11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University 11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


Oral Mini-Symposium 6: Ecological and Evolutionary Genomics of Coral Reef Organisms 6-2 The Coral Transcriptome – A Beginner’s Guide David MILLER* 1,2 , Eldon BALL 2 1 ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, James Cook University, Townsville, Australia, 2 ARC Centre for the Molecular Genetics of Development, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia Although corals are amongst the simplest true animals at the morphological level, in terms of the total number and types of genes they are comparable with the most complex of animals – the vertebrates. The coral genome contains a large number of genes once thought of as vertebrate-specific, including clear homologs of many key components of the vertebrate innate immune repertoire; considerable effort is presently being directed into exploring the roles of these in combating coral disease. The genomes of anthozoan cnidarians such as corals also contain a significant number of “non-metazoan” genes – genes only previously known from members of the other kingdoms of life. These are not the products of recent lateral gene transfers, but long-term residents of cnidarian genomes that potentially increase the biochemical complexity of the organism. The unexpected complexity and heterogeneity of the coral transcriptome represents a major challenge in understanding the functional biology of corals; essentially, one cannot predict how corals will respond based on what is known about other animals. Whole genome sequences are now available for two cnidarians – the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis and the freshwater Hydra magnipapillata – and comparisons between the coral Acropora and these organisms have the potential to provide insights into nominally coral-specific processes such as calcification and symbiosis. Moreover, comparisons between the Indo-Pacific coral Acropora millepora and the Caribbean species Acropora palmata permit the identification of genes under positive selection that are candidates for roles in allorecognition, gamete interactions and other coral-specific traits. Future progress in coral functional biology will increasingly rely on microarray and genomic approaches based on high-throughput DNA sequencing, coupled with use of biological ‘models’ for coral traits. 6-3 Gene Expression in Symbiodinium Under Stress Bill LEGGAT 1,2 , David YELLOWLEES 2 , Sophie DOVE 3,4 , Ove HOEGH- GULDBERG* 3,4 1 Biochemistry and Molecular Science, James Cook University, Townsville, Australia, 2 ARC CoE for Coral Reef Studies, James Cook University, Townsville, Australia, 3 Centre for Marine Studies, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 4 ARC CoE for Coral Reef Studies, Brisbane, Australia It is now well documented that the dinoflagellate Symbiodinium (zooxanthellae) are a weak link in the coral symbiosis. An obvious example of this is the fact that small increases in temperature lead to damage to the Symbiodinium photosynthetic apparatus and their eventual expulsion from their coral host (coral bleaching). However we know very little about how Symbiodinium copes with stress. Characterisation of a Symbiodinium stress transcriptome, which is made up of over 5000 contigs, has found that a large number of genes that are expressed when under temperature, nutrient or CO2 stress are novel and do not match any sequences in the available databases (approximately 55%). In fact the function of the most highly expressed gene, which makes up to 3% of the transcriptome, is also unknown. In addition to these unknown genes Symbiodinium contains a variety of typical “stress” response genes (e.g. heat shock proteins, catalase, super-oxide dismutase etc). However even these are sometimes often not what would be expected a typical alga; for example the Symbiodinium catalase is most closely related to that found in bacteria and fungi rather than a traditional eukaryote catalase. This unique genetic make up means that how the genes that are up- or downregulated in response to stress in Symbiodinium may differ from what is seen in other photoautrophs. The use of a newly developed Symbiodinium microaray is now allowing us to examine how these ecologically key dinoflagellates respond to stress at the gene expression level. We are examining how changes in temperature, CO2 and nutrients affect the Symbiodinium transcriptome and the phenotype of the alga. 6-4 Integrating Genomics With Coral Reef Biology And Management Cheryl WOODLEY* 1 , Craig DOWNS 2 1 NOAA National Ocean Service, Charleston, SC, 2 Haereticus Environmental Laboratory, Clifford, VA Genomics is a methodology for studying genomes (the chromosomes and their genes). The original purpose was to sequence the genomes of organisms, identify and map genes to the genome, categorizing (annotate) new genes based on similarities with previously identified genes of known function, and document which genes are activated under various conditions. The initial focus for these efforts was aimed at improving human health. One of the most successful outcomes of genomic efforts has been identifying genes responsible for heritable diseases involving only a few genes. Diagnostic tests were quickly developed and drug development began targeting specific steps in disease pathways. Genomics uncovered disease variations that allow more discriminating diagnosis such as subtyping tumors (e.g., breast cancers) and individualized treatments. Sequencing genomes quickly spread to model organisms, domestic animals and crops, and more recently to commercially valuable marine organisms (e.g., salmon, shrimp, oysters). The rationale varied for each genome but included understanding development, comparative studies for altered physiological or environmental conditions, pathology, population genetics, breeding, crop improvement or drug development. Coral reef biologists have recently turned to genomics in hopes of answering questions in toxicology, symbiosis, pathology, development, evolutionary and ecological processes and environmental monitoring. Genomics alone, however, will fail in trying to address these questions. It is a tool that can provide unprecedented amounts of data, but more data does not mean more knowledge. Not until we view genomics as a tool to be used in the context of a scientific research plan or resource management strategy with other methods and disciplines (e.g., genetics, physiology, biochemistry and cell biology) for conducting hypothesis driven experiments, will our understanding coral reef biology and health move forward. 6-5 Differential Gene Expression During The Initial Onset Of Coral/algal Symbiosis Using A Cdna Microarray Christine SCHNITZLER* 1 , Virginia WEIS 1 1 Department of Zoology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR Very little is known about the molecular and cellular mechanisms controlling the successful establishment of a stable relationship in the early stages of coral/algal symbiosis. The planula larva of the solitary Hawaiian scleractinian coral Fungia scutaria and its dinoflagellate symbiont Symbiodinium sp. type C1f represents an ideal model for studying the onset of coral/algal symbiosis due to the predictable availability of gametes, and the ability to raise nonsymbiotic larvae and establish the symbiosis experimentally. The goal of this study was to identify genes differentially expressed in F. scutaria larvae during the initiation of symbiosis with its algal symbiont using a high-throughput technique. We predicted that our discoverybased approach would identify expression differences in host genes involved in cellular processes critical to the establishment of coral/algal symbiosis, such as cell signaling, proliferation, metabolism and immunity. Symbiotic larvae were compared to non-symbiotic larvae using a custom cDNA microarray. The 5,184-feature array was constructed with cDNA libraries from newly symbiotic and non-symbiotic larvae, including 3,072 features (60%) that were enriched for either state by subtracted hybridization. The array was hybridized with cDNA from newly symbiotic and non-symbiotic F. scutaria larvae using a multiple dye swap design and six biological replicates. Following normalization to control features, transcripts differentially expressed (up- or down-regulated) as a function of the symbiotic state were sequenced and used to identify homologs, and differential expression was quantified using real time PCR. Specific primers were constructed for use in PCR with host-only and algae-only genomic DNA to confirm the source of genes expressed from the symbiotic larval cDNA library. Future studies will focus on functional and biochemical assays in an attempt to further characterize individual target genes. 39

Oral Mini-Symposium 6: Ecological and Evolutionary Genomics of Coral Reef Organisms 6-6 Coral Reef Genomics: A Genome Wide Approach To Study Establishment And Maintenance Of Coral-Zooxanthellae Symbioses Christian VOOLSTRA* 1 , Jodi SCHWARZ 2 , Mary Alice COFFROTH 3 , Alina M. SZMANT 4 , Mónica MEDINA 5 1 School of Natural Sciences, University of California, Merced, Merced, CA, 2 Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY, 3 State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, 4 UNCW-Center for Marine Science, Wilmington, NC, 5 University of California, Merced, Merced, CA Symbioses between scleractinian corals and their photosynthetic unicellular symbionts (dinoflagellates or zooxanthellae) form the basis of coral reef ecosystems. While the importance of this mutualistic relationship is well documented, surprisingly little is known about the cellular processes involved in the establishment and maintenance of this partnership. We use large scale gene expression profiling (microarrays) to study the transcriptomic changes in two Caribbean reef building coral species (Montastraea faveolata and Acropora palmata) in response to infection with different strains of zooxanthellae. A high number of genes change expression upon infection; and genes involved in signal transduction, cytoskeletal activity, metabolism and energy production, and stress are modified. In contrast, only a few differences exist upon infection with different zooxanthella strains. These data indicate that although there is a profound change in coral physiology upon establishment of symbiosis, an evolutionarily conserved mechanism of establishment of symbiosis exists. 6-7 Differential Gene Expression During Thermal Stress And Bleaching in The Caribbean Coral montastraea Faveolata Michael DESALVO* 1 , Christian VOOLSTRA 1 , Shinichi SUNAGAWA 1 , Jodi SCHWARZ 2 , Mary Alice COFFROTH 3 , Alina SZMANT 4 , Mónica MEDINA 1 1 School of Natural Sciences, University of California, Merced, Merced, CA, 2 Department of Biology, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY, 3 Graduate Program in Evolution, Ecology, and Behavior, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, 4 Center for Marine Science, University of North Carolina, Wilmington, Wilmington, NC The declining health of coral reefs worldwide is likely to intensify in response to continued anthropogenic disturbance from coastal development, pollution, and climate change. Reef-building corals respond to stress by bleaching, in which their symbiosis with zooxanthellae collapses. Mass coral bleaching in response to elevated water temperature can devastate coral reefs on a huge geographic scale. In order to understand the molecular and cellular basis of thermal bleaching in corals, we have taken a transcriptomic approach. cDNA microarrays, containing features representing 1,310 genes of the Caribbean coral Montastraea faveolata, were utilized to measure gene expression changes associated with thermal stress and bleaching. Thermal stress experiments were conducted in temperature-controlled aquaria, and bleaching was elicited by increasing the temperature by 3oC above normal. Differentially expressed genes were identified in two separate experiments: the first experiment compared gene expression between control fragments and partially bleached fragments; and the second experiment compared control fragments to heat stressed fragments along a time course ending at partial bleaching. Our findings suggest that thermal stress and bleaching in M. faveolata results in: heat shock protein expression, oxidative stress, re-organization of the cytoskeleton, disruption of Ca2+ homeostasis, decreased calcification, metabolism, and protein synthesis, increased activity of transposons and defensin-like peptides, and the initiation of cell death. We believe that oxidative stress in heat-stressed corals results in a disruption of cellular Ca2+ homeostasis, which leads to cytoskeletal and cell adhesion changes, decreased calcification, and the initiation of cell death via apoptosis and necrosis. 6-8 An Ecological Microarray Study Of Coral Bleaching Francois SENECA 1,2 , Francois SENECA* 1,2 , Sylvain FORET 3 , Nicolas GOFFARD 4 , Carolyn SMITH 2 , Lauretta GRASSO 3 , David HAYWARD 3 , Robert SAINT 3 , Madeleine VAN OPPEN 2 , Eldon BALL 3 , David MILLER 1,3 1 ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, James Cook University, Townsville 4811, Townsville, Australia, 2 Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville 4810, Townsville, Australia, 3 ARC Centre for the Molecular Genetics of Development, Australian National University, Canberra 2601, Canberra, Australia, 4 Louis Malardé Institute, Papeete 98713, Papeete, French Polynesia Reef building corals live close to their upper thermal tolerance limit and prolonged exposure to temperatures exceeding 31°C induces coral bleaching – the expulsion of Symbiodinium sp. which is often the first step toward mass mortality. Current projections suggest that average tropical ocean temperatures could warm by 1-3°C by the end of this century, so unless corals have the capacity for adaptation to anthropogenically induced climate change, those species that survive are likely to undergo dramatic shifts in distribution patterns. To investigate coral stress responses at a fundamental level we used microarrays of approximately 17,000 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from the hermatypic coral Acropora millepora to attempt to identify genes responsible for individual fitness and the capacity to survive. Bleaching responses have traditionally been investigated largely by subjecting corals to acute thermal stress in vitro. Our approach has focussed on several coral colonies growing in a single bay that have been sampled in situ through a natural bleaching episode and the subsequent recovery period. During the sampling period, water temperature was continuously monitored (at 15 min intervals) and symbiont density recorded at monthly intervals as a measure of bleaching status. Individual colonies differed dramatically in their overall responses to similar environmental conditions – the extent of reduction of symbiont density varied considerably and, whereas some colonies recovered after the summer period, others died. Microarray experiments on a subset of colonies, which showed similar patterns of symbiont loss, identified a large number of genes with expression significantly correlated to decreases in symbiont density. The implications of these experiments in terms of understanding the mechanisms by which corals respond during bleaching episodes will be discussed. 6-9 Bacterial Community And Gene Expression Profiling Using 16srrna Gene And Cdna Microarrays: Introduction Of A Dual High-Throughput Approach To The Study Of Coral Disease And Bleaching Shinichi SUNAGAWA* 1 , Paul FISHER 2 , Michael DESALVO 1 , Christian VOOLSTRA 1 , Ernesto WEIL 3 , Gary ANDERSEN 4 , Roberto IGLESIAS-PRIETO 2 , Mónica MEDINA 1 1 School of Natural Sciences, University of California Merced, Merced, CA, 2 Unidad Académica de Sistemas Arrecifales ICML-UNAM, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Puerto Morelos, Mexico, 3 Department of Marine Science, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez, Puerto Rico, 4 Center for Environmental Biotechnology, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA Increasing evidence highlights the fact that bacteria play a crucial role within coral holobiont, i.e. the coral host and its associated microbial communities. Current approaches to describe the bacterial diversity in corals involve the universal amplification of bacterial 16SrRNA gene via the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with subsequent analysis by terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphism (t-RLFP), temperature/denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (T/DGGE), or sequencing of recombinant 16SrDNA clone libraries. Analyzing the expression of one or a few genes in coral samples may be accomplished through quantitative PCR. However, largescale comparative studies with the aim to discover statistical differences in bacterial species composition as well as global changes in the coral transcriptome would require the application of more efficient high-throughput technologies. In light of increasing frequencies of coral disease and bleaching events, it is imperative to gain a better understanding of (a) concomitant changes in coral-associated bacterial communities and (b) the molecular responses of coral hosts to such stress events. Here, we introduce the application of 16SrRNA gene microarrays in combination with coral host cDNA microarrays to simultaneously profile both changes in microbial community composition and coral gene expression. Specifically, we are comparing healthy versus both diseased and bleached corals using the Caribbean coral species Montastraea faveolatea as a model system. This approach applies statistical tools to identify differentially abundant bacteria in diseased or bleached coral samples and aims to identify genes or gene pathways that are involved in the immune as well as thermal stress response of corals. The expected results may validate the application of these high-throughput tools as a versatile platform for monitoring and assessing the health status of corals, and thus could guide their implementation for effective management strategies to preserve coral reefs. 40

Oral Mini-Symposium 6: Ecological and Evolutionary Genomics of Coral Reef Organisms<br />

6-6<br />

Coral Reef Genomics: A Genome Wide Approach To Study Establishment And<br />

Maintenance Of Coral-Zooxanthellae Symbioses<br />

Christian VOOLSTRA* 1 , Jodi SCHWARZ 2 , Mary Alice COFFROTH 3 , Alina M.<br />

SZMANT 4 , Mónica MEDINA 5<br />

1 School of Natural Sciences, <strong>University</strong> of California, Merced, Merced, CA, 2 Vassar<br />

College, Poughkeepsie, NY, 3 State <strong>University</strong> of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY,<br />

4 UNCW-Center for Marine Science, Wilmington, NC, 5 <strong>University</strong> of California, Merced,<br />

Merced, CA<br />

Symbioses between scleractinian corals and their photosynthetic unicellular symbionts<br />

(dinoflagellates or zooxanthellae) form the basis of coral reef ecosystems. While the<br />

importance of this mutualistic relationship is well documented, surprisingly little is<br />

known about the cellular processes involved in the establishment and maintenance of this<br />

partnership.<br />

We use large scale gene expression profiling (microarrays) to study the transcriptomic<br />

changes in two Caribbean reef building coral species (Montastraea faveolata and<br />

Acropora palmata) in response to infection with different strains of zooxanthellae. A<br />

high number of genes change expression upon infection; and genes involved in signal<br />

transduction, cytoskeletal activity, metabolism and energy production, and stress are<br />

modified. In contrast, only a few differences exist upon infection with different<br />

zooxanthella strains.<br />

These data indicate that although there is a profound change in coral<br />

physiology upon establishment of symbiosis, an evolutionarily conserved<br />

mechanism of establishment of symbiosis exists.<br />

6-7<br />

Differential Gene Expression During Thermal Stress And Bleaching in The<br />

Caribbean Coral montastraea Faveolata<br />

Michael DESALVO* 1 , Christian VOOLSTRA 1 , Shinichi SUNAGAWA 1 , Jodi<br />

SCHWARZ 2 , Mary Alice COFFROTH 3 , Alina SZMANT 4 , Mónica MEDINA 1<br />

1 School of Natural Sciences, <strong>University</strong> of California, Merced, Merced, CA, 2 Department<br />

of Biology, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY, 3 Graduate Program in Evolution,<br />

Ecology, and Behavior, State <strong>University</strong> of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, 4 Center<br />

for Marine Science, <strong>University</strong> of North Carolina, Wilmington, Wilmington, NC<br />

The declining health of coral reefs worldwide is likely to intensify in response to<br />

continued anthropogenic disturbance from coastal development, pollution, and climate<br />

change. Reef-building corals respond to stress by bleaching, in which their symbiosis<br />

with zooxanthellae collapses. Mass coral bleaching in response to elevated water<br />

temperature can devastate coral reefs on a huge geographic scale. In order to understand<br />

the molecular and cellular basis of thermal bleaching in corals, we have taken a<br />

transcriptomic approach. cDNA microarrays, containing features representing 1,310<br />

genes of the Caribbean coral Montastraea faveolata, were utilized to measure gene<br />

expression changes associated with thermal stress and bleaching. Thermal stress<br />

experiments were conducted in temperature-controlled aquaria, and bleaching was<br />

elicited by increasing the temperature by 3oC above normal. Differentially expressed<br />

genes were identified in two separate experiments: the first experiment compared gene<br />

expression between control fragments and partially bleached fragments; and the second<br />

experiment compared control fragments to heat stressed fragments along a time course<br />

ending at partial bleaching. Our findings suggest that thermal stress and bleaching in M.<br />

faveolata results in: heat shock protein expression, oxidative stress, re-organization of<br />

the cytoskeleton, disruption of Ca2+ homeostasis, decreased calcification, metabolism,<br />

and protein synthesis, increased activity of transposons and defensin-like peptides, and<br />

the initiation of cell death. We believe that oxidative stress in heat-stressed corals results<br />

in a disruption of cellular Ca2+ homeostasis, which leads to cytoskeletal and cell<br />

adhesion changes, decreased calcification, and the initiation of cell death via apoptosis<br />

and necrosis.<br />

6-8<br />

An Ecological Microarray Study Of Coral Bleaching<br />

Francois SENECA 1,2 , Francois SENECA* 1,2 , Sylvain FORET 3 , Nicolas GOFFARD 4 , Carolyn<br />

SMITH 2 , Lauretta GRASSO 3 , David HAYWARD 3 , Robert SAINT 3 , Madeleine VAN OPPEN 2 ,<br />

Eldon BALL 3 , David MILLER 1,3<br />

1 ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, James Cook <strong>University</strong>, Townsville 4811,<br />

Townsville, Australia, 2 Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville 4810, Townsville,<br />

Australia, 3 ARC Centre for the Molecular Genetics of Development, Australian National<br />

<strong>University</strong>, Canberra 2601, Canberra, Australia, 4 Louis Malardé Institute, Papeete 98713,<br />

Papeete, French Polynesia<br />

Reef building corals live close to their upper thermal tolerance limit and prolonged exposure to<br />

temperatures exceeding 31°C induces coral bleaching – the expulsion of Symbiodinium sp.<br />

which is often the first step toward mass mortality. Current projections suggest that average<br />

tropical ocean temperatures could warm by 1-3°C by the end of this century, so unless corals<br />

have the capacity for adaptation to anthropogenically induced climate change, those species that<br />

survive are likely to undergo dramatic shifts in distribution patterns. To investigate coral stress<br />

responses at a fundamental level we used microarrays of approximately 17,000 expressed<br />

sequence tags (ESTs) from the hermatypic coral Acropora millepora to attempt to identify<br />

genes responsible for individual fitness and the capacity to survive.<br />

Bleaching responses have traditionally been investigated largely by subjecting corals to acute<br />

thermal stress in vitro. Our approach has focussed on several coral colonies growing in a single<br />

bay that have been sampled in situ through a natural bleaching episode and the subsequent<br />

recovery period. During the sampling period, water temperature was continuously monitored (at<br />

15 min intervals) and symbiont density recorded at monthly intervals as a measure of bleaching<br />

status.<br />

Individual colonies differed dramatically in their overall responses to similar environmental<br />

conditions – the extent of reduction of symbiont density varied considerably and, whereas some<br />

colonies recovered after the summer period, others died. Microarray experiments on a subset of<br />

colonies, which showed similar patterns of symbiont loss, identified a large number of genes<br />

with expression significantly correlated to decreases in symbiont density. The implications of<br />

these experiments in terms of understanding the mechanisms by which corals respond during<br />

bleaching episodes will be discussed.<br />

6-9<br />

Bacterial Community And Gene Expression Profiling Using 16srrna Gene And Cdna<br />

Microarrays: Introduction Of A Dual High-Throughput Approach To The Study Of<br />

Coral Disease And Bleaching<br />

Shinichi SUNAGAWA* 1 , Paul FISHER 2 , Michael DESALVO 1 , Christian VOOLSTRA 1 ,<br />

Ernesto WEIL 3 , Gary ANDERSEN 4 , Roberto IGLESIAS-PRIETO 2 , Mónica MEDINA 1<br />

1 School of Natural Sciences, <strong>University</strong> of California Merced, Merced, CA, 2 Unidad Académica<br />

de Sistemas Arrecifales ICML-UNAM, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Puerto<br />

Morelos, Mexico, 3 Department of Marine Science, <strong>University</strong> of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez,<br />

Puerto Rico, 4 Center for Environmental Biotechnology, Lawrence Berkeley National<br />

Laboratory, Berkeley, CA<br />

Increasing evidence highlights the fact that bacteria play a crucial role within coral holobiont,<br />

i.e. the coral host and its associated microbial communities. Current approaches to describe the<br />

bacterial diversity in corals involve the universal amplification of bacterial 16SrRNA gene via<br />

the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with subsequent analysis by terminal-restriction fragment<br />

length polymorphism (t-RLFP), temperature/denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (T/DGGE),<br />

or sequencing of recombinant 16SrDNA clone libraries. Analyzing the expression of one or a<br />

few genes in coral samples may be accomplished through quantitative PCR. However, largescale<br />

comparative studies with the aim to discover statistical differences in bacterial species<br />

composition as well as global changes in the coral transcriptome would require the application<br />

of more efficient high-throughput technologies. In light of increasing frequencies of coral<br />

disease and bleaching events, it is imperative to gain a better understanding of (a) concomitant<br />

changes in coral-associated bacterial communities and (b) the molecular responses of coral<br />

hosts to such stress events. Here, we introduce the application of 16SrRNA gene microarrays in<br />

combination with coral host cDNA microarrays to simultaneously profile both changes in<br />

microbial community composition and coral gene expression. Specifically, we are comparing<br />

healthy versus both diseased and bleached corals using the Caribbean coral species<br />

Montastraea faveolatea as a model system. This approach applies statistical tools to identify<br />

differentially abundant bacteria in diseased or bleached coral samples and aims to identify genes<br />

or gene pathways that are involved in the immune as well as thermal stress response of corals.<br />

The expected results may validate the application of these high-throughput tools as a versatile<br />

platform for monitoring and assessing the health status of corals, and thus could guide their<br />

implementation for effective management strategies to preserve coral reefs.<br />


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