11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University 11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


Oral Mini-Symposium 4: Coral Reef Organisms as Recorders of Local and Global Environmental Change 4-5 Coral Record of Ba/Ca from the Southern Gulf of Mexico and its Relationship to Fluvial Discharge Guillermo HORTA-PUGA* 1 , José D. CARRIQUIRY 2 1 Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala, UBIPRO, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Tlalnepantla, México, Mexico, 2 Instituto de Investigaciones Oceanológicas, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico The Ba/Ca ratio in the annual growth bands of Montastraea faveolata from the Veracruz Reef System was used to record long-term environmental change associated to anthropogenic activity in the Southern Gulf of Mexico (SGM). Annual samples, from cores of two colonies collected at Anegada de Adentro and Isla Verde reefs, were cleaned to quantify both the total and the Ca-sustitutive Ba/Ca ratios by ICP-OES. The total and the Ca-sustitutive Ba/Ca records from the Anegada de Adentro reef were similar for the period 1835-2002, ranging from 5.9 to 10.2 µmol/mol with averages of 7.8 µmol/mol. As no significant statistical differences were found between records, it is concluded that almost all Ba is incorporated in the Ca-sustitutive fraction. The Ba/Ca ratio average increased from 7.4 µmol/mol in the 1835-1920 period to 8.2 µmol/mol in the 1920-2002 period. As the human population in the SGM increased >600% in the last period, it is probable that the sediment load of river waters also increased due to higher erosion rates enhanced by human activities, which also caused and increase of about 10% in the concentration of Ba in the seawater of the SGM. The 62-yr record of Ba/Ca from Isla Verde reef (1941-2002), showed a significant correlation with the Jamapa River total annual discharge for the periods 1957-1974 (r=0.78, p

Oral Mini-Symposium 4: Coral Reef Organisms as Recorders of Local and Global Environmental Change 4-9 Long-Term Caribbean Nutrient Perturbations Recorded by Gorgonian Corals David BAKER* 1 , Kirby WEBSTER 2 , Eduardos VALAITIS 3 , Kiho KIM 2 1 Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 2 Department of Biology, American University, Washington, DC, 3 Department of Mathematics & Statistics, American University, Washington, DC Over the last century the Wider Caribbean has experienced dramatic changes from human activities. Widespread land-use change to agriculture, the concomitant removal of coastal mangrove forests, and recently accelerated population growth has led to perturbation of aquatic ecosystems. Of particular concern is increasing amounts of anthropogenic nutrients, and their effect on coastal marine habitats. Coral reefs are particularly sensitive to nutrification, and there is an abundance of reports on the deleterious effects of nitrogen (N) on these systems. However, the paucity of historical nutrient pollution data inhibits our understanding of the full scope of the problem. Fertilizer and sewage-derived N represent opposing end-members across the natural range of δ 15 N from near zero to > 20 ‰, respectively. The relative proportion of N from these and natural sources dictates the resulting δ 15 N of any mixture. Thus, in the absence of information about the relative contributions of fertilizer and sewage derived N, interpretation of δ 15 N values is problematic. In this study, we use fertilizer use and human population data in a cointegration model to tease apart their respective contributions to long-term changes in N inputs to the Wider Caribbean. We analyzed four species of gorgonians collected from 10 regions within the past 155 years as an integrator of N sources. We show that δ 15 N values of gorgonian corals are positively correlated with population, and negatively correlated with fertilizer consumption. Trends in gorgonian δ 15 N since 1851 indicate a minimum inflection value in the 1970’s, after which δ 15 N increases. We conclude that widespread land-use change to agriculture has historically perturbed N dynamics in coastal Caribbean environments however, recent population growth has offset fertilizer isotope signals in corals, and suggests that the interplay between fertilizer and sewage derived N on coral δ 15 N may lead to underestimation of their respective contributions. 4-10 Identification Of Bleaching Events In Coral Skeletal Records Using High-Resolution Stable Isotope And Trace Element Records Abbey CHRYSTAL* 1 , Andrea GROTTOLI 1 , Lisa RODRIGUES 2 1 School of Earth Sciences, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, 2 Department of Geography and the Environment, Villanova University, Villanova, PA Coral skeletal stable oxygen isotopes (δ18O) reflect changing seawater temperature and salinity, while stable carbon isotopes (δ13C) reflect metabolic and kinetic fractionation. These isotopic changes may provide a record of past bleaching events. The effects of bleaching and subsequent recovery on skeletal isotopes in the mounding coral Porites lobata were experimentally investigated by inducing bleaching in outdoor tanks via increased water temperature (30°C). Control fragments from the same parent colonies were separately maintained at ambient seawater temperature (27°C). After one month all were returned to the reef for 20 months of recovery. Alizarin red staining was used to mark specific dates throughout the 21 months. Isotopes were measured by Kiel-SIR-MS at 0.1 mm increments along the major axis of growth for one bleached and one control fragment. Skeletal δ18O did not differ between the bleached and control fragments during the month of elevated temperatures, nor during recovery under natural reef temperature variations. However, δ13C decreased dramatically relative to the control several weeks into recovery, recovered to control levels after 4 months, and showed a negative departure again the following summer. The initial lag in δ13C depletion suggests that while P. lobata is fairly resistant to initial physiological effects of bleaching, it continues to be affected by the stress event during the first few weeks of recovery. Lower δ 13 C values the second summer suggest that the bleached fragment was more susceptible to thermal-stress from a second moderate warming. Overall, highresolution skeletal δ 13 C has potential as a proxy for past bleaching events in this species independent of δ 18 O variability. Skeletal trace element analyses in both bleached and control fragments are underway and will also be presented. 4-11 Coral Growth Records From Southeast Florida: A History Of Anthropogenic Influence Kevin P HELMLE* 1 , Richard E DODGE 1 , Peter K SWART 2 , J Harold HUDSON 3 1 National Coral Reef Institute, Nova Southeastern University Oceanographic Center, Dania Beach, FL, 2 Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami, Miami, FL, 3 Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (ret.), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Key Largo, FL Coral skeletal growth records of extension, density, and calcification from Southeast Florida reveal a three-decade period of stress spanning ca. 1940 to 1970. The period is characterized by dramatically decreased annual extension rate and increased skeletal bulk density. No similar periods of growth departures of this intensity or duration are present in locally collected corals dating back to 1694. Coral growth from a total of 80 corals exhibits strong correlation with master chronologies indicating a common growth response to one or a combination of environmental limiting factors. Near-shore shallow-water corals in Southeast Florida are affected by a number of stresses including freshwater drainage and coastal runoff. The 30-year period of high skeletal densities and low extension rates matches with a 30-year period of increased freshwater discharge, at times, an order of magnitude greater than normal. Construction of the four major South Florida canal systems diverted waters from Lake Okeechobee in the 40s, 50s, and 60s to the ocean. Comparison of temporal patterns in coral extension with environmental variables reveals a positive correlation between extension rate and salinity (represented by sea water density). The direct cause may be linked to influences from freshwater discharge such as high turbidity and decreased light penetration, salinity, or deleterious water quality. Further analysis of skeletal chemistry will help to identify specific limitations on the growth potential of these corals. Since the early 1970’s, growth rates have generally increased relative to the historical average; however, the frequency of single-year stress bands has also risen. Increased growth rates coincide with warmer temperatures and stress bands likely resulting from partial bleaching when temperature thresholds are exceeded. This research has applications to better understanding coral stress and recovery with particular regard to watershed management. 4-12 The Significance Of Geochemical Proxies in Corals, Does Size (Age) Matter? Tim OURBAK* 1,2 , Kristine DELONG 1 , Thierry CORRÈGE 3 , Bruno MALAIZÉ 3 , Halimeda KILBOURNE 4,5 , Sandrine CAQUINEAU 2 , David HOLLANDER 6 1 College of Marine Science, St Peterbsurg, FL, 2 Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement, Bondy, France, 3 UMR 5805 EPOC, Universite Bordeaux 1, Talence cedex, France, 4 Earth Systems Research Laboratory Physical Sciences Division, NOAA, Boulder, CO, 5 College of Marine Science, St Peterbsurg, 6 College of Marine Science, St Petersburg, FL Massive corals contain a myriad of geochemical tracers that have lead to numerous paleoenvironmental studies (sea surface temperature reconstructions for example). Most of the time, coring is achieved on a coral head, which is then sampled to produce geochemical analyses, used as proxies to estimate paleoclimate variability. The present work deals with the impact of the age (and the size) of the coral head on geochemical results. We analyzed three pristine coral heads using a multiproxy approach (Sr/Ca, Mg/Ca, δ 18 O , δ 13 C). The first one is a 7m high core from New Caledonia where the modern period (top of the core) is compared to the settlement period (bottom of the core, when the coral was still at a juvenile stage). The geochemical signatures of two coral heads (small vs. large) that have grown in a similar environment (Vanuatu) are also compared. Large geochemical differences observed (between juvenile vs. mature and, to a less extent, between small vs. large coral heads) could not be explained only because of environmental variability. We will develop the potential causes of such differences in term of variability of the tracers (kinetic effects, reproductive patterns etc). The implications of this work are that paleonvironmental work based on coral archives should clearly state the length of the core retrieved. For example, if the SST range is well captured by Sr/Ca ratio, independently of the size/stage of growth of the coral head, applying directly calibration equation to reconstruct absolute SST bias the result and only relative SST values should be compared and interpreted. 20

Oral Mini-Symposium 4: Coral Reef Organisms as Recorders of Local and Global Environmental Change<br />

4-9<br />

Long-Term Caribbean Nutrient Perturbations Recorded by Gorgonian Corals<br />

David BAKER* 1 , Kirby WEBSTER 2 , Eduardos VALAITIS 3 , Kiho KIM 2<br />

1 Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Cornell <strong>University</strong>, Ithaca, NY,<br />

2 Department of Biology, American <strong>University</strong>, Washington, DC, 3 Department of<br />

Mathematics & Statistics, American <strong>University</strong>, Washington, DC<br />

Over the last century the Wider Caribbean has experienced dramatic changes from human<br />

activities. Widespread land-use change to agriculture, the concomitant removal of coastal<br />

mangrove forests, and recently accelerated population growth has led to perturbation of<br />

aquatic ecosystems. Of particular concern is increasing amounts of anthropogenic<br />

nutrients, and their effect on coastal marine habitats. Coral reefs are particularly sensitive<br />

to nutrification, and there is an abundance of reports on the deleterious effects of nitrogen<br />

(N) on these systems. However, the paucity of historical nutrient pollution data inhibits<br />

our understanding of the full scope of the problem. Fertilizer and sewage-derived N<br />

represent opposing end-members across the natural range of δ 15 N from near zero to > 20<br />

‰, respectively. The relative proportion of N from these and natural sources dictates the<br />

resulting δ 15 N of any mixture. Thus, in the absence of information about the relative<br />

contributions of fertilizer and sewage derived N, interpretation of δ 15 N values is<br />

problematic. In this study, we use fertilizer use and human population data in a<br />

cointegration model to tease apart their respective contributions to long-term changes in<br />

N inputs to the Wider Caribbean. We analyzed four species of gorgonians collected from<br />

10 regions within the past 155 years as an integrator of N sources. We show that δ 15 N<br />

values of gorgonian corals are positively correlated with population, and negatively<br />

correlated with fertilizer consumption. Trends in gorgonian δ 15 N since 1851 indicate a<br />

minimum inflection value in the 1970’s, after which δ 15 N increases. We conclude that<br />

widespread land-use change to agriculture has historically perturbed N dynamics in<br />

coastal Caribbean environments however, recent population growth has offset fertilizer<br />

isotope signals in corals, and suggests that the interplay between fertilizer and sewage<br />

derived N on coral δ 15 N may lead to underestimation of their respective contributions.<br />

4-10<br />

Identification Of Bleaching Events In Coral Skeletal Records Using High-Resolution<br />

Stable Isotope And Trace Element Records<br />

Abbey CHRYSTAL* 1 , Andrea GROTTOLI 1 , Lisa RODRIGUES 2<br />

1 School of Earth Sciences, The Ohio State <strong>University</strong>, Columbus, OH, 2 Department of<br />

Geography and the Environment, Villanova <strong>University</strong>, Villanova, PA<br />

Coral skeletal stable oxygen isotopes (δ18O) reflect changing seawater temperature and<br />

salinity, while stable carbon isotopes (δ13C) reflect metabolic and kinetic fractionation.<br />

These isotopic changes may provide a record of past bleaching events. The effects of<br />

bleaching and subsequent recovery on skeletal isotopes in the mounding coral Porites<br />

lobata were experimentally investigated by inducing bleaching in outdoor tanks via<br />

increased water temperature (30°C). Control fragments from the same parent colonies<br />

were separately maintained at ambient seawater temperature (27°C). After one month all<br />

were returned to the reef for 20 months of recovery. Alizarin red staining was used to<br />

mark specific dates throughout the 21 months. Isotopes were measured by Kiel-SIR-MS<br />

at 0.1 mm increments along the major axis of growth for one bleached and one control<br />

fragment. Skeletal δ18O did not differ between the bleached and control fragments<br />

during the month of elevated temperatures, nor during recovery under natural reef<br />

temperature variations. However, δ13C decreased dramatically relative to the control<br />

several weeks into recovery, recovered to control levels after 4 months, and showed a<br />

negative departure again the following summer. The initial lag in δ13C depletion<br />

suggests that while P. lobata is fairly resistant to initial physiological effects of<br />

bleaching, it continues to be affected by the stress event during the first few weeks of<br />

recovery. Lower δ 13 C values the second summer suggest that the bleached fragment was<br />

more susceptible to thermal-stress from a second moderate warming. Overall, highresolution<br />

skeletal δ 13 C has potential as a proxy for past bleaching events in this species<br />

independent of δ 18 O variability. Skeletal trace element analyses in both bleached and<br />

control fragments are underway and will also be presented.<br />

4-11<br />

Coral Growth Records From Southeast Florida: A History Of Anthropogenic Influence<br />

Kevin P HELMLE* 1 , Richard E DODGE 1 , Peter K SWART 2 , J Harold HUDSON 3<br />

1 National Coral Reef Institute, <strong>Nova</strong> <strong>Southeastern</strong> <strong>University</strong> Oceanographic Center, Dania<br />

Beach, FL, 2 Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, <strong>University</strong> of Miami,<br />

Miami, FL, 3 Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (ret.), National Oceanic and Atmospheric<br />

Administration, Key Largo, FL<br />

Coral skeletal growth records of extension, density, and calcification from Southeast Florida<br />

reveal a three-decade period of stress spanning ca. 1940 to 1970. The period is characterized by<br />

dramatically decreased annual extension rate and increased skeletal bulk density. No similar<br />

periods of growth departures of this intensity or duration are present in locally collected corals<br />

dating back to 1694. Coral growth from a total of 80 corals exhibits strong correlation with<br />

master chronologies indicating a common growth response to one or a combination of<br />

environmental limiting factors. Near-shore shallow-water corals in Southeast Florida are<br />

affected by a number of stresses including freshwater drainage and coastal runoff. The 30-year<br />

period of high skeletal densities and low extension rates matches with a 30-year period of<br />

increased freshwater discharge, at times, an order of magnitude greater than normal.<br />

Construction of the four major South Florida canal systems diverted waters from Lake<br />

Okeechobee in the 40s, 50s, and 60s to the ocean. Comparison of temporal patterns in coral<br />

extension with environmental variables reveals a positive correlation between extension rate<br />

and salinity (represented by sea water density). The direct cause may be linked to influences<br />

from freshwater discharge such as high turbidity and decreased light penetration, salinity, or<br />

deleterious water quality. Further analysis of skeletal chemistry will help to identify specific<br />

limitations on the growth potential of these corals. Since the early 1970’s, growth rates have<br />

generally increased relative to the historical average; however, the frequency of single-year<br />

stress bands has also risen. Increased growth rates coincide with warmer temperatures and stress<br />

bands likely resulting from partial bleaching when temperature thresholds are exceeded. This<br />

research has applications to better understanding coral stress and recovery with particular regard<br />

to watershed management.<br />

4-12<br />

The Significance Of Geochemical Proxies in Corals, Does Size (Age) Matter?<br />

Tim OURBAK* 1,2 , Kristine DELONG 1 , Thierry CORRÈGE 3 , Bruno MALAIZÉ 3 , Halimeda<br />

KILBOURNE 4,5 , Sandrine CAQUINEAU 2 , David HOLLANDER 6<br />

1 College of Marine Science, St Peterbsurg, FL, 2 Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement,<br />

Bondy, France, 3 UMR 5805 EPOC, Universite Bordeaux 1, Talence cedex, France, 4 Earth<br />

Systems Research Laboratory Physical Sciences Division, NOAA, Boulder, CO, 5 College of<br />

Marine Science, St Peterbsurg, 6 College of Marine Science, St Petersburg, FL<br />

Massive corals contain a myriad of geochemical tracers that have lead to numerous<br />

paleoenvironmental studies (sea surface temperature reconstructions for example). Most of the<br />

time, coring is achieved on a coral head, which is then sampled to produce geochemical<br />

analyses, used as proxies to estimate paleoclimate variability.<br />

The present work deals with the impact of the age (and the size) of the coral head on<br />

geochemical results.<br />

We analyzed three pristine coral heads using a multiproxy approach (Sr/Ca, Mg/Ca, δ 18 O ,<br />

δ 13 C). The first one is a 7m high core from New Caledonia where the modern period (top of the<br />

core) is compared to the settlement period (bottom of the core, when the coral was still at a<br />

juvenile stage).<br />

The geochemical signatures of two coral heads (small vs. large) that have grown in a similar<br />

environment (Vanuatu) are also compared.<br />

Large geochemical differences observed (between juvenile vs. mature and, to a less extent,<br />

between small vs. large coral heads) could not be explained only because of environmental<br />

variability.<br />

We will develop the potential causes of such differences in term of variability of the tracers<br />

(kinetic effects, reproductive patterns etc).<br />

The implications of this work are that paleonvironmental work based on coral archives should<br />

clearly state the length of the core retrieved. For example, if the SST range is well captured by<br />

Sr/Ca ratio, independently of the size/stage of growth of the coral head, applying directly<br />

calibration equation to reconstruct absolute SST bias the result and only relative SST values<br />

should be compared and interpreted.<br />


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