11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


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Oral Mini-Symposium 4: Coral Reef Organisms as Recorders of Local and Global Environmental Change<br />

4-26<br />

Biologic Influence On Proxies Of Scleractinian Coral Skeleton<br />

Anne JUILLET-LECLERC* 1 , Stéphanie REYNAUD 2<br />

1 LSCE, CNRS, Gif sur Yvette, France, 2 CSM, Monaco, France<br />

The coral skeleton d18O is the most commonly used SST proxy essentially depending on<br />

external factors such as SST and water d18O.<br />

Acropora cultured under variable light (equivalent to seasonal light variation) show<br />

systematic d18O fractionation. But, temperature and light lead to opposite responses with<br />

a lower effect due to light. This effect is associated to metabolic processes underlining<br />

the strong relationship between metabolism of symbiotic algae and skeleton formation.<br />

However, isotopic fractionation obeys to physical rules. Weber and Woodhead (1972)<br />

provided annual mean isotope values, statistically significant, partly rejecting vital effect.<br />

By using these data and introducing seawater d18O, we derived from these data Acropora<br />

calibration similar to ones of Epstein.<br />

The question arises if this effect is specific to cultured Acropora? In order to estimate the<br />

influence of seasonality, we compared data measured on Porites colonies that developed<br />

close to each other in a well-constrained environment. Although deposited under identical<br />

conditions we obtain highly variable SST calibrations for different species, different<br />

colonies and even different sampling on a single head. This can be only explained by<br />

additional seasonal biologic effects. Light and temperature being the main seasonal<br />

changes, we conclude that both temperature and light, in addition to the physical SST<br />

influence, affect d18O through metabolism.<br />

Based on these evidences we developed a new method using multi-proxies, which<br />

revealed that corals are likely a better archive than a simple isotopic thermometer.<br />

4-27<br />

High-Resolution Acropora Cervicornis δ 18 o: Implications For Early Holocene<br />

Caribbean Temperatures And Position Of The Intertropical Convergence Zone<br />

Lida TENEVA* 1 , Lisa GREER 2 , William PATTERSON 3<br />

1 Earth and Environmental Sciences, Columbia <strong>University</strong>, Palisades, NY, 2 Geology,<br />

Washington and Lee <strong>University</strong>, Lexington, VA, 3 Geological Sciences, <strong>University</strong> of<br />

Saskachewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada<br />

High-resolution coral 18O data, coupled with precise dating techniques, have the<br />

potential to provide critical information on paleoclimate variability and tropical oceanatmosphere<br />

interactions through time. Here we present paleotemperature data from welldated<br />

pristine early Holocene (~9360-8900 years BP) Acropora cervicornis of the<br />

Enriquillo Valley, Dominican Republic. A new paleotemperature reconstruction equation<br />

based on previous Acropora coral culture studies (Reynaud et al. 2007) was used to<br />

calculate Holocene temperature variability. Taking into account deglacial changes in<br />

seawater 18O (∆ 18O) in the early Holocene, our data reveal lower temperatures than<br />

previously estimated using equations based on molluskan calcite (Epstein et al. 1953,<br />

O’Neil et al. 1969) and molluskan aragonite (Grossman and Ku 1986). Our calculations<br />

show the early Holocene in the Dominican Republic was ~4oC cooler than today’s<br />

average (26.5-29.5oC). We consider this temperature difference unrealistic, and propose<br />

Dominican Holocene coral 18O data can be attributed to combined temperature and<br />

salinity effects. The latter refers to a precipitation effect associated with a northward<br />

incursion of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) in the early Holocene. Using the<br />

culture-based temperature equation, the modern annual temperature range of 3oC for the<br />

Dominican Republic would correspond to half the 18O amplitude observed in our<br />

study. Thus, precipitation changes likely played an important role in 18O signal<br />

variability since the deglacial ∆ 18O contribution peaked at ~0.46‰. On first order,<br />

oxygen isotope records from this study show covariability in time with tropical ice cap<br />

18 O data from Huascaran, Peru and Sajama, Bolivia. This may imply that at least in the<br />

early Holocene, the northern Caribbean and northern South America may have derived<br />

their moisture from the same source at the same time (i.e. enhanced ITCZ precipitation).<br />

4-28<br />

Eighty Years Long Oxygen And Carbon Isotopic Data Series From A Southwestern<br />

Atlantic Coral<br />

Ruy KIKUCHI* 1 , Henning KUHNERT 2 , Jürgen PÄTZOLD 3 , Zelinda LEAO 1 , Alexandre<br />

COSTA 4 , Ricardo DOMINGUES 5 , Marília OLIVEIRA 1 , Carlos LENTINI 4<br />

1 Geophysics and Geology Research Center, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador, Brazil,<br />

2 RCOM Research Centre for Ocean Margins, Universitaet Bremen, Bremen, Germany,<br />

3 Universitaet Bremen, Bremen, Germany, 4 Institute of Physics, Universidade Federal da Bahia,<br />

Salvador, Brazil, 5 Institute of Geosciences, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador, Brazil<br />

The oldest sea surface temperature instrumental records available in Brazilian Navy records<br />

date from 1973, and climate proxy indicators in the Southwestern Atlantic are scarce, if not<br />

absent. Our project aim to evaluate the quality and reconstruct the longer possible time series of<br />

temperature record based on isotopic proxies in the endemic coral Mussismilia braziliensis<br />

skeleton. This species is the main reef builder in Abrolhos Reef Complex. Seasonal temperature<br />

amplitude in the region is about 4-5oC varying from about 23.5oC to 28.5oC. Turbidity and<br />

cloudiness are greater during winter when southern polar fronts tend to reach Brazilian Eastern<br />

Coast as far as 12oS. Among 15 cores taken in the region, one 70 cm long coral core (from<br />

17o47,173'S, 39o02,935'W) was cut as a slab of 1,5 cm thick, X-rayed and sampled along a<br />

growth axis from top to bottom every 0,5 mm with a 0,8 mm wide drill. The analyses were<br />

made in a Finnigan MAT mass spectrometer coupled with an automated sampler. Both d18O<br />

and d13C exhibited a cyclical pattern that, in general, conforms to the density banding. Oxygen<br />

and carbon curves have inverse behavior relative do each other. d18O varies from -3.42 to -<br />

3.70‰ (VPDB) and d13C from 2.04 to -2.46‰ (VPDB). The seasonality in d18O, in the order<br />

of 0.4‰ is low compared to the expected seasonality 0.8‰-1.0‰, but is explained by the<br />

depletion in 16O that occurs during the summer in seawater (ca. 0.5‰). The 80 years<br />

represented by the isotopic data exhibit a decadal (ca. 12 years) variability and milder<br />

temperatures before the 70's. Highest temperature signal occur in the end of the 70's and<br />

beginning of the 80's and in 2001-2003.<br />

4-29<br />

Corals As Recorders Of Land-Ocean Carbon Transport in Puerto Rico Using δ 13 c And<br />

Ba/ca<br />

Ryan MOYER* 1 , Andrea GROTTOLI 1<br />

1 School of Earth Science, The Ohio State <strong>University</strong>, Columbus, OH<br />

Rivers link terrestrial and marine ecosystems and influence the abundance, composition, and<br />

timing of carbon delivered to the coastal ocean. During periods of sustained high river<br />

discharge, the stable carbon isotope (δ13C) signature of coastal seawater DIC is likely<br />

influenced by the δ13C of the organic and inorganic carbon of the adjacent catchment. In<br />

coastal areas where coral reefs occur in close proximity to the mouths of rivers, coral skeletal<br />

δ13C should record deviations in seawater DI- δ13C during periods of high river discharge.<br />

Additionally, Ba in coral skeletons acts as a conservative tracer of freshwater pulses in coastal<br />

marine systems, and can be used to identify past flood events in coral cores. To further establish<br />

this connection and extend the record of river discharge, coral skeletal δ13C and Ba/Ca were<br />

measured in a Montastraea faveolata coral core collected approximately 400 m from the mouth<br />

of the Fajardo River (Puerto Rico). Cross-spectral analysis of coral skeletal Ba/Ca and river<br />

discharge yields significant bi-weekly coherence for the portion of the record where<br />

instrumental river discharge records are available (1979 - 2004). Coral δ 13 C and river discharge<br />

are annually coherent over this same time interval, with δ 13 C decreasing as discharge increases.<br />

Coral Ba/Ca and δ 13 C are also annually coherent over the entire 56-year record. These data<br />

suggest that such a multi-proxy approach is extremely valuable in elucidating periods of heavy<br />

river discharge where coral δ 13 C is likely affected by terrestrial carbon transport. In combination<br />

with previous work, the data also suggest that skeletal δ 13 C in corals growing near the mouths<br />

of small tropical rivers provide a record of terrestrial carbon delivery to the coastal ocean and<br />

coral reefs, as well as the land-use history of the river catchment.<br />


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