11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University 11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


Poster Mini-Symposium 17: Emerging Techniques in Remote Sensing and Geospatial Analysis 17.565 Different Pigments Composition Can Influence The Remote Sensing Reflectance Of Caribbean Shallow-Water Coral Species Juan TORRES* 1 , Roy ARMSTRONG 2 1 Biology Department, University of Puerto Rico at Rio Piedras, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2 Department of Marine Sciences, University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, Lajas, Puerto Rico The pigment composition of the Caribbean shallow-water coral species Acropora cervicornis and Porites porites was determined using HPLC analysis. Nineteen different pigments were identified including chlorophylls and carotenes. Of these, ten were common in both species; six appeared only in A. cervicornis, and four appeared only in P. porites. It is hypothesized this is the result of different zooxanthellae clades that inhabit these coral species. The results showed how the differences in pigments composition influence the remote sensing reflectance (Rrs) signal of both species. While the Rrs appeared to be very similar in both species, derivative analysis showed marked differences resulting from the absorption of the pigments, especially in the blue region of the spectrum (400-500 nm). The combination of both techniques can be used to further create a spectral library to identify shallow-water coral species in hyperspectral images. 17.566 A New Method for Monitoring Along-Track Topographic Complexity Monica PALASEANU-LOVEJOY* 1 , John BROCK 2 , Kristi FOSTER 3 , Amar NAYEGANDHI 4 , David NAGLE 1 1 FISC, USGS / Jacobs, St. Petersburg, FL, 2 FISC, USGS, St. Petersburg, FL, 3 NOVA University, Dania Beach, FL, 4 FISC, USGS / ETI, St. Petersburg, FL Topographic variability is an important characteristic of habitat complexity that influences the abundance and distribution of many reef organisms. One measure of topographic variability is rugosity, defined as the ratio of the real distance between two points and their projected distance on a horizontal plane. Traditionally, rugosity is measured in the field using the chain transect method. In this study, we used Marimatech sounder data collected at a nominal horizontal spacing of 2 to 10 cm to calculate alongtrack rugosity. Concomitant, geo-located images were acquired via the Along-Track Reef-Imaging System (ATRIS) placed opposite the Marimatech sounder transducer on the survey vessel. The ATRIS Data Analysis and Processing Tool (ADAPT) allows interactive geographic browsing, scalling, and classification of each image. We identified six different habitats: seagrass, sand, hard ground / algae / turf, dense coral reef, sparse coral reef, and dead coral. Each point for which rugosity was calculated was associated with the closest classified image. The Welch t-test confirmed that the true divergence in population means is different than zero. The f-test endorsed that the true population variances are statistically dissimilar for each habitat class, although hardground, dense coral and sparse coral variances were not essentially different than dead coral variances in the Fligner - Killen test of homogeneity of variances. The mean habitat rugosity values indicated that seagrass had the least complex topography, with complexity increasing from dead corals to sand, hard-ground / algae/ turf, and sparse mixed reef. Probably sand had a higher rugosity mean value due to dense ripples. The dense mixed reef had the highest habitat complexity among the six identified classes. 17.567 Assessing Patterns Of Patch Reef Distribution in The Lower Florida Keys, Usa, Using Ikonos Satellite Imagery Melanie PETERS* 1 , David PALANDRO 1 , Pamela HALLOCK-MULLER 2 , Eugene SHINN 2 1 Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute, St. Petersburg, FL, 2 College of Marine Science, University of South Florida, St. Petersburg, FL Declines in overall coral cover throughout the Florida Keys are well-documented. However, coral cover on patch reefs is variable, with high coral cover remaining on some patch reefs. As live coral cover on the offshore bank reefs continues to decline, remaining shallow-water coral assemblages may ultimately be concentrated in the large number of thriving patch reefs. Previous efforts to determine the number of patch reefs in the Lower Keys utilized aerial survey methods. A major study published in 1977 identified 420 reef structures from Big Pine to the Marquesas Keys. Our study used IKONOS satellite imagery to find and map the size and distribution of patch reefs; we identified approximately 2500 patch reefs in the same region. Initial observations indicate that patch-reef distribution is non-random and appears to correlate with geologic features. Patch reefs occur in three distinct cross-shelf zones, each with increasing distance from shore. There is also clear segregation between patch-reef morphologies, with different types rarely sharing a given zone. It is crucial to understand not only the spatial distribution of patch reefs, but also why they originated and persist in specific geographic locations. Previous studies cited Florida Bay water and mobile calcareous sands as primary determinants of patch-reef growth, with patch-reef development focused on trough edges bordering Hawk Channel. In addition to the patch reefs along Hawk Channel, we found a third zone of thriving patch reefs near shore (0.3% - 52% coral cover, mean 17%). Key to our longterm analysis will be to determine what affects, if any, environmental and geological influences have on patch morphology and how this is manifested in the spatial arrangement of patch reefs. 17.568 Sea Surface Temperature Trend in The Coral Triangle in Two Decades Eileen PEÑAFLOR* 1 , William SKIRVING 2 , Scott HERON 2 , Laura DAVID 1 1 Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines, Quezon, Philippines, 2 Coral Reef Watch, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, Townsville, Australia Increasing ocean temperature has become one of the major concerns in the recent decades. Pronounced increase in sea surface temperature (SST), for example, had caused massive coral bleaching in many regions particularly during the 1997-98 ENSO event. This study focuses on the Coral Triangle and utilizes the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration- Coral Reef Watch (NOAA-CRW) SST from 1985 to 2006 to investigate the SST condition in the area during this period. Another NOAA-CRW product, Hotspot, is also used as a supporting data to locate areas with anomalously warm surface waters. Results show that this region’s SST has been increasing at the rate of 0.2 oC/decade on average from 1985-2006. Warming within this region, however, is not uniform in space or time. Overall, sites located on the north and east of the triangle show a faster warming trend. Also, although an overall increase has been seen through the years, the eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines in 1991 had contributed to a significant lowering down of SST in the region for at least 2 years after the eruption. 405

Poster Mini-Symposium 17: Emerging Techniques in Remote Sensing and Geospatial Analysis 17.569 Regional-Scale Seagrass Habitat Mapping in The Wider Caribbean Region Colette WABNITZ* 1 , Serge ANDREFOUET 2 , Damaris TORRES-PULLIZA 3 , Frank MUELLER KARGER 4 , Philip KRAMER 5 1 Geography, SAUP, Fisheries Centre, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2 IRD, Noumea, New Caledonia, 3 USF, St Petersburg, FL, 4 UMASS, North Dartmouth, MA, 5 Nature Conservancy, Sugarloaf Key, FL Seagrass meadows occupy a large proportion of the world's coastal oceans, but human activities have caused significant declines in the extent of these marine communities. Effective conservation and the provision of effective conservation targets for seagrass is presently limited by the absence of reliable information on the extent of these systems. Here we tested the feasibility of large-scale seagrass mapping using Landsat-based images in the context of limited ground-truth data. Using geomorphological segmentation, contextual editing, and supervised classifications, we mapped seagrass throughout the Western Carribean Region (WCR). Products' accuracies were assessed against (i) selected in situ data; (ii) patterns detectable with high-resolution IKONOS images; and (iii) published habitat maps with documented accuracies. Overall classification accuracies (46-88%) represent a drastic improvement relative to current regional databases. This new mapping will provide an adequate baseline for further research and large-scale conservation action. It will also allow re-estimation of regional carrying capacity for green turtles. 17.570 NASA Airborne AVIRIS and DCS Remote Sensing of Coral Reefs Liane GUILD* 1 , Brad LOBITZ 2 , Roy ARMSTRONG 3 , Fernando GILBES 4 , Art GLEASON 5 , James GOODMAN 6 , Eric HOCHBERG 7 , Mark MONACO 8 , Randall BERTHOLD 1 , Jeremy KERR 9 1 Earth Science Division, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, 2 NASA Ames Research Center, CSUMB Foundation, Moffett Field, CA, 3 Dept. of Marine Sciences, University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, 4 Center for Hemispherical Cooperation in Research and Education in Engineering and Applied Science, University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, 5 RSMAS, University of Miami, Miami, FL, 6 Center for Subsurface Sensing and Imaging Systems, University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, 7 Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, University of Hawaii, Kaneohe, HI, 8 Biogeography Program, NOAA, Silver Springs, MD, 9 Earth System Science and Policy, CSU Monterey Bay, Seaside, CA Abstract – To adequately image through a water column and to delineate variation in coral reef ecosystem benthic types, sensors having high spatial, e.g., a Cirrus digital camera system (DCS), and spectral, e.g., the Airborne Visible Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS), resolution and high signal to noise are needed. Further, there is a need to better understand the optical properties of coral reefs, seagrass, other benthic types, and water column constituents from field-collected data so current and future remote sensing can be optimized for coastal zone ecosystem research and management. In August 2004, we flew the AVIRIS and DCS on a NASA ER-2 over the Florida Keys and Puerto Rico. In March 2005, we flew AVIRIS/DCS on the Twin Otter over Kaneohe Bay, Oahu. Also, in December 2005, we flew AVIRIS/DCS on the Twin Otter over Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands for assessment of the 2005 Caribbean coral reef bleaching event. For each of these deployments, we collected coincident spectral data from dominant bottom types and coral under various health conditions using a hand-held spectroradiometer. These spectral data will be used to classify the benthic types within the AVIRIS imagery. An overview of the airborne missions and coincident field data collection for calibration and validation of the airborne remote sensing data will be presented along with preliminary image and field-collected spectral data products. 17.571 NOAA Coral Reef Watch: Global Satellite Monitoring For Coral Bleaching Conditions C. Mark EAKIN* 1 , Tyler R.L. CHRISTENSEN 2 , Dwight K. GLEDHILL 2 , Scott F. HERON 1 , Gang LIU 2 , Jessica A. MORGAN 2 , William J. SKIRVING 1 , Alan E. STRONG 1 1 NOAA Coral Reef Watch, Silver Spring, MD, 2 IMSG at NOAA Coral Reef Watch, Silver Spring, MD A variety of stressors, including biogeochemical, anthropological, weather, and climate, may exert a critical influence on reef ecosystems and contribute to bleaching events and disease outbreaks. Satellite-based observations can monitor, at a global scale, the environmental conditions that influence both short-term and long-term coral reef ecosystem health. From research to operations, NOAA Coral Reef Watch (CRW) incorporates paleoclimatic, in situ, and satellite-based biogeophysical data to provide information, tools, and expertise on coral reef bleaching for managers, researchers, and stakeholders. CRW has developed an operational, near-real-time product suite that includes sea surface temperature (SST), SST time series data, SST anomaly charts, coral bleaching HotSpots, and Degree Heating Weeks (DHW). Bi-weekly global SST analyses are based on operational nighttime-only SST at 50-km resolution with a complementary satellite-derived maximum monthly mean (MMM) climatology. HotSpots indicate areas experiencing thermal stress conducive to coral bleaching. Degree Heating Weeks indicate the accumulation of HotSpots over time, where one DHW is equivalent to one week of SSTs 1 degree C warmer than the expected summer-time maximum. DHWs can be considered as a proxy for the amount and residence time of accumulated thermal stress; coral bleaching becomes likely to occur at 4 DHWs, with widespread bleaching and some bleaching-related mortality likely at 8 DHWs. Automated Satellite Bleaching Alerts (SBAs) notify managers of changing conditions and are available at Virtual Stations around the world. All CRW products can be accessed on the web at http://coralreefwatch.noaa.gov/satellite/. 17.572 Remote Sensing For Coral Mapping in Nha Trang Bay Tong PHUOC HOANG SON 1 , Tong PHUOC HOANG SON* 2 1 GIS and Remote Sensing, Institute of Oceanography, Nha trang, Vietnam, 2 Institute of Oceanography, Nhatrang, Vietnam Nha trang Bay lie in co-ordinates from 109 o 20’ – 109 o 30’ E and 12 o 20’ – 12 o 30’ N. It is one of most beautiful bay of the world where exist many coral reefs with high biodiversity and recognize as a Marine Protected Area with title of Hon Mun MPA. Coral reefs in Nha Trang usually exist in non-typical fringing reefs with 50 - 100m wide. Base on satellite images such as Landsat ETM+, ASTER, SPOT5, AVNIR2 together with the aerial photographs, the distribution of coral and underwater habitats in islands lie surrounding Nha Trang have been detected. The method of calculation of “Depth Invariance Index – D.I.I” is main method for detecting coral and other underwater habitats in Nha Trang Bay. Some others by combination between satellite image with the aerial photographs such as fusion method, spectral analysic have been used also. Some results from difference methods, imageries sensors have been presented. The comparions and the choice of best appropriate method also have been introduced. An assessment of history evolution on the change of reef areas in some areas of Nha Trang Bay also have been presented. The results show that, the distributed area of coral reefs in Nha Trang Bay is about 200 ha wide with seperated to some underwater habitats as hard coral, dead coral, algea, seagrass, rock, sand, ... In present time, some areas of coral reef have been heavenly degradated and even have been disapeared under effects of human activities such as tourism, construction and unreasonable exploitations (bomb, poison, anchorage on the reefs,….). A functional zoning and appropriate utility the coral reefs in Nha Trang Bay have been proposed. 406

Poster Mini-Symposium 17: Emerging Techniques in Remote Sensing and Geospatial Analysis<br />

17.569<br />

Regional-Scale Seagrass Habitat Mapping in The Wider Caribbean Region<br />

Colette WABNITZ* 1 , Serge ANDREFOUET 2 , Damaris TORRES-PULLIZA 3 , Frank<br />

MUELLER KARGER 4 , Philip KRAMER 5<br />

1 Geography, SAUP, Fisheries Centre, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2 IRD, Noumea, New<br />

Caledonia, 3 USF, St Petersburg, FL, 4 UMASS, North Dartmouth, MA, 5 Nature<br />

Conservancy, Sugarloaf Key, FL<br />

Seagrass meadows occupy a large proportion of the world's coastal oceans, but human<br />

activities have caused significant declines in the extent of these marine communities.<br />

Effective conservation and the provision of effective conservation targets for seagrass is<br />

presently limited by the absence of reliable information on the extent of these systems.<br />

Here we tested the feasibility of large-scale seagrass mapping using Landsat-based<br />

images in the context of limited ground-truth data. Using geomorphological<br />

segmentation, contextual editing, and supervised classifications, we mapped seagrass<br />

throughout the Western Carribean Region (WCR). Products' accuracies were assessed<br />

against (i) selected in situ data; (ii) patterns detectable with high-resolution IKONOS<br />

images; and (iii) published habitat maps with documented accuracies. Overall<br />

classification accuracies (46-88%) represent a drastic improvement relative to current<br />

regional databases. This new mapping will provide an adequate baseline for further<br />

research and large-scale conservation action. It will also allow re-estimation of regional<br />

carrying capacity for green turtles.<br />

17.570<br />

NASA Airborne AVIRIS and DCS Remote Sensing of Coral Reefs<br />

Liane GUILD* 1 , Brad LOBITZ 2 , Roy ARMSTRONG 3 , Fernando GILBES 4 , Art<br />

GLEASON 5 , James GOODMAN 6 , Eric HOCHBERG 7 , Mark MONACO 8 , Randall<br />

BERTHOLD 1 , Jeremy KERR 9<br />

1 Earth Science Division, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, 2 NASA<br />

Ames Research Center, CSUMB Foundation, Moffett Field, CA, 3 Dept. of Marine<br />

Sciences, <strong>University</strong> of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, 4 Center for<br />

Hemispherical Cooperation in Research and Education in Engineering and Applied<br />

Science, <strong>University</strong> of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, 5 RSMAS,<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Miami, Miami, FL, 6 Center for Subsurface Sensing and Imaging Systems,<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, 7 Hawaii Institute of<br />

Marine Biology, <strong>University</strong> of Hawaii, Kaneohe, HI, 8 Biogeography Program, NOAA,<br />

Silver Springs, MD, 9 Earth System Science and Policy, CSU Monterey Bay, Seaside, CA<br />

<strong>Abstract</strong> – To adequately image through a water column and to delineate variation in<br />

coral reef ecosystem benthic types, sensors having high spatial, e.g., a Cirrus digital<br />

camera system (DCS), and spectral, e.g., the Airborne Visible Infrared Imaging<br />

Spectrometer (AVIRIS), resolution and high signal to noise are needed. Further, there is<br />

a need to better understand the optical properties of coral reefs, seagrass, other benthic<br />

types, and water column constituents from field-collected data so current and future<br />

remote sensing can be optimized for coastal zone ecosystem research and management.<br />

In August 2004, we flew the AVIRIS and DCS on a NASA ER-2 over the Florida Keys<br />

and Puerto Rico. In March 2005, we flew AVIRIS/DCS on the Twin Otter over Kaneohe<br />

Bay, Oahu. Also, in December 2005, we flew AVIRIS/DCS on the Twin Otter over<br />

Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands for assessment of the 2005 Caribbean coral reef<br />

bleaching event. For each of these deployments, we collected coincident spectral data<br />

from dominant bottom types and coral under various health conditions using a hand-held<br />

spectroradiometer. These spectral data will be used to classify the benthic types within<br />

the AVIRIS imagery. An overview of the airborne missions and coincident field data<br />

collection for calibration and validation of the airborne remote sensing data will be<br />

presented along with preliminary image and field-collected spectral data products.<br />

17.571<br />

NOAA Coral Reef Watch: Global Satellite Monitoring For Coral Bleaching Conditions<br />

C. Mark EAKIN* 1 , Tyler R.L. CHRISTENSEN 2 , Dwight K. GLEDHILL 2 , Scott F. HERON 1 ,<br />

Gang LIU 2 , Jessica A. MORGAN 2 , William J. SKIRVING 1 , Alan E. STRONG 1<br />

1 NOAA Coral Reef Watch, Silver Spring, MD, 2 IMSG at NOAA Coral Reef Watch, Silver<br />

Spring, MD<br />

A variety of stressors, including biogeochemical, anthropological, weather, and climate, may<br />

exert a critical influence on reef ecosystems and contribute to bleaching events and disease<br />

outbreaks. Satellite-based observations can monitor, at a global scale, the environmental<br />

conditions that influence both short-term and long-term coral reef ecosystem health. From<br />

research to operations, NOAA Coral Reef Watch (CRW) incorporates paleoclimatic, in situ,<br />

and satellite-based biogeophysical data to provide information, tools, and expertise on coral reef<br />

bleaching for managers, researchers, and stakeholders. CRW has developed an operational,<br />

near-real-time product suite that includes sea surface temperature (SST), SST time series data,<br />

SST anomaly charts, coral bleaching HotSpots, and Degree Heating Weeks (DHW). Bi-weekly<br />

global SST analyses are based on operational nighttime-only SST at 50-km resolution with a<br />

complementary satellite-derived maximum monthly mean (MMM) climatology. HotSpots<br />

indicate areas experiencing thermal stress conducive to coral bleaching. Degree Heating Weeks<br />

indicate the accumulation of HotSpots over time, where one DHW is equivalent to one week of<br />

SSTs 1 degree C warmer than the expected summer-time maximum. DHWs can be considered<br />

as a proxy for the amount and residence time of accumulated thermal stress; coral bleaching<br />

becomes likely to occur at 4 DHWs, with widespread bleaching and some bleaching-related<br />

mortality likely at 8 DHWs. Automated Satellite Bleaching Alerts (SBAs) notify managers of<br />

changing conditions and are available at Virtual Stations around the world. All CRW products<br />

can be accessed on the web at http://coralreefwatch.noaa.gov/satellite/.<br />

17.572<br />

Remote Sensing For Coral Mapping in Nha Trang Bay<br />


1 GIS and Remote Sensing, Institute of Oceanography, Nha trang, Vietnam, 2 Institute of<br />

Oceanography, Nhatrang, Vietnam<br />

Nha trang Bay lie in co-ordinates from 109 o 20’ – 109 o 30’ E and 12 o 20’ – 12 o 30’ N. It is one<br />

of most beautiful bay of the world where exist many coral reefs with high biodiversity and<br />

recognize as a Marine Protected Area with title of Hon Mun MPA. Coral reefs in Nha Trang<br />

usually exist in non-typical fringing reefs with 50 - 100m wide.<br />

Base on satellite images such as Landsat ETM+, ASTER, SPOT5, AVNIR2 together with the<br />

aerial photographs, the distribution of coral and underwater habitats in islands lie surrounding<br />

Nha Trang have been detected. The method of calculation of “Depth Invariance Index – D.I.I”<br />

is main method for detecting coral and other underwater habitats in Nha Trang Bay. Some<br />

others by combination between satellite image with the aerial photographs such as fusion<br />

method, spectral analysic have been used also.<br />

Some results from difference methods, imageries sensors have been presented. The comparions<br />

and the choice of best appropriate method also have been introduced. An assessment of history<br />

evolution on the change of reef areas in some areas of Nha Trang Bay also have been<br />

presented.<br />

The results show that, the distributed area of coral reefs in Nha Trang Bay is about 200 ha<br />

wide with seperated to some underwater habitats as hard coral, dead coral, algea, seagrass, rock,<br />

sand, ... In present time, some areas of coral reef have been heavenly degradated and even<br />

have been disapeared under effects of human activities such as tourism, construction and<br />

unreasonable exploitations (bomb, poison, anchorage on the reefs,….). A functional zoning and<br />

appropriate utility the coral reefs in Nha Trang Bay have been proposed.<br />


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