11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University

11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University 11th ICRS Abstract book - Nova Southeastern University


Oral Mini-Symposium 25: Predicting Reef Futures in the Context of Climate Change 25-13 Combined Effects Of Elevated Temperature And Pco2 On The Photo-Physiology Of symbiodinium Spp. in Two Scleractinian Coral Species Andrew BAKER 1 , Paul JONES* 1 , Ranjeet BHAGOOLI 2 , Herman WIRSHING 1 , Tom CAPO 1 , Christopher LANGDON 1 1 Marine Biology and Fisheries, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami, Miami, FL, 2 Department of Biosciences, University of Mauritius, Reduit, Mauritius Few studies have investigated how reef corals respond to the combined effects of thermal stress and elevated pCO2, yet these conditions are likely to be an environmental reality of the 21st century. To better understand how these factors interact, we undertook a 14week pilot experiment using two Caribbean coral species, Porites furcata and Montastraea faveolata. We exposed replicate nubbins of each species to three pCO2 levels (360, 550 and 800ppm) and three temperatures (28, 30 and 32oC); conditions were maintained using CO2 bubblers and a computer-controlled heater-chiller system. Additionally, we used an outdoor system and neutral density screens to expose corals to ambient or 50% solar irradiance. Prior to the start of the experiment, coral nubbins were acclimated to different pCO2 levels at ambient temperature (28oC) for four weeks, before being heated at a rate of 0.3oC per day to the experimental temperatures (30 and 32oC). Temperatures were maintained (+/- 0.2oC) for nine weeks before being returned to ambient levels at the same rate. Corals were then monitored for five weeks during a recovery phase. Elevated pCO2 levels were maintained throughout the acclimation, exposure and recovery phases. Every 2-4 weeks chlorophyll fluorescence was analyzed using an Imaging-PAM (Walz, GmbH), and coral tissue samples were taken to determine algal symbiont densities, pigment concentrations, and Symbiodinium identity. Colorscaled photographs documented temporal changes in tissue pigmentation and health. Corals in the highest temperature and light treatments exhibited the most severe bleaching, regardless of CO2 levels. However, at control temperatures (28oC), elevated CO2 resulted in healthier corals, as evidenced by symbiont counts, photographs and fluorescence properties. P. furcata bleached more readily than M. faveolata, although these species also hosted different Symbiodinium. Together, these results suggest temperature and CO2 interact in unexpected ways to influence coral health. 25-14 Ocean Acidification Changes The Early Life History Of Scleractinian Corals. Selina WARD* 1 , Sophie DOVE 2 , david KLINE 2 , kenneth ANTHONY 2 , Ove HOEGH- GULDBERG 1 1 Centre for Marine Studies, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 2 Centre for Marine Studies, The University of Queensland, brisbane, Australia Predictions of doubling preindustrial carbon dioxide levels by the middle of this century create serious concerns for the future state of coral reefs. Reproduction and the early life history stages of corals have been shown to be particularly sensitive to adverse conditions. In experiments with four species of acroporid corals, settlement of larvae and early calcification of the newly settled corals were detrimentally affected by seawater with reduced pH. Gametes from these species were collected, fertilised and larvae reared at One Tree Island on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia in spring 2007. Eight thousand Acropora millepora larvae were placed in ambient seawater or sea water of pH 7.8 or 7.6 with preconditioned terracotta tiles for the settlement period. pH was maintained by bubbling carbon dioxide in to the seawater. Settlement success was significantly reduced at pH 7.6 and 7.8 compared to that in ambient seawater. In a separate experiment, larvae of four species were settled on terracotta tiles in ambient seawater. As soon as most of the larvae had metamorphosed, the tiles were scored for the number of larvae that had settled, calcified or were attached but not metamorphosed. Over 16 000 settled corals were used in the experiment. The tiles were then transferred to 250L chambers of either ambient seawater, pH of 7.8 or 7.6 for five days. Tiles were then rescored in a similar manner but stage of calcification was also recorded. Most coral spat in the pH 7.8 and 7.6 treatments did not calcify past the very early stages of calcification in all four species. These results represent crucial information for the future of recruitment on coral reefs. 25-15 Effects Of Climate Change On Coral Reef Algae: Will Algae Be The Winners? Guillermo DIAZ-PULIDO* 1 , Kenneth R.N. ANTHONY 2 , David I. KLINE 2 , Laurence MCCOOK 3 , Selina WARD 2 , Ove HOEGH-GULDBERG 2 , Sophie DOVE 2 1 Centre for Marine Studies and ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, University of Queensland, Brisbane, St Lucia, Australia, 2 Centre for Marine Studies and ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, University of Queensland, St Lucia, Brisbane, Australia, 3 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Townsville, Australia Climate change predictions imply that intensified levels of thermal bleaching and ocean acidification will lead to increasing rates of coral mortality. A general perception is that such coral reef degradation will result in a phase shift from coral to macroalgal dominance. However, the effects of ocean acidification and warming on tropical coral reef algae have rarely been studied and the vulnerabilities of this key group of organisms to climate change are poorly known. Here we explore the impacts of warming and ocean acidification due to rising atmospheric carbon dioxide emissions on a range of coral reef macroalgae, including crustose coralline algae (CCA) and fleshy macroalgae. We used controlled experimental conditions to simulate acidification and warming scenarios for the Great Barrier Reef, Australia (GBR) in the years 2050 and 2100. Preliminary results from the southern GBR indicate that both groups of benthic algae (calcareous and fleshy) are highly sensitive to climate change. Rates of calcification, photosynthesis, survivorship and recruitment of the CCA Porolithon onkodes were severely reduced with increasing CO2 levels and temperature. Similarly, the fleshy macroalga Lobophora variegata showed a 50% growth reduction under high levels of CO2 and temperature representative of levels predicted for 2100. Further experiments performed on Lizard Island (northern GBR), confirmed that other species of coral reef macroalgae have relatively low temperature thresholds for physiological stress. Our results suggest that the coral reef macroalgae studied are at least as vulnerable to ocean acidification and global warming as are corals. The high vulnerability of CCA is likely to lower the reef’s recovery and cementation capacity, while a reduction in fleshy macroalgae may affect primary productivity with consequences for trophic relations and ecosystem function. 25-16 Climate Change Thresholds And Coral Reef Degradation Kenneth ANTHONY* 1 , Guillermo DIAZ-PULIDO 1 1 Centre for Marine Studies, University of Queensland, St Lucia, Australia The healthy functioning of coral reefs is underpinned by processes operating at organism, population, community and ecosystem levels. Current reef-resilience models provide excellent insight into the role of coral-algae-herbivore interactions. However, predictions of how coral reefs will behave under unprecedented climate conditions require information about stress responses across all organizational levels. Here, we explore coral community responses along gradients of ocean acidification and thermal stress using a new dynamic coral community model parameterized by organism and population responses to climate-change variables from experimental studies. Model runs for years 2050 and 2100 indicate that key framework builders such as crustose coralline algae and Acroporid corals will gradually diminish in reef communities on the Great Barrier Reef. Contrary to general assumptions, transitions from healthy to degraded reefs are not triggered by the exceedence of distinct threshold values, but show a gradual decline to depauperate states. Whether corals will be replaced by macroalgae depends on the physiological responses of the algal species, and model runs based on recent data suggest that shifts to barren rather than algal-dominated reefs are likely outcomes. 231

Oral Mini-Symposium 25: Predicting Reef Futures in the Context of Climate Change 25-17 Climate Change And Reef Development in The Tropical Eastern Pacific Richard ARONSON* 1 , Ian MACINTYRE 2 , Steven VOLLMER 3 , Jennifer HOBBS 4 , Anke MOESINGER 1 1 Dauphin Island Sea Lab, Dauphin Island, AL, 2 Department of Paleobiology, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, 3 Marine Sciences Center, Northeastern University, Nahant, MA, 4 School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY Understanding how biotic turnover controls the development of coral reefs will be critical to projecting their future in a rapidly changing world. How well reefs keep up with rising sea level will determine the extent to which they protect adjacent land masses from coastal erosion. In the tropical eastern Pacific, populations of Pocillopora damicornis, the dominant constructor of reef framework, were bleached on a regional scale by the 1982– 83 El Niño event. Subsequent coral mortality and bioerosion suggested that centennialscale recurrences of extreme thermal anomalies associated with the El Niño–Southern Oscillation have slowed accretion rates of eastern Pacific reefs by killing Pocillopora episodically. Off the Pacific coast of Panamá, Pocillopora recovered rapidly after 1983 in some places but not in others. Where it did not recover, the Pocillopora rubble was colonized by another coral species, Psammocora stellata, which is not a frameworkbuilder. Coring studies in the Gulf of Panamá showed that Pocillopora kills and shifts to Psammocora occurred episodically over the past 6000–7000 years; however, Pocillopora growth was suppressed for centuries to millennia, depressing vertical reef accretion for intervals far longer than the return time of strong El Niño events. These protracted intervals of suppressed coral growth can be used to parameterize models of reef accretion under scenarios of biannual to annual coral bleaching, predicted to commence in the next several decades. Oceanic acidification will further inhibit reef accretion, especially in the tropical eastern Pacific where upwelled waters already expose Pocillopora populations to elevated concentrations of dissolved carbon dioxide. 25-18 Fragile Reefs Of The Eastern Pacific: A Model For Reefs in A High Co2 World Derek MANZELLO* 1 , Joanie KLEYPAS 2,3 , David BUDD 4 , Mark EAKIN 5 1 Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies, Rosenstiel School, University of Miami, Miami, FL, 2 Institute for the Study of Society and Environment, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, 3 Institute for the Study of Society and Environment, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, 4 Dept. of Geological Sciences, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, CO, 5 Coral Reef Watch, NOAA NESDIS, Silver Spring, MD Ocean acidification describes the progressive, global reduction in seawater pH that is currently underway due to the oceanic uptake of increasing atmospheric CO2. Acidification is expected to reduce coral reef calcification and increase reef dissolution, and the relative rates of change will likely be a function of pCO2 (the partial pressure of CO2) in seawater, which is directly proportional to pCO2 in the atmosphere. Little is known about the effects of acidification on syndepositional processes that affect the persistence and preservation of carbonates (i.e., early marine diagenesis). Newly analyzed samples agree with previous studies showing that only trace amounts of inorganic cements occur in modern day coral reefs that exist naturally under low ambient pH in the eastern Tropical Pacific (ETP). The variation in cement abundance and rates of bioerosion between sites in Panamá and Galápagos appears to be related to differences in the saturation state of CaCO3 (Ω); suggesting a link between Ω, inorganic cementation and coral reef development in the ETP. ETP reefs may thus provide a real-world model of coral reef growth in low Ω waters and provide insights into the role of decreasing Ω on reefs beyond the prediction of reduced CaCO3 production. 25-19 Phase Shifts in Coral Reefs – Comparative Investigation Of Corals And Benthic Algae As Ecosystem Engineers Christian WILD* 1 , Andreas HAAS 1 , Malik NAUMANN 1 , Christoph MAYR 2 1 Coral Reef Ecology (CORE) Work Group,GeoBio-Center, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München, Germany, 2 GeoBio-Center, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München, Germany Global climate change and direct anthropogenic stress factors do strongly affect the benthic community structure in coral reefs. It is reported from the literature that hermatypic corals are gradually replaced by benthic micro- and macro-algae at many reef locations around the world, a process which is commonly referred to as phase shift. Recent research showed that hermatypic corals via the release of organic matter and concomitant effects on cycles of matter can act as engineers of reef ecosystems. There are strong indications that reef associated benthic algae do also affect reef ecosystem functioning via organic matter release, but all relevant information is lacking. To gain a better understanding of the biogeochemical consequences such phase shifts from corals to algae entail, a series of comparative studies with hermatypic corals and benthic algae were conducted in reefs of the Northern Red Sea during four seasonal expeditions in 2006-2008. These investigations primarily focused on the quantity and quality of the organic matter released by both groups of organisms involving dissolved organic carbon (DOC), particulate organic carbon (POC) and particulate nitrogen (PN). Supplementary mass spectrometric analyses were conducted in order to analyse stable isotope signatures of coral- or algae-derived organic matter. Finally, planktonic and benthic degradation of the respective organic matter were investigated in the field using bottle incubation experiments and stirred benthic chambers, respectively. Our data show clear differences between organic matter release by benthic reef algae or corals for most of the measured parameters, thus, suggest a massive influence of the described phase shifts onto biogeochemical cycles and processes in warm water coral reefs. 25-20 Long-Term, Regional-Scale Patterns in Caribbean Coral Bleaching Responses Allison L. PERRY* 1,2 , Isabelle M. CÔTÉ 3 , John D. REYNOLDS 3 , Andrew R. WATKINSON 4,5 1 WorldFish Center, Bayan Lepas, Penang, Malaysia, 2 School of Biological Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom, 3 Department of Biological Sciences, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada, 4 School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom, 5 Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, Norwich, United Kingdom Coral bleaching is one of the most serious and immediate ecological impacts of climate change, with bleaching events increasing in frequency, severity and extent with rising sea surface temperatures (SSTs). Given the geographically widespread nature of this phenomenon, there is a need to understand patterns and drivers of bleaching over multiple spatial and temporal scales. We take a regional-scale approach, and examine long-term trends in the occurrence of coral bleaching in the Caribbean region, and in the SST anomalies associated with bleaching. Using data over a 24-year period, we assess whether corals may be adjusting to rising temperatures, and examine the regional-scale relationship between the geographic extent of bleaching and rising SST anomalies. At both local and regional scales, there is little evidence to support the possibility that Caribbean reefs are keeping pace with rising sea temperatures, while the geographic extent of bleaching in the region is accelerating with rising sea temperatures even more rapidly than previously known. In combination, our results emphasise the particular vulnerability of reefs to climatic warming. 232

Oral Mini-Symposium 25: Predicting Reef Futures in the Context of Climate Change<br />

25-13<br />

Combined Effects Of Elevated Temperature And Pco2 On The Photo-Physiology Of<br />

symbiodinium Spp. in Two Scleractinian Coral Species<br />

Andrew BAKER 1 , Paul JONES* 1 , Ranjeet BHAGOOLI 2 , Herman WIRSHING 1 , Tom<br />

CAPO 1 , Christopher LANGDON 1<br />

1 Marine Biology and Fisheries, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science,<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Miami, Miami, FL, 2 Department of Biosciences, <strong>University</strong> of Mauritius,<br />

Reduit, Mauritius<br />

Few studies have investigated how reef corals respond to the combined effects of thermal<br />

stress and elevated pCO2, yet these conditions are likely to be an environmental reality of<br />

the 21st century. To better understand how these factors interact, we undertook a 14week<br />

pilot experiment using two Caribbean coral species, Porites furcata and<br />

Montastraea faveolata. We exposed replicate nubbins of each species to three pCO2<br />

levels (360, 550 and 800ppm) and three temperatures (28, 30 and 32oC); conditions were<br />

maintained using CO2 bubblers and a computer-controlled heater-chiller system.<br />

Additionally, we used an outdoor system and neutral density screens to expose corals to<br />

ambient or 50% solar irradiance. Prior to the start of the experiment, coral nubbins were<br />

acclimated to different pCO2 levels at ambient temperature (28oC) for four weeks, before<br />

being heated at a rate of 0.3oC per day to the experimental temperatures (30 and 32oC).<br />

Temperatures were maintained (+/- 0.2oC) for nine weeks before being returned to<br />

ambient levels at the same rate. Corals were then monitored for five weeks during a<br />

recovery phase. Elevated pCO2 levels were maintained throughout the acclimation,<br />

exposure and recovery phases. Every 2-4 weeks chlorophyll fluorescence was analyzed<br />

using an Imaging-PAM (Walz, GmbH), and coral tissue samples were taken to determine<br />

algal symbiont densities, pigment concentrations, and Symbiodinium identity. Colorscaled<br />

photographs documented temporal changes in tissue pigmentation and health.<br />

Corals in the highest temperature and light treatments exhibited the most severe<br />

bleaching, regardless of CO2 levels. However, at control temperatures (28oC), elevated<br />

CO2 resulted in healthier corals, as evidenced by symbiont counts, photographs and<br />

fluorescence properties. P. furcata bleached more readily than M. faveolata, although<br />

these species also hosted different Symbiodinium. Together, these results suggest<br />

temperature and CO2 interact in unexpected ways to influence coral health.<br />

25-14<br />

Ocean Acidification Changes The Early Life History Of Scleractinian Corals.<br />

Selina WARD* 1 , Sophie DOVE 2 , david KLINE 2 , kenneth ANTHONY 2 , Ove HOEGH-<br />

GULDBERG 1<br />

1 Centre for Marine Studies, The <strong>University</strong> of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 2 Centre<br />

for Marine Studies, The <strong>University</strong> of Queensland, brisbane, Australia<br />

Predictions of doubling preindustrial carbon dioxide levels by the middle of this century<br />

create serious concerns for the future state of coral reefs. Reproduction and the early life<br />

history stages of corals have been shown to be particularly sensitive to adverse<br />

conditions. In experiments with four species of acroporid corals, settlement of larvae and<br />

early calcification of the newly settled corals were detrimentally affected by seawater<br />

with reduced pH. Gametes from these species were collected, fertilised and larvae reared<br />

at One Tree Island on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia in spring 2007. Eight thousand<br />

Acropora millepora larvae were placed in ambient seawater or sea water of pH 7.8 or 7.6<br />

with preconditioned terracotta tiles for the settlement period. pH was maintained by<br />

bubbling carbon dioxide in to the seawater. Settlement success was significantly reduced<br />

at pH 7.6 and 7.8 compared to that in ambient seawater. In a separate experiment, larvae<br />

of four species were settled on terracotta tiles in ambient seawater. As soon as most of the<br />

larvae had metamorphosed, the tiles were scored for the number of larvae that had settled,<br />

calcified or were attached but not metamorphosed. Over 16 000 settled corals were used<br />

in the experiment. The tiles were then transferred to 250L chambers of either ambient<br />

seawater, pH of 7.8 or 7.6 for five days. Tiles were then rescored in a similar manner but<br />

stage of calcification was also recorded. Most coral spat in the pH 7.8 and 7.6 treatments<br />

did not calcify past the very early stages of calcification in all four species. These results<br />

represent crucial information for the future of recruitment on coral reefs.<br />

25-15<br />

Effects Of Climate Change On Coral Reef Algae: Will Algae Be The Winners?<br />

Guillermo DIAZ-PULIDO* 1 , Kenneth R.N. ANTHONY 2 , David I. KLINE 2 , Laurence<br />

MCCOOK 3 , Selina WARD 2 , Ove HOEGH-GULDBERG 2 , Sophie DOVE 2<br />

1 Centre for Marine Studies and ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, <strong>University</strong> of<br />

Queensland, Brisbane, St Lucia, Australia, 2 Centre for Marine Studies and ARC Centre of<br />

Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, <strong>University</strong> of Queensland, St Lucia, Brisbane, Australia,<br />

3 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Townsville, Australia<br />

Climate change predictions imply that intensified levels of thermal bleaching and ocean<br />

acidification will lead to increasing rates of coral mortality. A general perception is that such<br />

coral reef degradation will result in a phase shift from coral to macroalgal dominance. However,<br />

the effects of ocean acidification and warming on tropical coral reef algae have rarely been<br />

studied and the vulnerabilities of this key group of organisms to climate change are poorly<br />

known. Here we explore the impacts of warming and ocean acidification due to rising<br />

atmospheric carbon dioxide emissions on a range of coral reef macroalgae, including crustose<br />

coralline algae (CCA) and fleshy macroalgae. We used controlled experimental conditions to<br />

simulate acidification and warming scenarios for the Great Barrier Reef, Australia (GBR) in the<br />

years 2050 and 2100. Preliminary results from the southern GBR indicate that both groups of<br />

benthic algae (calcareous and fleshy) are highly sensitive to climate change. Rates of<br />

calcification, photosynthesis, survivorship and recruitment of the CCA Porolithon onkodes<br />

were severely reduced with increasing CO2 levels and temperature. Similarly, the fleshy<br />

macroalga Lobophora variegata showed a 50% growth reduction under high levels of CO2<br />

and temperature representative of levels predicted for 2100. Further experiments performed on<br />

Lizard Island (northern GBR), confirmed that other species of coral reef macroalgae have<br />

relatively low temperature thresholds for physiological stress. Our results suggest that the coral<br />

reef macroalgae studied are at least as vulnerable to ocean acidification and global warming as<br />

are corals. The high vulnerability of CCA is likely to lower the reef’s recovery and cementation<br />

capacity, while a reduction in fleshy macroalgae may affect primary productivity with<br />

consequences for trophic relations and ecosystem function.<br />

25-16<br />

Climate Change Thresholds And Coral Reef Degradation<br />

Kenneth ANTHONY* 1 , Guillermo DIAZ-PULIDO 1<br />

1 Centre for Marine Studies, <strong>University</strong> of Queensland, St Lucia, Australia<br />

The healthy functioning of coral reefs is underpinned by processes operating at organism,<br />

population, community and ecosystem levels. Current reef-resilience models provide excellent<br />

insight into the role of coral-algae-herbivore interactions. However, predictions of how coral<br />

reefs will behave under unprecedented climate conditions require information about stress<br />

responses across all organizational levels. Here, we explore coral community responses along<br />

gradients of ocean acidification and thermal stress using a new dynamic coral community model<br />

parameterized by organism and population responses to climate-change variables from<br />

experimental studies. Model runs for years 2050 and 2100 indicate that key framework builders<br />

such as crustose coralline algae and Acroporid corals will gradually diminish in reef<br />

communities on the Great Barrier Reef. Contrary to general assumptions, transitions from<br />

healthy to degraded reefs are not triggered by the exceedence of distinct threshold values, but<br />

show a gradual decline to depauperate states. Whether corals will be replaced by macroalgae<br />

depends on the physiological responses of the algal species, and model runs based on recent<br />

data suggest that shifts to barren rather than algal-dominated reefs are likely outcomes.<br />


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