11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University 11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


Poster Mini-Symposium 19: Biogeochemical Cycles in Coral Reef Environments 19.774 Spatial Differences Of The Linear Extension Of Pocillopora Damicornis In Polhena Reef Of Southern Sri Lanka Wickrama Arachchige UPASANTA KUMARA 1 , Wickrama Arachchige UPASANTA KUMARA* 1 1 Oceanography and Marine Geology, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka A total of 65 approximately same sized colonies of P. damicornis situated in inshore patchy reefs located at the leeward side of the fringing reef in Polhena in Southern coastal belt of Sri Lanka were surveyed. All the measurements were taken every fortnight. This study took place on three slopes of the reef front, side and back and identified as sites. Three locations were selected in each site as surface, bottom and middle considering the depth. Mean, standard deviation and one–way ANOVA was used during the statistical analysis. Multiple comparisons were done using least significant different (LSD) for light intensity and sediment volume. The water parameters observed were 28.06±1.14 0 C, 8.78 ±0.40mgL -1 , 1.40±0.32 mgL -1 , 31.91±3.49 ppt, 8.12±0.04*10 3 , 1.01±0.61 mgL -1 , 5.78±2.37NTU, 49.17±1.89Lux and 90.08±39.65mL respectively. It was observed that the mean difference of light intensity and sediment volume between each location was significantly different. Higher sediment volume and lowest diameter extension were observed at back bottom (0.055±0.01mm day -1 ). The highest value was observed at front surface (0.22±0.01mm day -1 ). ANOVA showed a significant difference of the diameter extension of P. damicornis between locations and sites. Diameter extension was significantly low at back showing a significant negative correlation with increased sedimentation rate (7897.26gm -2 day -1 ). 19.775 The Role Of Oceanographic Processes in The Trophic Ecology Of Coral Reefs: Linking Reef Biodiversity And Biogeochemistry Alex WYATT* 1 , Stuart HUMPHRIES 2 , Anya WAITE 1 , Ryan LOWE 1 , Russ BABCOCK 3 1 School of Environmental Systems Engineering, The University of Western Australia, Crawley, Australia, 2 Department of Animal & Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom, 3 Marine and Atmospheric Research, CSIRO, Wembley, Australia Rapid recycling of sparse nutrients as a means of sustaining productivity is a paradigm that suggests that reefs are largely independent of the surrounding ocean, being neither a net source nor sink of nutrients. Recently studies have begun to suggest that reefs may be closely linked to the ocean, and perhaps more dependent on its variability, than previously considered. Our recent work at Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia demonstrates considerable depletion of phytoplankton (measured via chlorophyll a) in oceanic water pumped over the reef by wave action. Based on this depletion, we postulate the idea of an oceanic reef “catchment”: the area of ocean which sustains reef productivity. By linking depletion rates across the reef to local and regional oceanography, we estimate the size of this catchment to be on the order of 10,000 km2 for the 290 km stretch of Ningaloo. Uptake of phytoplankton alone represents a nitrogen flux to the reef that may be up to an order of magnitude higher than typically reported for dissolved nitrogen, confirming that particulate feeding may be a missing link in reef nitrogen budgets. We used stable isotope biomarkers to determine which components of the reef biotope regularly utilise ocean-derived particles and are therefore closely coupled to offshore oceanographic processes. Our work consequently has significant implications for the impact that human- and climatically-induced changes in the surrounding ocean may have on coral reefs, particularly for those organisms most dependent on oceanic supply. 19.776 Metabolic Responses And Defense Mechanism By Coral galaxea Fascicularis Against Increased Hydrogen Peroxide in Seawater Tomihiko HIGUCHI* 1 , Hiroyuki FUJIMURA 1 , Takemitsu ARAKAKI 1 , Tamotsu OOMORI 1 1 University of the Ryukyus, Nishihara, Japan Coral reef decline has recently been observed around the world, caused by changes in the environment following natural and anthropogenic activities. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), a strong active oxygen species, is one of the photochemically formed chemicals in both seawater and atmosphere. Because of its strong oxidizing power, H2O2 affects plants and marine organisms. Increases in seawater temperature, irradiance, UV radiation can result in the formation of harmful, reactive oxygen species within zooxanthellae and coral hosts. The cellular response to the formation of oxygen radicals has many defense mechanisms that include the increased activity of free radical scavenger enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT). SOD catalyzes the dismutation of superoxide into oxygen and H2O2, and CAT is responsible for degrading H2O2 into water and oxygen. Our study tried 1) to obtain quantitative information on coral’s metabolic changes with increased H2O2 and 2) to investigate defense mechanisms by zooxanthellae and host corals against increased H2O2 in seawater. The corals, Galaxea fascicularis, were exposed to various concentrations of H2O2 (0, 0.3, 3 µM). When H2O2 was added to the seawater, we observed clear changes in the coral metabolisms. Higher concentrations posed more stress to the coral colonies. Within 3 days, photosynthesis and calcification were decreased by the increased H2O2, but respiration was not affected. In the exposure experiments, CAT activities of both zooxanthellae and host corals were increased, but SOD activities were un-changed. It was suggested that coral have a defense mechanism against increased H2O2 in seawater. However, coral photosynthesis and calcification system received damages by the increased H2O2. Thus, though CAT activities were increased, they were not sufficient to scavenge all of the H2O2. The hydroxyl radical generated by the remaining H2O2 could have caused damages to the coral metabolic systems. 19.777 Pumping Of Pore Water Nutrients By The Upside-Down-Jellyfish Cassiopeia Sp. in Coral Reefs Carin JANTZEN* 1 , Christian WILD 2 , Mohammed RASHEED 3 , Claudio RICHTER 1 1 Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT), Bremen, Germany, 2 Coral Reef Ecology Work Group (CORE), Center of Geobiology and Biodiversity Research, München, Germany, 3 Marine Science Station Aqaba, Aqaba, Jordan The jelly fish Cassiopeia sp. is common in coral reefs, seagrass beds and mangrove ecosystems. As opposed to the fully pelagic other members of the Rhizostomidae, this unusual medusa leads a quasi benthic phototrophic life, where its peculiar swimming orientation, upside-down against the substrate, is believed to be associated with exposing its zooxanthellae-laden mouth arms to suitable levels of light. Here we show that the concave bell of Cassiopeia sp. also acts as a suction pump, effectively drawing nutrient-rich pore waters from permeable coral reef sediments, thereby enhancing photosynthesis of the zooxanthellae. Chamber incubations with fluorescein-labelled pore water revealed two orders of magnitude increased pore water fluxes across the sediment-water interface in the presence of Cassiopeia sp., with an exchange of at least 1 cm deep pore water within one hour. Accompanying nutrient uptake experiments revealed effective assimilation of ammonia and phosphate by the jellyfish. As natural abundances of Cassiopeia sp. in coral reefs may exceed 10 individuals m -2 , this previously overlooked ecosystem engineer may harness a significant fraction of sediment-locked regenerated nutrients, thereby facilitating pelagic-benthic coupling and primary production in coral reefs. 457

Poster Mini-Symposium 19: Biogeochemical Cycles in Coral Reef Environments 19.778 Natural Organic Matter Release by Hermatypic Corals of the Northern Red Sea Malik NAUMANN* 1 , Andreas HAAS 1 , Florian MAYER 1 , Christoph MAYR 2 , Christian WILD 1 1 Coral Reef Ecology Work Group (CORE), GeoBio-Center, Ludwig-Maximilians- Universität München, München, Germany, 2 GeoBio-Center & Department of Earth and Environmental Science, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München, Germany Quantification of organic matter (OM) release by corals represents the essential basis of studies investigating the ecological role and fate of coral-derived OM. However, there is very few information available on OM release rates by corals, especially in respect of genus specificity, vertical variability and seasonality. This study presents the first results of extensive quantification experiments conducted in high spatial and temporal resolution with all dominant hermatypic coral genera from Northern Red Sea fringing reefs, the globally most common type of warm water coral reefs. Results were related to benthic coverage by the respective corals as determined from parallel reef transect surveys covering reef areas shallower than 20 m water depth. Particulate organic matter (POM) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) release of Acropora, Favites, Fungia, Millepora, Pocillopora and Stylophora colonies were quantified using beaker incubations during several expeditions at different seasons to Aqaba, Jordan. Particulate organic carbon (POC) and particulate nitrogen (PN) release rates were highly variable between coral genera with maximum values of 7.8 mg C and 0.5 mg N m-2 coral area h-1 observed for the genus Stylophora (5 % benthic coverage). Quantification of DOC release was affected by simultaneous uptake during beaker incubations. However, net DOC release was measured for the genera Acropora, Favites, Fungia and Millepora. This stimulated planktonic microbial oxygen consumption (up to 6-fold) and DOC turnover (up to 17fold), thereby indicating fast degradation of coral-derived OM in reef waters. Calculated daily POC and PN release by dominant corals in the investigated reef accounted for 16.1 mg C and 1.2 mg N m-2 reef area or 430 ml of mucus m-2 d-1. These data from fringing reefs are in the same range as release rates measured for platform reef systems, thus implying a general and established ecological function of OM release by reef building corals. 19.779 Picoplankton Enrichment in Coral Mucus Aggregates: Enhanced Access Of Planktonic Biomass To Reef Benthos Malik NAUMANN* 1 , Claudio RICHTER 2 , Mohammad AL-ZIBDAH 3 , Christian WILD 1 1 Coral Reef Ecology Work Group (CORE), GeoBio-Center, Ludwig-Maximilians- Universität München, München, Germany, 2 Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT), Bremen, Germany, 3 Marine Science Station, Yarmouk University, Aqaba, Jordan The planktonic community of coral reef waters is dominated by phototrophic picoplankton organisms (e.g. the cyanobacterium Synechococcus), which often account for half of the total planktonic biomass. Their extremely small size prevents fast sedimentation to the seafloor and consumption by most filter-feeding benthic reef organisms, thereby implying rather weak contribution of picoplankton to benthic metabolism and material cycling in coral reefs. Here, we investigate if picoplankton entanglement in coral mucus may enhance picoplankton flux to the benthos. Retention of picoplanktonic cyanobacteria in mucus from scleractinian corals was quantified in the laboratory and in the field. Freshly collected mucus from the mushroom coral Fungia already contained substantial background levels of cyanobacteria (1.0 ± 0.2 x 104 cells ml-1) of pelagic and/or symbiotic origin. Laboratory experiments with rotating chambers showed that 15 to 43 % of the initial Synechococcus population was cleared within 1 h when mucus was present, while mucus-free controls revealed that clearance due to cell clumping accounted for only 3 - 8 %. Additional incubation experiments in flow-through tanks displayed 15-fold picoplankton enrichment in aged mucus aggregates. Aged mucus aggregates collected in-situ from branching colonies of the staghorn coral Acropora spp. exhibited high cyanobacteria concentrations of up to 4.6 x 10 6 cells ml -1 compared to 1.6 ± 0.9 x 10 4 cells ml -1 in the surrounding water. The ensuing rapid sedimentation (mean: 0.5 cm s -1 ) of the enriched aggregates hints to coral mucus as a so far overlooked vector for picoplankton, thereby enhancing pelagic-benthic coupling near coral reefs. 19.780 Trophic Analysis Of The Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument Coral Reef Ecosystem Using Stable Isotopes Anna HILTING* 1 , Carolyn CURRIN 1 , Randy KOSAKI 2 1 NOS/CCFHR, NOAA, Beaufort, NC, 2 NOS/OOCRM, NOAA, Honolulu, HI Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, a unique coral reef ecosystem dominated by apex predators with few local anthropogenic stressors, provides a relatively pristine model to which disturbed coral reef ecosystems may be compared. Stable isotope analysis of atoll and seamount communities in the Monument provided evidence for interactions among trophic levels and for the ratio of benthic algal/phytoplankton productivity supporting fish production. The average 13C value of benthic algal producers (-9.43‰) was enriched by 14‰ compared to the average phytoplankton value (-23.4‰). The 13C averages of all consumer taxa are at least 4.5‰ more enriched in 13C than phytoplankton and at least 2.5‰ more depleted in 13C than benthic algae. The average apex predator 13C value was -14.55‰, only 5‰ less than the average value of benthic algal producers, suggesting that benthic algae are an important contributor to the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands food chain. Average 13C values of the apex predator taxa (sharks, jacks and the snapper, Aprion virescens) varied by about 1‰, while mean 15N values varied by about 3‰. Results of 15N analysis for the tiger shark, Galeocerdo cuvier (12.09‰) were distinct from those of other apex predators: Caranx ignobilis (10.53‰), Carcharhinus galapagensis (10.27‰), Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos (10.03‰), Caranx melampygus (9.93‰), and Aprion virescens (9.35‰). The average 15N value of herbivorous fish was 6.30‰, 4.1‰ enriched compared to the average value (2.2‰) of the measured primary producers. Presuming an average enrichment of 3‰ per trophic level, apex predators were feeding near the second and third trophic levels. 19.781 Hemichordata: Enteropneusta (Acorn Worm) Bioturbation: Maintaining And Facilitating The Balance Of Coral Reef Biogeochemical Cycles Kimberly TAKAGI* 1 , Makoto TSUCHIYA 2 1 Chemistry, Biology and Marine Science, University of the Ryukyus, Nakagusuku-son, Okinawa, Japan, 2 Chemistry, Biology and Marine Science, University of the Ryukyus, Nishihara, Okinawa, Japan Bioturbation is often associated with soil enrichment as a result of incresases in elemental turnover, organic matter (OM) degradation and content. However, if a bio-turbating organism can also “impoverish” OM rich environments, then it can aid in maintaining the biogeochemical balance within a system. In Bise, Okinawa, Japan, Hemichordata: Enteropneusta (acorn worms) are found at densities up to 24 individuals m -2 . In addition, it inhabits the sandy beach, seagrass and coral and seagrass environments. As such, we assert that the acorn worm acts as a “biopurifier,” and impoverishes the coral reef ecosystem of excess nutrients and organic matter. Through the use of fatty acid (FA) biomarkers, C:N, and nutrient analysis, we conducted in situ studies and ex situ experiments. We analyzed sediments from areas inhabited by, not inhabited by, and fecal casts of the acorn worm. In addition, seawater samples from inhabited and not inhabited areas were analyzed for total nitrates and ammonium concentrations. Field-based results confirm that acorn worms assimilate ‘reactive’ organic matter and subsequently biopurify its surrounding sediments in the beach habitat. Total nitrates also show acorn worm presence mitigates the release of nitrates into the water column and sediments. However, as the overall FA contribution, total organic carbon and total organic matter contents changed little in the seagrass and coral/ seagrass environments, rather than biopurify, acorn worm bioturbation aids in facilitating the maintenance of the biogeochemical balance within the coral reef ecosystem. 458

Poster Mini-Symposium 19: Biogeochemical Cycles in Coral Reef Environments<br />

19.774<br />

Spatial Differences Of The Linear Extension Of Pocillopora Damicornis In Polhena<br />

Reef Of Southern Sri Lanka<br />

Wickrama Arachchige UPASANTA KUMARA 1 , Wickrama Arachchige UPASANTA<br />

KUMARA* 1<br />

1 Oceanography and Marine Geology, <strong>University</strong> of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka<br />

A total of 65 approximately same sized colonies of P. damicornis situated in inshore<br />

patchy reefs located at the leeward side of the fringing reef in Polhena in Southern coastal<br />

belt of Sri Lanka were surveyed. All the measurements were taken every fortnight.<br />

This study took place on three slopes of the reef front, side and back and identified as<br />

sites. Three locations were selected in each site as surface, bottom and middle<br />

considering the depth.<br />

Mean, standard deviation and one–way ANOVA was used during the statistical analysis.<br />

Multiple comparisons were done using least significant different (LSD) for light intensity<br />

and sediment volume. The water parameters observed were 28.06±1.14 0 C, 8.78<br />

±0.40mgL -1 , 1.40±0.32 mgL -1 , 31.91±3.49 ppt, 8.12±0.04*10 3 , 1.01±0.61 mgL -1 ,<br />

5.78±2.37NTU, 49.17±1.89Lux and 90.08±39.65mL respectively. It was observed that<br />

the mean difference of light intensity and sediment volume between each location was<br />

significantly different. Higher sediment volume and lowest diameter extension were<br />

observed at back bottom (0.055±0.01mm day -1 ). The highest value was observed at front<br />

surface (0.22±0.01mm day -1 ). ANOVA showed a significant difference of the diameter<br />

extension of P. damicornis between locations and sites. Diameter extension was<br />

significantly low at back showing a significant negative correlation with increased<br />

sedimentation rate (7897.26gm -2 day -1 ).<br />

19.775<br />

The Role Of Oceanographic Processes in The Trophic Ecology Of Coral Reefs:<br />

Linking Reef Biodiversity And Biogeochemistry<br />

Alex WYATT* 1 , Stuart HUMPHRIES 2 , Anya WAITE 1 , Ryan LOWE 1 , Russ<br />

BABCOCK 3<br />

1 School of Environmental Systems Engineering, The <strong>University</strong> of Western Australia,<br />

Crawley, Australia, 2 Department of Animal & Plant Sciences, <strong>University</strong> of Sheffield,<br />

Sheffield, United Kingdom, 3 Marine and Atmospheric Research, CSIRO, Wembley,<br />

Australia<br />

Rapid recycling of sparse nutrients as a means of sustaining productivity is a paradigm<br />

that suggests that reefs are largely independent of the surrounding ocean, being neither a<br />

net source nor sink of nutrients. Recently studies have begun to suggest that reefs may be<br />

closely linked to the ocean, and perhaps more dependent on its variability, than<br />

previously considered. Our recent work at Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia<br />

demonstrates considerable depletion of phytoplankton (measured via chlorophyll a) in<br />

oceanic water pumped over the reef by wave action. Based on this depletion, we<br />

postulate the idea of an oceanic reef “catchment”: the area of ocean which sustains reef<br />

productivity. By linking depletion rates across the reef to local and regional<br />

oceanography, we estimate the size of this catchment to be on the order of 10,000 km2<br />

for the 290 km stretch of Ningaloo. Uptake of phytoplankton alone represents a nitrogen<br />

flux to the reef that may be up to an order of magnitude higher than typically reported for<br />

dissolved nitrogen, confirming that particulate feeding may be a missing link in reef<br />

nitrogen budgets. We used stable isotope biomarkers to determine which components of<br />

the reef biotope regularly utilise ocean-derived particles and are therefore closely coupled<br />

to offshore oceanographic processes. Our work consequently has significant implications<br />

for the impact that human- and climatically-induced changes in the surrounding ocean<br />

may have on coral reefs, particularly for those organisms most dependent on oceanic<br />

supply.<br />

19.776<br />

Metabolic Responses And Defense Mechanism By Coral galaxea Fascicularis Against<br />

Increased Hydrogen Peroxide in Seawater<br />

Tomihiko HIGUCHI* 1 , Hiroyuki FUJIMURA 1 , Takemitsu ARAKAKI 1 , Tamotsu OOMORI 1<br />

1 <strong>University</strong> of the Ryukyus, Nishihara, Japan<br />

Coral reef decline has recently been observed around the world, caused by changes in the<br />

environment following natural and anthropogenic activities. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), a<br />

strong active oxygen species, is one of the photochemically formed chemicals in both seawater<br />

and atmosphere. Because of its strong oxidizing power, H2O2 affects plants and marine<br />

organisms. Increases in seawater temperature, irradiance, UV radiation can result in the<br />

formation of harmful, reactive oxygen species within zooxanthellae and coral hosts. The<br />

cellular response to the formation of oxygen radicals has many defense mechanisms that include<br />

the increased activity of free radical scavenger enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD)<br />

and catalase (CAT). SOD catalyzes the dismutation of superoxide into oxygen and H2O2, and<br />

CAT is responsible for degrading H2O2 into water and oxygen. Our study tried 1) to obtain<br />

quantitative information on coral’s metabolic changes with increased H2O2 and 2) to<br />

investigate defense mechanisms by zooxanthellae and host corals against increased H2O2 in<br />

seawater. The corals, Galaxea fascicularis, were exposed to various concentrations of H2O2 (0,<br />

0.3, 3 µM). When H2O2 was added to the seawater, we observed clear changes in the coral<br />

metabolisms. Higher concentrations posed more stress to the coral colonies. Within 3 days,<br />

photosynthesis and calcification were decreased by the increased H2O2, but respiration was not<br />

affected. In the exposure experiments, CAT activities of both zooxanthellae and host corals<br />

were increased, but SOD activities were un-changed. It was suggested that coral have a defense<br />

mechanism against increased H2O2 in seawater. However, coral photosynthesis and calcification<br />

system received damages by the increased H2O2. Thus, though CAT activities were increased,<br />

they were not sufficient to scavenge all of the H2O2. The hydroxyl radical generated by the<br />

remaining H2O2 could have caused damages to the coral metabolic systems.<br />

19.777<br />

Pumping Of Pore Water Nutrients By The Upside-Down-Jellyfish Cassiopeia Sp. in Coral<br />

Reefs<br />

Carin JANTZEN* 1 , Christian WILD 2 , Mohammed RASHEED 3 , Claudio RICHTER 1<br />

1 Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT), Bremen, Germany, 2 Coral Reef Ecology Work<br />

Group (CORE), Center of Geobiology and Biodiversity Research, München, Germany,<br />

3 Marine Science Station Aqaba, Aqaba, Jordan<br />

The jelly fish Cassiopeia sp. is common in coral reefs, seagrass beds and mangrove ecosystems.<br />

As opposed to the fully pelagic other members of the Rhizostomidae, this unusual medusa leads<br />

a quasi benthic phototrophic life, where its peculiar swimming orientation, upside-down against<br />

the substrate, is believed to be associated with exposing its zooxanthellae-laden mouth arms to<br />

suitable levels of light. Here we show that the concave bell of Cassiopeia sp. also acts as a<br />

suction pump, effectively drawing nutrient-rich pore waters from permeable coral reef<br />

sediments, thereby enhancing photosynthesis of the zooxanthellae. Chamber incubations with<br />

fluorescein-labelled pore water revealed two orders of magnitude increased pore water fluxes<br />

across the sediment-water interface in the presence of Cassiopeia sp., with an exchange of at<br />

least 1 cm deep pore water within one hour. Accompanying nutrient uptake experiments<br />

revealed effective assimilation of ammonia and phosphate by the jellyfish. As natural<br />

abundances of Cassiopeia sp. in coral reefs may exceed 10 individuals m -2 , this previously<br />

overlooked ecosystem engineer may harness a significant fraction of sediment-locked<br />

regenerated nutrients, thereby facilitating pelagic-benthic coupling and primary production in<br />

coral reefs.<br />


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