11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University 11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


Poster Mini-Symposium 11: From Molecules to Moonbeams: How is reproductive timing regulated in coral reef organisms? 11.395 How Depth, Polyp Position, And Colony Size Affect Fertility Among Regions Andrea VANEGAS* 1 , Alberto ACOSTA 2 , Angelica BATISTA 3 1 Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia, 2 Biology, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia, 3 Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia Two important geographical regions are recognized in the Atlantic; the Caribbean, and the South Western Atlantic, where the zoanthid Palythoa caribaeorum is present. Populations inhabiting different regions are an ideal condition to test how some variables may affect fertility. Is already documented, within the same region, for several colonial species, that depth, polyp position, and colony size have an important effect on fertility (percentage of polyps with gonads); however, a latitudinal or regional comparison using the same species have not been tested. 165 colonies were randomly sampled at Praia Portinho, S.P., Brazil (23°N), and at Punta de Betín, Colombia (11°S) during the peak of sexual reproduction. Fertility was quantified and the results compared between populations according to: 1. depth (shallow: 0.5-2m; deep: 2.5-4m); 2. polyp position within the colony (marginal; middle; center); and 3. colony size (small: ≤900cm2; large: ≥4,901cm2). Populations exhibited similar reproductive colonies (61-62%). Fertility was statistically different between populations for depth and polyp position; with higher values for Brazil, particularly polyps located in the center and shallow water colonies. Fertility could be related to: 1. colony size; when a threshold distance is achieved between marginal and center polyps, within large Brazilian colonies; 2. biotic factors (i.e. degree of fission, and inter-specific competition), which decrease fertility in marginal polyps when compared to the center; 3. abiotic factors (i.e. sedimentation rates, SST), which are more benign in shallow than deeper water. In contrast, fertility between populations was not significantly affected by colony size. The results suggest that local variables may affect fertility. To propose a reproductive effort pattern for any species will imply to deal with multiple synergistic factors, which act differently between regions or latitudes. 11.396 Reproductive Cycle Of montastraea Cavernosa Linnaeus, 1767 (Cnidaria, Scleractinia) From Southern Bahia Reefs, Brazil Joana SILVA* 1 , Débora PIRES 1 1 Departamento de Invertebrados, Museu Nacional/Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil The reproductive cycle of the coral Montastraea cavernosa was studied in colonies collected from southern Bahia reefs (18ºS), the richest reef area of the South Atlantic. In Brazil, it is distributed from Pernambuco (8ºS), to Espírito Santo (20ºS), also occurring in oceanic areas as the Parcel do Manuel Luís, Fernando de Noronha archipel and Atol das Rocas. Patterns of reproduction, mode of development, gametogenesis and seasonal patterns of the reproductive cycle were assessed from histological sections. The results showed that M. cavernosa is a gonochoric and broadcasting species, with an annual reproductive cycle which lasts for approximately 11 months. The development of the female and male gametes started at different moments. The oogenesis lasted about 11 months, starting on March and April. The spermatic cysts were first seen on preparations of material collected on January and remained up to three months later. The maximum oocyte diameter measured was 417 µm. The spawning of the species in many localities in the Caribbean occur after the full moons of July, August, September and October, during the end of summer in the northern hemisphere. In the southwestern Atlantic, spawning also occurred at the end of summer, when water temperature is the highest, and, during the first days after the full moons of February and March. 11.397 Development And Substrate Preference Of Planula Larvae Of Pocillopora Damicornis In Thailand Pataporn KUANUI* 1 , Suchana CHAVANICH 1 , Voranop VIYAKARN 1 1 Marine Science, Chulalongkorn university, Bangkok, Thailand In this study, the releasing period and development of planula larvae of Pocillopora damicornis in Thailand were investigated. In addition, the substrate preference for settlement of larvae was conducted. Ten colonies of P. damicornis, approximately 15 cm in diameter, were tagged and collected for observation every month. To observe the releasing period of larvae, each colony was placed in a separated tank in a rearing system until it released the planula larvae. The results showed that P. damicornis released planula larvae during the day and night between 1- 14 days after the new moon. However, the high numbers of planula larvae were released during 3-6 days after the new moon. The releasing rates were 0.18+0.05 planula larvae per polyp. Moreover, some colony could release planula larvae monthly. The newly released planula larvae were approximately 1 mm in length. The larvae started attaching on a substrate with in 0.5 hour, and depressed their body shape in 1.5 hours. The polyp, tentacle, and hard structure were observed after 40 hours. After 4 days, a juvenile coral (one polyp) started budding and expanding its size. At the 6th month, the colony shape started uplifting. In addition, the results of the substrate preference for settlement of larvae showed that larvae preferred to settle on the substrates (tile, dead coral slide and rock slide) that had coralline algae covering than ones without coralline algae (p

Poster Mini-Symposium 11: From Molecules to Moonbeams: How is reproductive timing regulated in coral reef organisms? 11.399 Planula Release, Settlement, Metamorphosis And Growth Of Deep-Sea Soft Corals ZHAO SUN* 1 , JEAN-FRANÇOIS HAMEL 2 , ANNIE MERCIER 1 1 Ocean Sciences Centre (OSC), Memorial University of Newfoundland, St John's, NL, Canada, 2 Exploration and Valuing of the Environment (SEVE), St John's, NL, Canada The life history of deep-sea octocorals has rarely been studied in any detail, mostly owing to the difficulty of collecting and keeping live specimens. Here we present the reproductive biology, timing of larval release and settlement, and early growth of three nephteid species, with a focus on Drifa sp. Specimens collected off the SW Grand Banks (eastern Canada) were brought back to the laboratory where release of planula larvae was monitored daily from July to December 2007. Planulae were emitted without any clearly defined monthly or seasonal patterns. The number of planulae released in a single event by Drifa sp. varied from 1 to 14 in six colonies from 500 m, and from 1 to 5 in eleven colonies from 1200 m. The large planulae (ca. 3-6 mm long) were generally expulsed one at a time from the reproductive polyps in a process that took between 20 min and up to 7 d. They exhibited cycles of contraction and expansion that allowed them to alternately sink to the bottom and float in the water column. Settlement occurred after 1 to 29 d, though a small portion of larvae took >2 mo to settle. The type of substratum clearly influenced the time and rate of settlement: for instance, only 5 of 39 planulae settled on sterile plates (after 12 to 50 d), whereas 15 of 32 planulae settled on shell fragments (after 2 to 24 d). A few planulae were observed to settle on adult colonies and other planulae. The eight primary mesenteries typically appeared within 24 h. Polyps developed eight pinnulated tentacles after 12-75 d; they had a stalk diameter of ca.1 mm and a length of ca. 5 mm after 140 d of growth. 11.400 Embryogenesis in The Reef-Building acropora Spp. Nami OKUBO* 1 1 Yokohama National University (present: Kyoto University), Yokohama, Japan Embryogenesis in the reef building corals Acropora intermedia, A. solitaryensis, A. hyacinthus, A. digitifera, and A. tenuis was studied in detail at the morphological level, and the relationships among the animal pole, blastopore, and mouth were investigated for the first time in coral. These species showed essentially the same sequence of development. The embryo underwent spiral-like holoblastic cleavage despite the presence of a dense isolecithal yolk. After the morula stage, the embryo entered the prawn-chip stage, which consisted of an irregularly shaped cellular bilayer. The embryo began to roll inward to form the bowl stage; the round shape observed during this stage suggests that it may be the beginning of gastrulation. However, the blastopore closed and the stomodeum (mouth and pharynx) was formed via invagination at a site near the closed blastopore. During the planula stage, a concavity formed in the aboral region in conjunction with numerous spirocysts, suggesting that spirocysts are used to attach to the substrate before the onset of metamorphosis. 11.401 Breeding Experiments Of The Hermatypic Coral Galaxea Fascicularis: Partial Reproductive Isolation Between Colonies Of Different Nematocyst Types, And Enhancement Of Fertilization Success By The Presence Of Parental Colonies Mariko ABE* 1,2 , Toshiki WATANABE 3 , Hideki HAYAKAWA 3 , Michio HIDAKA 4 1 Marine and Environmental Science, University of the Ryukyus, Nishihara, Japan, 2 Okinawa ReefCheck and Research Group, Nishihara, Japan, 3 Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 4 University of the Ryukyus, Nishihara, Japan The populations of G. fascicularis in Okinawa, Japan are likely to consist of two cryptic species. By morphological examination, a nematocyst type macrobasic p-mastigophore (MpM) in G. fascicularis has been distinguished to two distinct subtypes S and H, named after soft and hard colonial morphologies, respectively.Type S MpMs had a relatively thick capsule and a shaft about a half of the capsule length, whereas MpMs of type H had a slender capsule with a shaft shorter than one third of the capsule length. In the majority of G. fascicularis colonies, only one of the two MpM types is found in external tentacles. Molecular analyses have shown that the MpM types are highly correlated to different genotypes in a mitochondrial intergenic region and at a nuclear microsatellite locus. Thus, this species in Okinawa is suspected to consist of two reproductive units that occur in sympatry. The present study was to examine the presence of reproductive isolation in G. fascicularis by performing fertilization experiments between individuals of the same or different MpM types. Results of three years breeding experiments showed that fertilization specificity, only a cross between type H female and type S male, was found to be compatible with the MpM morphotypes with low frequencies of cross-fertilization, suggesting the presence of permeable reproductive barrier between the putative cryptic species. In addition we also found an interesting fertilization mechanism of G.fascicularis, fertilization could only be successful in the presence of colony fragments. 11.402 Reproductive Effort Of A Brain Coral in The Abrolhos Reef Complex, Brazil Marcia ALVARENGA* 1 , Clovis CASTRO 1 1 Invertebrates, Museu Nacional - UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Brazil has the only true coral reefs in the South Atllantic Ocean and Abrolhos is considered the largest and richest coral reef area in Brazil. Mussismilia hispida is endemic to Brazilian coast. This specie is very comon and plays an important role as one of the major reef builder along the Brazilian coast. Five colonies were collected at five sites at the inner reefs of the Abrolhos Bank, located at different distances from the coast. Reproductive effort was estimated through fecundity (number of eggs per polyp and per mesenteries). Our data show that the fecundity is variable. The specie presents a mean of 51,7 (6,0 s.d.) mesenteries per polyp. Mean fecundity per mesenteries was 28,6 (6,5 s.d.) and the higher number of eggs per mesenteries was 32. The accuracy of the fecundity per gonad obtained was correlated to sediment deposition in each site sampled. Sedimentation has previously been considered an important source of impact in coral reefs. Percentages of fertile mesenteries per polyp were similar among sites. However, the fecundity per mesenteries varied among colonies and sites, especially on the sites with high sediment deposition. We suggest that M. hispida can suffer impacts on your reproductive effort or can also invest a lot of energy in egg production to increase its chance of survival of the species in more disturb habitats. The study shows data that can be used as a tool if environment threat in the area. 362

Poster Mini-Symposium 11: From Molecules to Moonbeams: How is reproductive timing regulated in coral reef organisms?<br />

11.395<br />

How Depth, Polyp Position, And Colony Size Affect Fertility Among Regions<br />

Andrea VANEGAS* 1 , Alberto ACOSTA 2 , Angelica BATISTA 3<br />

1 Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia, 2 Biology, Pontificia Universidad<br />

Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia, 3 Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia<br />

Two important geographical regions are recognized in the Atlantic; the Caribbean, and<br />

the South Western Atlantic, where the zoanthid Palythoa caribaeorum is present.<br />

Populations inhabiting different regions are an ideal condition to test how some variables<br />

may affect fertility. Is already documented, within the same region, for several colonial<br />

species, that depth, polyp position, and colony size have an important effect on fertility<br />

(percentage of polyps with gonads); however, a latitudinal or regional comparison using<br />

the same species have not been tested. 165 colonies were randomly sampled at Praia<br />

Portinho, S.P., Brazil (23°N), and at Punta de Betín, Colombia (11°S) during the peak of<br />

sexual reproduction. Fertility was quantified and the results compared between<br />

populations according to: 1. depth (shallow: 0.5-2m; deep: 2.5-4m); 2. polyp position<br />

within the colony (marginal; middle; center); and 3. colony size (small: ≤900cm2; large:<br />

≥4,901cm2). Populations exhibited similar reproductive colonies (61-62%). Fertility was<br />

statistically different between populations for depth and polyp position; with higher<br />

values for Brazil, particularly polyps located in the center and shallow water colonies.<br />

Fertility could be related to: 1. colony size; when a threshold distance is achieved<br />

between marginal and center polyps, within large Brazilian colonies; 2. biotic factors (i.e.<br />

degree of fission, and inter-specific competition), which decrease fertility in marginal<br />

polyps when compared to the center; 3. abiotic factors (i.e. sedimentation rates, SST),<br />

which are more benign in shallow than deeper water. In contrast, fertility between<br />

populations was not significantly affected by colony size. The results suggest that local<br />

variables may affect fertility. To propose a reproductive effort pattern for any species will<br />

imply to deal with multiple synergistic factors, which act differently between regions or<br />

latitudes.<br />

11.396<br />

Reproductive Cycle Of montastraea Cavernosa Linnaeus, 1767 (Cnidaria,<br />

Scleractinia) From Southern Bahia Reefs, Brazil<br />

Joana SILVA* 1 , Débora PIRES 1<br />

1 Departamento de Invertebrados, Museu Nacional/Universidade Federal do Rio de<br />

Janeiro, Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil<br />

The reproductive cycle of the coral Montastraea cavernosa was studied in colonies<br />

collected from southern Bahia reefs (18ºS), the richest reef area of the South Atlantic. In<br />

Brazil, it is distributed from Pernambuco (8ºS), to Espírito Santo (20ºS), also occurring in<br />

oceanic areas as the Parcel do Manuel Luís, Fernando de Noronha archipel and Atol das<br />

Rocas. Patterns of reproduction, mode of development, gametogenesis and seasonal<br />

patterns of the reproductive cycle were assessed from histological sections. The results<br />

showed that M. cavernosa is a gonochoric and broadcasting species, with an annual<br />

reproductive cycle which lasts for approximately 11 months. The development of the<br />

female and male gametes started at different moments. The oogenesis lasted about 11<br />

months, starting on March and April. The spermatic cysts were first seen on preparations<br />

of material collected on January and remained up to three months later. The maximum<br />

oocyte diameter measured was 417 µm. The spawning of the species in many localities in<br />

the Caribbean occur after the full moons of July, August, September and October, during<br />

the end of summer in the northern hemisphere. In the southwestern Atlantic, spawning<br />

also occurred at the end of summer, when water temperature is the highest, and, during<br />

the first days after the full moons of February and March.<br />

11.397<br />

Development And Substrate Preference Of Planula Larvae Of Pocillopora Damicornis In<br />

Thailand<br />

Pataporn KUANUI* 1 , Suchana CHAVANICH 1 , Voranop VIYAKARN 1<br />

1 Marine Science, Chulalongkorn university, Bangkok, Thailand<br />

In this study, the releasing period and development of planula larvae of Pocillopora damicornis<br />

in Thailand were investigated. In addition, the substrate preference for settlement of larvae was<br />

conducted. Ten colonies of P. damicornis, approximately 15 cm in diameter, were tagged and<br />

collected for observation every month. To observe the releasing period of larvae, each colony<br />

was placed in a separated tank in a rearing system until it released the planula larvae. The<br />

results showed that P. damicornis released planula larvae during the day and night between 1-<br />

14 days after the new moon. However, the high numbers of planula larvae were released during<br />

3-6 days after the new moon. The releasing rates were 0.18+0.05 planula larvae per polyp.<br />

Moreover, some colony could release planula larvae monthly. The newly released planula<br />

larvae were approximately 1 mm in length. The larvae started attaching on a substrate with in<br />

0.5 hour, and depressed their body shape in 1.5 hours. The polyp, tentacle, and hard structure<br />

were observed after 40 hours. After 4 days, a juvenile coral (one polyp) started budding and<br />

expanding its size. At the 6th month, the colony shape started uplifting. In addition, the results<br />

of the substrate preference for settlement of larvae showed that larvae preferred to settle on the<br />

substrates (tile, dead coral slide and rock slide) that had coralline algae covering than ones<br />

without coralline algae (p

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