11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


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Oral Mini-Symposium 5: Functional Biology of Corals and Coral Symbiosis: Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Physiology<br />

5-34<br />

Developmental Mechanisms And The Onset Of Symbiosis in Scleractinian Coral<br />

Embryos<br />

Heather Q. MARLOW* 1 , Mark Q. MARTINDALE 1<br />

1 Kewalo Marine Laboratory, <strong>University</strong> of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI<br />

Advances in understanding symbiosis, bleaching, eco-toxicology and mineralization are<br />

being made in adult corals, but fewer studies into the early embryonic and larval stages of<br />

the coral life cycle have been conducted. Events critical to the survival of the coral polyp<br />

occur in these early stages such as the development of tissue layers, acquisition of<br />

symbionts, and formation of the nervous system. Embryonic coral development provides<br />

the opportunity to examine ecologically relevant questions such as the onset of symbiosis<br />

as well as questions surrounding the evolution of developmental mechanisms in corals.<br />

Practically, embryonic material from scleractinian corals provides an excellent<br />

opportunity to study the cell biology of the onset of symbiosis without the difficulties<br />

associated with adult skeleton and contaminating commensal organisms. To examine the<br />

onset of symbiosis, we have utilized cell lineage tracing experiments as well as high<br />

resolution microscopy to examine symbiodinium uptake and localization in Fungia<br />

scutaria and Pocillopora meandrina. Our findings suggest that an ancient anthozoan<br />

mechanism that allows early embryos to localize yolk stores has been co-opted to<br />

facilitate symbiodinium localization in the embryo. As a next step in more carefully<br />

examining these events as well as those surrounding developmental mechanisms such as<br />

neurogenesis and body axis specification we are utilizing genomic and molecular<br />

techniques developed for the model anthozoan Nematostella vectensis. We have<br />

cloned genes necessary for axis specification, gut formation, and neurogenesis and have<br />

performed in situ hybridization experiments to localize these transcripts in embryonic<br />

corals. These studies allow us to understand common themes in anthozoan development<br />

and determine how these mechanisms affect the early life history and survival of coral<br />

embryos.<br />

5-35<br />

A Computational Model For Gene Regulation Of Early Development in The Sea<br />

Anemone nematostella Vectensis And The Coral acropora Millepora<br />

Jaap KAANDORP* 1 , Konstantin KOZLOV 2 , Vitaly GURSKY 3 , Yves FOMEKONG<br />

NANFACK 1 , Maksat ASHYRALIYEV 4 , Marten POSTMA 1 , Maria SAMSONOVA 2 ,<br />

Alexander SAMSONOV 3 , David MILLER 5 , Joke BLOM 4<br />

1 Section Computational Science, <strong>University</strong> of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2 St.<br />

Petersburg State Polytechnical <strong>University</strong>, St Petersburg, Russian Federation,<br />

3 Theoretical Department, The Ioffe Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St<br />

Petersburg, Russian Federation, 4 Center for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI),<br />

Amsterdam, Netherlands, 5 ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, James<br />

Cook <strong>University</strong>, Townsville, Queensland, Australia<br />

Recently significant progress has been made towards understanding the genetic<br />

regulation of early development of the cnidarians Nematostella vectensis and<br />

Acropora millepora. Both organisms are members of the basal cnidarian Class<br />

Anthozoa, with relatively simple body plans. Whereas in many organisms early<br />

embryogenesis involves complex sequences of unequal cell divisions, the fact that cell<br />

division up to gastrulation occurs equally and the expectation of relatively simple gene<br />

regulation, make Nematostella vectensis and Acropora millepora excellent case<br />

studies for developing a cell-based computational model of gene regulation of early<br />

development. Despite some major morphological differences, the body of molecular data<br />

indicates that the underlying developmental biology of both organisms is similar in many<br />

ways, The most obvious physiological difference is that N. vectensis is a non-calcifying<br />

sea anemone, while A. millepora secretes an extensive aragonite skeleton after<br />

settlement. Based on in situ hybridizations available for different developmental stages of<br />

both organisms we have developed a spatio-temporal model of gene regulation of early<br />

embryogenesis which can be applied to both organisms (the ``AcroNema’’ model). The<br />

model is based on a set of coupled partial differential equations. The AcroNema model is<br />

generic for the early development of both organisms and can produce an 8-folded radial<br />

symmetry which is characteristic for the bodyplan of Nematostella vectensis and a 6folded<br />

symmetry which is found in the body plan in Acropora millepora. In this<br />

generic model we propose that the gene dpp (decapentaplegic), which is responsible<br />

for bilateral symmetrical body plans in animals, plays a fundamental role in setting up the<br />

basic radial symmetric pattern in the developing polyp and where the initial expression<br />

pattern of dpp determines the number of mesenteries in a developing polyp.<br />

5-36<br />

Circadian Clock Genes in The Coral Stylophora Pistillata, Red Sea<br />

Eli SHEMESH* 1 , Oren LEVY 1<br />

1 Bar Ilan <strong>University</strong>, Ramat Gan, Israel<br />

Life on Earth has evolved under rhythmic day to night cycles of light and temperature, which<br />

are caused by our planet's rotation. Most organisms, including prokaryotes and eukaryotes, have<br />

evolved endogenous clocks in response to these predictable changes, allowing them to<br />

anticipate daily and seasonal environmental cycles, and to adjust their biochemical,<br />

physiological, and behavioral processes accordingly. The molecular mechanism of the circadian<br />

clock contains autoregulatory feedback loops comprised of positive and negative elements that<br />

generate 24-hour circuits. This work will present for the first time the presence of two circadian<br />

core genes known as Clock (Clk) and Bmal, found in the coral host Stylophora pistillata, by<br />

using degenerate primers homolog to Clock and Bmal form higher organisms. The expression<br />

patterns of both genes was investigated under ambient light dark cycles, continuous darkness<br />

and continuous light intensity, in order to test whether the S. pistillata clock genes act as<br />

circadian clock genes or not. Nubbins from four mother colonies were sampled at intervals of<br />

four hours and served for RNA extractions. The pattern of expression was tested by using<br />

QPCR and in situ hybridizations. The results show clearly that both genes oscillate as circadian<br />

clock genes found in higher organisms. The results presented here add important aspects into<br />

the origin of clock genes found in the base of animalia, the cnidarians.<br />

5-37<br />

Physiology of Calcification and Light-Enhanced Calcification : the Scleractinian Coral<br />

Stylophora pistillata as a Model<br />

Sylvie TAMBUTTÉ* 1 , Eric TAMBUTTÉ 1 , Didier ZOCCOLA 1 , Aurélie MOYA 1,2 , Denis<br />

ALLEMAND 1<br />

1 Centre Scientifique de Monaco, Monaco, Monaco, 2 UMR 1112 INRA-UNSA, <strong>University</strong> of<br />

Nice-Sophia-Antipolis, Nice, France<br />

The mechanism of calcification in corals still remains enigmatic but increasing data are<br />

available especially for the hermatypic scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata which can be<br />

cultivated in laboratory under controlled conditions and is thus considered as a good model to<br />

study calcification. Since coral calcification is a case of biomineralization it involves several<br />

components: the interface between the tissue and the skeleton, the synthesis of an organic<br />

matrix, the transport of ions and the nucleation/growth and inhibition of crystal formation. I will<br />

pass under review what we actually know/don’t know on the control of the organism on these<br />

components. As an introduction, I will present an up-to-date review of the anatomy, histology<br />

and characteristics of the interface tissue-skeleton to understand how the animal and its skeleton<br />

are linked. I will then summarize the data obtained by physiogical and molecular approaches on<br />

the transport of ions in Stylophora pistillata. Then I will present the current status of knowledge<br />

on the organic fraction, from its synthesis by the tissues to its incorporation in the skeleton. I<br />

will also highlight what are the consequences of a biological control of calcification on the<br />

effect of environmental parameters. I will end with a presentation of the numerous<br />

interconnected hypotheses proposed to explain light-enhanced calcification, and I will discuss<br />

some of them in the light of the last data that we have obtained both at the physiological,<br />

biochemical, cellular and molecular levels. I will insist on the available data but also on the<br />

missing data necessary for a better understanding of coral calcification.<br />


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