11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University 11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


3-17 The Effect Of Depressed Aragonite Saturation State On Larval Settlement, Post- Settlement Survivorship, And Growth Of The Brooding Coral porites Astreoides And The Broadcast-Spawning Coral montastrea Faveolata Rebecca ALBRIGHT* 1 , Benjamin MASON 1 , Chris LANGDON 1 1 Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami, Miami, FL Oral Mini-Symposium 3: Calcification and Coral Reef - Past and Future In conjunction with the projected increases in pCO2 of the coming century, adult coral growth and calcification are expected to decrease significantly. However, no published studies have investigated the effect of elevated pCO2 on earlier life history stages of corals. As coral recruitment, post-settlement survivorship, and growth are critical to reef persistence and resilience, it is of timely importance to better understand the repercussions on such factors. Larvae and gametes of Porites astreoides and Montastrea faveolata (respectively) were collected from reefs in Key Largo, Florida, fertilized (M. faveolata) and settled and reared in controlled saturation state seawater. The effect of treatment water on settlement and post-settlement growth was examined. Three treatment levels were targeted based on present (380 ppm) and projected pCO2 scenarios for the years 2065 (560 ppm) and 2100 (720 ppm). Corresponding saturation states of treatment water were obtained using 1M HCl additions: Ω = 3.19 ± 0.13 (control), 2.59 ± 0.08 (mid), and 2.16 ± 0.12 (low). Larvae were introduced to their respective treatments and allowed one week to settle onto pre-conditioned limestone tiles. Percent settlement was determined by examination under a dissecting microscope. Settled larvae were placed in flow-through treatment aquaria (25°C) and growth rates were analyzed over the course of twenty-one days, using high magnification photographs and SPOT© Softwareto monitor changes in total surface area (mm2). Results indicate that saturation state had no significant effect on percent settlement of P. astreoides or M. faveolata larvae. Skeletal extension rates of P. astreoides spat exhibited a positive correlation with saturation state, while tissue growth rates of M. faveolata spat were not significantly affected. 3-18 Monitoring Oceanic And Coastal Variability in Carbonate Chemistry: Tracking Ocean Acidification in The Greater Caribbean Region Dwight GLEDHILL* 1 , R WANNINKHOF 2 , F.J. MILLERO 3 , C. M. EAKIN 4 , C. LANGDON 3 , J. HENDEE 2 , T.R.L. CHRISTENSEN 1 , A.E. STRONG 4 , W.J. SKIRVING 4 , J.A. MORGAN 1 , G. LIU 1 , S.F. HERON 4 1 IMSG at NOAA Coral Reef Watch, Silver Spring, MD, 2 NOAA OAR AOML, Miami, FL, 3 Rosenstiel School, University of Miami, Miami, FL, 4 NOAA Coral Reef Watch, Silver Spring, MD The surface oceans serve as an important natural sink for increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations. As this CO2 reacts with seawater it reduces pH (acidification) and redistributes inorganic carbon species. Ocean acidification decreases the availability of carbonate ions that are vital to biocalcification processes, including those of prominent reef building organisms. Mapping and monitoring the distribution of such changes provides an important context for understanding the potential impacts of ocean acidification and identifying the most susceptible regions. Using satellite remote sensing and modeled environmental parameters, we have extended in situ observations obtained from Volunteer Observing Ships (VOS) and multiple geochemical surveys to derive estimates of the oceanic changes in sea surface carbonate chemistry throughout the Greater Caribbean Region. The results reveal considerable spatial and temporal variability throughout the region transposed over a strong secular decrease in aragonite saturation state (Ωarg) at a rate of ~ -0.12 ± 0.01 Ωarg decade-1 (r2 = 0.97, P

Oral Mini-Symposium 4: Coral Reef Organisms as Recorders of Local and Global Environmental Change 4-1 Coralline P/Ca: Evidence For A New Seawater PO4 Proxy Michèle LAVIGNE* 1 , Robert M. SHERRELL 2 , M. Paul FIELD 1 , Eleni ANAGNOSTOU 1 , Kim COBB 3 , Andréa G. GROTTOLI 4 , Braddock LINSLEY 5 , Gerard M. WELLINGTON 6 1 Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, 2 Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences and Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, 3 School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, 4 School of Earth Sciences, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, 5 Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University at Albany, State University of New York, Albany, NY, 6 Biology and Biochemistry, University of Houston, Houston, TX A proxy for surface water nutrient concentrations, recorded in coral skeleton, would provide novel records of sub-seasonal to centennial variations in nutrient dynamics and primary production in the past. Records of tropical euphotic zone nutrient supply and uptake could link decadal-centennial scale climate oscillations to low latitude carbon fixation more directly than can be achieved using available paleo-SST/upwelling proxies alone. A coral proxy for seawater phosphate would complement records from established but quantitatively uncertain surface water upwelling proxies in coral such as Cd/Ca and Ba/Ca. Using solution phase and laser ablation HR-ICP-MS methods, we have found that average skeletal P/Ca in surface corals growing in regions with distinct nutrient regimes (Gulf of Panamá (Pavona gigantea), Martinique (Montastrea faveolata), Pacific Line Islands and Rarotonga (Porites lutea)) are positively correlated with mean local surface phosphate concentrations. Further, a 4-year record along the growth axis of the Pavona gigantea coral growing under seasonally varying nutrient levels in the upwelling regime of the Gulf of Panamá shows repeated annual cycles of P/Ca (~75 -230 μmol/mol), with maxima occurring during cool upwelling periods, following the ~3 fold seasonal variations of surface water phosphate (LaVigne et al., in review). Based on rigorous solution cleaning and soluble reactive phosphate analyses of drilled powders, we hypothesize that the P/Ca signal measured by ICP-MS reflects a combination of inorganic and organic intracrystalline phases, incorporated in proportion to ambient seawater phosphate. We plan to further investigate the skeletal P incorporation mechanism and test the validity of this new proxy in corals of different ages and nutrient environments. Modern cores from the Pacific Line Islands (~160ºW, 2-4ºN) will be used to evaluate coralline P/Ca (preliminary range ~30-60 μmol/mol) for reconstructing tropical Pacific nutrient availability in relation to past ENSO-driven changes in equatorial upwelling. 4-2 U/ca As A Possible Proxy Of Carbonate System in Coral Reef Alrum ARMID* 1 , Yuki TAKAESU 1 , Tanri FAHMIATI 1 , Hiroyuki FUJIMURA 1 , Tomihiko HIGUCHI 1 , Eiko TAIRA 2 , Tamotsu OOMORI 1 1 Department of Chemistry, University of the Ryukyus, Japan, Nishihara, Japan, 2 Aqua Culture Okinawa, Japan, Nishihara, Japan Increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and absorption into the ocean will modify the carbonate chemistry of the surface ocean. The atmospheric CO2 level has already increased from the concentration of 280 ppm in the pre-industrial age to 380 ppm in 2007, and it is predicted to reach 560 ppm before the end of the 21 st century. Ocean acidification influences calcium carbonate (CaCO3) equilibrium of the ocean due to the decrease in carbonate (CO3 2- ) ion concentration. During calcification process of marine carbonates (such as coral), some trace elements can be incorporated into carbonate skeleton. Since the elevated atmospheric CO2 reduces the oceanic pH, and the alteration of oceanic pH governs both the ocean carbonate chemistry and the speciation of elements, the mechanism of trace elements incorporated into coral skeleton will be also affected. In seawater, UO2 2+ forms complex ions such as UO2CO3 0 , UO2(CO3)2 2- , and/or UO2(CO3)3 4- . Uranium is thought to be incorporated into carbonate as uranyl (UO2 2+ ) ion. However, the mechanism of their incorporation into coral skeleton based on the pH changes is poorly understood. Therefore, study of such complex uranyl ions incorporated into coral skeleton is significantly needed to establish basic concept of uranium uptake by coral. Incorporation of uranium into coral skeleton was investigated in the labotatory incubation under the controlled pCO2 at 27°C. Distribution coefficient, λUO2, between coral skeleton and seawater was measured, which varies from 2.6 to 0.6 with the change in CO3 2- ion activity in seawater. 4-3 A Rayleigh-Based Approach To Coral Thermometry: Seeing Through The “Vital Effect” Glenn GAETANI* 1 , Anne COHEN 1 , Zhengrong WANG 1,2 1 Geology and Geophysics, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, 2 Yale University, New Haven Paleotemperature proxy records are typically derived from coral skeleton using empirical relationships between elemental ratios and water temperature. While this approach has produced significant advances in our understanding of Earth’s climate system, its accuracy is limited by the impact of physiological processes (“vital effects”) on compositional variability within the skeleton. Several recent studies have identified the importance of Rayleigh fractionation in producing “vital effects” in coral skeleton, providing the basis for a new approach to coral paleothermometry. In contrast with conventional paleothermometry, this approach does not rely on calibrations involving living corals, and no prior knowledge of water temperature is required. By combining analyses of multiple elemental ratios (Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca and Ba/Ca) from a given coral skeleton with experimentally determined partition coefficients for abiogenic aragonite, a mathematically overconstrained system of Rayleigh equations can be constructed that describe element fractionations during coral biomineralization. While these equations cannot be solved explicitly for temperature, global minimization techniques can be used to derive ocean temperatures. The accuracy and precision of this approach was tested on aragonite skeletons from two coral species grown in significantly different environments: (1) Acropora sp., a symbiont-bearing tropical coral grown at 21 to 29°C by Reynaud et al. (2007, Geochim Cosmochim Acta,71:354-362) and (2) Lophelia pertusa, an asymbiotic, cold-water coral collected from a depth of 129 m on the Tisler Reef, NE Skagerrak, where water temperature ranges from ~5 to ~9°C. Results from these corals show that our approach is yields ocean temperatures that are both accurate and precise to within a few tenths of a degree, and that it is applicable both across species and to corals growing in vastly different environments. 4-4 Identification And Calibration Of Proxies For Thermal And Disease Stress From Lipid Biomarkers Jessie KNEELAND* 1 , Konrad HUGHEN 1 , James CERVINO 2,3 , Erich BARTELS 4 1 Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, 2 Pace University, New York, NY, 3 Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, 4 Mote Marine Laboratory, Summerland Key, FL New lipid biomarkers indicative of thermal and disease stress on corals are important for assessing coral health, and lipids also have the potential for preservation in coral aragonite. To identify such stress biomarkers, we cultured Symbiodinium zooxanthellae clade subtypes A, B, C1 and D1 at one-degree temperature increments (24-32 degrees C), with and without introduction of Vibrio pathogens, for 1 to 5 weeks. We also performed analagous incubations of whole coral samples of Montastraea faveolata from Summerland Key, Florida. Lipids were extracted from the cells using a Bligh and Dyer protocol, and were analyzed by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Triplicate cultures under each set of conditions were analyzed up to three times each to ensure a reproducible signal. Resulting indices are calculated as ratios of lipids, providing a robust measure that is not sensitive to total lipid abundance and non-constant sample size. The ratios of fatty acid to sterols, and unsaturation ratios in the fatty acids respond strongly to both increasing temperatures and length of exposure. Comparisons between cultured Symbiodinium lipids and coral tissue, and comparisons between diseased and non-diseased samples, demonstrate the potential for biomarkers as thermal and disease stress proxies. 18

Oral Mini-Symposium 4: Coral Reef Organisms as Recorders of Local and Global Environmental Change<br />

4-1<br />

Coralline P/Ca: Evidence For A New Seawater PO4 Proxy<br />

Michèle LAVIGNE* 1 , Robert M. SHERRELL 2 , M. Paul FIELD 1 , Eleni<br />

ANAGNOSTOU 1 , Kim COBB 3 , Andréa G. GROTTOLI 4 , Braddock LINSLEY 5 , Gerard<br />


1 Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers <strong>University</strong>, New Brunswick, NJ,<br />

2 Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences and Department of Earth and Planetary<br />

Sciences, Rutgers <strong>University</strong>, New Brunswick, NJ, 3 School of Earth and Atmospheric<br />

Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, 4 School of Earth Sciences, The<br />

Ohio State <strong>University</strong>, Columbus, OH, 5 Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences,<br />

<strong>University</strong> at Albany, State <strong>University</strong> of New York, Albany, NY, 6 Biology and<br />

Biochemistry, <strong>University</strong> of Houston, Houston, TX<br />

A proxy for surface water nutrient concentrations, recorded in coral skeleton, would<br />

provide novel records of sub-seasonal to centennial variations in nutrient dynamics and<br />

primary production in the past. Records of tropical euphotic zone nutrient supply and<br />

uptake could link decadal-centennial scale climate oscillations to low latitude carbon<br />

fixation more directly than can be achieved using available paleo-SST/upwelling proxies<br />

alone. A coral proxy for seawater phosphate would complement records from established<br />

but quantitatively uncertain surface water upwelling proxies in coral such as Cd/Ca and<br />

Ba/Ca. Using solution phase and laser ablation HR-ICP-MS methods, we have found that<br />

average skeletal P/Ca in surface corals growing in regions with distinct nutrient regimes<br />

(Gulf of Panamá (Pavona gigantea), Martinique (Montastrea faveolata), Pacific Line<br />

Islands and Rarotonga (Porites lutea)) are positively correlated with mean local surface<br />

phosphate concentrations. Further, a 4-year record along the growth axis of the Pavona<br />

gigantea coral growing under seasonally varying nutrient levels in the upwelling regime<br />

of the Gulf of Panamá shows repeated annual cycles of P/Ca (~75 -230 μmol/mol), with<br />

maxima occurring during cool upwelling periods, following the ~3 fold seasonal<br />

variations of surface water phosphate (LaVigne et al., in review). Based on rigorous<br />

solution cleaning and soluble reactive phosphate analyses of drilled powders, we<br />

hypothesize that the P/Ca signal measured by ICP-MS reflects a combination of inorganic<br />

and organic intracrystalline phases, incorporated in proportion to ambient seawater<br />

phosphate. We plan to further investigate the skeletal P incorporation mechanism and test<br />

the validity of this new proxy in corals of different ages and nutrient environments.<br />

Modern cores from the Pacific Line Islands (~160ºW, 2-4ºN) will be used to evaluate<br />

coralline P/Ca (preliminary range ~30-60 μmol/mol) for reconstructing tropical Pacific<br />

nutrient availability in relation to past ENSO-driven changes in equatorial upwelling.<br />

4-2<br />

U/ca As A Possible Proxy Of Carbonate System in Coral Reef<br />

Alrum ARMID* 1 , Yuki TAKAESU 1 , Tanri FAHMIATI 1 , Hiroyuki FUJIMURA 1 ,<br />

Tomihiko HIGUCHI 1 , Eiko TAIRA 2 , Tamotsu OOMORI 1<br />

1 Department of Chemistry, <strong>University</strong> of the Ryukyus, Japan, Nishihara, Japan, 2 Aqua<br />

Culture Okinawa, Japan, Nishihara, Japan<br />

Increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and absorption into the ocean will modify<br />

the carbonate chemistry of the surface ocean. The atmospheric CO2 level has already<br />

increased from the concentration of 280 ppm in the pre-industrial age to 380 ppm in<br />

2007, and it is predicted to reach 560 ppm before the end of the 21 st century. Ocean<br />

acidification influences calcium carbonate (CaCO3) equilibrium of the ocean due to the<br />

decrease in carbonate (CO3 2- ) ion concentration. During calcification process of marine<br />

carbonates (such as coral), some trace elements can be incorporated into carbonate<br />

skeleton. Since the elevated atmospheric CO2 reduces the oceanic pH, and the alteration<br />

of oceanic pH governs both the ocean carbonate chemistry and the speciation of<br />

elements, the mechanism of trace elements incorporated into coral skeleton will be also<br />

affected.<br />

In seawater, UO2 2+ forms complex ions such as UO2CO3 0 , UO2(CO3)2 2- , and/or<br />

UO2(CO3)3 4- . Uranium is thought to be incorporated into carbonate as uranyl (UO2 2+ ) ion.<br />

However, the mechanism of their incorporation into coral skeleton based on the pH<br />

changes is poorly understood. Therefore, study of such complex uranyl ions incorporated<br />

into coral skeleton is significantly needed to establish basic concept of uranium uptake by<br />

coral.<br />

Incorporation of uranium into coral skeleton was investigated in the labotatory incubation<br />

under the controlled pCO2 at 27°C. Distribution coefficient, λUO2, between coral<br />

skeleton and seawater was measured, which varies from 2.6 to 0.6 with the change in<br />

CO3 2- ion activity in seawater.<br />

4-3<br />

A Rayleigh-Based Approach To Coral Thermometry: Seeing Through The “Vital Effect”<br />

Glenn GAETANI* 1 , Anne COHEN 1 , Zhengrong WANG 1,2<br />

1 Geology and Geophysics, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, 2 Yale<br />

<strong>University</strong>, New Haven<br />

Paleotemperature proxy records are typically derived from coral skeleton using empirical<br />

relationships between elemental ratios and water temperature. While this approach has<br />

produced significant advances in our understanding of Earth’s climate system, its accuracy is<br />

limited by the impact of physiological processes (“vital effects”) on compositional variability<br />

within the skeleton. Several recent studies have identified the importance of Rayleigh<br />

fractionation in producing “vital effects” in coral skeleton, providing the basis for a new<br />

approach to coral paleothermometry. In contrast with conventional paleothermometry, this<br />

approach does not rely on calibrations involving living corals, and no prior knowledge of water<br />

temperature is required. By combining analyses of multiple elemental ratios (Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca and<br />

Ba/Ca) from a given coral skeleton with experimentally determined partition coefficients for<br />

abiogenic aragonite, a mathematically overconstrained system of Rayleigh equations can be<br />

constructed that describe element fractionations during coral biomineralization. While these<br />

equations cannot be solved explicitly for temperature, global minimization techniques can be<br />

used to derive ocean temperatures. The accuracy and precision of this approach was tested on<br />

aragonite skeletons from two coral species grown in significantly different environments: (1)<br />

Acropora sp., a symbiont-bearing tropical coral grown at 21 to 29°C by Reynaud et al. (2007,<br />

Geochim Cosmochim Acta,71:354-362) and (2) Lophelia pertusa, an asymbiotic, cold-water<br />

coral collected from a depth of 129 m on the Tisler Reef, NE Skagerrak, where water<br />

temperature ranges from ~5 to ~9°C. Results from these corals show that our approach is yields<br />

ocean temperatures that are both accurate and precise to within a few tenths of a degree, and<br />

that it is applicable both across species and to corals growing in vastly different environments.<br />

4-4<br />

Identification And Calibration Of Proxies For Thermal And Disease Stress From Lipid<br />

Biomarkers<br />

Jessie KNEELAND* 1 , Konrad HUGHEN 1 , James CERVINO 2,3 , Erich BARTELS 4<br />

1 Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole,<br />

MA, 2 Pace <strong>University</strong>, New York, NY, 3 Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, Woods Hole<br />

Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, 4 Mote Marine Laboratory, Summerland Key, FL<br />

New lipid biomarkers indicative of thermal and disease stress on corals are important for<br />

assessing coral health, and lipids also have the potential for preservation in coral aragonite. To<br />

identify such stress biomarkers, we cultured Symbiodinium zooxanthellae clade subtypes A, B,<br />

C1 and D1 at one-degree temperature increments (24-32 degrees C), with and without<br />

introduction of Vibrio pathogens, for 1 to 5 weeks. We also performed analagous incubations of<br />

whole coral samples of Montastraea faveolata from Summerland Key, Florida. Lipids were<br />

extracted from the cells using a Bligh and Dyer protocol, and were analyzed by gas<br />

chromatography and mass spectrometry. Triplicate cultures under each set of conditions were<br />

analyzed up to three times each to ensure a reproducible signal. Resulting indices are calculated<br />

as ratios of lipids, providing a robust measure that is not sensitive to total lipid abundance and<br />

non-constant sample size. The ratios of fatty acid to sterols, and unsaturation ratios in the fatty<br />

acids respond strongly to both increasing temperatures and length of exposure. Comparisons<br />

between cultured Symbiodinium lipids and coral tissue, and comparisons between diseased and<br />

non-diseased samples, demonstrate the potential for biomarkers as thermal and disease stress<br />

proxies.<br />


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