11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University 11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


Poster Mini-Symposium 25: Predicting Reef Futures in the Context of Climate Change 25.1133 Rising Sea Level and Increased Turbidity on Fringing Coral Reefs Michael FIELD* 1 , Andrea OGSTON 2 , Ann GIBBS 1 1 Pacific Science Center, U.S. Geological Survey, Santa Cruz, CA, 2 School of Oceanography, University of Washington, Seattle, WA Relative sea level is predicted to rise 2.2 to 4.4 mm/y and perhaps more this century. We hypothesize that even small increases in sea level will increase wave energy on adjacent reef flats and shorelines. This in turn will significantly increase turbidity on some coral reefs by increased resuspension of sediment in shallow reef areas, and increased erosion of fine sediment from adjacent coastal plains and deltaic deposits. Sedimentation and suspended sediment are leading contributors to reef degradation, and our studies in Hawaii indicate that sea-level rise has a strong potential to increase suspended sediment concentrations (turbidity) on fringing coral reefs through increases in both wave resuspension and wave erosion. Results from a well-studied fringing reef flat (Molokai, HI) show that sediment is resuspended daily, and levels of suspended sediment concentrations are primarily related to wind velocity, resulting waves, and water depth (tide stage). Both the duration and magnitude of suspension events may increase with even small increases in sea level over fringing reefs due to enhanced bottom stresses. Given a rise of 10 cm in the next couple of decades, wave bottom stresses will be higher and critical water depths will be reached earlier during rising tides and be maintained longer during falling tides, resulting in longer and more intense turbidity conditions. Increases in water depth of even 10 cm over reef crests may also increase wave energy on adjacent shorelines, many of which are only thin sandy veneers capping older deposits of alluvium. Waves at higher water levels within the tidal cycle have increased capability to erode friable, unprotected deposits in low-lying areas over prolonged time periods. The fine-sediment component of these deposits is susceptible to advection seaward and deposition on the reef, potentially increasing the levels of suspended sediment. 25.1134 Coral Protection Under The U.s. Endangered Species Act Miyoko SAKASHITA* 1 , Brendan CUMMINGS* 2 , Andrea TREECE* 1 , Shaye WOLF* 1 1 Center for Biological Diversity, San Francisco, CA, 2 Center for Biological Diversity, Joshua Tree, CA Two coral species, elkhorn coral (Acropora palmata) and staghorn coral (A. cervicornis), were recently protected as “threatened” under the United States Endangered Species Act (ESA). Once the primary reef-building corals of Florida and the Caribbean, these species have suffered an 80-98% decline in just 30 years. These corals face significant threats from changing environmental conditions because of human-induced global warming and pollution. In 2008, “critical habitat” will be designated for elkhorn and staghorn corals, as required by the ESA. Using the case study of the corals, we examine the protections that the ESA provides, including the listing process, critical habitat designation, and recovery planning. We discuss how the ESA’s statutory prohibitions against “jeopardy” and “adverse modification” of critical habitat for listed species might apply to greenhousegas-generating actions of U.S. federal agencies. The ESA remains highly relevant to species preservation in a changing climate, providing mechanisms to address both mitigation (reducing greenhouse gas emissions) and adaptation (ecosystem management). 25.1135 Species Specific Responses To Experimental Bleaching Of Corals Deborah VIVIAN* 1 , Susan YEE 1 , Sarah KELL 1 , Cheryl MCGILL 1 , Mace BARRON 1 1 Gulf Ecology Division, US EPA, Gulf Breeze, FL The combined effects of temperature and solar radiation on six species of reef-building corals were examined using a laboratory coral exposure system. Diploria clivosa, Montastraea faveolata, Siderastrea siderea, Siderastrea radians, Stephanocoenia intersepts, and Porites astreoides were first exposed for 10 days to two temperatures (26 or 31oC) and three solar radiation doses (ultraviolet radiation (UVA) at 13.7, 68, and 84 W•d/m2). Corals were then monitored for a 40 day recovery period. A pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) fluorometer was used to monitor changes in photosystem II efficiency (∆Fv/Fm) during the exposure period. Weekly observations and PAM measurements were conducted during the recovery period to assess changes in bleaching and health. After recovery, pigment, zooxanthellae, and protein concentrations were analyzed to determine recovery rates of corals. During initial exposure, species responded differently to the combined effects of temperature and solar radiation with P. astreoides showing the greatest decline in Fv/Fm over time and S. siderea showing the least change in Fv/Fm. Most species responded similarly to temperature showing a decrease in Fv/Fm in the 31oC treatments. However, species response to light was significantly different (p = 0.038), with S. intersepts showing the greatest response to high radiation and S. siderea the weakest. Highest mortalities were observed in S. intersepts and M. faveolata (22%) exposed to the highest solar radiation at the end of exposure. Changes in Fv/Fm showed poor recovery for only S. intersepts and M. faveolata exposed to high solar radiation. Recovery rates based on pigment, zooxanthellae, and protein concentrations were variable among species and treatments. Responses to combined effects of solar radiation and temperature are species specific for both experimental bleaching and recovery. 25.1136 Making The Loss Of Coral Reefs A Personal Matter John WARE* 1 1 SeaServices, Inc., Gaithersburg, MD The primary objective of this study is to focus attention on coral-reef problems at the individual level in order to increase public awareness and involvement with climate change issues. A secondary objective is to demonstrate the utility of a simplified “reefs-in-the-greenhouse” model for predicting the effects of climate change on coral reefs. The unique feature of this study is that it relates reef loss and survival on a per capita basis so that these issues become a personal matter. The abstract allegation: “Coral reefs are dying and that CO2 emissions are a major cause”, does not allow the average person to relate his/her actions to real-world effects. My alternative conceptualization: “Reducing your future CO2 emissions can save N m 2 of coral reefs” permits individuals to assess how their activities relate to the very real threats to reefs. CO2 emissions are used as a surrogate for all the ills that humanity has imposed on coral reefs because, in addition to direct temperature and acidification effects, CO2 emissions correlate with many other negative impacts on reefs. That is, people who emit large quantities of CO2 also tend to be indirectly responsible for other reef problems (e.g., overfishing, pollution, and sediment loading). Focusing on the United States, but with global implications, I couple a simplified model of climate change with a unique simultaneous simulation of more than 1000 reef types to draw conclusions with regard to reef survivability under various CO2 emissions scenarios. The reef types cover a broad spectrum of temperature environments, bleaching/mortality thresholds, resilience/recovery, and adaptation potentials. The model has been calibrated using observed warming and present reef status. Although the future of reefs is not bright, reducing future warming coupled with coral adaptation potential, even on the scale of 100 years, can result in reef survival. 547

Poster Mini-Symposium 25: Predicting Reef Futures in the Context of Climate Change 25.1137 Effects Of Elevated Seawater Temperatures On The Development And Survivorship Of Larvae Of The Eklhorn Coral acropora Palmata Carly RANDALL* 1 , Alina SZMANT 1 1 Biology and Marine Biology, University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, NC Elevated seawater temperatures during the late summer and fall, followed by periods of bleaching and increased susceptibility to disease, have led to a reduction in live coral cover on coral reefs. Bleached corals have also been found to exhibit reduced reproductive success. Both lower adult abundance and lower fecundity could result in a reduced ability of these populations to recover. The effect of elevated seawater temperatures on early life-stages of corals that reproduce during these warm times of year also remains poorly studied. If elevated temperatures reduce survival and settlement of coral larvae, the recovery of coral populations will be further impeded. Effects of elevated temperature on the survivorship of the larvae of the broadcast spawning coral Acropora palmata were studied experimentally. Larvae maintained at temperatures only one degree above historic summer values (29.5-31 ºC) exhibited reduced survivorship as compared to those maintained within the normal summer temperature range (27-28 ºC). Larvae maintained at the control temperature, 27.5 ºC, exhibited a cumulative average survivorship of 28.9 % over the 140 hour experiment whereas larvae maintained at the elevated temperature of 31.5 ºC exhibited a significantly reduced cumulative average survivorship of only 2.0 %. Intermediate survivorship of 10.9 % was observed at the intermediate temperature of 29.3 ºC. However, in a preliminary settlement trial, there was no significant difference among those larvae that survived to this stage. These results show that the supply of coral larvae to Caribbean reefs is being seriously reduced by global warming. Samples of embryos and larvae were fixed for electron microscopy at various times during the course of temperature exposure and processing of those samples is ongoing to examine the effects of elevated temperature on the larval development. 25.1138 Coral Reef Monitoring In The Gilbert Group, Kiribati: Taking Into Account Longterm Monitoring And Limited Resources Taratau KIRATA* 1 , Toaea BEIATEUEA 1 , Tebaua SAPOLU 1 , Aaranteiti TEKIAU 1 , Dr. Simon DONNER 2,3 1 Fisheries Department, Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources Development, Tarawa, Kiribati, 2 Geography Department, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 3 Woodrow Wilson School of Public & International Affairs, Princeton University, Princeton The coral reefs of the western part of Kiribati (Gilbert Islands), a group of coral atolls stretching from 3 ° N to 6 ° S in the Western Pacific, are subject to multiple stresses including pollution (sewage), resources exploitation and coral bleaching. The increasing local and global demand for fish and other marine resources may be affecting coral reef health, resource availability and contributing to outbreaks of toxic fish poisoning. The region is also exposed El Nino-related warm water anomalies that can cause mass coral bleaching. There is a need for a long-term monitoring program that considers the limited resources of the isolated islands and increasing threats from climate change. Here we describe a new continuous monitoring program for the Gilbert group. The protocol includes manta tows, PITs at 3m and 10m depth and random photo-quadrats at selected islands; more detailed monitoring is conducted around the central atoll of Tarawa due to easier access. Preliminary results show hard coral cover of 10-20% on the outer reefs of South Tarawa, possibly due to population pressure and wave action; hard coral cover is higher (25-40%) at similar depths around Butaratari and Abaiang. Acropora sp. is surprisingly rare around Tarawa and Abaiang. There are a high number of dead colonies of Pocillipora sp. at most sites, particularly around Butaritari, possibly from coral bleaching in 2004. The results from ongoing monitoring could help the people of Kiribati understand how to adapt to the rising pressure on marine resources, outbreaks of fish poisoning and climate change. 25.1139 Effects of elevated pCO2 and temperature on calcification and photosynthesis of the Mediterranean coral Cladocora caespitosa Riccardo RODOLFO-METALPA* 1 , Sophie MARTIN 2 , Christine FERRIER-PAGÈS 3 , Jean- Pierre GATTUSO 4 1Marine Biology and Ecology Research Centre, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, United Kingdom, 2International Atomic Energy Agency, Monaco, Monaco, 3Centre Scientifique de Monaco, Monaco, Monaco, 4CNRS-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Villefranche-sur-mer Cedex, France Atmospheric CO2 partial pressure (pCO2) is expected to double by the end of the present century, and will be accompanied by an increase in seawater temperature. Since pCO2 was shown to decrease calcification rates in tropical corals, it might also affect temperate corals, such as those living in the Mediterranean Sea. Colonies of the Mediterranean coral Cladocora caespitosa were collected at ca. 30 m depth in the NW Mediterranean Sea and maintained under normal and elevated temperature (T and T+3°C, respectively) and pCO2 (400 and 700 µatm, respectively) levels, alone or in combination. Temperature (T = 13-22°C) and light (20-60 µmol photons m-2 s-1) varied seasonally while pCO2 was kept constant. Rates of photosynthesis and calcification, and symbiont parameters were measured during two short-term (one month) experiments carried out in Summer 2006 and Winter 2007. Additionally, coral growth and the effective quantum yields (∆F/Fm') were measured during a long-term (1 year) experiment. A 3°C increase in temperature had some effects on coral physiological parameters, increasing photosynthetic and respiration rates and decreasing ∆F/Fm', depending on the season. Conversely, a doubling in pCO2, alone or in combination with elevated temperature, had no significant effect on any of the parameters tested, either during the short or the long-term experiment. In particular, no significant effect was found on calcification and growth rates. This result seems different from tropical corals, in which rates of calcification decrease at elevated pCO2. However, it is important to note that the corals used were collected at the deeper end of their bathymetric range, were grown at low irradiance and were therefore likely light-limited. It is critical to investigate the response of shallow-water colonies to elevated pCO2 to investigate a potentially significant interaction between light, temperature and pCO2 to control the metabolism of Mediterranean corals. 25.1140 Distribution of algal symbionts (Symbiodinium spp.) in reef corals along a latitudinal gradient in Western Australia Rachel SILVERSTEIN* 1 , Adrienne M. S. CORREA 2,3 , Andrew BAKER 1 1 Marine Biology and Fisheries, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Miami, Miami, FL, 2 Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology, Columbia University, New York, NY, 3 Marine Biology and Fisheries, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Miami, Miami Mutualisms involving dinoflagellate algae in the genus Symbiodinium metabolically support reef-building corals, thereby underpinning the high levels of productivity characteristic of coral reefs. High temperature-related “bleaching” events cause reef corals to lose their endosymbiotic algae and, if prolonged, lead to coral mortality. However, corals may be able to recover from bleaching and to acclimatize to climatic changes by shuffling between symbiont types with varying environmental optima. The diversity of these symbiont types within scleractinian corals is still being realized and appears to be geographically specific in many cases. To document symbiont diversity in Western Australia, where little Symbiodinium research has previously taken place, this study examined symbiotic algae within more than 30 coral hosts sampled from five sites that span over 2500 km of coastline. Collection locations include the sub-tropical Ningaloo Reef, which hosts high coral diversity, Rottnest Island and Dunsborough, an extreme high latitude (~33°S) with respect to the range of reef corals. In order to study the genetic diversity of Symbiodinium, the ITS-2 region of the nuclear ribosomal DNA was amplified and sequenced. Resulting ITS-2 types were then compared to a database of known Symbiodinium diversity and novel sequences were placed in an evolutionary context by building phylogenetic trees and statistical parsimony networks. This study demonstrates patterns of symbiont distributions in accordance with the prevailing environmental conditions varying along a gradient of irradiance and temperature. Our data indicate that Western Australia is a region of high symbiont diversity both between and within host coral species, with many apparently unique symbiont types. This study both reconfirms ecological symbiont patterns previously reported and shows some unexpected distributions. 548

Poster Mini-Symposium 25: Predicting Reef Futures in the Context of Climate Change<br />

25.1133<br />

Rising Sea Level and Increased Turbidity on Fringing Coral Reefs<br />

Michael FIELD* 1 , Andrea OGSTON 2 , Ann GIBBS 1<br />

1 Pacific Science Center, U.S. Geological Survey, Santa Cruz, CA, 2 School of<br />

Oceanography, <strong>University</strong> of Washington, Seattle, WA<br />

Relative sea level is predicted to rise 2.2 to 4.4 mm/y and perhaps more this century. We<br />

hypothesize that even small increases in sea level will increase wave energy on adjacent<br />

reef flats and shorelines. This in turn will significantly increase turbidity on some coral<br />

reefs by increased resuspension of sediment in shallow reef areas, and increased erosion<br />

of fine sediment from adjacent coastal plains and deltaic deposits.<br />

Sedimentation and suspended sediment are leading contributors to reef degradation, and<br />

our studies in Hawaii indicate that sea-level rise has a strong potential to increase<br />

suspended sediment concentrations (turbidity) on fringing coral reefs through increases in<br />

both wave resuspension and wave erosion. Results from a well-studied fringing reef flat<br />

(Molokai, HI) show that sediment is resuspended daily, and levels of suspended sediment<br />

concentrations are primarily related to wind velocity, resulting waves, and water depth<br />

(tide stage). Both the duration and magnitude of suspension events may increase with<br />

even small increases in sea level over fringing reefs due to enhanced bottom stresses.<br />

Given a rise of 10 cm in the next couple of decades, wave bottom stresses will be higher<br />

and critical water depths will be reached earlier during rising tides and be maintained<br />

longer during falling tides, resulting in longer and more intense turbidity conditions.<br />

Increases in water depth of even 10 cm over reef crests may also increase wave energy on<br />

adjacent shorelines, many of which are only thin sandy veneers capping older deposits of<br />

alluvium. Waves at higher water levels within the tidal cycle have increased capability to<br />

erode friable, unprotected deposits in low-lying areas over prolonged time periods. The<br />

fine-sediment component of these deposits is susceptible to advection seaward and<br />

deposition on the reef, potentially increasing the levels of suspended sediment.<br />

25.1134<br />

Coral Protection Under The U.s. Endangered Species Act<br />

Miyoko SAKASHITA* 1 , Brendan CUMMINGS* 2 , Andrea TREECE* 1 , Shaye<br />

WOLF* 1<br />

1 Center for Biological Diversity, San Francisco, CA, 2 Center for Biological Diversity,<br />

Joshua Tree, CA<br />

Two coral species, elkhorn coral (Acropora palmata) and staghorn coral (A. cervicornis),<br />

were recently protected as “threatened” under the United States Endangered Species Act<br />

(ESA). Once the primary reef-building corals of Florida and the Caribbean, these species<br />

have suffered an 80-98% decline in just 30 years. These corals face significant threats<br />

from changing environmental conditions because of human-induced global warming and<br />

pollution. In 2008, “critical habitat” will be designated for elkhorn and staghorn corals, as<br />

required by the ESA. Using the case study of the corals, we examine the protections that<br />

the ESA provides, including the listing process, critical habitat designation, and recovery<br />

planning. We discuss how the ESA’s statutory prohibitions against “jeopardy” and<br />

“adverse modification” of critical habitat for listed species might apply to greenhousegas-generating<br />

actions of U.S. federal agencies. The ESA remains highly relevant to<br />

species preservation in a changing climate, providing mechanisms to address both<br />

mitigation (reducing greenhouse gas emissions) and adaptation (ecosystem management).<br />

25.1135<br />

Species Specific Responses To Experimental Bleaching Of Corals<br />

Deborah VIVIAN* 1 , Susan YEE 1 , Sarah KELL 1 , Cheryl MCGILL 1 , Mace BARRON 1<br />

1 Gulf Ecology Division, US EPA, Gulf Breeze, FL<br />

The combined effects of temperature and solar radiation on six species of reef-building corals<br />

were examined using a laboratory coral exposure system. Diploria clivosa, Montastraea<br />

faveolata, Siderastrea siderea, Siderastrea radians, Stephanocoenia intersepts, and Porites<br />

astreoides were first exposed for 10 days to two temperatures (26 or 31oC) and three solar<br />

radiation doses (ultraviolet radiation (UVA) at 13.7, 68, and 84 W•d/m2). Corals were then<br />

monitored for a 40 day recovery period. A pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) fluorometer was<br />

used to monitor changes in photosystem II efficiency (∆Fv/Fm) during the exposure period.<br />

Weekly observations and PAM measurements were conducted during the recovery period to<br />

assess changes in bleaching and health. After recovery, pigment, zooxanthellae, and protein<br />

concentrations were analyzed to determine recovery rates of corals. During initial exposure,<br />

species responded differently to the combined effects of temperature and solar radiation with P.<br />

astreoides showing the greatest decline in Fv/Fm over time and S. siderea showing the least<br />

change in Fv/Fm. Most species responded similarly to temperature showing a decrease in<br />

Fv/Fm in the 31oC treatments. However, species response to light was significantly different (p<br />

= 0.038), with S. intersepts showing the greatest response to high radiation and S. siderea the<br />

weakest. Highest mortalities were observed in S. intersepts and M. faveolata (22%) exposed to<br />

the highest solar radiation at the end of exposure. Changes in Fv/Fm showed poor recovery for<br />

only S. intersepts and M. faveolata exposed to high solar radiation. Recovery rates based on<br />

pigment, zooxanthellae, and protein concentrations were variable among species and treatments.<br />

Responses to combined effects of solar radiation and temperature are species specific for both<br />

experimental bleaching and recovery.<br />

25.1136<br />

Making The Loss Of Coral Reefs A Personal Matter<br />

John WARE* 1<br />

1 SeaServices, Inc., Gaithersburg, MD<br />

The primary objective of this study is to focus attention on coral-reef problems at the individual<br />

level in order to increase public awareness and involvement with climate change issues. A<br />

secondary objective is to demonstrate the utility of a simplified “reefs-in-the-greenhouse”<br />

model for predicting the effects of climate change on coral reefs.<br />

The unique feature of this study is that it relates reef loss and survival on a per capita basis so<br />

that these issues become a personal matter. The abstract allegation: “Coral reefs are dying and<br />

that CO2 emissions are a major cause”, does not allow the average person to relate his/her<br />

actions to real-world effects. My alternative conceptualization: “Reducing your future CO2<br />

emissions can save N m 2 of coral reefs” permits individuals to assess how their activities relate<br />

to the very real threats to reefs.<br />

CO2 emissions are used as a surrogate for all the ills that humanity has imposed on coral reefs<br />

because, in addition to direct temperature and acidification effects, CO2 emissions correlate<br />

with many other negative impacts on reefs. That is, people who emit large quantities of CO2<br />

also tend to be indirectly responsible for other reef problems (e.g., overfishing, pollution, and<br />

sediment loading).<br />

Focusing on the United States, but with global implications, I couple a simplified model of<br />

climate change with a unique simultaneous simulation of more than 1000 reef types to draw<br />

conclusions with regard to reef survivability under various CO2 emissions scenarios. The reef<br />

types cover a broad spectrum of temperature environments, bleaching/mortality thresholds,<br />

resilience/recovery, and adaptation potentials. The model has been calibrated using observed<br />

warming and present reef status.<br />

Although the future of reefs is not bright, reducing future warming coupled with coral<br />

adaptation potential, even on the scale of 100 years, can result in reef survival.<br />


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