11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University 11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


7.207 Ecological Immunity Of Diseased And Healthy Montastrea Faveolata Through The 2005 Bleaching Event Laura D. MYDLARZ* 1 , Ernesto WEIL 2 , Courtney S. COUCH 3 , Nancy L. DOUGLAS 3 , C. Drew HARVELL 3 1 Department of Biology, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX, 2 Marine Science, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez, Puerto Rico, 3 Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY One prominent hypothesis regarding climate stress and scleractinian corals is that thermal stress will compromise immunity. The ultimate test of this hypothesis is to track how immunity of both healthy and diseased colonies varies with massive thermal stress in nature. Bleached, healthy and Yellow Band Diseased (YBD) colonies of Montastrea faveolata were marked and followed in the field through the 2005 bleaching event and activities of known immune proteins such as prophenoloxidase, lysozyme, chitinase and anti-bacterial activity were monitored. Mortality and infection rate was high: all colonies except one either died or became infected by the end of the two year observation. Tissue with YBD did not expel all their zooxanthellae, even when healthy parts of these colonies bleached. Interestingly, the levels of all the immune proteins in diseased tissue were statistically the same during the 2005 bleaching event and in the subsequent year. Some immune proteins were induced systemically throughout infected colonies, like lysozyme and antibacterial activity which was systemically higher in diseased corals in both healthy and diseased tissue of YBD corals, compared to healthy coral colonies. Both lysozyme and antibacterial activity showed a trend for suppression of activity in bleached corals, while prophenoloxidase showed an opposite trend with highly elevated levels in the bleached corals collected in 2005. These results demonstrate that some components of immunity respond to natural temperature stress as predicted and are suppressed, while others are actually activated by elevated temperatures, suggesting a general stress response or resilience to a changing environment. 7.208 On The White Plague Disease in Corals, With Remarks On The Interactions Between Disease, Environment And Host Santiago HERRERA* 1 , Juan SANCHEZ 1 1 Ciencias Biologicas, Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia Coral Reefs are one of the most important ecosystems in the ocean and therefore in the planet. However a highly significant decline during the past decades is threatening their survival. Infectious diseases are one of the biggest factors that contribute to this phenomenon. Among the most common, widespread and virulent coral diseases is the White Plague Disease. Here I review the literature available to date about (i) the history and status of WPD, (ii) the factors that might account for WP epizootic events, and (iii) immunologic interactions between the pathogen and the coral. The WPD is caused by the bacterial pathogen Auratimonas coralicida and has the widest host range of all coral diseases that had been detected so far in the Caribbean, with 43 scleractinian species from 24 genera and two hydrocoral species. Three different types of the disease have been described to date, but it seems like they all are produced by the same pathogen. The differences in the rate of the coral tissue destruction, which are the basis to distinguish the three types of WPD, are likely the product of heterogeneous local environmental conditions that trigger the pathogenesis. Some of the best studied factors that promote the disease development, by producing stress in the coral and enhancing the virulence of the pathogen, are: the increasing seawater temperature, human and terrestrial contaminants, and the spatial distribution of the coral populations. Corals do not posses an adaptiveimmune system, as mammals do, but they do posses other defence mechanisms against pathogens. Primitive, but efficient cellular and humoral immune response mechanisms, accompanied by a microbial-flora, are their main ways of protection. The future of the coral reefs is unknown. Several measures, including reducing contaminants production, anti-global-warming actions and more research in marine diseases, are fundamental in order to preserve these important ecosystems. Poster Mini-Symposium 7: Diseases on Coral Reefs 7.209 Phage Therapy Of Coral Disease Ilil ATAD* 1 , Rotem EFRONY 1 , Eugene ROSENBERG 1 1 Department of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology, Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel At present there are no known procedures for preventing or treating infectious diseases of corals. In this study, the use of phage therapy of coral disease has been investigated. A lytic bacteriophage (phage BA3) was isolated for the bacterial pathogen, Thalosomonas loyaeana that is the causative agent of the white plague-like disease of Favia favus on the Eilat coral reef. Phage BA3 was characterized as dsDNA lytic phage belonging to the Podoviridea family. The genome of phage BA3 was sequenced and it contains 37,313 bp (40.9% G+C content) with 47 ORFs. By using this pathogen-specific phage in controlled aquaria experiments, it was demonstrated that the disease could be controlled by addition of the phage. The data indicate that initially the phages bind to the pathogen in seawater and are then brought to the coral surface where they multiply and lyse the pathogen. The phages remained associated with the coral and could prevent subsequent infections. Additionally, it was shown that addition of the phages one day after the infection also prevented the disease, whereas applying the phage 2 or 3 days after infection failed. Phages also prevented the transmission of the disease from sick coral to healthy corals. Subsequent infection of healthy phage-treated corals (37d after initial phage therapy) did not cause the disease, even though no additional phages were added. Corals treated with phage retained the phages for weeks after they were inoculated. The data presented suggest that phage therapy has the potential to control the spread of infectious coral diseases. 315

8.210 Quorum Sensing Inhibitory Activities From Coral-Associated Bacteria Stephanie HALBIG* 1 , Max TEPLITSKI 1 , Kim RITCHIE 2 1 Soil and Water Science, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 2 Mote Marine Lab, Sarasota, FL Many symbionts and pathogens rely on a cell-to-cell communication mechanism called “quorum sensing” (QS) to structure multicellular communities and coordinate their interactions with eukaryotic hosts. Interactions that are influenced by QS between coral associated commensal bacteria and a coral pathogen were investigated in this study. A collection of coral-associated bacteria, including those from zooxanthellae cultures, was screened for the ability to inhibit a model QS reporter, Chromobacterium violaceum to investigate potential roles for QS in the interactions between normal coral microflora and opportunistic pathogens. Six isolates showing the greatest degree of inhibition were chosen and identified by 16S sequencing as Planococcus spp, Photobacterium spp., Marinobacter salsuginis, Agrobacterium stellulatum, Vibrio spp., and Caryophanon spp. The range of QS inhibition was tested with a suite of reporters carrying receptors for different QS signals. Isolates in co-culture were able to inhibit reporter activity by 75% - 100%. Inhibition of surface spreading in S. marcescens by the isolates was tested. Marinobacter salsuginis and Agrobacterium spp. from zooxanthellae, and Photobacterium spp., Planococcus spp., and Caryophanon spp. from coral mucus all showed inhibition of surface spreading in at least one of the S. marcescens strains tested. The mechanism by which surface motility is inhibited was confirmed in experiments with a mutant of S. marcescens that carries a reporter gene insertion in the surfactant gene that is involved in surface colonization. The role of QS in surface spreading of PDL100 was investigated using a “quorum-quenching” approach. A plasmid borne QS signal lactonase aiiA was conjugated into PDL100 to generate a functional QS mutant and spreading behavior was monitored. Our results indicate that native coral-associated bacteria are capable of inhibiting QS that may aid in the defense against pathogen colonization. 8.211 Bacterial Diversity Associated With The Corals Of Gulf Of Mannar Shunmugiah Thevar Karutha PANDIAN* 1 , Paramasivam NithyANAND 1 1 department Of Biotechnology, Alagappa University, Karaikudi 630 003, India Coral microbiology is an emerging field, driven largely by a desire to understand, and ultimately prevent, the worldwide destruction of coral reefs. Coral microbiology is still in infancy in India and molecular cataloguing of bacterial diversity associated with Indian corals is not well established. As a preface, we attempted to divulge the bacterial diversity associated with the coral Acropora digitifera, a predominant coral species of the Gulf of Mannar region. Samples of coral mucus and coral tissues were collected form Acropora digitifera from Hare Island. Bacteria were isolated from both coral mucus and coral tissue by serially diluting the sample and plating them on different media to isolate total heterotrophic bacteria, Pseudomonas .sp and Vibrio. sp. As expected, the total bacterial count was highest in coral mucus followed by coral tissue, sediment and seawater. The isolated bacteria were identified by biochemical tests as well as by molecular typing. 16S rRNA genes were successfully amplified from the genome of the isolates using universal eubacterial 16S rRNA primers. The different phylotypes obtained through ARDRA were selected for 16S rRNA gene sequencing. 16S rRNA gene sequencing is underway and the same is expected to reveal the different bacteria associated with the coral Acropora digitifera. Isolation of Enterobacter cloacae, a member of coliform group indicates that there is evidence of anthropogenic pressure in the coral reef ecosystem and warrants constant monitoring of total and fecal coliforms in the coral reef ecosystem. Preliminary knowledge about the number and different types of Vibrio. sp associated with healthy corals is of utmost importance because it helps in identifying pathogenic Vibrios. sp which are responsible for mass coral bleaching. The outcome of this study is very important to evolve appropriate strategies for conservation of coral reef ecosystem of the Gulf of Mannar. Poster Mini-Symposium 8: Coral Microbial Interactions 8.212 Are You Interested in The Invisible? Tools For Coral Reef Microbiology Forest ROHWER* 1 , Mark HATAY 1 , Linda WEGLEY 1 , Neilan KUNTZ 1 , Olga PANTOS 1 1 Biology, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA In the last decade, there has been an increasing awareness that microbes and viruses are important components of coral reef ecosystems. Novel tools are needed for coral reef microbiology, some of which will be highlighted here. SPIDERS is a syringe pump system that can be used to deliver treatments, such as varying levels of inorganic and organic nutrients, pesticides, herbicides, etc., both on land and underwater. Using SPIDERS, a researcher can determine how different stressors change the coral holobiont under field conditions. The SUPERSUCKERS system can be used by a diver to remove the mucus from the surface of a coral without introducing contaminants from the surrounding water column. These samples can then be assayed in FAM, a simple, field deployable system for rapid quantification of microbes. We have also developed a field kit for collecting and processing water samples for dissolved organic carbon, nutrient, and isotope measurements. With these tools it is relatively easy for coral reef scientists to collect and start assaying the invisible, microbial components on coral reefs. 8.213 Histopathological Analysis Of Hyaline, Fibrillar Lesions in The Caribbean Staghorn Coral, acropora Cervicornis Erin HODEL* 1,2 , Esther PETERS 3 1 CSA International, Inc., Stuart, FL, 2 National Coral Reef Institute, Nova Southeastern University Oceanographic Center, Dania Beach, 3 Tetra Tech, Inc., Fairfax, VA Tissue and cellular parameters definitive of healthy, stressed, or diseased states are not well understood for any coral species. The histology of the Caribbean staghorn coral, Acropora cervicornis, was examined after field collection and after 4 weeks of exposure in laboratory aquaria to high levels of sedimentation (200 mg cm-2 day) and phosphate (4 µM). Histopathological analysis revealed small- to large-sized lesions consisting of strands of proteinaceous, hyaline, fibrillar material surrounded by or underlying gastrovascular canallining tissue in the skeleton of both experimental and field-collected specimens; however, lesions were larger in experimental specimens. Staining properties of the strands varied within each lesion, indicating regions with different biochemistry. With Harris’s hematoxylin and eosin, lesions were mostly eosinophilic but graded into basophilic portions along the strands. The strands were mostly positive for the periodic acid-Schiff reaction, indicating neutral or acidic properties and suggesting a mucopolysaccharide origin. Gomori’s methanamine silver procedure positively stains fungi black and was used after filaments resembling fungal hyphae were discovered within the lesions and calicodermis of several specimens. Filaments and clustered bodies containing black- and blue-staining granules were revealed that might have been of fungal origin. The lesions were usually bordered by calicodermis and observed in areas where skeleton had been prior to decalcification. In some cases, the calicodermis was hypertrophied near the lesions, which is consistent with organic matrix formation and enhanced skeletal deposition. Therefore, these lesions may have been a result of augmented organic matrix formation in order to “wall off” invading fungi or other organisms with aragonite. Such lesions in coral tissues might indicate a defensive or immune response toward potentially invasive organisms to protect coral tissues; however, more observations are needed to link them with compromised health status. 316

8.210<br />

Quorum Sensing Inhibitory Activities From Coral-Associated Bacteria<br />

Stephanie HALBIG* 1 , Max TEPLITSKI 1 , Kim RITCHIE 2<br />

1 Soil and Water Science, <strong>University</strong> of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 2 Mote Marine Lab,<br />

Sarasota, FL<br />

Many symbionts and pathogens rely on a cell-to-cell communication mechanism called<br />

“quorum sensing” (QS) to structure multicellular communities and coordinate their<br />

interactions with eukaryotic hosts. Interactions that are influenced by QS between coral<br />

associated commensal bacteria and a coral pathogen were investigated in this study. A<br />

collection of coral-associated bacteria, including those from zooxanthellae cultures, was<br />

screened for the ability to inhibit a model QS reporter, Chromobacterium violaceum to<br />

investigate potential roles for QS in the interactions between normal coral microflora and<br />

opportunistic pathogens. Six isolates showing the greatest degree of inhibition were<br />

chosen and identified by 16S sequencing as Planococcus spp, Photobacterium spp.,<br />

Marinobacter salsuginis, Agrobacterium stellulatum, Vibrio spp., and Caryophanon spp.<br />

The range of QS inhibition was tested with a suite of reporters carrying receptors for<br />

different QS signals. Isolates in co-culture were able to inhibit reporter activity by 75% -<br />

100%. Inhibition of surface spreading in S. marcescens by the isolates was tested.<br />

Marinobacter salsuginis and Agrobacterium spp. from zooxanthellae, and<br />

Photobacterium spp., Planococcus spp., and Caryophanon spp. from coral mucus all<br />

showed inhibition of surface spreading in at least one of the S. marcescens strains tested.<br />

The mechanism by which surface motility is inhibited was confirmed in experiments with<br />

a mutant of S. marcescens that carries a reporter gene insertion in the surfactant gene that<br />

is involved in surface colonization. The role of QS in surface spreading of PDL100 was<br />

investigated using a “quorum-quenching” approach. A plasmid borne QS signal<br />

lactonase aiiA was conjugated into PDL100 to generate a functional QS mutant and<br />

spreading behavior was monitored. Our results indicate that native coral-associated<br />

bacteria are capable of inhibiting QS that may aid in the defense against pathogen<br />

colonization.<br />

8.211<br />

Bacterial Diversity Associated With The Corals Of Gulf Of Mannar<br />

Shunmugiah Thevar Karutha PANDIAN* 1 , Paramasivam NithyANAND 1<br />

1 department Of Biotechnology, Alagappa <strong>University</strong>, Karaikudi 630 003, India<br />

Coral microbiology is an emerging field, driven largely by a desire to understand, and<br />

ultimately prevent, the worldwide destruction of coral reefs. Coral microbiology is still in<br />

infancy in India and molecular cataloguing of bacterial diversity associated with Indian<br />

corals is not well established. As a preface, we attempted to divulge the bacterial<br />

diversity associated with the coral Acropora digitifera, a predominant coral species of the<br />

Gulf of Mannar region. Samples of coral mucus and coral tissues were collected form<br />

Acropora digitifera from Hare Island. Bacteria were isolated from both coral mucus and<br />

coral tissue by serially diluting the sample and plating them on different media to isolate<br />

total heterotrophic bacteria, Pseudomonas .sp and Vibrio. sp. As expected, the total<br />

bacterial count was highest in coral mucus followed by coral tissue, sediment and<br />

seawater. The isolated bacteria were identified by biochemical tests as well as by<br />

molecular typing. 16S rRNA genes were successfully amplified from the genome of the<br />

isolates using universal eubacterial 16S rRNA primers. The different phylotypes obtained<br />

through ARDRA were selected for 16S rRNA gene sequencing. 16S rRNA gene<br />

sequencing is underway and the same is expected to reveal the different bacteria<br />

associated with the coral Acropora digitifera. Isolation of Enterobacter cloacae, a member<br />

of coliform group indicates that there is evidence of anthropogenic pressure in the coral<br />

reef ecosystem and warrants constant monitoring of total and fecal coliforms in the coral<br />

reef ecosystem. Preliminary knowledge about the number and different types of Vibrio.<br />

sp associated with healthy corals is of utmost importance because it helps in identifying<br />

pathogenic Vibrios. sp which are responsible for mass coral bleaching. The outcome of<br />

this study is very important to evolve appropriate strategies for conservation of coral reef<br />

ecosystem of the Gulf of Mannar.<br />

Poster Mini-Symposium 8: Coral Microbial Interactions<br />

8.212<br />

Are You Interested in The Invisible? Tools For Coral Reef Microbiology<br />

Forest ROHWER* 1 , Mark HATAY 1 , Linda WEGLEY 1 , Neilan KUNTZ 1 , Olga PANTOS 1<br />

1 Biology, San Diego State <strong>University</strong>, San Diego, CA<br />

In the last decade, there has been an increasing awareness that microbes and viruses are<br />

important components of coral reef ecosystems. Novel tools are needed for coral reef<br />

microbiology, some of which will be highlighted here. SPIDERS is a syringe pump system that<br />

can be used to deliver treatments, such as varying levels of inorganic and organic nutrients,<br />

pesticides, herbicides, etc., both on land and underwater. Using SPIDERS, a researcher can<br />

determine how different stressors change the coral holobiont under field conditions. The<br />

SUPERSUCKERS system can be used by a diver to remove the mucus from the surface of a<br />

coral without introducing contaminants from the surrounding water column. These samples can<br />

then be assayed in FAM, a simple, field deployable system for rapid quantification of microbes.<br />

We have also developed a field kit for collecting and processing water samples for dissolved<br />

organic carbon, nutrient, and isotope measurements. With these tools it is relatively easy for<br />

coral reef scientists to collect and start assaying the invisible, microbial components on coral<br />

reefs.<br />

8.213<br />

Histopathological Analysis Of Hyaline, Fibrillar Lesions in The Caribbean Staghorn<br />

Coral, acropora Cervicornis<br />

Erin HODEL* 1,2 , Esther PETERS 3<br />

1 CSA International, Inc., Stuart, FL, 2 National Coral Reef Institute, <strong>Nova</strong> <strong>Southeastern</strong><br />

<strong>University</strong> Oceanographic Center, Dania Beach, 3 Tetra Tech, Inc., Fairfax, VA<br />

Tissue and cellular parameters definitive of healthy, stressed, or diseased states are not well<br />

understood for any coral species. The histology of the Caribbean staghorn coral, Acropora<br />

cervicornis, was examined after field collection and after 4 weeks of exposure in laboratory<br />

aquaria to high levels of sedimentation (200 mg cm-2 day) and phosphate (4 µM).<br />

Histopathological analysis revealed small- to large-sized lesions consisting of strands of<br />

proteinaceous, hyaline, fibrillar material surrounded by or underlying gastrovascular canallining<br />

tissue in the skeleton of both experimental and field-collected specimens; however,<br />

lesions were larger in experimental specimens. Staining properties of the strands varied within<br />

each lesion, indicating regions with different biochemistry. With Harris’s hematoxylin and<br />

eosin, lesions were mostly eosinophilic but graded into basophilic portions along the strands.<br />

The strands were mostly positive for the periodic acid-Schiff reaction, indicating neutral or<br />

acidic properties and suggesting a mucopolysaccharide origin. Gomori’s methanamine silver<br />

procedure positively stains fungi black and was used after filaments resembling fungal hyphae<br />

were discovered within the lesions and calicodermis of several specimens. Filaments and<br />

clustered bodies containing black- and blue-staining granules were revealed that might have<br />

been of fungal origin. The lesions were usually bordered by calicodermis and observed in areas<br />

where skeleton had been prior to decalcification. In some cases, the calicodermis was<br />

hypertrophied near the lesions, which is consistent with organic matrix formation and enhanced<br />

skeletal deposition. Therefore, these lesions may have been a result of augmented organic<br />

matrix formation in order to “wall off” invading fungi or other organisms with aragonite. Such<br />

lesions in coral tissues might indicate a defensive or immune response toward potentially<br />

invasive organisms to protect coral tissues; however, more observations are needed to link them<br />

with compromised health status.<br />


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