11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University 11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


8-9 Milkfish Feces Share Common Bacteria With Coral Holobiont Steven SMRIGA* 1,2 , Melissa GARREN 1,2 , Farooq AZAM 1 1 Marine Biology Research Division, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA, 2 Marine Biology Research Division, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla Effluent from intensive milkfish (Chanos chanos) aquaculture is among several environmental stressors that may impact coral reefs near Bolinao, Pangasinan, Philippines. Fish feces are part of this effluent, and since the effects of effluents on coralassociated microbial communities may provide a mechanistic link between fish farms and coral reefs, it is of interest to consider the potential effects of fish feces on corals. We hypothesized that distinct bacterial groups found in fish feces can also be found on corals. Feces were collected from the distal intestines of milkfish, bacterial isolates were obtained from water samples, and coral tissue slurries were collected from diverse coral genera along a quantifiable gradient of effluent. Community 16S rDNA gene profiles from feces were dominated by Vibrio sp., while profiles from each of four coral samples were considerably more diverse. Despite these differences, some 16S rDNA genes from feces and corals were >99% similar including Ralstonia sp. and Acinetobacter sp.. Furthermore, some Vibrio sp. sequences were >99% similar among feces, corals, and isolated bacteria. The findings suggest that among these diverse sample types, specific microenvironments may select for the same microbial phylotypes. Alternatively, fish feces may select for specific microbial phylotypes that are then transported into coral ecosystems via water effluents and introduced into the coral holobiont. Fish feces should be considered within conceptual and experimental approaches that address coralmicrobial interactions, including those that address coral disease. 8-10 Functional Change in Microbial Communities On Four Coral Atolls Elizabeth DINSDALE* 1 , Olga PANTOS 2 , Robert EDWARDS 3 , Steven SMRIGA 4 , Florent ANGLY 3 , Dana HALL 3 , Linda WEGLEY 3 , Enric SALA 4 , Stuart SANDIN 4 , Rebecca VEGA THURBER 3 , Bette WILLIS 5 , Farooq AZAM 4 , Nancy KNOWLTON 4 , Forest ROHWER 3 1 Biology Department, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, 2 University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 3 San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, 4 Scripps Institution of Oceanography, San Diego, CA, 5 James Cook University, Townsville, Australia Replacement of corals by algae is a reoccurring trend on today’s coral reefs. The role of microbes in these phase shifts is unknown. Microbial communities were quantified in the water column across four coral atolls displaying different levels of coral cover, using metagenomic, microscopic, and culturing techniques. A 10-fold increase in abundance of virus-like particles, Bacteria, and Archaea and a doubling of the number of protists in the overlying waters occurred from the coral reefs with the highest coral cover to the coral reefs with the lowest coral cover. The metagenomic taxonomic analysis showed that Bacteria and Archaea changed from a balanced community of autotrophs and heterotrophs to a predominantly heterotrophic community where coral cover was low. On the coral reefs with the lowest coral cover the heterotrophic microbes were dominated by potentially pathogenic strains. The relative proportions of the functional genes on each atoll confirmed the non-linear change in the microbial community. On the coral reef with the highest coral cover, the proportion of genes associated with photosynthesis was 3.4 %; they increased to 44.3 % on the coral reef with a moderate coral cover; and decreased to only 0.3 % on the reef with the lowest coral cover. In contrast, genes associated with carbon utilization comprised 24 % on the impacted reef. Where coral cover was high, microbial numbers were low and metabolically providing a diverse range of functions, including photosynthesis and nutrient recycling. Conversely, where coral cover was low, microbial numbers were high and restricted to functions that focused on consuming carbon and nutrients. Corals that remain alive on algae dominated reefs are bathed in water that contains high numbers of heterotrophic microbes. Not surprisingly the health of many of these remaining corals was compromised. Oral Mini-Symposium 8: Coral Microbial Interactions 8-11 Exploring Bacterial Community Dynamics in Early Life Stages Of The Caribbean Corals porites Astreoides And montastrea Faveolata Koty SHARP* 1 1 Smithsonian Marine Station, Fort Pierce, FL Like other marine invertebrates, scleractinian corals have been shown to harbor diverse assemblages of microbes, but neither the specificity of these associations nor the mechanisms that maintain them across host generations is well understood. Bacterial communities in planula larvae of the Caribbean coral Porites astreoides were characterized in this study. Molecular techniques were used to identify bacteria associated with P. astreoides larvae, and sequence-specific oligonucleotide primers were designed to survey multiple samples for the presence of particular bacterial species. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and microscopy revealed the presence of particular localizations of specific bacteria within the larvae, and the relative abundance of various groups of bacteria in the larvae was estimated. In contrast, gamete bundles from the mass-spawning corals Montastrea spp. and Acropora spp. did not contain bacteria or archaea. Molecular analysis on post-settlement stages of M. faveolata was used to characterize the bacterial communities present in juvenile feeding polyps. This study reveals new insights into mechanisms by which microbial assemblages associated with corals are maintained and regulated during host embryogenesis and early development. In addition, these results present the possibility for a bacterial role in larval ecology of some coral species. 8-12 Dom Assimilation By A Coral Reef Sponge And Its Associated Prokaryotes: A Carbon Isotope Tracer Study Jasper DE GOEIJ 1,2 , Leon MOODLEY 3 , Nestor CARBALLEIRA 4 , Fleur VAN DUYL* 1,5 1 Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, Den Burg, Netherlands, 2 The Carmabi Foundation, Curacao, Netherlands Antilles, 3 Netherlands Institute of Ecology, Yerseke, Netherlands, 4 University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 5 Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, Texel, Netherlands We studied the dissolved organic matter (DOM) assimilation by the common encrusting coral reef sponge Halisarca caerulea. H. caerulea is found predominantly on the walls and ceilings of coral cavities in the fore reef slope of the coral reefs of Curaçao (Netherlands Antilles) and harbors sponge associated prokaryotes (2.1 *109 prokaryotes.cm-3 sponge). The assimilation and respiration of 13C-enriched glucose and diatom derived dissolved organic matter was followed in incubations. DOM was readily processed by the sponge with assimilation being the major fate. The 13C- enrichments patterns in fatty acid biomarkers revealed that the dissolved organic 13C assimilation by H. caerulea was both direct and mediated by sponge associated prokaryotes. Tracer carbon was recovered both in bacteria-specific and non-bacteria specific fatty acids. Phytanic acid was ascribed to the sponge. This is the first direct evidence of DOM incorporation by sponge cells. The sponge-microbe consortium of H. caerulea processes bulk dissolved organic matter, meeting up to 90% of their organic carbon demand. Because sponges dominate live cover in cryptic habitats on coral reefs, DOM assimilation by cryptic reef sponges represents an important, largely overlooked, ecological function of coral reefs. 61

8-13 Assessment Of Coral Microbiota: The Impact Of Untested Assumptions, Unintended Biases, And Undefined Variables Shawn POLSON 1,2 , Sara POLSON 1 , Julie HIGGINS 1 , Cheryl WOODLEY* 1 1 Center for Coastal Environmental Health and Biomolecular Research, NOAA National Ocean Service, Charleston, SC, 2 Marine Biomedicine and Environmental Sciences Center, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC The study of microbiology has emerged as an important component of coral biology, with numerous studies examining coral-associated microbial ecology in hopes of understanding the dynamic nature of these communities. Such studies have provided numerous insights into the composition of these communities, but a significant level of project-to-project variability is apparent when reviewing these results. The study presented here utilized culture-dependent (~650 isolates) and independent (~25,000 sequences from 88 16S rDNA libraries) analyses to assess the microbial community structure associated with acroporid corals of the Florida reef tract (USA). The study was designed to allow for the impact of multiple sample variables including sample collection/processing methodology, disease state, acroporid species, regional geography, and limited temporal variation to be simultaneously assessed. Sample processing methodology was found to introduce significant bias into the resulting microbial community composition detected. Lumping coral health states into defined “diseases”, based solely upon field observations of similarity in disease signs, was also demonstrated to be a potential source of variation found in the past literature. The existence of marked temporal variation within a population of corals was also detected. The results of this study indicate that future studies of coral-associated microbial communities must take great care to control for numerous variables (many of which are currently poorly understood). Key among these factors is an in depth assessment of the physiological state of the coral during sample collection. Without increased efforts to address the role of such secondary variables on microbial community composition (both actual and detected) it is likely that increased fragmentation in the body of literature will occur, hampering efforts to understand the nature of this important component of the coral holobiont. 8-14 Changes in Coral Associated Microbial Communities During A Bleaching Event David BOURNE* 1 , Yuki IIDA 1 , Sven UTHICKE 1 , Carolyn SMITH-KEUNE 1,2 1 Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville, Australia, 2 Centre of Marine Studies, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia Environmental stressors such as increased sea surface temperatures are well known for contributing to coral bleaching, however the effect of increased temperatures and subsequent bleaching on coral associated microbial communities is poorly understood. Colonies of the hard coral Acropora millepora were tagged on a reef flat off Magnetic Island (Great Barrier Reef) and surveyed over 2.5 years, which included a severe bleaching event in January/February 2002. Daily average water temperatures exceeded the previous 10-year average by more than 1ºC for extended periods with field based visual surveys recording all tagged colonies displaying signs of bleaching. During the bleaching period, direct counts of coral zooxanthellae densities decreased by ~64%, before recovery to pre-bleaching levels after the thermal stress event. A subset of three tagged coral colonies were sampled through the bleaching event and changes in the microbial community elucidated. DGGE analysis demonstrated conserved bacterial banding profiles between the three coral colonies confirming previous studies highlighting specific microbial associations. As coral colonies bleached, the microbial community shifted and redundancy analysis (RDA) of DGGE-banding patterns revealed a correlation of increasing temperature with the appearance of Vibrio-affiliated sequences. Clone libraries hybridised with Vibrio-specific oligonucleotide probes confirmed an increase in the fraction of Vibrio-affiliated clones during the bleaching period. Post-bleaching, the coral microbial associations again shifted, returning to a profile similar or identical to the fingerprints prior to bleaching. This provided further evidence for corals selecting and shaping their microbial partners. For non-bleached samples, a close association with Spongiobacter related sequences were revealed by both clone libraries and DGGE profiling. Despite Vibrio species being previously implicated in bleaching of specific coral species, it is unsure if the relative increase in retrieved Vibrio sequences is due to bacterial infection or an opportunistic response to compromised health and changing environmental parameters of the coral host. Oral Mini-Symposium 8: Coral Microbial Interactions 8-15 Metagenomic Analysis Of The Microbial Community Associated With The Coral Porites Astreoides Linda WEGLEY 1 , Robert EDWARDS* 2 , Forest ROHWER 1 1 Biology, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, 2 San Diego State University, San Diego, CA The coral holobiont is a dynamic assemblage of the coral animal, zooxanthellae, endolithic algae and fungi, Bacteria, Archaea and viruses. Zooxanthellae and some Bacteria form relatively stable and species-specific associations with corals. The symbiontic algae, or zooxanthellae, that reside within the coral tissues have been studied extensively, however very little is understood about the other microbes within the coral holobiont. To better understand the roles of the microbes associated with corals, a fractionation procedure was used to separate the microbes, mitochondria, and viruses from the coral animal cells and zooxanthellae. The resulting metagenomic DNA was sequenced using pyrosequencing. Fungi, Bacteria, and phage were the most commonly identified organisms in the metagenome. Three of the four fungal phyla were represented, including a wide diversity of fungal genes involved in carbon and nitrogen metabolism, suggesting that the endolithic community is more important than previously appreciated. In particular, the data suggested that endolithic fungi could be converting nitrate and nitrite to ammonia, which would enable fixed-nitrogen to cycle within the coral holobiont. The most prominent bacterial groups were Proteobacteria (68%), Firmicutes (10%), Cyanobacteria (7%), and Actinobacteria (6%). Functionally, the bacterial community was primarily heterotrophic and included a number of pathways for the degradation of aromatic compounds, the most abundant being the homogentisate pathway. The most abundant phage family was the ssDNA Microphage and most of the eukaryotic viruses were most closely related to those known to infect aquatic organisms. This study provides a metabolic and taxonomic snapshot of microbes associated with the reef-building coral Porites astreoides and presents a basis for understanding how coral-microbial interactions structure the holobiont and coral reefs. 8-16 Comparison of bacterial communities on corals containing different Symbiodinium (Zooxanthellae) clades Raechel LITTMAN* 1 , David BOURNE 2 , Bette WILLIS 1 1 Marine and Tropical Biology, James Cook University, Townsville, Australia, 2 Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville, Australia Reef-building corals host a variety of micro-organisms, including symbiotic dinoflagellates, Symbiodinium (zooxanthellae) and an array of bacteria. Previous studies have suggested that bacteria can provide many benefits to corals through fixation and passage of nitrogen and carbon to the coral host and production of secondary metabolites such as antibiotics. Many of the coral’s nutritional needs are supplied by Symbiodinium, and it has been shown that different genetic types of this algal symbiont differentially affect the physiology of the coral host. For instance, corals containing Symbiodinium clade D tend to be more tolerant to heat stress. However, little is known about how Symbiodinium affects the entire holobiont. Arguably, changes in the algal symbionts may lead to differences in the bacterial populations on corals. For instance, Symbiodinium contributes to the mucus layer, providing nutrients to potentially important bacterial inhabitants. To aid in our understanding of possible interactions between bacterial and Symbiodinium communities, this study compares bacteria community profiles of juvenile Acropora millepora and A. tenuis experimentally infected with two different clades of Symbiodinium, C1 and D. Moreover, bacterial communities are compared on corals containing C1 and D that have been experimentally bleached to determine whether coral-associated bacterial communities are more resilient to change on corals containing heat tolerant algal symbionts. This will aid in understanding the relationships between microbial inhabitants and how these communities can be destabilized if Symbiodinium is lost from the host. 62

8-9<br />

Milkfish Feces Share Common Bacteria With Coral Holobiont<br />

Steven SMRIGA* 1,2 , Melissa GARREN 1,2 , Farooq AZAM 1<br />

1 Marine Biology Research Division, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA,<br />

2 Marine Biology Research Division, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla<br />

Effluent from intensive milkfish (Chanos chanos) aquaculture is among several<br />

environmental stressors that may impact coral reefs near Bolinao, Pangasinan,<br />

Philippines. Fish feces are part of this effluent, and since the effects of effluents on coralassociated<br />

microbial communities may provide a mechanistic link between fish farms and<br />

coral reefs, it is of interest to consider the potential effects of fish feces on corals. We<br />

hypothesized that distinct bacterial groups found in fish feces can also be found on corals.<br />

Feces were collected from the distal intestines of milkfish, bacterial isolates were<br />

obtained from water samples, and coral tissue slurries were collected from diverse coral<br />

genera along a quantifiable gradient of effluent. Community 16S rDNA gene profiles<br />

from feces were dominated by Vibrio sp., while profiles from each of four coral samples<br />

were considerably more diverse. Despite these differences, some 16S rDNA genes from<br />

feces and corals were >99% similar including Ralstonia sp. and Acinetobacter sp..<br />

Furthermore, some Vibrio sp. sequences were >99% similar among feces, corals, and<br />

isolated bacteria. The findings suggest that among these diverse sample types, specific<br />

microenvironments may select for the same microbial phylotypes. Alternatively, fish<br />

feces may select for specific microbial phylotypes that are then transported into coral<br />

ecosystems via water effluents and introduced into the coral holobiont. Fish feces should<br />

be considered within conceptual and experimental approaches that address coralmicrobial<br />

interactions, including those that address coral disease.<br />

8-10<br />

Functional Change in Microbial Communities On Four Coral Atolls<br />

Elizabeth DINSDALE* 1 , Olga PANTOS 2 , Robert EDWARDS 3 , Steven SMRIGA 4 ,<br />

Florent ANGLY 3 , Dana HALL 3 , Linda WEGLEY 3 , Enric SALA 4 , Stuart SANDIN 4 ,<br />

Rebecca VEGA THURBER 3 , Bette WILLIS 5 , Farooq AZAM 4 , Nancy KNOWLTON 4 ,<br />

Forest ROHWER 3<br />

1 Biology Department, San Diego State <strong>University</strong>, San Diego, CA, 2 <strong>University</strong> of<br />

Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 3 San Diego State <strong>University</strong>, San Diego, CA, 4 Scripps<br />

Institution of Oceanography, San Diego, CA, 5 James Cook <strong>University</strong>, Townsville,<br />

Australia<br />

Replacement of corals by algae is a reoccurring trend on today’s coral reefs. The role of<br />

microbes in these phase shifts is unknown. Microbial communities were quantified in the<br />

water column across four coral atolls displaying different levels of coral cover, using<br />

metagenomic, microscopic, and culturing techniques. A 10-fold increase in abundance of<br />

virus-like particles, Bacteria, and Archaea and a doubling of the number of protists in the<br />

overlying waters occurred from the coral reefs with the highest coral cover to the coral<br />

reefs with the lowest coral cover. The metagenomic taxonomic analysis showed that<br />

Bacteria and Archaea changed from a balanced community of autotrophs and<br />

heterotrophs to a predominantly heterotrophic community where coral cover was low. On<br />

the coral reefs with the lowest coral cover the heterotrophic microbes were dominated by<br />

potentially pathogenic strains. The relative proportions of the functional genes on each<br />

atoll confirmed the non-linear change in the microbial community. On the coral reef with<br />

the highest coral cover, the proportion of genes associated with photosynthesis was 3.4<br />

%; they increased to 44.3 % on the coral reef with a moderate coral cover; and decreased<br />

to only 0.3 % on the reef with the lowest coral cover. In contrast, genes associated with<br />

carbon utilization comprised 24 % on the impacted reef. Where coral cover was high,<br />

microbial numbers were low and metabolically providing a diverse range of functions,<br />

including photosynthesis and nutrient recycling. Conversely, where coral cover was low,<br />

microbial numbers were high and restricted to functions that focused on consuming<br />

carbon and nutrients. Corals that remain alive on algae dominated reefs are bathed in<br />

water that contains high numbers of heterotrophic microbes. Not surprisingly the health<br />

of many of these remaining corals was compromised.<br />

Oral Mini-Symposium 8: Coral Microbial Interactions<br />

8-11<br />

Exploring Bacterial Community Dynamics in Early Life Stages Of The Caribbean Corals<br />

porites Astreoides And montastrea Faveolata<br />

Koty SHARP* 1<br />

1 Smithsonian Marine Station, Fort Pierce, FL<br />

Like other marine invertebrates, scleractinian corals have been shown to harbor diverse<br />

assemblages of microbes, but neither the specificity of these associations nor the mechanisms<br />

that maintain them across host generations is well understood. Bacterial communities in<br />

planula larvae of the Caribbean coral Porites astreoides were characterized in this study.<br />

Molecular techniques were used to identify bacteria associated with P. astreoides larvae, and<br />

sequence-specific oligonucleotide primers were designed to survey multiple samples for the<br />

presence of particular bacterial species. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and<br />

microscopy revealed the presence of particular localizations of specific bacteria within the<br />

larvae, and the relative abundance of various groups of bacteria in the larvae was estimated. In<br />

contrast, gamete bundles from the mass-spawning corals Montastrea spp. and Acropora spp.<br />

did not contain bacteria or archaea. Molecular analysis on post-settlement stages of M.<br />

faveolata was used to characterize the bacterial communities present in juvenile feeding polyps.<br />

This study reveals new insights into mechanisms by which microbial assemblages associated<br />

with corals are maintained and regulated during host embryogenesis and early development. In<br />

addition, these results present the possibility for a bacterial role in larval ecology of some coral<br />

species.<br />

8-12<br />

Dom Assimilation By A Coral Reef Sponge And Its Associated Prokaryotes: A Carbon<br />

Isotope Tracer Study<br />

Jasper DE GOEIJ 1,2 , Leon MOODLEY 3 , Nestor CARBALLEIRA 4 , Fleur VAN DUYL* 1,5<br />

1 Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, Den Burg, Netherlands, 2 The Carmabi<br />

Foundation, Curacao, Netherlands Antilles, 3 Netherlands Institute of Ecology, Yerseke,<br />

Netherlands, 4 <strong>University</strong> of Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 5 Royal Netherlands Institute for<br />

Sea Research, Texel, Netherlands<br />

We studied the dissolved organic matter (DOM) assimilation by the common encrusting coral<br />

reef sponge Halisarca caerulea. H. caerulea is found predominantly on the walls and ceilings<br />

of coral cavities in the fore reef slope of the coral reefs of Curaçao (Netherlands Antilles) and<br />

harbors sponge associated prokaryotes (2.1 *109 prokaryotes.cm-3 sponge). The assimilation<br />

and respiration of 13C-enriched glucose and diatom derived dissolved organic matter was<br />

followed in incubations. DOM was readily processed by the sponge with assimilation being the<br />

major fate. The 13C- enrichments patterns in fatty acid biomarkers revealed that the dissolved<br />

organic 13C assimilation by H. caerulea was both direct and mediated by sponge associated<br />

prokaryotes. Tracer carbon was recovered both in bacteria-specific and non-bacteria specific<br />

fatty acids. Phytanic acid was ascribed to the sponge. This is the first direct evidence of DOM<br />

incorporation by sponge cells. The sponge-microbe consortium of H. caerulea processes bulk<br />

dissolved organic matter, meeting up to 90% of their organic carbon demand. Because sponges<br />

dominate live cover in cryptic habitats on coral reefs, DOM assimilation by cryptic reef sponges<br />

represents an important, largely overlooked, ecological function of coral reefs.<br />


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