11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University 11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


7.199 Antibacterial Chemical Defenses in Corals: Widespread But Selective Resistance To Bacterial Pathogens Deborah GOCHFELD* 1,2 , Greta S. AEBY 3 , Katerina PAPPAS 1 1 National Center for Natural Products Research, University of Mississippi, University, MS, 2 Environmental Toxicology Research Program, University of Mississippi, University, 3 Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, Kaneohe, HI One potential mechanism of resistance to disease in corals is the production of antibacterial chemical defenses that protect corals from bacterial pathogens. In an effort to determine whether corals produce antibacterial chemical defenses, we have tested aqueous extracts from Caribbean and Pacific corals in bacterial growth assays using a series of test strains including known coral pathogens, potential marine pathogens found in human waste and bacteria previously identified from the surfaces of corals. Extracts from all three species of Hawaiian corals exhibited high levels of antibacterial activity. This activity varied at the coral colony, population and species level, and the activity was highly selective against different bacterial strains, rather than broad-spectrum in nature. In addition, some extracts were stimulatory to certain bacteria. Caribbean corals also exhibited widespread antibacterial activity against the strains tested, and these were also highly selective in their activity against different bacterial strains. Extracts from several Caribbean species, however, stimulated the growth of Caribbean coral pathogens, providing evidence for a correlation between coral chemical defenses and disease incidence. Antibacterial chemical defenses clearly have the potential to provide corals with protection from bacterial pathogens. The high degree of selectivity observed is necessary so that the coral can maintain its naturally associated microbial community, yet still ward off potentially harmful bacteria. Differences in levels or types of antibacterial chemical defenses may represent a mechanism by which variability in resistance or susceptibility to pathogens might be realized and may provide insight into patterns of disease incidence and prevalence on coral reefs. 7.200 Optimization Of Bacterial Challenge Protocols For Study Of montipora White Syndrome Teresa LEWIS* 1 , Megan COLVIN 1 , Ashley SMITH 1 , Greta AEBY 1 , Thierry WORK 2 , Jo-Ann LEONG 1 1 Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Kaneohe, HI, 2 USGS-BRD-NWHC, Honolulu, HI Laboratory studies characterizing coral bacterial pathogens provide an essential foundation for moving coral disease from descriptive nomenclature (i.e., white syndromes) into identification of putative etiological agents. While a number of methods have been published to test Koch’s Postulate’s, none have been applied for coral disease research in Hawaii. Montipora white syndrome is a disease recently described in Hawaii involving tissue loss. Developing a model for disease transmission studies using methods described by others has led to some interesting observations, the most prominent being the need to verify methods for each species of coral under study to account for differences in physiology and adaptability to stress. “Model” bacteria isolated from M. capitata associated with healthy (Alteromonas sp.) and diseased coral mucus (Vibrio parahaemolyticus) were used in pilot studies to optimize methods for future bacterial challenge experiments. Growth curves in Glycerol Artificial Seawater (GASW) and sterile filtered seawater (FSW) established both bacteria capable of growing to log phase in GASW but not FSW. Corals were fragmented and recovered in water tables with flow-through conditions for one week, then placed in triplicate in static aquaria containing FSW and provided aeration. Log phase Alteromonas or Vibrio cultures were inoculated into the water or directly onto exposed surfaces of corals and after two hours the water level was raised. Corals were monitored for two weeks, photographed, and sampled periodically. At the end of the study no signs of disease at gross or microscopic levels were observed. Analysis of mucus plated onto GASW agar at the conclusion of experiments showed significant elevation of colonization of Alteromonas or Vibrio without any disease signs. This study highlights the need for stringent validation of bacterial challenge models for coral disease and continued refinement of methods. Funding: NOAA/HCRI-RP grant #NOA06NOS4260200 Poster Mini-Symposium 7: Diseases on Coral Reefs 7.201 Parrotfish As Vectors Of Coral Disease - Evaluation By Comparison Of Bacterial Populations Christopher SHERIDAN* 1 , John C BYTHELL 2 , Reia GUPPY 2 , Randi D ROTJAN 3 1 School of Marine Science and Technology, Newcastle University, Newcastle, United Kingdom, 2 School of Biology, Newcastle University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom, 3 Department of Organismc and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA The role of parrotfish as bio-eroders and grazers is well described, but examination of bacterial communities associated with parrotfish-inflicted lesions and parrotfish jaws suggest that they may also act as vectors of coral pathogens. The microbiological and genetic analyses of these microbial communities suggested a potential exchange of micro-organisms between parrotfish jaws and bites taken from live coral. However, the defence mechanisms of corals seemed sufficient to prevent both the penetration of these microbes within their tissues, and the resulting disease causation. Mucus secretion in particular appeared to be the predominant defence response to injury and possibly to the presence of foreign organisms. 7.202 Spatio-Temporal Transmission Patterns Of Black Band Disease (Bbd) in A Coral Community Assaf ZVULONI* 1,2 , Yael ARTZY-RANDRUP 3 , Lewi STONE 3 , Esti KRAMARSKY- WINTER 1 , Roy BARKAN 4 , Ariel KUSHMARO 5 , Yossi LOYA 1 1 Department of Zoology, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 2 The Interuniversity Institute for Marine Sciences of Eilat, Eilat, Israel, 3 Biomathematics Unit, Department of Zoology, Tel- Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 4 Department of Geophysics and Planetary Sciences, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 5 Department of Biotechnology Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Be’er-Sheva, Israel Transmission mechanisms of black band disease (BBD) in open marine systems are poorly understood although this disease is considered as a widespread and destructive coral infectious disease. The major objective of the study was to assess transmission mechanisms of BBD in an open marine community from the spatio-temporal patterns of the disease. Susceptible and infected corals were mapped over an area of 10x10 m in Eilat (Israel, Red Sea) and the distribution of the disease was examined monthly throughout almost two full disease cycles (June 2006 – December 2007). We found that the prevalence of the disease is strongly associated with high water temperature. Infected corals start showing aggregated distributions (among susceptible corals) on small spatial scales of up to 1.9 m in July, when water temperatures rise and the disease prevalence increases. Additionally, newly infected corals clearly develop in proximity to previously infected corals. This provides, what we believe to be first evidence, that local transmission, often not by direct contact alone, is likely to be an important factor in the spread of the disease within the studied site. We suggest that loose infectious material released into the water originating from infected corals may be a significant mechanism of transmission of the disease. Although potential vectors with limited mobility (i.e., snails, fireworms) were not observed to be common in the studied site, we can not refute the possibility that vector mediation mechanism also contributes to disease aggregation. Another novel finding of this spatio-temporal analysis is that the number of corals that survived the first disease season and became re-infected during the second season is much higher than expected by random processes. This points to the possibility that those corals are ‘winter reservoirs’ of the disease in this reef. 313

7.203 Spatial and temporal variability in Caribbean coral and octocoral diseases. Ernesto WEIL 1 , Aldo CROQUER* 1 1 Department of Marine Sciences, University of Puerto Rico, Lajas, Puerto Rico Coral reef diseases have become a major threat to Caribbean coral reefs in recent years. A nested ANOVA design was used to assess the status and spatial and temporal variability in the number, distribution and prevalence of major coral reef diseases in the wider Caribbean since 2005 as part of the GEF-World bank Coral Reef Targeted Research and Capacity Building project. Using a modified CARICOMP protocol, five permanent band transects (20m²) were surveyed yearly during the summer-fall in each of three depth intervals (0-4, 5-10 and >15m) in each of three reefs in each of six geographic localities (Bermuda, Grand Cayman, Puerto Rico, Panamá, Curacao and Grenada). Preliminary results indicate high variability in the number and prevalence of the different diseases at the genera and community levels at different spatial scales and over time. At the genera level, significant differences in disease prevalence were found across reefs and among countries, but not across habitats and regions. At the community level, significant differences in disease prevalence was only found across reefs (high variability in other spatial scales). Montastraea was affected by more diseases with WP-II and YBD prevalence ranging between 4 and 35%. Agaricia, Colpophyllia and Diploria were affected by WP-II (0.5-16%), black band (0.4-5%) and ciliates (0.2-12%), Siderastrea and Stephanocoenia by dark spots in Curacao (19%) and Grenada (9%). Aspergillosis mainly affected Gorgonia ventalina (0.2-8%) and other conditions affected other common and widespread octocorals (1-14%). Strong dependency between the frequency of particular diseases and regions (?2 = 426.25), countries (?2 = 1030.8), reef sites (?2 = 1704.2) and habitats (?2 = 161.9) was found. Furthermore, a strong dependency between disease prevalence and the genus they affect (?2 = 1168.6) was present. Overall, the prevalence of diseases in coral reef communities seems to be persistent but highly variable spatially. 7.204 Host Range And Infection Intensity Of The Ectoparasite neobenedenia Melleni (Maccallum 1927) On Caribbean Coral Reef Fishes Paul SIKKEL* 1 , Donna NEMETH 2 , Amber MCCAMMON 2 , Ernest WILLIAMS 3 , Lillian TUTTLE 1 1 Biology, Centre College, Danville, KY, 2 Center for Marine and Environmental Studies, University of the Virgin Islands, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands (U.S.), 3 Marine Science, University of Puerto Rico, Lajas, Puerto Rico The nature of parasite-host interactions on coral reefs and how they are affected by environmental change is poorly understood. Among the parasites whose abundance is most likely affected by changing environmental conditions are monogenean flatworms. One monogenean in particular, Neobenedenia melleni (MacCallum 1927) is an abundant and highly damaging parasite in captive reef fishes. Unlike most monogeneans, which infect a narrow range of hosts, this parasite occurs almost worldwide on a long and complex list of fish species, families, and orders. However, it has rarely been found on wild hosts. Thus, data on patterns of infestation among free-living fishes are sorely needed. As a step toward a better understanding of the dynamics of Caribbean ectoparasites and their fish hosts in general, and Caribbean N. melleni in particular, we are conducting a comprehensive assessment of N. melleni loads among reef fishes in the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. Thus far, we have used non-lethal techniques to sample over 300 individuals, representing 35 species from 18 families. Among these, infections were limited to diurnally active fishes from 5 families, with infections being rare in all but two. All three Caribbean species of surgeonfish (Acanthuridae) were infected, with blue tang (A. coeruleus) having the highest levels of infection of any species we have sampled. All three species of boxfishes (Ostraciidae) we sampled were also infected, but at significantly lower levels than blue tang. Our findings thus far suggest that N. melleni in the Caribbean infects diurnally active fish at night while they are resting, and infects a narrower range of hosts in the field than in captivity. Poster Mini-Symposium 7: Diseases on Coral Reefs 7.205 Differences in The Susceptibility To Black Band Disease (Bbd) Between Two Species Of diploria On The Reefs Of Bermuda Kristin KUEHL* 1 , Ross JONES 2 , Laurie RICHARDSON 1 1 Florida International University, Miami, FL, 2 Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences, St. George, Bermuda Throughout the wider Caribbean, Diploria spp. are susceptible to black band disease (BBD). On the reefs of Bermuda, however, D. labyrinthiformis demonstrates an apparent resistance to BBD. For example, in surveys along five × 30 m transects at 26 long-term monitoring sites across the Bermuda platform conducted in 2004, 2005 and 2006, BBD prevalence averaged 0.62% (n=45,000) in D. strigosa, and only 0.01% (n=21,000) in D. labyrinthiformis. Why D. labyrinthiformis is seldom observed to be infected with BBD in Bermuda is unknown. We are currently examining whether there are differences between the two species in (1) the BBD pathogen(s), (2) the microbes normally present in the surface mucopolysaccharide layer (SML), (3) the antibiotic properties of the SML, and (4) the physical characteristics that might prevent pathogen entry into host tissue. Ongoing work includes inoculating healthy D. labyrinthiformis colonies with BBD collected from an infected D. strigosa, characterization of the microbial communities normally present in the SML of healthy colonies, and the apparently healthy region of diseased colonies, using LH-PCR molecular profiling, and inoculating water column bacteria onto marine agar plates treated with SML of both Diploria species. Differences in the ability of the species to prevent pathogen(s) from colonizing healthy tissue was tested by examining the rate at which they could clear themselves of foreign objects. In these experiments, 2 g of finely graded (< 250 μm) oven dried marine sediment was directly applied to the surface of the colonies. After one hour, D. labyrinthiformis was able to clear 72% of the sediment, which was significantly more than the 39% cleared by D. strigosa. These early results suggest that differences in SML properties between the two Diploria species may make D. labyrinthiformis more efficient at physically expelling the BBD pathogen(s). 7.206 Reduced Fecundity in Yellow Band Diseased Colonies Of The Caribbean Reef-Building Species Montastraea Faveolata. Ernesto WEIL* 1 , Aldo CROQUER 1 , Isabel URREIZTIETA 1 1 Department of Marine Sciences, University of Puerto Rico, Lajas, Puerto Rico Significant losses of live coral tissue and colonies caused by diseases compromise the survivorship and recovery of coral populations. Sexual reproduction is critical to the long-term maintenance of coral populations, however, little is known about the effect diseases have at this level. The ongoing Yellow Band Disease epizootic in the Caribbean is devastating three of the four Montastraea species, the main reef-building genus in the region. The impact of YBD on the fecundity (eggs/polyp) of M. faveolata was investigated by coring diseased, transition and healthy tissue areas of five YBD colonies and five healthy-looking colonies. Cores were also taken from healthy-looking surviving patches of different sizes within disease-free colonies to test effect of reduction in effective reproductive area on fecundity. Samples were processed and analyzed using well tested coral histological methods. Significant decreases in fecundity (99% fewer eggs) (F = 22.6, p

7.203<br />

Spatial and temporal variability in Caribbean coral and octocoral diseases.<br />

Ernesto WEIL 1 , Aldo CROQUER* 1<br />

1 Department of Marine Sciences, <strong>University</strong> of Puerto Rico, Lajas, Puerto Rico<br />

Coral reef diseases have become a major threat to Caribbean coral reefs in recent years. A<br />

nested ANOVA design was used to assess the status and spatial and temporal variability<br />

in the number, distribution and prevalence of major coral reef diseases in the wider<br />

Caribbean since 2005 as part of the GEF-World bank Coral Reef Targeted Research and<br />

Capacity Building project. Using a modified CARICOMP protocol, five permanent band<br />

transects (20m²) were surveyed yearly during the summer-fall in each of three depth<br />

intervals (0-4, 5-10 and >15m) in each of three reefs in each of six geographic localities<br />

(Bermuda, Grand Cayman, Puerto Rico, Panamá, Curacao and Grenada). Preliminary<br />

results indicate high variability in the number and prevalence of the different diseases at<br />

the genera and community levels at different spatial scales and over time. At the genera<br />

level, significant differences in disease prevalence were found across reefs and among<br />

countries, but not across habitats and regions. At the community level, significant<br />

differences in disease prevalence was only found across reefs (high variability in other<br />

spatial scales). Montastraea was affected by more diseases with WP-II and YBD<br />

prevalence ranging between 4 and 35%. Agaricia, Colpophyllia and Diploria were<br />

affected by WP-II (0.5-16%), black band (0.4-5%) and ciliates (0.2-12%), Siderastrea and<br />

Stephanocoenia by dark spots in Curacao (19%) and Grenada (9%). Aspergillosis mainly<br />

affected Gorgonia ventalina (0.2-8%) and other conditions affected other common and<br />

widespread octocorals (1-14%). Strong dependency between the frequency of particular<br />

diseases and regions (?2 = 426.25), countries (?2 = 1030.8), reef sites (?2 = 1704.2) and<br />

habitats (?2 = 161.9) was found. Furthermore, a strong dependency between disease<br />

prevalence and the genus they affect (?2 = 1168.6) was present. Overall, the prevalence<br />

of diseases in coral reef communities seems to be persistent but highly variable spatially.<br />

7.204<br />

Host Range And Infection Intensity Of The Ectoparasite neobenedenia Melleni<br />

(Maccallum 1927) On Caribbean Coral Reef Fishes<br />

Paul SIKKEL* 1 , Donna NEMETH 2 , Amber MCCAMMON 2 , Ernest WILLIAMS 3 ,<br />

Lillian TUTTLE 1<br />

1 Biology, Centre College, Danville, KY, 2 Center for Marine and Environmental Studies,<br />

<strong>University</strong> of the Virgin Islands, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands (U.S.), 3 Marine Science,<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Puerto Rico, Lajas, Puerto Rico<br />

The nature of parasite-host interactions on coral reefs and how they are affected by<br />

environmental change is poorly understood. Among the parasites whose abundance is<br />

most likely affected by changing environmental conditions are monogenean flatworms.<br />

One monogenean in particular, Neobenedenia melleni (MacCallum 1927) is an abundant<br />

and highly damaging parasite in captive reef fishes. Unlike most monogeneans, which<br />

infect a narrow range of hosts, this parasite occurs almost worldwide on a long and<br />

complex list of fish species, families, and orders. However, it has rarely been found on<br />

wild hosts. Thus, data on patterns of infestation among free-living fishes are sorely<br />

needed. As a step toward a better understanding of the dynamics of Caribbean<br />

ectoparasites and their fish hosts in general, and Caribbean N. melleni in particular, we<br />

are conducting a comprehensive assessment of N. melleni loads among reef fishes in the<br />

Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. Thus far, we have used non-lethal techniques to sample<br />

over 300 individuals, representing 35 species from 18 families. Among these, infections<br />

were limited to diurnally active fishes from 5 families, with infections being rare in all<br />

but two. All three Caribbean species of surgeonfish (Acanthuridae) were infected, with<br />

blue tang (A. coeruleus) having the highest levels of infection of any species we have<br />

sampled. All three species of boxfishes (Ostraciidae) we sampled were also infected, but<br />

at significantly lower levels than blue tang. Our findings thus far suggest that N. melleni<br />

in the Caribbean infects diurnally active fish at night while they are resting, and infects a<br />

narrower range of hosts in the field than in captivity.<br />

Poster Mini-Symposium 7: Diseases on Coral Reefs<br />

7.205<br />

Differences in The Susceptibility To Black Band Disease (Bbd) Between Two Species Of<br />

diploria On The Reefs Of Bermuda<br />

Kristin KUEHL* 1 , Ross JONES 2 , Laurie RICHARDSON 1<br />

1 Florida International <strong>University</strong>, Miami, FL, 2 Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences, St. George,<br />

Bermuda<br />

Throughout the wider Caribbean, Diploria spp. are susceptible to black band disease (BBD). On<br />

the reefs of Bermuda, however, D. labyrinthiformis demonstrates an apparent resistance to<br />

BBD. For example, in surveys along five × 30 m transects at 26 long-term monitoring sites<br />

across the Bermuda platform conducted in 2004, 2005 and 2006, BBD prevalence averaged<br />

0.62% (n=45,000) in D. strigosa, and only 0.01% (n=21,000) in D. labyrinthiformis. Why D.<br />

labyrinthiformis is seldom observed to be infected with BBD in Bermuda is unknown. We are<br />

currently examining whether there are differences between the two species in (1) the BBD<br />

pathogen(s), (2) the microbes normally present in the surface mucopolysaccharide layer (SML),<br />

(3) the antibiotic properties of the SML, and (4) the physical characteristics that might prevent<br />

pathogen entry into host tissue. Ongoing work includes inoculating healthy D. labyrinthiformis<br />

colonies with BBD collected from an infected D. strigosa, characterization of the microbial<br />

communities normally present in the SML of healthy colonies, and the apparently healthy<br />

region of diseased colonies, using LH-PCR molecular profiling, and inoculating water column<br />

bacteria onto marine agar plates treated with SML of both Diploria species. Differences in the<br />

ability of the species to prevent pathogen(s) from colonizing healthy tissue was tested by<br />

examining the rate at which they could clear themselves of foreign objects. In these<br />

experiments, 2 g of finely graded (< 250 μm) oven dried marine sediment was directly applied<br />

to the surface of the colonies. After one hour, D. labyrinthiformis was able to clear 72% of the<br />

sediment, which was significantly more than the 39% cleared by D. strigosa. These early results<br />

suggest that differences in SML properties between the two Diploria species may make D.<br />

labyrinthiformis more efficient at physically expelling the BBD pathogen(s).<br />

7.206<br />

Reduced Fecundity in Yellow Band Diseased Colonies Of The Caribbean Reef-Building<br />

Species Montastraea Faveolata.<br />

Ernesto WEIL* 1 , Aldo CROQUER 1 , Isabel URREIZTIETA 1<br />

1 Department of Marine Sciences, <strong>University</strong> of Puerto Rico, Lajas, Puerto Rico<br />

Significant losses of live coral tissue and colonies caused by diseases compromise the<br />

survivorship and recovery of coral populations. Sexual reproduction is critical to the long-term<br />

maintenance of coral populations, however, little is known about the effect diseases have at this<br />

level. The ongoing Yellow Band Disease epizootic in the Caribbean is devastating three of the<br />

four Montastraea species, the main reef-building genus in the region. The impact of YBD on the<br />

fecundity (eggs/polyp) of M. faveolata was investigated by coring diseased, transition and<br />

healthy tissue areas of five YBD colonies and five healthy-looking colonies. Cores were also<br />

taken from healthy-looking surviving patches of different sizes within disease-free colonies to<br />

test effect of reduction in effective reproductive area on fecundity. Samples were processed and<br />

analyzed using well tested coral histological methods. Significant decreases in fecundity (99%<br />

fewer eggs) (F = 22.6, p

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