11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University 11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


Poster Mini-Symposium 5: Functional Biology of Corals and Coral Symbiosis: Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Physiology 5.124 Different sensitivity of zooxanthellae types isolated from the corals Madracis and Agaricia to increasing temperature Petra VISSER* 1 , Pedro FRADE 2 , Rolf BAK 2 1 Aquatic Microbiology, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2 Marine Ecology & Evolution, NIOZ, Den Burg-Texel, Netherlands The coral genera Madracis and Agaricia are abundant in the Caribbean reefs and harbour zooxanthellae of clade B and C, respectively. Madracis corals hardly bleach, while Agaricia corals bleach frequently. Can this difference be explained by the physiological response to temperature of the Symbiodinium types they harbour? First, we investigated by genetical analysis which zoox types are present at different depths and in different coral species of these genera. Second, we performed experiments with coral fragments and zooxanthellae isolated from these coral genera at different temperatures. We hypothesized that the zoox from the coral Agaricia lamarcki, which bleaches more frequently than Madracis senaria, have a higher temperature sensitivity than the zoox from M.senaria. Experiments were performed in which the photosynthetic yield was measured after small steps of increasing temperature. We didnot observe a difference between the species in the average temperature at which the photosynthesis yield collapsed, but we did find a faster decrease in photosynthesis yield in the range 26-32 degrees. To investigate this further, we will compare the lipid composition (ratio of unsaturated and saturated fatty acids) and the formation of ROS of the symbionts at high temperature. 5.125 Genetic Diversity within the Endolithic Alga Ostreobium quekettii that Harbor the Scleractinian Corals Skeleton Eldad HOCH* 1,2 , Maoz FINE 1,2 1 Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel, 2 The Interuniversity Institute for Marine Science, Eilat, Israel For a couple of decades researchers had focused on the symbiotic dinoflagellate alga Symbiodinium, residing in the endodermal tissue of reef building corals. Another associate partner which has been largely over looked is the green alga Ostreobium. Endolithic in nature, this alga reside in the skeleton of scleractinian corals, forming a distinctive green band, a few millimeters beneath the coral tissue. It has been demonstrated, that this alga plays a role in the physiology and metabolism of corals. An Uptake of photoassimilates by the coral has been shown using a carbon tracer in azoxanthellate corals. Furthermore, in bleached coral colonies, the endolithic alga can be an alterative source of energy as they increase their biomass in the bleached areas of the colony and help the coral to survive during a low energetic state period. This alga is well dispersed among the marine environment, from colder environments of the North- Western Pacific to warmer climates including the Mediterranean Sea and tropical oceans. The alga is abundant in almost all corals species (98%). Ostreobium is also present in corals over a wide scale water depth gradient, from the shallow to the depths of more then 100 meters. Except for one study that questioned the genetic variability of Ostreobium based on morphology only, most studies refer to it as quekettii or sp. across oceans and regions. In this study we aimed to characterize the genetic variability of Ostreobium based on DNA phylogenetic markers ITS1 and ITS2. We successfully extracted DNA from skeletons of several corals belonging to 6 species of corals from the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea. Screening these amplified markers showed variability between Ostreobium from different regions, depth and species. We hypothesize that a vast genetic variability of Ostreobium exists between regions and ecological niches. 5.127 Pigments As Indicators Of Stress Mechanisms in Corals Kathleen MCDOUGALL* 1 , Angela SQUIER 1 , Kenneth BOYD 1 , Stuart GIBB 1 , Craig DOWNS 2 , Barbara BROWN 1,3 1 Environmental Research Institute, North Highland College, UHI Millennium Institute, Thurso, United Kingdom, 2 Haereticus Environmental Laboratory, Clifford, VA, 3 School of Biology, University of Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom The loss of algal pigments from zooxanthellae is associated with environmental stress in corals, however, relatively little attention has been paid to these pigments as biomarkers to investigate the mechanisms that operate during such stress events. We have previously proposed a suite of chlorophyll a-like compounds as early biomarkers of stress in coral zooxanthellae. Generation of the chlorophyll-a like compounds was first noted through retrospective data analysis of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) pigment analyses of algal symbionts from the shallow water coral Goniastrea aspera in Phuket, Thailand. Higher concentrations of a sub-set of these chlorophyll a-like products were observed in response to both elevated light and temperature, providing significant potential as biomarkers of stress in corals. These compounds have subsequently been seen in the branching corals Porites compressa and Pocillopora damicornis under laboratory conditions and been shown to be more sensitive than the xanthophyll ratio or fatty acid profiles as indicators of stress. In order to investigate these compounds further we proposed to develop model systems to study their formation. Utilising the macroalga Enteromorpha linza as a readily available model of a photoautotroph which undergoes bleaching in response to high levels of solar irradiance, we have found the same chlorophyll a-like compounds present under different environmental conditions as in the coral zooxanthellae. Additionally, the compounds can be generated in vitro from chlorophyll a using copper and hydrogen peroxide. Using liquid chromatography-atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation multistage mass spectrometry (LC-APCI MSn) the compounds produced were identified as the chlorophyll a oxidation products 132(R)- and 132(S)-hydroxychlorophyll a and Mg-purpurin-7 dimethyl phytyl ester. The characterisation of these compounds and the evidence that they are produced under oxidative conditions indicates their potential as biomarkers of oxidative stresses in corals. 5.128 Regulation Of Gfp-Like Protein Expression in Reef-Building Corals Joerg WIEDENMANN* 1,2 , Cecilia D'ANGELO 2 , Andrea DENZEL 2 , Alexander VOGT 2 , Mikhail MATZ 3 , Franz OSWALD 2 , Anya SALIH 4 , Ulrich NIENHAUS 2 1 National Oceanography Center, University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom, 2 University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany, 3 University of Texas, Austin, TX, 4 University of Western Sydney, Sydney, Australia GFP-like fluorescent and colored proteins are responsible for the startling colorful appearance of hermatypic corals, yet the physiological function of these pigments remains unclear. Precise understanding of the mechanisms driving their expression is imperative to use these proteins as intrinsic optical markers of physiological conditions and/or genetic affinity. We have analyzed the influence of different environmental factors on the regulation of major classes of GFP-like pigments in corals of the taxa Acroporidae, Merulinidae and Pocilloporidae. The differential expression patterns were studied by spectroscopic measurements on animals, through immunochemical analysis of purified extracts and by semiquantitative RT-PCR analysis. We found that light excerted a strong control of the pigment levels in the tissue of all studied species. Exposure of the animals to different light qualities established that the increase in coral pigmentation is primarily dependent on blue light. GFP-like proteins were also differentially regulated at the transcriptional level by environmental stress factors like heat and cold stress. 289

Poster Mini-Symposium 5: Functional Biology of Corals and Coral Symbiosis: Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Physiology 5.129 Variable Thermal And/or Irradiance Stress Responses Of Photosystem Ii Among symbiodinium Spp. Isolated From Different Invertebrate Species Ranjeet BHAGOOLI* 1,2 , Andrew C. BAKER 3 , Peter RALPH 4 , Michio HIDAKA 5 1 BioSciences, University of Mauritius, Reduit, Mauritius, 2 The Biodiversity and Environment Institute, Reduit, Mauritius, 3 Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami, Miami, FL, 4 Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Technology, Sydney, Sydney, Australia, 5 Department of Chemistry, Biology & Marine Sciences, University of the Ryukyus, Nishihara, Okinawa, Japan We used Pulse Amplitude Modulated (PAM) fluorometry to measure the photophysiological stress responses of symbiotic dinoflagellates (Symbiodinium spp.) from 9 host species (one tridacnid clam, one anemone and 7 corals) from Zamami and Sesoko Islands, Okinawa, Japan. We measured the maximum quantum yield of photosystem II (PSII) in freshly isolated algae exposed to four different temperature treatments (26oC, 29oC, 32oC and 34oC) and three different light treatments (0, 110 and 170 ìmol quanta m-2s-1). Chlorophyll fluorescence ratios (dark-adapted Fv/Fm) showed significant variability in PSII response to both thermal and irradiance stress. We used denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis of ITS-2 ribosomal DNA to identify the Symbiodinium used in our experiments, and found members of clade A, C and D in these hosts. Photophysiological responses showed consistent differences between distinct Symbiodinium types based on ITS-2 sequences. Hierarchical cluster analysis of the combined responses of PSII to all temperature and/or irradiance treatments revealed the following hierarchy, from most tolerant to least tolerant: D1a (Pavona varians) = C9b (Platygyra ryukyuensis), A6 (Tridacna spp.) = C70 (Aiptasia spp.), C21a (Galaxea fascicularis) = C1 (Stylophora pistillata and Pachyseris rugosa), C3 (Acropora microphthalma) = C1c (Pocillopora damicornis). It is noteworthy that Symbiodinium C1 responded similarly irrespective of the host (Pachyseris rugosa or Stylophora pistillata) from which they were isolated. These data suggest that different Symbiodinium ITS-2 types vary in stress tolerance, and that this tolerance is consistent among hosts. Additional, data for isolates from Florida (USA), Heron Island (Australia) and Mauritius are being analyzed. 5.130 Searching For Sulfur in symbiodinium: Dmsp Implications For Coral Symbioses Denise YOST* 1 , Carys MITCHELMORE 1 1 Center for Environmental Science, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, University of Maryland, Solomons, MD Symbiodinium, like other dinoflagellates, produce considerable amounts of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP; mM concentrations intracellularly). DMSP evolution from corals as dimethylsulfide (DMS) gas to the atmosphere can be substantial, although it is unclear if this is via algal loss and/or translocation of DMSP/DMS through coral tissues. DMSP lyase is present in some, but not all, DMSP producers and is responsible for enzymatic cleavage of DMSP into DMS and acrylate. The roles and functions of DMSP, DMSP lyase and DMSP breakdown products remain unclear in Symbiodinium and coral symbioses as a whole. It is unknown if Symbiodinium contain DMSP lyase. In addition, DMSP lyase has not been isolated from any coral species, but has been isolated from other symbiotic organism host tissues (e.g. clams and flatworms). DMSP and its breakdown products, DMS, dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), methane sulfinic acid (MSNA) and acrylate have antioxidant capabilities in other algal species. Given the potential role of oxidative stress in coral bleaching, we focus on the role of DMSP as an antioxidant. DMSP levels vary considerably in symbiont and host and may reflect a coral’s sensitivity to bleaching events. Our findings indicate that DMSP lyase is present in the Symbiodinium cultures examined and that baseline levels of DMSP and lyase vary with Symbiodinium strain. In preliminary experiments, DMSP levels changed following exposure to oxidative stressors (hydrogen peroxide, UV light). To characterize DMSP production and lyase potential further, we collected various hard corals from Bermuda, some of which were exposed to copper (a known elicitor of oxidative stress) for 48 hours, which induced DNA damage. We will further analyze a variety of oxidative stress endpoints coupled with DMSP and DMSP lyase assessments to investigate the role of DMSP as an antioxidant in these corals. 5.131 A Mechanism Of Alloimmune Response in Primitive Phylum: Apoptosis in The Gorgonian Coral Swiftia Exserta Miguel MENDOZA 1 , Charles BIGGER* 1 1 Florida International University, Miami, FL Previous studies on the Gorgonian Coral Swiftia exserta (Cnidaria, Anthozoan) immunology have revealed specific intraspecific (alloimmune) responses to foreign tissue (Salter-Cid and Bigger, 1991). These findings suggest that primitive forms of alloimmunity may have existed prior to the deuterostome/ protostome phylogenic split. This study focused on the determination of an apoptotic associated immune response in allograft tissue rejection in S. exserta using the flow cytometry assay Guava PCA TUNEL Assay to indicate and quantify an apoptotic response in induced cells. Following a five day induction period under closely monitored conditions, dissociated cells from normal, autograft (self-graft) and allograft tissue samples were examined for the presence of apoptosis. Flow cytometry data depicted pattern shifts in allograft samples indicative of apoptotic activity. The results from the TUNEL Assay are supportive of the hypothesis of apoptosis as the mechanism of tissue death in the allogeneic response of the Gorgonian coral S. exserta. 5.132 Xenobiotic Metabolizing Enzymes in The Reef Building Coral Pocillopora Damicornis Luc ROUGEE* 1 , Abby COLLIER 2 , Robert RICHMOND 1 1 Kewalo Marine Laboratory, Pacific Biosciences Research Center, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI, 2 Department of Tropical Medicine, Medical Microbiology and Pharmacology, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI We examined the presence and rate of reaction of particular xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes (XME) in the reef building coral Pocillopora damicornis, in order to develop a mechanistic model for interpreting coral cellular profiles in response to pollutant exposure. The use of pharmacological and cellular diagnostic tools, commonly implemented in determining xenobiotic metabolism in humans, has proved successful in providing information of the potential for analogous enzymes in corals. Previously established kinetic assays for Phase I (Cytochrome P450 (CYP450) 1A, 2C9, 2D6, 2E1, 3A4 and CYP450 reductase) and Phase II (UDP-glucuronosyltransferases, β-glucuronidase, Glutathione-S-transferase, and Sulfotransferase) enzymes were optimized for the S9 postmitochondrial fraction of coral protein. Positive results for members of both Phase I (CYP450 1A, 2E1, CYP reductase) and Phase II (β-glucuronidase, Glutathione-S-transferase, and Sulfotransferase) enzymes has revealed the presence of XME in corals. Enzymatic rates of reaction have been derived for a reference time point and throughout the reproductive lunar cycle. Isolation and characterization of select individual proteins will be investigated to confirm the specificity of these enzymes’ activities. The ability to measure enzyme activity by proteins responsible for detoxification of pollutants provides a means of identifying cause-and-effect relationships between particular stressors and coral “health.” Additionally, examining changes in these activities allows the identification of stress effects at the sublethal level, when management intervention has the greatest chance of effectiveness. Finally, quantifying the magnitude and rate of cellular responses to xenobioticinduced stress allows for measuring the efficacy of mitigation responses. By determining changes to the metabolic pathways, that cause internal variations within in a coral which otherwise visually appears ‘healthy’, we may be able to understand the cellular effects of xenobiotics present in the environment. 290

Poster Mini-Symposium 5: Functional Biology of Corals and Coral Symbiosis: Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Physiology<br />

5.129<br />

Variable Thermal And/or Irradiance Stress Responses Of Photosystem Ii Among<br />

symbiodinium Spp. Isolated From Different Invertebrate Species<br />

Ranjeet BHAGOOLI* 1,2 , Andrew C. BAKER 3 , Peter RALPH 4 , Michio HIDAKA 5<br />

1 BioSciences, <strong>University</strong> of Mauritius, Reduit, Mauritius, 2 The Biodiversity and<br />

Environment Institute, Reduit, Mauritius, 3 Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric<br />

Science, <strong>University</strong> of Miami, Miami, FL, 4 Department of Environmental Sciences,<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Technology, Sydney, Sydney, Australia, 5 Department of Chemistry,<br />

Biology & Marine Sciences, <strong>University</strong> of the Ryukyus, Nishihara, Okinawa, Japan<br />

We used Pulse Amplitude Modulated (PAM) fluorometry to measure the<br />

photophysiological stress responses of symbiotic dinoflagellates (Symbiodinium spp.)<br />

from 9 host species (one tridacnid clam, one anemone and 7 corals) from Zamami and<br />

Sesoko Islands, Okinawa, Japan. We measured the maximum quantum yield of<br />

photosystem II (PSII) in freshly isolated algae exposed to four different temperature<br />

treatments (26oC, 29oC, 32oC and 34oC) and three different light treatments (0, 110 and<br />

170 ìmol quanta m-2s-1). Chlorophyll fluorescence ratios (dark-adapted Fv/Fm) showed<br />

significant variability in PSII response to both thermal and irradiance stress. We used<br />

denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis of ITS-2 ribosomal DNA to<br />

identify the Symbiodinium used in our experiments, and found members of clade A, C<br />

and D in these hosts. Photophysiological responses showed consistent differences<br />

between distinct Symbiodinium types based on ITS-2 sequences. Hierarchical cluster<br />

analysis of the combined responses of PSII to all temperature and/or irradiance treatments<br />

revealed the following hierarchy, from most tolerant to least tolerant: D1a (Pavona<br />

varians) = C9b (Platygyra ryukyuensis), A6 (Tridacna spp.) = C70 (Aiptasia spp.), C21a<br />

(Galaxea fascicularis) = C1 (Stylophora pistillata and Pachyseris rugosa), C3 (Acropora<br />

microphthalma) = C1c (Pocillopora damicornis). It is noteworthy that Symbiodinium C1<br />

responded similarly irrespective of the host (Pachyseris rugosa or Stylophora pistillata)<br />

from which they were isolated. These data suggest that different Symbiodinium ITS-2<br />

types vary in stress tolerance, and that this tolerance is consistent among hosts.<br />

Additional, data for isolates from Florida (USA), Heron Island (Australia) and Mauritius<br />

are being analyzed.<br />

5.130<br />

Searching For Sulfur in symbiodinium: Dmsp Implications For Coral Symbioses<br />

Denise YOST* 1 , Carys MITCHELMORE 1<br />

1 Center for Environmental Science, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, <strong>University</strong> of<br />

Maryland, Solomons, MD<br />

Symbiodinium, like other dinoflagellates, produce considerable amounts of<br />

dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP; mM concentrations intracellularly). DMSP<br />

evolution from corals as dimethylsulfide (DMS) gas to the atmosphere can be substantial,<br />

although it is unclear if this is via algal loss and/or translocation of DMSP/DMS through<br />

coral tissues. DMSP lyase is present in some, but not all, DMSP producers and is<br />

responsible for enzymatic cleavage of DMSP into DMS and acrylate. The roles and<br />

functions of DMSP, DMSP lyase and DMSP breakdown products remain unclear in<br />

Symbiodinium and coral symbioses as a whole. It is unknown if Symbiodinium contain<br />

DMSP lyase. In addition, DMSP lyase has not been isolated from any coral species, but<br />

has been isolated from other symbiotic organism host tissues (e.g. clams and flatworms).<br />

DMSP and its breakdown products, DMS, dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), methane sulfinic<br />

acid (MSNA) and acrylate have antioxidant capabilities in other algal species. Given the<br />

potential role of oxidative stress in coral bleaching, we focus on the role of DMSP as an<br />

antioxidant. DMSP levels vary considerably in symbiont and host and may reflect a<br />

coral’s sensitivity to bleaching events. Our findings indicate that DMSP lyase is present<br />

in the Symbiodinium cultures examined and that baseline levels of DMSP and lyase vary<br />

with Symbiodinium strain. In preliminary experiments, DMSP levels changed following<br />

exposure to oxidative stressors (hydrogen peroxide, UV light). To characterize DMSP<br />

production and lyase potential further, we collected various hard corals from Bermuda,<br />

some of which were exposed to copper (a known elicitor of oxidative stress) for 48 hours,<br />

which induced DNA damage. We will further analyze a variety of oxidative stress<br />

endpoints coupled with DMSP and DMSP lyase assessments to investigate the role of<br />

DMSP as an antioxidant in these corals.<br />

5.131<br />

A Mechanism Of Alloimmune Response in Primitive Phylum: Apoptosis in The<br />

Gorgonian Coral Swiftia Exserta<br />

Miguel MENDOZA 1 , Charles BIGGER* 1<br />

1 Florida International <strong>University</strong>, Miami, FL<br />

Previous studies on the Gorgonian Coral Swiftia exserta (Cnidaria, Anthozoan) immunology<br />

have revealed specific intraspecific (alloimmune) responses to foreign tissue (Salter-Cid and<br />

Bigger, 1991). These findings suggest that primitive forms of alloimmunity may have existed<br />

prior to the deuterostome/ protostome phylogenic split. This study focused on the determination<br />

of an apoptotic associated immune response in allograft tissue rejection in S. exserta using the<br />

flow cytometry assay Guava PCA TUNEL Assay to indicate and quantify an apoptotic<br />

response in induced cells. Following a five day induction period under closely monitored<br />

conditions, dissociated cells from normal, autograft (self-graft) and allograft tissue samples<br />

were examined for the presence of apoptosis. Flow cytometry data depicted pattern shifts in<br />

allograft samples indicative of apoptotic activity. The results from the TUNEL Assay are<br />

supportive of the hypothesis of apoptosis as the mechanism of tissue death in the allogeneic<br />

response of the Gorgonian coral S. exserta.<br />

5.132<br />

Xenobiotic Metabolizing Enzymes in The Reef Building Coral Pocillopora Damicornis<br />

Luc ROUGEE* 1 , Abby COLLIER 2 , Robert RICHMOND 1<br />

1 Kewalo Marine Laboratory, Pacific Biosciences Research Center, <strong>University</strong> of Hawaii at<br />

Manoa, Honolulu, HI, 2 Department of Tropical Medicine, Medical Microbiology and<br />

Pharmacology, <strong>University</strong> of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI<br />

We examined the presence and rate of reaction of particular xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes<br />

(XME) in the reef building coral Pocillopora damicornis, in order to develop a mechanistic<br />

model for interpreting coral cellular profiles in response to pollutant exposure. The use of<br />

pharmacological and cellular diagnostic tools, commonly implemented in determining<br />

xenobiotic metabolism in humans, has proved successful in providing information of the<br />

potential for analogous enzymes in corals. Previously established kinetic assays for Phase I<br />

(Cytochrome P450 (CYP450) 1A, 2C9, 2D6, 2E1, 3A4 and CYP450 reductase) and Phase II<br />

(UDP-glucuronosyltransferases, β-glucuronidase, Glutathione-S-transferase, and<br />

Sulfotransferase) enzymes were optimized for the S9 postmitochondrial fraction of coral<br />

protein. Positive results for members of both Phase I (CYP450 1A, 2E1, CYP reductase) and<br />

Phase II (β-glucuronidase, Glutathione-S-transferase, and Sulfotransferase) enzymes has<br />

revealed the presence of XME in corals. Enzymatic rates of reaction have been derived for a<br />

reference time point and throughout the reproductive lunar cycle. Isolation and characterization<br />

of select individual proteins will be investigated to confirm the specificity of these enzymes’<br />

activities.<br />

The ability to measure enzyme activity by proteins responsible for detoxification of pollutants<br />

provides a means of identifying cause-and-effect relationships between particular stressors and<br />

coral “health.” Additionally, examining changes in these activities allows the identification of<br />

stress effects at the sublethal level, when management intervention has the greatest chance of<br />

effectiveness. Finally, quantifying the magnitude and rate of cellular responses to xenobioticinduced<br />

stress allows for measuring the efficacy of mitigation responses. By determining<br />

changes to the metabolic pathways, that cause internal variations within in a coral which<br />

otherwise visually appears ‘healthy’, we may be able to understand the cellular effects of<br />

xenobiotics present in the environment.<br />


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