11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University 11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


Oral Mini-Symposium 25: Predicting Reef Futures in the Context of Climate Change 25-38 The Future Of Specific Symbioses Within The Reef Coral Pocillopra in The Eastern Pacific: Investigating The Impacts Of Thermal Anomalies in Western Mexico Mark WARNER* 1 , Todd LAJEUNESSE 2 , Hector REYES-BONILLA 3 , Matt ASCHAFFENBURG 1 , Mike MCGINLEY 1 , Robin SMITH 4 , Tye PETTAY 4 1 University of Delaware, Lewes, DE, 2 Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, 3 University of Southern Baja California, La Paz, Mexico, 4 Florida International University, Miami, FL Many sources have pointed to the endosymbiotic dinoflagellates within the genus Symbiodinium as a primary cellular target of damage during coral bleaching. However, the genetic and physiological diversity of these symbionts, coupled with the fact that some corals may harbor multiple symbiont types, has led to the idea that such plasticity could provide an axis for acclimatization or adaptation to climate change if corals can retain and/or acquire thermally tolerant algae. In particular, it is thought that symbionts within the “D” lineage may serve this role, yet our knowledge of the ecological distribution and physiological detail of this and other groups of Symbiodinium is largely incomplete. The eastern Pacific provides an excellent venue to test these ideas of symbiont change and coral resilience, as it encompasses regions that have been differentially impacted by thermal anomalies and coral bleaching. Here we present the initial findings of a three year study that is investigating the distribution of “C” and “D” Symbiodinium within the coral Pocillopora in several regions of western Mexico. In addition, the impact of short-term thermal stress experiments on the photobiology, as well as long-term analysis of bleaching recovery, coral growth and fitness in Pocillopora harboring dominant populations of either “C” or “D” Symbiodinium in the southern Gulf of California will be presented. Initial results from experimental bleaching suggest that D1 symbionts may possess a slightly higher degree of tolerance to elevated temperature and/or light as compared to type C1b-c algae, yet significant damage to photosystem II can result. The long-term implications for recovery and response to future warming events in the northeastern Pacific will be addressed. 25-39 Annual Summer Mass Bleaching Of A Multi-Species Coral Community in American Samoa Douglas FENNER* 1 , Scott HERON 2 1 Marine & Wildlife Resources, American Samoa Government, Pago Pago, American Samoa, 2 Coral Reef Watch, NOAA, Townsville, Australia Widespread annual summer mass coral bleaching has been predicted to begin in about 30-50 years, due to increasing global temperatures. Annual mass bleaching has been reported for two individual coral species, one in the Mediterranean and one in Florida, but this study is the first known annual bleaching report for a multi-species coral community. Bleaching levels have been recorded in two back-reef pools on Tutuila, American Samoa on a biweekly to monthly basis since late 2003. Mass bleaching of several species has occurred in all four summers during this period. Most Acropora, one of two species of Millepora, and one small area of Porties cylindrica have repeatedly bleached but little mortality has been observed so far. During this period, there was little or no bleaching on the reef slopes. The back-reef pools have limited circulation, and get hotter on sunny summer days than the adjacent ocean, with sea surface temperature (SST) reaching about 32°C in these pools. The two summers previous to the start of recording were reported to have bleaching on reef slopes. About 50% of all staghorns in the pools were dead at the start of observations, which likely were caused by the more intense bleaching in those 2 years. This suggests that bleaching has occurred every summer for at least 6 years in a row. The record of the intensity of bleaching in the pools over the 4 years follows SST’s quite closely. This appears to be the first detailed record of the time course of repeated multi-species bleaching available. Ongoing annual mass bleaching of a multi-species community provides a window into the future and an opportunity for examining the effects on corals of climate change. 25-40 Bleaching Damage And Recovery Potential Of Coral Reefs in Dubai, Uae John BURT 1,2 , Andrew BAUMAN* 3 , Aaron BARTHOLOMEW 4 , Peter SALE 5,6 1 Natural Science and Public Health, Zayed University, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 2 Department of Biological Sciences, University of Windsor, Windsor Ontario, Canada, 3 International Network on Water, Environment and Health, United Nations University, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 4 Department of Biology and Chemistry, American University of Sharjah, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, 5 Department of Biological Sciences, University of Windsor, Windsor, ON, Canada, 6 International Network on Water, Environment and Health, United Nations University, Windsor, Canada Documenting long-term changes to coral reef communities following large-scale bleaching events is necessary for predicting changes to coral community composition and their recovery potential to climate change. Such information is necessary to successfully predict how bleaching events may affect the composition and recovery potential of coral communities. In the Arabian Gulf increasing frequencies of elevated sea surface temperatures (1996, 1998, and 2002) have caused extensive coral reef mortality in Dubai United Arab Emirate. Here, we surveyed coral communities within Dubai, examining the composition of the coral assemblages present in 2007, and compared this with information on coral community composition from 1996. We characterized five distinct coral communities in 2007 and compared with previously published accounts of the same communities. In 1996, extensive coral mortality in Dubai, primarily affected Acropora dominated communities, reducing their abundance by almost 90%. Our research showed that within the same areas, Acropora communities had nearly doubled in abundance, from 22% to 42%. Despite this strong recovery of Acropora communities, both Faviid and Poritid assemblages, which only suffered negligible mortality in 1996, dominated remaining communities. However, minimal change in percent coral cover of both Faviid and Poritid between 1996 and 2007 suggested assemblages were shifting towards Acropora dominated pre-bleaching communities. We also investigated the recovery potential of coral communities by surveying coral recruitment. Recruitment densities were consistently low throughout coral assemblages, with community composition highly dependent on the surrounding adult communities. However, the prevalence of relatively fast growing Acropora juveniles throughout communities indicated that recovery of Acropora dominated communities was occurring. This study shows that despite recurring mass coral bleaching events, coral communities throughout Dubai are able to rapidly recover suggesting that these assemblages may be acclimatized to the extreme conditions found throughout the Arabian Gulf. 25-41 Can Symbiont Diversity Help Coral Reefs Survive Climate Change? Marissa BASKETT* 1 , Steven GAINES 2 , Roger NISBET 2 1 National Center for Ecological Analysis and Snythesis, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, 2 Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA Given climate change, thermal stress-related mass coral bleaching events present one of the greatest anthropogenic threats to coral reefs. While corals and their symbiotic algae may respond to future temperatures through adaptation and shifts in community compositions, the climate may change too rapidly for coral response. Here we develop a model of coral and symbiont ecological dynamics and symbiont evolutionary dynamics. Model results without variation in symbiont thermal tolerance predict coral reef collapse within decades under multiple future climate scenarios, consistent with previous threshold-based predictions. However, model results with genetic or community-level variation in symbiont thermal tolerance can predict coral reef persistence into the next century, provided low enough greenhouse gas emissions occur. Therefore, the level of greenhouse gas emissions will have a significant effect on the future of coral reefs, and accounting for biodiversity and biological dynamics is vital to estimating the size of this effect. 237

Oral Mini-Symposium 25: Predicting Reef Futures in the Context of Climate Change 25-42 Factors Affecting The Evolution Of Bleaching Resistance in Corals Julian CALEY* 1 , Troy DAY 2,3 , Laura NAGEL 4 , Madeleine VAN OPPEN 1 1 Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville, Australia, 2 Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada, 3 Dept. of Biology, Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada, 4 Dept. of Biology, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada We present a mathematical model of coevolutionary interactions between partners in a coral-algae mutualistic symbiosis. Our goal is to better understand factors affecting the potential evolution of bleaching resistance in corals, in response to increased average sea temperatures. We explore the evolutionary consequences of four factors: (i) tradeoffs among fitness components, (ii) different proximate mechanisms of coral bleaching, (iii) the genetic determination of bleaching resistance, and (iv) the mode of sexual reproduction. We show that traits in mutualistic symbioses, such as thermal tolerance in corals, are potentially subject to novel kinds of evolutionary constraints, and that these constraints are mediated by ecological dynamics. We also show that some proximate mechanisms of bleaching yield faster evolutionary responses to temperature stress, and that the nature of interspecific control of bleaching resistance and the mode of sexual reproduction interact to strongly influence the rate of spread of resistance alleles. These qualitative theoretical results highlight important future directions for empirical research in order to quantify the potential for coral reefs to evolve resistance to thermal stress. 25-43 Estimating Potential For Adaptation Of Corals To Climate Change Nikolaus CSÁSZÁR* 1,2 , Peter RALPH 1 , Richard FRANKHAM 3,4 , Ray BERKELMANS 2 , Madeleine VAN OPPEN 2 1 Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Technology, Sydney, Sydney, Australia, 2 Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville, Australia, 3 Macquarie University, Sydney, Sydney, Australia, 4 Australian Museum, Sydney, Sydney, Australia Climate models predict rising global sea-surface temperatures accompanied by increasing frequencies of coral mortalities and shifts in ecosystem structure throughout the 21st century. Today, it is well known that geographically different coral populations display substantial intra-specific variation in thermal tolerance. This suggests local adaptation to different temperature regimes. The ability of the coral/algal symbiosis to adapt to further increasing sea-surface temperatures in an evolutionary sense will depend on the extent of the underlying genetic variation in thermal tolerance. We investigated the genetic- and environmental variation in two phenotypic traits that are directly linked to thermal tolerance in corals. A controlled temperature experiment was conducted on a predominantly clade D zooxanthellae harbouring population of the widely abundant scleractinian coral species Acropora millepora from the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Under sub-bleaching (31 ºC) and bleaching (32 ºC) conditions, the proportion of the observed phenotypic variation that was due to genetic factors (i.e. the heritability in the broad-sense; h 2 ) was high for both traits: the decrease in maximum capacity of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) for in hospite zooxanthellae, and the increase in coral growth rates. Under control conditions (27 ºC), however, the phenotypic performance of these traits was determined to a lesser extent by genetic factors. This suggests that under high temperatures, there is an underlying heritable component for both the maximum efficiency of photosystem II in the zooxanthellae, and coral growth rates. Additional thermal-stress related phenotypic traits for this particular population are currently under investigation. This is the first study to show that thermal tolerance in corals has an underlying genetic component, and provides direct insight into the evolutionary potential of this species to adapt to climate change. 25-44 Coral Mortality From Bleaching: Pre-Adaptation Of Host Corals To Increased Seawater Temperatures With Dependence Upon Rapidly Adapting Zooxanthellae Kevin STRYCHAR* 1 , Paul SAMMARCO 2 1 Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi, TX, 2 Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, Chauvin, LA Bleaching in corals is the loss of obligate symbiotic zooxanthellae (required for growth and survival) from their tissue. Increased sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) associated with climate change have caused mass coral bleaching on a global basis. This in turn has caused widespread coral mortality, increasing in frequency through time. Some studies suggest that the host ‘ejects’ the symbiont during these stressful periods, but the mechanism(s) by which this occurs is still unknown. Recent evidence suggests that processes of cell death, apoptosis and necrosis, associated with zooxanthellae cells increase within host tissues as temperatures increase and may be the primary causes of zooxanthellar loss. The host response to increased temperatures is not known, however, nor is the fact of “who releases whom” during the bleaching process. Here we determine whether the host coral or the zooxanthellae symbionts are more temperaturesensitive and which is being subjected to higher selection pressure due to temperature. Assessment of two types of cell death, apoptosis and necrosis, of cell and tissue states was done by flow cytometry, fluorescent microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy. We examined the temperature resistance properties of three scleractinian coral hosts - Acropora hyacinthus, Porites solida, and Favites complanata - and their zooxanthellae by exposing them to experimental temperatures of 28, 30, 32, and 34C for 48 hrs. Coral host cells did not exhibit any signs of apoptosis until exposed to temperatures of 34C. Zooxanthellae cells, however, exhibited apoptosis at temperatures as low as 30C, and this effect increased markedly in the symbionts as temperature increased. These findings suggest that the host corals are pre-adapted to temperature increases and not suffering mortality from this stress but from the loss of their zooxanthellar endosymbionts – a process driving natural selection in Symbiodinium and necessitating their rapid adaptation to a changing environment. 25-45 Climate Change Can Supersensitise Corals To Natural Levels Of Ultra Violet Radiation Ruth REEF* 1 , Sophie DOVE 1 , Maya CARMI 1 , Ann MOONEY 1 , Paulina KANIEWSKA 1 , Oren LEVY 1 , Ove HOEGH-GULDBERG 1 1 Centre for Marine Studies, The University of Queensland, St Lucia QLD, Australia Corals are exceptional for their ability to tolerate ultra violet radiation (UVR) intensities that can be lethal to many reef organisms. Their sessile nature combined with their obligatory symbiosis with the photosynthetic dinoflagellate Symbiodinium means exposure to solar radiation, five percent of which is harmful UVR, is high. While some of the UVR protection associated with corals comes from the previously documented UVR screening compounds in the tissue, we find that this is complemented by unique properties of the coral skeleton that reduce the intensity of UVR in the overlying tissue. This property becomes even more important during heat stress, when we demonstrate that a vast and rapid reduction in the UVR screening ability of the tissue occurs and that this leads to a significant increase in the amount of UVR induced DNA damage in the cells. However, when grown under high levels of carbon dioxide (and hence low concentrations of carbonate ions) some of the ability of the skeleton to reduce the levels of UVR in the overlying tissue is lost. Thus, the remarkable ability of corals to thrive in the UVR levels of shallow tropical waters might be greatly lessened by the predicted changes to sea surface temperature and carbon dioxide levels. This research therefore indicates yet another subtlety associated with the change in environmental conditions surrounding coral reefs associated with rapid anthropogenic climate change. 238

Oral Mini-Symposium 25: Predicting Reef Futures in the Context of Climate Change<br />

25-42<br />

Factors Affecting The Evolution Of Bleaching Resistance in Corals<br />

Julian CALEY* 1 , Troy DAY 2,3 , Laura NAGEL 4 , Madeleine VAN OPPEN 1<br />

1 Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville, Australia, 2 Dept. of Mathematics and<br />

Statistics, Queen’s <strong>University</strong>, Kingston, ON, Canada, 3 Dept. of Biology, Queen’s<br />

<strong>University</strong>, Kingston, Canada, 4 Dept. of Biology, Queen’s <strong>University</strong>, Kingston, ON,<br />

Canada<br />

We present a mathematical model of coevolutionary interactions between partners in a<br />

coral-algae mutualistic symbiosis. Our goal is to better understand factors affecting the<br />

potential evolution of bleaching resistance in corals, in response to increased average sea<br />

temperatures. We explore the evolutionary consequences of four factors: (i) tradeoffs<br />

among fitness components, (ii) different proximate mechanisms of coral bleaching, (iii)<br />

the genetic determination of bleaching resistance, and (iv) the mode of sexual<br />

reproduction. We show that traits in mutualistic symbioses, such as thermal tolerance in<br />

corals, are potentially subject to novel kinds of evolutionary constraints, and that these<br />

constraints are mediated by ecological dynamics. We also show that some proximate<br />

mechanisms of bleaching yield faster evolutionary responses to temperature stress, and<br />

that the nature of interspecific control of bleaching resistance and the mode of sexual<br />

reproduction interact to strongly influence the rate of spread of resistance alleles. These<br />

qualitative theoretical results highlight important future directions for empirical research<br />

in order to quantify the potential for coral reefs to evolve resistance to thermal stress.<br />

25-43<br />

Estimating Potential For Adaptation Of Corals To Climate Change<br />

Nikolaus CSÁSZÁR* 1,2 , Peter RALPH 1 , Richard FRANKHAM 3,4 , Ray<br />

BERKELMANS 2 , Madeleine VAN OPPEN 2<br />

1 Department of Environmental Sciences, <strong>University</strong> of Technology, Sydney, Sydney,<br />

Australia, 2 Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville, Australia, 3 Macquarie<br />

<strong>University</strong>, Sydney, Sydney, Australia, 4 Australian Museum, Sydney, Sydney, Australia<br />

Climate models predict rising global sea-surface temperatures accompanied by increasing<br />

frequencies of coral mortalities and shifts in ecosystem structure throughout the 21st<br />

century. Today, it is well known that geographically different coral populations display<br />

substantial intra-specific variation in thermal tolerance. This suggests local adaptation to<br />

different temperature regimes. The ability of the coral/algal symbiosis to adapt to further<br />

increasing sea-surface temperatures in an evolutionary sense will depend on the extent of<br />

the underlying genetic variation in thermal tolerance. We investigated the genetic- and<br />

environmental variation in two phenotypic traits that are directly linked to thermal<br />

tolerance in corals. A controlled temperature experiment was conducted on a<br />

predominantly clade D zooxanthellae harbouring population of the widely abundant<br />

scleractinian coral species Acropora millepora from the Great Barrier Reef, Australia.<br />

Under sub-bleaching (31 ºC) and bleaching (32 ºC) conditions, the proportion of the<br />

observed phenotypic variation that was due to genetic factors (i.e. the heritability in the<br />

broad-sense; h 2 ) was high for both traits: the decrease in maximum capacity of<br />

photosystem II (Fv/Fm) for in hospite zooxanthellae, and the increase in coral growth<br />

rates. Under control conditions (27 ºC), however, the phenotypic performance of these<br />

traits was determined to a lesser extent by genetic factors. This suggests that under high<br />

temperatures, there is an underlying heritable component for both the maximum<br />

efficiency of photosystem II in the zooxanthellae, and coral growth rates. Additional<br />

thermal-stress related phenotypic traits for this particular population are currently under<br />

investigation.<br />

This is the first study to show that thermal tolerance in corals has an<br />

underlying genetic component, and provides direct insight into the<br />

evolutionary potential of this species to adapt to climate change.<br />

25-44<br />

Coral Mortality From Bleaching: Pre-Adaptation Of Host Corals To Increased Seawater<br />

Temperatures With Dependence Upon Rapidly Adapting Zooxanthellae<br />

Kevin STRYCHAR* 1 , Paul SAMMARCO 2<br />

1 Texas A&M <strong>University</strong> - Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi, TX, 2 Louisiana Universities Marine<br />

Consortium, Chauvin, LA<br />

Bleaching in corals is the loss of obligate symbiotic zooxanthellae (required for growth and<br />

survival) from their tissue. Increased sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) associated with climate<br />

change have caused mass coral bleaching on a global basis. This in turn has caused widespread<br />

coral mortality, increasing in frequency through time. Some studies suggest that the host<br />

‘ejects’ the symbiont during these stressful periods, but the mechanism(s) by which this occurs<br />

is still unknown. Recent evidence suggests that processes of cell death, apoptosis and necrosis,<br />

associated with zooxanthellae cells increase within host tissues as temperatures increase and<br />

may be the primary causes of zooxanthellar loss. The host response to increased temperatures<br />

is not known, however, nor is the fact of “who releases whom” during the bleaching process.<br />

Here we determine whether the host coral or the zooxanthellae symbionts are more temperaturesensitive<br />

and which is being subjected to higher selection pressure due to temperature.<br />

Assessment of two types of cell death, apoptosis and necrosis, of cell and tissue states was done<br />

by flow cytometry, fluorescent microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy. We<br />

examined the temperature resistance properties of three scleractinian coral hosts - Acropora<br />

hyacinthus, Porites solida, and Favites complanata - and their zooxanthellae by exposing them<br />

to experimental temperatures of 28, 30, 32, and 34C for 48 hrs. Coral host cells did not exhibit<br />

any signs of apoptosis until exposed to temperatures of 34C. Zooxanthellae cells, however,<br />

exhibited apoptosis at temperatures as low as 30C, and this effect increased markedly in the<br />

symbionts as temperature increased. These findings suggest that the host corals are pre-adapted<br />

to temperature increases and not suffering mortality from this stress but from the loss of their<br />

zooxanthellar endosymbionts – a process driving natural selection in Symbiodinium and<br />

necessitating their rapid adaptation to a changing environment.<br />

25-45<br />

Climate Change Can Supersensitise Corals To Natural Levels Of Ultra Violet Radiation<br />

Ruth REEF* 1 , Sophie DOVE 1 , Maya CARMI 1 , Ann MOONEY 1 , Paulina KANIEWSKA 1 ,<br />

Oren LEVY 1 , Ove HOEGH-GULDBERG 1<br />

1 Centre for Marine Studies, The <strong>University</strong> of Queensland, St Lucia QLD, Australia<br />

Corals are exceptional for their ability to tolerate ultra violet radiation (UVR) intensities that<br />

can be lethal to many reef organisms. Their sessile nature combined with their obligatory<br />

symbiosis with the photosynthetic dinoflagellate Symbiodinium means exposure to solar<br />

radiation, five percent of which is harmful UVR, is high. While some of the UVR protection<br />

associated with corals comes from the previously documented UVR screening compounds in<br />

the tissue, we find that this is complemented by unique properties of the coral skeleton that<br />

reduce the intensity of UVR in the overlying tissue. This property becomes even more<br />

important during heat stress, when we demonstrate that a vast and rapid reduction in the UVR<br />

screening ability of the tissue occurs and that this leads to a significant increase in the amount<br />

of UVR induced DNA damage in the cells. However, when grown under high levels of carbon<br />

dioxide (and hence low concentrations of carbonate ions) some of the ability of the skeleton to<br />

reduce the levels of UVR in the overlying tissue is lost. Thus, the remarkable ability of corals to<br />

thrive in the UVR levels of shallow tropical waters might be greatly lessened by the predicted<br />

changes to sea surface temperature and carbon dioxide levels. This research therefore indicates<br />

yet another subtlety associated with the change in environmental conditions surrounding coral<br />

reefs associated with rapid anthropogenic climate change.<br />


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