11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University 11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


Poster Mini-Symposium 10: Ecological Processes on Today's Reef Ecosystems 10.321 Leptoseris in Hawaii: The Deepest Photosynthetic Corals In The World? Samuel KAHNG* 1 , James MARAGOS 2 , Eric HOCHBERG 3 , Richard KLOBUCHAR 4 1 College of Natural Science, Hawaii Pacific University, Kaneohe, HI, 2 Pacific/Remote Islands National Wildlife Refuge Complex, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Honolulu, HI, 3 Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, Kaneohe, HI, 4 Waikiki Aquarium, Honolulu, HI Despite its ecological importance, the photosynthetic deep reef below 50 m around the world is poorly understood. Most coral reef science is performed well within the depth limits of recreational SCUBA diving. However, zooxanthellate scleractinian corals occur far below these depths in clear, oligotrophic waters. In Hawaii, photosynthetic corals have been observed growing in situ down to 153 m off the Big Island. Around most of the Main Hawaiian Islands, there is extensive deep reef habitat associated with the insular shelves which extend laterally several km offshore to depths of 100-120 m where they are typically bordered by steep fossil carbonate slopes. In 2001-2006, HURL deep-water surveys in Hawaii observed that the dominant shallow-water reef building corals (i.e., Porites, Montipora, and Pocillopora) were rare below 60 m. However, zooxanthellate scleractinians of the genus Leptoseris were abundant between 60-120 m. In many areas, coral cover exceeded 50% providing complex habitat for an abundance of reef fish and invertebrates. To date, taxonomic analysis has identified Leptoseris hawaiiensis, Leptoseris yabei (new record for Hawaii), and at least two undescribed, congeneric species. Observations suggest that Leptoseris spp. possess specialized photosynthetic physiology for thriving in low light. Preliminary analysis on colonies in culture at the Waikiki Aquarium in Honolulu, Hawaii suggest that the coral growth rates are comparable to shallow-water corals, photosynthesis is the primary source for energetic requirements, and pigment densities are an order of magnitude higher than shallow-water corals. Further research into distribution, physiology, and ecology are needed to properly manage this understudied but important habitat. In particular, examining the environmental factors determining lower depth limits will provide insight on how these important habitat builders will react to future changes in climate and optical water quality. 10.322 Sea Urchin Herbivory in Hawaiian Shallow Water Ecosystems: echinothrix As Allies With tripneustes Holly JESSOP* 1 , Misaki TAKABAYASHI 1 , Marta DEMAINTENON 1 , Camille BARNETT 1 , Nate OLSON 1 1 Marine Science, University of Hawai`i at Hilo, Hilo, HI Tripneustes gratilla sea urchins have been shown to be important grazers on Hawaiian coral reefs, helping to prevent overgrowth of algae and also significantly consuming invasive algal species that have become problematic in Hawai‘i. To add to this body of knowledge, we have conducted research on herbivory by Diadematid Echinothrix urchins, which co-exist with T. gratilla and are also prevalent on Hawaiian reefs. The objective of this research was to assess the comparative and combined potential grazing impacts of T. gratilla and Echinothrix species on invasive algal populations in Hawai‘i. Our research program utilized three different methodological avenues: 1) laboratory nochoice feeding trials of two-week duration to quantify grazing rates on the invasive algae Gracilaria salicornia, 2) ecological field surveys to measure urchin abundances and to investigate interspecific habitat partitioning, and 3) isotope analyses to determine relative urchin trophic positions and in situ feeding habits. Our results of urchin grazing rates that are significant and similar, differences in spatial distribution on reefs, and no evidence for in situ partitioning of food resources, suggest that Echinothrix species may be important allies with T. gratilla in the control of algae in Hawai‘i. These results should be useful to conservation managers working to understand and prevent coral reef degradation and macroalgal phase shifts in Hawai‘i. 10.323 The Ecological Significance Of The Spotted Spiny Lobster And The Long Spined Sea Urchin On Patch Reef Communities in The Florida Keys Meredith KINTZING* 1 , Mark J. BUTLER IV 1 1 Biology, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA The degradation of coral reefs in the Caribbean has been attributed to many factors including global climate change, disease, eutrophication, overfishing, and sea urchin (Diadema antillarum) mass mortality. For example, the loss of piscine predators and herbivores to overfishing is thought to dramatically alter coral reef community structure. However, large invertebrate predators, such as lobsters, are also heavily exploited and their impact on coral reef communities is largely unknown. In the Caribbean, the Spotted Spiny Lobster (Panulirus guttatus) is an abundant resident of shallow reefs and a omnivorous predator of echinoderms, crustaceans, polychaetes, and other benthic taxa. Panulirus guttatus is an obligate dweller of reefs and displays high site fidelity, so unlike other sympatric species of lobster, it is more likely to directly impact reef communities. We are investigating the trophodynamics of P. guttatus on patch reefs in the Florida Keys (Florida, USA) and are experimentally testing the hypothesis that high densities of P. guttatus inhibit recovery of D. antillarum via predation on urchin recruits. Our study couples gut content analysis, laboratory feeding trials, and manipulative field experiments. Preliminary results indicate that in situ changes in lobster density, hence predation, alters the composition of reef macroinvertebrate communities. Our initial laboratory studies also show that Diadema display strong behavioral responses to lobster chemical cues, which may result in changes in macroalgal community structure on reefs. 10.324 Secondary Succession Of Coral Reef Communities At Urasoko Bay, Ishigaki Island, The Ryukyus (Southern Japan) Hideo OHBA* 1 , Kazumasa HASHIMOTO 2 , Kazuyuki SHIMOIKE 3 , Takuro SHIBUNO 2 , Yoshimi FUJIOKA 4 1 Department of Marine Biosciences, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Tokyo, Japan, 2 Ishigaki Tropical Station, Seikai National Fisheries Research Institute, Okinawa, Japan, 3 Japan Wildlife Research Center, Tokyo, Japan, 4 National Research Institute of Aquaculture, Mie, Japan We need to clarify the causes of coral reef death and their recovery processes for the restoration of dead coral reefs. Observations of secondary succession of coral reef communities was carried out at Urasoko Bay, Ishigaki Island, the Ryukyus, southern Japan from 1995. Three study sites were established in Urasoko Bay: outer reef flat (Sta. A), inner reef flat (Sta. B) and inshoreside moat (Sta. C). Four permanent quadrats (1 m x 1 m) were put on each site and all organisms were scraped from the substrate surface in all quadrats in March 1995. The percent cover, number of species and colonies of hermatypic corals as well as the percent cover of marine algae in each quadrat were measured once a year. Except some quadrats at Sta. B and C, whose substrata are composed of rubble from dead branching corals, the immigration of coral larvae and the cover of hermatypic corals gradually increased toward summer of 1998, but most colonies of Acropora spp. died during large-scale coral bleaching between summer and fall of 1998. However, new coral recruitment started again and the coral cover at Sta. A and B achieved 90-100% during 2004-2005. Coral species recruited on the rocks at Sta. A and B were tabular and corymbose Acropora spp. and those at Sta. C were massive Porites spp. in both recovery periods. Thick non-articulated coralline algae covered the rock surface for 2-3 years before the recovery of hermatypic coral communities. It is suggested that the non-articulated coralline algae play a role in construction of firm substrata for settlement and growth of hermatypic corals on the dead corals. The tabular Acropora community around the healthy outer reef flat in Ishigaki Island seems to recover fully in 6-7 years. 343

Poster Mini-Symposium 10: Ecological Processes on Today's Reef Ecosystems 10.325 Within And Among-Site Variability in Early Post-Settlement Survivorship Of A Brooding Coral Megan PORTER* 1 , Wade COOPER 1 1 Division of Marine Biology and Fisheries, RSMAS, University of Miami, Miami, FL Surviving the first few days to weeks after settlement is a difficult yet crucial stage for many marine invertebrates, including corals. Despite the importance of this stage for recruitment dynamics, information on early post-settlement survivorship rates, and the processes controlling these rates, remains limited due to logistical difficulties in studying these cryptic and microscopic stages in situ. To address these deficiencies, the goals of this study were to quantify the early post-settlement survivorship of the brooding coral Porites astreoides, and to assess variability in these rates both within and among four patch reef locations. To accomplish this, larvae were settled onto small substrate chips in the laboratory, transplanted to the reef within four to six days after settlement, and monitored in situ using fluorescent techniques, both in 2006 and 2007. Overall, survivorship among the four sites in both years ranged from 1% to 25% surviving the first month after settlement. Survivorship was slightly lower in 2006 than 2007, and was significantly different among sites in 2007 but not 2006, although the rankings of sites were similar. In both years, survivorship was highly variable within a site, suggesting spatial patchiness in the mechanisms leading to mortality. Although this study did not address specific mechanisms of mortality, quantification of these early survivorship patterns is a useful first step towards proposing more detailed hypotheses on the processes which structure recruitment dynamics. 10.326 Differences in Coral Reef Fish Assemblages Between Mangrove-Poor And Mangrove-Rich Islands Jessica HARM* 1 , Martin SPEIGHT 1 1 Zoology, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom Visual surveys of coral reef fish were conducted on two islands (and associated cays) off the Caribbean coast of Honduras, Cayos Cochinos (mangrove poor) and Utila (mangrove rich). Local populations on both islands exploit reefs, seagrass, and mangroves, and Utila suffers from higher fishing pressure compared to Cayos Cochinos, the latter having a conservation plan and no-take zones. Cayos Cochinos houses only one small mangrove stand (length= 246m), while Utila houses two large mangrove lagoons and fringing mangroves on its north side (total length >1400m). A total of 108 species (excluding cryptic species, gobies/blennies) were found during the survey. Species richness was higher on Utilian coral reefs. Eight randomly laid out 50m transects were surveyed at each site (six sites per island). There was a significant difference (p

Poster Mini-Symposium 10: Ecological Processes on Today's Reef Ecosystems<br />

10.321<br />

Leptoseris in Hawaii: The Deepest Photosynthetic Corals In The World?<br />

Samuel KAHNG* 1 , James MARAGOS 2 , Eric HOCHBERG 3 , Richard KLOBUCHAR 4<br />

1 College of Natural Science, Hawaii Pacific <strong>University</strong>, Kaneohe, HI, 2 Pacific/Remote<br />

Islands National Wildlife Refuge Complex, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Honolulu, HI,<br />

3 Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, Kaneohe, HI, 4 Waikiki Aquarium, Honolulu, HI<br />

Despite its ecological importance, the photosynthetic deep reef below 50 m around the<br />

world is poorly understood. Most coral reef science is performed well within the depth<br />

limits of recreational SCUBA diving. However, zooxanthellate scleractinian corals occur<br />

far below these depths in clear, oligotrophic waters. In Hawaii, photosynthetic corals<br />

have been observed growing in situ down to 153 m off the Big Island. Around most of<br />

the Main Hawaiian Islands, there is extensive deep reef habitat associated with the insular<br />

shelves which extend laterally several km offshore to depths of 100-120 m where they are<br />

typically bordered by steep fossil carbonate slopes. In 2001-2006, HURL deep-water<br />

surveys in Hawaii observed that the dominant shallow-water reef building corals (i.e.,<br />

Porites, Montipora, and Pocillopora) were rare below 60 m. However, zooxanthellate<br />

scleractinians of the genus Leptoseris were abundant between 60-120 m. In many areas,<br />

coral cover exceeded 50% providing complex habitat for an abundance of reef fish and<br />

invertebrates. To date, taxonomic analysis has identified Leptoseris hawaiiensis,<br />

Leptoseris yabei (new record for Hawaii), and at least two undescribed, congeneric<br />

species. Observations suggest that Leptoseris spp. possess specialized photosynthetic<br />

physiology for thriving in low light. Preliminary analysis on colonies in culture at the<br />

Waikiki Aquarium in Honolulu, Hawaii suggest that the coral growth rates are<br />

comparable to shallow-water corals, photosynthesis is the primary source for energetic<br />

requirements, and pigment densities are an order of magnitude higher than shallow-water<br />

corals. Further research into distribution, physiology, and ecology are needed to properly<br />

manage this understudied but important habitat. In particular, examining the<br />

environmental factors determining lower depth limits will provide insight on how these<br />

important habitat builders will react to future changes in climate and optical water<br />

quality.<br />

10.322<br />

Sea Urchin Herbivory in Hawaiian Shallow Water Ecosystems: echinothrix As<br />

Allies With tripneustes<br />

Holly JESSOP* 1 , Misaki TAKABAYASHI 1 , Marta DEMAINTENON 1 , Camille<br />

BARNETT 1 , Nate OLSON 1<br />

1 Marine Science, <strong>University</strong> of Hawai`i at Hilo, Hilo, HI<br />

Tripneustes gratilla sea urchins have been shown to be important grazers on Hawaiian<br />

coral reefs, helping to prevent overgrowth of algae and also significantly consuming<br />

invasive algal species that have become problematic in Hawai‘i. To add to this body of<br />

knowledge, we have conducted research on herbivory by Diadematid Echinothrix<br />

urchins, which co-exist with T. gratilla and are also prevalent on Hawaiian reefs. The<br />

objective of this research was to assess the comparative and combined potential grazing<br />

impacts of T. gratilla and Echinothrix species on invasive algal populations in Hawai‘i.<br />

Our research program utilized three different methodological avenues: 1) laboratory nochoice<br />

feeding trials of two-week duration to quantify grazing rates on the invasive algae<br />

Gracilaria salicornia, 2) ecological field surveys to measure urchin abundances and to<br />

investigate interspecific habitat partitioning, and 3) isotope analyses to determine relative<br />

urchin trophic positions and in situ feeding habits. Our results of urchin grazing rates that<br />

are significant and similar, differences in spatial distribution on reefs, and no evidence for<br />

in situ partitioning of food resources, suggest that Echinothrix species may be important<br />

allies with T. gratilla in the control of algae in Hawai‘i. These results should be useful to<br />

conservation managers working to understand and prevent coral reef degradation and<br />

macroalgal phase shifts in Hawai‘i.<br />

10.323<br />

The Ecological Significance Of The Spotted Spiny Lobster And The Long Spined Sea<br />

Urchin On Patch Reef Communities in The Florida Keys<br />

Meredith KINTZING* 1 , Mark J. BUTLER IV 1<br />

1 Biology, Old Dominion <strong>University</strong>, Norfolk, VA<br />

The degradation of coral reefs in the Caribbean has been attributed to many factors including<br />

global climate change, disease, eutrophication, overfishing, and sea urchin (Diadema<br />

antillarum) mass mortality. For example, the loss of piscine predators and herbivores to<br />

overfishing is thought to dramatically alter coral reef community structure. However, large<br />

invertebrate predators, such as lobsters, are also heavily exploited and their impact on coral reef<br />

communities is largely unknown. In the Caribbean, the Spotted Spiny Lobster (Panulirus<br />

guttatus) is an abundant resident of shallow reefs and a omnivorous predator of echinoderms,<br />

crustaceans, polychaetes, and other benthic taxa. Panulirus guttatus is an obligate dweller of<br />

reefs and displays high site fidelity, so unlike other sympatric species of lobster, it is more<br />

likely to directly impact reef communities. We are investigating the trophodynamics of P.<br />

guttatus on patch reefs in the Florida Keys (Florida, USA) and are experimentally testing the<br />

hypothesis that high densities of P. guttatus inhibit recovery of D. antillarum via predation on<br />

urchin recruits. Our study couples gut content analysis, laboratory feeding trials, and<br />

manipulative field experiments. Preliminary results indicate that in situ changes in lobster<br />

density, hence predation, alters the composition of reef macroinvertebrate communities. Our<br />

initial laboratory studies also show that Diadema display strong behavioral responses to lobster<br />

chemical cues, which may result in changes in macroalgal community structure on reefs.<br />

10.324<br />

Secondary Succession Of Coral Reef Communities At Urasoko Bay, Ishigaki Island, The<br />

Ryukyus (Southern Japan)<br />

Hideo OHBA* 1 , Kazumasa HASHIMOTO 2 , Kazuyuki SHIMOIKE 3 , Takuro SHIBUNO 2 ,<br />

Yoshimi FUJIOKA 4<br />

1 Department of Marine Biosciences, Tokyo <strong>University</strong> of Marine Science and Technology,<br />

Tokyo, Japan, 2 Ishigaki Tropical Station, Seikai National Fisheries Research Institute, Okinawa,<br />

Japan, 3 Japan Wildlife Research Center, Tokyo, Japan, 4 National Research Institute of<br />

Aquaculture, Mie, Japan<br />

We need to clarify the causes of coral reef death and their recovery processes for the restoration<br />

of dead coral reefs. Observations of secondary succession of coral reef communities was carried<br />

out at Urasoko Bay, Ishigaki Island, the Ryukyus, southern Japan from 1995. Three study sites<br />

were established in Urasoko Bay: outer reef flat (Sta. A), inner reef flat (Sta. B) and inshoreside<br />

moat (Sta. C). Four permanent quadrats (1 m x 1 m) were put on each site and all<br />

organisms were scraped from the substrate surface in all quadrats in March 1995. The percent<br />

cover, number of species and colonies of hermatypic corals as well as the percent cover of<br />

marine algae in each quadrat were measured once a year. Except some quadrats at Sta. B and C,<br />

whose substrata are composed of rubble from dead branching corals, the immigration of coral<br />

larvae and the cover of hermatypic corals gradually increased toward summer of 1998, but most<br />

colonies of Acropora spp. died during large-scale coral bleaching between summer and fall of<br />

1998. However, new coral recruitment started again and the coral cover at Sta. A and B<br />

achieved 90-100% during 2004-2005. Coral species recruited on the rocks at Sta. A and B were<br />

tabular and corymbose Acropora spp. and those at Sta. C were massive Porites spp. in both<br />

recovery periods. Thick non-articulated coralline algae covered the rock surface for 2-3 years<br />

before the recovery of hermatypic coral communities. It is suggested that the non-articulated<br />

coralline algae play a role in construction of firm substrata for settlement and growth of<br />

hermatypic corals on the dead corals. The tabular Acropora community around the healthy<br />

outer reef flat in Ishigaki Island seems to recover fully in 6-7 years.<br />


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