11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University 11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


Oral Mini-Symposium 5: Functional Biology of Corals and Coral Symbiosis: Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Physiology 5-6 Acquisition And Allocation Of Carbon in Bleached Hawaiian Corals Andrea GROTTOLI* 1 , Adam HUGHES 2,3 , Tamara PEASE 2 1 School of Earth Sciences, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, 2 Department of Marine Science, The University of Texas at Austin, Port Aransas, TX, 3 School of Earth Sciences, The Ohio State University, Columbus Photosynthesis and growth are dramatically reduced in bleached corals. Montipora capitata corals compensate by dramatically increasing heterotrophy, while Porites compressa corals sustain themselves by utilizing their stored energy reserves when bleached. Here, we further assessed how photosynthetically and heterotrophically acquired carbon is acquired, allocated, and utilized among the host tissue, zooxanthellae, and skeleton in bleached and non-bleached P. compressa and M. capitata corals using 13C-labeled bicarbonate in seawater and 13C-labeled rotifer pulse chase labeling techniques. Photosynthetically acquired carbon was taken up from bicarbonate by the zooxanthellae, transferred to the host tissue, respired, and taken up by the skeleton at dramatically lower rates in bleached corals relative to controls. In both bleached and non-bleached corals, the photosynthetically derived carbon appeared to be the primary source of carbon for calcification but was not incorporated into either the zooxanthellae or host tissue for long-term storage. In contrast, heterotrophically-derived carbon (i.e., rotifers) was rapidly translocated between the zooxanthellae and host tissues in bleached and non-bleached M. capitata and non-bleached P. compressa (but not bleached P. compressa), was not a source of carbon for calcification, and appears to be the primary source of carbon for long-term tissue growth and carbon storage. Thus, long-term recovery from bleaching will depend on a coral’s ability to acquire fixed carbon via heterotrophy to support its tissues while bleached, and to regain photosynthesis in order to stimulate calcification. 5-7 When Is Not Bleaching “Unhealthy” For Corals And/Or Coral Reefs? Sophie DOVE* 1 , George ROFF 1 , Simon DUNN 1 1 Centre for Marine Studies, University of Queensland, St Lucia, Australia “Thermal tolerance” and “bleaching tolerance” are used interchangeably in the coral literature. Furthermore the subject who is “tolerant” is often very vague with unexplained transitions from symbiont to host and/or coral reef ecosystems. Any of these levels are viewed as “healthy”, as long as they are not bleached. Mass coral bleaching events where entire coral reef ecosystems turn white, accompanied by the sulfurous smells of death are obviously unhealthy; but how universally applicable is this label to colonial corals that tend to reduced symbiont densities in actively growing regions and on a seasonal basis, or to symbionts that have the ability to increase or maintain productivity by reducing the chlorophyll concentration of their light harvesting antennae? Conversely, as observed by Len Muscatine, symbiont densities are linked to quantity of carbonskeletons leaked to the host. A more parasitic symbiont may fail to bleach simply because it passes on any losses in productivity to the host by reducing the quantity of fixed carbon translocated. In this way, a greater pool of energy is retained by the symbiont to repair photosystems and maintain symbiont populations at the expense of host metabolic activity or health. Data will be presented demonstrating that (i) corals can be 80% bleached, supporting remnant symbionts with 3 fold greater Pnet max cell-1 than adjacent non-bleached corals; (ii) that symbiont cultures can be at least 60% bleached yet growing at 2.5 times the rate of unbleached cultures. The results from 14C experiments on whole colonies from a variety of host-symbiont associations exposed to temperature x CO2 treatments, and starved at tips or bases will also be presented to monitor effect of treatment on carbon translocation not only between symbiont and host, but also between polyps. 5-8 The Importance Of Zooplankton To The Total Energy Budget Of Healthy And Bleached Corals At Two Depths James PALARDY* 1 , Lisa RODRIGUES 2 , Andrea GROTTOLI 3 1 Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Brown University, Providence, RI, 2 Department of Geography and the Environment, Villanova University, Villanova, PA, 3 School of Earth Sciences, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH Bleached and non-bleached fragments of three species of Hawaiian corals were exposed to enhanced and ambient concentrations of zooplankton at 1 and 6 m depth to determine the contribution of zooplankton to the coral’s total energy budget. The size and taxonomic grouping were recorded for every zooplankton captured and the relative input of zooplankton of different size classes determined. The contribution of heterotrophic carbon to animal respiration (CHAR) was calculated using an improved calculation method that included the proportionate contribution of zooplankton from all size classes. The results show that feeding rates followed the same pattern in both ambient and enhanced zooplankton concentrations. Corals captured the same size and assemblage of zooplankton under all evaluated conditions, and preferentially captured plankters smaller than 400µm. Feeding rates increased with depth in non-bleached corals, but not in bleached corals. Relative to non-bleached fragments at the same depth, feeding rates of bleached Montipora capitata increased, Porites compressa decreased and Porites lobata remained unchanged at both 1 and 6 m depth. Therefore, the response of corals to the same disturbance may vary considerably. The calculated CHAR values show that heterotrophic carbon from zooplankton plays a much larger role in the total energy budget of corals than was previously estimated, and may account for over 65% of some coral species’ daily metabolic energy requirements when healthy and over 200% when bleached. Our results show that heterotrophically acquired carbon makes a significant contribution to the total carbon budget of corals under all conditions and depths, and suggests that nutrient acquisition via zooplankton feeding may play a significant role in coral-algal symbiosis balance. 5-9 Unravelling Coral Photoacclimation: symbiodinium Strategy And Host Modification Sebastian HENNIGE* 1 , David SMITH 1 , Kathleen MCDOUGALL 2 , Mark WARNER 3 , David SUGGETT 1 1 Coral Reef Research Unit, University of Essex, Colchester, United Kingdom, 2 Environmental Research Institute, North Highland College, Caithness, United Kingdom, 3 College of Marine Studies, University of Delaware, Lewes, DE Light is often the most abundant resource within the nutrient poor waters surrounding coral reefs. Consequently, zooxanthellae (Symbiodinium spp.) must continually photoacclimate to optimise productivity and ensure coral success. To accurately assess Symbiodinium photoacclimation in situ, differences in acclimation strategies and bio-optical signatures need to be characterised between genetic types of Symbiodinium. Using a systematic series of laboratory experiments, eight types of Symbiodinium were cultured and examined using techniques such as active (FIRe) fluorescence, Photosystem I (PSI) and II counts, spectrophotometry and high performance liquid chromatography. Two key ‘strategies’ of photoacclimation are known to exist amongst microalgae: a preferential modification of the light harvesting antennae ( -based) or of the reaction centre bed (n-based) for PSII and/or PSI. Our measurements demonstrated that acclimation strategies employed by Symbiodinium were highly varied between algal type but despite this variability, many optical signatures were conserved. Also, when absorption was considered per photosystem, a 1:1 balance was observed between PSI and PSII. Acclimation strategies of intact Acropora formosa and Seriatopora caliendrum at two light levels were further examined using fluorescence and optical signatures to determine host contribution to acclimation. Overall, our results demonstrated that (1) biophysical (active fluorescence, photosystem-specific) but not bio-optical signatures were highly variable between algal types; consequently, bio-physical signatures that are altered by an adaptation of the algal community structure may be misinterpreted as photoacclimation and (2) host acclimation and modification of the light environment plays a key role in Symbiodinium photoacclimation. 27

Oral Mini-Symposium 5: Functional Biology of Corals and Coral Symbiosis: Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Physiology 5-10 Combining O2 Microsensors And Fiber-Optic Technology To Measure Photo- Physiological Responses Of Symbiodinium Karin ULSTRUP* 1,2 , Michael KÜHL 1 , Peter RALPH 2 , Madeleine VAN OPPEN 3 , David BOURNE 3 1 Department of Biology, Marinbiological Laboratory, University of Copenhagen, Helsingør, Denmark, 2 Department of Environmental Science, University of Technology, Sydney, Sydney, Australia, 3 Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville, Australia Corals associate with a diverse microbial assemblage of which endosymbiotic and phototrophic microalgae, i.e. dinoflagellates belonging to the genetically diverse genus Symbiodinium, are best known. Traditional techniques to estimate photosynthesis activity such as oxygen exchange and 14C-incorporation of Symbiodinium are confounded by processes due to the coral host. In three case studies we employed a novel approach using two technologies that enable differentiation of the photosynthesis activity of Symbiodinium, pulse-amplitude-modulation (PAM) and O2 microsensors. The case studies included i) monotypic Symbiodinium associating with a coral (Pocillopora damicornis), ii) a ciliate forming a brown band on the coral Acropora muricata, and iii) a genotypically diverse Symbiodinium association with Acropora valida. In all instances, the combination of fibre-optic technology and an O2 microelectrode enabled parallel measurements of gross photosynthesis rate and photosystem II quantum yield at the coral surface under steady-state conditions as a function of increasing irradiances. The studies showed large plasticity in photo-physiological acclimation of Symbiodinium linked to light microclimate as well as motility (in the case of the ciliate) and Symbiodinium genotype (in the case of A. valida). In case i) and iii) there was non-linearity between relative electron transport rate (rETR) and gross photosynthesis measurements at moderate to high irradiances possibly due to vertical heterogeneity of the symbionts in the tissue and/or the operation of an alternative electron pathway such as cyclic electron flow around PSII. Case ii) demonstrated that Symbiodinium ingested by ciliates are photosynthetically competent and do not become compromised during the progression of the brown band zone. In contrast to case i) and iii) the symbionts produced relatively high gross photosynthesis rate and rETR at moderate to high irradiance due to greater efficiency of light absorption caused by a higher density of symbionts in the ciliate. 5-11 Coral Holobionts Over Large Depth Ranges: Investigating The Roles Of Host Species, Colour Morphs And Functional Diversity Of Algal Symbionts Pedro R FRADE* 1,2 , Rolf PM BAK 1,2 1 Marine Ecology and Evolution, Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, Den Burg, Netherlands, 2 Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands We investigate the roles of host and symbiont on the in situ physiological response of coral genus Madracis holobionts towards light. Across a large depth gradient (5-40 m) and for four Madracis species, we studied the Symbiodinium identity as defined by rDNA ITS2 sequence variation and assessed a large set of functional variables by measuring chlorophyll a fluorescence, photosynthetic pigment composition and symbiont population descriptors. The same approach was applied on three colour morphs of the species Madracis pharensis. Overall, three symbiont types were identified, whose distributions are strong evidence for niche partitioning by depth, host species and colour morphs, as shown by logistic regression models. Multivariate analyses on the functional variables indicated most of the holobiont variation to be explained by few main photobiological components, which are ranging from environmentally flexible to more genetically constrained. Thus, photochemical or photosynthetic efficiencies are highly variable with external environment; symbiont cell densities and sizes strongly depend on genetic identity; and xanthophyll-cycle photoprotective pigments are regulated by both host and environment. This interaction between host and environment highlights the role of host properties in adjusting the internal environment available for the endosymbionts. The functioning of symbiont types plays a significant role in coral adaptation along reef slopes. Furthermore, different holobiont strategies are recognized, which vary in their optimization of light harvesting or protective mechanisms and which relate to host species or colour morph distribution and dominance over the reef slope. 5-12 Phototropic growth and molecular basis for axial polyp differentiation in the branching coral Acropora aspera Paulina KANIEWSKA* 1 , Paul CAMPBELL 2 , Maoz FINE 3 , Ove HOEGH-GULDBERG 1 1 University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 2 Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries, Brisbane, Australia, 3 Bar-Ilan University, Eilat, Israel Reef building corals have high morphological variation across coral families, with many species also displaying phenotypic plasticity across environmental gradients. In particular, the colony geometry of branching corals is altered by the frequency, location and direction of branch initiation and growth. The environmental cues and molecular signaling pathways involved in axial polyp differentiation, the basis for new branch formation, are currently unknown. This study demonstrates that for the branching species Acropora aspera, light plays a key role in axial polyp differentiation. A. aspera branches exhibited a directional growth response, where axial polyp structures only developed when light was available, and towards the incident light. Field experimentation revealed that there was a light intensity threshold of 45 μmol photon m-2 s-1, below which axial polyp structures would not develop and this response was blue light (400 nm to 500 nm) dependent. There was a fourfold increase in axial polyp structure growth above this light intensity threshold. These features of coral branch growth are highly reminiscent of phototropic branch growth in terrestrial plants, which is directed by the blue light component of sunlight. To understand molecular signals involved in axial polyp differentiation, experiments investigating differential expression of genes in axial and radial polyps were conducted. This study is the first to present genes involved in axial polyp differentiation and therefore branch initiation. Here we indicate that a negative feedback may be involved. These results present a new avenue for discovering molecular processes involved in colony integration, an area which should become increasingly more important if we are to understand the complex responses of corals at a colony level to environmental change. 5-13 The Role Of Photorespiration in The Symbiotic Association Between Dinoflagellates And Scleractinian Corals Alicia CRAWLEY* 1 , Ken ANTHONY 1 , Sophie DOVE 1 1 Centre for Marine Studies, University of Queensland, St Lucia, Australia Rising CO2 levels in the sea threaten to break-down the important relationship between reefbuilding corals and their symbiotic dinoflagellates. Photorespiration plays a significant role in maintaining dinoflagellate well-being by offering an alternative photochemical-quenching pathway and potentially triggering the Carbon-Concentrating Mechanism. As photorespiration is dependant on the ratio of CO2 to O2, rising CO2 may ultimately lead to reduced capacity for photoprotection and increased occurrence of coral bleaching. Here we present data from a microcosm experiment with controlled levels of CO2 and O2. Physiological data has been derived from classical respiration measurements to produce Photosynthesis-Irradiance (P-E) curves. The P-E curves showed a decline in symbiont production at the highest CO2 level (1100 ppm, pH 7.6). Excitation pressure, measured with a pulse amplitude modulation fluorometer, increased significantly with increasing CO2 and decreasing O2. However, these relationships were dependant on the proximity of growth light to saturating light intensities. We observed calcification at pH 7.8 but decalcification at pH 7.6 using the total alkalinity technique. These findings were closely linked to the gene expression of a key enzyme in the photorespiratory pathway, phosphoglycolate phosphatase (PGPase). mRNA of PGPase declined significantly by 54% at 560 ppm CO2 (pH 7.8) and by 70% at 1100 ppm CO2 (pH 7.6). This decline in photorespiration at high CO2 provides a key insight towards the mechanism of CO2-induced bleaching. 28

Oral Mini-Symposium 5: Functional Biology of Corals and Coral Symbiosis: Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Physiology<br />

5-6<br />

Acquisition And Allocation Of Carbon in Bleached Hawaiian Corals<br />

Andrea GROTTOLI* 1 , Adam HUGHES 2,3 , Tamara PEASE 2<br />

1 School of Earth Sciences, The Ohio State <strong>University</strong>, Columbus, OH, 2 Department of<br />

Marine Science, The <strong>University</strong> of Texas at Austin, Port Aransas, TX, 3 School of Earth<br />

Sciences, The Ohio State <strong>University</strong>, Columbus<br />

Photosynthesis and growth are dramatically reduced in bleached corals. Montipora<br />

capitata corals compensate by dramatically increasing heterotrophy, while Porites<br />

compressa corals sustain themselves by utilizing their stored energy reserves when<br />

bleached. Here, we further assessed how photosynthetically and heterotrophically<br />

acquired carbon is acquired, allocated, and utilized among the host tissue, zooxanthellae,<br />

and skeleton in bleached and non-bleached P. compressa and M. capitata corals using<br />

13C-labeled bicarbonate in seawater and 13C-labeled rotifer pulse chase labeling<br />

techniques. Photosynthetically acquired carbon was taken up from bicarbonate by the<br />

zooxanthellae, transferred to the host tissue, respired, and taken up by the skeleton at<br />

dramatically lower rates in bleached corals relative to controls. In both bleached and<br />

non-bleached corals, the photosynthetically derived carbon appeared to be the primary<br />

source of carbon for calcification but was not incorporated into either the zooxanthellae<br />

or host tissue for long-term storage. In contrast, heterotrophically-derived carbon (i.e.,<br />

rotifers) was rapidly translocated between the zooxanthellae and host tissues in bleached<br />

and non-bleached M. capitata and non-bleached P. compressa (but not bleached P.<br />

compressa), was not a source of carbon for calcification, and appears to be the primary<br />

source of carbon for long-term tissue growth and carbon storage. Thus, long-term<br />

recovery from bleaching will depend on a coral’s ability to acquire fixed carbon via<br />

heterotrophy to support its tissues while bleached, and to regain photosynthesis in order<br />

to stimulate calcification.<br />

5-7<br />

When Is Not Bleaching “Unhealthy” For Corals And/Or Coral Reefs?<br />

Sophie DOVE* 1 , George ROFF 1 , Simon DUNN 1<br />

1 Centre for Marine Studies, <strong>University</strong> of Queensland, St Lucia, Australia<br />

“Thermal tolerance” and “bleaching tolerance” are used interchangeably in the coral<br />

literature. Furthermore the subject who is “tolerant” is often very vague with unexplained<br />

transitions from symbiont to host and/or coral reef ecosystems. Any of these levels are<br />

viewed as “healthy”, as long as they are not bleached. Mass coral bleaching events<br />

where entire coral reef ecosystems turn white, accompanied by the sulfurous smells of<br />

death are obviously unhealthy; but how universally applicable is this label to colonial<br />

corals that tend to reduced symbiont densities in actively growing regions and on a<br />

seasonal basis, or to symbionts that have the ability to increase or maintain productivity<br />

by reducing the chlorophyll concentration of their light harvesting antennae? Conversely,<br />

as observed by Len Muscatine, symbiont densities are linked to quantity of carbonskeletons<br />

leaked to the host. A more parasitic symbiont may fail to bleach simply because<br />

it passes on any losses in productivity to the host by reducing the quantity of fixed carbon<br />

translocated. In this way, a greater pool of energy is retained by the symbiont to repair<br />

photosystems and maintain symbiont populations at the expense of host metabolic<br />

activity or health. Data will be presented demonstrating that (i) corals can be 80%<br />

bleached, supporting remnant symbionts with 3 fold greater Pnet max cell-1 than adjacent<br />

non-bleached corals; (ii) that symbiont cultures can be at least 60% bleached yet growing<br />

at 2.5 times the rate of unbleached cultures. The results from 14C experiments on whole<br />

colonies from a variety of host-symbiont associations exposed to temperature x CO2<br />

treatments, and starved at tips or bases will also be presented to monitor effect of<br />

treatment on carbon translocation not only between symbiont and host, but also between<br />

polyps.<br />

5-8<br />

The Importance Of Zooplankton To The Total Energy Budget Of Healthy And Bleached<br />

Corals At Two Depths<br />

James PALARDY* 1 , Lisa RODRIGUES 2 , Andrea GROTTOLI 3<br />

1 Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Brown <strong>University</strong>, Providence, RI,<br />

2 Department of Geography and the Environment, Villanova <strong>University</strong>, Villanova, PA, 3 School<br />

of Earth Sciences, Ohio State <strong>University</strong>, Columbus, OH<br />

Bleached and non-bleached fragments of three species of Hawaiian corals were exposed to<br />

enhanced and ambient concentrations of zooplankton at 1 and 6 m depth to determine the<br />

contribution of zooplankton to the coral’s total energy budget. The size and taxonomic grouping<br />

were recorded for every zooplankton captured and the relative input of zooplankton of different<br />

size classes determined. The contribution of heterotrophic carbon to animal respiration (CHAR)<br />

was calculated using an improved calculation method that included the proportionate<br />

contribution of zooplankton from all size classes. The results show that feeding rates followed<br />

the same pattern in both ambient and enhanced zooplankton concentrations. Corals captured the<br />

same size and assemblage of zooplankton under all evaluated conditions, and preferentially<br />

captured plankters smaller than 400µm. Feeding rates increased with depth in non-bleached<br />

corals, but not in bleached corals. Relative to non-bleached fragments at the same depth,<br />

feeding rates of bleached Montipora capitata increased, Porites compressa decreased and Porites<br />

lobata remained unchanged at both 1 and 6 m depth. Therefore, the response of corals to the<br />

same disturbance may vary considerably. The calculated CHAR values show that heterotrophic<br />

carbon from zooplankton plays a much larger role in the total energy budget of corals than was<br />

previously estimated, and may account for over 65% of some coral species’ daily metabolic<br />

energy requirements when healthy and over 200% when bleached. Our results show that<br />

heterotrophically acquired carbon makes a significant contribution to the total carbon budget of<br />

corals under all conditions and depths, and suggests that nutrient acquisition via zooplankton<br />

feeding may play a significant role in coral-algal symbiosis balance.<br />

5-9<br />

Unravelling Coral Photoacclimation: symbiodinium Strategy And Host Modification<br />

Sebastian HENNIGE* 1 , David SMITH 1 , Kathleen MCDOUGALL 2 , Mark WARNER 3 , David<br />

SUGGETT 1<br />

1 Coral Reef Research Unit, <strong>University</strong> of Essex, Colchester, United Kingdom, 2 Environmental<br />

Research Institute, North Highland College, Caithness, United Kingdom, 3 College of Marine<br />

Studies, <strong>University</strong> of Delaware, Lewes, DE<br />

Light is often the most abundant resource within the nutrient poor waters surrounding coral<br />

reefs. Consequently, zooxanthellae (Symbiodinium spp.) must continually photoacclimate to<br />

optimise productivity and ensure coral success. To accurately assess Symbiodinium<br />

photoacclimation in situ, differences in acclimation strategies and bio-optical signatures need to<br />

be characterised between genetic types of Symbiodinium. Using a systematic series of<br />

laboratory experiments, eight types of Symbiodinium were cultured and examined using<br />

techniques such as active (FIRe) fluorescence, Photosystem I (PSI) and II counts,<br />

spectrophotometry and high performance liquid chromatography. Two key ‘strategies’ of<br />

photoacclimation are known to exist amongst microalgae: a preferential modification of the<br />

light harvesting antennae ( -based) or of the reaction centre bed (n-based) for PSII and/or PSI.<br />

Our measurements demonstrated that acclimation strategies employed by Symbiodinium were<br />

highly varied between algal type but despite this variability, many optical signatures were<br />

conserved. Also, when absorption was considered per photosystem, a 1:1 balance was observed<br />

between PSI and PSII. Acclimation strategies of intact Acropora formosa and Seriatopora<br />

caliendrum at two light levels were further examined using fluorescence and optical signatures<br />

to determine host contribution to acclimation. Overall, our results demonstrated that (1)<br />

biophysical (active fluorescence, photosystem-specific) but not bio-optical signatures were<br />

highly variable between algal types; consequently, bio-physical signatures that are altered by an<br />

adaptation of the algal community structure may be misinterpreted as photoacclimation and (2)<br />

host acclimation and modification of the light environment plays a key role in Symbiodinium<br />

photoacclimation.<br />


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