11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University 11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


Oral Mini-Symposium 5: Functional Biology of Corals and Coral Symbiosis: Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Physiology 5-14 Directed Pocilloporin Expression And Amino Acid Translocation in Response To Physical Injury in Scleractinian Coral Colonies Jeffry DECKENBACK* 1 , Sophie DOVE 1 1 Centre for Marine Studies, University of Queensland, St Lucia, Australia This research focused upon the potential for coral colonies to collect dissolved organic materials from external sources in response to physical injury and to translocate these materials in a specific manner in order to aide in regrowth and/or increased pocilloporin production. Within healthy coral tissues, myriad biochemical pathways exist both to harvest solar energy and prevent photo-inhibition by blocking or channelling excess energy that would otherwise damage the photosystems. Calcium carbonate skeleton exposed by injury may increase the path length of incident visible wavelength photons, reflecting them into the already disturbed tissues that border the sites of injury. By pooling and reallocating biochemical resources as appropriate, Scleractinian coral colonies can decrease the cost of regrowth to polyps at the site of injury by spreading this cost throughout the whole colony. Observations identified bands of bright pigment, likely a pocilloporin variant, surround sites of injury within 48 hours of initial injury. 14C-labelled amino acids were injected into selected artificially injured colonies of tan morph Montipora sp. and allowed to incubate. Upon appearance of pigment bands at injury sites, samples were collected to quantify host pigment content, mRNA signal expression, amino acid content, and total radioactivity. Injured corals expressed a strong response to physical injury, collecting available amino acids and allocating these within the colony as required to start the regrowth processes while also up-regulating pocilloporin mRNA signal expression within polyps closest to the site of injury. At the site of injury, regrowth was observed within two days, creating a region distinct from both the healthy tissue and exposed skeleton. Within this region, chlorophyll-specific absorbance was significantly lower than within healthy tissues, but pocilloporin-specific absorbance was unchanged relative to healthy tissues. In all, the coral colonies demonstrated very active and directed healing and recovery responses in response to physical injuries. 5-15 The Effect Of Fluctuating Light On symbiodinium Photosynthetic Gene Expression Lynda BOLDT* 1 , David YELLOWLEES 2 , Sophie DOVE 3 , Bill LEGGAT 2 1 School of Pharmacy and Molecular Sciences, James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, Australia, 2 School of Pharmacy and Molecular Sciences, James Cook University, Townsville, Australia, 3 Centre for Marine Studies, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia This study examined the membrane bound light harvesting proteins of Symbiodinium, an endosymbiotic dinoflagellate of reef building corals as well as other marine invertebrates. We investigated whether genes involved in photosynthesis are differentially expressed on a diurnal basis and if known physiological responses can be linked with differential gene expression. Putative membrane bound light harvesting proteins of Symbiodinium isolated from Acropora aspera collected from the reef flat surrounding Heron Island were characterized with several indicating homology with red algae while the major homology was with other dinoflagellate light harvesting proteins. To further elucidate the relationship between light and Symbiodinium photosynthesis, Symbiodinium isolated from Acropora formosa collected from Orpheus Island, part of the Palm Island group on The Great Barrier Reef, were analysed and photosynthetic gene expression compared with samples exposed to no light over a 24 hour period. While there were no significant physiological differences or variation in photosystem II functionality between coral branches exposed to no light and those exposed to diurnal light fluctuations, the response of various genes involved in photosynthetic processes did vary diurnally. This work is the first to examine the putative membrane bound light harvesting proteins of Symbiodinium and confirm that photosynthetic genes of Symbiodinium isolated from a reef building coral are differentially expressed on a diurnal basis and that the removal of light results in the down regulation of key light dependent photosynthetic genes. 5-16 Light Energy Transformation Processes By Fluorescent Pigments Of Corals Anya SALIH* 1 , Yuri ZAVOROTNY 2 1 Confocal Bio-Imaging Facility, University of Western Sydney, Penrith, Australia, 2 Advanced Laser Technologies Department, Institute of Laser and Information Technologies RAS, Moscow, Russian Federation Tissues of reef building corals are pigmented by multi-colored and fluorescent proteins belonging to a family of GFPs (Green Fluorescent Proteins). Experimental evidence indicates that one of the major biological functions of these pigments is in light regulation and photoprotection by light absorption, scattering and energy transformation via fluorescence. Here we examine the different modes of energy transformation by GFP-type proteins in tissues of shaded, light-acclimated and bleached Great Barrier Reef (Australia) corals using steady state fluorescence spectroscopy and Fluorescence Life-Time Imaging (FLIM) confocal microscopy. We show that corals can dynamically regulate energy transformation properties of their tissues in response to light as it passes through pigments. In low light corals, Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) capacity of tissues was reduced compared to high light corals and both nonradiative FRET and radiative energy channelling capacity were increased in the latter. Cellular fluorescence lifetimes were highest in several acroporiid bleached species examined, indicating that GFP-type proteins increased cellular capacity to dissipate excessive incident light. Since light energy transfer processes among chlorophyll molecules determine the photosynthetic efficiency of coral’s symbiotic microalgae, FLIM of symbionts in live tissues was also used to provide a rapid and efficient means to access their health. At high irradiances, chlorophyll lifetimes of GFP-pigmented tissues were shorter than of less pigmented ones, indicative of less photo-stressed microalgae. Our study showed that confocal micro-spectral imaging in combination with FLIM provides a rapid and an accurate method to visualise and analyse cellular and optical properties of the coral host and to quantitatively determine the photosynthetic capacity of the symbionts. The study provides important information about the physiological responses of the host to light, the cellular mechanisms it uses to counteract photostress and to reduce the susceptibility to bleaching. 5-17 Roles And Origins Of Superoxide Dismutases in A Symbiotic Cnidarian Paola FURLA* 1 , Sophie RICHIER 2 , Pierre-Laurent MERLE 1 , Ginette GARELLO 1 , Amandine PLANTIVAUX 3 , Didier FORCIOLI 1 , Denis ALLEMAND 4 1 EA ECOMERS, Nice-Sophia Antipolis University, Nice cedex 02, France, 2 UMR 7093, Villefranche-sur-mer oceanological observatory, Villefranche-sur-Mer Cedex, France, 3 NUI Galway, Galway, Ireland, 4 Scientific Center of Monaco, Monaco, Monaco Cnidarians living in symbiosis with photosynthetic dinoflagellates daily experience hyperoxia state due to the photosynthetic activity of the symbiont. Studies on the symbiotic sea anemone, Anemonia viridis, showed an increase of three-fold normoxic value within the coelenteric cavity after 20 minutes of light exposure. However, no accompanying oxidative damage was observed suggesting the presence of efficient antioxidant defenses. Among them, superoxide dismutases (SOD) constitute the first line of antioxidant defense. A detailed analysis of this enzyme family in both host tissues and symbionts showed several particularities in ‘symbiotic cnidarians’ such as high isoform diversity and presence of extracellular SOD and common isoforms between the two partners. Eight SOD isoforms have been identified belonging to four SOD classes : 4 Manganese SOD (MnSOD), 1 intracellular copper-zinc SOD (CuZnSOD), 1 extracellular copper-zinc SOD (ECSOD) and 2 iron SOD (FeSOD). Although both intracellular and extracellular CuZnSOD were localized exclusively to the cnidarian host tissues MnSOD and FeSOD isoforms are shared between the two partners. Investigation of the genetic origin of these shared SODs unveiled high degree of co-evolution between the two organisms inferring mechanism of protein translocation and events of horizontal gene transfert. 29

Oral Mini-Symposium 5: Functional Biology of Corals and Coral Symbiosis: Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Physiology 5-18 Morphological Dependence Of The Variation in The Light Amplification Capacity Of Coral Skeleton Susana ENRÍQUEZ* 1 , Eugenio MÉNDEZ 2 , Ove HOEGH-GULDBERG 3 , Roberto IGLESIAS-PRIETO 1 1 Unidad Académica Puerto Morelos, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Cancun, Mexico, 2 Departamento de Óptica, CICESE, Ensenada, Mexico, 3 Center for Marine Studies, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia Multiple scattering produced by the highly reflective aragonite coral skeleton, has been associated with a strong increment in the light absorption capacity of the symbiotic algae. For a Caribbean scleractinian coral used as a model organism, it has been quantified that algal pigments in the intact tissues are between 2 and 5 times more efficient for absorbing light than freshly isolated cell suspension containing similar amount of pigments. Theoretical calculations based on a flat lambertian surface indicate amplification factor up to three. More complex structures or concave surfaces are expected to have much higher values, although are theoretically intractable. Here, we analyzed the variability in the light amplification capacity of naked coral skeletons associated with the variation in skeleton morphology. We quantified the capacity of light amplification of 76 Indo-Pacific coral species belonging to 9 different families. Among them, 49 species belonged to the Faviide family. We found large variation among coral skeleton morphologies, in their light amplification capacity, from a minimum of 3 shown by the species Caulastrea curvata to a maximum of 10 shown by Echinopora lamellose. These results confirm the importance of coral skeleton morphology for understanding algal light environment and the magnitude of pigment packaging within coral tissue. We will discuss the patterns found in this comparison and their evolutionary implications. 5-19 Characterization Of Optical Properties Of Reef-Building Coral Skeletons Vadim BACKMAN 1 , Margaret SIPLE 2,3 , Erin DALY 2 , Andrew FANG 2 , Mark WESTNEAT 4 , Vladimir TURZHITSKY 1 , Jeremy ROGERS 1 , Luisa MARCELINO* 2,3 1 Biomedical Engineering Department, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, 2 Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, 3 Zoology, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, 4 Zoology, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, IL A successful symbiotic algae-coral partnership is largely determined by the efficiency with which reef-building corals absorb light. This is achieved in two major ways: by controlling symbionts/pigment concentration and by multiple light-scattering in the skeleton resulting in homogenization of the light available to the coral tissue. Here we propose that light redistribution needs vary among corals with different growth forms. We characterized the optical properties of coral skeletons using a novel technique, lowcoherence enhanced-backscattering (LEBS). We measured light mean free-path length (ls) in coral skeletons grouped into three growth forms: Branching, Massive and Laminar. We found that ls is significantly longer in Branching compared with Massive and Laminar corals. Longer ls results in a better redistribution and delivery of light to the shaded parts of a coral colony and increases the amplification of light availability to the entire colony. We tested if skeleton density determines these observed optical properties. Branching and Laminar corals had significantly higher densities then Massive corals. This agrees with previous studies: greater density is required by Branching and Laminar corals to support their mechanical stability. However, increased skeletal density typically results in shorter ls. To reconcile these observations, we measured the micro-architecture of coral skeletons using LEBS. We found that the length-scale of nanoscale density variation (i.e. granularity) is lower in Branching corals than in Massive or Laminar. According to light-scattering theory, this finer granularity results in longer ls. Thus, the nanoarchitecture of Branching corals ensures long distances of light transport necessary for light delivery to coral tissue without sacrificing their mechanical stability. Because light transport in coral is responsible for the amplification of light availability to coral tissue and Branching corals show higher bleaching-related mortality, this finding may have implications for differential bleaching resistance in different corals. 5-20 In Hospite Operation Of The Photosystem Ii Repair Cycle in Symbiotic Dinoflagellates Xavier HERNANDEZ-PECH* 1 , Roberto IGLESIAS-PRIETO 1 1 Unidad Academica Puerto Morelos ICMyL UNAM, Puerto Morelos, Mexico Photosynthesis by symbiotic microalgae is a fundamental process in coral reefs. Algal photosynthesis can provide more than 100% of the metabolic requirements of the intact symbiotic association. The maintenance of optimal photosynthetic rates in nature is achieved by balancing the rates of light-induced damage of photosystem II (PSII) with the de novo synthesis of PSII. The intracellular environment in which symbiotic dinoflagellates flourish experiences dramatic diurnal oscillations in O2 concentrations. During the daylight hours, pO2 can be as high as 300% saturation, whereas during the nighttime, pO2 may reach values as low as 5%. These conditions may modify the rates of damage and repair of PSII in hospite. To understand the factors that control the regulation of photosynthesis in hospite, we inhibited protein synthesis with chloramphenicol (50mg/L) and Licomycine (50 µg/L) on Porites astreoides nubbins exposed to half of the surface irradiance in external aquariums. Synthesis was inhibited during one hour at different times of the day. A continuous inhibition treatment from 6 am to 2 pm, and a control treatment without inhibition were maintained. PSII charge separation efficiency (ΔF/Fm`) was monitored every hour during the experiment. Our data showed significant reduction on ΔF/Fm` proportional to the time of exposure and light intensity at which synthesis was inhibited. In the experimental treatments, ΔF/Fm` fail to recover at dusk. These losses were proportional to the light intensity and time of inhibition. Our analyses revealed average lifetimes for PSII of 3.1 hours, suggesting that this process consume large amounts of energy that could not be translocated to the coral host. 5-21 Asymbiotic Coral Larvae Preferentially Acquire Free-Living Symbiodinium From The Sediment Rather Than From The Water Column Lisa ADAMS* 1 , Vivian CUMBO 2 , Misaki TAKABAYASHI 1 1 Marine Science Department, University of Hawaii at Hilo, Hilo, HI, 2 James Cook University, Townsville, Australia Primary or secondary acquisition of free-living Symbiodinium could influence recovery, resilience, and long-term adaptation of many species of symbiotic marine invertebrates. Previous studies have identified environmental populations of free-living Symbiodinium in the water column and sediments of coral reefs. The diversity, abundance, and distribution patterns of these free-living Symbiodinium that are acquired by animal hosts are not well characterized to date. We conducted tank experiments to test whether asymbiotic coral larvae of Acropora monticulosa acquired free-living Symbiodinium from the water column or sediment. Treatments included natural sediment and filtered (0.22um) seawater (FSW), natural sediment with unfiltered seawater (SW), no sediment with FSW, and no sediment with SW. In treatments containing natural sediment, 40 +/- 8.2 % of larvae had acquired Symbiodinium after 3 days of exposure, and 80-90 +/- 7.85 % by 6 days of exposure. The Symbiodinium densities within the larvae were highly variable at all time points. In treatments without natural sediment, acquisition of Symbiodinium was not evident until day 6, and only up to 20 +/- 10 % of the larvae were infected throughout the 12-day experiment. Furthermore, Symbiodinium densities in larvae of seawater treatments were consistently low, averaging 1-2 cells per larva. Results from this experiment indicate that infaunal population of Symbiodinium is more accessible for asymbiotic larvae of A. moticulosa either because the infaunal population of Symbiodinium is higher than in water column, the infaunal Symbiodinium is more viable than their counterpart in water column, due to larval behavior that puts them more in contact with sediment than water column, or a combination of these factors. Moreover, preliminary DNA analysis suggests that larvae are acquiring different strains Symbiodinium from sediment to those from the water column. 30

Oral Mini-Symposium 5: Functional Biology of Corals and Coral Symbiosis: Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Physiology<br />

5-18<br />

Morphological Dependence Of The Variation in The Light Amplification Capacity<br />

Of Coral Skeleton<br />

Susana ENRÍQUEZ* 1 , Eugenio MÉNDEZ 2 , Ove HOEGH-GULDBERG 3 , Roberto<br />


1 Unidad Académica Puerto Morelos, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico,<br />

Cancun, Mexico, 2 Departamento de Óptica, CICESE, Ensenada, Mexico, 3 Center for<br />

Marine Studies, <strong>University</strong> of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia<br />

Multiple scattering produced by the highly reflective aragonite coral skeleton, has been<br />

associated with a strong increment in the light absorption capacity of the symbiotic algae.<br />

For a Caribbean scleractinian coral used as a model organism, it has been quantified that<br />

algal pigments in the intact tissues are between 2 and 5 times more efficient for absorbing<br />

light than freshly isolated cell suspension containing similar amount of pigments.<br />

Theoretical calculations based on a flat lambertian surface indicate amplification factor<br />

up to three. More complex structures or concave surfaces are expected to have much<br />

higher values, although are theoretically intractable. Here, we analyzed the variability in<br />

the light amplification capacity of naked coral skeletons associated with the variation in<br />

skeleton morphology. We quantified the capacity of light amplification of 76 Indo-Pacific<br />

coral species belonging to 9 different families. Among them, 49 species belonged to the<br />

Faviide family. We found large variation among coral skeleton morphologies, in their<br />

light amplification capacity, from a minimum of 3 shown by the species Caulastrea<br />

curvata to a maximum of 10 shown by Echinopora lamellose. These results confirm the<br />

importance of coral skeleton morphology for understanding algal light environment and<br />

the magnitude of pigment packaging within coral tissue. We will discuss the patterns<br />

found in this comparison and their evolutionary implications.<br />

5-19<br />

Characterization Of Optical Properties Of Reef-Building Coral Skeletons<br />

Vadim BACKMAN 1 , Margaret SIPLE 2,3 , Erin DALY 2 , Andrew FANG 2 , Mark<br />

WESTNEAT 4 , Vladimir TURZHITSKY 1 , Jeremy ROGERS 1 , Luisa MARCELINO* 2,3<br />

1 Biomedical Engineering Department, Northwestern <strong>University</strong>, Evanston, IL, 2 Civil and<br />

Environmental Engineering, Northwestern <strong>University</strong>, Evanston, IL, 3 Zoology, Field<br />

Museum of Natural History, Chicago, 4 Zoology, Field Museum of Natural History,<br />

Chicago, IL<br />

A successful symbiotic algae-coral partnership is largely determined by the efficiency<br />

with which reef-building corals absorb light. This is achieved in two major ways: by<br />

controlling symbionts/pigment concentration and by multiple light-scattering in the<br />

skeleton resulting in homogenization of the light available to the coral tissue. Here we<br />

propose that light redistribution needs vary among corals with different growth forms.<br />

We characterized the optical properties of coral skeletons using a novel technique, lowcoherence<br />

enhanced-backscattering (LEBS). We measured light mean free-path length<br />

(ls) in coral skeletons grouped into three growth forms: Branching, Massive and Laminar.<br />

We found that ls is significantly longer in Branching compared with Massive and<br />

Laminar corals. Longer ls results in a better redistribution and delivery of light to the<br />

shaded parts of a coral colony and increases the amplification of light availability to the<br />

entire colony. We tested if skeleton density determines these observed optical properties.<br />

Branching and Laminar corals had significantly higher densities then Massive corals.<br />

This agrees with previous studies: greater density is required by Branching and Laminar<br />

corals to support their mechanical stability. However, increased skeletal density typically<br />

results in shorter ls. To reconcile these observations, we measured the micro-architecture<br />

of coral skeletons using LEBS. We found that the length-scale of nanoscale density<br />

variation (i.e. granularity) is lower in Branching corals than in Massive or Laminar.<br />

According to light-scattering theory, this finer granularity results in longer ls. Thus, the<br />

nanoarchitecture of Branching corals ensures long distances of light transport necessary<br />

for light delivery to coral tissue without sacrificing their mechanical stability. Because<br />

light transport in coral is responsible for the amplification of light availability to coral<br />

tissue and Branching corals show higher bleaching-related mortality, this finding may<br />

have implications for differential bleaching resistance in different corals.<br />

5-20<br />

In Hospite Operation Of The Photosystem Ii Repair Cycle in Symbiotic Dinoflagellates<br />

Xavier HERNANDEZ-PECH* 1 , Roberto IGLESIAS-PRIETO 1<br />

1 Unidad Academica Puerto Morelos ICMyL UNAM, Puerto Morelos, Mexico<br />

Photosynthesis by symbiotic microalgae is a fundamental process in coral reefs. Algal<br />

photosynthesis can provide more than 100% of the metabolic requirements of the intact<br />

symbiotic association. The maintenance of optimal photosynthetic rates in nature is achieved by<br />

balancing the rates of light-induced damage of photosystem II (PSII) with the de novo<br />

synthesis of PSII. The intracellular environment in which symbiotic dinoflagellates flourish<br />

experiences dramatic diurnal oscillations in O2 concentrations. During the daylight hours, pO2<br />

can be as high as 300% saturation, whereas during the nighttime, pO2 may reach values as low<br />

as 5%. These conditions may modify the rates of damage and repair of PSII in hospite. To<br />

understand the factors that control the regulation of photosynthesis in hospite, we inhibited<br />

protein synthesis with chloramphenicol (50mg/L) and Licomycine (50 µg/L) on Porites<br />

astreoides nubbins exposed to half of the surface irradiance in external aquariums. Synthesis<br />

was inhibited during one hour at different times of the day. A continuous inhibition treatment<br />

from 6 am to 2 pm, and a control treatment without inhibition were maintained. PSII charge<br />

separation efficiency (ΔF/Fm`) was monitored every hour during the experiment. Our data<br />

showed significant reduction on ΔF/Fm` proportional to the time of exposure and light intensity<br />

at which synthesis was inhibited. In the experimental treatments, ΔF/Fm` fail to recover at dusk.<br />

These losses were proportional to the light intensity and time of inhibition. Our analyses<br />

revealed average lifetimes for PSII of 3.1 hours, suggesting that this process consume large<br />

amounts of energy that could not be translocated to the coral host.<br />

5-21<br />

Asymbiotic Coral Larvae Preferentially Acquire Free-Living Symbiodinium From The<br />

Sediment Rather Than From The Water Column<br />

Lisa ADAMS* 1 , Vivian CUMBO 2 , Misaki TAKABAYASHI 1<br />

1 Marine Science Department, <strong>University</strong> of Hawaii at Hilo, Hilo, HI, 2 James Cook <strong>University</strong>,<br />

Townsville, Australia<br />

Primary or secondary acquisition of free-living Symbiodinium could influence recovery,<br />

resilience, and long-term adaptation of many species of symbiotic marine invertebrates.<br />

Previous studies have identified environmental populations of free-living Symbiodinium in the<br />

water column and sediments of coral reefs. The diversity, abundance, and distribution patterns<br />

of these free-living Symbiodinium that are acquired by animal hosts are not well characterized<br />

to date. We conducted tank experiments to test whether asymbiotic coral larvae of Acropora<br />

monticulosa acquired free-living Symbiodinium from the water column or sediment.<br />

Treatments included natural sediment and filtered (0.22um) seawater (FSW), natural sediment<br />

with unfiltered seawater (SW), no sediment with FSW, and no sediment with SW. In<br />

treatments containing natural sediment, 40 +/- 8.2 % of larvae had acquired Symbiodinium after<br />

3 days of exposure, and 80-90 +/- 7.85 % by 6 days of exposure. The Symbiodinium densities<br />

within the larvae were highly variable at all time points. In treatments without natural sediment,<br />

acquisition of Symbiodinium was not evident until day 6, and only up to 20 +/- 10 % of the<br />

larvae were infected throughout the 12-day experiment. Furthermore, Symbiodinium densities<br />

in larvae of seawater treatments were consistently low, averaging 1-2 cells per larva. Results<br />

from this experiment indicate that infaunal population of Symbiodinium is more accessible for<br />

asymbiotic larvae of A. moticulosa either because the infaunal population of Symbiodinium is<br />

higher than in water column, the infaunal Symbiodinium is more viable than their counterpart in<br />

water column, due to larval behavior that puts them more in contact with sediment than water<br />

column, or a combination of these factors. Moreover, preliminary DNA analysis suggests that<br />

larvae are acquiring different strains Symbiodinium from sediment to those from the water<br />

column.<br />


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