11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University 11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


14.461 On The Trail Of A Voracious Predator – The Phylogeography Of acanthaster Planci Catherine VOGLER* 1 , Paul BARBER 2 , John BENZIE 3 , Gert WÖRHEIDE 1 1 Courant Research Center Geobiology, University of Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany, 2 Boston University, Boston, MA, 3 Moana Technologies, Aiea, HI Due to their high dispersal potential and the apparent lack of barriers in the marine realm, widespread marine organisms have long been expected to display little genetic structuring. Yet recent studies on marine invertebrates challenge this belief. Distributed throughout the Indo-Pacific, and as such an ideal model for understanding patterns influencing its genetic structure, the conspicuous crown-of-thorns starfish Acanthaster planci has drawn much public and scientific attention over the last 40 years. Despite being a natural predator of corals, it is notoriously infamous for its dramatically destructive oubreaks that have devastated coral reefs throughout its distribution range. However, until today, little is understood about its larval dispersal patterns, the connectivity among populations, and the spread of outbreaks among reefs - all essential elements to appreciate the scale of A. planci’s threat to coral reefs and devise appropriate management plans. Previous studies on A. planci have allowed uncovering substantial gene flow among populations over large distances; nonetheless a major genetic differentiation between the Indian and Pacific Oceans was also detected. However, the lack of resolution of the markers used in these studies limited the interpretability of the data at a finer scale. By investigating A. planci’s phylogeography using sequences of the mtDNA control region, and increasing the sampling to its whole distribution range, this study allowed distinguishing several differentiated clades - probably influenced by past geo-tectonic events and sea level changes, as well as current oceanographic patterns - and understanding more about the dispersal patterns of this ecologically important corallivore. 14.462 The Smell Of Leaves Helps Coral Reef Clownfish Find Island Homes Danielle L. DIXSON* 1 , Geoffery P. JONES 1,2 , Serge PLANES 3 , Morgan S. PRATCHETT 1,2 , Maya SRINIVASAN 1,2 , Craig SYMS 1 , Simon R. THORROLD 4 1 School of Marine and Tropical Biology, James Cook University, Townsville, Australia, 2 ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, James Cook University, Townsville, Australia, 3 Laboratoire Écosystèmes Aquatiques Tropicaux et Méditerranéens, Université de Perpignan, Perpignan, France, 4 Biology, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA Coral reef fish larvae can potentially use a range of stimuli to locate and orientate towards natal reefs. While a high proportion of juvenile clownfish Amphiprion percula settle on natal reefs, how they find their way home is unknown. In Kimbe Bay (Papua New Guinea), A. percula is most abundant on the shallow reef flats and in lagoons associated with isolated vegetated islands and is rare on reefs without islands. Here we used a series of pair-wise choice experiments to investigate the role of water-borne olfactory cues potentially used to find islands. Recently settled juvenile A. percula preferred: (1) Water collected near islands instead of offshore water; (2) Water taken from reefs with islands instead of water from reefs without islands; and (3) Natal lagoon water instead of water from another lagoon. In addition, (4) juveniles preferred water treated with rainforest leaves compared to untreated offshore water. We hypothesize that A. percula use a cocktail of olfactory stimuli to locate vegetated islands, which may explain the high levels of self-recruitment on island reefs. This previously unrecognised link between coral reefs and island vegetation argues for the integrated management of these pristine tropical habitats. Poster Mini-Symposium 14: Reef Connectivity 14.463 Reef Connectivity Of Marine Reserves in Central Philippines As Determined Using Fish Mitochondrial Dna Amida Diwata MACANSANTOS* 1 , Hilconida CALUMPONG 1 , Ma. Rio NAGUIT 1 , Jacinta LUCAÑAS 1 , Janet ESTACION 1 , Adonis FLOREN 1 1 Silliman University Institute of Environmental and Marine Sciences, Dumaguete City, Philippines A patchwork of Marine Reserves have been established in central Philippines as a means of conserving and enhancing its marine resources. However, these reserves were established without any particular design or consideration of their ecological connectivity which is so important for their sustainability. The objective of this study was to determine the connectivity of marine reserves in the central Philippines to assist coastal managers in determining priority areas for protection and in site selection to enhance productivity. Mitochondrial DNA of fish collected from the vicinity of twelve marine reserves found throughout central Philippines was used to compare genetic variation and infer genetic structure. Two fish species, Dascyllus trimaculatus and Pterocaesio pisang were used because they exhibit extreme differences in pelagic larval duration and mode of dispersal. Water current patterns from each site was determined using the drogue method. Preliminary analysis using PAUP* 4.0 showed three subgroups of more similar haplotypes that correspond to three levels of geographic distance. Dascyllus trimaculatus exhibited a stronger genetic structure compared to P. pisang which is a more mobile species. The genetic structure obtained is supported by the water current patterns. 14.465 Genetic Structure Of The Giant Clam, tridacna Crocea As Indicator Of Connectivity Among Mpas in Central Philippines Maria Rio NAGUIT* 1,2 , Hilconida CALUMPONG 2 , Janet ESTACION 2 , Amida Diwata MACANSANTOS 3 1 Jose Rizal Memorial State College, Katipunan, Zamboanga del Norte, Philippines, 2 Institute of Environment and Marine Sciences, Silliman University, Dumaguete, Philippines, 3 Institute of Environment and Marine Sciences, Silliman University, Dumguete, Philippines The genetic structure of five populations of the giant clam, Tridacna crocea from reefs in the Central Philippines was determined using mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase 1 (CO1). Samples from the Spratly group of islands were included for comparison. Results showed a remarkably high level of haplotypic diversity but low nucleotide diversity. Analysis using Molecular Analysis of Variance (AMOVA) revealed significant homogeneity which indicates geneflow among the five populations. This translates to MPA connectivity and highlights the importance of each MPA sampled as both source and sink of T. crocea. 379

14.466 South East African, High-Latitude Coral Communities, A Canary For Western Indian Ocean Coral Reefs? Angus MACDONALD* 1 , Michael SCHLEYER 1 , Jennifer LAMB 2 1 Oceanographic Research Institute, Durban, South Africa, 2 University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa Coral reefs are important to coastal communities throughout the western Indian Ocean (WIO). Coral reef health is deteriorating in this region and resources associated with reefs are thus dwindling. In order that reef resources are sustained for future generations, intervention, in the form of management, is necessary. Effective management of human behaviour associated with coral reef use must incorporate realistic information on coral population dynamics. In this study, stony coral population diversity and relatedness were investigated at several scales using molecular methods. Genetic diversity may be used as a proxy to gauge both the population dynamics and resilience of a community. Genetic variability was thus measured in two corals with different reproductive modes, larval dispersal capabilities and life history strategies. The corals Acropora austera and Platygyra daedalea were chosen as molecular markers were available for these species. We used intron regions in the nuclear DNA of A. austera and the ITS region of the ribosomal DNA of P. daedalea to compare population genetic variability and to separate phylogenetic history from phylogeography. There appears to be regular genetic exchange between populations of both corals in the region. The local oceanography would indicate that northern reef systems may be considered source populations and southern systems, sink populations. This is corroborated by greater genetic diversity in the north. Considering this information, southern reef coral genetic diversity may be a valuable gauge of reef deterioration in the true accretive coral reef systems in the north. 14.467 Using A Multi-Locus Technique To Assess Population Genetic Structure And Infer Dispersal Patterns in Adult Populations Of The Temperate Coral Oculina Arbuscula. Daniel BRAZEAU* 1 , Daniel GLEASON 2 1 Pharmaceutical Sciences, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, 2 Department of Biology, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA The population structure of adult corals is determined by the genetic diversity of the settling larvae each season and subsequent recruit survivorship. On hard-bottom reefs of the southeastern U.S., the broadcast spawning temperate coral, Oculina arbuscula, exist within a patchwork of rocky outcrops surrounded by large expanses of soft substrate. These “live bottom” reefs provide topographic complexity and serve as critical habitat for fish and invertebrate communities. In this paper we employ highly polymorphic genetic markers to assess the genetic structure of adult populations of O. arbuscula on 5 reefs within the vicinity of Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary off Georgia, USA. Juveniles were also collected from recruitment plates at one of the sites and assessed for likely origin. A total of 143 adults and 28 juveniles were studied using 85 polymorphic AFLP markers. The overall frequency of markers was 0.23 (SD = 0.17), ranging from 0.05 to 0.81. Two assignment-based analyses (AFLPOP and Structure) were used to assess the genetic heterogeneity of adults and recruits. Both AFLPOP and Structure showed significant structure among adult populations though there was no relationship between allele frequency divergences between sites and geographic distance. Genetic heterogeneity among adult populations was sufficient to allow either analysis to correctly assign randomly chosen individuals back to the populations they were collected from with probabilities from 41% to 72%. Based upon adult frequencies, AFLPOP and Structure identified the natal reef as the most likely source for 57% and 61% respectively of the juveniles. The next site with the highest probabilities of recruit origin accounted for 21% to 25% of the recruits. This site was not the next nearest site to the reef where the juveniles were collected. These limited data suggest significant structure among adult populations for this broadcast spawning species perhaps driven in part by self seeding. Poster Mini-Symposium 14: Reef Connectivity 14.468 Genetic structure of the giant barrel sponge Xestospongia muta in Northern Caribbean Susanna LOPEZ-LEGENTIL* 1 , Joseph PAWLIK 2 1 Center for Marine Science, University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, NC, 2 Center for Marine Science, University North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, NC Sponges play key functional roles in coral reef ecosystems. In the Caribbean, the giant barrel sponge, Xestospongia muta, is a dominant reef constituent. In recent years reports of sponge bleaching, disease and subsequent mortality have alarmingly increased. Population recovery may strongly depend on colonization capabilities of the affected species. However, little is known about population structure and gene flow among sponge populations. The mitochondrial gene Cytochrome Oxidase subunit I (COI) fragment amplified with Folmer’s universal primers is frequently used for population genetic and phylogeography studies in marine taxa, but this fragment presents very low nucleotide variability in sponges. In this study, we tested the usefulness of the I3-M11 partition of COI to determine the genetic structure of Xestospongia muta in the Northern Caribbean. 116 sequences of 544 bp were obtained corresponding to four haplotypes. The nucleotide diversity found for the I3-M11 partition (π = 0.00386) was higher than the one found for Folmer’s, indicating better resolution at lower taxonomic levels. Pairwise tests for genetic differentiation among geographic locations based on FST values showed significant genetic divergence between most populations. However, this genetic differentiation was not due to isolation by distance. While limited dispersal may have led to differentiation among some of the populations, the patterns of genetic similarity appear to be most strongly related to patterns of ocean currents. As determined for other marine invertebrates, our results suggest that geographic barriers play a major role in sponge colonization in the Caribbean and need to be considered in existing and future plans for management and conservation of coral reef ecosystems. 14.469 Pelagic Larval Durations And Settlement Size in The Western Atlantic lutjanus Spp. Benjamin VICTOR* 1 1 Ocean Science Foundation, Irvine, CA The pelagic larval duration for all of the eight shallow-water snappers from the Western Atlantic is three to four weeks with remarkably little variation. Divergent reports of PLDs in the literature probably reflect different interpretations of the otolith microstructure near the center and at the settlement mark. I estimated larval durations from the otoliths of settling larvae from several sites in the Caribbean. Both inter and intra-specific variation in PLD was very low, especially considering some inevitable counting error. In contrast to the consistency in PLD, the size at settlement varied greatly between species, with grey snappers settling at particularly small sizes (10-15 mm SL) and mahogany snappers settling at the largest sizes (17-22 mm SL). There was less variation in size at settlement within species. Given the consistency of the larval duration, the variation in size at settlement is due primarily to varying growth rates while pelagic. This indicates that there are species-specific growth trajectories in the open ocean that likely reflect species-specific larval ecology amongst the snappers in the region. 380

14.466<br />

South East African, High-Latitude Coral Communities, A Canary For Western<br />

Indian Ocean Coral Reefs?<br />

Angus MACDONALD* 1 , Michael SCHLEYER 1 , Jennifer LAMB 2<br />

1 Oceanographic Research Institute, Durban, South Africa, 2 <strong>University</strong> of KwaZulu-Natal,<br />

Durban, South Africa<br />

Coral reefs are important to coastal communities throughout the western Indian Ocean<br />

(WIO). Coral reef health is deteriorating in this region and resources associated with<br />

reefs are thus dwindling. In order that reef resources are sustained for future generations,<br />

intervention, in the form of management, is necessary. Effective management of human<br />

behaviour associated with coral reef use must incorporate realistic information on coral<br />

population dynamics. In this study, stony coral population diversity and relatedness were<br />

investigated at several scales using molecular methods. Genetic diversity may be used as<br />

a proxy to gauge both the population dynamics and resilience of a community. Genetic<br />

variability was thus measured in two corals with different reproductive modes, larval<br />

dispersal capabilities and life history strategies. The corals Acropora austera and<br />

Platygyra daedalea were chosen as molecular markers were available for these species.<br />

We used intron regions in the nuclear DNA of A. austera and the ITS region of the<br />

ribosomal DNA of P. daedalea to compare population genetic variability and to separate<br />

phylogenetic history from phylogeography. There appears to be regular genetic exchange<br />

between populations of both corals in the region. The local oceanography would indicate<br />

that northern reef systems may be considered source populations and southern systems,<br />

sink populations. This is corroborated by greater genetic diversity in the north.<br />

Considering this information, southern reef coral genetic diversity may be a valuable<br />

gauge of reef deterioration in the true accretive coral reef systems in the north.<br />

14.467<br />

Using A Multi-Locus Technique To Assess Population Genetic Structure And Infer<br />

Dispersal Patterns in Adult Populations Of The Temperate Coral Oculina<br />

Arbuscula.<br />

Daniel BRAZEAU* 1 , Daniel GLEASON 2<br />

1 Pharmaceutical Sciences, <strong>University</strong> at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, 2 Department of Biology,<br />

Georgia Southern <strong>University</strong>, Statesboro, GA<br />

The population structure of adult corals is determined by the genetic diversity of the<br />

settling larvae each season and subsequent recruit survivorship. On hard-bottom reefs of<br />

the southeastern U.S., the broadcast spawning temperate coral, Oculina arbuscula, exist<br />

within a patchwork of rocky outcrops surrounded by large expanses of soft substrate.<br />

These “live bottom” reefs provide topographic complexity and serve as critical habitat for<br />

fish and invertebrate communities. In this paper we employ highly polymorphic genetic<br />

markers to assess the genetic structure of adult populations of O. arbuscula on 5 reefs<br />

within the vicinity of Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary off Georgia, USA.<br />

Juveniles were also collected from recruitment plates at one of the sites and assessed for<br />

likely origin. A total of 143 adults and 28 juveniles were studied using 85 polymorphic<br />

AFLP markers. The overall frequency of markers was 0.23 (SD = 0.17), ranging from<br />

0.05 to 0.81. Two assignment-based analyses (AFLPOP and Structure) were used to<br />

assess the genetic heterogeneity of adults and recruits. Both AFLPOP and Structure<br />

showed significant structure among adult populations though there was no relationship<br />

between allele frequency divergences between sites and geographic distance. Genetic<br />

heterogeneity among adult populations was sufficient to allow either analysis to correctly<br />

assign randomly chosen individuals back to the populations they were collected from<br />

with probabilities from 41% to 72%. Based upon adult frequencies, AFLPOP and<br />

Structure identified the natal reef as the most likely source for 57% and 61% respectively<br />

of the juveniles. The next site with the highest probabilities of recruit origin accounted<br />

for 21% to 25% of the recruits. This site was not the next nearest site to the reef where<br />

the juveniles were collected. These limited data suggest significant structure among adult<br />

populations for this broadcast spawning species perhaps driven in part by self seeding.<br />

Poster Mini-Symposium 14: Reef Connectivity<br />

14.468<br />

Genetic structure of the giant barrel sponge Xestospongia muta in Northern Caribbean<br />

Susanna LOPEZ-LEGENTIL* 1 , Joseph PAWLIK 2<br />

1 Center for Marine Science, <strong>University</strong> of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, NC,<br />

2 Center for Marine Science, <strong>University</strong> North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, NC<br />

Sponges play key functional roles in coral reef ecosystems. In the Caribbean, the giant barrel<br />

sponge, Xestospongia muta, is a dominant reef constituent. In recent years reports of sponge<br />

bleaching, disease and subsequent mortality have alarmingly increased. Population recovery<br />

may strongly depend on colonization capabilities of the affected species. However, little is<br />

known about population structure and gene flow among sponge populations. The mitochondrial<br />

gene Cytochrome Oxidase subunit I (COI) fragment amplified with Folmer’s universal primers<br />

is frequently used for population genetic and phylogeography studies in marine taxa, but this<br />

fragment presents very low nucleotide variability in sponges. In this study, we tested the<br />

usefulness of the I3-M11 partition of COI to determine the genetic structure of Xestospongia<br />

muta in the Northern Caribbean. 116 sequences of 544 bp were obtained corresponding to four<br />

haplotypes. The nucleotide diversity found for the I3-M11 partition (π = 0.00386) was higher<br />

than the one found for Folmer’s, indicating better resolution at lower taxonomic levels. Pairwise<br />

tests for genetic differentiation among geographic locations based on FST values showed<br />

significant genetic divergence between most populations. However, this genetic differentiation<br />

was not due to isolation by distance. While limited dispersal may have led to differentiation<br />

among some of the populations, the patterns of genetic similarity appear to be most strongly<br />

related to patterns of ocean currents. As determined for other marine invertebrates, our results<br />

suggest that geographic barriers play a major role in sponge colonization in the Caribbean and<br />

need to be considered in existing and future plans for management and conservation of coral<br />

reef ecosystems.<br />

14.469<br />

Pelagic Larval Durations And Settlement Size in The Western Atlantic lutjanus Spp.<br />

Benjamin VICTOR* 1<br />

1 Ocean Science Foundation, Irvine, CA<br />

The pelagic larval duration for all of the eight shallow-water snappers from the Western<br />

Atlantic is three to four weeks with remarkably little variation. Divergent reports of PLDs in the<br />

literature probably reflect different interpretations of the otolith microstructure near the center<br />

and at the settlement mark. I estimated larval durations from the otoliths of settling larvae from<br />

several sites in the Caribbean. Both inter and intra-specific variation in PLD was very low,<br />

especially considering some inevitable counting error. In contrast to the consistency in PLD, the<br />

size at settlement varied greatly between species, with grey snappers settling at particularly<br />

small sizes (10-15 mm SL) and mahogany snappers settling at the largest sizes (17-22 mm SL).<br />

There was less variation in size at settlement within species. Given the consistency of the larval<br />

duration, the variation in size at settlement is due primarily to varying growth rates while<br />

pelagic. This indicates that there are species-specific growth trajectories in the open ocean that<br />

likely reflect species-specific larval ecology amongst the snappers in the region.<br />


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