11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University 11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


Oral Mini-Symposium 25: Predicting Reef Futures in the Context of Climate Change 25-29 Prevalence Of Background Populations Of An Opportunistic Symbiodinium Among Caribbean Coral Communities. Robin SMITH* 1 , Todd LAJEUNESSE 1 1 Florida International University, Miami, FL The ecology of Symbiodinium D1a in Caribbean corals is different than other symbionts. Distribution surveys indicate that the prevalence of Symbiodinium D1a may increase on reefs experiencing irradiance and/or thermal disturbance. Some species within this lineage demonstrate physiological tolerance of irradiance fluctuations while others display increased thermal tolerance. It is therefore important to delineate the natural distribution patterns of this species to gain a better understanding of the acclimation and/or adaptation potential of coral reefs. The fine spatial distribution of Symbiodinium D1a in a wide diversity of coral taxa from Caribbean reefs was evaluated using real-time PCR to detect it's presence as a background population. For comparison, host communities in Hawaii and the eastern Pacific were analyzed. Results show that these Symbiodinium spp., namely D1a, exist in many corals in the absence of environmental stress; often in low abundance and below the detection limits of conventional fingerprinting techniques. These findings suggest that the rise of population shifts to Dtype Symbiodinium following environmental disturbance are most readily explained as the disproportionate growth of resident Symbiodinium D populations that otherwise exist at low concentrations. Symbiodinium D1a appears to be a globally distributed hostgeneralist capable of associating with most coral genera as a background population during periods of environmental stability with the potential to become opportunistically dominant during periods of physiological stress. 25-30 Symbiont Specificity Within And Among Soft Coral Genera During The 1998 Gbr Mass Coral Bleaching Event Tamar GOULET* 1 , Todd LAJEUNESSE 2 , Katharina FABRICIUS 3 1 Biology, University of Mississippi, University, MS, 2 Biology, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, 3 Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville, Australia Coral bleaching (the loss of symbiotic intracellular dinoflagellates, Symbiodinium spp.) is not restricted to scleractinian corals but also occurs in soft corals. In the 1998 mass coral bleaching event, soft coral species were severely affected, with considerable variability in bleaching within and among soft coral taxa. In the midst of the bleaching event on the central Great Barrier Reef (GBR), tissue samples were taken from bleached and unbleached colonies representative of 17 soft coral genera in the order Alcyonacea (Octocorallia: Cnidaria). The Symbiodinium types in these samples were determined using PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) fingerprinting analysis of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions 1 and 2. Alcyonaceans from the GBR exhibited a high degree of symbiont specificity. Nine different Symbiodinium clade C types occurred. Clade B (B1n and B36) symbiont types were only recorded from Nephthea sp. and a rare clade D type (D3) was found only associated with Clavularia koellikeri. Symbiodinium clade populations were homogenous in all but one colony. Colonies with a bleached appearance hosted symbiont types that were genetically indistinguishable from those in non-bleached conspecifics. These data suggest that parameters other than the resident endosymbionts play an important role in determining bleaching susceptibility within and among soft coral species. 25-31 Coral Physiology: The Interaction Between Symbiodinium Genotype And Environment Jos MIEOG* 1 , Madeleine VAN OPPEN 2 , Ray BERKELMANS 2 , Bette WILLIS 3 , Wytze STAM 1 , Jeanine OLSEN 1 1 University of Groningen, Haren, Netherlands, 2 Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville, Australia, 3 James Cook University, Townsville, Australia The influence of different Symbiodinium types on the physiology of corals has been difficult to study as coral host x environment interactions interfere when comparing different coral species or populations harboring different algal types. To address this, offspring of the same Acropora millepora parental colonies were infected with three different types of algal symbionts found at the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) of Australia: one rare clade A-type found mostly in cooler areas, one common, generalist clade C-type, and one clade D-type that is common in warm and turbid habitats. All groups were grown out at a warm, turbid (Magnetic Island) and a cold, clear (Keppels Islands) inshore location of the GBR. Their growth and survival was monitored and after seven months their heat-tolerance was determined. At Magnetic Island, C-corals grew 2-3 times faster and survived 2-4 times better than D-corals. Corals with A either died here or changed to D within the first two months. At the Keppels Islands, growth of C-corals was only slightly better compared to D-corals, while A-corals showed the slowest growth. D-corals survived about 2 times better here than A- or C-corals. Acorals were highly susceptible to heat-stress, while D-corals were the most heat-tolerant at both locations. This study demonstrates that physiological characteristics can differ strongly between conspecific corals in the same environment harboring different algal types, and that changes in the dominant symbiont type of a coral may represent a trade-off (e.g. growth vs. heat-tolerance). The relative fitness of each coral-algal association (as estimated from growth, survival and heattolerance), however, was found to vary with environmental factors. 25-32 Can Hosting Different symbiodinium spp. Lead To Thermal Adaptation Within pocillopora Verrucosa Around Guam? Lisa CHAU* 1 , Robert ROWAN 1 1 Marine Laboratory, University of Guam, Mangilao, Guam During moderate bleaching events on Guam coral reefs, caused by increased irradiance and sea temperatures, corals hosting Symbiodinium genotype C typically bleach, while corals hosting Symbiodinium D do not. Symbiodinium D corals are thought to be adapted to high temperatures, whereas Symbiodinium C corals, though more common, are thought to be temperature-sensitive. In this study corals were challenged by reciprocally transplanting them between two reefs that varied in mean temperature by 0.5oC. This temperature difference was not extreme enough to cause bleaching but provided enough stress to stimulate a potential change in zooxanthellar community structure. In this year-long field study, transplanted colonies of Pocillopora verrucosa with known zooxanthellar genotypes (C, D, or a mixture of C and D) were sampled periodically and examined for genotypic changes in their zooxanthellar populations. Results from PCR and restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) showed that 40% of transplants retained the same proportion of genotypes after transplantation to a different temperature regime. However, 20% of corals from both sites changed genotypes from C to D or D to C, and 30% remained mixed proportions of C and D throughout the experiment. Ten percent of our transplants died during the experiment; all contained genotypes that were mixed or had shifted. We showed that Symbiodinium populations within some corals have the ability to vary their symbiont community structure with changing sea temperatures. However, this mechanism of change through adaptation, shuffling, or recombination is unknown and poorly studied. The coral-algal symbiosis is a dynamic system that requires more investigation to elucidate the mechanisms of change so that we can comprehend the adaptability of corals to increasing sea surface temperatures. 235

Oral Mini-Symposium 25: Predicting Reef Futures in the Context of Climate Change 25-34 Relationship Between Historical Sea-Surface Temperature Variability And Climate Change-Induced Coral Mortality in The Western Indian Ocean Mebrahtu ATEWEBERHAN* 1 , Tim MCCLANAHAN 1,2 1 Coral Reef Conservation Project, Wildlife Conservation Society, Mombasa, Kenya, 2 Marine Programs, Wildlife Conservation Society, New York Coral reefs have become one of the major casualties of climate change. Many of the world’s coral reefs suffered high coral mortality during the 1998 ENSO, with the highest mortality in the western Indian Ocean (WIO). We present results of a meta-analysis of field data on change in coral cover across the 1998 ENSO event for 36 major reef areas in the WIO. Average coral cover declined by ~40 % across the event with the highest mortality in the central and northern regions, with the exception of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. Based on multivariate analysis of SST properties, WIO reefs were categorized into 3 major groups of differing coral mortalities. Basin-wide change was highly variable and related to historical sea-surface temperature (SST) variability. Mortality was negatively associated with standard deviation (SD) SST until SD ~2.3, with increasing flatness of the SST frequency distributions. It increased with further increase in SD as the SST distributions became strongly bimodal. The predictable environmental patterns associated with the mortality suggest that future change during a warmer and more variable climate can be predicted and management priorities directed accordingly. 25-35 Corals Resisting Warming – The Importance Of Experience Thomas OLIVER* 1 , Stephen PALUMBI 2 1 Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University, Pacific Grove, CA, 2 Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford Unveristy, Pacific Grove, CA Studies have demonstrated that corals hosting certain genotypes of the dinoflagellate symbiont Symbiodinium sp. better resist the negative effects of temperature increases. However, the role of these resistant genotypes and the relative importance of other mechanisms of adaptation are little known. Perfomed on Ofu Island, American Samoa, this study compared resistance to temperature stress among groups of the coral Acropora hyacinthus that not only hosted distinct symbionts but also were sampled from two distinct habitats –a lagoonal pool with extreme swings in its temperature profile and a more moderate pool. Replicate branches were taken from 32 corals, and housed in either a tank held at ambient temperature, or a tank held ~2.5 degrees C higher. Sublethal effects were monitored using a proxy for the photosynthetic health of the symbionts, the maximum quantum yield (MQY) of PSII, measured before dawn. Visual bleaching was recorded using a color reference card, and mortality was indicated by coral tissue sloughing off the skeleton. The experiment ran until ~50% of corals in the elevated tank experienced mortality (4-6 days), and was repeated 3 times. MQY measurements showed that there was both a genotype and pool effect: corals fared better either if they hosted a resistant genotype, or came from the variable pool. However, with regard to both color loss and mortality, the only discernable effect was higher resistance of the corals from the variable pool. As the coral populations in our experiment were not genetically distinct, these results highlight the importance of acclimatization and suggest that bleaching thresholds can vary considerably depending on a coral’s environmental experience. 25-36 The Effect Of Thermal History On The Susceptibility Of Reef-Building Corals To Thermal Stress Rachael MIDDLEBROOK* 1 1 Centre for Marine Studies, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia Thermal stress causes the breakdown of the relationship between corals and their symbionts (bleaching). This symbiosis may acclimate to changes in the environment, thereby potentially modifying the environmental threshold at which they bleach. While a few studies have examined the acclimation capacity of reef-building corals, our understanding of the underlying mechanism is still in its infancy. This research focuses on the role of recent thermal history in influencing the response of both corals and symbionts to thermal stress, using the reef-building corals A.aspera and A.formosa. Symbionts of A.aspera corals that were exposed to 31 ºC for 48 h one or two weeks prior to a six-day simulated bleaching event (when corals were exposed to 34 ºC) were found to have more effective photoprotective mechanisms. These mechanisms included changes in non-photochemical quenching and xanthophyll cycling. These differences in photoprotection were correlated with decreased loss of symbionts, with those corals that were not prestressed performing significantly worse, loosing over 40% of their symbionts and having a greater reduction in photosynthetic efficiency. Significant differences were also found in the performance and short-term recovery of A.formosa corals exposed to a rapid and a slow progressive heating rate. A slow build up in temperature induced acclimation seen through lipid concentrations, symbiont densities, respiration and photoprotective mechanisms. These results are important as they show that thermal history, in addition to light history, can influence the response of reef-building corals to thermal stress and therefore have implications for the modeling of bleaching events. However, whether acclimation is capable of modifying the thermal threshold of corals sufficiently to cope as sea temperatures increase in response to global warming has not been explored fully. 25-37 Bleaching, El Nino, And El Nina: 13 Years Of Seasonal Analysis Of Reef-Building Corals in Florida, The Bahamas, And The Caribbean William FITT* 1 , Dusty KEMP 1 , Xavier HERNANDEZ-PECH 2 , Roberto IGLESIAS- PRIETO 2 , Jennifer MCCABE 1 , Tom SHANNON 1 , Brigitte BRUNS 3 , Gregory SCHMIDT 3 1 Odum School of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, 2 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Puerto Morelos, Mexico, 3 Plant Sciences, University of Georgia, Athens, GA Six species of coral were monitored approximately every three months for 13 years in the Florida Keys, 11 years in the Bahamas, and 4 years in Puerto Morelos , Mexico. Generally all species exhibited peaks in ash-free dry weight (AFDW) and density of zooxanthellae (Symbiodinium) during the winter/spring and lowest values in the late summer. Certain generalities include: shallow water (1-4 m) species showed higher AFDW and densities of symbionts compared to deep water populations (13 m). Many of the species of corals had one type of Symbiodinium in shallower colonies, and a different type of Symbiodinium in deeper colonies. The trends of AFDW of the tissues from corals follow the density of Symbiodiinium, some three-months later. Each species of coral appears to have a minimum value of AFDW, below which the coral tends to die. For instance, the AFDW of 2 mg/cm2 appears to be a minimum for Acropora cervicornis, with two populations dying when they went below this level in the Bahamas, compared with one population that is alive and above the minimum AFDW. During the 1997/8 El Niño the AFDW and symbiont densities were extremely low, but the next winter (1999) there was a spike in the density of symbionts followed by a slow recovery in AFDW. There were smaller spikes after the El Niño's of 2002 and 2005. During La Niña the temperature extremes were less than normal, and the corals showed values for AFDW and density of Symbiodinium well above the minimum levels. Visible bleaching was only observed for a few of the coral species, occurring at the end of El Niño events. 236

Oral Mini-Symposium 25: Predicting Reef Futures in the Context of Climate Change<br />

25-34<br />

Relationship Between Historical Sea-Surface Temperature Variability And Climate<br />

Change-Induced Coral Mortality in The Western Indian Ocean<br />

Mebrahtu ATEWEBERHAN* 1 , Tim MCCLANAHAN 1,2<br />

1 Coral Reef Conservation Project, Wildlife Conservation Society, Mombasa, Kenya,<br />

2 Marine Programs, Wildlife Conservation Society, New York<br />

Coral reefs have become one of the major casualties of climate change. Many of the<br />

world’s coral reefs suffered high coral mortality during the 1998 ENSO, with the highest<br />

mortality in the western Indian Ocean (WIO). We present results of a meta-analysis of<br />

field data on change in coral cover across the 1998 ENSO event for 36 major reef areas in<br />

the WIO. Average coral cover declined by ~40 % across the event with the highest<br />

mortality in the central and northern regions, with the exception of the Red Sea and Gulf<br />

of Aden. Based on multivariate analysis of SST properties, WIO reefs were categorized<br />

into 3 major groups of differing coral mortalities. Basin-wide change was highly variable<br />

and related to historical sea-surface temperature (SST) variability. Mortality was<br />

negatively associated with standard deviation (SD) SST until SD ~2.3, with increasing<br />

flatness of the SST frequency distributions. It increased with further increase in SD as the<br />

SST distributions became strongly bimodal. The predictable environmental patterns<br />

associated with the mortality suggest that future change during a warmer and more<br />

variable climate can be predicted and management priorities directed accordingly.<br />

25-35<br />

Corals Resisting Warming – The Importance Of Experience<br />

Thomas OLIVER* 1 , Stephen PALUMBI 2<br />

1 Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford <strong>University</strong>, Pacific Grove, CA, 2 Hopkins Marine<br />

Station, Stanford Unveristy, Pacific Grove, CA<br />

Studies have demonstrated that corals hosting certain genotypes of the dinoflagellate<br />

symbiont Symbiodinium sp. better resist the negative effects of temperature increases.<br />

However, the role of these resistant genotypes and the relative importance of other<br />

mechanisms of adaptation are little known. Perfomed on Ofu Island, American Samoa,<br />

this study compared resistance to temperature stress among groups of the coral Acropora<br />

hyacinthus that not only hosted distinct symbionts but also were sampled from two<br />

distinct habitats –a lagoonal pool with extreme swings in its temperature profile and a<br />

more moderate pool. Replicate branches were taken from 32 corals, and housed in either<br />

a tank held at ambient temperature, or a tank held ~2.5 degrees C higher. Sublethal<br />

effects were monitored using a proxy for the photosynthetic health of the symbionts, the<br />

maximum quantum yield (MQY) of PSII, measured before dawn. Visual bleaching was<br />

recorded using a color reference card, and mortality was indicated by coral tissue<br />

sloughing off the skeleton. The experiment ran until ~50% of corals in the elevated tank<br />

experienced mortality (4-6 days), and was repeated 3 times. MQY measurements showed<br />

that there was both a genotype and pool effect: corals fared better either if they hosted a<br />

resistant genotype, or came from the variable pool. However, with regard to both color<br />

loss and mortality, the only discernable effect was higher resistance of the corals from the<br />

variable pool. As the coral populations in our experiment were not genetically distinct,<br />

these results highlight the importance of acclimatization and suggest that bleaching<br />

thresholds can vary considerably depending on a coral’s environmental experience.<br />

25-36<br />

The Effect Of Thermal History On The Susceptibility Of Reef-Building Corals To<br />

Thermal Stress<br />

Rachael MIDDLEBROOK* 1<br />

1 Centre for Marine Studies, <strong>University</strong> of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia<br />

Thermal stress causes the breakdown of the relationship between corals and their symbionts<br />

(bleaching). This symbiosis may acclimate to changes in the environment, thereby potentially<br />

modifying the environmental threshold at which they bleach. While a few studies have<br />

examined the acclimation capacity of reef-building corals, our understanding of the underlying<br />

mechanism is still in its infancy. This research focuses on the role of recent thermal history in<br />

influencing the response of both corals and symbionts to thermal stress, using the reef-building<br />

corals A.aspera and A.formosa. Symbionts of A.aspera corals that were exposed to 31 ºC for 48<br />

h one or two weeks prior to a six-day simulated bleaching event (when corals were exposed to<br />

34 ºC) were found to have more effective photoprotective mechanisms. These mechanisms<br />

included changes in non-photochemical quenching and xanthophyll cycling. These differences<br />

in photoprotection were correlated with decreased loss of symbionts, with those corals that were<br />

not prestressed performing significantly worse, loosing over 40% of their symbionts and having<br />

a greater reduction in photosynthetic efficiency. Significant differences were also found in the<br />

performance and short-term recovery of A.formosa corals exposed to a rapid and a slow<br />

progressive heating rate. A slow build up in temperature induced acclimation seen through lipid<br />

concentrations, symbiont densities, respiration and photoprotective mechanisms. These results<br />

are important as they show that thermal history, in addition to light history, can influence the<br />

response of reef-building corals to thermal stress and therefore have implications for the<br />

modeling of bleaching events. However, whether acclimation is capable of modifying the<br />

thermal threshold of corals sufficiently to cope as sea temperatures increase in response to<br />

global warming has not been explored fully.<br />

25-37<br />

Bleaching, El Nino, And El Nina: 13 Years Of Seasonal Analysis Of Reef-Building Corals<br />

in Florida, The Bahamas, And The Caribbean<br />

William FITT* 1 , Dusty KEMP 1 , Xavier HERNANDEZ-PECH 2 , Roberto IGLESIAS-<br />

PRIETO 2 , Jennifer MCCABE 1 , Tom SHANNON 1 , Brigitte BRUNS 3 , Gregory SCHMIDT 3<br />

1 Odum School of Ecology, <strong>University</strong> of Georgia, Athens, GA, 2 Universidad Nacional<br />

Autónoma de México, Puerto Morelos, Mexico, 3 Plant Sciences, <strong>University</strong> of Georgia, Athens,<br />

GA<br />

Six species of coral were monitored approximately every three months for 13 years in the<br />

Florida Keys, 11 years in the Bahamas, and 4 years in Puerto Morelos , Mexico. Generally all<br />

species exhibited peaks in ash-free dry weight (AFDW) and density of zooxanthellae<br />

(Symbiodinium) during the winter/spring and lowest values in the late summer.<br />

Certain generalities include: shallow water (1-4 m) species showed higher AFDW and densities<br />

of symbionts compared to deep water populations (13 m). Many of the species of corals had one<br />

type of Symbiodinium in shallower colonies, and a different type of Symbiodinium in deeper<br />

colonies. The trends of AFDW of the tissues from corals follow the density of Symbiodiinium,<br />

some three-months later.<br />

Each species of coral appears to have a minimum value of AFDW, below which the coral tends<br />

to die. For instance, the AFDW of 2 mg/cm2 appears to be a minimum for Acropora<br />

cervicornis, with two populations dying when they went below this level in the Bahamas,<br />

compared with one population that is alive and above the minimum AFDW.<br />

During the 1997/8 El Niño the AFDW and symbiont densities were extremely low, but the next<br />

winter (1999) there was a spike in the density of symbionts followed by a slow recovery in<br />

AFDW. There were smaller spikes after the El Niño's of 2002 and 2005. During La Niña the<br />

temperature extremes were less than normal, and the corals showed values for AFDW and<br />

density of Symbiodinium well above the minimum levels. Visible bleaching was only observed<br />

for a few of the coral species, occurring at the end of El Niño events.<br />


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