11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University 11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


Oral Mini-Symposium 6: Ecological and Evolutionary Genomics of Coral Reef Organisms 6-10 Thermal Regulation in Coral Larvae: A Microarray Screening Mauricio RODRIGUEZ-LANETTY* 1,2 , Saki HARII 3 , Ove HOEGH-GULDBERG 1 1 Centre for Marine Studies, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 2 Department of Biology, University of Louisiana at lafayette, Lafayette, 3 Graduate School of Engineering and Science, University of Ryukyus, Naha, Japan Coral reefs around the world are in decline with much of the mortality attributed to coral bleaching – the loss of photosynthetic algal symbionts – resulting from global warming. To understand how corals may respond to the current global warming threat, we need to understand how the coral/algal symbiont responds to the increase of sea water temperature not only on an organismic and physiological level but also on a molecular and cellular level. Microarrays are currently being shown to be an adequate tool to explore and screen for molecular pathways that are affected and change in response to increases in temperature. In this study, we have conducted a microarray experiment to document the changes of gene expression that occur in the coral host cell during the first hours of thermal stress. This study focuses on determining the direct effect of temperature on the host cell and not those secondary effects arising from physiological impaired algal symbionts after being exposed to high temperature. In order to dissect these two effects with different origins, we conducted our thermal stress experiments on aposymbiotic (lacking of symbiont) coral larvae from the scleractinian coral Acropora millepora. Results from this study show the cellular dynamics of coral larvae gene expression in the first hours after being challenged in a thermal stress experiment. 6-11 The Genomic Bases Of Stress Tolerance And Temperature Adaptation in Corals Eli MEYER* 1 , Shi WANG 1 , Galina AGLYAMOVA 1 , Mikhail MATZ 1 1 Biological Sciences, University of Texas, Austin, Austin, TX Reef building corals are extremely sensitive to thermal stress, but the potential for these ecologically important animals to adapt to increasing ocean temperatures remains uncertain. We are characterizing the genetically determined natural variation in responses to thermal stress and settlement cues to better understand the traits under selection during climate change. We used reciprocal crosses between colonies of the coral Acropora millepora to produce larvae that we maintained in culture at standard (28°C) and constant elevated temperatures (32°C). Direct measures of thermal tolerance were obtained from measurement of survival during short (2 d) periods of temperature stress (34°C). These different stress phenotypes were further characterized by measuring changes in protein content and RNA:DNA ratios during development and growth under these conditions. Physiological measurements of metabolic activity and temperature response were simultaneously obtained for large numbers of individual larvae, allowing estimation of individual, genetically determined, and environmentally induced variation within a single experiment. To understand the genomic bases of these responses, we are sequencing the larval transcriptome and measuring global gene expression profiles. These profiles, in combination with the whole-genome genotyping methods currently being developed in our lab, will allow us to establish links between genetic markers, gene expression, and thermal tolerance. These data will help to build a framework for understanding the long-term impacts of climate change on coral reefs. 6-12 Using A Stressed-Focused Microarray To Characterize Coral Responses To Copper Michael MORGAN* 1 , Sara EDGE 2 , Alexander VENN 3 , Ross JONES 3 1 Berry College, Mount Berry, GA, 2 Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, Ft. Pierce, FL, 3 Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences, Ferry Reach, St George's, Bermuda Copper is a well recognized marine pollutant, having been used extensively in antifouling paints of boats. In corals it is known to induce bleaching at very low concentrations, but the mechanism associated with this response, and how it differs from warm-water induced bleaching of corals is presently unknown. A stress-focused microarray composed of 153 genes was used to investigate which coral genes are most responsive to copper. In this study, small fragments of Montastraea franksi were exposed to different concentrations of copper (0, 0.3, 3.0, and 30 ppb) for various exposure periods (2 h, 24 h, and 7 d). Exposure treatments were conducted under natural light in temperature controlled, Teflon®, dosing chambers developed at the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (BIOS). Some coral stress genes on this microarray have previously demonstrated responses to elevated copper concentrations. Results presented will illustrate how this study represents a first attempt to characterize the expression profiles of various genes (a) under different concentrations of copper (b) on different temporal scales and (c) within and between colonies. 6-13 Microarray Characterization Of Gene Expression in montastraea Cavernosa Through Space And Time Sara EDGE* 1 , Michael MORGAN 2 , Joshua VOSS 1 , Terry SNELL 3 1 Robertson Coral Reef Program, Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute at Florida Atlantic University, Fort Pierce, FL, 2 Department of Biology, Berry College, Mount Berry, GA, 3 School of Biology, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA Coral communities are increasingly impacted by a variety of natural and anthropogenic stressors acting on local or global scales. Based on the nature of stress and scale of impact, corals exhibit variable responses. Through the application of microarray technology, gene expression profiles can be used to diagnose stressors impacting coral populations in the field. Changes in gene expression are key elements of the stress response, often occurring before physiological damage is evident. Furthermore, responses such as bleaching or tissue loss may result from a multitude of factors, whereas the regulation of gene expression can be directly related to the causative agent of stress. In this study, a stress-focused microarray was used to detect gene expression patterns of Montastraea cavernosa on South Florida reefs at different sites over a fifteen month period. The array consisted of 148 genes involved in a variety of cellular functions, ranging from metabolism and development to the regulation of apoptosis and the stress response. Gene expression patterns revealed a strongly significant, episodic stress response at three of the five sites investigated. In addition, a significant correlation between the expression of symbiont genes and the expression of coral stress response genes was evident across all dates and sites. To our knowledge, this is the first study to use a Cnidarian microarray to detect changes in the physiological condition of coral in the field associated with seasonal events as well as point source stress. 41

Oral Mini-Symposium 6: Ecological and Evolutionary Genomics of Coral Reef Organisms 6-14 Preliminary Characterization Of The Genomic "Defensome"in A Model Cnidarian, Nematostella Vectensis, And Predicted Stress Response Genes in Reef-Associated Corals Nikki TRAYLOR-KNOWLES* 1 , Adam REITZEL 2 , James SULLIVAN 1 , Les KAUFMAN 1 , John FINNERTY 1 1 Department of Biology, Boston University, Boston, MA, 2 Wood Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA There is a pressing need for quantitative stress and resilience indicators in globally embattled coral reefs to be used to track the efficacy of conservation efforts. One way to start addressing this issue is to use genomics and bioinformatics. Nematostella vectensis is a burrowing anemone common to estuarine habitats along the east coast of North America, from Nova Scotia to Louisiana. It’s a superb model for studying the evolution and ecology of cnidarian stress response because (1) it is easy to cultivate in the laboratory and collect in the field, (2) it inhabits hyper-variable habitats across a wide geographic range, (3) it is known to exhibit pronounced genetic structure at small spatial scales, and (4) its genome has been sequenced. Comparing the genomic complement of stress-genes in Nematostella and Triploblastica will help illuminate the stress-response system of early animals, perhaps revealing the importance of transcriptional control. Furthermore, the stress-response genes in Nematostella are likely to exhibit a homologous function in other cnidarians, including tropical reef-associated corals. A bioinformatics screen of the Nematostella genome identified 110 predicted chemical response proteins, 384 predicted wound healing proteins, and 128 predicted innate immunity proteins. Key elements of the innate immune system were identified, including members of the Toll and interleukin signaling cascades: IRAK, TRAF, ECSIT, IKK, MKK, JNK, IKB, p38, NF-κB and AP-1. Complements of genes active during wound healing in vertebrates were also identified. The highly conserved transcription factor, Grainy head has been shown to be a critical component in the formation of an epithelial barrier and can be recognized by the possession of a highly conserved CP2 domain. A search for this domain identified a single significant match. Identification and structural characterization of these genes will allow for functional assays to be performed. This work is a contribution of the MMAS Program. 6-15 Coral Reef Metagenomics Forest ROHWER* 1 , Elizabeth DINSDALE 1 , Robert EDWARDS 2 , Linda WEGLEY 1 , Rebecca THURBER 1 , Kristen MARHAVER 3 , Stuart SANDIN 3 , Dana HALL 1 , Florent ANGLY 4 , Beltran BRITO RODRIGUEZ 4 , Nancy KNOWLTON 3 1 Biology Department, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, 2 Computer Science, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, 3 Marine Biology, Scripps Intitution of Oceanography, San Diego, CA, 4 Computational Sciences, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA An increasing body of evidence suggests that microbes are key players in both healthy and degraded coral reefs. We have been using metagenomics (i.e., shotgun sequencing of community DNA) to characterize the microbial communities within the coral holobiont, as well as in the surrounding water column. In the Northern Line Islands, the water column metagenomes showed that the microbial and viral communities changed from an even mix of autotrophs and heterotrophs to predominantly heterotrophs along a gradient of human disturbance and oceanographic conditions. In metagenomic studies of coralassociated microbial communities, we have found that the endolithic fungi are important to nitrogen recycling within the holobiont. Finally, metagenomic analyses of viral communities from corals showed that herpes-like viruses are induced by natural and anthropogenic stressors. Together, these studies demonstrate the power of metagenomics to deconvolute the complex interactions of corals and microbes. 6-16 Settling On The Right Genes: Functional Genomics Of Variation in Marine Invertebrate Larval Settlement Sandie DEGNAN* 1 1 School of Integrative Biology, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia The capacity of marine animals to cope with the rapid environmental challenges they now are facing is likely to be encoded in their genomes. Responses on the generational time scale will rely on natural genetic variation already existing within species and populations, especially where this is manifested as variable gene expression during crucial developmental stages. In the pelagobenthic life cycle shared by most marine invertebrates, a particularly crucial stage is when the dispersing larva settles out of the plankton onto the benthos, and metamorphoses into a reproductive adult. Settlement and metamorphosis cannot proceed without the larva first reaching developmental competency, and then encountering an appropriate inductive cue. The timing and success of these steps directly determine the structure, stability and evolution of natural populations. Variation around this transition is thus likely to be an important source of response to environmental change. We have used microarray gene profiling in two coral reef invertebrates - a haliotid mollusc and a pyurid ascidian - to identify candidate genes underpinning this critical developmental and ecological transition. We have found large numbers of genes that show differential expression associated with the onset of competency and settlement. Of particular interest are genes putatively involved in the innate immune pathway, which appear to be involved in responding to benthic cues, and coping with new challenges presented by the plankton – benthos transition. Importantly, we have documented extensive variation in the expression of these and other settlement genes both within and between populations, much of it correlated with specific environmental conditions. This inherent variation in gene expression is cause for hope that natural populations carry within themselves the capacity to cope with the inevitable changes in coral reef environments. 6-17 Coral Population Genomics: Genome Evolution In Action Mikhail MATZ* 1 1 Integrative Biology, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX Population genomics is a novel integrative approach to study the evolutionary process in natural populations on a whole-genome level. Population genomics integrates information about genes involved in the biological process of interest, variation of their expression in natural populations, genomic determinants of this variation and evolution of the corresponding loci as revealed through population genetic analysis. One of the technical foundations of this workflow is the microarray-based whole-genome genotyping methodology called iDART, developed in my lab. Currently our main focus is evolution of stress resilience and dispersal potential in Acropora millepora in response to climate change. The project takes advantage of the possibility to perform controlled crosses and assess physiological parameters, genotype and profile gene expression in individual A. millepora larvae. 42

Oral Mini-Symposium 6: Ecological and Evolutionary Genomics of Coral Reef Organisms<br />

6-14<br />

Preliminary Characterization Of The Genomic "Defensome"in A Model Cnidarian,<br />

Nematostella Vectensis, And Predicted Stress Response Genes in Reef-Associated<br />

Corals<br />

Nikki TRAYLOR-KNOWLES* 1 , Adam REITZEL 2 , James SULLIVAN 1 , Les<br />

KAUFMAN 1 , John FINNERTY 1<br />

1 Department of Biology, Boston <strong>University</strong>, Boston, MA, 2 Wood Hole Oceanographic<br />

Institution, Woods Hole, MA<br />

There is a pressing need for quantitative stress and resilience indicators in globally<br />

embattled coral reefs to be used to track the efficacy of conservation efforts. One way to<br />

start addressing this issue is to use genomics and bioinformatics. Nematostella vectensis<br />

is a burrowing anemone common to estuarine habitats along the east coast of North<br />

America, from <strong>Nova</strong> Scotia to Louisiana. It’s a superb model for studying the evolution<br />

and ecology of cnidarian stress response because (1) it is easy to cultivate in the<br />

laboratory and collect in the field, (2) it inhabits hyper-variable habitats across a wide<br />

geographic range, (3) it is known to exhibit pronounced genetic structure at small spatial<br />

scales, and (4) its genome has been sequenced. Comparing the genomic complement of<br />

stress-genes in Nematostella and Triploblastica will help illuminate the stress-response<br />

system of early animals, perhaps revealing the importance of transcriptional control.<br />

Furthermore, the stress-response genes in Nematostella are likely to exhibit a<br />

homologous function in other cnidarians, including tropical reef-associated corals. A<br />

bioinformatics screen of the Nematostella genome identified 110 predicted chemical<br />

response proteins, 384 predicted wound healing proteins, and 128 predicted innate<br />

immunity proteins. Key elements of the innate immune system were identified, including<br />

members of the Toll and interleukin signaling cascades: IRAK, TRAF, ECSIT, IKK,<br />

MKK, JNK, IKB, p38, NF-κB and AP-1. Complements of genes active during wound<br />

healing in vertebrates were also identified. The highly conserved transcription factor,<br />

Grainy head has been shown to be a critical component in the formation of an epithelial<br />

barrier and can be recognized by the possession of a highly conserved CP2 domain. A<br />

search for this domain identified a single significant match. Identification and structural<br />

characterization of these genes will allow for functional assays to be performed. This<br />

work is a contribution of the MMAS Program.<br />

6-15<br />

Coral Reef Metagenomics<br />

Forest ROHWER* 1 , Elizabeth DINSDALE 1 , Robert EDWARDS 2 , Linda WEGLEY 1 ,<br />

Rebecca THURBER 1 , Kristen MARHAVER 3 , Stuart SANDIN 3 , Dana HALL 1 , Florent<br />

ANGLY 4 , Beltran BRITO RODRIGUEZ 4 , Nancy KNOWLTON 3<br />

1 Biology Department, San Diego State <strong>University</strong>, San Diego, CA, 2 Computer Science,<br />

San Diego State <strong>University</strong>, San Diego, CA, 3 Marine Biology, Scripps Intitution of<br />

Oceanography, San Diego, CA, 4 Computational Sciences, San Diego State <strong>University</strong>,<br />

San Diego, CA<br />

An increasing body of evidence suggests that microbes are key players in both healthy<br />

and degraded coral reefs. We have been using metagenomics (i.e., shotgun sequencing of<br />

community DNA) to characterize the microbial communities within the coral holobiont,<br />

as well as in the surrounding water column. In the Northern Line Islands, the water<br />

column metagenomes showed that the microbial and viral communities changed from an<br />

even mix of autotrophs and heterotrophs to predominantly heterotrophs along a gradient<br />

of human disturbance and oceanographic conditions. In metagenomic studies of coralassociated<br />

microbial communities, we have found that the endolithic fungi are important<br />

to nitrogen recycling within the holobiont. Finally, metagenomic analyses of viral<br />

communities from corals showed that herpes-like viruses are induced by natural and<br />

anthropogenic stressors. Together, these studies demonstrate the power of metagenomics<br />

to deconvolute the complex interactions of corals and microbes.<br />

6-16<br />

Settling On The Right Genes: Functional Genomics Of Variation in Marine Invertebrate<br />

Larval Settlement<br />

Sandie DEGNAN* 1<br />

1 School of Integrative Biology, <strong>University</strong> of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia<br />

The capacity of marine animals to cope with the rapid environmental challenges they now are<br />

facing is likely to be encoded in their genomes. Responses on the generational time scale will<br />

rely on natural genetic variation already existing within species and populations, especially<br />

where this is manifested as variable gene expression during crucial developmental stages. In the<br />

pelagobenthic life cycle shared by most marine invertebrates, a particularly crucial stage is<br />

when the dispersing larva settles out of the plankton onto the benthos, and metamorphoses into<br />

a reproductive adult. Settlement and metamorphosis cannot proceed without the larva first<br />

reaching developmental competency, and then encountering an appropriate inductive cue. The<br />

timing and success of these steps directly determine the structure, stability and evolution of<br />

natural populations. Variation around this transition is thus likely to be an important source of<br />

response to environmental change. We have used microarray gene profiling in two coral reef<br />

invertebrates - a haliotid mollusc and a pyurid ascidian - to identify candidate genes<br />

underpinning this critical developmental and ecological transition. We have found large<br />

numbers of genes that show differential expression associated with the onset of competency and<br />

settlement. Of particular interest are genes putatively involved in the innate immune pathway,<br />

which appear to be involved in responding to benthic cues, and coping with new challenges<br />

presented by the plankton – benthos transition. Importantly, we have documented extensive<br />

variation in the expression of these and other settlement genes both within and between<br />

populations, much of it correlated with specific environmental conditions. This inherent<br />

variation in gene expression is cause for hope that natural populations carry within<br />

themselves the capacity to cope with the inevitable changes in coral reef<br />

environments.<br />

6-17<br />

Coral Population Genomics: Genome Evolution In Action<br />

Mikhail MATZ* 1<br />

1 Integrative Biology, <strong>University</strong> of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX<br />

Population genomics is a novel integrative approach to study the evolutionary process in natural<br />

populations on a whole-genome level. Population genomics integrates information about genes<br />

involved in the biological process of interest, variation of their expression in natural<br />

populations, genomic determinants of this variation and evolution of the corresponding loci as<br />

revealed through population genetic analysis. One of the technical foundations of this workflow<br />

is the microarray-based whole-genome genotyping methodology called iDART, developed in<br />

my lab. Currently our main focus is evolution of stress resilience and dispersal potential in<br />

Acropora millepora in response to climate change. The project takes advantage of the<br />

possibility to perform controlled crosses and assess physiological parameters, genotype and<br />

profile gene expression in individual A. millepora larvae.<br />


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