11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University 11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


Oral Mini-Symposium 26: Biodiversity and Diversification of Reef Organisms 26-5 Soft Coral Biodiversity And Distribution In The Western Indian Ocean: Gradients, Function And Significance Michael SCHLEYER* 1 , Yehuda BENAYAHU 2 1 Oceanographic Research Institute, Durban, South Africa, 2 Department of Zoology and The Porter School of Environmental Studies, Tel Aviv, Israel Soft corals (Octocorallia: Alcyonacea) constitute important reef benthos in the WIO, yet relatively little is known of their distributional gradients, function or significance. Integrated results of published surveys and of material recently collected as far afield as the Chagos Archipelago manifest interesting gradients in their diversity, abundance and apparent function. Reef disturbance may result in them becoming dominant, eliciting an alternative stable state in some coral communities. While certain tropical taxa attenuate from north to south, others attain their highest abundance at high latitude; the latter appears to be related to their ability to tolerate more swell-driven turbulence. Once established, soft corals appear to be persistent and long-lived, a characteristic also reported in the literature. A long-term monitoring study has nevertheless revealed that they appear to be vulnerable to climate change. 26-6 Vagile Coelobites Of Eastern Pacific Coral Reefs: Structurally Homogenous Reef Environments And The Importance Of Substrate in Shaping Community Composition Ian ENOCHS* 1 , Gena HOCKENSMITH 1 1 Marine Biology and Fisheries, University of Miami, Miami, FL Coral reef framework structures are complex three-dimensional habitats occupied by diverse taxa. The term cryptofauna (coelobites) specifically applies to those organisms that live within the interstices of coral reef framework. The remarkably diverse assemblage of cryptic biota is poorly understood relative to that of the epibenthic and nektonic reef species. It has been postulated that the biomass of this cryptic component of the reef ecosystem is extremely high, possibly exceeding that of the surface biota, and it is likely that coelobites are integral to reef nutrient dynamics. Furthermore, cryptic animals that inhabit reef pore spaces may degrade coral skeletons, playing an important role in bioerosion; the biogenic loss of reef framework. Thus, evaluating the interaction of nutrient dynamics, bioerosion, habitat structure, cryptic biomass and biodiversity is essential to understanding coral reef community responses to a changing climate. Previously, the strong dependence of cryptic community composition on the size and shape of the void-space habitat has limited extrapolation of studies to the “whole reef” level. Pocillopora reefs of the eastern Pacific are structurally complex yet relatively homogenous across a horizontal plane. This unique physical composition allows for the possibility of replicate sampling of the coelobite community and a subsequently broader scale analysis. In order to evaluate the dependency of cryptic community structure on the nature of the substrate it occupies, both living and dead Pocillopora colonies were defaunated and returned to the reef. After one year in situ, associated coelobites were identified, weighed, and counted. Substrate preference (live vs. dead coral) was found to be species specific. Biomass and abundance of vagile coelobites was significantly higher in living coral colonies when compared to dead coral framework. These findings have important implications for how reef communities may respond to coral mortality. 26-7 Coastal Fish Communities of the Socotra Archipelago: “Pseudo-Reefal” Diversity and Ecology Without Coral Reefs. Uwe ZAJONZ* 1 , Dr. Friedhelm KRUPP 1 1 Ichthyology, Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum, Frankfurt a.M, Germany Between 1999 and 2007 shallow water fish communities of the Socotra Archipelago (Gulf of Aden, NW Indian Ocean) were studied with the objective of assessing patterns of diversity and abundance, community composition, trophic structure and biogeographic affinities. The Archipelago hosts very diverse, varied and biogeographically unique coral and fish communities. About 730 fish species in 110 families have been recorded from the Archipelago as yet. The structure of the dominant shallow water fish community types, as inferred from species composition, trophic analysis and correlation analysis of fish and benthic communities, is comparable with typical “reef fish” assemblages of the Western Indian Ocean. Despite the fact that the Archipelago has only few biogenic reefs, the species numbers within certain reef fish taxa exceed those known from the entire neighbouring Red Sea. Research on tropical marine communities typically focus on reef habitats with high cover of scleractinian corals and the presence of so-called “reef-associated” fish species, based on the postulate that these are dominating factors in determining coastal diversity in the tropics. Results of the present study suggest that, besides classical coral reef assemblages, equally diverse benthic and associated fish communities can evolve, if the local “mix” of abiotic and biotic variables is suitable. These include mesoscale habitat heterogeneity and complexity, i.e. availability, connectivity among these habitats and among wider biogeographic units, and probably productivity. Being exposed to a harsh monsoon regime, Socotra’s coastal ecosystems are heterogeneous and dynamic in space and time, giving rise to a great variety of ecological niches and thus supporting corals and fishes from many different ‘walks of life’. Consequently, more consideration needs to be given to studying population dynamics, connectivity and biogeography of such marginal “pseudoreefal” communities. 26-8 Molecular Data Suggest An Indo-Pacific Origin Of The Invasive Snowflake Coral (Carijoa Riisei) in The Hawaiian Archipelago And Refute A Caribbean Introduction Gregory CONCEPCION* 1 , Samuel KAHNG 2 , Marc CREPEAU 1 , Erik FRANKLIN 1 , Steve COLES 3 , Robert TOONEN 1 1 Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Kaneohe, HI, 2 Oceanography, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI, 3 Natural Sciences, Bishop Museum, Honolulu, HI The first published report of the invasive snowflake coral in Hawaii comes from Pearl Harbor in 1972. Subsequent identification of this species as the Caribbean octocoral Carijoa riisei led to the general conclusion that it was introduced via contemporary maritime vectors. In an attempt to confirm the source of the Hawaiian population, we used mitochondrial (h = 0.8379; π = 0.0022) and nuclear (H = 0.8904; π = 0.0299) data to compare Hawaiian specimens with Carijoa samples collected worldwide (n=248). In addition, vessel traffic patterns for the Pacific Ocean were examined for 1940-1979 to determine maritime connectivity to and from Hawaii during the assumed time of introduction. Combined mitochondrial and nuclear data show both higher and considerable unique genetic diversity within the Indo-Pacific compared to samples from throughout the Caribbean-Atlantic, suggesting that the species is native to the Indo-Pacific. Further, isolation-by-distance (IBD) analysis indicates a significant correlation between genetic and geographic distance in both the Indo-Pacific and Hawaii, but not for the Atlantic, and coalescent estimates for the Atlantic are the lowest of the three populations. Finally, C. riisei sampled from throughout Hawaii (n=96) share none of the Caribbean mtDNA haplotypes (29 unique haplotypes) and only a single nDNA allele (of 29 unique alleles), indicating that the Hawaiian populations derive from Indo-Pacific rather than Caribbean- Atlantic origins. Despite an active commercial vessel route between Hawaii and the Panama Canal, we find no evidence to support a maritime introduction of Carijoa riisei from the Caribbean-Atlantic. 243

26-9 Biodiversity Of Reefs: Inferring From Sparse Data Daphne FAUTIN* 1 1 University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS Oral Mini-Symposium 26: Biodiversity and Diversification of Reef Organisms Data on occurrences of a particular organism from publications and museum specimens can be used to infer occurrence of members of that species in places where sampling has not been done and at times in the past and future. Programs to make such inferences are based on knowledge of the habitat correlates of the species and determining where else in the world those habitat parameters occur. Precision of such an inference depends on 1) accurate and precise knowledge of the species’ habitat requirements, 2) detailed spatiallyexplicit environmental data, and 3) comprehensive taxonomic and nomenclatural information. Such inferential tools can be important in understanding biogeographic consequences of climate change, in predicting where invasive species might persist, and in recognizing invasive species. 26-10 Standardized Sampling And Molecular Approaches For Assessing Marine Biodiversity Of Coral Reefs Laetitia PLAISANCE* 1 , Christopher MEYER 2 , Gustav PAULAY 3 , Russell BRAINARD 4 , Amy HALL 4 , Julian CALEY 5 , Nancy KNOWLTON 1 1 Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, 2 University of Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, 3 Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 4 Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, 5 Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville, Australia Coral reefs are the most diverse and among the most threatened of all marine ecosystems. Unfortunately, we lack the taxonomic expertise and the time needed to characterize this diversity, as well as the extent of biodiversity loss related to human impacts, using traditional methods. However, the revolution in molecular genetics dramatically changes the potential for reef scientists to make progress in this area, particularly in poorly characterized groups for which taxonomic expertise is limited (e.g. very small cryptic organisms). As exhaustive inventories of reef-associated fauna are impractical, standardized sampling methods are the best option for estimating and comparing patterns of diversity for these communities. In this study, we employed a DNA barcode approach (cytochrome oxidase subunit I) to characterize the biodiversity of marine crustaceans associated with coral reefs in Moorea (French Polynesia), the northern Line Islands, French Frigate Shoals (Hawaii) and Lizard Island (Australia). We sampled the small cryptic fauna in two different habitats: in dead Pocillopora heads (most sites) and Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures (ARMS) deployed for one year at four sites around French Frigate Shoals. Results to date suggest that current estimates greatly underestimate reef biodiversity as rarefaction curves reveal that they will increase significantly with additional sampling. Moreover, comparison of crustacean diversity between Moorea and the Line Islands showed little overlap, as only 11 OTUs (Operational Taxonomic Unit) out of 135, were found in both localities, 44% of the total diversity being singletons and 33% being found only in one locality. Moreover, none of the Moorea taxa matched at the species level with any record in GenBank. Nevertheless, these methods have great potential when they are globally deployed with adequate replication, something that is now possible given the ease of obtaining sequence data. 26-11 Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures (Arms): A Tool For Monitoring Indices Of Biodiversity Amy HALL* 1 , Russell BRAINARD 2 , Julian CALEY 3 , Scott GODWIN 4 , Leslie HARRIS 5 , Nancy KNOWLTON 6 , Tito LOTUFO 7 , Joel MARTIN 5 , Kaylyn MCCOY 8 , Megan MOEWS 1 , Russell MOFFITT 1 , Gustav PAULAY 9 , Laetitia PLAISANCE 10 1 JIMAR Univeristy of Hawaii, NOAA Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, Honolulu, HI, 2 NOAA Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, Honolulu, HI, 3 Australian Institute of Marine Science, Queensland, Australia, 4 Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, Kaneohe, HI, 5 Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, CA, 6 Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC, 7 Instituto de Ciencias do Mar, Laboratorio de Ecologia Animal, Fortaleza, Brazil, 8 State of Hawaii, Division of Aquatic Resources, Honolulu, HI, 9 Florida Museum of Natural History, Gainesville, FL, 10 Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA Coral reefs are high diversity ecosystems, but methods to assess this diversity can be problematic, particularly for small and cryptic organisms. Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures (ARMS) have been developed and are being tested as a standard method to mimic the structural complexity of coral reef habitats and attract colonizing non-coral invertebrates. It is currently difficult to find nonsubjective methods of assessing invertebrate biodiversity on coral reefs. With an increasing scarcity of trained invertebrate taxonomists globally, ARMS will enable researchers to obtain indices of invertebrate biodiversity utilizing molecular techniques that would otherwise be challenging and time consuming using traditional morphological analyses alone. In October 2006, ARMS were deployed in a preliminary study at French Frigate Shoals in the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, and subsequently recovered and analyzed in October 2007. ARMS were deployed at sites selected on the basis of habitat characterization: a backreef site, a lagoon patch reef site, and two forereef sites, from 1 to 14 m. Analyses were designed to look at the effectiveness of the instruments across the range of habitats and taxa collected. ARMS were most productive in sampling molluscs (28%), ascidians (24%), crustaceans (19%), and bryozoans (11%) in forereef and lagoon patch reef habitats. In addition, DNA barcode analyses were conducted to characterize crustacean biodiversity associated with ARMS in comparison to dead Pocillopora heads from other sites in the Pacific. These results suggest that coupling ARMS with taxonomic and molecular analyses can be an effective method to assess and monitor understudied coral reef invertebrate biodiversity. Additional ARMS deployments occurring around the Hawaiian Islands, Pacific remote island areas, American Samoa, Australia, Brazil, and Panama will enhance our ability to monitor coral reef ecosystem change globally and build capacity for ecosystem-based management. 26-12 Biodiversity Census at French Frigate Shoals, A Baseline Diversity Study Russell MOFFITT* 1 , Russell BRAINARD 2 , Julian CALEY 3 , Scott GODWIN 4 , Amy HALL 1 , Leslie HARRIS 5 , Elizabeth KEENAN 6 , Nancy KNOWLTON 7 , Tito LOTUFO 8 , Jim MARAGOS 9 , Joel MARTIN 5 , Sea MCKEON 10 , Megan MOEWS 1 , Gustav PAULAY 10 , Cory PITTMAN 11 , Alison SHERWOOD 12 , John STARMER 13 , Brian ZGLICZYNSKI 1 1 Coral Reef Ecosystem Division, JIMAR/Univ. of Hawaii & NOAA Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, Honolulu, HI, 2 Coral Reef Ecosystem Division, NOAA Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, Honolulu, HI, 3 Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville, Australia, 4 Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, Kaneohe, HI, 5 Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, CA, 6 NOAA/NOS/PMNM, Honolulu, HI, 7 Dept. of Invertebrate Zoology, Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC, 8 Laboratorio de Ecologia Animal, Instituto de Ciencias do Mar, Fortaleza, Brazil, 9 USFWS, Honolulu, HI, 10 Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 11 Camp Olowalu, Lahaina, HI, 12 Botany Department, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI, 13 CNMI Coastal Resources Management Office, Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands With increasing concerns about climate change, there is clear danger that much coral reef diversity could be lost before it is documented and managers will be left with a limited understanding of undisturbed reef communities on which to base future decisions. To effectively manage and conserve these ecosystems, it is first necessary to obtain baseline data of existing biodiversity and enhance understanding of changes over time. As part of the Census of Coral Reef Ecosystems (CReefs) of the Census of Marine Life, a multi-institutional team of taxonomists surveyed cryptic, poorly known, and understudied organisms, particularly invertebrate, algal and microbial species at French Frigate Shoals in the relatively pristine Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. This open atoll has the highest reported shallow coral reef biodiversity in the Hawaiian Archipelago and has been hypothesized to be a diversity pathway for the spread of species from three directions, most notably Johnston Atoll. During a 16-day field survey, 15 diverse habitat types were sampled utilizing an array of methods designed to target key ecological niches and minimize ecological impacts, including hand collecting, rubble extraction, rubble brushing, sand sampling, Yabbie pump, microbial collections, algal collections, suction/vacuum, baited traps, Ekman grabs, sand dredges, plankton tows, and Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures. At least 1600 morphospecies were documented and photographed, including >100 new species and/or regional records. New records include 7 species of algae, 33 decapod crustaceans, 48 opistobranch molluscs, and 1 family of ascidians. Greater than 20% of the known Hawaiian marine invertebrate diversity was encountered, reflecting on the effectiveness of methods and the poorly known nature of tropical reef biodiversity. In addition 1,279 DNA subsamples, representing 40% of the overall specimens, were collected to sequence for inclusion in the Barcode of Life. 244

Oral Mini-Symposium 26: Biodiversity and Diversification of Reef Organisms<br />

26-5<br />

Soft Coral Biodiversity And Distribution In The Western Indian Ocean: Gradients,<br />

Function And Significance<br />

Michael SCHLEYER* 1 , Yehuda BENAYAHU 2<br />

1 Oceanographic Research Institute, Durban, South Africa, 2 Department of Zoology and<br />

The Porter School of Environmental Studies, Tel Aviv, Israel<br />

Soft corals (Octocorallia: Alcyonacea) constitute important reef benthos in the WIO, yet<br />

relatively little is known of their distributional gradients, function or significance.<br />

Integrated results of published surveys and of material recently collected as far afield as<br />

the Chagos Archipelago manifest interesting gradients in their diversity, abundance and<br />

apparent function. Reef disturbance may result in them becoming dominant, eliciting an<br />

alternative stable state in some coral communities. While certain tropical taxa attenuate<br />

from north to south, others attain their highest abundance at high latitude; the latter<br />

appears to be related to their ability to tolerate more swell-driven turbulence. Once<br />

established, soft corals appear to be persistent and long-lived, a characteristic also<br />

reported in the literature. A long-term monitoring study has nevertheless revealed that<br />

they appear to be vulnerable to climate change.<br />

26-6<br />

Vagile Coelobites Of Eastern Pacific Coral Reefs: Structurally Homogenous Reef<br />

Environments And The Importance Of Substrate in Shaping Community<br />

Composition<br />

Ian ENOCHS* 1 , Gena HOCKENSMITH 1<br />

1 Marine Biology and Fisheries, <strong>University</strong> of Miami, Miami, FL<br />

Coral reef framework structures are complex three-dimensional habitats occupied by<br />

diverse taxa. The term cryptofauna (coelobites) specifically applies to those organisms<br />

that live within the interstices of coral reef framework. The remarkably diverse<br />

assemblage of cryptic biota is poorly understood relative to that of the epibenthic and<br />

nektonic reef species. It has been postulated that the biomass of this cryptic component<br />

of the reef ecosystem is extremely high, possibly exceeding that of the surface biota, and<br />

it is likely that coelobites are integral to reef nutrient dynamics. Furthermore, cryptic<br />

animals that inhabit reef pore spaces may degrade coral skeletons, playing an important<br />

role in bioerosion; the biogenic loss of reef framework. Thus, evaluating the interaction<br />

of nutrient dynamics, bioerosion, habitat structure, cryptic biomass and biodiversity is<br />

essential to understanding coral reef community responses to a changing climate.<br />

Previously, the strong dependence of cryptic community composition on the size and<br />

shape of the void-space habitat has limited extrapolation of studies to the “whole reef”<br />

level. Pocillopora reefs of the eastern Pacific are structurally complex yet relatively<br />

homogenous across a horizontal plane. This unique physical composition allows for the<br />

possibility of replicate sampling of the coelobite community and a subsequently broader<br />

scale analysis. In order to evaluate the dependency of cryptic community structure on the<br />

nature of the substrate it occupies, both living and dead Pocillopora colonies were<br />

defaunated and returned to the reef. After one year in situ, associated coelobites were<br />

identified, weighed, and counted. Substrate preference (live vs. dead coral) was found to<br />

be species specific. Biomass and abundance of vagile coelobites was significantly higher<br />

in living coral colonies when compared to dead coral framework. These findings have<br />

important implications for how reef communities may respond to coral mortality.<br />

26-7<br />

Coastal Fish Communities of the Socotra Archipelago: “Pseudo-Reefal” Diversity and<br />

Ecology Without Coral Reefs.<br />

Uwe ZAJONZ* 1 , Dr. Friedhelm KRUPP 1<br />

1 Ichthyology, Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum, Frankfurt a.M,<br />

Germany<br />

Between 1999 and 2007 shallow water fish communities of the Socotra Archipelago (Gulf of<br />

Aden, NW Indian Ocean) were studied with the objective of assessing patterns of diversity and<br />

abundance, community composition, trophic structure and biogeographic affinities. The<br />

Archipelago hosts very diverse, varied and biogeographically unique coral and fish<br />

communities. About 730 fish species in 110 families have been recorded from the Archipelago<br />

as yet. The structure of the dominant shallow water fish community types, as inferred from<br />

species composition, trophic analysis and correlation analysis of fish and benthic communities,<br />

is comparable with typical “reef fish” assemblages of the Western Indian Ocean. Despite the<br />

fact that the Archipelago has only few biogenic reefs, the species numbers within certain reef<br />

fish taxa exceed those known from the entire neighbouring Red Sea. Research on tropical<br />

marine communities typically focus on reef habitats with high cover of scleractinian corals and<br />

the presence of so-called “reef-associated” fish species, based on the postulate that these are<br />

dominating factors in determining coastal diversity in the tropics. Results of the present study<br />

suggest that, besides classical coral reef assemblages, equally diverse benthic and associated<br />

fish communities can evolve, if the local “mix” of abiotic and biotic variables is suitable. These<br />

include mesoscale habitat heterogeneity and complexity, i.e. availability, connectivity among<br />

these habitats and among wider biogeographic units, and probably productivity. Being exposed<br />

to a harsh monsoon regime, Socotra’s coastal ecosystems are heterogeneous and dynamic in<br />

space and time, giving rise to a great variety of ecological niches and thus supporting corals and<br />

fishes from many different ‘walks of life’. Consequently, more consideration needs to be given<br />

to studying population dynamics, connectivity and biogeography of such marginal “pseudoreefal”<br />

communities.<br />

26-8<br />

Molecular Data Suggest An Indo-Pacific Origin Of The Invasive Snowflake Coral<br />

(Carijoa Riisei) in The Hawaiian Archipelago And Refute A Caribbean Introduction<br />

Gregory CONCEPCION* 1 , Samuel KAHNG 2 , Marc CREPEAU 1 , Erik FRANKLIN 1 , Steve<br />

COLES 3 , Robert TOONEN 1<br />

1 Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, <strong>University</strong> of Hawaii at Manoa, Kaneohe, HI,<br />

2 Oceanography, <strong>University</strong> of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI, 3 Natural Sciences, Bishop<br />

Museum, Honolulu, HI<br />

The first published report of the invasive snowflake coral in Hawaii comes from Pearl Harbor in<br />

1972. Subsequent identification of this species as the Caribbean octocoral Carijoa riisei led<br />

to the general conclusion that it was introduced via contemporary maritime vectors. In an<br />

attempt to confirm the source of the Hawaiian population, we used mitochondrial (h = 0.8379; π<br />

= 0.0022) and nuclear (H = 0.8904; π = 0.0299) data to compare Hawaiian specimens with<br />

Carijoa samples collected worldwide (n=248). In addition, vessel traffic patterns for the<br />

Pacific Ocean were examined for 1940-1979 to determine maritime connectivity to and from<br />

Hawaii during the assumed time of introduction. Combined mitochondrial and nuclear data<br />

show both higher and considerable unique genetic diversity within the Indo-Pacific compared to<br />

samples from throughout the Caribbean-Atlantic, suggesting that the species is native to the<br />

Indo-Pacific. Further, isolation-by-distance (IBD) analysis indicates a significant correlation<br />

between genetic and geographic distance in both the Indo-Pacific and Hawaii, but not for the<br />

Atlantic, and coalescent estimates for the Atlantic are the lowest of the three populations.<br />

Finally, C. riisei sampled from throughout Hawaii (n=96) share none of the Caribbean mtDNA<br />

haplotypes (29 unique haplotypes) and only a single nDNA allele (of 29 unique alleles),<br />

indicating that the Hawaiian populations derive from Indo-Pacific rather than Caribbean-<br />

Atlantic origins. Despite an active commercial vessel route between Hawaii and the Panama<br />

Canal, we find no evidence to support a maritime introduction of Carijoa riisei from the<br />

Caribbean-Atlantic.<br />


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