11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


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Oral Mini-Symposium 5: Functional Biology of Corals and Coral Symbiosis: Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Physiology<br />

5-22<br />

Dynamic Establishment Of Coral-Dinoflagellate Symbioses in Heat Stressed Coral<br />

Juveniles<br />

David ABREGO* 1 , Bette WILLIS 1 , Madeleine VANOPPEN 2<br />

1 School of Marine and Tropical Biology, James Cook <strong>University</strong>, Townsville, Australia,<br />

2 Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville, Australia<br />

Very little is known about how environmental conditions affect the capacity of newly<br />

settled coral juveniles to acquire symbionts and establish the initial symbiosis. Here we<br />

examine the uptake of Symbiodinium dinoflagellates by newly settled Acropora corals<br />

kept at three different temperatures and two light levels including treatments typically<br />

considered environmentally stressful. Visual scoring and cell counts of the corals<br />

revealed a significant delay in the uptake and establishment of symbionts in high<br />

temperatures (31 °C) and/or high light, even though the relative survival of juveniles in<br />

these treatments was similar to those in the control temperature (28 °C) and low light.<br />

Using real-time quantitative PCR we measured the proportion of symbionts taken up<br />

from a pool of two phylotypes offered. In A. millepora juveniles type D Symbiodinium<br />

was detected in higher proportions than type C1 in juveniles at high temperatures and<br />

high light. These results suggest that type D is more competitive under environmentally<br />

stressful conditions. By comparing the uptake patterns in A. tenuis juveniles we will<br />

discuss the role of the host in regulating the initial establishment of the symbioses and the<br />

generality of type D as a stress-tolerant symbiont.<br />

5-23<br />

Initiation Of Coral/algal Symbioses: The Role Of Cell Surface Lectin/glycan<br />

Interactions in Recognition And Specificity<br />

Elisha WOOD-CHARLSON* 1 , Virginia WEIS 1,2<br />

1 Zoology, Oregon State <strong>University</strong>, Corvallis, OR, 2 Zoology, Oregon State <strong>University</strong>,<br />

Corvallis<br />

The majority of corals rely on horizontal transmission of the dinoflagellate symbionts<br />

Symbiodinium spp. to perpetuate their symbiotic condition from one generation to the<br />

next, and most coral hosts are only found in association with a specific clade of symbiont.<br />

How do larval corals and their symbiotic algae discriminate between their preferred<br />

partner and other hosts or microbes during the onset of symbiosis? We hypothesized that<br />

cell surface lectin/glycan interactions act as one mechanism of recognition and specificity<br />

during initial contact between the partners. To determine the role of these interactions<br />

during infection, we modified the glycans on the cell surface of algal symbionts (C1f and<br />

C31, found in nature in adult Fungia scutaria and Montipora capitata, respectively),<br />

introduced the modified symbionts to F. scutaria larvae, and then looked for changes in<br />

infection success. After cell surface modification, infection rates of native C1f algae<br />

decreased. In contrast, cell surface modification of non-native C31 algae resulted in<br />

higher infection rates compared to unmodified, control algae. These data suggest that the<br />

symbiont cell surface plays a role in specificity between F. scutaria larvae and C1f<br />

symbionts. To explore the source of this specificity, we investigated the variability of<br />

glycans present on the cell surface of several clade C symbionts. We found that cell<br />

surface glycan profiles were different for each symbiont, and we hypothesize that a<br />

specific glycan profile serves to identify the symbiont to its host coral. Finally, we<br />

described a complex array of C-type lectins, a type of glycan receptor, in the anemone<br />

Nematostella vectensis genome. The diversity of glycan profiles on symbiont cell<br />

surfaces and C-type lectins in cnidarians suggests that these interactions serve as a signal<br />

for recognition and specificity between symbiotic partners.<br />

5-24<br />

Variability In Cell Surface Glycan Profiles Across A Range Of Symbiodinium<br />

Dinoflagellate Types.<br />

Daniel LOGAN* 1 , Anne LAFLAMME 1 , Virginia WEIS 2 , Simon DAVY 1<br />

1 Victoria <strong>University</strong> of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand, 2 Oregon State <strong>University</strong>,<br />

Corvallis, OR<br />

Symbiodinium sp. dinoflagellates are the symbiotic partner in many cnidarian hosted mutualistic<br />

relationships. These Symbiodinium show a degree of specificity for particular hosts with a<br />

limited range of symbiont types being found in association with a given host. This specificity<br />

may be partially determined through cell surface glycan-lectin interactions during the initiation<br />

of the symbiosis. The diversity of glycans present on the Symbiodinium cell surface was<br />

investigated through the use of sugar-specific fluorescently labeled lectin probes and flow<br />

cytometry. The four lectin probes utilized exhibited differential levels of binding to the cell<br />

surfaces of the initial four Symbiodinium types examined, suggesting variation in cell surface<br />

glycan diversity and concentration between Symbiodinium types. It appears that variation in<br />

glycan profiles may be lowest between Symbiodinium types originally isolated from similar<br />

hosts. This work is ongoing with an expanded range of Symbiodinium types and lectin probes.<br />

Once a wider range of glycan profiles have been compiled, these data will be analyzed to<br />

elucidate whether any correlations between glycan variation, phylogenetic distance and hostsymbiont<br />

specificity exist.<br />

5-25<br />

Identification and Expression Analysis of Symbiotically Enhanced Coral mRNAs<br />

Ikuko YUYAMA* 1 , Toshiki WATANABE 1<br />

1 Department of Marine Bioscience, Ocean Rsearch Institute, The <strong>University</strong> of Tokyo, Tokyo,<br />

Japan<br />

Hermatypic corals live in obligatory mutualistic symbiosis with the dinoflagellates<br />

Symbiodinium spp. The molecular mechanisms by which corals establish and maintain<br />

symbiosis, however, remain unknown. With the purpose of identifying coral mRNAs that play<br />

pivotal roles in symbiosis, the mRNA expression profiles were compared between juvenile<br />

polyps of Acropora tenuis in the following two states: (i) aposymbiotic, and (ii) inhabited by<br />

Symbiodinium cells strain PL-TS-1 (clade A3) or CCMP2467 (A1). Using suppression<br />

subtractive hybridization and HiCEP (a cDNA AFLP-based expression profiling technique),<br />

eight cDNA fragments were isolated including those which encode sulfate transporter,<br />

syndecan, lipase, and protein kinase. Sequence analysis of the sulfate transporter cDNA<br />

suggested that the encoded protein, an integral membrane protein with eleven trans-membrane<br />

domains, is a cnidarian member of the SLC26A11 sulfate/anion exchanger family. The<br />

expression level of the mRNA was increased by the presence of both Symbiodinium strains PL-<br />

TS-1 and CCMP2467. An immunohistochemical study showed that the sulfate transporter<br />

protein is expressed in a cell-specific manner. Notable expression of the protein was observed in<br />

the following cells: (i) endodermal cells in the tissue between the coelenteron and skeleton in<br />

the peritheca, (ii) mucus cells, and (iii) cells of unidenfied types in the mesenterial filament.<br />

These results may suggest that in the above cells the uptake of SO42- is augmented and<br />

synthesis of sulfated macromolecules (such as glycosaminoglycans) is thereby enhanced by the<br />

presence of Symbiodinium cells. Such sulfated molecules are presumably used for the<br />

formation of the mucus and organic matrix of the calcified skeleton.<br />


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