11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University 11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


8.214 Bacterial Diversity Associated With Tropical Azooxanthellate Hexacorals And Octocorals Lory Z. SANTIAGO-VÁZQUEZ* 1 , Wolfram M. BRÜCK 2 , Thomas B. BRÜCK 3 , Angela P. DUQUE-ALARCÓN 4 , Peter J. MCCARTHY 5 , Russell G. KERR 6 1 Biotechnology, University of Houston, Clear Lake, Houston, TX, 2 Centre of Applied Marine Biotechnology, Letterkenny Institute of Technology, CAMBio, Letterkenny, Ireland, 3 Corporate Research and Development, Süd-Chemie AG, München, Germany, 4 Center of Excellence in Biomedical and Marine Biotechnology, Department of Chem. and Biochem., Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL, 5 Center for Ocean Exploration, Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution, Ft. Pierce, FL, 6 Department of Chemistry, University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, PE, Canada There is limited information on the microbial communities associated with azooxanthellate soft corals. Most of these organisms inhabit inaccessible deep or cold water environments. However, some tropical azooxanthellate hexacorals and octocorals grow at moderate depths (40-100m) reached by SCUBA. This study examined the bacterial symbionts of some of these corals, the hexacoral Cirrhipathes lutkeni and the octocorals Leptogorgia minimata, Swiftia exertia, and Iciligorgia schrammi. For this purpose, we used fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and traditional plate culture. FISH counts for the hexacoral C. lutkeni showed a predominance of γ- and α- Proteobacteria, and Actinobacteria. FISH counts for the three octocorals showed a concentration of α-, β-, and γ-Proteobacteria, however, Actinobacteria were present in low amounts. When examining the bacterial diversity using plate culture, it was found that these cultures were highly selective for γ-Proteobacteria. The next two most prominent groups present were α-Proteobacteria and Firmicutes. The predominance of γ- Proteobacteria observed correlates well with the bacterial populations of other soft corals. Some γ-Proteobacteria are symbiotic in nature and thus may be important for coral health. This study provides further insight into the microbial ecology of these unique organisms. 8.215 Bacterial Community Associated With Tissue And Skeleton Of Three Scleractinian Species: galaxea Fascicularis, pavona Cactus And turbinaria Reniformis Pascale TREMBLAY* 1,2 , Markus G. WEINBAUER 3 , Christian NOZAIS 1 , Cécile ROTTIER 2 , Christine FERRIER-PAGÈS 2 1 Département de Biologie, Chimie et Géographie, Université du Québec à Rimouski, Rimouski, QC, Canada, 2 Centre Scientifique de Monaco, Monaco, Monaco, 3 Microbial Ecology and Biogeochemistry Group, Laboratoire d'Océanographie de Villefranche, CNRS-UPMC, UMR 7093, Villefranche-sur-Mer, France A study was performed, to assess the bacterial community composition and richness of the tissue and skeleton of three scleractinian coral species Galaxea fascicularis, Pavona cactus and Turbinaria reniformis. The main question was to assess if this bacterial diversity was species specific. For this purpose, corals were incubated all together in the same environment and bacterial diversity analyzed using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) on nested PCR amplified fragments of the 16S rRNA gene. The multidimensional scaling (MDS) and cluster analyses showed that the bacterial community in the tissue was species-specific, conversely to the community associated to the skeleton, which was more homogenous between species. Results concerning tissue indeed showed that P. cactus was different from G. fascicularis (richness and Shannon p < 0.0001) and from T. reniformis (Shannon Index p = 0.0335) and G. fascicularis was different of T. reniformis (richness p = 0.0190). The Shannon Index and richness parameter were not significantly different between tissue and skeleton, except for P. cactus (p = 0.0023 and 0.0038 respectively). Mucus excretion was significantly different (p < 0.0001) for the three species, with a higher excretion in G. fascicularis (178.2 ± 17.4 nmol C mg protein-1 h-1) than in P. cactus (48.4 ± 3.3) and T. reniformis (18.4 ± 1.4). The mucus of G. fascicuaris and P. cactus also mainly contains galactose and glucose compared to the mucus of T. reniformis that contains glucose and xylose. This different excretion and composition can partly explain the observed differences in bacterial diversity. Poster Mini-Symposium 8: Coral Microbial Interactions 8.216 Bacterial Quorum Sensing Signals And Settlement Of Coral Larvae Cory KREDIET* 1 , Kim RITCHIE 2 , Mikhail MATZ 3 , Max TEPLITSKI 4 1 School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 2 Marine Microbiology, Mote Marine Laboratory, Sarasota, FL, 3 Section of Integrative Biology, University of Texas, Austin, TX, 4 Soil and Water Science, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL The settlement cue perceived by coral larvae is currently unknown. Several research groups demonstrated that coral larvae prefer to settle on substrates that are colonized by coralline algae or by mats (biofilms) formed by coralline algae and associated microbes. Formation and function of microbial biofilms involves quorum sensing (QS) signals (acyl homoserine lactones, AHLs). Both bacteria and eukaryotes produce vitamin signals with newly discovered functions in QS and host-microbial interactions. While the chemical characterization of the settlement cue is ongoing elsewhere, we tested a hypothesis that known signals commonly associated with microbial biofilms may function as settlement cues for larvae of stony corals. These settlement experiments involved C4-homoserine lactone, 3-oxo-C12-homoserine lactone, lumichrome and riboflavin, each compound is known to function in bacterial cell-to-cell communication. Acyl homoserine lactones (AHL) and a riboflavin derivative lumichrome are also involved in interactions between bacteria and their eukaryotic hosts. These molecules have also been shown to contribute to settlement or metamorphosis of marine organisms. Presence of AHLs, lumichrome and riboflavin in coral-associated microbes and in coralline algae was investigated. Their role in settlement was investigated using two complementary approaches. First, transgenic microbial biofilms expressing AHL-lactonase were constructed to test the consequences of AHL hydrolysis in larval settlement. Chemicals were also impregnated onto C18-bonded silica resin to simulate biologically-relevant release rates of the compounds into the medium during the settlement experiment. Two settlement experiments were carried out to date with larvae of Acropora palmata and Montastraea faveolata. A strong correlation between the treatments and settlement rates has yet to be elucidated. Although optimization of techniques and larval rearing is ongoing, sub-optimal larval and settlement conditions may have affected the outcome of the experiments. 8.217 Efficient Isolation Of Bacteria That Induce Settlement And Metamorphosis Of acropora Larvae Kanae MATSUSHIMA* 1 , Masayuki HATTA 2 1 Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Ochanomizu University, Tokyo, Japan, 2 Marine and Coastal Biology Center, Ochanomizu University, Tokyo, Japan Biofilms on submarine substrata can act as efficient inducers for settlement and metamorphosis of Acropora larvae. Indeed, bacteria that induce metamorphosis have been identified from biofilms; one strain of Pseudoalteromonas and three of Alteromonas. Since micro-environments on substrata are very diverse, there could be more bacteria species capable of inducing metamorphosis. Then we tried screening of such bacteria by a new method. Each bacteria source was swabbed from a 1cm2 surface of tiles submerged in a reef for 3 months, and suspended in sterilized seawater (SSW). Membrane filters were soaked in each suspension and incubated on agar media. For passage, the bacteria-grown filter (mixed culture filter; MCF) was broken into pieces in SSW. We tested each MCF for the activity to induce metamorphosis. Out of 32 MCF lineages from 16 sources, metamorphosis-inducing batches were obtained in 11 from 8. Although individual batches varied in their activities, every lineage contained one or more batches giving 100% metamorphosis. Some lineages retained their activities through passages. Next, a total of 230 independent strains were isolated from 12 active MCFs, and 19 isolates turned out to induce metamorphosis, including 17 giving 100% metamorphosis. According to 16SrDNA sequencing analyses, 17 isolates, except 2 that failed to be identified, fell into 7 species in 4 genera; Pseudoalteromonas, Alteromonas, Vibrio and one in alphaproteobacteria. Our original culture method using MCFs enabled us to get metamorphosisinducing bacteria very efficiently, compared with the conventional isolation method (1/80 and 3/500 isolates). This study reveals that inducer bacteria spread over in wide taxa. In addition, we found two Pseudoalteromonas species that inhibit metamorphosis. These findings may suggest very high diversity of bacteria concerned with the metamorphosis decision of Acropora larvae. 317

8.218 Bacterial Communities Associated With The Surface Mucopolysaccharide Layer And Tissues Of Healthy And Diseased Montastrea Faveolata Wes JOHNSON* 1 , Reney HENDERSON 2 , Garriet SMITH 3 , Ernesto WEIL 4 , Karen NELSON 5 , Pamela MORRIS 1,6 1 Marine Biomedicine and Environmental Sciences Center, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, 2 Department of Biology, Howard University, Washington, DC, 3 Department of Biology and Geology, University of South Carolina Aiken, Aiken, SC, 4 Department of Marine Sciences, University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, 5 The J. Craig Venter Institute, Rockville, MD, 6 Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston Corals naturally form associations with complex assemblages of microorganisms that are thought to play vital roles in coral ecology. Detailed exploration of the composition and structure of these communities can improve our understanding of the potential roles of these communities and their interactions with their host. Our objectives were to (1) assess the composition of the bacterial communities associated with Montastrea faveolata, (2) compare the communities of healthy and diseased colonies of M. faveolata, and (3) characterize the assemblages from the surface mucopolysaccharide layer (SML) and coral tissue. Samples were collected from La Parguera, Puerto Rico in March 2006. SML and tissues were collected from three healthy and three diseased colonies. Community DNA was isolated and clone libraries of 16S rDNA genes were constructed by amplifying nearly complete 16S rDNA sequences and inserting them into cloning vectors. Clones were sequenced at the J. Craig Venter Institute (Rockville, MD). Comparisons of community structure were also performed using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Results from clone libraries showed tissues were dominated by sphingobacteria, while SML communities were composed mostly of α-proteobacteria. Diseased tissues had fewer Clostridium sequences than did healthy tissues. SML samples also showed differences between healthy and diseased colonies, with healthy colonies containing numerous sequences of Lactococcus lactis, which were not observed in diseased samples. DGGE showed differences between SML communities of healthy and diseased colonies that were not observed between healthy and diseased tissues. These data indicate shifts in the structure of M. faveolata bacterial assemblages related to host health, and suggests that SML and tissue communities are affected differently in diseased corals. We are currently generating and sequencing metagenomic libraries to further elucidate the composition and functional potential within these communities. 8.219 Role Of The Coral Surface Microbiota in Disease: An in Situ Test Using The Gorgonia-Aspergillus Pathosystem Emily BRODERICK* 1 , Karen BUSHAW-NEWTON 1 , Walker TIMME 1 , Jessica WARD 2 , Kiho KIM 1 1 Biology, American University, Washington, DC, 2 Scripps Institution of Oceanography, San Diego, CA Surface mucopolysaccharide layer (SML) of corals are known to have a variety of functions including serving as a protective layer against UV light damage and desiccation. The SML is also an energy rich environment that supports host-specific microbial communities. Studies have shown that the microbial communities shift, in both richness and abundance, in response to environmental perturbations and pathogens. Thus, analogous to the role of human gut microbiota, the coral surface microbiota may play a mutualistic role in the health of the coral host. Indeed, the “coral-microbiota-disease” hypothesis predicts that the coral surface microbiota is an important aspect of disease resistance. More specifically, perturbation of the surface microbiota increases disease susceptibility. Here, we report on in situ experiments to test whether the structure of the coral surface microbiota is mutable in the Caribbean sea fan, Gorgonia ventalina. We tested the effects of light reduction, nutrient enrichment, antibiotic wash, and pathogen (Aspergillus sydowii) exposure on the microbiota as characterized using DGGE. Results so far indicate that the structure of coral surface microbiota is mutable and that some bacterial stains were present in untreated control corals and remained throughout all treatments. In addition to the on-going work to characterize the structure of the microbiota, it is also important to understand how an intact microbiota confers disease resistance. Poster Mini-Symposium 8: Coral Microbial Interactions 8.220 Discoloration Of Coral Larval Cultures Caused By Pseudomonas Sp.? Iliana BAUMS* 1 1 Biology, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA Rearing of coral larvae from mass-spawning events is a common and important approach to coral research and conservation. Yet, larval rearing in captivity is often associated with high mortality rates. Larval cultures of the Caribbean mass-spawners, Acropora, Montastraea and Agaricia predictably crash after two to three days. This crash appears associated with the break down of unfertilized eggs. A pink discoloration of Montastraea faveolata larvae as well as of tygon tubing and other plastic ware used for culturing was observed during multiple years and at two locations. Brown (1974) described a similar phenomenon in embryos of bivalve mollusks and identified antibiotic sensitive Pseudomonas sp. as the likely origin. It is hypothesized that a related bacterial strain causes infections in coral larval cultures. Disinfection of culture equipment with a 10% bleach solution prevented a spread in 2007, however delivery of antibiotics sometimes promotes pink discoloration. Thus, the hypothesized target is an antiobiotic resistant strain of Pseudomonas sp. Initial sequencing of a bacterial 16s RNA library extracted from pink gametes yielded diverse sequences related to Bacteroidetes, Clostridium and Vibrio but did not produce a Pseudomonas relative. Sequencing efforts are ongoing. Meanwhile, simple disinfection procedures may alleviate problems with bacterial infections in coral culturing efforts. 8.221 Patterns Of Antibiotic Resistance in Microbial Isolates From Pseudopterogorgia Americana Katherine WILLIAMS* 1,2 , Maria VIZCAINO 1,2 , Jennifer DELANEY 3,4 , Garriet SMITH 5 , Karen NELSON 6 , Pamela MORRIS 1,2 1 Marine Biology and Environmental Science, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, 2 Hollings Marine Laboratory, Charleston, 3 Hollings Marine Laboratory, Charleston, SC, 4 Grice Marine Laboratory, The College of Charleston, Charleston, 5 Biology and Geology, University of South Carolina - Aiken, Aiken, SC, 6 J Craig Venter Institute, Rockville, MD The coral surface mucopolysaccharide layer (SML) is home to myriad microbial species that compete for habitat and nutrients, produce and resist anti-microbial compounds, and likely play a role in coral health. This study examined differences in patterns of antibiotic resistance and susceptibility profiles exhibited by bacteria isolated from healthy and diseased colonies of Pseudopterogorgia americana. Mucus samples were taken from healthy and diseased colonies off of the southern coast of Puerto Rico in March 2006. SML was spread-plated onto glycerolartificial seawater (GASW) agar plates and incubated, and colonies were purified by successive streaking. Isolates from one healthy and one diseased P. americana colony were resuspended in GASW, introduced into 96-well plates containing 26 different antibiotics, and incubated overnight. Resistance was indicated by greater than 20% of control turbidity at the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of antibiotic. The percentage of instances of resistance out of the total number of possible instances (number of antibiotics multiplied by number of isolates) was 47% in the healthy-coral subset and 25% in diseased; of the four drugs which inhibited growth in all of the isolates, three were cell wall synthesis-inhibiting antibiotics. These results suggest that the microbial community of the healthy coral may be more stable than that of the diseased, and reflects changes in both microbial community structure and the chemical ecology in these communities. 318

8.214<br />

Bacterial Diversity Associated With Tropical Azooxanthellate Hexacorals And<br />

Octocorals<br />

Lory Z. SANTIAGO-VÁZQUEZ* 1 , Wolfram M. BRÜCK 2 , Thomas B. BRÜCK 3 ,<br />

Angela P. DUQUE-ALARCÓN 4 , Peter J. MCCARTHY 5 , Russell G. KERR 6<br />

1 Biotechnology, <strong>University</strong> of Houston, Clear Lake, Houston, TX, 2 Centre of Applied<br />

Marine Biotechnology, Letterkenny Institute of Technology, CAMBio, Letterkenny,<br />

Ireland, 3 Corporate Research and Development, Süd-Chemie AG, München, Germany,<br />

4 Center of Excellence in Biomedical and Marine Biotechnology, Department of Chem.<br />

and Biochem., Florida Atlantic <strong>University</strong>, Boca Raton, FL, 5 Center for Ocean<br />

Exploration, Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution, Ft. Pierce, FL, 6 Department of<br />

Chemistry, <strong>University</strong> of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, PE, Canada<br />

There is limited information on the microbial communities associated with<br />

azooxanthellate soft corals. Most of these organisms inhabit inaccessible deep or cold<br />

water environments. However, some tropical azooxanthellate hexacorals and octocorals<br />

grow at moderate depths (40-100m) reached by SCUBA. This study examined the<br />

bacterial symbionts of some of these corals, the hexacoral Cirrhipathes lutkeni and the<br />

octocorals Leptogorgia minimata, Swiftia exertia, and Iciligorgia schrammi. For this<br />

purpose, we used fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and traditional plate culture.<br />

FISH counts for the hexacoral C. lutkeni showed a predominance of γ- and α-<br />

Proteobacteria, and Actinobacteria. FISH counts for the three octocorals showed a<br />

concentration of α-, β-, and γ-Proteobacteria, however, Actinobacteria were present in<br />

low amounts. When examining the bacterial diversity using plate culture, it was found<br />

that these cultures were highly selective for γ-Proteobacteria. The next two most<br />

prominent groups present were α-Proteobacteria and Firmicutes. The predominance of γ-<br />

Proteobacteria observed correlates well with the bacterial populations of other soft corals.<br />

Some γ-Proteobacteria are symbiotic in nature and thus may be important for coral<br />

health. This study provides further insight into the microbial ecology of these unique<br />

organisms.<br />

8.215<br />

Bacterial Community Associated With Tissue And Skeleton Of Three Scleractinian<br />

Species: galaxea Fascicularis, pavona Cactus And turbinaria Reniformis<br />

Pascale TREMBLAY* 1,2 , Markus G. WEINBAUER 3 , Christian NOZAIS 1 , Cécile<br />

ROTTIER 2 , Christine FERRIER-PAGÈS 2<br />

1 Département de Biologie, Chimie et Géographie, Université du Québec à Rimouski,<br />

Rimouski, QC, Canada, 2 Centre Scientifique de Monaco, Monaco, Monaco, 3 Microbial<br />

Ecology and Biogeochemistry Group, Laboratoire d'Océanographie de Villefranche,<br />

CNRS-UPMC, UMR 7093, Villefranche-sur-Mer, France<br />

A study was performed, to assess the bacterial community composition and richness of<br />

the tissue and skeleton of three scleractinian coral species Galaxea fascicularis, Pavona<br />

cactus and Turbinaria reniformis. The main question was to assess if this bacterial<br />

diversity was species specific. For this purpose, corals were incubated all together in the<br />

same environment and bacterial diversity analyzed using denaturing gradient gel<br />

electrophoresis (DGGE) on nested PCR amplified fragments of the 16S rRNA gene. The<br />

multidimensional scaling (MDS) and cluster analyses showed that the bacterial<br />

community in the tissue was species-specific, conversely to the community associated to<br />

the skeleton, which was more homogenous between species. Results concerning tissue<br />

indeed showed that P. cactus was different from G. fascicularis (richness and Shannon p<br />

< 0.0001) and from T. reniformis (Shannon Index p = 0.0335) and G. fascicularis was<br />

different of T. reniformis (richness p = 0.0190). The Shannon Index and richness<br />

parameter were not significantly different between tissue and skeleton, except for P.<br />

cactus (p = 0.0023 and 0.0038 respectively). Mucus excretion was significantly different<br />

(p < 0.0001) for the three species, with a higher excretion in G. fascicularis (178.2 ± 17.4<br />

nmol C mg protein-1 h-1) than in P. cactus (48.4 ± 3.3) and T. reniformis (18.4 ± 1.4).<br />

The mucus of G. fascicuaris and P. cactus also mainly contains galactose and glucose<br />

compared to the mucus of T. reniformis that contains glucose and xylose. This different<br />

excretion and composition can partly explain the observed differences in bacterial<br />

diversity.<br />

Poster Mini-Symposium 8: Coral Microbial Interactions<br />

8.216<br />

Bacterial Quorum Sensing Signals And Settlement Of Coral Larvae<br />

Cory KREDIET* 1 , Kim RITCHIE 2 , Mikhail MATZ 3 , Max TEPLITSKI 4<br />

1 School of Natural Resources and Environment, <strong>University</strong> of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 2 Marine<br />

Microbiology, Mote Marine Laboratory, Sarasota, FL, 3 Section of Integrative Biology,<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Texas, Austin, TX, 4 Soil and Water Science, <strong>University</strong> of Florida, Gainesville,<br />

FL<br />

The settlement cue perceived by coral larvae is currently unknown. Several research groups<br />

demonstrated that coral larvae prefer to settle on substrates that are colonized by coralline algae<br />

or by mats (biofilms) formed by coralline algae and associated microbes. Formation and<br />

function of microbial biofilms involves quorum sensing (QS) signals (acyl homoserine lactones,<br />

AHLs). Both bacteria and eukaryotes produce vitamin signals with newly discovered functions<br />

in QS and host-microbial interactions. While the chemical characterization of the settlement<br />

cue is ongoing elsewhere, we tested a hypothesis that known signals commonly associated with<br />

microbial biofilms may function as settlement cues for larvae of stony corals. These settlement<br />

experiments involved C4-homoserine lactone, 3-oxo-C12-homoserine lactone, lumichrome and<br />

riboflavin, each compound is known to function in bacterial cell-to-cell communication. Acyl<br />

homoserine lactones (AHL) and a riboflavin derivative lumichrome are also involved in<br />

interactions between bacteria and their eukaryotic hosts. These molecules have also been<br />

shown to contribute to settlement or metamorphosis of marine organisms. Presence of AHLs,<br />

lumichrome and riboflavin in coral-associated microbes and in coralline algae was investigated.<br />

Their role in settlement was investigated using two complementary approaches. First,<br />

transgenic microbial biofilms expressing AHL-lactonase were constructed to test the<br />

consequences of AHL hydrolysis in larval settlement. Chemicals were also impregnated onto<br />

C18-bonded silica resin to simulate biologically-relevant release rates of the compounds into<br />

the medium during the settlement experiment. Two settlement experiments were carried out to<br />

date with larvae of Acropora palmata and Montastraea faveolata. A strong correlation between<br />

the treatments and settlement rates has yet to be elucidated. Although optimization of<br />

techniques and larval rearing is ongoing, sub-optimal larval and settlement conditions may have<br />

affected the outcome of the experiments.<br />

8.217<br />

Efficient Isolation Of Bacteria That Induce Settlement And Metamorphosis Of acropora<br />

Larvae<br />

Kanae MATSUSHIMA* 1 , Masayuki HATTA 2<br />

1 Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Ochanomizu <strong>University</strong>, Tokyo, Japan, 2 Marine<br />

and Coastal Biology Center, Ochanomizu <strong>University</strong>, Tokyo, Japan<br />

Biofilms on submarine substrata can act as efficient inducers for settlement and metamorphosis<br />

of Acropora larvae. Indeed, bacteria that induce metamorphosis have been identified from<br />

biofilms; one strain of Pseudoalteromonas and three of Alteromonas. Since micro-environments<br />

on substrata are very diverse, there could be more bacteria species capable of inducing<br />

metamorphosis. Then we tried screening of such bacteria by a new method. Each bacteria<br />

source was swabbed from a 1cm2 surface of tiles submerged in a reef for 3 months, and<br />

suspended in sterilized seawater (SSW). Membrane filters were soaked in each suspension and<br />

incubated on agar media. For passage, the bacteria-grown filter (mixed culture filter; MCF) was<br />

broken into pieces in SSW. We tested each MCF for the activity to induce metamorphosis. Out<br />

of 32 MCF lineages from 16 sources, metamorphosis-inducing batches were obtained in 11<br />

from 8. Although individual batches varied in their activities, every lineage contained one or<br />

more batches giving 100% metamorphosis. Some lineages retained their activities through<br />

passages. Next, a total of 230 independent strains were isolated from 12 active MCFs, and 19<br />

isolates turned out to induce metamorphosis, including 17 giving 100% metamorphosis.<br />

According to 16SrDNA sequencing analyses, 17 isolates, except 2 that failed to be identified,<br />

fell into 7 species in 4 genera; Pseudoalteromonas, Alteromonas, Vibrio and one in alphaproteobacteria.<br />

Our original culture method using MCFs enabled us to get metamorphosisinducing<br />

bacteria very efficiently, compared with the conventional isolation method (1/80 and<br />

3/500 isolates). This study reveals that inducer bacteria spread over in wide taxa. In addition,<br />

we found two Pseudoalteromonas species that inhibit metamorphosis. These findings may<br />

suggest very high diversity of bacteria concerned with the metamorphosis decision of Acropora<br />

larvae.<br />


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