11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University 11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


Oral Mini-Symposium 5: Functional Biology of Corals and Coral Symbiosis: Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Physiology 5-38 Differential Expression Of Genes Between Light And Dark Calcification Aurélie MOYA* 1,2 , Sylvie TAMBUTTÉ 1 , Guillaume BÉRANGER 3,4 , Béatrice GAUME 1 , Jean-Claude SCIMECA 3 , Séverine LOTTO 1 , Denis ALLEMAND 1 , Didier ZOCCOLA 1 1 Centre Scientifique de Monaco, Monaco, Monaco, 2 , University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, UMR 1112 INRA-UNSA, NICE Cedex 2, France, 3 Faculté de Médecine, GéPITOS, K 2943, CNRS, NICE Cedex 02, France, 4 - Research Institute of Molecular Pathology, Vienna, Austria Most scleractinian corals establish a symbiotic relationship with phototrophic dinoflagellates. This symbiosis is responsible for the “light-enhanced calcification” (LEC) phenomenon in corals. Despite numerous researches on this phenomenon, the mechanisms by which photosynthetic symbionts enhance calcification still remain enigmatic. In order to characterize the LEC in corals we tested the hypothesis that coral genes are differentially expressed between light and dark calcification. As a preliminary approach, the differential expression of three genes involved in calcium and bicarbonate supply for calcification (Ca channel, Ca ATPase, and carbonic anhydrase) was tested between light and dark conditions in the coral Stylophora pistillata, using the real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction as a technique. For this purpose, we first cloned and sequenced a housekeeping gene, 36B4 gene from the coral Stylophora pistillata. We then validated 36B4 and ß-actin as housekeeping genes and two photosynthetic genes (Rubisco and D1 protein of the photosystem II) as positive control genes between light and dark conditions. Finally, we determined that the two genes encoding proteins involved in calcium transport for coral calcification (a calcium ATPase and a calcium channel) do not show differential expression between light and dark conditions, while the gene encoding a carbonic anhydrase is two-fold more expressed in the dark than in the light. We suggest that up-regulation of the gene encoding a carbonic anhydrase in the dark allows to cope with night acidosis of tissues. 5-39 Photoacclimation, Photoadaptation And Coral Bleaching Roberto IGLESIAS-PRIETO* 1 1 Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, Unidad Académica Puerto Morelos, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Cancún, Mexico During the last 200 million years scleractinian corals in symbioses with photosynthetic dinoflagellates have been responsible for the formation and maintenance of coral reefs. In these organisms, algal photosynthesis can provide more that a 100% of the basal metabolic requirements. The nutritional advantages that symbiotic invertebrates obtain from the translocation and consumption of algal photosynthates can explain why symbiotic corals possess significantly larger calcification rates relative to non-symbiotic invertebrates. In this context, algal photosynthesis is a key element in the formation of modern coral reefs. Considering the importance of algal photosynthesis for the well being of symbiotic corals, the study of the photobiology of these organisms has attracted significant attention. Symbiotic corals inhabit the entire photic zone and are subject to extraordinary variations in light intensity. I will review the physiological mechanisms employed by corals and their symbiotic algae to successfully harvest and utilize the available solar radiation. Based on comparative analyses of the differential responses of individual algal species to variations in growth irradiance in culture, or intact associations in nature, it has been postulated that the differential utilization of solar radiation is an important axis for niche diversification among reef-building corals. Recent analyses of the optical properties of intact coral surfaces using transmittance determinations indicate that due to the multiple scattering on the highly reflective aragonite skeleton, the specific absorption coefficients of the symbiotic algae are much higher that those obtained from freshly isolated algae, making symbiotic scleractinians one of the most efficient solar collector in nature. The role of the animal skeleton in modulating the absorption properties of the symbiotic algae has profound implications for our understanding of the evolution of these organisms. Finally, I will discuss the role of multiple scattering of coral skeletons in the propagation of thermal stress, leading to coral bleaching. 5-40 Thermal Stress Stimulates The Production Of Nitric Oxide in symbiodinium Microadriaticum : Is Nitric Oxide A Key Molecule in The Coral Bleaching Phenomenon? Josée Nina BOUCHARD* 1 , Hideo YAMASAKI 1 1 University of the Ryukyus, Nishihara, Japan In a recent study, nitric oxide (NO) has been suggested to be implicated in the mechanism leading to the expulsion of symbiotic algae from the coral host during a thermal stress event. In this previous study, the production of NO was attributed exclusively to the coral host and not to its algal symbionts. Recently, the production of NO has been shown to occur in diverse species of marine microalgae and to act as a signal molecule of stress response and/or as an indicator of growth status. These findings prompted us to determine whether coral symbiotic microalgae also produce NO both under normal growth and thermal stress conditions. Our results showed that Symbiodinium microadriaticum grown under laboratory conditions can produce NO when supplemented with either sodium nitrite or L-arginine as a substrate. The production of NO was confirmed by electrochemical and fluorimetric techniques. Microscopic observations of cells marked with the NO fluorescent dye DAF-2 DA also confirmed that NO was truly produced inside the microalgal cells. Ultimately, when S. microadriaticum were exposed to an acute heat stress (from 27 to 41 °C) the production of NO increased along with the increasing temperature. This increase in temperature was also associated with a decline in the physiological state of the cells as observed by a decline in the Fv/Fm values. Results from the present study are the first to unambiguously report that zooxanthellae can synthesize NO even when they are not in a symbiotic association with a coral host. The increase in NO production upon heat stress suggests that NO can be synthesized upon exposure of the microalgae to stressful environmental conditions. The possible implications of such findings are discussed in the light of the coral bleaching phenomenon which is associated with global warming. 5-41 Induced Bleaching Of Stylophora Pistillata By Darkness Stress And Its Subsequent Recovery Zvy DUBINSKY* 1 , Shachar KOREN 1 , Osnat CHOMSKY 2 1 Life Sciences, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel, 2 Biology, National Institute of Oceanography IOLR, Haifa, Israel Bleaching, the visible effect of losing zooxanthellae by corals, has been observed with increasing frequency in most of the world’s reefs. Since it usually leads to coral colony death and whole reef destruction, it has been the subject of several studies in recent years. In the present article we describe a method to causing complete, but reversible, bleaching in the common Red Sea coral, Stylophora pistillata by darkness stress. That treatment affects the coral by reducing the density of the zooxanthellae, the endosymbiotic algae living within the coral’s cells, causing the animal tissue to lose pigmentation. After 8 days in the dark the coral begins to show visible bleaching, which a week later progressed to 70%, and by the 44th day we obtained complete bleaching. At that time no zooxanthellae or chlorophyll were detected in the coral tissue. Following the transferal of the corals to darkness, at first the algal cells exhibit a photoacclimative response, accumulating chlorophyll up to 10 fold of the initial values. Fragments that were 70% bleached showed full recovery 30 days after having been returned to light. In the course of recovery, cellular chlorophyll gradually decreased to control – and initial concentrations 35

Oral Mini-Symposium 5: Functional Biology of Corals and Coral Symbiosis: Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Physiology 5-42 Cellular Defense in Corals: Characterisation And Functional Analysis Of A Multi- Xenobiotic Resistance (P-Glycoprotein) Gene Homolog in The Reef-Building Coral montastraea Franksi Alexander VENN* 1 , Jennifer QUINN 1 , Ross JONES 1 , Andrea BODNAR 1 1 Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences, St Georges, Bermuda Multi-xenobiotic resistance (MXR) in marine organisms is on the front line of cellular defense against natural toxins and anthropogenic contaminants, and is a phenomenon analogous to multidrug resistance in mammalian tumour cells tolerant of anti-cancer drugs. Transmembrane P-glycoproteins (P-gp) play a key role in multidrug resistance mechanisms by actively transporting a wide variety of structurally and functionally diverse compounds out of cells. The purpose of this study was to identify the presence of a P-gp encoding gene in a reef building coral and investigate its function. Consensusdegenerate hybrid oligonucleotide primers (CODEHOPs) were designed in conserved regions of P-gp sequences from other organisms, and used to isolate a fragment of P-gp from Montastraea franksi mRNA by reverse transcription PCR. Rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) PCR and sequencing revealed that the deduced amino acid sequence has strong structural similarities to known P-glycoproteins in well characterised vertebrate systems including humans. Expression analysis of this gene by Taqman realtime PCR confirmed that it was responsive to the classic inducer of P-gp, the chemotherapeutic drug vinblastine. Further experiments were conducted on coral fragments in specially constructed all-Teflon dosing chambers to test the response of this gene to environmentally important contaminants such as copper and oil-dispersant. These findings provide important insight into how corals defend themselves against pollution and will be integrated into initiatives to develop molecular biomarkers of stress in reefbuilding corals. 5-43 Comparative Analysis Of The Gastrodermal Proteome Of Scleractinian Coral (Euphyllia Glabrescens) in Heat Stressed And Subsequently Bleached State Shao-En PENG* 1,2 , I-Te LEE 1 , L.H. WANG 1,2 , H.J. HUANG 2 , Lee-Shing FANG 3 , Chii- Shiarng CHEN 1,2 1 Institute of Marine Biotechnology, National Dong-Hwa University, Pingtung, Taiwan, 2 Department of Planning and Research, National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium, Pingtung, Taiwan, 3 Department of Kinesiology, Health and Leisure Studies, Cheng Shiu University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan Endosymbiosis between coral and its photosynthetic dinoflagellate symbiont Symbiodinium spp, (also called zooxanthellae) is a crucial relationship to sustain the coral reef ecosystem. This endosymbiosis occurs inside specifc host gastrodermal cells, and its molecular mechanism still remains unclear notwithstanding decades of research. In this study, we developed a new method to isolate and extract the gastrodermal and epidermal protein of scleractinian coral (Euphyllia glabrescens) and then subjected to proteomic analysis. It revealed that the stress response related proteins were up-regulated in the gastrodermal tissue of stressed coral and the proteins that involved in nitrogen metabolism, cytoskeleton, de novo purine synthesis, protein degradation and protein folding were subsequently down-regulated in bleached (aposymbiotic) state. The comparative analysis of epidermal and gastrodermal proteome demonstrated that the endosymbiosis related proteins (e.g. the key protein involved in nutrition metabolism) were differently regulated in epidermal and gastrodermal tissue of coral during the high temperature stress and bleaching event. This is also the first report to demonstrate the protein expression profiles in the gastrodermal tissue of coral that endosymbiosis occurs inside. 5-44 The Effect Of Temperature On Integrin-Mediated Adhesion in The Sea Anemone, Aiptasia Pulchella Sara SAWYER* 1 , Gina PAULAUSKIS 2 1 Biological Sciences, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Edwardsville, IL, 2 Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Edwardsville, IL Temperature-induced coral bleaching results from the loss of the symbiotic dinoflagellate algae from the coral host. One potential mechanism underlying temperature-induced coral bleaching is loss of the host cell containing the endosymbiotic algae. This loss of host cells could be the result of apoptosis, or could induce apoptosis. We have been investigating how temperature affects integrin mediated cell adhesion in the tropical symbiotic sea anemone, Aiptasia pulchella. A β-integrin has been sequenced from Cnidarians, but the function has not been investigated in these animals. Using both commercially available anti-β1-integrin antibodies and an antibody made again a conserved extracellular domain of the Cnidarian integrin (CNβ1) we have identified a protein of the correct molecular weight for an integrin (approximately 120 kDa) from tissue extracts from the sea anemone, A. pulchella. In addition, we have identified by immunoprecipitation a putative focal adhesion kinase (FAK) protein of approximately 125 kDa protein using an anti-FAK antibody in tissue extracts from A. pulchella. Using immunohistochemistry, we have investigated the tissue localization of integrins using the CNβ1 antibody. Integrin staining is the strongest where the cells of the endoderm attach to the acelllular mesoglea. To investigate how temperature affects the tissue distribution of these integrins, anemones were heat shocked for 12, 24 and 48 hours at 30°C and then processed for immunohistochemistry. Temperature shock disrupts the strong integrin staining at the base of the endodermal cells suggesting that integrin adhesion is disrupted by temperature shock. Further studies will investigate how temperature affects integrin signaling and as well as the timing of the temperature effect on integrin distribution. 5-45 Long-Term Changes in The Chlorophyll Fluorescence Of Bleached And Recovering Corals From Hawaii Lisa RODRIGUES* 1 , Andrea GROTTOLI 2 , Michael LESSER 3 1 Geography & the Environment, Villanova University, Villanova, PA, 2 Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, 3 University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH Chlorophyll fluorescence has been used to predict and monitor coral bleaching over short timescales (hours to days), while long-term changes during recovery remain largely unknown. To evaluate changes in fluorescence during long-term bleaching and recovery, Porites compressa and Montipora capitata corals were experimentally bleached in tanks at 30°C for one month, while control fragments were maintained at 27°C. A pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometer measured the quantum yield of photosystem II fluorescence (Fv/Fm) of the zooxanthellae each week during bleaching, and after 0, 1.5, 4, and 8 months recovery. M. capitata appeared bleached 6 days sooner than P. compressa, yet their fluorescence profiles during bleaching did not significantly differ. Changes in minimum (Fo), maximum (Fm), and variable (Fv) fluorescence throughout bleaching and recovery indicated periods of initial photoprotection followed by mostly photodamage in P. compressa and chronic photoinhibition in M. capitata. Fv/Fm fully recovered 6.5 months earlier in P. compressa than M. capitata, suggesting that the zooxanthellae type of P. compressa was more resilient to bleaching stress. Other host-related physiological (energy reserves, photosynthesis and respiration) and biogeochemical (stable carbon isotopes) evidence indicates that the host of M. capitata recovers faster than that of P. compressa. Altogether then, these two corals utilized different strategies for recovery from coral bleaching. 36

Oral Mini-Symposium 5: Functional Biology of Corals and Coral Symbiosis: Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Physiology<br />

5-38<br />

Differential Expression Of Genes Between Light And Dark Calcification<br />

Aurélie MOYA* 1,2 , Sylvie TAMBUTTÉ 1 , Guillaume BÉRANGER 3,4 , Béatrice<br />

GAUME 1 , Jean-Claude SCIMECA 3 , Séverine LOTTO 1 , Denis ALLEMAND 1 , Didier<br />

ZOCCOLA 1<br />

1 Centre Scientifique de Monaco, Monaco, Monaco, 2 , <strong>University</strong> of Nice-Sophia<br />

Antipolis, UMR 1112 INRA-UNSA, NICE Cedex 2, France, 3 Faculté de Médecine,<br />

GéPITOS, K 2943, CNRS, NICE Cedex 02, France, 4 - Research Institute of Molecular<br />

Pathology, Vienna, Austria<br />

Most scleractinian corals establish a symbiotic relationship with phototrophic<br />

dinoflagellates. This symbiosis is responsible for the “light-enhanced calcification”<br />

(LEC) phenomenon in corals. Despite numerous researches on this phenomenon, the<br />

mechanisms by which photosynthetic symbionts enhance calcification still remain<br />

enigmatic. In order to characterize the LEC in corals we tested the hypothesis that coral<br />

genes are differentially expressed between light and dark calcification. As a preliminary<br />

approach, the differential expression of three genes involved in calcium and bicarbonate<br />

supply for calcification (Ca channel, Ca ATPase, and carbonic anhydrase) was tested<br />

between light and dark conditions in the coral Stylophora pistillata, using the real-time<br />

Polymerase Chain Reaction as a technique.<br />

For this purpose, we first cloned and sequenced a housekeeping gene, 36B4 gene from<br />

the coral Stylophora pistillata. We then validated 36B4 and ß-actin as housekeeping<br />

genes and two photosynthetic genes (Rubisco and D1 protein of the photosystem II) as<br />

positive control genes between light and dark conditions.<br />

Finally, we determined that the two genes encoding proteins involved in calcium<br />

transport for coral calcification (a calcium ATPase and a calcium channel) do not show<br />

differential expression between light and dark conditions, while the gene encoding a<br />

carbonic anhydrase is two-fold more expressed in the dark than in the light. We suggest<br />

that up-regulation of the gene encoding a carbonic anhydrase in the dark allows to cope<br />

with night acidosis of tissues.<br />

5-39<br />

Photoacclimation, Photoadaptation And Coral Bleaching<br />

Roberto IGLESIAS-PRIETO* 1<br />

1 Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, Unidad Académica Puerto Morelos,<br />

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Cancún, Mexico<br />

During the last 200 million years scleractinian corals in symbioses with photosynthetic<br />

dinoflagellates have been responsible for the formation and maintenance of coral reefs. In<br />

these organisms, algal photosynthesis can provide more that a 100% of the basal<br />

metabolic requirements. The nutritional advantages that symbiotic invertebrates obtain<br />

from the translocation and consumption of algal photosynthates can explain why<br />

symbiotic corals possess significantly larger calcification rates relative to non-symbiotic<br />

invertebrates. In this context, algal photosynthesis is a key element in the formation of<br />

modern coral reefs. Considering the importance of algal photosynthesis for the well being<br />

of symbiotic corals, the study of the photobiology of these organisms has attracted<br />

significant attention. Symbiotic corals inhabit the entire photic zone and are subject to<br />

extraordinary variations in light intensity. I will review the physiological mechanisms<br />

employed by corals and their symbiotic algae to successfully harvest and utilize the<br />

available solar radiation. Based on comparative analyses of the differential responses of<br />

individual algal species to variations in growth irradiance in culture, or intact associations<br />

in nature, it has been postulated that the differential utilization of solar radiation is an<br />

important axis for niche diversification among reef-building corals. Recent analyses of<br />

the optical properties of intact coral surfaces using transmittance determinations indicate<br />

that due to the multiple scattering on the highly reflective aragonite skeleton, the specific<br />

absorption coefficients of the symbiotic algae are much higher that those obtained from<br />

freshly isolated algae, making symbiotic scleractinians one of the most efficient solar<br />

collector in nature. The role of the animal skeleton in modulating the absorption<br />

properties of the symbiotic algae has profound implications for our understanding of the<br />

evolution of these organisms. Finally, I will discuss the role of multiple scattering of<br />

coral skeletons in the propagation of thermal stress, leading to coral bleaching.<br />

5-40<br />

Thermal Stress Stimulates The Production Of Nitric Oxide in symbiodinium<br />

Microadriaticum : Is Nitric Oxide A Key Molecule in The Coral Bleaching<br />

Phenomenon?<br />

Josée Nina BOUCHARD* 1 , Hideo YAMASAKI 1<br />

1 <strong>University</strong> of the Ryukyus, Nishihara, Japan<br />

In a recent study, nitric oxide (NO) has been suggested to be implicated in the mechanism<br />

leading to the expulsion of symbiotic algae from the coral host during a thermal stress event. In<br />

this previous study, the production of NO was attributed exclusively to the coral host and not to<br />

its algal symbionts. Recently, the production of NO has been shown to occur in diverse species<br />

of marine microalgae and to act as a signal molecule of stress response and/or as an indicator of<br />

growth status. These findings prompted us to determine whether coral symbiotic microalgae<br />

also produce NO both under normal growth and thermal stress conditions. Our results showed<br />

that Symbiodinium microadriaticum grown under laboratory conditions can produce NO when<br />

supplemented with either sodium nitrite or L-arginine as a substrate. The production of NO was<br />

confirmed by electrochemical and fluorimetric techniques. Microscopic observations of cells<br />

marked with the NO fluorescent dye DAF-2 DA also confirmed that NO was truly produced<br />

inside the microalgal cells. Ultimately, when S. microadriaticum were exposed to an acute heat<br />

stress (from 27 to 41 °C) the production of NO increased along with the increasing temperature.<br />

This increase in temperature was also associated with a decline in the physiological state of the<br />

cells as observed by a decline in the Fv/Fm values. Results from the present study are the first to<br />

unambiguously report that zooxanthellae can synthesize NO even when they are not in a<br />

symbiotic association with a coral host. The increase in NO production upon heat stress<br />

suggests that NO can be synthesized upon exposure of the microalgae to stressful<br />

environmental conditions. The possible implications of such findings are discussed in the light<br />

of the coral bleaching phenomenon which is associated with global warming.<br />

5-41<br />

Induced Bleaching Of Stylophora Pistillata By Darkness Stress And Its Subsequent<br />

Recovery<br />

Zvy DUBINSKY* 1 , Shachar KOREN 1 , Osnat CHOMSKY 2<br />

1 Life Sciences, Bar Ilan <strong>University</strong>, Ramat Gan, Israel, 2 Biology, National Institute of<br />

Oceanography IOLR, Haifa, Israel<br />

Bleaching, the visible effect of losing zooxanthellae by corals, has been observed with<br />

increasing frequency in most of the world’s reefs. Since it usually leads to coral colony death<br />

and whole reef destruction, it has been the subject of several studies in recent years. In the<br />

present article we describe a method to causing complete, but reversible, bleaching in the<br />

common Red Sea coral, Stylophora pistillata by darkness stress. That treatment affects the coral<br />

by reducing the density of the zooxanthellae, the endosymbiotic algae living within the coral’s<br />

cells, causing the animal tissue to lose pigmentation. After 8 days in the dark the coral begins to<br />

show visible bleaching, which a week later progressed to 70%, and by the 44th day we obtained<br />

complete bleaching. At that time no zooxanthellae or chlorophyll were detected in the coral<br />

tissue. Following the transferal of the corals to darkness, at first the algal cells exhibit a<br />

photoacclimative response, accumulating chlorophyll up to 10 fold of the initial values.<br />

Fragments that were 70% bleached showed full recovery 30 days after having been returned to<br />

light. In the course of recovery, cellular chlorophyll gradually decreased to control – and initial<br />

concentrations<br />


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