogens on stressed corals thereby contributing to the coral bleaching phenomenon. Oral Mini-Symposium 8: Coral Microbial Interactions 8-20 Microbial Diversity Associated With The Deep-Water Scleractinian lophelia Pertusa in The Gulf Of Mexico Christina KELLOGG* 1 1 U.S. Geological Survey, St. Petersburg, FL Bacteria and archaea are beginning to be recognized as an important part of the total biology of shallow-water corals. Deep-sea corals have a fundamentally different ecology due to their adaptation to cold, dark, high-pressure environments, and as such they have novel microbiota. The goal of this study was to characterize the microbial communities of the deep-sea coral Lophelia pertusa in the Gulf of Mexico. This is the first study to include both culture-based and molecular data on deep-sea coral-associated bacterial communities. This is also the first study to detect archaea associated with a deep-sea coral. Additionally, we present a novel method to collect coral samples in individual insulated containers and preserve them at depth in an effort to maintain in-situ microbial diversity by minimizing contamination and thermal shock. There are a few similarities between Lophelia-associated bacteria and bacteria from shallowwater corals and deep-sea octocorals. However, both cultured isolates and 16S rDNA clone libraries reveal many novel bacteria associated with Lophelia. Many of these bacteria are similar to prokaryotic symbionts of fish, squid, and methane-seep clams. In particular, one bacterial sequence, VKLP1, that is present in all Lophelia colonies analyzed to date (n=6), is genetically similar to a sulfide-oxidizing gill symbiont of a seep clam. This apparently Lophelia-specific bacterium may link the coral to cold seep communities. Molecular analysis of bacterial community diversity showed a marked difference between the two study sites, even though they are less than 20 nautical miles apart. The dissimilarity between the dominant members of the bacterial communities at these two sites may be evidence of diseased Lophelia or thermal stress at one site, or may indicate biogeographical differences. 8-21 Cross-Kingdom Amplification Using Bacterial-Specific Primers: Implications For Coral Microbial Ecology Julia GALKIEWICZ* 1 , Christina KELLOGG 2 1 College of Marine Science, University of South Florida, Saint Petersburg, FL, 2 USGS, Saint Petersburg, FL In the field of coral microbial ecology, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of pure bacterial DNA is vital to the study of bacterial interactions with corals. Previous studies of coral-associated bacteria from the Caribbean have used 16S primers 8F or 27F and 1492R to amplify prokaryotic rDNA. Primers 8F and 27F are described as bacterial-specific, while primer 1492R universally amplifies prokaryotic, archaeal, and eukaryotic DNA. In combination, 8F/1492R and 27F/1492R should amplify only bacterial rDNA. However, recent trials have shown that these common primer sets also amplify eukaryotic 18S rDNA. Samples of the Pacific scleractinian Pocillopora damicornis were collected in American Samoa and preserved in a DMSO/EDTA/salt buffer. Community DNA was extracted using the MoBio Powersoil DNA Isolation kit. This extraction procedure was adapted from published procedures that amplified coral-associated bacteria from Caribbean corals but had not been previously applied to Pacific coral tissue. When the resulting clones were sequenced and compared to the GenBank nucleotide database, they were most closely related to Cnidarian 18S rDNA. The 18S sequences were examined and found to contain short sequence homology (12 bp out of a total length of 20 bp) to primers 8F and 27F. This homology apparently allows amplification of coral 18S rDNA, creating an amplicon length of 1.3 kbp, almost identical to that of bacterial amplicons resulting from the 8F/1492R primer set. Because the amplicon lengths are so similar, gel extraction techniques to separate bacterial from cnidarian amplicons are difficult. To circumvent this problem, a different primer set was employed. The bacterial primers 63F and 1542R amplify a bacterial sequence 1.4 kbp in length, whereas coral DNA sequences amplified with these primers have a length of 0.6 kbp, allowing distinct separation on the gel and targeting of bacterial DNA for further analysis. 63

8-22 Microbial Dynamics of Kiritimati Atoll Tracey MCDOLE* 1 , Rob EDWARDS 2 , Liz DINSDALE 1 , Sheila WALSH 3 , Mary DONOVAN 4 , Forest ROHWER 1 1 Cell and Molecular Biology, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, 2 Math and Computer Sciences, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, 3 Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD, La Jolla, CA, 4 University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA Potential anthropogenic stressors that contribute to coral reef decline include global warming, eutrophication, and overfishing. It is becoming clear that microbes are important factors in all of these scenarios. In 2005, the coral reef-associated microbial community were surveyed in the northern line islands archipelago in the central pacific. A ten fold increase in microbial numbers from kingman (human population = 0), to kiritimati (population ~ 10,000) was observed. This increase in microbial abundance in the water column was correlated with an increase in coral disease prevalence. Kiritimati island itself also provides a gradient of human disturbance, without the latitudinal gradient of the 2005 survey. In 2007, water column samples were collected from 10 meters using scuba from a total of 22 sites encircling the island. At each site, the abundance of microbes and virus-like particles were enumerated using fluorescence microscopy. Increasing microbial and viral density was directly correlated with increasing human population. The maximum fold increase between sites for microbes and virus-like particles was 20 and 40 fold respectively, with the highest numbers of bacteria (5 x 106 cells/ml) and virus-like particles (2 x 107 cells/ml) occurring at the same site. The number of bacteria colonies that grew on media selective for the known pathogens staphylococcus spp and vibrio spp, as well as enteric bacteria also supported this trend. The abundance of microbes and viruses will be correlated with numbers of fish, prevalence of coral disease, number of coral recruits, and concentration of organic and inorganic nutrients to help develop a model of coral reef microbial and macrobial interactions. 8-23 Reef Community Structure Of Hawaiian Reefs: From The Microscopic To The Macroscopic World Florent ANGLY* 1 , Mark VERMEIJ 2 , Sheila WALSH 3 , Stuart SANDIN 4 , Meghan DAILER 2 , Celia SMITH 5 , Forest ROHWER 1 1 San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, 2 University of Hawaii, Lahaina, HI, 3 University of California, San Diego, San Diego, CA, 4 Scripps Institution of Oceanography, San Diego, CA, 5 University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI The acceleration of coastal urbanization in Hawaii this last decade has resulted in increased nutrient runoff to the ocean and has led to a decrease in coral cover. Such coral reef decline has important ecological as well as economical repercussions that need to be prevented. Recent evidence suggests a role of microbes in the trajectory of decline of coral reefs worldwide. The Line Islands archipelago in the central Pacific, including atolls ranging from uninhabited to moderately inhabited, was previously surveyed and microbially-driven food chains were reported for the most populated islands. We hypothesize that microbial abundance and composition are also a fundamental to understanding the trajectory of decline of Hawaiian coral reef ecosystems. To this end, benthic cover, fish species composition and microbial and viral abundance were assessed for 17 reefs of Maui and Lanai. Water parameters, including dissolved organic carbon and nutrient levels, were also recorded. The data indicated that the reef ecosystems of Maui were overall more degraded and algal-dominated than those of the nearby less populated island of Lanai. Viruses and microbes (including the potentially human pathogenic Vibrio bacterial genus) were more prevalent at degraded sites and their abundance ranged from about the same to twice as many as compared to remote, central Pacific atolls. The larger variation or patchiness in benthic composition of more degraded reefs could be interpreted as a departure from a healthy stable state. Basic functional relationships that are supposed to occur, like herbivorous fish control by fish predators, were mostly lost. The current structure of Hawaiian coral reef ecosystems depicts an intricate relation between the microscopic and the macroscopic world, that together with the very complex history of these reefs largely drives today's observations. Oral Mini-Symposium 8: Coral Microbial Interactions 8-24 Biogeography Of Reef Water And Coral-Associated Bacterial Communities Across The Hawaiian Archipelago And Greater Pacific Basin Jennifer L. SALERNO* 1,2 , Michael S. RAPPE 3 1 Zoology, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI, 2 SOEST, Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Kaneohe, 3 SOEST, Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Kaneohe, HI The bacterial community structure within coral and seawater samples collected from six islands and atolls within the Hawaiian archipelago was investigated using a suite of molecular biological and statistical techniques. Overall, we observed significant overlap in bacterial communities associated with the reef-building coral, Porites lobata, from the majority of islands and atolls within the Hawaiian archipelago and uncovered significant variation amongst different colonies within an island or atoll. However, microbial communities associated with Porites lobata colonies from French Frigate Shoals atoll were more similar to one another than to any other colonies located within the archipelago. These communities also shared some similarities with samples collected from Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, within the main Hawaiian Islands. These observed differences have important management implications, as corals with different assemblages of resident bacteria may respond differently to environmental changes. Seawater samples from sites within the Hawaiian archipelago, Johnston Atoll, and American Samoa were analyzed using similar techniques. Overall, seawater bacterial communities from the Hawaiian Islands were more similar to one another than to the other locales examined. Seawater bacterial communities from American Samoa were quite variable, but distinct from Hawaii, Johnston Atoll shared similarities with both Hawaii and American Samoa, and samples from Kaneohe Bay, Oahu grouped separately from all other locales. Overall, the biogeographic patterns of bacterial communities physically associated with the coral Porites lobata differed from those observed in planktonic bacterial communities, indicating that the underlying factors affecting the dispersal and proliferation of bacteria associated with a benthic host versus those within the plankton are different. 8-25 Microbial Profiling For Coral Restoration Camille DANIELS* 1 , Mya BREITBART 1 , Ilze BERZINS 2 , Craig WATSON 3 1 University of South Florida, College of Marine Science, St. Petersburg, FL, 2 The Florida Aquarium, Tampa, FL, 3 University of Florida, Tropical Aquaculture Laboratory, Ruskin, FL Coral aquaculture and transplantation are currently being employed to address worldwide decline of coral reefs and promote reef ecosystem recovery. Issues that arise with these restoration strategies include possible introduction of diseases onto natural reefs and the vulnerability of transplanted corals to bleaching and disease. While visual and histological assessments are currently being used to determine if aquacultured coral fragments are suitable for restoration, analyses of coral-associated microbes have yet to be incorporated as a health indicator before transplantation. Before microbial community composition can be incorporated into assessments of coral health, it is necessary to understand the spatial and temporal variability of coral-microbe associations. This project uses culture-based (TCBS plating and EcoPlate carbon utilization profiling) and culture-independent (ARISA) methods to determine the composition and variability of the microbial community associated with corals used for restoration. Spatial sampling on a large Diploria clivosa parent colony revealed differences in microbial communities found in mucus from different locations on the coral surface. Following fragmentation of this parent colony, individual 2x2 cm fragments were sampled over time, allowing for increasing time intervals between mucus sampling. Rapid changes in the coral-associated microbial community were observed over time, with a significant increase in the number of culturable Vibrio sp. following removal of the coral mucus. Subsequent experiments revealed that the corals (or their associated microbes) adapt to reduce Vibrio numbers upon repeated sampling. The mechanism of this adaptation is currently unknown, but will be a focus of future studies. Results from this project will provide insight into the stability of coral-bacterial associations, and allow us to develop a microbial baseline for coral species used for restoration in the Florida Keys. Understanding microbe-coral interactions is critical for the future incorporation of microbial community profiling into coral health assessments, which has direct implications for coral restoration and conservation. 64

8-22<br />

Microbial Dynamics of Kiritimati Atoll<br />

Tracey MCDOLE* 1 , Rob EDWARDS 2 , Liz DINSDALE 1 , Sheila WALSH 3 , Mary<br />

DONOVAN 4 , Forest ROHWER 1<br />

1 Cell and Molecular Biology, San Diego State <strong>University</strong>, San Diego, CA, 2 Math and<br />

Computer Sciences, San Diego State <strong>University</strong>, San Diego, CA, 3 Scripps Institution of<br />

Oceanography, UCSD, La Jolla, CA, 4 <strong>University</strong> of California, Santa Barbara, Santa<br />

Barbara, CA<br />

Potential anthropogenic stressors that contribute to coral reef decline include global<br />

warming, eutrophication, and overfishing. It is becoming clear that microbes are<br />

important factors in all of these scenarios. In 2005, the coral reef-associated microbial<br />

community were surveyed in the northern line islands archipelago in the central pacific.<br />

A ten fold increase in microbial numbers from kingman (human population = 0), to<br />

kiritimati (population ~ 10,000) was observed. This increase in microbial abundance in<br />

the water column was correlated with an increase in coral disease prevalence. Kiritimati<br />

island itself also provides a gradient of human disturbance, without the latitudinal<br />

gradient of the 2005 survey. In 2007, water column samples were collected from 10<br />

meters using scuba from a total of 22 sites encircling the island. At each site, the<br />

abundance of microbes and virus-like particles were enumerated using fluorescence<br />

microscopy. Increasing microbial and viral density was directly correlated with<br />

increasing human population. The maximum fold increase between sites for microbes and<br />

virus-like particles was 20 and 40 fold respectively, with the highest numbers of bacteria<br />

(5 x 106 cells/ml) and virus-like particles (2 x 107 cells/ml) occurring at the same site.<br />

The number of bacteria colonies that grew on media selective for the known pathogens<br />

staphylococcus spp and vibrio spp, as well as enteric bacteria also supported this trend.<br />

The abundance of microbes and viruses will be correlated with numbers of fish,<br />

prevalence of coral disease, number of coral recruits, and concentration of organic and<br />

inorganic nutrients to help develop a model of coral reef microbial and macrobial<br />

interactions.<br />

8-23<br />

Reef Community Structure Of Hawaiian Reefs: From The Microscopic To The<br />

Macroscopic World<br />

Florent ANGLY* 1 , Mark VERMEIJ 2 , Sheila WALSH 3 , Stuart SANDIN 4 , Meghan<br />

DAILER 2 , Celia SMITH 5 , Forest ROHWER 1<br />

1 San Diego State <strong>University</strong>, San Diego, CA, 2 <strong>University</strong> of Hawaii, Lahaina, HI,<br />

3 <strong>University</strong> of California, San Diego, San Diego, CA, 4 Scripps Institution of<br />

Oceanography, San Diego, CA, 5 <strong>University</strong> of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI<br />

The acceleration of coastal urbanization in Hawaii this last decade has resulted in<br />

increased nutrient runoff to the ocean and has led to a decrease in coral cover. Such coral<br />

reef decline has important ecological as well as economical repercussions that need to be<br />

prevented. Recent evidence suggests a role of microbes in the trajectory of decline of<br />

coral reefs worldwide. The Line Islands archipelago in the central Pacific, including<br />

atolls ranging from uninhabited to moderately inhabited, was previously surveyed and<br />

microbially-driven food chains were reported for the most populated islands. We<br />

hypothesize that microbial abundance and composition are also a fundamental to<br />

understanding the trajectory of decline of Hawaiian coral reef ecosystems. To this end,<br />

benthic cover, fish species composition and microbial and viral abundance were assessed<br />

for 17 reefs of Maui and Lanai. Water parameters, including dissolved organic carbon<br />

and nutrient levels, were also recorded. The data indicated that the reef ecosystems of<br />

Maui were overall more degraded and algal-dominated than those of the nearby less<br />

populated island of Lanai. Viruses and microbes (including the potentially human<br />

pathogenic Vibrio bacterial genus) were more prevalent at degraded sites and their<br />

abundance ranged from about the same to twice as many as compared to remote, central<br />

Pacific atolls. The larger variation or patchiness in benthic composition of more degraded<br />

reefs could be interpreted as a departure from a healthy stable state. Basic functional<br />

relationships that are supposed to occur, like herbivorous fish control by fish predators,<br />

were mostly lost. The current structure of Hawaiian coral reef ecosystems depicts an<br />

intricate relation between the microscopic and the macroscopic world, that together with<br />

the very complex history of these reefs largely drives today's observations.<br />

Oral Mini-Symposium 8: Coral Microbial Interactions<br />

8-24<br />

Biogeography Of Reef Water And Coral-Associated Bacterial Communities Across The<br />

Hawaiian Archipelago And Greater Pacific Basin<br />

Jennifer L. SALERNO* 1,2 , Michael S. RAPPE 3<br />

1 Zoology, <strong>University</strong> of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI, 2 SOEST, Hawaii Institute of Marine<br />

Biology, <strong>University</strong> of Hawaii at Manoa, Kaneohe, 3 SOEST, Hawaii Institute of Marine<br />

Biology, <strong>University</strong> of Hawaii at Manoa, Kaneohe, HI<br />

The bacterial community structure within coral and seawater samples collected from six islands<br />

and atolls within the Hawaiian archipelago was investigated using a suite of molecular<br />

biological and statistical techniques. Overall, we observed significant overlap in bacterial<br />

communities associated with the reef-building coral, Porites lobata, from the majority of<br />

islands and atolls within the Hawaiian archipelago and uncovered significant variation amongst<br />

different colonies within an island or atoll. However, microbial communities associated with<br />

Porites lobata colonies from French Frigate Shoals atoll were more similar to one another than<br />

to any other colonies located within the archipelago. These communities also shared some<br />

similarities with samples collected from Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, within the main Hawaiian Islands.<br />

These observed differences have important management implications, as corals with different<br />

assemblages of resident bacteria may respond differently to environmental changes. Seawater<br />

samples from sites within the Hawaiian archipelago, Johnston Atoll, and American Samoa were<br />

analyzed using similar techniques. Overall, seawater bacterial communities from the Hawaiian<br />

Islands were more similar to one another than to the other locales examined. Seawater bacterial<br />

communities from American Samoa were quite variable, but distinct from Hawaii, Johnston<br />

Atoll shared similarities with both Hawaii and American Samoa, and samples from Kaneohe<br />

Bay, Oahu grouped separately from all other locales. Overall, the biogeographic patterns of<br />

bacterial communities physically associated with the coral Porites lobata differed from those<br />

observed in planktonic bacterial communities, indicating that the underlying factors affecting<br />

the dispersal and proliferation of bacteria associated with a benthic host versus those within the<br />

plankton are different.<br />

8-25<br />

Microbial Profiling For Coral Restoration<br />

Camille DANIELS* 1 , Mya BREITBART 1 , Ilze BERZINS 2 , Craig WATSON 3<br />

1 <strong>University</strong> of South Florida, College of Marine Science, St. Petersburg, FL, 2 The Florida<br />

Aquarium, Tampa, FL, 3 <strong>University</strong> of Florida, Tropical Aquaculture Laboratory, Ruskin, FL<br />

Coral aquaculture and transplantation are currently being employed to address worldwide<br />

decline of coral reefs and promote reef ecosystem recovery. Issues that arise with these<br />

restoration strategies include possible introduction of diseases onto natural reefs and the<br />

vulnerability of transplanted corals to bleaching and disease. While visual and histological<br />

assessments are currently being used to determine if aquacultured coral fragments are suitable<br />

for restoration, analyses of coral-associated microbes have yet to be incorporated as a health<br />

indicator before transplantation. Before microbial community composition can be incorporated<br />

into assessments of coral health, it is necessary to understand the spatial and temporal<br />

variability of coral-microbe associations.<br />

This project uses culture-based (TCBS plating and EcoPlate carbon utilization profiling) and<br />

culture-independent (ARISA) methods to determine the composition and variability of the<br />

microbial community associated with corals used for restoration. Spatial sampling on a large<br />

Diploria clivosa parent colony revealed differences in microbial communities found in mucus<br />

from different locations on the coral surface. Following fragmentation of this parent colony,<br />

individual 2x2 cm fragments were sampled over time, allowing for increasing time intervals<br />

between mucus sampling. Rapid changes in the coral-associated microbial community were<br />

observed over time, with a significant increase in the number of culturable Vibrio sp. following<br />

removal of the coral mucus. Subsequent experiments revealed that the corals (or their<br />

associated microbes) adapt to reduce Vibrio numbers upon repeated sampling. The mechanism<br />

of this adaptation is currently unknown, but will be a focus of future studies. Results from this<br />

project will provide insight into the stability of coral-bacterial associations, and allow us to<br />

develop a microbial baseline for coral species used for restoration in the Florida Keys.<br />

Understanding microbe-coral interactions is critical for the future incorporation of microbial<br />

community profiling into coral health assessments, which has direct implications for coral<br />

restoration and conservation.<br />


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