11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University 11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


Poster Mini-Symposium 5: Functional Biology of Corals and Coral Symbiosis: Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Physiology 5.133 Ecology Of "Solarpowered"nudibranchia (Mollusca:gastropoda) And Their Potential To Be An Alternative Model Organism For Understanding Bleaching Ingo BURGHARDT* 1 , Joshua LEFFLER 2 , Katie LIBERATORE 3 , Ursula SHEPHERD 3 1 Department of Animal Ecology, Evolution and Biodiversity, Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum, Germany, 2 Department of Wildland Resources, Utah State University, Old Main Hill, UT, 3 University Honors Program, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM In contrast to the well-known symbiosis between different Cnidaria and zooxanthellae (genus Symbiodinium) the symbiosis between Nudibranchia (Mollusca: Gastropoda) and Symbiodinium is hardly investigated. Most of these nudibranchs obtain their symbionts by feeding on zooxanthellate prey (mainly octocorals). As is true in cnidarians, Symbiodinium is housed intracellulary, inside the cells of the nudibranchs’ digestive gland. Depending on the nudibranch species the slugs are able to keep zooxanthellae photosynthetically active for a certain period of time and benefit from the photosynthetic products. By means of PAM (Pulse Amplitude Modulated Fluorometry) data, long-term experiments (under starvation conditions) demonstrated that some species survive solely on the assimilates of their symbionts for almost one year. Therefore these nudibranchs are called “solarpowered”. Additionally, interspecific differences in the efficiency of this symbiosis was proven, reflecting different stages in its evolution. Histology and ultrastructural investigations clarify special adaptations of these symbiotic species. The genus Phyllodesmium was used as a model organism to investigate the ecology and evolution of this mutualism. The symbiosis between solarpowered nudibranchs and zooxanthellae seems to be an ideal model to investigate general bleaching processes. Two very different holobionts (coral and mollusc) with the same symbionts and their response to different environmental stressors (high water temperatures, high irradiances, low salinity, low pH) can be directly compared by means of PAM data, histology and electron microscopy. The impact of higher water temperatures and irradiances was already demonstrated for three solarpowered nudibranch species by means of PAM data. Future investigations will show whether the zooxanthellae composition inside the two different holobionts (corals and nudibranchs) shifts after exposition to stressors and whether isolated and cultivated Symbiodinium will respond differently to these factors. 5.134 Regulation Of Host Innate Immunity Plays A Role in Cnidarian-Dinoflagellate Symbiosis Olivier DETOURNAY* 1 , Santiago PEREZ 2 , Virginia WEIS 1 1 Zoology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 2 Dept. of Genetics, Standford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA Cnidarians have long been considered simple organisms lacking many of the complex cellular pathways that are present in higher metazoans. However, these animals are able to differentiate between invading pathogens and the beneficial, photosynthetic dinoflagellate Symbiodinium. These dual tasks are only possible if a high level of recognition and specificity exists that allows the host immune system to eliminate pathogens and tolerate symbionts. Recent reports have begun to reconcile this obvious paradox, suggesting that symbiosis is maintained by a complex cross talk between the host and symbiont. Moreover, genomic evidence has demonstrated that cnidarians possess homologues to many innate immunity genes from higher vertebrates. These studies suggest that immunity genes, normally implicated in pathogens clearance, are regulated in order to maintain the beneficial association. The objective of this study was to explore the role of immune regulatory mechanisms in specific symbiont tolerance mediated by the host. We examined the role of host immunity in the symbiosis between the model anemone Aiptasia pallida and the dinoflagellate Symbiodinium sp., in particular pro- and anti-inflammatory components of the immune system. Symbiotic and aposymbiotic A. pallida stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a common elicitor of an immune response, present different profiles of activation as measured by production of nitric oxide (NO). We show evidence that this production is regulated by a cytokine known to play a key role in immune regulation in vertebrates. We hypothesize that the presence of symbionts blocks LPS induction of an effector mechanism leading to the production of NO through the secretion of an anti-inflammatory cytokine. 5.135 Immunodetection And Partial Characterization Of Two Putative Signal-Transduction Proteins in symbiodinium Kawagutii Marco VILLANUEVA* 1 , Claudia MORERA 1 , Roberto IGLESIAS-PRIETO 1 , Patricia THOMÉ-ORTIZ 1 , Tania ISLAS-FLORES 2 1 Unidad Académica Puerto Morelos, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología-UNAM, Puerto Morelos, Mexico, 2 Plant Molecular Biology, Instituto de Biotecnología-UNAM, Cuernavaca, Mexico Two proteins were localized in total extracts of Symbiodinium kawagutii cells through the use of antibodies directed to proteins potentially involved in signal-transduction. We used antibodies (termed anti-DP) directed towards a twenty-residue peptide from the C-terminal sequence of Grb2 (Growth Factor Receptor-Bound Protein 2), which is an adaptor protein from the signal-transduction cascade of the growth factor stimulus in mammalian cells. Another set of antibodies (termed anti-RT) were raised against an eight-residue peptide from a protein originally isolated from common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), on a Phosphotyrosine-Sepharose column, implicating thus, a putative SH2 domain for signaling on this protein. We observed by western blot analyses, that the anti-DP antibodies recognized a 40 kDa protein in total extracts of Symbiodinium kawagutii, and in the same extracts, the anti-RT antibodies cross-reacted with a 28 kDa protein. The 28 kDa protein was found to be enriched in soluble and insoluble detergent fractions extracted from microsomal preparations, suggesting that it may be a membrane-bound protein. These results show the presence of orthologues of putative signaltransduction proteins in Symbiodinium and it will be of great interest to study their function and interactive protein partners in these cells, both during their life cycle and in the symbiotic process. 5.136 Response Of Coral Fluorescence To Environmental Changes: Insights Into The Function Of Coral Fluorescent Proteins Melissa ROTH* 1 , Nancy KNOWLTON 1,2 , Michael LATZ 1 , Dimitri DEHEYN 1 1 Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD, La Jolla, CA, 2 Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C. Despite their potential roles in photo-protection and photo-acclimation, the function of fluorescent proteins remains poorly understood. Fluorescent proteins are host-based pigments that are homologous to the green fluorescent protein (GFP), which was originally isolated from a hydromedusa and is now widely used in biology and biochemistry. Fluorescent proteins are pervasive in scleractinian corals and can constitute a significant portion of the total protein content (up to 14%). Fluorescent proteins inherently alter the internal light microenvironment of the coral by absorbing higher-energy photons and emitting lower-energy photons. This study examined the coral fluorescence response in Acropora yongei during experimental manipulations of environmental conditions, primarily light and temperature. Our preliminary results show that the amount of coral fluorescence was dynamic, and many environmental changes can induce a response in coral fluorescence. The coral fluorescence response was reversed when initial environmental conditions were restored. Understanding the role of these prevalent fluorescent proteins could elucidate mechanisms of coral physiological responses to environmental changes. Consequently, this research will indicate whether field monitoring of fluorescence could be useful as a noninvasive measure of coral health, specifically to identify early signs of coral stress. 291

Poster Mini-Symposium 5: Functional Biology of Corals and Coral Symbiosis: Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Physiology 5.137 Wound Healing in The Gorgonian Coral Swiftia Exserta Charles BIGGER* 1 , Cecile OLANO 2 1 Biological Sciences & Comparative Immunology Instiitute, Florida International University, Miami, FL, 2 USDA ARS, Miami, FL Gorgonian corals, like all sessile marine organisms, are susceptible to tissue damage from predators, mechanical impact and abrasion. In addition to a need for sealing the wound to maintain integrity and homeostasis, these animals have an additional threat if the axial skeleton is exposed. Exposed axial skeleton can provide a substrate for larval settlement and a subsequent possibility for overgrowth or other negative interaction. Accordingly, on-going examinations are being made of the wound healing/regeneration process in the gorgonian coral, Swiftia exserta, a gorgonian lacking zooxanthellae. Colonies of S. exserta from the Southeast coast of Florida were maintained in the laboratory at FIU. This study was designed as a time series of gross and histological observations of the response to a 5 mm removal of all tissue from the axial skeleton of a 2.5 cm colony branch. Eight series were fixed and processed for histology at times: 1 hr, 12 hrs, 1 day, 3 days, 5 days, 6 days and 1 week. Details will be presented correlating the changes at the cellular level with observations at the organismal level. In summary, the sequence of observed events was: a rapid sealing of the tissue openings; formation of specialized moving fronts, mostly composed of granular amoebocytes, that travel across the bare axial skeleton; fusion of the two fronts; and a subsequent filling-in and restoration of the normal anatomy in the wound area, without scaring. While there did appear to be a migration of cells into the area in the process, there was also evidence for a tissue spreading not seen in another investigation with the gorgonian Plexaurella fusifera. These observations confirm that Swiftia exserta is well adapted to recover from injury under normal conditions and provide information concerning the underlying process and cell functions. 5.138 Micro-Niche Partitioning And The Photobiology Of symbiodinium Associated With montastraea Faveolata Dustin KEMP* 1 , Xavier HERNANDEZ-PECH 2 , Roberto IGLESIAS-PRIETO 2 , Gregory SCHMIDT 3 , William FITT 1 1 Odum School of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, 2 Unidad Academica Puerto Morelos, Puerto Morelos, Mexico, 3 Department of Plant Biology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA The dominant Caribbean reef building coral Montastraea faveolata has been known to associate with multiple genotypes of Symbiodinium for over a decade. The unique ability to simultaneously host diverse assemblages of Symbiodinium makes M. faveolata an ideal species to examine the physiology of genetically different coral-symbiont associations. Using micro-sampling techniques we identified up to three distinct genotypes representing three different clades of Symbiodinium co-occurring within M. faveolata from the northern portion of the meso-american barrier reef in Puerto Morelos, Mexico. Coral colonies were screened for symbiont diversity using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of the ITS-2 region of nrDNA and specific zones were chosen reflecting Symbiodinium diversity. Symbiodinium zonation patterns were primarily determined by locally prevalent light fields on M. faveolata colonies. We found Symbiodinium type B17 to be the dominant symbiont found in high-light areas within the colony, while type C7 was found to be the dominant symbiont in low-light areas. Intermediately, Symbiodinium type A3 was found to be mixed among some of the highlight samples but was never observed as the dominant symbiont. Coral samples were collected four times a year from various zones and a series of physiological parameters were measured examining Symbiodinium population structure and photobiology. Photophysiological responses as determined by P vs E curves revealed genetically different symbiont types displayed differential high-light or low-light photoacclimatory responses. Further investigation of specific light zones using common coral-symbiont parameters including symbiont cell densities, chlorophyll content, and absorbance spectra analysis confirmed a high degree of Symbiodinium niche specialization and photoacclimation processes emerging annually within M. faveolata colonies. 5.139 Various Symbiodinium Spp. Distributed Among Differing Morphotypes And Genotypes Of Porites Panamensis From The Gulf Of California, Mexico David Arturo PAZ-GARCÍA* 1,2 , Todd C. LAJEUNESSE 3 , Héctor Efrain CHÁVEZ- ROMO 1,2 , Francisco CORREA-SANDOVAL 2 , Hector REYES-BONILLA 4 1 Facultad de Ciencias Marinas, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Ensenada, Mexico, 2 Instituto de Investigaciones Oceanológicas, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Ensenada, Mexico, 3 Department of Biology, The Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania, PA, 4 Departamento de Biología Marina, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur, La Paz, Mexico The degree of specificity between coral hosts and endosymbiotic dinoflagellates in the genus Symbiodinium (zooxanthellae) affects the potential for responses to environmental change through partner recombinations. We examined the diversity of zooxanthellae populations in two morphotypes of Porites panamensis in the southern of the Gulf of California. Additionally, we analyzed the host genetic information by allozyme electrophoresis in order to demonstrate if the species of symbiont corresponds with the genotype and/or morphotype of the host individual. The specimens (N = 20) were colleted at shallow coral communities (1-2 m). Symbiodinium C66a and C1 associated with columnar colonies of P. panamensis while C66 occurred commonly in massive forms. We found no host genotypes specific for species of symbiont. However, differences on host genotype frequencies were observed by Markov chain method between massive C66 and columnar C1 colonies (X 2 = 21.378, d.f. = 10, p < 0.01). An UPGMA cluster analysis using between samples showed massive C66 and columnar C66a symbionts clustered together before joining the columnar C1. These data indicate that differences in host genetic make-up may, in part, explain the presence of different Symbiodinium among individuals of a host population existing in the same environment. The potential influences of brooding and maternal transmission to the coevolution of specific partner combinations could be generating the pattern observed. 5.140 Rapid And Highly Precise Measurements Of symbiodinium Number Using A Coulter Counter Carlo CARUSO* 1 , Joshua MEISEL 2 , Santiago PEREZ 1 , John PRINGLE 1 1 Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 2 University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Brisbane, Australia Our lab is focused on helping develop the Aiptasia-Symbiodinium model system for studies of the molecular and cellular biology underlying the cnidarian-dinoflagellate symbiosis. A major part of our current effort is to develop methods that will allow more facile, versatile, and rigorous experimentation. A limitation for many kinds of studies has been that the methods available for determining symbiont loads (i.e., the number of symbionts per unit of host material) have been time-consuming, imprecise, and/or inaccurate. Using the Coulter Counter and well established assays of total protein, we have developed a rapid, highly precise, and probably highly accurate (although this is more difficult to judge) method for determining symbiont loads. The method can be used with cultured Symbiodinium or with algae isolated by homogenization of host tissue. It can also be used with fresh, fixed, or frozen material, so that samples can be analyzed after an experiment is completed and, if necessary, using an instrument at a remote location. The method allows changes in the symbiont load to be detected with at least 8-fold more precision and at least 25 times more rapidly than is possible with a counting chamber (hemocytometer). This dramatically improves researchers’ ability to detect small changes in algal density during time-course experiments or between treatment groups. The method also has some limitations, which will be discussed. 292

Poster Mini-Symposium 5: Functional Biology of Corals and Coral Symbiosis: Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Physiology<br />

5.133<br />

Ecology Of "Solarpowered"nudibranchia (Mollusca:gastropoda) And Their<br />

Potential To Be An Alternative Model Organism For Understanding Bleaching<br />

Ingo BURGHARDT* 1 , Joshua LEFFLER 2 , Katie LIBERATORE 3 , Ursula SHEPHERD 3<br />

1 Department of Animal Ecology, Evolution and Biodiversity, Ruhr-<strong>University</strong> Bochum,<br />

Bochum, Germany, 2 Department of Wildland Resources, Utah State <strong>University</strong>, Old<br />

Main Hill, UT, 3 <strong>University</strong> Honors Program, <strong>University</strong> of New Mexico, Albuquerque,<br />

NM<br />

In contrast to the well-known symbiosis between different Cnidaria and zooxanthellae<br />

(genus Symbiodinium) the symbiosis between Nudibranchia (Mollusca: Gastropoda) and<br />

Symbiodinium is hardly investigated. Most of these nudibranchs obtain their symbionts<br />

by feeding on zooxanthellate prey (mainly octocorals). As is true in cnidarians,<br />

Symbiodinium is housed intracellulary, inside the cells of the nudibranchs’ digestive<br />

gland. Depending on the nudibranch species the slugs are able to keep zooxanthellae<br />

photosynthetically active for a certain period of time and benefit from the photosynthetic<br />

products.<br />

By means of PAM (Pulse Amplitude Modulated Fluorometry) data, long-term<br />

experiments (under starvation conditions) demonstrated that some species survive solely<br />

on the assimilates of their symbionts for almost one year. Therefore these nudibranchs are<br />

called “solarpowered”. Additionally, interspecific differences in the efficiency of this<br />

symbiosis was proven, reflecting different stages in its evolution. Histology and<br />

ultrastructural investigations clarify special adaptations of these symbiotic species. The<br />

genus Phyllodesmium was used as a model organism to investigate the ecology and<br />

evolution of this mutualism.<br />

The symbiosis between solarpowered nudibranchs and zooxanthellae seems to be an ideal<br />

model to investigate general bleaching processes. Two very different holobionts (coral<br />

and mollusc) with the same symbionts and their response to different environmental<br />

stressors (high water temperatures, high irradiances, low salinity, low pH) can be directly<br />

compared by means of PAM data, histology and electron microscopy. The impact of<br />

higher water temperatures and irradiances was already demonstrated for three<br />

solarpowered nudibranch species by means of PAM data. Future investigations will show<br />

whether the zooxanthellae composition inside the two different holobionts (corals and<br />

nudibranchs) shifts after exposition to stressors and whether isolated and cultivated<br />

Symbiodinium will respond differently to these factors.<br />

5.134<br />

Regulation Of Host Innate Immunity Plays A Role in Cnidarian-Dinoflagellate<br />

Symbiosis<br />

Olivier DETOURNAY* 1 , Santiago PEREZ 2 , Virginia WEIS 1<br />

1 Zoology, Oregon State <strong>University</strong>, Corvallis, OR, 2 Dept. of Genetics, Standford<br />

<strong>University</strong> School of Medicine, Stanford, CA<br />

Cnidarians have long been considered simple organisms lacking many of the complex<br />

cellular pathways that are present in higher metazoans. However, these animals are able<br />

to differentiate between invading pathogens and the beneficial, photosynthetic<br />

dinoflagellate Symbiodinium. These dual tasks are only possible if a high level of<br />

recognition and specificity exists that allows the host immune system to eliminate<br />

pathogens and tolerate symbionts. Recent reports have begun to reconcile this obvious<br />

paradox, suggesting that symbiosis is maintained by a complex cross talk between the<br />

host and symbiont. Moreover, genomic evidence has demonstrated that cnidarians<br />

possess homologues to many innate immunity genes from higher vertebrates. These<br />

studies suggest that immunity genes, normally implicated in pathogens clearance, are<br />

regulated in order to maintain the beneficial association. The objective of this study was<br />

to explore the role of immune regulatory mechanisms in specific symbiont tolerance<br />

mediated by the host. We examined the role of host immunity in the symbiosis between<br />

the model anemone Aiptasia pallida and the dinoflagellate Symbiodinium sp., in<br />

particular pro- and anti-inflammatory components of the immune system. Symbiotic and<br />

aposymbiotic A. pallida stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a common elicitor of<br />

an immune response, present different profiles of activation as measured by production of<br />

nitric oxide (NO). We show evidence that this production is regulated by a cytokine<br />

known to play a key role in immune regulation in vertebrates. We hypothesize that the<br />

presence of symbionts blocks LPS induction of an effector mechanism leading to the<br />

production of NO through the secretion of an anti-inflammatory cytokine.<br />

5.135<br />

Immunodetection And Partial Characterization Of Two Putative Signal-Transduction<br />

Proteins in symbiodinium Kawagutii<br />

Marco VILLANUEVA* 1 , Claudia MORERA 1 , Roberto IGLESIAS-PRIETO 1 , Patricia<br />


1 Unidad Académica Puerto Morelos, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología-UNAM,<br />

Puerto Morelos, Mexico, 2 Plant Molecular Biology, Instituto de Biotecnología-UNAM,<br />

Cuernavaca, Mexico<br />

Two proteins were localized in total extracts of Symbiodinium kawagutii cells through the use<br />

of antibodies directed to proteins potentially involved in signal-transduction. We used<br />

antibodies (termed anti-DP) directed towards a twenty-residue peptide from the C-terminal<br />

sequence of Grb2 (Growth Factor Receptor-Bound Protein 2), which is an adaptor protein from<br />

the signal-transduction cascade of the growth factor stimulus in mammalian cells. Another set<br />

of antibodies (termed anti-RT) were raised against an eight-residue peptide from a protein<br />

originally isolated from common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), on a Phosphotyrosine-Sepharose<br />

column, implicating thus, a putative SH2 domain for signaling on this protein. We observed by<br />

western blot analyses, that the anti-DP antibodies recognized a 40 kDa protein in total extracts<br />

of Symbiodinium kawagutii, and in the same extracts, the anti-RT antibodies cross-reacted with<br />

a 28 kDa protein. The 28 kDa protein was found to be enriched in soluble and insoluble<br />

detergent fractions extracted from microsomal preparations, suggesting that it may be a<br />

membrane-bound protein. These results show the presence of orthologues of putative signaltransduction<br />

proteins in Symbiodinium and it will be of great interest to study their function and<br />

interactive protein partners in these cells, both during their life cycle and in the symbiotic<br />

process.<br />

5.136<br />

Response Of Coral Fluorescence To Environmental Changes: Insights Into The Function<br />

Of Coral Fluorescent Proteins<br />

Melissa ROTH* 1 , Nancy KNOWLTON 1,2 , Michael LATZ 1 , Dimitri DEHEYN 1<br />

1 Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD, La Jolla, CA, 2 Smithsonian Institution,<br />

Washington D.C.<br />

Despite their potential roles in photo-protection and photo-acclimation, the function of<br />

fluorescent proteins remains poorly understood. Fluorescent proteins are host-based pigments<br />

that are homologous to the green fluorescent protein (GFP), which was originally isolated from<br />

a hydromedusa and is now widely used in biology and biochemistry. Fluorescent proteins are<br />

pervasive in scleractinian corals and can constitute a significant portion of the total protein<br />

content (up to 14%). Fluorescent proteins inherently alter the internal light microenvironment of<br />

the coral by absorbing higher-energy photons and emitting lower-energy photons. This study<br />

examined the coral fluorescence response in Acropora yongei during experimental<br />

manipulations of environmental conditions, primarily light and temperature. Our preliminary<br />

results show that the amount of coral fluorescence was dynamic, and many environmental<br />

changes can induce a response in coral fluorescence. The coral fluorescence response was<br />

reversed when initial environmental conditions were restored. Understanding the role of these<br />

prevalent fluorescent proteins could elucidate mechanisms of coral physiological responses to<br />

environmental changes. Consequently, this research will indicate whether field monitoring of<br />

fluorescence could be useful as a noninvasive measure of coral health, specifically to identify<br />

early signs of coral stress.<br />


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